TMK HKK: OMAHA, TIKSDAY, MA IK II 'Jl, l!M(i. 11 I f ? f ( PERSONAL J'KKSONAI. Misses Staples and rtbaffer. bnth. electric trentmenl 0n t a m. to p rn, Oooglsa 713. 41 WsreFlk. MAK BKl'liMAN, tegm and shower baths. Massage. Tied .7-7, Room ?S Karhach Hlk . MASSAUEMisa Webster. 1A Paxton Rlk. T, Office hours 1" to . RHK.l MATISM tinted incwwl ully ; re suits gvsrwnt'd. Dr. Howser. 314 IW Kldg. SCIENTIFIC maeesge. 5 Bee Bldg. Phone Doualss W73. FOR lENT ROOMS ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS: If you fall to find the room you desire among- these ada, rail at The Bee office for a Room List gives complete detailed descrip tion of vacant rooeis In all parts of tba city. If more convenient phone The Be Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address, and a Hat will be mailt to you at one. New llsta are lasuad every week. SOUTH 20th St., WK-Three fine, large, modern rooms for three or more gentle men. Bath on same floor; welkin" die ts n re; can also let garage room. Rent reasonable. Telephone Douglas 77. 53N. MTU ST.-2 front TedroorniTail modern house; can have use of piano; refined private family. 1009 PACIFIC ST.-Have seveial single rooma. Just vacant. Would like to hear from people appreciating a home. 3MB St. Mary's Nicely furnished mod em room with piano, $?60 per week. NICELY furnished room, close In; aii modern. 531 S. 22 Ft. SOS 8. 29TH ST. Strictly flrst-claaa rooms. Harney irg. llonaekeepiag Rooma. 2731 JACKSON Suite of light housekeep ing rooms, newly papered and every- tning cieen anfl new, (.'an Harney lbm 2917 MASON Suite of 3 rooma for house keeping; everything furnished; 1 south rooms. Harney 8t,'l- -i-d BT. MARY'S Two modern rooma, lat floor: furnished complete for house- Keeping. 2 SMAbl, connecting; rooms, cheap, llar ney 184S. 8 CONNECTING rooms for housekeeping, modern, well located. Douglas 22(19. MODERN light housekeeping rooms. private. ITIt Hurt Bt. Board and noonsa. 207 N. 2.1D Table board, good home cook ing; also have nice large front room suitable for several gntlemen; modern; reasonable. Call Red 6. Room Wanted. TOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT AD DEPT. and find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM QUIDS. Its a plan that la helping many people rent their rooma. HOTELS HOTEL BANFORD, HOTEL HARLET. 19th and Famara. 20th and Farnam, Special Rates to Permanent GueaU. FOR RENT HOUSES Weat. WHAT'S between outside paints and In side plaster? Watch one of my well built homes under way. Phone Benson 128. F. 8. Trulllnger. 114 No. abth. brick, 12 rooms. $0. 1125 So. 31st, modern, 8 rooms, $:!6. 208 So. 41st. modern, 7 rooms. $-3. JOHN n; FRENZEK. DOUGLAS sm. $520 LINCOLN BLVD. 11-roorn house. strictly modern, with hot water heat Price S0. Douglas 1818. U3 N. 38 AVE., 8 rooms; 3 baths; April 1st; ISO. Doug. 2&47. (-ROOM cottage for rent, 2808 Davenport. Phone Harney 1313. Jertv- 1-HOOM mod. flat, MG N. Wth St., 117. 2S37 Curr.lng St., 6-room modern except heat. J. B. ROBINSON. 442 Bee Rldg. 6-ROOM cottage; modem except Web. 3384. heat. BRICK flats, t to $lf; 31t and Ames Avenues; good for laboring people; water free. Phone Walnut 2T&2. CkooM cottage near 24 Ui and Ames; electric lights, gas for cooking. Only $10. Ernest Sweet. D. 1473. ft-ROOM house, fine lot, large barn. chicken house, cistern and fruit treea, 115. Phone Florence SOS. ton MIAMI ST.-7-room. all mod. house; half block from car; cheap at a. Phone Webster 7188. liia GRANT ST. 7-r. com., modern, $-'. T. F. Hall. 43. Ramge Bldg. Doug. 74i 7-R., mod.. 26a! Manderaon. Web. ZMa. MlaeeJlaarooi. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. B-r., BS51 N. 80th tt 113.00 6-r., 7U Hickory 184..; 3IS.0U 8-r.. 718 Hickory St 31. 00 4- r., 1612 Grand Ave $14.00 6-r., 4213 Center St., large barn, about 6 acres pasture $36.00 MODERN, EXCEPT HEAT. 5- r., 403 N. 29th St 313.00 6- r.. 2232 S. th St 416.00 6-r., 2417 Ellison Ave 113. 00 a-r., 616 N. 17th St 320.00 5- r.. (01 Martha St $12.00 6- r., "7 Martha tit $16.00 6-r., 616 Martha Bt $16.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 6-r.. 4K37 Franklin St $20 00 6-r., 4116 N. 17th Bt w $26.00 6-r., 1!9 8. Wh St $ 00 6-r.. 8121 Corby St $27.66 6-r., 2630 Dewey Ave $33.60 6-r., 4646 N. 40th tt 110.00 6- r., 1673 Fort St $26.00 T-r., 3317 Dodge St.; choice $40.00 7- r., 713 8. 38th St; choice $N6.00 8- r., 714 N. 31st St $26.00 -r., 3326 Myrtle Ave.; choice $40.00 7-r., 626 8. 30th St $25.00 5- r., 627 Park Ave $30.00 FLATS. PARTLY MODERN. t-r., 3116 N. 24th St-, 3d floor $12.60 STRICTLY MODERN. 6- r.. S3 8. suth 8t $26.00 7- r., 1303 8. 2Kth St-; bargain S4.00 7-r., 13"1 8. 2Sth ISt $27.60 HEATED APARTMENTS. THE BTOECKER, 826 8. 24th St. 4-r. apartment. No. "B" $23 and $30 PORTER A gHOTWELL Offices With i AMERICAN SECURITY CO., 303 H. 17th St. Douglaa 6013. FOR GARDENING AND POULTRY."" 6-r.. downtown, colored: $12. Also a 1 and a S (like bunsalowi and jrnu GROUND. $6 and $7. Also 6-r.. Call, fornla bungalow and acre, $14. TeL T. t1(T7. Evenings. Wal gig?. LIST your vacant homea and flats with us: we get out' and show. YOUNG MAN. 301 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 1476 HOUSES FOR RENT. C'REIGH. SONS CO. 60S BEE BLDG. DOUG. 300. FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS West. VERY choice 4 or 6-rooin steam heated apartment, on West Farnam Bt. JOHN W. ROBB1NB. 102 FARNAM BT. STODEUN 6-rooiu apartmeut. Including leeP Porch. Will located. Harney ST. CLARE. 24th and liaruey., t-roora apartment. Harney 647. Mn4k 4-RooM heated apt. corner first floor; vacant April 1st; wtli decorate to suit: see It any time; summer rate $22 60 JH12 Maple St. ' rt!0in,; ml; newlv deco ratert $20. 1821 Maple St. Red 11 riVL-tiXjM ileua beateu auartmenC .n pt. r.. 5.1- Th.v.-v im"t;-.. "-n- Li.y5JAU,jK '-rootn Hat. steam heatea 2'i20 Leavenworth St. Rent ISO n-l Young. 122 Brandeia Thea Blda O i?. MODERN, ateum-heated apartment, near P, P.: $1H upwards. O. p. Htebhtn. f oath. (TftOOM modern flat. ."23. lf23 8. l:t." Mlsrrtta aeuaa. MONTH FHKE RENT CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. 3-r. and bath apartment, brick, mod except heat; good neighborhood; $12 M. D. . BUCK. U OniaLa Nat D. 6S6. MOVING AND STORAGE CI LODE VAN & STORAGE Stores moves. an and I men. packs, ships, (-horse 31 3S per hour; storage, tl per month. Satisfaction auarantee-. I 'o'nrlna 4TO and Tylrr S FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate, locked rooma. for household goods and planoa; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND BTORAOR CO.. 30 8. lth St. Douglas 41 0. GORDON VAN CO. ,' Packing, storage and mov ing. 31 N. Uth St. Phone Douglaa 34 o. Harney Tt7. PACKING. SHIPPING Ativ FURNITURE REPAIRING PIANO MOVING A 8FRUIALTT. CENTRAL FURNITURE STORE, Douglaa 7735. OMAHA Truck, Van and Storage Co.. moving, packing, storage and shipping. Phone Douglaa 1496. FERRIN VAN & ST0RAGB Packing, storage. IS Cap. Ave. Tyler 1800. FIDELITY FREE Phone Douglaa 2X8 for complete Hat of vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving lath and Jackson P's, J C HERD Impress Co. HoTlng, 1307 Farnam St. Iouglas 14. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PR'PTY t! STOKE building. 22 x60, with vacant apace In the rear. This la only 132 feet from 16th and Farnam Sts . and is desirable in every way. It will be rented under a lease and can be altered to suit ten ant. THE RTRON REED COM PA NT, Phone Doug. 297. 213 8o. 17th St. RAND new up-to-date storeroom on Capitol Ave., Just off Wth street, steam heat, toilet and lavatory, light fixtures In hardwood floors, plate glaas win dows. To be ready April 1. Cackley uroi. A GOOD opening for restaurant, bakery, millinery, moving picture show. Apply of Peter Mangold, Bennington. Neb. STORK ROOMS at 1KUB-1811 Farnam t.r rnos. r. Hall. 4s Ramge Bldg. D. 7408. STORE, modern, low rent, near post office. G P. Stehblns, 1610 Chicago. -TORE) building, living rooma In rear. -00. N. 201 h. Douglaa 1863. Offtake and Dealc Rmsi. SMALL office and apartment; low rent; near postofflce. G. P. Stebblns. WANTED TO RENT I nfqrnlshed Hornsea and Flats. WANTI'.D to rent, 4 to t-rootn house, modem; well out preferred. Answer Immediately. Address J 377. Bee. Baalaeaa Progterty. WANT to lease garage and machine ahop, with or without machinery and toole. In some live town. Would buy small stock. Give full particulars first letter. Ad dresa 314, Bee. Mlsoellaaieova. GENTLEMAfT Wants room and board with Christian family, where there are no other roomers. Addresa 8 870. Bee. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Wet. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT 3913 WEBSTER ST. An 8-room, modern home. In flrst clasa condition, with 4 bedrooms, full lot, handy to cathedral and paving all paid. Will be vacant April 15; offered for sale now for the first time; 31,0k) cash will handle. Arrange with ua for Inspection. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas SS6A tl- City National. Nortk. fi-ROOM HOUSE $1,200 2ul8 Indiana Ave., 6 good rooms, paved street, paving paid for; house Is mod ern except furnace and rents for $11.50 per month; nonresident owner has snld . he would take $1,2W, but he might take less. Make ua an offer. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 616 Omaha National Bank. Good Home Very Little Cash Five-room cottage with bath; large lot; fine shrubbery and fruit treea. Price $2,350. Located 4107 North 2Sth Bt Norris & Norris, 400 Pee Bldg. Phone Douglaa 4270. TWO ORCHARD HILL HOMES For sale or rent, eight rooma, all modern, beautiful lot and location. Re liable party can buy on astonishingly easy terms. Also a new, modern, beauti fully completed bungalow of five rooma This la something that would appeal to the critical buyer who wants eome thtng nice and is willing to pay for It. RELYEA GIFFORD, 816 Ramge Bldg., Omaha. Neb. NEW HOME BARGAINS. Brand new bungalow, 6 rooma and bath, strictly modern; two front rooma finished In oak, with oak flooring throughout; furnaoa heat: cementeo baaement; lighting fixtures, window shades; nice lot; V block to car, 1 block aouth of Miller park. Price for quick sale, $2,Sf; $40 cash. $37.60 per month. RASP BROS. Douglas ltit. A BARGAIN IN A 6-ROOM HOME. Located at 3825 N. 18th St. Strictly all modern. Has regular 65-foot front lot In a good locality. Price for quick aale $2,260. Look It over today, or as aoon as possible, aa It Is very seldom you get a bargain like thla one. HASTINGS HETDEN, 1614 Harney Bt tOur New Phone Number Tyler 60.) BARGAIN FOR COLORED PEOPLE. $260 CASH-BALANCE RENT. W e have a 6-room, strictly modern bungalow, near 26lh and Blondo: paved street and paving paid. Full lot and full cement baaement. This place la nearly new. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 6th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg D. 17K1 KOUNTZE PARK BARGAIN. Beautiful, almost new bungalow, oak finish, five rooms and sunrooiu, good location, large lot, newly decorated, built-in bookcase buffet, fire place and kitchen cabinet; hot water heat: every thing in first clasa condition. Bee this before you buy. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 6th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 171. A BNAP If taken at once. Six rooms and bath: strictly modern home: corner lot. 6oxlu); garden apace; S blocks from car line. If you are looking for a home at a reasonable price it will pay you to look thla up. Mrs. Anna Bender, 2104 Rugglea St. Telephone Colfax 1HMI. $200 CASH BALANCE $20 PER MOnTHT 6 rooms, modern except heat, near 27th and Cuming. This place has been cut from $2.26 to $1,600. gee thla end own a home. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 6th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 17K1. PUAIRJB PARK DISTRICT. 371J A me Ave.; 4 bedrooms, bath and aleepiug porch; full two-story, aouth front, beau tiful shade and hedge; wide atreet; lot 40x110; t-uu rasa and $ monthly, in cluding Interest. Key at my reaidence. B. J. U-annell, 270S Fowler Ave. Phone Colfax 3f.11 or Douglas 3H4. GREAT BAIUJAIN Well equipped modern cottage, full ce mented basement beautiful yard. Spe cial Inducements for rash, aa owner is leaving city. Tel. Webster H2. $. cash-Balance li k iTrknt 6-room strictly modern cottage near 36th and Amu Ave. Lot 6vxl25. Half block from car line. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY St h Flour Omaha Nat Hk. Bldg. D. 17M. BRICK house and lot. 1-16 Sherwood AveT! $1,300. Wulch. Douglaa 347. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED Nirtt. "V FORCED? OT House, ( rooms, city water, gas. Mili tary Road, t'llfton Hill: must be sold to eettle estate; will take $ on pay mente. CEO Q, WALLACE. i Keeline Blrlg SPE4 1 A t , P A RG ATS", -room cottage, toilet, gas. water! lo ft, lot. tl.SHt; terms, .'o cash or Ford car for equity. 9. T. BOSTWIC.T. fTEVROtM cottage, corner lot, Wxllt. for iLOravon at rfi3 pratt Pt. W. H. GahM. 4', Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1M. FIVK-RCKM. strictly modern bungalow for aale by owner, 1433 Camden art., at a bargain. Bowttt. FIELD CLUR A BK.VU'n', $6,750 Here la one of the best hoitaea In thla district located on an east front lot on avenue. Just a short dis tance north of Wool worth. This la no "built for sale'' proposition, but a first class home, built and occupied bv the present owner who Is leaving Omaha. There la hot water heat, extra music room and den on 1st floor and maid's room and extra bath room on the third floor. If there Is a better bar gain In Omaha In a first class home we have yet to hear of It. ARMSTRONG-WAIiSH CO. SOLE AGENTS. Tyler Keeline Bldg. FIELD CLUB HOME Dandy C room house, all modern, paved atreet close to car line and school, beautiful yard and location, price only 13.OU0. Located on South 38th Ave. C. G, CARLBERG, 312 Brandela Theater Bldg. RAILROAD MAN. .Tnst listed one of the most beautiful ; homes In the south part of town, that 1 can be bought at a great sacrifice, aale. i Eight rooms, strictly modern, with hot i water heat oak finish and onk floors throughout; one block from St. Phllo- ! mena's church; 3 blocks from car; lot ! 60xl2& feet; street paved; ten minutes , walk for railroad man or business man. ; Mhist be seen to be appreciated. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Bth Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Blda. D. 1TM, ' HANSCOM PARK j t rooms and den. large attic, full base- ment, lot 4oxl00, all modern and In dandy ; shape, located close to Park Ave. and Poppleton. Price only 34.WO. Let us show , you thla fine place. C. C GARLBERG, i 313 Brandels Theater Bldg. MI ST BE SOLD Bungalow, full lot. 31.100 eay terms. Owner. Colfax mi. Mlaceltaneoas. FOR BALK Real estate. Claus Matthles1 land of about 18 acres, H mile south of Ruser'a Park, will be aold at public auction at east door of the court house In city of Omaha at 10 o'clock In th forenoon, Mhrch 21, 1M6. Has good paa ture, alfalfa, asparagus, small orchard and good water; a 7-room brick house, big barn and other Improvements; good location; good neighborhood; H mile to Center St. car line. 6-ROOM house, cemented cellar, good well, cistern and all kinds of outbuild ings, one-half . acre of ground: located on boulevard. Price $1,600; will make terms or will trade for acreage. Ad drees J M. care Bee. 2214 8. 11TH 6-rooni, nearly new, strictly modern house, lot 06x11; would divide. Berks & MuhII. Douglas G. $26.00 Eight-room, strictly modern, brick. 13"8 S. 2Kth. Hsrncy 177. BARGAINS ON EASY TERMS $2,260 Buys the 6-room modern house at 161 S. 2Xth St. .Good lot. paved l street, 2 blocks rrom llanxcoiti I Park and car line. ' Good neighbor- I - V.n , fi2m, II .-.,....... ... $3.600 Buys the D-room modern house at 2623 California St. Hot water heat. Close In. This property originally cost over $7,000. Can now be pur chased at about H price. $Kno down and balance at $30 per month. $3,000 Buys the 7-room modern house at 4017 Hamilton Bt. House well built. Good lot on car line. Easy terms. BENSON A MYERS CO.. 434 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. I OWN a ten-acre fruit and chicken farm about one mile north of the West Dodge street paved road; lies Just a little west and south of Benson. 7-room all modern home, brand new barn, brand J new brick chicken house, cement floor, line cave, new windmill, everytnin absolutely complete. Purchnher can buy my equity amounting to $7,00U; will take good, well located city Income property for full amount. Might carry small mortgage. If not sold by April. 1 will rent en shares. If Interested call Doug laa SluS, or come to KB City National Bank. 8-R. OLD HOUSE LOT 44x132 $1,300; $200 caah, balance monthly, on paved atreet; good location; anap. H. A. WOLF 614 Ware Block. Douglaa $068, 6-BOON BARGAIN NEVS. 6-ROOM, i BTORY HOUSE, NEAR CAR. A BNAP AT $3,400; REASONABLE PAYMENT BENSON a CARMICIIAEL. DOUGLAS 1722. 643 PAXTON BIX SAFETY FIRST. FOR RELIABLE AND SAFE FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE, O' NEIL'S R. E. INH. AGENCY. 634 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 1031 FOR BALK 7-room house In best resi dence district In city. Owner leaving city. Small payment down. Addresa K g7i. Bee. ONE 3 acre, two 1 acre, three 10 acre tracts; all No. 1; priced right; see me. W. COLFAX. Douglaa 1610. 703 Keellns Rldg. Turn old furniture, household goods and clothing Into caah with a Bee Want Ad. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED Wear. Xty ACRES, close to rar; easy terms. Myrtle Ieuel. Colfsg 1US3, sfter 10 a. m. Nortk. TWO corner lots, 30lh and Hamilton Sis.. , "nrji, i "ji, it i. irrms miiTmnrii 1717 on v: . i CCMING. near 2dthBt, U or 44; must be sold to close estate. Grliomel. 643 Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. ' Soar Tliirtoen Acres. located between Omaha and South Omaha, near Lane Cutoff, at $4,000; $600 caau, balance on terras, five yeara 6 per cent. Let us show you this because It la a good buy. Iliatt-Fairfield Co., Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug ext. N ICE LOTS $000. 60x130 each, ell In blue graas all fenced, near 64ih and Pine, 2 blocks from car. TEBHESB. 606 Omaha Nat. Bank. WILL BLlLa TO SCTt Have li flrat choice lota tu Leaven worth Heights Add.; eaey terms. Doug 2W1. Carl K. Bolen. 14 Pax ton Bldg. FINE lota, Bancroft and th, walklngTiihZ tance: only lif0; easy terms. Colfax 72. LOT wlih fruit and sliade treessideT walk. for ssle; cheap for caah. 4634 Marcy. Red 44. M laeejlaueoas. Garden Lots $27u to $3f)5 ' $r DfJWN: $i PER MONTH. Located north and west in good dis trict and close to car line. Shuler & Cary, louglss 4-31. JH Keeline Hldg. good lots In WasiTiiigUin, D. C. G. V. Mc-Beth. Newton. Kan RICHARD EVfcltE'rV. A Hl'li ITk-OT, 106 No. IMh St. It'one ' Douglas I0141 tW BtfTSlot near car.DoTa!4T REAL ESTATE-INVESTMENTS, Down Town Ixx'ntion 132xt:tl fert northeast corner of 17th and Jnrkson Sts . with -' ft allcv on the north, ("lose to retell lmlne. cen ter. No other one-quarter of a block so close in and available at so low a price; suitable for a big central garage, downtown hotel or apartment house. See us for price and terms. Goorgo & Company, rNt. Hunk BUlit, Dour I r Flat or Apartment Site We have 1 south front on Cal4 fornla. between S.M and Nth. This Is an exceptionally good location or either flats or a small apartment house. Price only H.OUO. Terms If desired. A. P. Tukey & Son, Phone Doug. JO!. 1S07- W. O. W. Rldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN ltenea. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON! BUT THIS LOT! llO.OO down and im.ui per month; price 2o0.00: slse, MxlJs; located on Locust H. between Clark and burnham; not fir from school and car line. Geo. R. Wright. Bee office. Omaha Dnniifr. DUNDEE On Dodge St.. between 4Mh and 4th Sts , in the prettiest block attractive home, exceptionally large living room, with beam cc-tllng, fireplace. French doors opening onto sun porch- wide opening In illnlng room: finished In quarter-sawed oak, with oak floors, four nice bedrooms, with closets. , one RiTiinKPd for sleeping porch and hath, on second floor; oak finish, white enamel. This place Is a snnp at the price It can be bought for-4.'..M0. D. V. SIIOLES CO., S!5-1 City National Bank Bldg. Douglas 49. ANNOUNCEMENT. The new S-twm bungalow, 30 N. WHh St.. Dundee, will he open, 10 to & o'clo k Sundxy. for visitors who desire to see the new plan modern kitchen. Domestic science teachers stid pupils especially Invited. Several hundred saw It laat week. W. L. SELBY SONS. bl'NDKE bungalow of six rooms sna sleeping porch: almost new; lint wster heat; occupied by owner; lot &UX1S.K Phone Walnut 3OTi REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGES SIX houses and farm to exchange Neb. farm. Toland ft Trumbull, Bee Hldg. CAN sell or exchange anything you have to offer. C, J. Canan. McCagua Rldg. TRADES TRADES. THAOfiS Farms and Omaha property for ex change. J. A. ABBOTT. Patterson Blk Omaha. REAL ESTATE-BUS- PROPTY 5 FEET, 16th St., 3 blks. from viaduct $6,600. McCague Inv. Co.. McCague Bldg. REAL ESTATE-WANTED WANTED To Buy on mmtnly payments, email attire room, wltn living rooma boveln Central achool district Phone WK have a customer for a Dundee lot: willing to pay cash; owners only wanted to reply. THOMAS U M'OARRY, Keeline Bldg. Red 4344. ,iur. i us nannie your vacant property: we can either rent It or sell for you. t ail Douglas S3P!. FINANCIAL Rea Estate, Soana, Mwrtsjn ares. 1XDANS ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE. QUICK SERVICE. j PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. ' Omaha National .Bank Building-. WB are ready at all times to niake loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th St. 6 TO 6 for loans on best class city residences in amounts $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRI'HT CO.. 1622 Farnam St. NO DELAY. W. T. OKA HAM. BEE BLDG. MONEY to loan on unproved farina and' ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KKKKH REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha Nat. Phone Douglas 271S. .MONEY TO LOAN, ror 6 yeara, - on Improved propertlea. SHOPKN A CO.. Doug. 4346. M O N K Y on hand for cltv and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. (JARV1N BROS 846 Omaha $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F, D. Wead. Wead Bldir.. IKth and Farnam Sta. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. II. Thomas. 22S State Bank Bldg. 6 CITY LOANS. C. O. Carrberg. Slit. 12 Brandeis Theater bldg. CITY and farm loans, 6. $H. 6 per cent. J. H. Dumont A Co.. 416 Keeline B dg. Kt MONEY. HARRISON ft MORTON. " tr, Omaha NtL Rank Hlrt- llwki mad Iteails SAFETY and 7f GUARANTEED rixi HOME BUIIJ3ERS' Preferred Shares plua Bulldera' Profits and Mortgage Security. Our No. B "New Way" tells all about It. Ask for It. AMERICAN SECURITY CO., 8. W. Cor. 17th er Douglas Sts.. Omaha HAVE two II. Ooo mortgages diuwii.g $ per cent Intercut; secured on Tennessee land; due in i and 4 yeara: will trade lor good automobile, or what have you. $6000 FARM mortgage liearlng t, se cured ky property valued at $13,000. Tal mage Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. VV. Bldg Abitrmu of Tltlr. GuaraiiteeAl',tr-c Ca- wf CILn brl,l down vour abstract on short notice. R. 7. Patterson Bldg. D. 2947. IvKRR TUl Onrantee nd Almtraul '"o., a modern ahetract offue. 306 8. 17th Pt. Tel. D. M7. REED ABSTRACT Co.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Thea. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkaiiu Uaili. VO ACRES", 6 miles from 'Tlanvllle;" $ acres in cultivation, all fenctxi. 1 acre of orchard: 3 wells: 3-room house and barn: V mile to school and church. It F. D. mail dally. Price only $l,Mio'; good terms. Write Yell County Land Co., Danville, Ark. WHEN the renting problem la under con stderatlon either from the standpoint of the tenant or landlord the Real Ba tata and Want Ad Guide te all of Greater Omaha The Bee is the beet medium for sure end satisfactory re leerai l.e-ads. fo ACRES. 12 inllea from Council Bluffs! Good, lrn, chicken bouse, run ning miring, well, fenced, alfalfa. A good farm at low irl e for iiuiucdlatr sale. $1,6)10 cash balance easy terms. W. T. SMITH CO., Douglaa 2SI0. 1ty Nat' I Bunk Bldg. OWNER MUST HEM, Fine 40 acres of Iowa land, 2V, miles from Neola; $100 per acre, worth II. Address A. I.. Ruin Council Bluffs, J. FARM AND RANCH LANDS MIssmsU l.nada. 4 ACRF8, 4N tnlb-s from NTinneatHli, near two bochI rallr,al towns: one- hslf ender cultivation, balance u-s for pasture ana nay. tan practically all be rutlvatod good soil, good set of buildings; this Innd will produce aa bushels of corn per acre; country l thlctly settled; complete set of ma chinery; 27 head of stock, consisting t 11 co a a, balance I and 2 - year-olds; good horses, IS h'oga, chickens and everything on the farm oes t tt per acre. One-half cash. Immediate pos scilon can be had. FCHWAW BROS. I0?a Plymouth Bhia . Minneapolis. Minn. attseoart l4iae)s. DENT COVNTY. MISSOURI. 0 acres. S4. miles to Salem, -r house, good barn, 40 acres In cultivation, all fenced, hog tight, 80 acres rood timber, pood farm land when cleared. Possession given this spring If sold this month Pi Ice 13.160. mortgage. ll.OOft. S per cent, t have others All sisea. Call or write. W. R, FRANK, 101 Neville Block. Omahv i GKKAT HAKUAIN'S 1 down. e inonthir. Iniys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only l7h. Address llox Kx oelwior Springs, Mo. .Mehreiska Lands. DON'T forirrt to visit Ar.h I. Uunnr ford at Crawford mhlle you are up In northwest Nebraska If you are going to afcend the land drawing at Alliance. Remember, Crawford 1 only M miles farther on to the north and, don't for get, the farther north you go the bet ter the soil until you have passed Craw ford a few miles, then the soil, perhaps, is not o good. However, you will not make k mistake by xlMtlnx lluimrrford at Crawford you have lead his adver tising for the lest several years and you st Jcsstowe hlni a visit. A R A Nt'H F ill SALE, t.KVl acres, M) per cent tillable, balance well grassed, hut broken: well, wind mill end tank; partly fenced. Price, $11 per sere. located In a well settled terming and stock-raising neighborhood. . where prices are advancing. Write for full description. J. H. IH'MOXT CO.. I 416-14 Keeline Bldg. Phone Doug. fift. 'FOR BALK Well fin proved, level Ssec- Hon: 76 a. pasture: 4 a. meadow; bal ance cultivated: running water; excel lent for general farming and stock raising; no agents. J C. Struck. 1m Idaho St., Columbus, Neh FOR SALE Best large bony high grade medium priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley. 'Vol. bach. Neb. o FIRST CLASS 160-acre farm; 25 miles Oinsha; $12& per. Retyea A Glfford, 316 Ramge Bldg. , Om ah a, N e b. Oresvon Lands, IiiO MILLION reel of the finest timber In Oregon. This Is a well-located tract of vellow fir. Must be aold at once. Ad dress Owner. 616 McKay Bldg.. Port land Ore, "W'taoottsla) Lawila. VPPER WISCONSIN Real " dairy sn l general crop atate In the union; settlers wanted: lands for sale at low prices on easy term. Aak for booklet 84 on Wis consin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lanis ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address l,and and Induatrlal Dept.. Boo Ine Railway. Minneapolis. Minn. Mleeellaneaee. HAVE YOtrA FARM Poft BALKf Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City, la., Jour nal, "lowa'a Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for $2; or 60 words, $1. or 75 words, $. circulation of any Iowa news paper; 360,000 readers dally In four great states. tts Liini 7UUI l'l up r. . j ... Ill O. n . . -... u , ftim BKE'n Rig House, Home and Real Folate Guide. Buyers real ea lute are exsctlng usually. Vslue must be there, and apparent -Tlce should be an Inducement, but make the information definite and you will get responses from Demons really Interested In vour otter, It you run it to THE REE. FARMS, acreage anj city properly for sale and exchange. C. R. Combs, 30$ Hrsndels Theater Hldg. Ooug. 3H16. NOTIC10 TO FARMERS When in need of help of any kind, write, telephone or call on ua CUNNINGHAM LABOR AGENCY. Ill B.JHth St. Omaha, Neb. BUYERS WITH THE MONEY TO INVEST. Farm land ads placed In these col umns reach the kind of people all over the west who have amnio funds with which to invest in lands. Quality and quantity are both found In THE BEE'B country circulation. The subscription rate for The Hoe Is much higher than nny other Omaha newspaper. Naturally The Bee la read by class of well-to-do farmers. -Send In your ad and reecn some rral btijrers. FARM LAND FOR RENT FOR RENT-Good iuO-acre farm, miles north of Bloom field, Neb. Address Mrs. K. C. Baled. 6012 Cass Bt., Omaha, or phone Walnut 2517. FARM LAND WANTED HAVE cash hu yers for Iowa or eastern Nebraska Improved farms. W. K. CRAIG. 1317 City Nat. Tyler $12. HORSES-LIYESTOCK-VEHICLES Vow gale. MUST SELL HARNESS. $2,700 worth of double harness tu close out at a discount of one-third from reg ular price; $l,0u0 worth of single har ness to close out at one-half regular price. Harness shipped subject to In spection. If not satisfied, money will be refunded. JOHNSON-DA NFORTII CO.. 128-31-33 N. 16th St . Near Clark Bt. NOTICE TO A I'Aaii AND QUICK BUYER. 13 head of young mares, 14 In foal, all well matched," agea from 6 to 3; last of the estate. All my good young brood mares, also 6 fresh rntlch cows and I bead of mules; no reasonable offer re fused. Call 114 H. 24th St. Itdy owner. 1 I.' m ... u u r HARNESS. SADDLES AND TRUNKS. We (make them ourselves and sell them aired to the consumer. Why pay two proflta for Inferior goods when you can get high grade goods at first cos tT ALFRED CORNISH CO.. 1210 Farnam St.. Omaha. ONE big r.GOO-pourid good work horse 413 N. 13th BU HAY.60 tost. A. W. Wagner. sOl " NTk POULTRY AND PET STOCK iaoNEY In chickens: tits f!ui Johnson's free catalogue, Poury Know-How. about the pay-for-llaelf old Trusty In cubator. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Cen- irr, i, r w. f Jl ST RECEIVED: Chinese nighlliigalea. lieautiful plumage, good singers; tu 00, mil neisier mra t o.. inu r arnsm St. THOROUGH BHKD White RFaettlnT eggs. Owen strain. Buuth 4o27. OKI'INGToN eggs, white and buff; also white pi-kln duck eggs, $1. Mouth 2bM. FOR SALE 12 do. choice RlKdeTs"iand Itcd hens. Call 3106 Co. Bluffs. B C.Bl"'FF ORPINGTON hatching egxa ColfHX 2M Mih and Grand t'KOIGKKKD male Scotch collie for sale vm N. 27th. - ' tncrTgraln 1-. Wagner, seiaf ll W"HitEKOt'si gga. TeTTS." kl7. MOTORCYCLES AKD BICYCLES ilIARLEY-DAVlDMrj.N MOTORCYCLES. ! Hurgsin In used machines. Victor Rooe, I "Tin Motorcycle Man," 2.03 Leavenworth AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE The Best Bargain In Usetl Cars One Overland Touring Car, In good shape Ton slightly used Tl Maxwell, rea sonable. One lll Chalmers Roadster, good shape; price right. One ml studehakar. flrst-flsss shape, (me IIS Velle A-l condition, one 1!1I International. Three Ford Touring CHrs, all In A-l condition. ltie Iftir 3-cyllnder Maxwell Roadster. We need the floor space and these rare will be sold within the next few dsvs. No ressonahle offer refused. C. W. FRANCIS Al'TO CO. tt'l Famsm St. Douglas Sf3. CLASflT CARS. Chalmers Roadster. Enger "," praotically nsw. 3 1DK Maxwell louring car, slightly us'(. at a bargain. Wa Ford. Bclf-atarler, slip covers food s new hsrgaln. 1114 Ford touring, good shape. C. V. FRANCI.4 AUTO CO L'Jlti Karnatii Douglas ST.t. 1M6 DODGE tounm 3M 1116 Monitor touring, brand new $fi.i Kissel Kar speedster, 'tint, a bargain. 114 Fbrd delivery enclosed body MMI Overlund tour'ng, eioctrlc equipped. .1'iii 191H CmllllH.i louring, perfect $iv Auto Clearing House, MM Fat nam. l 3i'J0 THE At TO SlYoV- -Service First." Intl-S Jackeon. Tyler MS. Auto retiring and gen. Msrsamtlhlng, niito springs made and repaired. HIUilKST VARIETY OK FOR I t -A H S I NTH K CITY. T il!KAI. . Ait llA tYwAl.NS, Roth In excellent tnndlilon. can buy at a p. Ice that will surprise you. NKHHAFKA llt.lOK Al'TO CO 1414 Fnmnm. Vbone Dotislss 7SI. FOR SALE 1AI6 Ford HnadsterT'good as new. Five-passenger Oakland, Just been overhauled. In good condition. 24IJ Far nanv Douglas 2406. 01 MoiKl. Mollne touring car. In goo9 condition; all new Hies, one extra tire: or would trade for good 'roadster. Pax ton tiara ge. ails Farna m street. IHl.i I'OKI" roadster, excellent tunnllig order, res son hie. Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.. V Farnam ftm light" five-assenger car. equity In a country store building. Harney ;W7, e eninas. WHERE rait I get a good" used car? Industrial Garage Co.. 20th and Har nev Sts il"3 "HUPMohlLW, first clasi condition. $400. Phone Walnut lki.'. Residence, 1.113 N. 35th. Allll Rrsslrlng s4 rslstlng, NEb. Auto Radiator RepiaTr e'en-lee, "nd prices right, tin S. lDtn Bt. I, Tit). JHi reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls renslred. Bsvsdorfer. f10 N. Ith. JohTKir Ftp H v a uto repsii inS,lI5'7TTti; St. TylerJWT, h'KntjJtefl 7!H. Pmana Rsdlator Rep. Co. 2"2 Far. p.looij Anto Tlrea and Sappllea. Al'TO REPAIRS REHI'ILT $2.00 TO $." 00. PITT) TIRE CO., 1611 Chicago Bt. Kl e r IjSjAji t e ea 0 bl tee, Walter Anderson, exp'f rep"g electric ' A batteries. Storage. 22.10 Farnam. D. 4317. A1TOMOBILE INSURANCE Fire'. Theft, Liability and lToperty Damage at Lowest Rates, KILLT. ELLIS THOMPSON. 13-H City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2611. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Wholesale rleee far Predate hargred by Omaha Dealers. BUTTER No. 1 creamery, In cartons, or tubs. Sue; No. I, SSc. POULTRY Hens, 14c; roosters, ityfl; young roosters. 11014c: ducks, lWl geese, 12ku; turkeys, 17djl$c per pound. CHEESiC Imported Swiss, 44c; domea tto, 34c; block, 28c; twins, lHVic; daisies, IVftc; triplets. llSo; young America, tlo; blue label brick, Ixfj lltnburger, S2u; Im ported French ltoguefort, 6D0. OT8TKRS ChesK:.e, per gal.t Stand ards. $1.26; selects, $1.60. Northern, per gal.: Standards, $1.46; selects. $1.60; counts. 31 i: Blue Points. $1.26 ur 100. FISH Fresh, per Ib.i Catfish. ITc; hal- but. 16o; salmon, 17Stc; red snapper, 14o; i blai'k hues, li. aloe, cripples, 12t1Hc. 1 t ...... -.. 1 . 11. ih..ii IIUUIIUKItt, 111', 1 1,lTII, . ,t,l.b. 11c: herrlne. 64o: trout. 13c: white. loc: salmon, lrtliu; pickerel, 7≻ pike, Siloc. Smoked, par lh.: White, Ho. Kip- pereu, per tu. : salmon, J10; r innan naa dies, 13c; roe shad, $00 each; shad roe, 40o per pair. BEEF No. 1 ribs, SOo; No. 3 ribs, 10So: No. 3 ribs. 17o. No. 1 chucks, llHo; No. 2 chucks, UHo: No. 3 chucks. 11c. No. 1 loins, 3bc; No. 3 loins, 23S: No. 3 loins, IHV10. No. 1 rounds, 16V4c; No. $ rounds, 16c; No. 3 rounds, 1440. No. 1 plates, loc; No. 3 plates, c; No. $ plates, Hj. Fruit and vegetable Prices furnished by Qlllnaky Co.: FKIUTS Or an sea: Sunklst, 64s, $1.60 box; Hie, $2 71 box; 36s, $3 bog; 126s, $3 36 box; Iftoa, $3.60 4ox; 176a, XWts. 3U4s, $3.76 box; 300s, $las, m, $4 box. Lemons) Gol den Bowl, us, ttios, $6 bos: Bllver Cord, $4 60 tmx. Grapefruit: 36a, $3.74 box; 46s, $3 box; 64s, $3.60 box; (4a. 0e. $4 box. Ba nanas: Medium slse, $1.601.76 bunch) medium sixes jumbos. $3.0o4-36 bunohl regular slae Jumboa, $16ob4.76 bunch; ex tra large Junrbos, 3 0onf3.2 bunoh; mam moth Jumboa, $3.$0at.76 bunoh, Cranber ries, $13 4arrel, Dates: Dromedary, $1.7$ crate; stuffed, $1.76 box; Fard, 12c lb. Figs: New, 8oc box. Apples: Ben Davis Recti tels, In barrels. $4 barrel; Ben Davis, other varieties In barrels, $3.60 barrel; Shield Brand Wine Baps, $4 60 barrel; Idaho Ben Davis, In boxes, $160 box; Rome Beauty. $1.76 box; W. W. Peer malnes, $1.7$ box; extra fancy Wine Baps, $3 box; Iowa State Greenings, $1.60 box; Arkansas Blacks, $2.60 box. Strawberries; 34-ntht cases, $3 76 case. VEGETABLES Onions: Red. yellow. 3c pound; Spanish, $3.3. erate; white, $3.60 crate. Ijettuce: $1 dosen. Brussel sprouts, 2ms pound. Cabbage. I"c pound; new, 3e pound. Rhuherb: $3.60 box. Cauliflower, $3 crMte. Peppers, too basket. New beets, carrola, turnips, parsley, toe doisn, Old bens, carrots, turnips, parsnips, 'bagoes, Ic pound. Potatoes: Minnesota whits, II la bushel, Colorado white $130 bushel; Min nesota Red River Ohloa, $1.40 bushel. Bweet Potatoes: Delawarea. $1.7t hamper; California. $1.75 hamper. Celery: tfc-dosen crates, $14.1$ crate; t-dnsen crates, $3 711 crate; s-dosen crate, $2.60 crate. Onion Beta: Yellow, $2 60 bushel- red, $3 crate, pound; IDmomfwyp shrdl yppyppypypy MlMtELI-aNEOUtt-Honey: Comb, $3.78 crate; Airline, $1 Mi raae. Popcorn: No. 1 rice, 4c pound; 40 1-pound packages, $2.M esse. NUTrV-Pesntits: No. 1 raw, (Ho pound; No. 1 roasted, sc pound; Jumbo raw, sVfcc pound: Jumbo, roasted, Hc pound. Pa rana: lt'c pound: Jumbo, 17Ha pound. Ptlherts; K pound. Wld nuts: Uc pound. t ef lee Market. NEW YORK. March 30.-OOFFEE-Denlals that the Hrnslllan government hud seised Interned Oertnan ships failed to create any Important demand m the market for coffee futures here today, al though reports of such action had been considered responsible for a sharp break in prices last week. The market opened at a decline of 6 to II points under scat tering liquidation" and some trade selling which seemed to be Inspired by the Isrge clearances reported from Santos for this country and reports that tirssll was of fering a little more freely. Prices were steadied at the decline to 7 Wo for May and t.OT for September, however, and May later .sold up to 7.t4c and Beptemlier to 3.10c on covering. The close wss 1 to I points net lower. Kales were 13,600 bags. March. 7.R4c: April. May. 7 Mo; June, 7.37c: July, S.ouc; August, .04c; Sep tember. 3 00c: October, .13c; November, 17c: rtecemlwr, 3.31c; January, $.2fic: Fehriiury, i.a'. Spot coffee, quiet; Rio 7h. tec; ftantos 4s. War. It was reported that Hantoe 4a ware offered at 10 3-n to hl4c In the cost and freight market The offtclnl csbles showed that Rio was 75 rels lower than the last report which roveied Thursday's market, while Kanto kh not iiuoted. (lieu Market. LIVERPOOL. March 20 COTTON Hp-,t. steady: good middling. $d; mid dling. I.M.' lo middling, 7 iU. tialss. 6.0W bales. NEW YORK JjTOCK MARKET Sharc$ Under Stay Pre$$ure with Setere Loitea in War Isiuei. PEACE RUMORS THE CAUSE NEW YORE. Msroh 10. Storks were under stesdy pressure today, with se vere losses in war Issues, which yielded 1 to 7 points, mainly In crmeeuuenoe of persistent pence nimors. Although these reports lacked even circumstantial detail, they were accepted with much serious ness In speculative circles and the short Interest was Increasingly active. Reversal was accelerated in no small measure by the heaviness of United States steel, which was under restraint from the outset on a verv Urge over turn. Selling of steel which seemed to emanate from substantial quarters had Its basis partly on the theory thst the present high level rf prices for fabri cated steel and Iron must Inevitably re sult In a curtailment of demand. Even the brilliant statement of the Hethlehem Steel corporation for Ifio. showing earnings of 113 per cent appli cable to the common stock, failed to hold the Industrial and equipment laaiiea. Bethlehem on a very small output reg istered a loss of 14 at $30. loweet ptkea were made In the vary active final hour when support of the spe cial group wss almost wholly lacking. United Slates steel was offered In round amounts down to 4. anes of r points and closed at Its minimum. Other weak ehsrea Included CrucHle ateel. Westlna houae, American and Baldwin lofomo tlve. American can, Mexican Petroleum and some of the metals. In the main, rails gave a food aooount of themselves, loesea In that group being confined to fractions, except in Reading, Canadian Pact fie, Norfolk and Western nnd . Allied shares, where recessions ranged from I to points. Tolsl sales of stocks amounted to a36,W shsres. During the early part of the session there wss some buying of the Intems tlnnal list for Ijondon account, the Pa cifies and Erlea. aa well as coppers being in special demand. Americans were firmer abroad, but Inactive. Heaviness ruled in the bond market, the only noteworthy exception being Anglo-French 6a, which were fractionally higher Total galea of bonds par value were $3,!)O.Oon. United States bonds wsre unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on st H-ks today were: t .. sales. Hlfh. tmw. Clou. Alanka net II. 10 rtt giUj Ss Alll-1ilnte 4.1ns HI v, jo Americas IWhK tntmt 4. tll 7l 7I4 Asierirss s H art m tt If, Amstii-M lvnmotle ... gaum a u, tV ' Anerlesn . H 14 too Kn ISfe Am. g. a R. pfit.,, , Ills- Am. Huesr Kenning SM III lisu American Tsl. a Tsl 1.4 n linJ lZ Amerlrsn Tnhscro i )a 16 Asanonds Veep U.V r, M M A(.t.nn ft M IQStl Kxu tlshtwln IHsinMlea ..... S H 11141 ISku )Cu lisltlmnm A Ohio l.fctt s UV 4V Hethlehem Steel g HHH4l!- ttssid T...., . st tlllfm-l Pelrolsual .... 1 ! 14- ta II fi-naaisn furtfio t.400 lu 14 144 ntrl iMIher t.liw U- im n,u fhe-vp..!,. S 04lo n M n 4'klessn O. W M 14V4 lu ilu tl-V(r, M. at, ,,,, 1 000 ' ei chieago a h. w mo ins lit irt rtilosgo, M. I. a P. Rt.. 4iw l'H ITt IT- t'Mno iVpner M M4 uZ Vlr-4i r) a Irea.... t oi 4U t tts. rmctKi. g 4 sn.TW) tr M, Z twir H. rt. nf4 . itkZ Iimiu' Atttirltles M.4M 4H 4tH T fcrts 7 nenersl TOeetHe il.snt 1M4 kjh tlrest Nnrthsn ir4 to ISK4 ;n Orest Northern tr mttt . te 47 4K4 s 1 nssnheim Kiplnratloa.. 304 tl K)' tuts Illinois iVntral 104 Inter nag rv . Cers.. 1 174t 17 17 Instrtnitlftn Oeeper lt,i 4T4 "H Intsnwiionai Hamster,. InnaT kan-M cut koulhers., r 3414 etu n lavish Vallsr 71 T 74H I tularin A Kaahrllls MiZ MMlflsn Pstreleu- , 41,rx jiit 1S7 Ittv Miami oeeeer loot ft.' $ H MlMHMirl, g, T. pt o MtMKHirt faMfle ii Natlnnsl VMeult ,,. t.onft imv4 1st 1S4V National 1m 4 , t.M i 47 tt Nevada rtar ,.. .e 11s n4 New Ynrk Omiral...,',!.-, an jor.vl imu imi N. T., N. H H a u saw m Nnrfnlg A Weeisra 4, 1M u ?.ie Nonliara Paciria To 1U4 1114 racirin M-ll ajt N!t 4 l'silfl Tsl. Tel ,T , . t Pennacrlvanls t,)i nH U4X Pullman r-alaes Oar Sn jsiv, jm m fiar ran. Cseser I MI h4 tS "S Keating tt.noa tI vl Refsnils I roe a gtavl.... i nil nt M eVinihern l.eiri t.ono eS mi ai Somkeni Rsllway mo ttH t'1 tt1 Studakaker fempanr .... ll.aoe) in 1414, inv TaaaeasM Oeser 14 tT, M a Taaaa ranwaar l.nn 1(4) im 144 t'nhm Paaiflo t.tno U4 twu uwl t'nlen reeifta j l li'a t'nlted UMM msel m.rnn tSH 44 114 tl. B. meat ...'.., 4m jT W l4 t'tah rVMBr ,., t.tnit ;, nu Waatera tmtes l.snn .i s,, nei, Weaiinihause Blentrle ... It.m tH Si4 Mu Oenaral Moton 4M W-eaah B yt ni m ft rv, International Martae sM. It.ano 7J tl(4 7t Knneon4t Caepar . .. t? ttva 44 nS Total salas tor the say. akaraa. New York Money Market. NEW TORK, March 30 -MERC A N TILM PAPER. 3J$Ho. STERLINO Sixty-day bills. $4.7JV; de mand, $47: cablea, $4.77 1-U. RAR SILVER 674fco. MEXICAN DOLI.Rd 47ttn. RONDS Government, steady: railroad bonds, heavy. TIMB LOANS Market firm; stxty days, t43 per oent; ninety days and six months, 3'fW4 per cent. CALL MONfcy-Market firm: Blsh. t per cent; low. 1 per cent; rullnf rate i per rent: last loan, I per cent; closing bid. 3 per cent: offered at I per cent Closing quotations on bonds today were aa follows: U. . rf at, rag... tU $t. ant. 4s ... S4 So mio MH'kt. K. A T. let 4a tl V. S. ta. rag WVi pe ma!." isw' 4a oouaoa letMost. kweae Is 91 U. I. 4s, rag Ill N. T. C. dan. 4a....ll4U eoeena 1111414. . Cltr 4Hs ' IOT14 km. -liare a...,noHN, T It. T li . T. T. a. e. ta ...V...7... .iig Ansle-rranek la .... MSN, l-oiflo 4s.. . iiu Atchlaoa M, 4s ... SOU So St ........ S Hal a Ohte 4s i HO. g. I. rat. 4a.. ' H- BMk. IHael r. 4S....II17 PajS. T. 1 T 4e . MOV Caa. Paaltle let "HWas. eon. 47.' vil thea. a O. ov. tS 4 sae. 4t4e" . iJasS C. B. a Q. J. 4s .... tMnttaadlag saa. 4a. J2 c. m a 1. fr. s u.vnst. l. a r r r iisiJ 0. a. I. P. r. 4s. 47 tVi y,e. cr. ss.:....!!. C. A S ret. 4Ha.... H 4a rf. m.. ft a R. O 4. 4a..,. trseVk Mallear ta loi? Kris sn. 4a. nHllslea Parlfle 4s.... T 0n. Wleetrta aa t44 to M. a Hi 01. N 1st 4tis ,.. mtr. . Bather e....)rii III. can. rt. 4a to t'. a. Siral a, im? Inl. kl M. 4Wa ft4Waa, t'ataa 414s... K. a go. ret. (a.... MWest. Bias. ev. aa. U4 Bid. Offered. OMaka Ray Market. OMAHA, March to PRAIRJw'hAT Choice upland. $.003.S0; No. 1, $8.t0r)00 No. $. $g.Ofiit.0O: No. 3, $4.ava.10; choice midland. $4A0(a00; No. 1. $0iQti.t0' No I, UQtW. No. $. t4.OOtrV4t.nt); choice lowland, $7.00r7.o- No. 1. $i.00ifi'r,00; ; No. 3, $.&'.00: No. i $.V0U4j6.00. STRAW Choice wheat Is quotable at $6 0; choice oat or rye. In omfj 4.61 ALFALFA Choice. $11 Oum IK. St); ,-,. I tll.OOill 00; No. 1, practically unsalsbls. but quotable at. $; No. a, unsal sbls. MelalMTrkt. NEW TORK. March 3P. M ETA LS Ex change quotes lead at $7.76 bid. Speller not quoted. Copper market steady; elec trolytic, near by, $33 O0flg.HO; June snd later. $27.0047117.50. Iron market firm: No. 1 northern. $J.aDifi-20.7; No. 1. $l.7W?3n 2T: No, 1 southern, $ao.0n30.50; No. 1. $19 75 li.2.' Tin market quiet; spot offered at At London: Spot copper, 100; futures. fH4 10s; electrolytic, Spot tin. 111 1'is: futures, 1)11 s lead, Xt 7s (d;. spelter, &ti. Evaserated Apples and Dried frwite NEW TOR If, March 20.EVAPORATED APPLE Dull and easy; fancy, T't'&eW.e; choice, BTtfrsHe; prime, i'a'ijf.Se. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, oulet; CsM fomls. 4riHc; Oregon, VW9r. Apri cots, steady; choice, i,O10o; extra rhol e. '.0',illc; fancy, llflilc. Peachee, stesdy: choice. $Vo; extra choice, fancy. 4 . Raisins, dull; loose muscatels, 841 'C; tholceto fancy, seeded, ViTc; seedless. Lo-dea trk Market. LONDON. Msroh 3. American securi ties en the stock market were neglected and finished dull snd eaey. , SILVER Rar. $74ad per ounce. 7 MONEY 4H4 per rent DISCOUNT RATEtf-tthort bills snd three months, $' par cent. ttaak fiearlnaa. OMAHA. March 31-fU-k ,-lrlnv for Omaha today were ot i, 7ia a, for the currespondln. djj t c3t l-.l.67.36.