TIIE HEE: UMAHA. MONDAY, MARCH 0, IMG. s i Tol'Nij women coming lo Omaha as strangers sre Invited lo visit the Young Women's Christian association building it l?t h St. and St. Marys Ave., whom they will be directed lo suliaMe board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' g ilde at the Union Station. $.i,i"l TO PENSION l. Vuue. The ladles' Koine. Journal !l.iO 1.00 'The Saturday FAenlng Post 'The I'nnnlrv (nlli'niAn (HO subscriptions by April earns mat $3,000 for The Invalid' Pension An n. Your order or renewal contributes 600. Phone Douglas TlfiS. or address DORLMJN, THE MAGAZINE MAN. Omaha.jNeh. THK SalvatlonArmy Industrial home ao llrlts your old clothing, furniture, man ailnes. We coilert. We distribute. 1'hone Douglas 41 and our wauon will call. Call and Inspect our new noma. 1UO-1112-1114 I lodge St. TrRS. JOHNSTON i S, Chiropractors, of Sheldon, la., wish to announce their location at 2407 N St., S. O Consultation free and Invited, l'hone South 4il8. DO not aend money If to drink, but write you are addicted ror nooKiet. .o cure, no pay. The Furley, 31 j? Farnam Omaha, Phono. Harney 3742. KTT P T TT T? V. Successfully treated U J. 1 f "without a surclcal operation. Call or write Dm. Wray At Matheny. 3o$ Hee Bldg.. Omaha Nt'BONE Corset Whop; surgical corsets a specialty. Webster-Sunderland Bldg., 1h and Howard. Red 42. MASSAGE ANu hLbL'l'KlC BATHS, chiropody. Misses (liny and Head, 210 214 Balrd Blk., 171 h and Douglas. P. 34f8. THAW hats dyed; look like new. Plumes Paradise and aigrettes cleaned and dyed, flora Klsele. l. HM. lias City Nat. Hk. rEHSONAL Misses Staples and Shaffer, bath, electric treatment. Open 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Douglas 71.1. 401 Ware Blk. MAE BRUOMAN. Steam and shower baths. Massage. Red 2727. Room $n$ Karbach Hlk. MASSAGE Miss Webster, 618 Pax ton Plk. D. 8227. Office hours 10 to 8. RHEUMATISM treated successfully ; re sults giiarant'd. I.r. Bowser. 314 Hee Rid. SCIENTIFIC massage. Phone Douglas 6372. iM bee B'.dg. FOR ENT ROOMS Karnlabed Roniui, ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS: If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads, call at The Use office for a Room List gives complete detailed descrip tion of vacant rooaia In all parts of the city. If more convenient phono The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address, and a list will be mailed to you at onca. New lists are issued every week. SOUTH Mth St., 808 Three fine, large, modern rooms for three or more gentle men. Bath on same floor; welkins- dis tance; can also let garage room.. Rent reasonable. Telephone Douglas 779. 938 N. 26TH ST. 2 front bedrooms, all modern house; can have use of ptano; refined private family. THE IRVING 2102 Leavenworth, modern, newly furnished, steam heated rooms; gentlemen preferred. Tyler 890. 1009 PACIFIC ST. Have several single rooms, lust vacant. Would llko to hear from people appreciating a home. 6T N."27TH ST. Two nicely furnlshel rooms In private home, modern. Colfax 330. 2T3 St. Mary's Nicely furnished mod ern room with piano. $2.60 per week. 5TlCE clean rooms, newly furnished. 308 N. 20th St. Tel. Red 6240. NICELY furnished room, close in; all modern. 631 s. zz Ht. HAVE several rooms Just vacant. Mod ern home. Call Douglas 6799. To nicely furnished rooms. 224 N. 25th. i vler 7K8, e03 g. 29TH1 ST. Strictly ftrst-claaa rooms. Harney 1666. Hooseketplag Booms. 2721 JACKSON Suite of light housekeop Ing rooms, newly papered and every, thing clean and new. Call Harney 1586. 2917 MASON Suite of 3 rooms for house . keeping; everything furnished; I south rooms. Harney 6012. 2563 ST. MAR Y ' 8 Two modern rooms, floor; furnished complete for houae- keeping. TtS HOWARD Clean. Comfortable housekeeping: and sleeping rooms; rent reasonable J9U LEAVENWORTH Two modern front rooms, ferred. very desirable; gentleman pre- MOl'ERN housekeeping rooms, front, newly papered, gas furnished. 40$ N. 16th. . f)C4 S. 13TH Modern housekeeping rooms; also several sleeping rooms. Tyler 650. 2 SMALL connecting rooms, cheap. Har nev 1849. 3 CONNECTING rooms for housekeeping, modern, well located. Douglas 2203. MODERN light housekeeping private. 1711 Burt St. rooms, Board and Rooms. 207 N. 23D Table board, good home oook-Ingr- also have nice large front room suitable for several gentlemen; modern; reasonable. Call Red (666. , ROOM and board for two ladies or couple employed; In privets family and modern home. lH otnrop st vveo. gut. BOARD and room for gentlemen: single or en suite; modern home; walking die ts nee: on car line. Tel. Tyler 2537. ONE connecting suite of front rooms, two rooms suitable for two, Webster 7172. with board. I nfurnlahed Rooms. 2710 DAVENPORT ST. 6 rooms, modern, all on one floor, $18 per month. Roos Wax-ted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WaNT AD DEPT. and find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. - It's a plan that la helping many people rent their rooms. WASfTKi' Koom and board In private family by lady employed through the day; must be in good neighborhood and near car line; references. Address S. 665. Bee. HOTELS THE CHATHAM, A Residential, Transient Hotel. 110 S. 13th. catering to men. Douiriaa WI2. cine to 7rc day.. o HOTEL DILLON, 62i So. 16th St. RATES: 60c-76c-$77 Sntclal rates to per- " '.nanent roomers. HOTEL 8ANFORD. HOTBL HA RLE Y. 11 h and Farnam. iDOth and FarDam, rpeclal Rates to Permanent Guests. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses Apartments. ROOMS modern, steam heated; Ieavenworth. Tyler 4K). tilt FOR RENT HOUSES West. STRICTLY MODERN s-KOOM HOUtSE. LARGE LOT AND GARAGE, ON FARNAM CAR. WEST. GAS. ELEC TRICITY, STEAM HEAT. PHONE, IKU'GLAS lSHis. J 14 No. ith, brics. In rooms. $a0. 11 So. 81st, modern, 8 rooms. $35. a) Ko. 41st, modern, 7 rooms, $2.1. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 6T4. DE8I RABLE West seven-room brick: newly decorated; $40. Harnev IIM. Farnam location; entirely modern; 3317 Dodge. Phone i-ROOM. modern brick house, close In, suitable for rooms, $40. J. H. DI'MONT CO.. 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Tel. Doug, win. DODGE 6-room modem house, flrst rlaas condition; very cheap rent. $-"7.60, vacant April 1; occupants will show It W. W. Mitchell. Owner. Phone Web. S7b. $520 LINCOLN BLVD. U-room house strictly modem, with hot water heat , Price $60. Douglas 1818. $LJ N. 38 AVE., a rooms; i baths; April lt: tv rour. M7. iRoOM cottage for rtnt. Hut Davenport Phone Harney 1311 orf. 4-KOiM mod. flat, US N. Uih St.. $17. 217 Cun.lng St.. t-r uni moueru except heat. J: B ROBINSON. 44.' Ii li'di. PERSONAL FOR RENT-HOUSES North. mnov desirable cottage S. K. corner 24th and Carllol Ave. Fine neighborhood, close in. Well kept up. part modern $1S to desirable s-nnll family. Itrsdv now Irnjnlre ftp, t east. Ill mM modem flul. d; Spencei. eler 127S. Wi- li-KM.l sottsgr, moduli rxcept heat. eh. 3.T.4, BRICK tiats, W to $U".. 31st and Ames Avenues; good for laboring people; water free, phone Walnut XTK2. l-ROOM cottage near 21th and Amea; electric lights, gas for cooking. Only til). F.mest Sweet. IV 1472. a-RooM house, fine lot. large barn, chicken house, cistern and fruit treea. $lf. Phone Florence .VS. 3011 MIAMI ST 7-room. all mod house; at $20. half block from cai; cheap Vhone Webster 71R1. f KOOM house for rent, with fruit trees and bushes. Florence 'J?!. FIVE rooms, upstairs, partly modern, Hoctor telephone service, i. Blvd. Tyler 2M W. 1515 GRANT ST. 7-r. com., modern T. F. Hall. 433 Ramge Rldf. Doug. 74' -ROOM, newly papered and modern, HO. 4118 N, 3th. painted. 7-R.. mod.. Y!2 Manderson. Weh. 32-Vi. oath. FOR RENT 7 rooms, new oak floors, new plumbing and electric lights. 1M Houth 2Mb St., ti. Benson A Myers Co., 424 omaha Nat. Bunk Bldg. 7-ROOM house, neighborhood strlcilv modern; splendid 3032 Mkircy. Harney FOR RENT Five rooms. E. I. Branch, 1417 S. l'Hh St. l'hone louglaa 4S70. 5-ROOM house, modern, egcept furnace. hn S. 2(th Ave. Harney 43f6. 4-ROOM cottage, water and gaa. Arbor. Douglas 744, r'ROOMS, all modern, large lot. 27S3 S. 9th St. LiKSl RABLE. modern b-room cottage, 6JS H. I'.Uh Ave. Hixenhnugh. Doug. 4236. MlsceJ la neons. D37 So. 2th Ave.. 6-r., strictly mod., tta. 2216 Ia ven worth. 10-r., mod. ex. ht., 30. IH2 So. 29th, -r., mod., I22.RO. W7 So. 18th, 4-r., all mod., 126. I4 So. 2Mb, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, US. 3118 Decatur, 7-r., strictly mod., $30. 200! Spencer, 9-r.. all mod., 130. 2208 Clark, 4-r., mod. ex. heat, $16. 3217 Burt, 5-r., mod. ex. heat, $14. 2RI7 Emmet. -r., mod. ex. heat, $17.60. 2618 Emmet, 7-r., all mod., $23. 2721 No. 2Kth Ave, 5-r., mod. ex. ht,, $11. 2H26 Blnney. 4-r., part mod., $10. 2S11 Charles. 7-r., all mod., $27.60. FOR RESPONSIBLE COLORED FAMILY 2018 Charles, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $12.50. 31'W Seward. -r., mod. ex. heat, $15. WILL, REPAIR ANY OF ABOVE. McCAGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1506 Dodge St. Doug. 415. o. FOR GARDENING AND POULTRY. t-r., downtown, colored; $12. Also a 9 and a $ (like bungalow) and ACRE GROUND. $6 and V. Also 6-r.. Cali fornia bungalow and acre, $14. Tel. D. 2107. Evenings. Wsl vJn. LIST your vacant homes and flats with us; we get out and show. YOUNG MAN. 801 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 1476. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIGH. SONS CO. M BKR BTDQ. DOUG. 209. 6-ROOM modern house in Florence. Florence 135. Call FOR RENT AP'TS AfJD FLATS West. VERY choice 4 or (-room steam heated aDartment. on West Farnam St. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1902 FARNAM ST. BEAUTIFUL 4-room apartment, sub lease to September 1. Apartment 1, or Douglas TS64. Maple Apts., 2i01 Harney. MODERN 6-room apartment, including sleeping porch. Wwll located, Harney 1399. ST. CLARE apartment. 24th and Harney.', (-room Harney 647. WortH. 4-RooM heated apt. corner first floor"; vacant April 1st; will decorate to suit; see It any Urns; summer rate, $22.60. 1812 Maple St. 4 large rooms- modern; newly deco- rated. $20. 1821 Maple fit FIVE-ROOM steam heaud apartment," very desirable; the Chula Vista, (Oth and Poppleton Ave., (42.60. Bran- dels Theater Bldg. Doug. 157 DErIRAULE six-room flat, steam heatedl 2624 Leavenworth St. Rent $80. Conrad Young, 822 Brandels Thea. Bldg., P. 1671. 1212 NICHOLAS ST. 4-r. modern flat, steel range, gas stove, water paid, $16. RASP BR OB. Douglas 1653. MODERN, steam-heated apartment, near P. C: $18 upwards. G. P. Stebblna. FOUR rooms Emmet. and bath. upstairs, 2115 Soatfc. (-ROOM modern flat. $28. 1023 H. list. Miscellaneous. MONTH FREE RENT. CL08E-IN APARTMENT. t-r. and bath apartment, brick, mod. except heat; good neighborhood: $12.50. D. E. BUCK. 9U Omalia Nat. D. 1226. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores moves, packs, ships; (-horse van and 8 men, $1.26 per hour; storage, $2 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas 4338 and Tyler 230. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate, locked rooms, for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 8. 16th St, Douglas 4163. GORDON VAN 00. Packing, storage and mov ing. 219 N. 11th fit. Phone Douglas 894 lo. Harney 1187. MOVING AND STORAGE. PACKING, SHIPPING AND FURNITURE REPAIRING PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY. CENTRAL FURNITURE STORB. Douglas 7786. OMAHA Truck, Van and Storage Co.. moving, packing, storage and shipping, l'hone Douglas 1496. FERRIN VAN & STORAGE Tackl ng, storage. 16 Cap. 'Ave. Tyler 3300. FIDELITY Service FREE Phone Douglas 2i-S for complete list of vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving. l-th and Jackson Sts. Y P TfF.FTl Express Co. Moving, AHij packing and storage. 1207 Farnam St. Douglas 6144. FOR RENl-BUSINtSS PR'PTY lores. STuilK building, r-'xw. with .,eaiit space In the rear, This is only 132 fact from lf)th and Karnam Sts and Is desirable In every way. It will be rented under a lease and can be altered to suit ten- THE BYRON REED COMPANY. Phone IHiug. 27. 213 So. 17th St. BRAND new up-to-date storeroom on Capitol Ave., Just off 16th street, steam heat, toilet and lavatory, light flxturoa in hardwood floors, plate glass win dows. To be ready April I. Cackley Bros VX'RY desirable stores in Grain Exchange building, fire proof, in line with growth of business center. Make a selection to day. F. D. WEAD. u S. lStu 8, W ead Bldg ONlJ store room; plate glass front; ce ment basement; good location for no tions, confections, cigars and tobacco, etc.; $2S per month. Sl"4 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 73. A GOOD oteniiig for restaurant, bakery, millinery, moving picture show. Apply of t eler MHiiKold. HcnnlntUon, Neu. STORE RO'iMlrf ul l-iSil Km hi, in Hi. Tlo.a F Hall. Kauike Hldir. I 74'i iiiodctn; low rent; near imsi U. 1'. St-bbius, ltilu C'lilcu.u. Oi e. FOR RENT SUBURBAN Stores. b 1 ( 'RE build ma. livliir rooms tn rear. 20Dj N With. fnuults IKS". Offices sad TesW Rnm. S.MALI, office Hnd apartment, low rent; near poatoffloe. O I. tcbhlns. WANTED JO RENT t nfnralkhpil llonsea intl Klata. V A NtLd to rent, 4 to fi-roilii house, modern; well out preferred Answer Immediately. Address J 77. Bee, Bnalnrsa Property. lop. with or without machinery anil tool, In tome ll e town W ould buy small stork. Give full particulars first letter. Ad dress 314, Bee. Mtacclioncnaa. G iJNTCrTSfA N Want sro nil and board with Christian fimlly. where there are no other roomers. Address H 970, Bee. WANT Is 1 1 Furnished" smgle room near 4fth and Harney. Address F 87S. Bee. t J - . .- - 1 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Weist. WILL SACRlTlCE FOR UL'ICK 8ALK Moving out of city; will accept first reasonable offer; 6-room, new, modern home, restricted district, walking dis tance. Deal with owner and save com mission, located S130 Lfayette Ave. liprney 2113 N K"w 7-room home w ith garage, cathe dral and Bemis park district. See owner a-id save commission. Harney 44.S2. ONE 6-room honso and 2 lots on 47th and I'arker: good location; will take 2 or t horses as first payment. Phone Walnut 1 4S. North. LOOK AT THESE TWO TO-DATE BUNGALOWS. At (1st St. and Lara yet te Ave., south front, yards ail sodded, nice terrace, cement walks, full basement, floor drains, guaranteed furnaces; first floor has large living room, 12x24, beamed ceilings, fire place, built-in book cases, dining room. 14x16: beamed celling, plate rail, paneled w .'!. buffet and china closet, kitchen, 11x12, with bullt-ln cup boards, back vestibule, stairs go up from kitchen and living room. One house has three bed rooms on second floor, the other has two; oak floors throughout, lots of closet room. Window shades, water meter and every thing complete and up-to-date. These houses are Just east of Bemls park, and within walking distance of the business part of the city. I can sell you these houses cheaper by $300 each than you can buy the lots and build the houses on account of the In crease In price of the building material. W'lll take part payment down, balance monthly. Call owner and tiullder, A. H. Olmstead. Phone Webster 8620. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One of the finest homes In Kountse place, lot 74x124, on corner of the boule vard and Lothrop St., facing south; will take . less for this than It cost to build the house alone, or might take small house In exchange; house has ( rooms, also billiard room on third floor: will take part cash, balance monthly payments: don't overlook this snap; house too lsrge for me. A. II. Olmstead. 1924 Lothrop. Phone Web. 8620. Good Home Very Little Cash Five-room cottage with bath: large lot; fine shrubbery and fruit trees. Price $2,360. Located 4107 North J9th 8u Norris & Norris, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4878. 2016 BURT STREET FIVE BLOCKS FROM FORD FACTORY. 1 N-imi SB rl4 katk mef .HM -.. .. all paving paid; beautiful shade. If taken at once will sacrifice- for the price of lot $2,100. Half cash, balanoe a. at i- iTianoo or a lifetime. J. N. SNIT7-ER. 428 Paxton Blk. D. 81(1. FOR SALE by owner, new 7-room. all modern house, oak finish downstairs, white enamel and mahogany doors up- Bimrs, me noor ana pawn room, wal nut 8218. i BUY OV OWNER. Near Prettiest Mile, strletiy modern B-room bungalow; hot water heat, laun dry. 10-ft. screened porch, east front, oak finish, open stairway and fireplace in 86-ft. living room, built-in bookcase, colonnade. 4422 North list. Pries, $3,600. Terms. Call Webster 8X43. A BARGAIN IN A 6-ROOM HOME. Located at 8825 N. 18th St Btrictly all modern. Has regular 66-foot front lot in a good locality. Price for quick sale $2,2M. Look it over today, or as soon as possible, as it la very seldom you get a bargain like this one. HASTINGS HEYDKN, 1814 Harney St Our New Phone Number Tyler 60.) BARGAIN FOR COIXJRWD PEOPLE. $260 CASH BALANCE RENT. We have a 5-room, strictly modern bungalow, near 2th and Blondo; paved street and paving paid. Full lot and full cement basement. This place is nearly new. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 6th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. KOUNTZE PARK BARGAIN. Beautiful, almost new bungalow, oak finish, five rooms and sunroom, good location, large lot. newly decorated, bullt-ln bookcase buffet, fire place and kitchen cabinet; not water heat: every thing in first class condition. Sea this before you buy. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 6th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. $Ju0 CASH BALANCE U0 PER MONTH. 6 rooms, modern except heat, near 27th and Cuming. This place has been cut from $2.2ft to $1,600. See this and own a home. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 6th Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. PRETTIEST MILE Husband left for out-of-town position: must sell at onoe; new 6-room bunga low; all oak, beam celling, built-in -bookcases, buffet, sunroom, full cement basement; half block from car. u6 Ellison Ave. Colfag 4048. PRAIRIE PARK DISTRICT, Z7H Ames Ave.; 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch; full two-story, south front, beau tiful shade and hedge; wide street; lot 40x130; $600 rash and $30 monthly, In cluding interest. Keys at my residence. B. J. Arannell, 2703 Fowler Ave. Phone Colfax Sr.U or Douglas 3Mi. $300 CASH BALANCE LIKE RENT. 6-room strictly modern cottsge, near Mth snd Ames. Ave. Lot 60xli. Half block from car line. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 6th Fl. Omaha Nat. Hk. Bldg. D. 1781. GREAT BARGAIN Well equipped modern cottage, full ce mented basement, beautiful yard. Spe cial Inducements for cash, as owner is leaving clt y. Tel. Webster 8x2. A FORCED SALE! House, 6 rooms, city water, gas, Mlll irv Road. Clifton Hill: must be aold to settle estate nients. will take $1.6u0 on pay- OKI). Q. WALLACE. 614 Keellne Bldg SPECIAL BARGAIN, (-room cottage, toilet, gaa, water, to ft, lot, $1,300; terms, $! cash or Ford tar for equity. 8. P. BOSTWIC.-C. 100 BK II BLT Ki. FOR 8 A LIS CHEAP; t-room, etrlctly modern house; hot water heat: near tftlh Ave. and Blnney, will sell on easy payment plan. Phone J 'rney 2:1x9. Ff V E -1 IOOM, strictly niodern bungalow for sale by owner, J433 Camden ave., at a bargain. ETikTk house and lot, ir,l$ Sherwood Ave.. $1.2'J0. Quick. Douglas $847. i-ROOM up-to-date bungalow. Call Wsb jter 1946 . $1 JuKTroom house. Urge poroh. lot &0x 12H Shrubbery, fruit. Jo minutes' from postofflce. 3213 Fmmet. O''0li. exi-erlcnced manluurlal. O W. Bldg I'M W. Issth. $J.. terms, 1'jlJ S. 41et St., (-room cot tage, full lot, built last fall before ma- rial advanced; worth $.') more; must t-e sold ouick. Indetendenl Lumiier i'o, 'j2T S. llTH e-i-oonnearly new7sTliciiy modern house, lot UiilU; would dlvlle. Bel ka Ac M jsil. 1nj jlas iM7. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED South. RAILROAD MAN. Just listed one of the most beautiful homes In the south part of town, that can he bought at a great ancrlfloe sale. Eight rooms, strictly modern, with hot water heat onk finish and oak floors throughout: one block from St. Phllo mena s church; 2 block from car. lot Sli feet: street paved; t'O minutes walk for railroad man or business man. Mhist be seen to be appreciated PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. MhKl Omaha 'at Bk.BMg DIJUI FOR SaT7k "- Real estate" Ci'hus "MatOilcs' land of about m acres, ' mile south of Rtiser's Park, will be sold at public auction st enst door of the court house In cltv of i imVia at 10 o'clock In th forenoon. Mtrch 21. 191. His ood pas ture, alfalfa, asparagus, small orchard and good water; a 7-room brick house, big ham and other Improvements; giod location; good neighborhood; '4 mile to Center St. car line. (-ROOM bouse, cemented cellar, good well, cistern and ll kinds of outbuild ings, one-half acre of ground, located on boulevard. l"rlce IK'ToO; will make terms or will trade for acreage. Ad dress ,T fif9. care Bee. tiElght-roomstrictlv modern, brick. lVJS.2Mh. Harney 17T7. Miscellaneous. BAIW.A1NS OX TERMS HASY $2.310 Bus the 6-room modern bouse at 1M S. 2Sth St. Good lot. paved street. 2 blocks from Hansoom Park and car line. Good neighbor hood. Small payment down. $3,600 Riiys the r-room modern house ntig 251?9 California St. Hot water heat Close in. This property originally cost over $7.0ii. Can now be pur chased at about H price. $600 down and balance at $3n per month. $8,000 Buys the 7-room modern bouse at 4017 Hamilton St. House wen mint. Oood lot on car line. Easy terms. BENSON MYERS CO.. 4J4 Omaha Nnt. Bank Bldg. UNUSUAL BARGAIN TRICE REDUCED. For quirk sale, -r. strictly mod. house, having reception hall, living room, din ing room, kitchen, pantry and entry way, on let floor; 8 large bedrooms and bath room on Sd floor. Beautifully decorated, combination lighting fixtures. Brick foundation, full basement ce mented, cement walks; guaranteed furnace. Full slxe lot. east front, paved street, also a good slsed chicken house. Regular price $4,2W, reduced price $J,o0u. Bee us at once In regard to this place as it will go quirk. SCOTT & HILL CO. Douglas 1009. Ground Fl., McCague Bldg. SPRING IS HERB . Dandy B-r. home, i extra lsrge lots; $lf0 down, bal. monthly; less than rent; price only $l,rn0; fine barn, all kinds fruit; close to car; dandy place for chickens, etc; make own living. It us show vou today. Call Colfax 27S8. OSBORNE. 701 Om. Nat. Bk. D. 1474. 1 OWN a ten-acre fruit and chicken farm about one mile north of the West Dodge street paved road; lies just a little west and south of Benson. 7-room sll modern home, brand new barn, brand new brick chicken house, cement floor, fine cave, new windmill, everything abaolutely complete, purchaser can buy mv equity amounting to $7.ooo; will take good, well located city Income property for full amount. Might carry small mortgage. If not sold by April 1 will rent on shares. If interested call Doug las 810$. or come to 1)29 city National Bank. 5-R. OLD HOUSE LOT 44x132 . ' H.800; $200 cash, balance monthly, o paved street; good location; snap. H. A. WOLF $14 Ware Block. Douglas! 808. -KOOMt BAHGAIN NEW-, 9-ROOM. 1 BTORY HOUSE. NEAR CAR. A BNAP AT $8,400; REASONABLE PAYMENT- BENSON' CARMICHAEU DOUGLAS 178. $41 PAXTON BLK. SAFETY FIR.ST. FOR RELIABLE AND SAFw FIRE AND TORNADO lNHbTiANCE. JsEB O'NFJL'H R. E. IN8. AGENCY. $14 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tylor !0Z4. FOR BALE 7-room house In best resi dence district In rlty. owner leaving city. BmaJl payment down. Address K $78, Bee. ONH $ acre, two 1 acre, three 10 acre tracts; all No. u priced right; see me. W. COLFAX, Douglas ltlO. 702 Keellne , Bldg. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED Wwt FINE! residence lot on Vth Ave., one block south of leaven worth; worth $Lm; will aell for $876; specials in; lit tle low in rear, will fill for buyer; come out today; big; bargain. Phone Ronk, Ml 8. 22d St. ZH ACRES, close te ear; easy terms. Myrtle Deuel. Colfax lota, after 10 a. m. North BAHGAIN Lot 63 Elllatone nark, west side 27th avenue, between Fort and EJIIson; school and cars close. Sewer, cement sidewalks, water, are paid. Web. Ift4. TWO corner lots. 50th and Hamilton Sts., 81x1'.. $700; 376 cash. bal. terms. THATCHER. 1217 City Nat. Doug. SBQL GOOD residence lot at 90th and Hamilton streets; price $w, hair cash, balance on small monthly payments. Call Har. 223H. LEAVING city; two choice lots; well lo cated; cheap ror cash. Call Web. between 10 a. m. and 10 p. m. Isstk. WILL BUILD TO SUIT. Hsve 16 first choice lots in Leaven worth Heights Add.; easy terms, Doug. WH, Carl E. Bolen, 14 Paxton Bldg. FOUR choice lots, 63d and Leavenworth Sts., for sale at a bargain. Sea me. R. H. LANDER YOU. Tel. D. 67ti6., 2 Neville Blk. PtNE lots. Bancroft and 6th. walking dis tance; only $HS0; easy terms. Colfax 752. LOT with fruit and shade treea. walk, for sale; cheap for cash. Marcy. Red 414. side 4634 MlsreJ la neons. onel!'JtT$j6. Corner, handy to school, car, stores. Col fix 4071. evenings. FOR SATE 4 good kits In WashiiiKton. D. C. O. V. McBeth. Newton. Kh.ii. RICHARD EVERETT. ARCHITECT. 10$ No. b-'ii St. Phone Douglas imm. tJJO BUYS lot near car. Douglas 2iH7. MAKE us offer on unimproved southwest nuarter 32-12-33, Lincoln county, Neb. Independent Lumber Co. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN ' Benson. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON! BUY THIS LOT! $10.00 down and $10.00 per month- price $250.00; slxe. 6oxl2H; located on Locust St. between Clark and burnham;. not far from school and car line. Ceo. K. Wrlglit Bee office. Omah. Duoilee7 ANNOITNCEMENT. The new .'i-room bungalow, !.$ N. SOth St., Dundee, will be op n, 10 to 5 o'clock Sunday, for vbdtors wlio desire to see the new plan modern kitchen. Domestic science teachura and pupils especially Invited. Several hundred saw It last ' W. L. SELBY A RONS. AN'NOt M EMKNT-'i'he new t-r. liouae, M00 N. 60th St., Dundee, will be oln Sunday, 10 to & o'clock, for visitors who are interested in seeing the uew-plan kitchen. Several hundred saw It last Sunday. $ NICE LOTS, $000. 50x130 each, all in blue grass, sll fenced: near Mth nd Pine, 2 blocks from car. TKBHKNS. m Omaha Nat Bk. DCNTiKK bungalow of six rooms ana sleeping porch: almost new; hot watei heat; occupbd hy owner; lot boxllo. l'hone Walnut 3072. INTELLIGENT and persistent advertis ing will "sell" any salable real estate, and the largest number of prospective luijers ctn te reached through the II. l Estate and W'unt-Ad Guide to all of Greater Oiu-ba-THE BEE. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES FOR F.XCH AXUK ell-lnipio ed it. lolnlng limits of an Iowa city of 60,ft, suitable to rut Into . and 10 acre tracts. Street car runs to farm. For I- 000 or 8.W.O0O stock merchandise, hard are or fvirnltuie. Balance in farm long time, low rate of Interest. Address RU Allen St.. Waterloo, la TA75l'.tJKU, 40 hoi so iwiwer, 1M4 model Jarkson auto. with electric llitlits and self starter: newly painted; new top; thoroughly overhauled; will trade for cltv property or farm land. Auk for Mclotx. Hastings Heydeti, b'M Harney Ht Tler vn.T uii.i.Mir trade?" fr bm acres. Veil Klvcr county. South lakotn; small house, fenced, part broke, good wheat and alfalfa land. title A-l: mortgage, $, dm In W. per cent; H.oui; u miles from Oelilch. r. Seward. IS24 Sahler Ht.. Omaha II A V i'TTlglit ' housekeeping furniture Tor 27 rooms A money-making business. Will trade for vacant lot. Walnut 1218. FOR SALE or exchange, lo acres In Mellette county, South Dakota, for Omaha property. Phone Red KM. Folt SALE or exchange, iw acrea In Mellette county. South Dakota, for t 'niaha property, phone Red jU4,V St bouses and farm to exchange Neb. fsrm. Toland Trumbull, Bee Bldg CAN sell or exchange anything von iiave to offer C. J Canan.McCague Bldg TRADES. TRADES. f ft AtiES" Farms and Omaha property for ex change. J. A. ABBOTT. Patterson Blk., Omaha. REAL ESTATE-BUS- nnoD'TV rnUr I T FEET, 16th St". 8 oiks, from viaduct, I' $6,500. McCague Inv Co.. McCague Hldg. REAL ESTATE-WANTED WANTED TO LIST. Several t-romn bungalows and cot tages that ran be sold on small pay ments down and balance like rent. We have the buyer nnw. hee vs at onctv PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Mh Floor Omaha Nat. Bk. BhL IV K8I WANT D To nuv on ta inuily paymeu; small store room, with living rooms above. In Central school district. Phone Hed "ST4 W"io have a customer for a DundTie lot; willing to pay cash; owners only wanted to reply. THOMAS L M'OARRY, Keellne Bldg. Red 4844 WE hsve buyers for erty If priced rlrht. W. Bedford Ron. all kinds of prop List with us. Jeff Don-. KM. FINANCIAL Real Kstate, Loo, -a, Mrwgra. WE are ready at alltinto make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17 th St. i TO 6 for loans on best class olty residences in amounts $3,000 up; also farm loans Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. 12$ Farnam Bt. NO DELAY. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE HI. DO. M( INKY to loan on improved farms and . ranches. We also buy good farm mort- gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Nat, Phone Douglas 2718. MONEY TO LOAN, Mr ft years, on Improved properties. BHOPEN ft CO.. Doug, 4M8. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. II. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS. 846 Omaha, Nafl Bk. BtHg. $1ini TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Hts. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. Heal Estate, Loans, Mortgasjea. CITY LOANS, C. G. Canberg. ilOh II Brandeia Theater Bldg, cTTYanit farm lo;na 6. 6Mi. 0 per cent. J. H. Dumont A Co., 41(1 Keellne Bldg. '5 MONEY. HARRISON MORTON, tin Omaha NM. Bank Hldg. Financial Wanted. WANTED. CITT LOANS. Immediate clotting. Lowest rates. Residence loana a specialty. Interest paid but twice each year, FIRST TRUST COMPANY, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. Stocks an id Honda. HAVE two 11.1)00 mortgages di awing per cent Interest; secured on Tennessee lana; aue in s ana years; win iraae for good automobile, or what have you? Address c 16, omaita nee. $5000 FARM mortgage bearing $H ae cured by property valued at U,ouo. Tal- VUl y J pi t v sasuwi n j r. sws mage Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. Abstracts oi -line, riimrnntriA Abstract Co. We can bring UUarauttt3(iown vour ,bstract on short notice. R. 7. Patterson Bldg. D. $947, kr IV lift Title Guarantee and Abstract '"""To,, a modern abstract office $06 B. I7th St. Tel. D. 6487. REED ABSTRACT Co. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 2o$ Brandeia Thea FARM AND RANCH LANDS FOR RENT-Good 200-acrs farm, miles north of Bloomfteld, Neb. Address Mrs. H. C. Hatrd. Mi Cass St., Omaha, or phone Walnut 17. Arkansas Lands. FREE FARMS IN ARKANSAS. 1SO.I86 acres of government land open for homestead April 20; located along and near the Missouri and North Ar kansas railroad: Ideal for fruit, poultry, siork or general farming: some timber. Write for particulars. J. C. Murray, G. P. A.. Desk L. Harrison. Arkansas. 12r aPRES, 6 miles' from Danville; 70 acres In cultivation, all fenced, $ acres of orchard: 3 wells; 3-room house and barn: Vt mile to school and church. R F. D. mall dally. Price only $1,800; good terms. Write Yell County Lund Co.. Danville. Ark. 4 nllfornln Lands A LITTLE fsrm, $M. Easy terms. Cali fornia Imports csrloads of chickens and evgB. Hers s a cnance lor pnuitrymen. My !-acre tracts are Just big enough for chickens snd are close to town con veniences and market centers. Writs owner for full Information. P. B. Oosa, Sheridan. PI acer county, California. o " Colorado Lands. f'?fiSALE-"lIO acres close to Ft. Morgan. This Is as fine a quarter as mere is in IhU countv; lays perfect; the best of soil. If wsntlng a good farm this la it. Prire $7& tier acre. F. T. Corcoran, Ft. Morgan, t olo FARM AND RANCH LANDS FREE GOVERNMENT UND8. Colorado; fine soli and climate: un usual opportunity; official pamphlets free. M irtager Immigration Depart ment, Clason Bldg., Denver. Idaho Lands. WANT MONEY! Let me tell you how to get It. Idahi land Is full of it, and the land Isn't very high -priced, either. Climatlo and living conditions are exoellent electric ity used for rooking, lighting and heat ing on many farms educational advan tages unexcelled. There are many tracts of land Irri gated and non-Irrigated suitable for all kinds of farming, for aale cheap and on reasonable terms. Seed raising highly frofltable. I will give complete Inform ion to you free for the asking. R. A. SMITH. Colonisation ft Industrial Agent Union Paclfio System. P.oom !.. Union Puclilc Headquarters. Ornasa. Nebraska o FARM AND RANCH LANDS Una tends. "20-A CRT: FARM $ miles of Council Bluffs: good, smooth, rich upland; not a foot of waate; extra good improvements; new, modern house, lsrge barn: a fine, pro ducttve vineyard and a little otbei fruit: gasoline pump and power plant, s fine country home, ana worth th price of $,.rti. M'GER RF.AL ESTATE CO., V Pearl St. Coun II Bluffs, la 12-ACRK FARM. 5 miles of Council Bluffs, slopes gently down Into the little creek valley. Every foot of It good well drained garden land. Oood 6-room house and barn. Some fruit, fine native shade trees around houe. A place that mill bear tnapvotlon and Is cheap at $l,i.i. MciE REAL ESTATE CO., K pearl Street, Council Bluffs. la. EIGHTY ACIIES 11 MILKS southeast of Council Bluffs. M acres In cultivation; some timber; fair Improvements. Price $00 per acre; about $l,6rt cash, balance on easy terms. O'K'wfp Real Estate Co., ! 10 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 371.V . OWNER MI ST SELI Finn 40 acres of Iowa land. H miles from Neola; $im per aore; worth $1S. Address A. L. Rain, Council Bluffs, la. (0 ACRES. H miles from Council Bluffs. Good house, barn, chicken house, run ning spring, well, fenced, alfalfa. A I rood farm at low nrlce for immediate I sale. $1,6ii0 cash, balance eaety terms. w- T- SMITH CO.. Doug. 13. City Nst. Bk. Bldg Mtanraolu l.nnda. $40 ACRE". miles from Minneapolis, near two good rnllrjnd towns: one half I mlcr cultivation balance use for pasture and hny. ran practically all be cut I va ted; good sol), good set of buildings: this land will produce bushels of corn per arre; country Is thlrtly settled; complete set of ma chinery: 27 head of stock, cnns'sllng of 11 cows, balance 1 and 2-year-olds. 4 good horses. 25 hogs, chickens and everything th" f-rm eocs at $$ per acre. One-half cash. Immediate pos session Cfin be hsl. R 'It WAR BROS., 10 Plymouth Ulug . Mliwienpolls, Minn. H THERE a spot on earth yon can rail our own? lr not, buy a farm In the Red River vnllcy, .Minnesota. Write your wants. Agents wanted. J. K. Car tvn'er lirid Co.. I,. Crookston Minn SfTNSftSi)YA8i7T.iv iTs TouriTvTsr"hoUv est dairy-truck lands. Our property. iltrect. Ixiw prices. 1-jisy terms. Arnold, Commissioner, I-on Ran go Railway, 6M WolvMn Bldg., Dnluth. Minn. Mlssonrl l.aads. DENT COUNTY. MI9KOURI. M acres. 3'.6 miles to Bulem, 6-r houe, good bam, 40 acrea In cultivation, all fenced, hog tight. 60 acres good timber, good farm land when cleared. Possession given this spring If sold this month j rrico fs, iw, mortgage, u"J, b per cent. I have others. All sites. Call or writs. w. s. Frank. $01 Neville Block. Omaha. GrKaTTiaTuIAINS $6 down, $f monthly, buys 40 acres, good rrult and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri, Price only $17. Address Hot (08, Ex celsior Springs. Mo. Niintsss l,nnfl. CAN locate ten people onlui-acre home steads In southern Montana, Locating fee $100. Address Fains worth it Buoy, 1'lllon, Mont, Nebraska Loads, YIELDS $100 PER ACRE. North Platte valley, Nebraska, lands last year paid to owners who leased thntn for sugar-beet raising over $30 Der acre based on one-fifth of the crop snd the beet tops. You can buy these diversified farming lands at reasonable prices and on exceptionally easy terms. Do not let this real opportunity pass, but ask me TODAY for reliable In formation about these lands. R. A. SMITH. Colonisation and Industrial Agent, Union Pacific fyatem. Room NPV-60 Union Pacific Head quarters, OMAHA. NEBRASKA. FOR HALE Well improved, level n sec tion; 1f a, pasture: ii a. meadow; bal ance cultivated; running water; excel lent for general farming and slock raising; no agents. J. if. Strack. 10l Idaho St., Columbus. Neb. New York Loads. "NEW" YORK FARMS" FOR SALE. Profit a Reality, Not a Promise. 00-acre farm, $ cows, team and tools; price $2,600; $700 csah, $100 yearly. This Will Bring Riches and Content snd Smother Poverty snd Unrest: 200-acre farm, with black and white Holsteln cows; price $30 per acre; $1,000 rash; Vi what dairy produces until paid for. Ws Get ths Best of Life From Simple !ove of Home. Sun Kissed, in yulet Valley waiting for You: 1.14-acre farm, with ID oowa, team and farm maohlnery; Price, $48 per acre; broad, smooth fields, gently sloping to river that never overflows; write for photos. R. R. fare or-s way to purchaser, k. Munson. S4: 8. Salina fit, Syraouae, N. Y. Mortal Dakota Lands. i ACRES near I'argo. 1 miles town. ready for crops: rented thla year for one-ihlrd clear to owner. Per acre, $ . Hodgson Realty Co., Sta. C, Fargo, N. D. OregTon Lamia. lu MILLION fel of the finest timber In Oregon. This is well-located tract of yellow fir. Must be sold at once. Ad dress Owner. 6! McKay Bldg., Port' land Ore Tesae Unl. HVE CENTBPER ACRE CASH." taxes school lands for sale by the state at $3 per acre; $ cents an acre cash and no more for forty yeara but 3 per cent In terest. Send so postage for further In formation. Inventor Pub. Co., Dept. 38. Han Antonio, Texas. V ashliinton Laixla. BIG Indian reservation to open. 760.fr 4 acres for settlement. Wheat, fruit, gen eral farm lands, $1.60 per acre. Hn coming summer. Homes for 10.000. Send ltc at once for copies with reliable infor mation regarding this great region. vVe natchie (Wash.) Dally World, Dcpt 11. " Wlsoonslo Lands' " t'PPKR WISCONSIN Best dairy s"n3 giint-ral crop state in the union: settleia wanted: lauds for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wis consin Central Land Grant. Excellent lauds for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lanls ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Sou Line Railway. Minneapolis. M tnti. AvTrirTI! for information regarding Doug- las county, wisoonsin, agriculture 1 lands. Low prices, easy terms. Best lo cation. Farmers l-and and Cattle Co., Owners. Globe Bldg St. PaulMlnn. Vv'lMi "iiNSIN ii farms. lo.OuO acrea wild land: coin, dairy, clover belt; countnes Barmn. Polk; eaay terms, lowest prices; list free. L Kivsrd. Tui-tlo Lake, Wis consin. wTr'Ct.NlN clay loam land within drh ing distance of Superior; attractive prices and terms; write for Information. Farmers' Iind and Cattls Co., Owners, f-l. Paul, Minn. Miser llaaeeias. HAVE YOU A FA KM Fort SALET Write a good description of vour land and aend It to the Sioux City, la.. Jour nal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Frl day evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving alxteen ads on twelve different days for $2; or $o words. $4. or 75 words, $. Itrgest circulation of any Iowa news paper; SiO.uuo readers dally in four great statea. NOTICE TO FARMERS When In need of help of any kind, write telephone or rill on us CUNNINGHAM LABOR AGENCY, 111 S. 13th St. Omaha. Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Mlseella-eoaa. Bl'TF.BS WITH THE MONET TO INVEST. Farm land ads placed In these eol limns reach the kind of people all over the west who have ample funds with which to Invest In lands. (Juallty and nusntlty are both found In THE BEE'S country circulation. The subscription rate for The Be l much higher than nnv other Omaha newspaper. Naturally Ths Bee la read by a class of well-to-do farmers. ond In your ad and reach soma real buyers. FARMS, acresge and city property sale and exchange. C. B. Combs. Brandels Theater "Ids Don-. SUS Close to Omaha Douglas and Sarpy Counties IM acres. S miles south of Gretna, Im proved. $116 an acre. 0 acrea J miles from Irvlngton, Im proved, $aw an acre. 120 acres $ miles from Waterloe, Im proved, $16 an acre. 1J0 acres 2 miles from Papilllon, Im proved, $2i.i an acre. 326 acrea 4 milea from Meadow, Im proved. $70 an acre. (90 acres $ miles from Meadow, im proved. $100 en acre. 30 acres mile from Dundee, Im proved, an acre. When It's land see Payne. Payne Investment Company Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED Wanted Northern Lands Have $.0,000 good puper. drswlng 7 per cent Interest, to exchsnge for land In Canada, northern Minnesota or N. Da kota. For particulars sddress ti!0 W. Mh St.. Waterloo, la. HAVE cash buyers for Iowa or eastern Nebraska Improved farms. W. K. CRAIG. 1317 City Nat. Tyler S1S VaMted Farms; have $,i? buyers; de serine your unsold property. 624 Farm ers' Exchange, Denver. Colo. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-YEHICLES TWO fresh milk cows. Call at coal yard, 3.M2 Leavenworth. Doug. $s7 or Doug. Ml J. ONE l.MO-lb. work horse. sound. Call at coal yard, SMJ Leavenworth. Doug. $s7 or Doug. MIS. Foe Rale. MUST SELL HARNESS. $2,700 worth of double harness to close out at a discount of one-third from reg ular price; $1,000 worth of single har ness to close out st one-half regular price. Harness shipped subject to In spection. If not satisfied, money will be refunded. JOHN SON-DA NFORTH CO.. 1620-M-M N. 10th St . Near Clark St. I NOTlCJsi i'U A CASH AND (g-ICK BUYER. . 1$ head of young mares. 14 In foal, alt well matched, sges from $ to $; last of ths estste. All my good young brood mares, also I fresh milch cows and $ head of mules; no reasonable offer re fused. Call 134 S. 24th St. Lady owner. McKay, manager. HARNESS. SADDLES AND TRUNKS. Wa make them ourselves end sell them direct to the consumer. Why psy two profits for inferior goods when you can get high grade goods at first cost? ALFRED CORNISH ft CO., . 1210 Farnam en,. Omaha. ONE big 1,600-pound good wsrk horse. 4803 N. lgth SW HAYte.tO ton A. W. Wagner. S01 N, M. GOOD young horse, single or double buggy and harness. Douglss 4!H). GOOD horse for sale, bargain. "' 101$ 8. Mth. Tyler 1M. POULTRY AND PET STOCK SILKO CHIC FOOD MADE FROM PURE GRAIN. Best In ths market. If your dealer does not handle It go lo - A. W. WAGNER, tXKiS for hatching; will sell a few set tings from mv pen of prise winners, Stiver-Spangled Hamburgs, most beau tiful, snd eggs the year around. Call and see. 3411 Laurel Ave. Tel. Col. 10W. MutEY lo olitckens: writs tot Johnaun s ' free catalogue. Poultry Know-How, about the pay-for-ltself Old Trusty In cubator, at. M. Johnson Co., Clay Can ter. Neb. SINGLE -COMB Buff Orpington eggs: good layers and prise winners. Colfax 1124. George Steyskal. Station D, Route t. omaha. JUST RKCE1VED: Chinese nightingales. beautiful plumage, good singers; Wi. Minx Gelsler Bird Co... 117 Farnam Bt. RHODE ISLAND RED hatching eggs and one cockerel. Call Wal. 1371 or $44 Seward Bt. A FEW mated pens of 8. C. White Leg- homs, young strain, eggs for hatching. Tel. Walnut 431. THOROUGHBRED White Rock setting eg gs. Owen Strain. South 4037. ORPINGTON eggs, whi'ts and buff; also white pekln duck eggs. $1. South 259$. WHITE Wyandotte eggs and cockerels. Johnson. (3d and Spalding. Colfax lost. FOR SALE 13 dos. choice Rhode Island Red hens Call 21053 Co. Bluffa. A PEN of chickens; beat winter layers; eggs for hatching. Walnut 314. WHITE Mammoth Prkln duck sags, setting; guaranteed. Tyler 3307. $1 BLACK ORPINGTONS of Quality; eggs for hatching. Webster 97. EtKJS; Barreu Mocks. Runner duck iTK. each. Phone Red 5S0o. I. C. WHITE LEGHORN eggs. 3c. Cai I Walnut 1447. TWO White Leghorn cockerels for, sale. Colfax 3H3, WHITE cockerel for sale; slso eggs for hatching. W. H. Blankenahlp. 3425 .lackson St . So. Side. South 31'tf. S. C MUFF OKPING'ION lialciilng eggs. iVilfex ?M. Mth and Grand. PKDIGKEr D male Sct-tch collie for sale. 134 N. $7lh. VXD grain lOn IN . Sl.Ti. W agner. soiNH FE KOPK eggs. Tel. S. 4.i27. AUT0M0BILES-F0R SALE CLASSY CARS. Chalmers Roadster. E-nger ",'.' practically new. $ 11 Maxwell touring cars, slightly used, at a bargain. il Ford, self -starter, slip covers goe as new bargain. 1314 Ford touring, good snaps. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO.. 321$ Farnam. Douglas M TRK AllTO 8H0P-"Srvlcs First." looTs Jackson. Tyler W6. Auto repairing and gen. blsrksmithing. auto springs made snd repaired. B1GGF-ST VAR1BTT OF FORD CARS IN THE CITY. TWO REAL CAH BARGAIN Both In excellent condition; on a bus at a price that will surprise twu. NEBRASKA BUICK At'TO CO.. 1I4 Fsrnsm. Phone Douglas 7B.