10 THE BEE: OMAHA, ma urn I7ant-Ad Rates 1C CASK WXTK OmCKBi par won each Insertion Special 21a Wit Farm and Ranch Lands. Ta per line each Insertion (Count nil words to the llne.j foreign advertising undeh AUENTS OR HELP WANTED CI.ASM1FICATION3: !o per word one time JVio per word. . .three consecutive times CXAKQB BATES I a per Una one lime 7o par line thre rnnaecutlve tlmca (Count six worda to the line.) so Aj taesk roi s.xmn thai A total or ao om .is TXA9T lOe rx SAT. CARD Or THANKS, DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES: 1 o par Una turn Insert Ion (Minimum charge (0 cents.) Monthly Hat for standing ads (no change of ropy) $1.80 per Una (Count nix words to tha line.) Contract rata om application, TTTP) BEB will not ha responsible for more than ona Incorrect Ineertlon of an advertisement ordered for mora than ana time. ATVvTCRTTSFRS should retain receipt riven by Tha H In payment for Want ba recti Ifled without them. Cn TTTTJ TTXTTT'TTONT) If Tmi cannot conveniently brlnir or send In vonr add. As for a Want-Ad Taker, and you will receive tha una rood service a when dellverine; your ad at tha office. mONT! TTT.FTt 11109. . WAWT-AT COT.TTMN3 CTPT EVENING FnTTTONS 11 OA MORNING EDITIONS (:00 P. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CKANQED DAILT. Anawera tD quaatloa "Wkar to mo toniithf Dewilawa. EMPRESS. 16TH ft liOUGLAB. I "Tha Whlaparad Word," a drama oi tnuaual appeal and eoirrlnctng plot, with (irare 1 Carlton. Ninth aplaoda "Tha Btranfa Caaa of Mary Page." "Troubled Watera" Ruba Millar in a aura-fire, rtb tickler. Mutual Weekly. J F&lNCESST 1317-19 DOUGLAS "Beyond the Iawe," a thrllllnir four act Broadway Htar feature. Boa Mel ville, tha orirlnal Rla HoDklna In "A Flo-W of Bkeletona," comedy. "Putting: tha Pep In Plow Town." comedy. TUB FARNAM. 14 IB FaRIAM 8T Flrat run of L'nlveraal program. I Centa. "The Phanton Thief." I Cent. Alao tha World'a lateat news. "Ordere la Ordera," comedy. Wwl, faONROB." 2G55 FARN'AM. Florence La Badla In of Flo." 'Tha Flva Fault! Worifc. GRAND. TTH AND BINNED. "Tha ESnberg." S-reel Mutual master- picture, featuring Arthur Maude and Home corned y. LOTHROP. 24T1I ft LOT1IROP. Roacoa Conklln and Key at one player In "Ply Hetghla and Daring llearta.'' nath. APOLLd. 5T24 LEAVENWORTH, "A Daughter of tha Woods," Knicker bocker Btar feature. S reels. "Ham, the Diver." Kal. comedy. "Tha Serenade," Vim comedy. "The Night Watch," Kalem drama BOULEVARD. Sd A Leavenworth. The Kellna feature, "When Ixve Is King.' iroTTLFF; 2561 LEAVENWORTH First showing of tha wonderful "Iron Claw," also Jackie Haunders In "A Bolt From tha Sky," and "A Hot Time In Ireland." twin aide. fiEETTlEAtElC; 2 4T11 AND N. Tha Ooddeas," featuring F.arle WUU lama and Anita Btewart. CRpirEuii;; S4TH &. M Flva rls of good pictures. C tar Features Theae are Special Kxlra-Ueel Features now appearing at tha V following Theaters. Apollo. 2i Leaven worth. "A Daughter of tha Woods." Will. AND N am. "Tha Goddess." bOULEVAIiD. SS da LUAVN WORTH. "When Lova Is King." til PRESS. 1ST11 A DUUOUR "Tha Whispered Word." a drama of unusual appeal and convincing plot, with Orace le Carl t onu GRAND. 1TH AND illNNKV. "Tha Embers." S-reel Mutual Master pleQiro, featuring Arthur Maude. LOTliRUP . Z4TH AND LOTHROP, Roscoa Conklln and Keystone players In 'TlEy Helithta and Ha r hi I fe a rta.'J MONIIOU. ZU4 FARNAM Florence Ls Of FIO; ORPUEUM. Badla In tha Five Faults JtTH AND M ciTH I Taala of good pictures. "fRlNCl3. 1317-18 DOLULA8. "Beyond the Laws." a Broadway Btar feature. thrilling 4-part Kt.Hira. BEST UI A1. V CI i I' .OWK W or plants. Art Combinations, shipped every where. Kxcellent s. rvl. e to ar nn. tooiers In past years recommends I1KS4 HWIIWH'A, Hli Karnaiii Kt. I Mi BATH, iloilct. 14 KariiHiu Ht. D. 3wu. CTirfiNB'F.RSON. ' 11 Douglas. -D. itA Member FlorUH Telegraph HH. Aaan ATrxiN AOH I' K IS t lis'nrv. luug lL HEATHS AKU Fl aKRtl. ISOTICaJS KUJ'lX-Mia !.. aged it ye4ia, beloved father of Charles. Albert. John and .ltxabelh Kepiln. Mra i'if fer of Omaha and Mra. (Ivorxa W eiancha. Council Ululfs. March t). Koineral at family residence. 371a North ah. Vtediifeuay at : a. in. to Hat red Heart church, a a. m. Inter tnent Holy ticpul. her cemetery. You Get Real It lias always been the effort of this paper to of its patrons' needs and desires, and, wherever increase its facilities and improve its service. MintMEM Ann (IMRTERlId MAUSOLEUM. WHT bury your Head In the old remind In stormy weather when you ran buy a tomb In a marble bulldm; at reaaonab'e M-lrer Tel. MAUHOLKUM CO. D. 817a ! Rntinieiater Monument Work, mnoso- leutns, nil kinds risrkcre. IMh A Charles. H HIT II a AMI DE1ATII. Mirths Icier and Mary Ecker, 2724 South Twelfth, hoy; halvatnre and An toinette Ferraro. l.l South Twenty-elxth. hoy; i.ee nnd Irina Harris, W. South Thirty-first, boy; John and Mildred Mor ton, Itf Capitol avenue, girl; John and sUrr Koenl, 4010 J. girl; William and Alwold Wclsnrr. 2"K Wirt, r1rl; Frank and Kranrea Kpler, 1712 Davenport, boy; Hugh J. and Hannah Smith, f.TOl North Thirty. third avenue, girl; lunula arid Nat llo Hook H33o South Nineteenth, hoy; T. J. and Stlnnle A. Morlarly, 1K44 North Twentieth. boy; Jamea and Ell-n Ulsnchard. W',1 South Fifteenth, buy; Harry arid Eva Olson, 2.0f Kaat Ixctist. flrtr' John and Margaret Dwyer. 3tme 1rce. ar I rt : Jamea and Anna Strtink, hospital, girl. Deaths John Q. A. Fleharty, S3, hos pital; Frank Kohout, 1 montha. 117 South Flrat; Mamie Doeschcr, M, hoepltal; Ber tha laxifl, 81, .1418 Cumin; C. Ornetean, 1)2, hospital; Mrs. Kffle tie Rose, 10, hospital, Irtulse MuhUiausen. M, 4n"0 Parker; Mil ford K. Mannhater, . 1418 Sherman avenue; Mllldred lluettgenbaek, a montha, 1341 South Twenty-first; Han nah Kennv. I. imn mk. MtltniAt.K MtFAIIRi, Marriage H'enaea were laaued to tna folloelng couplea: Name and Keaidence: Age. J. Marahall Dunn. (Jlenwood, la U Mra. Uraca K. Kepler, Hellevue 25 Archie A. Tarpennlng, Aahland M Irene Glbaon Pettla, Omaha J... 2 W J. Ilaiter, Dea Molnea over 21 Carolyn Moore, Burlington, Kan.. over 1 Wealey (Tolling. Whiting. Ia 20 Huby Herrman, Omaha 16 Victor R. Pamuelaon, Bloux City.. over II F.llen Hedman, Sloug City over 21 Rwan Peteraon, bea Molnea S3 Emma laraelaon, JJea Molnea SO Henry Veatal. MarVhalltown. Ta 5 Jennie I-ee, Moberly, Mo..... S!4 William V, Wrlffht, Chicago 4R Anna McKay, Mlnneapolla S3 William Byron, lineoln TO Rtathrr Breenberg, Omaha 20 nVILDHVO PKKMIT8. H. U. itorton, Ult Hpregue, frame ahed, $M; 1j. li. Oaborne, 4.115 Leavenworth, frame dwelling, SC.5U0; Otto Thomaen. Wt Crown Point, frame dwelling f2,60; iA N. Oaborne, 4.131 Leavenworth, frame dwelling, J,fi00; L. N. Oaborne, frame dwelling, 3,fci0; L. N. Oaborne. 4711 Leav enworth, frame dwelling, ti.a"; I N. Oaborne, 4307 LeeVanworth, frame dwell ing, tuoo. LOST FOUND REWARDS Omaha Council bluffs street railway company. Peraona having loat soma article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha aV Council It luff a Street Railway company to aacertaln whether they left it In tha aireet care. Many artlclea each day are turned In and tha oompany la anxloua to reatore them to tha rightful ownerg. Call Ilotiff. 41. IV YOU low anrtblna aad will adTartIM It hcra. rou li luralr mom H It found br an henent pareon. Hvmaiiiable raruvanea are brougtat annul ererr oar mrouia una comma. THU JA PenpU aha flud loet artlcloa are Inwrairted la knowlna that tha itaia lav ta trlnt la raqulrlng Uiam to wek the owner throtiah aavtortlMiuant and otharviaa, and tht a failure to do ao. If aania eaa be aroTaa, In Toivea a ara twnaltr e F1NDKH of mink collarette, March 4. known. Avoid trouble. Leave with caahler of Beaton Drug Co. Coflf-Oold bracelet Thuraday evening. inscription itltty." Kewara. wen. iim. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS furniture aad Hoaseknld Woods. CmaHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mattresses made over in aew tuna at half the price of new ones. Phone us for sampla of ticking. Mall orders f.lleU. liS7 Cuming St. Douglas !47. fOirBALK Brass bed, chiffonier, leather vv.nna, jm n uiiime i.ut., v.ct', kitchen cabinet; all new. Call Charles St. 4115 BEAUTIFUL china cabinet, S; buffet. lo; Kcllpse gaa atova. t; refrigerator. Tel. Webster 6146. ALL UEPaTiih Water fronts, turnaoe colls, eto. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 13M-S poutrlaa. Tyler SO, URNITDrM "bargains; bedsTlli tables,' Olialrs, rugs, Kus stoves, S4; Paddings ot all klmls. 1S N. 24th. Webster H07. RCH'KKK. parlor cabiiiet, china cabinet and oilier turnuure. walnut ids. Pianos aud Musical lailrameati, Sxil will ply five dollar In wold fcr the mime of a prospective piano or player piano purchaser. HOHINMON PIANO COMPANY. Factory Distributers for Cable Pianos. Tyler 1W. 214 S. ISth Pt. U70 por month A. Hoape. 1513 Douglas. Store a ad Offle Flat urea. FIRIC-i'ROOF "and burular-pi oof safe for aiile; good slso, good condition; price low. M. C. Peters Mill Co., t Bran- dHa Tlldg. i:.Sivs;. aufa. aculea, showcases, shelv lug. etc. Wa buy, sell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.. 414-N5-1H H 12th. Doug. r7'4 Jtwrlf) DU wosiaa, Wwtcfcea. 1-KAIIAi' pure while diamond at a bar f J tn . C a 1 Dot i ij 1 a 9S7 or IHug. WIS. IUo.il 'I HJAAKD S ' lucky wedding rings" at )in and Dougiaa nts. Typewriters mnd Hiippllee. JfftW machines soTiT the same as rent S3 per month. Bee us uefora you buy or rent. Shipped any place, on ten flays free trial. lUitts Typewriter Exchange. SIS fl. 18th. Omaha, Neb. ft K M 3 NU TON 8, Monarchs and Smith Premiers lor rent; sm anywnera. rteio- Inglon Tyiewrlter Company. D. 13M. MIDi'AND RIBBON CARHON CO. Office supplies, v. zin. :zn km Hidtr. $T'eTCI A 1-OiiMi nnleed lyiwwriler rib bons S for si. iteiiaaca hid Don at t-mroon Co.. Douglas 824.'. TYPEWRITER.' Rented, sold. Term. W I DlAJNli t u.. .-f nee. ioug. an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Ajency. l r-arnara. r HF.Rwif KRS sold, reni'-o n-palred. Central Typewriter Kxe. 1! Fa mam. Itwlax MacWlnea. "seWinu machines ; W rent, repair, eel I needles and parts of all sewing machines MICK EL'S NF.RHAHK A CYCLE CO. 16th and llarnev Sts. Doug. 1R81 Clotklnc, Fnr, Etc. WE" bviy and aed l aeii tanur .lua'-itt suns ana Frtedninn. 1211 Douglas St. reonts l.nniber, Ualldlaa Materials. At.L KlNbS OF LUMBER FOit SALE. Used In cons'rucliun of building; la flrat class con. lit Ion. Call Doug jrilt Ullllar uml i'oal Tanira. fOH SALE New and seoond-haod oaruni and pocket Wllaru tablea and howling r I leys and aceeaaorles; send for cata. otu: ausy pay minis The Brunswick, halke- "ollender Co.. 407-4utt S. loib Ht. INTEl J.IGI'INT and persistent advertis. Iitg will "sell" any salable real estate, aud the largest nuinhor of prospective buyers can '. e reached through the P.sal Estate and Want-Ad Uuiue to all of Ureat-r Omaha THE HKK Markljtery and Enalaea. jf'SECt ) ii 1 1 A N D tnutoraTv'aiious elses, f'n condilion. very cheap. See Ciuiill F.lectrlc Co.. Hee Hid. Tel. D. SS". KKW S lond-hniid inulora. dynamos, nrncm-u. l- llron Eiectrte Worka, S18-:-) S. K'h St. Phono Tylor 100Q and Put FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS A artlon aalea. I'L'BLlC SAI.K- M'arch 26. 19H at real- dence or Abraham Koeenbery, one and one-half mllea aouthweat of F.I m wood Park, 7 lioraea, being marea 7 and S years old; a S-yeer-old mare and one yearllnf colt; a 6-year-old mare; a IV year-old mare; a hnrae 11 yeara old; S cows and one yearling steera and S fat hnga; one farm wagon; one hog wagan and rack; 1 aprlng wagon; two nuaglea, a lot of farming Imnlemente, being a ?raln seeder, one 14-Inch stirring plow, riilttntora, one dUc harrow, two aeta work harneaa. etc.. etc. Sale for caah or approved eecurlty. Sale commences at 1 o clock said date. A. ROSF.NRF.nY. m r?ijr e- FUJI HAI.K I'll KA V. Buaineaa College Course. Full and complete scholarship In ona of the beat Omaha buaineaa achoele. Oood reason for Selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be sold very reasonably. if Interested Invea tlgatA at once, bmauae spring term beKlns aoon. There are a variety of couraes for aale. For particulars inquire at the office The Omaha Ree. fir" high standard of quality win maintained; 4 quarts of Old Fontenelle whisky, IX.26; bottled in bond. Henry Pollock, mail order house. Doug. 7141; in-i?4 s. r.th Pt. ALEX JETE3' LIQUOR IIOU8B Thirteenth and Douglas. Bottled-ln-bond whisky, Kc. 11.00, Jl . run 'inert. FOR SAI-K Dry, clean, kindling wood, delivered to all parte of the city. Phone To!ie"as !2."7. Fl VK-OALixiN coffee urn, good as new. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COl'NTY TRKAHfHF.R EMMET 0. SOLOMON OATH City Rug Factory has moved to new location, 977 N. 27th Ave. Mar. 42. BHODKOAAtlli'S "Lucky Wedding Rings" at ICth and Douglas Sts. CAH'l l- R Hheet Metal. 110 8. Mh Ht. KXF.Rt'lHHl AT Y.M C.A. uTisineea men. Watch RepalrlBg;. WATdl KEPA1KS On Monday, March SO, for one day only I will main soring watches for CO cents. Clean for 76 cents. Jewel for to centa. All work guaranteed. B. H. CLAY, Room SOS Neville Bldg. Kith and Harney. TH1 RD FLOOR. Aeeoanln, BTZFNSPRPUER. Council Bluffs. Ia. e). Black 1197. Auditing, accounting, Incorporations, Investigations. I) resa ma it I n aj . Aooordlon. Bide, Knife. Box Pleating, t nv. liuttnna. Ilernatltchlna Neb. I'l.nl. Ing A- Button Co, 4H1-2 Paxton Blk. R.4IH. CLUKK'S Dreaamaking school; suits, dreaaes, etc., work guaranteed. S2I Cal if orna. Doiiglag 76. , " MA DAM 10 MICH A ELft " Oowns, Suits and Wraps. Sll o. 2ftth Pt. Call Doug. 7J. DllTirtaMAkllTG W o r k ill a ranteed, ? rices cheap. Call or phone Tyler 196V; IS H. 17th St. L. K DHL changing location; temporary address, Douglaa 8786 CoMPETKNT dressmaker wants day work. Douglas 447A F I RSTTLA gflarea'srnak Iny. R7d6557" Fash. dreaamaTttng. alte ralioiis. D. 3785! T5ei at er's Dress making Col 12S fTltyN a f. TerryTreas"nia.lt'g colie ge. gQt'li At FainnT lGvarytsUngr (or W uuiea. w' ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, oovered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., too Douglas Block. Douglas 1M. Carnentere and Contractor.. Leasard at Son 1908 Capitol Ave. T. 16a C7V. Hofanson, gi06Lvnwth. Tyl. Sl92-j. J. YOUNG, 55sf.3 Miami. Web. 17;I7. Cementing and Plastering. Call Red 7099. C. 11. Roys. S6n BilstoirPhTWeb. 366. I.adles TalUrlngf. 21IOH class ladles' tailoring. llT Fischer, r lumar noin mag., an im. mn. t yter S37. floalsMM. THE largest stock of masquerade and l n eat r lea I costumes In the country. Theo, Lleben AY Son. 1B14 Howard. D. 4116. THEATRICAL gowns, full dresaaults. for n , tola Kf 1K CI. T n V. I I V... ur, A,lf Ok .Villi rriUIIIHII, fliina Isalnptlria. Ragtime piano playing guaranteed In 10 io at lessons. J Tor. itaynes or urittinai Hyatem. 3i0 Harney. Douglaa tiM. iluitTme piano piayTng positively taught In 3) leasona. iriZ Cuming. Wal. 8179, Palatlngf and Paper llanclns;. FOR painting and paperhanKlng, call Tyler X4MKI after I p. m. First-class work; lowest prices. nTolt-CLASSwork, low price. Tyler 1133. ITrtlHE3work7Tuw p3caTnA?eb7793i Hatha. DR. BHTKDA Sulphur, Steam. Modern Turkish, Electric BATH.t and MAS SAGE for tired nerves and rheumatism. Private apartment for ladies with lady attendants. Famam. Phone D. 34:fiT. "Chiropractors, Snlnal AdTnatiuents. DR. BURHOHN. 414 Roaa Bldr. D. 6347. Palmer School grad. Consultation free. Dr. J. C Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bidtf. D. 8461. buttons and I'lrattna. O. YJ. VAN ARNA.M Dress Pleating and Button Co., S3S-T Psxton Blk. North east corner 10th and Farnam Sti. Phone Douglas SIC. Bakeries. CAKK9, pastry and fsncy bakery goods, supplied to parties, lodges and entertsln t ments. g. H. Reader lfrod N. lKth. VV. 3297. UvutscUaaTiiip , , , ELECTRIC house cleaning, our work and prloa will please you. Iet us remove your storm windows and put In your screens. Tyler 931 J. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 812 Neville Block. Bvl- aence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. la.mi nan Detective Agcy., inc.. Kee- llne Bldg. p. 4H. Strictly confidential. Druaa. DRt'Ofl at cut prices, freight paid on 810 orders: catalogues free. Sherman A Mo- Connell Drug Co.. Omaha Neb. Jaa tiers oft be Peace. H. If. CIIHORNE 512 Paxton Blk ; Red 7401. Notary public; dcosltlon steno. rrWTItrltt. il Barker Block, Tirot-erlea. G ROC ERIE S, fruits and vegetables and tender. Juicy meat. Prompt delivery. Tom Jonnson'a Branch Store, 6826 N, 24th St. Phone Colfax 156. w rtTi jrr --: : . - Varaam Cleaners. CLEAN QUICK l.Y and THOROUGHLY WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC; RENT II AND 1160 PER DAY. DOUGLAH 17. 'Aveountanla. E. A. DWOHAK, C. P. A. 438-437 Rantge Bldg. Tel. Douglas 7408. Wall Payer. WALLPAPER cleaning, fl a room. Call Perry. Douglas 47 11 Flat urea aud WTrluge 1)1 TT?lv 1 V Electric waahlng machines, puiwvintlP,,(rlo Irons and reading lampa. tva Cuming St. Doug. 2519 t leaner and Dyers. STATE Dry Clng. Co. 130 N. Uth. D. M7t llentlsts. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 9i W.O.W. Rldg. tuft" D. ntal Roonw." lol7 DiUn"la.P. 21A Mttvlau; tl'IurMa-hins. OMAHA Film fc-v . 14th and Doug. Mo t'on (lotura machine and film bargains. Pa tenia. DO BamHl'axtim HlkTelJted 7117. It. A. Siurges, (Vjo BiaiiJuls Theater Bidg. Want keep ahead possible to ANNOUNCEMENTS Wines and l.fiinora. BUT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house 522 N. I'M It. Douglas l"t. Tailoring;. II. MARfTfl. tailor snd cleaner, pressing snd repalrln. y N. 18th Rt.D. (ttf f nlmney and Farsae leania. Work giiarsnteed. F. Horneman. D. 73!W. AreKlterta. Bverett ". Dortd. 13 Paxton Blk. D. Ml Towel aaapllea. OMAHA Towel Suprly1f7 8. 11th. D. R2S. Faraarn nnal Tinware. HABFRSTRi ill, 4'ttt Hamilton, Wal. J9T1. FRKLlNtl Ar HTr.lNLK, 1W Far'nam St Watch (ipeetellata. Chrlallansen, 2d fl.jjaxton Hk., IS yr. ex p. WeAdiasr Stationery. Wedding announcements. Douglaa Ptg. Co. Advertising; "Joveltlea, M. F. Shnfer AV Co., 13th-Farnam. P. 7474. I oncrete i onlrartora. WALKS, steps, drlvewsys, floors, high rines woik. I'none Doug, uisi lor esti mate. 8. K Hole. v I'rlnttnaj and Itffloe laspllra. ONE writr press printing Imitation typewriter letters; one Invalid sanitary chair; one collapsible ro-cart. Tel. W.71 59 WATKRH-BAHNHAHT PlK. Co.. aualltv printing.. Tel. Doug 2IW. Ki S. nth St t'HM HAij I'rintingt o. I i iji.as 87M. rOI'OIA8 I'rlntlna Co. Tel. Douslas 644? Attornera. C. T. Dloklnaon 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1S04, Braee and Iron Fonndrlee. Paxton-MltcheU Co., 27th and Martha Bts. iTnnelnaf A pa enemies. DB LTTX ACADEMY, 111 H. lth St. Kleoirolyala. tTloa Allender. 624 Bee Bid g. Red S"6g. : Chirnpodiats. Cania J. Buford, 629 pax. Blk. Red 4687. WANTED TO BUY WANTfjb False teeth. We pay high aa 82 for full ants. Bend by mall. Don't matter If broken. Western Metal Co., Bloomlngton, 111. WA.NTk.lJ l,Mold feather beds; hlgh eat prlcea paid. Addreas A. B. Mack, general delivery, Omaha. Drop postal, will call. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Read. 12OT Farnam. SWAPPERS' COLUMN HAVE parts for a Frost transmission, slso have a 40-horse power Werner transmtaatrm, three speeds, absolutely perfect' also two 40-horse power hind axles In A-l shape; also about 13 cas ings and tubes, different sixes. Will swap together or separate for what have you r Aqnmi o. t Witt, Bee. WHAT WlLTTVoU TKAD1Q7 for 1W acres, Fall- Rlvar county. South Dakota; small house, fenced, part broke; good wheat and alfalfa land; title A-l; mortgage, 800. due In 1919, per cent; price S3.U0O: 11 miles from Oel llch. F. G. Seward. 1024 Sahller St., Omaha. BlUCK, 46 a. p., old model, but gooa condition; Just the thing to cut down to a speedster; want a Ford truck, horses, tools, or what? Let nie show It. 8. c. HAVE i rugs (Ingrain), 1 dresser, 1 bed snd niattreaa, 4 pillows, S rooking . chairs, S kitchen chairs; will swap any or sll for what, have you? Address U. , vr, Bee Si VOLUMES American law and 'proce dure text books, SS-callber Speolal re- vnlv.r Will t Tn i m tnf rv. n w. A1 . . 1 1 ..... - .v. j wo, run- top desk, or what have you? Address C. Bee. A 1915BRAND new Overland, bought last fall, driven leas than 1,000 miles on Omaha streets. Will trade and take in 1916 five-passenger Ford. No other tradea accented. Aildresa S C inar n VlLL exchange 6u H. P. fivs-pasaenger lllln 1 IT ff nn.l ih.n.1 1 1 1 f nvai.li.iiU4 1913 model, good tires, fully equipped, for lighter oar. or, what have you? Ad dress 8. C 1083. Bee. ADDING machine, will swaD for Ford auto, piano player, pictures, books, ot what have you? The machine Is tn ex- cellent condition. Address B. C. 1OT4. Bee. VIOLIN Full sixe vlolTn, 80 years old; will trade for violin three-quarters sixe, or anything of equal value I can use. Aanress . c. 1077. wee. 1 .88 blue steel revolver, 1 .23 revolver, 1 tennis racket to exchange for good watch or anything; I can use. S. C. 696. ijee HAVE ona Eclipse gaa rsnge; will trade for blrd'seye maple ohlffonter and two pairs of girls' ball-bearing roller skates for one Plymouth Rock cockerel. 8. C. 6-. Bee, RAVE piactlcally new 11.10 Edison, Am berola to trade for good horse and bunny or would take good pony and BaddJe.ddressS.009i1Bee: WILL trade 800 Chli-kerlng Bros, piano. Walnut rase, for Ford or (rood team, wagon and harness. B. C. 1011. Bee. 1 WILL trade for a 4x or 6x7 camera Give full description and particulars and tell where I ran see and examine satne. Aanresa . c. 1103, Bee. WOULD exchange oak wood refrigerator, need only two months; capacity 90 pounds; white enamel What have yout ouress rs tj, jiwi, iee. DIAMOND ring, oiie and three-fifth carat: will exchange for good Ford ' worth 83oO, or-take motorcycle or piano. Address 8. C. 1092 Bee. I7a V U two thoroughbred sliver spangled Hamburg Cockerels, worth 10. Will swap for hens, or what have you. Ad- urews n. t;. 3, Bee. I HA V1 one-half interest in new pat ented article that I will trade for un improved lots or a good auto; no junk wanted. Harney 6390, WANTED TO ; EXCHANGE Oak side board for gasoline range; gas Iron for electric Iron; gaa range for a rood rug. S. C. 693, Bee. I HAVE several things that I will swap for a canoe or motor boat; must be In good condition. Address S. C. lOhO, Bee. HAVE ona 18-foot Michigan steel bull t- horsepower motor boax; want light car or what have yo u? S. C. loss. Bee. i SWAP, buy and sell kodaks; films developed free. KASE STUDIO. Ne vlllti iik.. lUli and Harney Sts. UaRaSE" waTJrobe trunk to trade for In cubator, carpenter tools, or what have you? Addreas 8. C. loan. Bee. ENGLISH pouters and turblt pigeons to trade for homer or carneau pigeons. Address 8. C, l"i4, Omaha Hee. HA VIC open carriage end fine closed car rlage. What have you to offer? Apply 1.' B. 10th St. flAVE parts for a Maxwell I or a model O to swap for what have youT 8. C. mhi, nee. EUAMONDd, value IJUO, to exchange for automobile. -Must be In flrat claas con- anion. Artilrese . C. low. Bee. LARGE, maaxlve, uuarlersawed oak brary table, coat v. aame as new; w Vletrola or what? Box C. 10H9. Be TT- want 109. Bee. V ILL aw up even, Cramer piano for Saxon, Argo or other liwht car, or what have you? Address S C. HWl, Bee. EDlrlON home phonograph, records arid stand; will swap for trunk or leather traveling hag. S. C. l'VO, Bee. MoRHlri chair valued at 817; will ex change for good leather suit case, . . pan. nee. U N 1 K RU")OD. No. 4. and Smith Pre inter. No. I, for what have youT Ad dresa B. C. 10T6. Bee. WHAT l ave you to trade for a beautiful Persian rat: will consider a good icmale cm. f. y nea. ONE Eastman Kodak; will cousldur pure breed chickens, or what have youT Bog S. C. liKK, Hee. HAVE IM gaa range, good aa new. to swsp for coal rsnge; same must be In good condition. Addreas S. C. Mi, Bee. - Ad Service From THE The Bee's Want-Ad Section is a .great publio service insti tution that works for everybody big and little rich and poor its benefits must be available to all with perfect freedom. an Ad in Now SWAPPERS COLUMN CAMERA 4x.1, 8 plat"? holders and por trait Irna. What have you? Address P. r l'C, Bee. WANT to-- swap Victor and Columbia records for others. Address 8. C. I'M, Pee. -FOOT refrlaerator anal shoe rase to trale for Ford chassle. P C. Rfll. Hee. EvL'lTY In country atore building, want , - i 1 . J ... V.I Ztit I ) '. .1 tr OTmM) cornet vaiuJ fit llFTor furnTture, r w nni ' i "x-. RKJ I STEREO Airdale pupe for tradeT What have you? B. C. f.!4. Bee. "s-PASSENOKH car to trade for Ford car or Ford chassis. 8. C. Mm. Hee. Bl'ILDINO IAJT for Ford car. Phone after 8 p. m, Colfax 179. WJLL do plumblna work for 1914 or 1915 Kora. Harney ..m. 8.M ALI cook stove to exchange for poul try. 3. C. ima. Ree. 2i LOADS of dirt for the hauling. Phone Red 74n. TWO silk Angora goats, value 81. or what haveT Address B. C. 1090, Baa. BUSINESS CHANCES TRUSTEE'S SALE. Tha undersigned, trustea for tha es tate of the Sargent Hdw. & Fur. Co. of Sargent, Custer county, Nebraska, will offer for sale, and sell . at publla auction, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the approval of the under signed, the stock of hardware, furni ture and fixtures and tools that will invoice about six thousand (S'l.OOO.OO) dol lars, said sale to ake place In the store room where said property is located, on Wednesday, the 22d day ot March, A. D. 1916, at S o'clock In tha afternoon of aid day. The undersigned trustee reserves the right to reject any or all bids at said ale. There Is only one other hardware tore outside of this one being operated In Sargent, ind this affords a good op portunity for anyone desiring to en gage In the hardware business. Any one deslrins; to examine ssld hardware stock before aale date can do so by call ing on the undersigned at Ssrgent, Neb. REMEMBER DATE OF SALE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 120. AT SAR GENT, NEBRASKA, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. A. V. T'lHLMPP. Trustee HAVE the best proposition for a aooU live man with 81 ,C00 in a straight money making business. Can shova you what the buaineaa will do. No gueas work. Addreas (i 876. Bee. i.OTEL furniture and business; onty hotel In good business town. Price rea sonable. Health reason for selling. Ad dress Commercial Hotel, Ansley, Neb. MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and second-hand. See us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., Balrd Bldir roug. 329. FOR SALE Infanta, children's and la dies' furnishing store at David City, Neb., at a barealn; best location lit town; doing aa excellent business; want to retire. Box No. 838. David ' Ity. Neb. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of Hard ware; live town central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. Be quick. Ad dreas, Y 267. Bee. TO LEASE Garage, to right party; will invoice ona thousand dollars; the only one in town; money-maker. Jeff M. Williams, Hay Springs. Neb. HAIR dressing parlor for sale, five years' buaineaa (caah only), In Sioux City, la. Addreas .826 Davidson Bldg., Sioux cit FOR BALE -table billiard parlor in town ot 3.000, a bargain If you act quick. Write box 608. Chadron. Neb. FCiR SALE At a ancrlfice price, 84,600 grocery stock; might consider some trade. Addreas M S07. Bee. SAIOON Good paying business In a good wet town. White, or call N. H. Neuena, pierce, Neo. tHEATERS Buy. leas or sail your the ater, macnine ana supplies tnrougn Theater Ex. Cc. 1408 Farnam. D. 'J7. Dowd Sale and Auotlon Co., Omaha, have closed out more mdse. -stocks than any other firm in U. S. Write for terms. SMALL CIGAR FACTORY tor sale. Go ing concern. Good reason for selling. K. A. wimpson. mue mil. MeD. VIlLJaSis .Nestabllshed 29 years, to buy siftcss; see him. 411 McCague or sell business Bldg., reference U 8. Nat. Bank. OFFICE For Foal estate or Insurance; same floor aa Bee office; 18x21 feet; 830. Tha Bee Bldg., Office Room ids. FOR 8ALE Good paying restaurant; new live town (other bli.). Box 45, Grass Bsnge, Mont. fX)R SALE My saloon at once. See me, Henry Foster, at the Harney hotel, the 2"th and Zlst. TWO-CHAIR barber outfit; make offer. 420 First Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Hotel building with bar con nected. Apply of Peter Mangold, Ben- ningron, ceD. 0" BelTJ or buy a business, call csj Busch at Borghoff. Frenser Blk. D. 331 . TO OUT In or out of business call oni GANOESTAD. 42S Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. FOR SALE Groceries and pictures. In qulre at 1621 M St., Bouth Omaha. Roaming; Houses. S-ROOM brick flat, strictly modern; best of furniture; this place has been inv home for a number of years, but must sell on account of sickness: six rooms now oocupled by gentlemen; will sell at a bargain. Address G. 60S. Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED Mala. YOUNG man wants position in automo bile bualness. Has had 4 years' expeil ence n this line as repair man and chauffeur. Can furnish the best of ref-ereiu-ea. Call Doug. 8632. WANTED By young man, position on farm or as gardener. Wm. Mathhies, South Omaha, Route 4. YOUNG man, good carpenter and Salnter, wants Job with small wages. oes not use the time for smoking or drinking. J. K. Evana. Pen 1 Delivery. MAN Experienced as builder and car penter, wants position of any kind at nun. T l.i 1 1 lt 1 1. ItiAjtt A .lr fnr l)willll.l FARMERS When you want help write or call Empire Labor Agency, 208 S. I2iti. fnone Doug. !. COMPETENT man and wife want work together. - Douglas 7M8. THREES, graphs shrubs, trimmed; lawn raking, Webster 7812. w-cmale. REFINED, educated woman wlahea po sltion aa housekeeper in small, refined home, where reliable service would be appreciated. References exchanged. Ad dress f gw. nee. SITUATION wanted aa housekeeper; country preferred; no objection to chil dren or school age; pest or rererences given snd required. 8112 N. 24th St., or phone Webater 1W4. Mrs. P. Borne. AN educated. refinedIady, axed 32, would like a position as companion to an elderly lady or Invalid. References fur nished. Address M 889. Uee. COLORED woman wants general house work or position as cook. Phone Tyler is2 IkHDDLE-AGED lady wants position as housekeeper; small family; reference enchanged. Call Red 2193. EXPERIENCED colored girl would Ilka position ss chambermaid, half day a Veb. 1219 FRAlFTCAL nurae, will do some house work. Phone Tyler 2?68 befote 1:30 p. m. Practical nurae. Tv. .92 W. 1711 Hurt St. I.auudrr ana Day Worn.. BY competent woman, washing and lron lug In family; first-class references. Colfax 174. Ff ftKECT bundle waahiug, reasonable. Harney 0)61. Results Are Sure to Come SITUATIONS WANTED l.wnndrr and flny Work. EX I'EKl ENCF.D woman wsnts work cleaning or laundress. Tyler COLORED woman Doualas M72. wants day work. FAMILY washing; bundle washing. Web. 4. VI Competent laundress, dnv work Vv . 19"7. C jennins,laiindryaridday work. D. 74H9. oninn wants steady wash places. So.22'.l. l petlenced laundry or cleaning". W. 70"4. fmall feniliy bundle wawliiiin. Weh.lMI. lU'Vpl.K wslilng wanted. Web. 1V.2. WASHING. Ince curtnl'ia dune Tyler 11441 BUNDLE w a ahlng and day work. W. 21ZH. LAUNDRY, washing, cleaning. Har. 9511 LAUNPHV. Ironing. S. -''h. H. 4K!1. WANTED Day work. Call Tyler 2i0. " HELP WANTED-MALE Stores and Offices. SALESMAN, groceries SlOO SALESMAN, specialties 123 STENOGRAPHER 7S STENO., beginner - ! STENOGRAPHER. R. R - CLERK, R. R ARCHITECTURAL draughtsman .... 86 THE CANO AGENCY. 00 BEH BLDG, SALESMAN, auto supply IKW BOOKKEEPER - M BOOKKEEPER 75 STENOGRAPHED 80 STENOGRAPHER -. 75 THREE office boys WATTS RKF. CO.. ato-43 nranneia i nea. Square pegs in square holes. we rind a pomtion mat ins you 1016-18 CITY NATL BANK BLDO. LN EXCELLED buslnesii opportunity. Experience, references and 3C0 required. Address C. 873, Bee THE MARTI COMPANY, Employment Specialists. 1R27 W. O. W. Rldg. STENOGRAPHER and- clerk! Good chance for future advancement, salary IW. A 6fi3, Ben. Xn experienced auto aocessory salesman. Don't apply unless you have sold ac- oeaaoriea. Salary 810". 8 ?, Bee. BOOKKEEPER. M"ut understand mer cantlle accounts. m. B-6M, Bee. Professions snd Tradea. CAR carpenters, experienced; piece work ers, for rebuilding wooden box cars. Sheffield Car and Equipment Co., Kan sas t iry. m. BT-.A CKiSMITH All-around man at York. Write to Harry HitlcK. Torx. iseo. SHINGLERS wanted. 86th Ave. and Dav enport. flrvg ttore jnaps. Jobs KTnejst. Bee Bldg. Halesaien and Bolloltora. WANTEl A man with good selling ability and capable of managing; furni ture department. Gate City Furniture i ompany WANTED A few good Hva men, for Ne braska and Iowa; to sell ona of tha best patents on the market. Virgin field, big money for the man who has push and ambition. If you want the beet proposi tion of tha day apply at once. 1201 w. O. W. Bldg. WANTED 8tock and bond Salesman. Standard Security AY Investment Co.. 1207 W. O. W. Bldif.. Omaha ' SALESMAN WANTED Call 623 8. 16thT Hotels and Hntaanata, RELIABLE employment agency, igjg UtVBIlIUII L . , 1 1. M ; . 1U IlUief help; apeo. attention to distance orders. WANTED A No. 1 cook for hotel; ex- penence ana rioiTiiw icmureu. AO' dress Y-813. Bee. Trade Schools. MOLEB BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn tha trade. Wa have originated a plan 1 to teach it quickly and earn back tuition while tearing. Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue, 110 So. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. HEN wanted to learn the barber trade. Tuition, $25. 1608 Cass St., Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL ' has moved from S408 Leavenworth St. to 3028-28 Farnam St. LEARN barber trade, more than make your tuition while learning. Set of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue. 1402 Dodge. TR1-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work tor the big spring; rush. Pine training work on autos and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. STfS Famam Bt Omaha, Neb. Boys. WANTED Boy, 14 or 16 years, to help on farm all summer. Write Andrew Haaenyager, Tecumaeh, Neb. Mlarejla neons. WaNTKD-Vouiw men us railway mall clerks. 875 m(uith: sampla examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept.' 7l-N. itocnemer. re. 1. WANTED A man to take care of firea and help around kitchen; one who understnnds calcomlnlng, 2124 Douglas. MEN of good moral character to receive special training; for government position paying SM'OO to 3.t,(tt per year. Address p-essi. ee MEN OR WOMEN, 1H or over, wlahlng government positions, 876 month and over, should apply for particulars to Y 92. Bee. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, train brakemen; 8120 monthly, txperienco unnecessary Railway, Y 286. Bee. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS wanted for up-to-date accident snd health insurance. Federal Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb. If Interested write Ira E. Atkinson. Sec y and Gen Mgr., ICth and O St., Wilkinson Build ing. Lincoln. iNen. ADVERTISK your property aa though you believed Us sale or rental to be Important, by kenplng It listed In the Pig House. Home and Real Kttate Guide THE BEE HELP WANTED FEMALE Store and Offleea. Stenographers When In need of a position call pn us. No charge. Remington Typewriter Co., Douglas 1264. STKNO., beginner STENO. snd clerk STENO. snd bookkeeper BOOKKEEPER and typist. ... . 4o . 40 . 4i COMPTOMKTKK operator .. 60 THE CANO AGENCY, tWO BEE BLDG. In accordance with this policy the Bee is now accepting Want Ads over the telephone at the CASH RATE of one cent per uvord all you have to do is pay the collector when he calls. " HELP WANTED FEMALE STFNOGKAPHER STFNOGRAPIiER aa TYPIST ' WATT3JR ETA CO., 84TMS Prandels They Profession a aid TraOea. NEAT laSiea to do pleaaant work; looally, , and to travel; pay every evening, Ap- fly between and 10;30 a. rn. 307 8. 8th ' St.. Council Bluffs. WANTED Ten machine operators Iri ' neckwear dept. Good hours and good pay. Smith Lock wood Mfg. Co., 13tt 1 and Caatellar. f , EXPB:RIENclKDchooolate dippers. ' J. O'Brien Co. i LEARN halrdreaalng at The Oppenhetm Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED A few active ladles, to repre-' sent a large mfg. concern In Nebraska ; and Iowa, for one of the fastest selling patents on the market; b'.g demanu, . Pleasant work and good pay. Apply 1201 W. O. W. Bldg. " . Household nnd Domestic. . . FREVJ. Ada for servant girls accepted three days free of chargo for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. SUrjf ""nrt r phone your ad to THE BEE office. Phone Tyler 1000. j WANTED White rntld frTr general j housework; references. Mrs. Charles , m"n. mx capitol Ave. I EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no washing. Mrs. T. J. Dwyers. I 47 North S9th fit. Harney 20. WHITE girl for general housework; rondj, y'sca for right girl; small family. Web. ! "gTk)D girl for general housework: for ,1 eiin preierrca. zjw weDster St. Dou ar70 w ANTED Girl for general housework; ' 8 In family; good wages. 2724 Spauldlng , Pt. Phone Col. 3QSQ. 1 COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing. 8C11 Jackson St. Harney 14ffl. AK experienced frlrl for general house work. 602 So. 40th. Har. 171. tVANTED A neat white girl for general houaework: 8 In family. Tel. Red S960. for general housework, aniall . wages, no wa shlng. SQ9 S. 31st St. STAID WANTED Mrs. Walter Chamber- i lain. 1129 S. 32d St. Phone Harney 6H44. 1 fJoOD, white girl for general houseworkT nit at imvpniinri, or liar, zow. i WHITE girl for general houaework. 115 N. 32d Ave. Phone Hwmey 3300. Y6UNG girl to help with housework. Kill n. B?nn Ave. lei. woutn za4. GOOD girl for general housework. 610 S. 26th Ave. Red 4C.98, "YOUNG girl to help with housework.' nenson zxa. Mlacejlaneoos. WANTED Protestaqt woman to aot as our representative in each community; no canvassing; pleaaant, profitable work; send stamp for ps.rtlculars. The Helping Hand. South Bend. Ind. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE) MONET ON COURSE. For aale. with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of course in a reliable Business School, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below reguar price. If you are considering taking a caurss Investigate this at once, since Spring Term begins soon. Call office, Omaha Bee. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL 6 TENOGRAPHT BOOKKEEPING. Day Sohool for Toting Women. Evening- Sohool for Young Men and Women, Saturday morning class in typewriting. of ona C. Duffy, Owner and Mrrisger. 8. ISth St Omaha FOR sale, the following scholarships tv ' a ftrst-olass Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course One three-months' bualness or steno- graphlo course. Will be sold at a discount at the office K of The Omaha Bee. DAY SCHOOL. BOYLE3 COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book, keeping. Shorthand, Stenotype, Type writing, Telegraphy, Civil Service all Commercial aid English brancnea. Cat alogue free. BOYX.ES COLLBOB, Uth and Harney Sts. tet. Douglas lam. PAXTON Blk. School of 'Lettering and Art teaches paying trades privately. R. 611. Class or private lessons, town town j atudlo. Phone Web. 1554. Si PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured "'Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula 1 And other rectal diseases without surgt-l cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no I money paid until cured. Write for bookl on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 24Q Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kidney trouble, goitre, nervous ness and asthma sufferers are suc cessfully restored to health by me.. Examination Free. Call Suite 312 Bee Bldg.. DR. W. II. KNOLLENBERG, Chiropractor. - Tyler 1988. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as j strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building) at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., when I they will be directed to suitable board-! lug places or otherw ise assisted. . Look I for our travelers' guide at the Union I Station. j 8J.0U0 TO PENSION INVALID-. The Ladies' Home Journal 81.50 i The Saturday Evening Poet l .50 Tho Country Gentleman 81 00 ' 0 subscriptions by April earns that! 83,000 for The Invalids' Pension Ass n. 1 Your order or renewal contributes 60c. Phono Douglas) 71t;:l, or address GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. Omaha, Neb. - , THE Salvation Army Industrial home so- 1 Holts your old clothing, furniture, mi azlnes. We collect. We distribute. 1 Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will , call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. DR9. JOHNSTONS, Chiropractors, ot Sheldon, la., wish to announce their location at 247 N St., S. O. Consultation free and Invited. 1'hone South 4t18. DO not send money If you are addicted to drink, but write for booklet. No cure, no pay. The Furley, 3157 Farnam, Omaha, 'hene Harney lii. i-ITPTURF, Successfully treated u u x iuiiu,lttat a tirelCRi operation. Call or write Dra. Wiay Ac Matheny. 808 Bee Rldu.. Oinalia Nl'BO.VE Corset Shop; aurgical coracle a specialty. Webster-Sunderland Bid;., 1'ith an d Howard. Red 4.'2. MASSAtaC AND J-.LECTKlC BATHS. chiropody. Misses Gray and Head, 210- -14 Balrd Blk.. Ut h nnd I ougaa. I 3l.'rt. STRAW hats dyed; look like new. Pluinca Paradise and algretiea cleaned and dyed. Dora Eisele. D. 8t. 1138 City Nat. Bk. BEE 1 1 A aV 1 ' 1