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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1916)
Till-; HHK: II.MAIIA, MU.NPAV, M.MH'II 4Ji, 1!U. f"f A J r,.' lc CASK WITH CIDIll for word each Insertion Special Attest Farm and P. an eh I.ands. 7 per lint each Insertion (Count six words to the line.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AGENTS OR HELP WASIKU CI.ASS1F1CATION8: lc per word on time 1 Mo per word... three consecutive times CaTAXQK KATE I to per line one time 7c per line three consecutive times (Count six words to the line.) HO AO TAKKH TOM LZSn Till A TOTAL or 90e OB X.ESS TRAIT lOe m DAT. 1 CARD Or ANKS-PEATir. AND FUNERAL NOTICES: lOo per line ea-h insertion (Minimum charge 60 cents.) Monthly ; Rate for standing ads (no chancer of copy) $10 per line (Count six words to the line.) Contract rates oa applloatloa. THW FEB will pot he responsible for more than one Jnrorrect Insertion of an adert(ement ordered for more than one time. ADVERTISERS should retain receipts given by The Re in payment for Want Ads. as no mistake can be rectified without them. CHE TITO TET.TTPTTONT5 If Ymt cannot conveniently bring or send In vour ads. Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and yon will receive the same rood service as when delivering your ad at the office. PITONR TTT.KR inn. WANT-Ar rrvr.UMNS CT1PF FVKNTVO EDITIONS l?(lf) v. MORNING EDITIONS 9:00 p. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANOE7D PAILT. Answer t&a question "Where to to tonight." Denateira. EMPRESS. 15TH DOUGLAS. I "The Whispered Word, a drama oi unusual appeal and convincing plot, with Grace Pa Carlton. Ninth episode "The Strange Case of Mary Page " Troubled Waters," Rube Miller In a sure-fire, rtb tickler. Mutual Weekly. I PRINCESS. "1317-19 DOUGLAS. "The Human Cauldron." a four-part Broadway feature, starring- William Punn and Mary Anderson. "Their Wed ding Pay." Screaming oomedy. "The Misr'g Heart," Thrilling drama. THE FARNAM. 1415 FARNAM. ST. "TUB WOMAN VAMI'llllV' MARIE KMPRM , 4 LO VI- 'S CltOSSUOADS ' ' wt, MONROE. 2665 FARNAM. "A Price for. Folly," featuring Edith Storey and Antonio Moreno, (-part Vita graph feature North. GRAND. 16TU AND SINKS Y. "LIFE'S BLIND ALLEY" Five-reel Mutual tnasterplcture, featur ing Harold Lockewood. Also a good, comedy. LOTHROP. 24TH & LOTHROP. Msry Rolnnd, Wlllard Mach and Frank Mills In "The Kdne of the Abyss." ttoetk. APOLLO. 2824 LKAVKNWORTH. . Freddy's Narrow Escape, Vita. The Missing Mummy, The Iangerof Helm? Ixtnoaome, Ess. BOULEVARD. 34d & Lcavcnvrortb. Alice Rrady In "The Woman In Forty seven." IlOHLFF. ITfJrTkAVENWORTH Robert Msntell and. Genevieve Hamper in "The Oreen-Eye.l Monster." Fox Tjike ripes the I'lptdn. ftawtaj Side. BESSETf HEATER. "24TII AND N. A SIsve of Corruption. J-r Knlck. Winning the Widow, Kal. The Fasalng of Pete, Pt-I ORPJIEUM, i4TH & M j Five reels of good pictures. tar Features These are Roeclal Extrs-ltnel U Features now appearing at the following Theaters. AFPOLLO. 1o24 leaVeTwoIitu. "The Missing Mummy." fefcbfek l4XU and N STTifcTET "The Plava of Corruption." "Btlngaree Btory." liOL'LEVAliD." ill) LKAVEMWOnTlT A Ilea Brady In 'The Woman In Forty seven. EmTkeM r fiVTH A iMUMLAlJ. "The Whispered Word." a drama of unusual appeal and convincing plot, with Grace Ie Carlton. Grand. iTirANb hinneyT "Life's Blind Alley." fi-rnol Mutual mantel-picture, featuring llarvld Locke- wooa.' LOTHROP. SITU AND LOTHROP" Mary Boland. Wlllard Mach and Frank Mills in "The Edge of the Abyss." MONROE. & FARNAM. "A Piece of Folly," featuring Edith Storey and Antonio Moreno. PRiNCii isi:-iT5oFolas. "The Human Cauldron," a four-part nroaaway reature. starring William Puna and Mary Anderson. FLORISTS. feEST Qt'ALIT Y CI T FI.OWKKao7 plants. Art Combinationa. shipped sver. wuera. Excellent eervlie to our cut tomers In past years recommends lltsi at nwt Hul'A Hij t-ernam Kt. I. l.'O !, AT II. fieri t. 1mi4 Eartiaiu Ht. P. ViQ? i UENLt rvSrt.V.ilii. hwuglsa D. ilX Member Florists TrlrsraDti Lot Ana irVsONAOHUK. IJ ttsTrney. It.. us l'jC MONt'MENTt AND t EM ETER IBs. MAUSOLEUM. WHT bury your dead la Hie cold ground la stormy weather whan you can buy omblna marble building at reaaonabi imumelsler ftlonuineiit Works, ntauso Aeuma, all kinds markers, lata Charles. LOST FOUND REWARDS 50 00 REWARD. I The above will be psld for Informa tion leadins to recovery of 18 IS modal Ford touring car taken from in front of tbs Konieiiene hotel Thursday eve ning, Mar.h . 1'JI6, lieeiute u umber loi, engine number lOKilJ, J. T. HUGHES. Phone Poug. I'JBl. 6HAUA A COI NCIL HI.UKFH KTUEET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person liavlng lost some srticle would d well lo call up the office of the Omatia A Couix it lliuffa Street Hsllway company to sateitain whether they left It In tt-.a street cats. Many articles radi day sre turned in end Lite company is enalous to icetote tl.rrn.te lit a rightful owners. Call i-'OUf. ea. LOST FOUND-REWARDS nvthlng anil will ariverlia 11 tiara. os will tiirHr rertar It If fvins itn hna-1 rrann HamaiiiahlA rrn-erla aril brougtu atxitit f?fr ctar through thtl rnliimn. 1HK LAW-rpl who find loat artlrlr r litfcrwM In hnowlns that th elm law la mri'l tn requiring them to eeli the ewnar through a1wrtl.entent anS otherwise, ant that a failura to dn an. if him ran be proven, In- tnra a avr penaltr I A isT Diamond oval shape pin. Finder will receive extra llhcrsl reward. Return to H. 8. Arnstcln, care Guarantee Clothing t o., JMS Dnuelns St. L7HT-Hrlndle English bulldog. VVss pet of a rlilld and information will be thankfully received. Iteward. Win. P. X ;'yrne, l irpheum theater. Douglas 4!t. WILL the person who took the bicycle at the South Omaha Bee office last Sundny morning plcaae return same; no questions asked. FINDER of mink collarette, March X known. Avoid trouble, I-csve with cashier of Heat on Drug Co. LOST Gold bracelet Thursday ovenlnn, inscription "Kitty. - Hcward. Web. l.'4r. 'XosT - Large - , nvcliTp- r,r KodVkfilms: Hertarrt. Lovsl Hotel. Loom 41 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and llnneekolil 'MU, OMAHA PILLOW CO. Kelt and hull- mstlresKes mndn oer In new 1 1 1 ks at half the price of rew oiifs. I'hon- tie f ( r sample of ticking. Mall orders f lied, liar? Cuming St. Longl:ts 24i7. Foil KAl.E firass bed. chiffonier lealhor roi kers, oak dining table, tnitlrs. rugs4 kitchen cabnfct; all new. Call 411 j Charles Ht. . I.KAVINU for California, niuet -ll tiiilck; vlctrola. Ppsnlsh leather rocker, wilt ing desk, library talde, tcd, tlresntir, cut SIhss. Colfax iT2. BKAUfiKI I. china cabinet, H; buffet. llct; Eclipse jibs stove, H; reirigeraior. Tel. Webster fil4. AU. UKi'AlKM-Wster ftoiits, furnace colls, etc. Quick service, omaim move Repslr Works. 13-S DtiuglHS Tyler tn. FCTlNlTURB brgalnsrt)els."li ; tables, chairs, rugs, gas stoves, ii; readings ot a 1 1 k I nd a. 1 8: JN.2i t h . W e bs t e rl n KtM'kEll, parior clilna cabinet and other furniture Walnut NK'VV-fo seven drawer blnger sewing mschl ne. res so n able. Tyl -r 24SO. FTiII riALI'Vaeger vacuum cleaner. T 2") W, 2HI1 Pierce Ht. rARTV leaving city, gaa slove for sale. Ini:uirel8 Dnrtge P I oa end M a s I en f n a t r smasli. SVK will Puy five dollars In gold fcr the name of a prospective piano or player pis no purchaser. HOHINHON PIANO COMPANY, Factory Distributer for Cable Plsnos. Tyler 1W. 214 K. IHth fit. 3.W pgr month A. Hospo, 1M2 Pouglas. (ore and Of flee Flvtnres. FOR HALE. Flftv units Wabasn Sectional Pigeon Hole Files, all nearly new. Will sell cheap ss we must replsce with all-steel files. Woodmen Circle, 310 W. O. W. building. KIKK-PK(K)F and burslar-proof safe for sale; good le, good condition; price low. M. C. l'eters Mill Co., 6K9 Bran dels Ttldg. EKHKH, safes, sualea, showcases, shelv Ing, etc We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture & Kupply Co.. 414-lfl-H P. 12th, Doug, P724. 6llUWCA.SK and counter for sale. 23uf Cuming St. Jewelry, Diamonds. Watches. Foil f liADfj or sale at a bargain; new Elgin gold watch. Addrees Hox 61, Craig, Neb. 2-KAKAT puro white diamond at ba r gain. Cell Douglas 9X7 or Doug. Kin. ETtODKtJAAKD'S "lucky wedding rings at 16th and Douglas Sts. Type wrl t erea n d Bn ppljes. ffrcW machines sold the same as rent: $3 per month, fee ua before you buy or rent. Hhlpped any place on ten days' free trial, Hutts Typewriter Exchange. S16 S. IKth, omaha, Meo. R'KM lNUTONH, Monaroha and Hmltli Premiers for rent; sent anywnere. Kem Ington Tyjewrlter Company. P. 12X4, MIDLAND RiliBON V CARIlON Ct). Office sup twles. P. g17. 22H Hee Bid I'K.cTa t. tiuarHtitt-e3 typewriter rib bons I for fl. Reliance Ribbon A Carbon Co., Douglas szii. TYPEWRITERS Rented, sold. Term. MIDLAND CO., 2l Hee. Doug. 2147.' fIFNT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for JST Oliver Typewriter Agency, samara. ft PEWW"lTEH8 Bold, renten rplridT Central Typewriter Exo. lfH Jarnam, evrlngr Harklnrl. "EWiNO MACiUNES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts ot all sewing machines MICKEI8 NERRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney Sts. Doug. ISO. WE buy and self tailor made suits snd overcoata. Friedman. 1211 Douglaa 8t. Linker, Balldlnsj Materials. ' ALL UiNbi OF LttMlifcli FOR 8 ALU.' Used In const ruction of building: la fit st class condition. Call Doug. 2117. Bllllardl and Fool Tables. FOR BALK New and second-hand Oajvns ana pocaet ur uara taoies anu oewiing alleva and acoeasorles: send for oata fogbe; easy payments. The Brunswlek Haike-Ocllender Co.. 407-WM 8. 10th HU . Machinery and Engines. ZM Clir I'.lV'l.ll . V t I . ........ . ...... I ... . fine condition, very chear, see tuiui Electric Co.. Hee Hldg. Tel. I. A net loo galea. PCtiLIC MALE March yi. lDla at real dence of Abraham Kosentterg, one and one-half mili'M west of Elmwood Park. 7 horses, beirg 1 mares 7 and t years old; a s-year-oia mare ana one year ling colt; a 5-year-old mare; a l.Vvear old mare: a horse 13 years old; 6 cows and one yearling steer and I fat hogs; one farm wason; one hog wagon and rack; one spring wagon; two buggies; a lot of fni'iiilng Implements, bring a grain seeder, one 14-Inch stirring plow, I cultivators, one disk harrow, two sets work harness, etc., etc. Hale for cash or approved security. Kale commences at 1 o clock said date. A. ROriKNMERO narirrlra and Seeds. MA1LK THKKS l-year-old maple ttces. tl.M each. Call wamut i,o.t-i. l iMcellanewua. Kl)U SALE CHEAP. Bualiiess College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one or the best umana pusiueaa schools, (lorwt reaaon for aellinu: terf,ctlv rella. ble; worth full price, but will be sold eiv rsasotisoly. If Inteivnted lnws tlgate at once, becauae spring terra bed Ins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale For particuinra inquire at tne orrice The tunaha Hee. 1Y high standard of quality will a maintained: 4 quarts of Old Pontonelie whlaky, ti.26, buttled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order house. Poug. 7U4. IM-1S4 N. I th St. ALEX JETE8 LlQ.UOn HOUSE! Thirteenth and pouglas. Rottled-ln-bond whisky. S6c, $1.00, $1,16. full quart FOR MALEI ry, clean, kindling wood. oenvercu to an parts ot tne city, mono lo"'n Vi".7. 1'IVMiAI.UiN cofiee urn, good as new, ii.".. w sinut r.Nj. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOK COUNTY TREASURER KM MET O. SOIaJMON GATE Cltv Rug Factory lias moved to new locatlon. 977 N. Iith Ave. Hsr. 4SM. RtiODi. GAAIti ' 8 "Lucky WV'ddiug Rings" at ItHh and Pouglss Sts. CAHTlRsbeel Metal. 110 B. I.'.lh St. EXERCISE AT YiM "'. A. H'usdiiess nu-n. Wslrk Henalrlna. , WATCH REPAIRS On Monday, March . for one day only 1 will main spring watches for M cents. Clean (or 76 cents. Jewel for M rents. All work guaranteed. B. H CLAY. Room 90 Neville Hldg. l'.ih and Harney. THIRD FIM)R. Aeeassti. A ETZENSPERttER. Council Bluffs. Ia. Tel. Hla k 1U. Auditing, accounlliig, incorporations, Invrstlgatlons. ANNOUNCEMENTS llreitmaalag, Accon'lon. Hide. Knife, Hox Plestlns, t ov. Hnttona, itetnstlt'-hins. reo. j'lent Ing AV Hut ton Co4ll-2 Pnxton H'cR CI.I'ARE'S Ireamnklna school: suits. drrsa ete , work guaranteed. 3.1.H fornln. I)otigls7.'W. MAMA Vi K MICHAKl.t flowtis, Hulls snd Wraps. "It So. ?;,th e IJIci m ar 7 TiTiKSXM" A KTSVi V o r k g u a r'anteeX prlees rltesp. Call or phone Tyler 1!"H; J S. 17th Bt. fT kl'lit. "changing location; temporary sddrcsa. liouslns S75. Fl itsT-cT.A S dressmsTTing. Red . Keen tfressmnVing, sltcratlons. I) 37H."i, 1'"e "I s I er V 1 1 re s s m a k in g ( ' o f7 K "CI f"y a t . Terry lireaamsk'g cofietre. 20th A Farnam. Ktrrrtkl't ' ACCORUKJN, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, sll slses snd styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, em- ,-l.rnldcry. heading, braiding, cording, eyelet (nf work buttonholes, pennants. 1IKAI. RI'TTON AND PLEATING CO., 2" Douglas Hlock. Douglas lUtt, ( srsestrra anal natrartnre. liesssnl . Hon J Cnpltol Ave. T. Mtt, tJAI loks nson. ZM I ,vnw"th. Tyl, 21H2-J'. j . J. yiir.Vil, '2NR3 M I lun I . We b. 1717. Cementing awl PlHsterlng.JL'aU Red C."M. Hoys. W Bristol. ' Ph." Web. XZ Ladles' Tallnrlna. fir'TirclassladiestallorlngrirFTs'chr, Klomar Hotel Hldg., 204 N. i7th. Tyler 2.T7. (osiamea. THE largest stock of masquerade snd thestrlcal costumes In the country. Theo. I .leben A Hon. If.l 4 Ho w a rd Dl 1 !v fHEATHK'AL gowns, full dress suits, for rent. ai N. 17th Ht. Jonn f eiaman. Plana Isitrsctlns. Rsgtlme plsuo playing guaranteed In 10 to at lesaona. I'ror. llaynea ror original System. 20 Harney. lHuglaa M94. ftaktiihe pTano playing positTvely taught In OJIeonsK Curnin FOR palming and paperhanulng, call I yier Z-J alter e p. m. rirsi-ciaaa work; iowest prices. illiliiCLAHS work, low price. Tyler 132. HKiHCT.AHS workflow price. Weh. 7it.2. Ilaths. PR. BENDA Hulphur, Hteam, Modern Turkish, Electric BATHS snd MAR HAt JH for tired nerves snd rheumatism. Private apartment for ladles with isdy attendants, litis Farnam. Phone D. MXi. PR. HI KHOHN, 414 Itose Hldg. P. falmer Hcbool rrad. consultation Tree DTTjrcn.awrence. 1 Ralrd Hldg, P. M6U Rnttons and Pleating. Q. IT. VAN ARNAM Dreas PleaUng and Hutton Co., Taxton Blk. North east corner 16th and Farnam Hts. Phone Douglas Sli. flatteries. CAKEH. pastry and fancy bakery goods, supplied to parties, lodges ana enierisin menls. 7.. H. Reeder, IMsl N. lHth. W. 37. lloBser leaning. ELECTRIC house cleaning, our work and price win please you. Iet ua remove your storm windows and put In your screens, Tyler Ml J. Deteett ves. JAMES ALLAN, 212 Neville Block.- Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyler 11W. nat'l Petectlve" Xgcy,, inc., Kee- nne Hldg. p. 44. Htrictly confidential. Drum. DRITAS at cut prices, freight psld on $10 orders; catalogues free. Hherman lie Connell Drug Co., Omaha Neh. Just ires of (be Peace. II. II. CLAIBORNE. 512 Paxton Blk.; Red 7401. Notary pu bile; deposition steno. CTW. Brltt, 301 Barker Block. . (.roeerles. OROCERJKfl, fruits and vegetables and renaer, juicy meat, frompt delivery. Tom Johnson's Branch Store, 6825 N. 24th flt. l'hone Colfax 1M. Vaenam Cleaners. CI.EAN QUICKLY and THOROUGHLY WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC; RENT $1 AND tl.60 PER DAY. DOUGLAS 17D0. Aewsslssli. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 4M-4J7 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Pouglas 7406. Wall Paper. WAIXPAPER cleaning, fl a room. Call nerry, l;ou b i ss Oil . FfitarelTand tl'frinsT. r)TTT?TvTrrKIctrlo washing machines, lJUJ.WJVXl"Ne)pctrl0 lronl and readin. lamps, icq tjuming St. ooug. So 1 8. i'leaoera nnsfliyers. STATE Dry Clng. Co. 1 N. Uth. D. 6073. Den (lata. ' Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 1$ W.O.W Bldg. aft Den tal Rooms, 1617 Iouglas. D. 2IIW. Movinat Plotnre Mnrblnea. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine ana mm bargains. Patrali, P, O. Bamell. Psxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. TTT A. Bturges. W"Brande.liPPheater"BTdg. nines and I.iauors. BlTT your family liquors at Klein's i.iqnor nouse, a pi. ititn, nougias ii, Tallorlnsr. H. MARCUS, tailor and cleaner, pressing H.I ll ',.111 k ' LI. , , , II. Chimney andFnrnaee'( leanlng. Work guaranteed. F. Borneman. D. 72S9. A rr hit acta. FAerett B. Podd, 818 Paxton Blk, P. OTU, Towel gnnpllea. OMAHA Tpweljluppjyair H. 11th. P. 633. Fwrnaeea ana Tinware. HABERSTHOH, 4028 H amllton, Wal. 2g71. frsski and gait (nnes. FRETTING HTEINLE, 1808 Farnam Ht. Wateh specialists. Christiansen, 2d fl,, paxton Hk 1$ yr. exp. Weddlnsr Stationery Wedding announcements. Douglas Ptg, Co. Advertising; Novelties. M. F. Bhafer Co.. Uth-Farnam. P. 7474. Convretis Cuntrnctors. WALKS, steps, driveways, floors, high cihss work. Phone Poug. 2381 for esti mate. 8. A. Hole. Prinllngj nnal Office gnppiles. ONE writer press for printing Imitation typewriter letters; one Invalid eanltarv chair; one collapa ble go-cart. Tal. W.TIM VAT'KKS-UARNHAHT Ptg. Co.. uualirv j printing Tel. Ioug. tl0. e24 3. 1.1th Ht t'f'-N i ttu rnniinf i o i t x'M ixM tU.AH Printing Co. TelPouglaa t44? Attorneys. C. T. Plckinson 511 Paxton Blk. P. 1W. Brans and Iron Fonndrlee. Paxton-M Itchell Co., 27th and Martha Bta. Dancing Aeademtea. PW LUX ACADEMY. Ill 8. lth St. Oleeirolysls. Uloa Allender. 824 Bee Bldg. Red V. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Buford. 6- Pax. Blk. Red 7. WANTED TO BUY WANTMV-lalw teeth. We pay high ss $2 for full sets. Send by msll. Don t matter If broken. Western Metal Co., P-loomlngton. III. WANTE1 l.uwt old feather beds; high est prices paid. Address A. B. Mark, general delivery, Omaha. Prop postal, will call. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed. TO Farnam. SWAPPERS' COLUMN HAVE parts for a Frost traiiambtniun, aiso nae a w-nurse power Werner trsnsmlssion, three speeds, absolutely perfect alno two 40-horse power hind axles in A-l shape: alao about 16 cas Inga and tubea, different sues. Will sesp together ur separate for what have you Addrvaa 8. C. lo, S. Hee. ITllcTiT 4o li. p. ohl nioderbut gooo condition: Just the thing to cut down to a speedster; wsnt a Kord truck, horses, tools, or what? me show it. 8. C. lie)-,. Hee. HAVE $ rugs lingraii)), I drenaer, I ,rA and matt teas, 4 pillows. 1 rocking chairs, kitchen chairs; will swap any or sll for what have you? Address 8. (. pes Hee. 14 VOLUMES American law and proce dure text hooka. -callter Special re volver. Will trade for motorcycle, roll top desk, or what have you? Address 8. Cle39 Hee 3r1915 HRiND new Ovei lendTbousht last fall, di n en less than MM) miles on Omaha streets. Will trade and take in 1H16 five-passengsr Ford. No other trades accepted. Address 8. C. rMT, Bta. SWAPPERS' COLUMN RKVoLVER 3s-cal blue steel, hammer leaa revolver, new, to trade for hammer tevolver In same condition. Htate mak and sle of your hsmmer revolver. Ad dreas B. C. 174. Hee. WILL eschsnae M 11. P. f lve-pssengr suto In good shaie; just overhauled, lStlJI model, good tires, fully equipped, for lighter car, or, what have you? Ad- dres ;('., i Hee. i ADDINU machine, will swsp for Kord auto, piano player, pictures, bonks, oi whst have you? The machine la In ex- eel lentcnnil 1 1 JnnA d drem H. C. lOMJtee. WILL trade my equity, nearly new, well built 6-room house, Went Side; will con sider good second-hand car. Phone mrney 4"J VJOL1N Full slse violin. 3o yeara old; will trade for violin three-quarters slse, or snvthlng of equal value I can use. A dd reus B. C. 1077. Hee. 1SV Liisteel revolver, one 122 revolver, one tennis racket to exchange for good watch or anything I can use. S. C. t!H, Hee. Ultix.'bHY and confectionery and to bacco; will take diamond, Ford auto or equity on house. C. A. Wharton, or phone Walnut. 77, , HAVE one Eclipse gas range; will trade for blrd'seve msple chiffonier and two palra of girls" hall-hearing roller skates for one Plymouth Rock cocwerel. 8. C. W. Hee HAVE practically Pew ll.'if) Edison Am berola to trade for good horse and buggy or would take good pony and saddle. Address B, C. low. Pee. W1IA, trade $400 Chlckerlng Bros, piano, Walnut case, for Ford or good team, wagon snd harness. K. C. 1011, Bee. WoC Li exchange oak wood refrigerator, used only two months; cs parity 9n pounds; white ensmel .What have you? Address H. C. 1IIKH, Hee. I WANT to trade for a It-cylinder Mason car; engine must he In good condition. Don't answer this ad unless you own a Mnson car. Address B. C 1075. Bee. DIAMOND ring, one and three-fifths carat; will exchange for good Ford worth .V), or take motorcycle or piano. Address 8. C. 1 0P2. Bee. HAVE two thoroughbred silver spangled llsmburg Cockerels, worth $10. Will swsp for hens, or what have you. Ad dress ft. C. 1(173, Bee. I HAVE one-half Interest In new pat ented article that I will trade for un improved lota or a good auto; no Junk wsnted. Harney 58o. WANTED TO EXCHANGE Oak Side board for gasoline range; gas iron for electric Iron; gaa range for a good rug. H. ( r,M. Bee. I HAVE several things that I will swap for a canoe or motor boat; must be in good condition. Address B. C. IPSO,, Bee. HAVE one 18-foot Michigan steel bull 6 horsepower motor boat; want light car or what have yotiT B. C. 106. Bee. 1 SWAP"; buy and sell kodaks; films developed free. KABB STUDIO. Ne ville Hlk., Pith snd Harney 8ta. LARGE wardrobe trunk to trade for In cubator, carpenter tools, or what have you? Address 8. C. ItSW, Bee. ENGLISH pouters and turbit pigeons to trsde for homer or csrneau pigeons. Address S. C. 1(04. Omaha Bee HAVE open carriage and fine closed car riage. What have you to offer? Apply 1248 B. 10th Bt. TWO silk Angora goats, vstue $18. for esle, or what have you? Addresa 8. C , HB6. Bee. HAVE parts for a Maxwell I or a model G to awap for what have you? S. C. 1007. Bee. PIAMONDS, value $300. to exchange for automobile. Must be in first class con dition. Address S. C. 10(M. Bee. LAKGE, massive, quartersawed oak li brary table, coat $46, same as new; want vlctrola or what? Box tS. C. 10. Bee. WILL swap even, Cramer piano for Haxon, Argo or other light car, or what have you? Addresa 8 C. 10M, Bee. COLUMIlil A graphaphone, fine records, for a wood rug, oriental pattern, or piece of furniture. Tyler 13X9 EDISON home phonograph, records and stand; will swap for trunk or leather traveling bag. H. c. low, Mee. MORRIS chair valued at $17; will ex change for good leather suit case. A. C lost. Bee. UNDERWOOD, No. 4, and Smith Pre mler, No. 1, for what hava youT Ad dress B. C. 107. Bee. WHAT have you to trade for a beautiful Persian eat: will consider a good female cat. B. C. 69$. Bee. ONE Eastman Kodak; will consider pure breed chickens, or what have you? Box H. C. long. Bee. HAVE $3H gas range, good as new, to swap for coal range; same must be In good condition. Address B. C. 1082. Bee. SIGN painting business to sell or trade for automobile, or what have you? Call Douglas M27. CAMERA 4x5, $ plate holders and por trait lens. What have you? Address B. C. 1074. Bee. WANT to swap Victor and Colum ifbla records for others. Addresa S. C. 1088, Hee. 8-FOOT refrigerator and shoe case to trade for Kord cliasale. s. C. 61, Bee REGISTERED Airedale pupa for aale or trade. What have youT B. C. 6S4, Bee. s-PABHENGER car to trade for Ford car or Ford chassis. 8. C. A90. Fee. Bl'lLDING LOT for Ford car. after p. m. Colfax 1711, Phone WILL do plumbing work fur 1914 or 1916 rord. Harney SMALL cook stove to exchange for poul- trv. H. C. 10"3. Bee. 200 Lt)ADS ot dirt for the hauling. Phone Red 74U8. BUSINESS CHANCES TRUSTEE'8 BALE. The undersigned, trustee for the es tate of the Sargent Hdw. A Fur. Co. of Sargent. Custer county, Nebraska, will offer for sale, and sell at publlg auction, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the BDProval of the under signed, the stock of hardware, furni ture and fixtures and tools, that will Invoice about six thousand t$6,00O.O0) dol lars, ssid sale to "ske place In the store room where said property is located, on Wednesday, tne 22d day of March. A. V. 1V18, at i o'clock In the afternoon' of said day. The undersigned trustee reserves the right to reject any or all bids at said sale. There s only one other hardware stcre outside of this one being operated In Sargent, tnd this affords a good op portunity tor anyone desiring to en gage tn the hardware bualness. Any one desiring to exumine said hardware stocK perore sale date can do so by call ing on tne underslxned at Sargent. Neb, REM EM HER DATE OF BALE. WEDNESDAY. MAKCH 22D. AT SAR GENT. NEBRASKA. AT $ O'CLOCK A. F. PHILLIPS. Trustea $200 PROFIT MONTHLY $.) SPOT CASH, retail business; clean, high-class, legitimate, honorable, located in center of ' city, no competi tion; notning to depreciate In value; practically all stock which is always of same value anywhere; doing $tk) monthly; net profits over $J0o monthly; full knowledge of business can be ac quired easily: present clerks would re main with purchaser for a while at least; could be conducted by bualness woman aa well as man: owned by New York concern whose Interests are so lsrge and varied they cannot give this the attention It merits, but expect to oe compensated by supplying stock to the purchaser: this proposition will bear most rigid Investigation: worthy aotili cants will be given every opportunity to see ror themselves; It Is an oppor tunity In a million. In order to elimi nate trlflers kindly address O "oR. Hee. THE FORD TRACTOR NOW READY. IMMEDIATE DICL1 VERI F.S. Wanted Responsible) men or estab lished dealers to take the local agency In every city and town for the sale of the Ford Trsrtor: does the work of six to eight horses. Some choice territory open, write irxiay for our INTRODUCTORY OFFER TO DEAL KKS. Give full particulars in f.rst letter to Insure reply. THE FORD TRACTOR COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. Our Nebraska farm mortgages are not af fected by European wars or panics. Amounts $M to tJO.OuU. We collect all Interest and principal free of charge; 3c year in the Nebraska farm field without a loss ia our record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES P A TK f.'T S THAT PROTECT A N D PAY BOOK" AND ADVICE FREE. Bend sketch or model for search. Highest references. Beat results. Promntnesn assured. i ' WofcnrTP Pnlomon PATENT m un-ui. vu.miiuii, LAW YER, I 24 F ft . N. W WASHINGTON. D C. $l(l for each $1 Invested made In great oil field, where we will drill. You g"t Interest in thre wells and deed to land. Invest now. Terms. $1 monthly. Write for details, free map and views Uen nett CtMJperstlve Co., .11 First Na tional Bank Bldg ," Houston. Tex. AN E.ST A H LI f H KID msnufscturer wants) mtahli.-hhu manufacturer .wants te manager to open office and man- salesmen. New, Mgh-clnss article; I to ITOO.apltal ne-csasry. You handl" n money. Will pay expenses to Chi- sta n ire $300 own cago if you are man we want. Addreas Secretary, loiz I'.epuDllc Hiag., Chicago. HAVE the best proposition for a good live man with $1,000 in a straight money making business. Can show you what the business will do. No guess work. Address O 87, Bee. -OTEL furniture and business; only hotel In good business town. lrlce rea sonable. Health reaaon for selling. Ad dress Commercial Hotel, Ansley. Neb. MO VI NO Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and second-hand. Bee us. OMAHA THEATER J5UFPI.Y CO.. Balrd Bldg. Doug. 8630. FOR BALE Infants, children s and la dles' furnishing store at David City, Neb., at a barsaln; best location hi town: doing an excellent business; want to retire Bog No. fr6, David 'Ity. Neb. FOR SALE, at a bargain figure, a - restaurant property and lease, having the best location in town; an unusual offer for a purchaser at $1,200 cash. Address Box 37tt. Manly. Ia. FOR BALE Good, clean stock of Hard ware; live town central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. Be quick. Ad dress, Y 267. Bee. 1 TO LEASE Gat age, to right party; will Invoice one thousand dollars; the only one In town: money-maker. Jeff M. Williams, Hay Springs, Neb. FOR SALE Gents' furnishings, clothing and shoe stock; invoice $4,2"0; 'good town: good ressons for selling. Senti nel. Arnold. Neb. HAIR dressing parlor for sale, five years' business (cssh only). In Sioux City, la. Address 32t Davidson Bldg., Sioux City, la. FOR SALE -table billiard parlor In town of 3,000 a bargain If you aoi quick. Write box R"S, Chadion, Neb. FOR HALE IM bbl. flour mill, situated In Kanass wheat belt; in operation; money maker. Address Y M", Bee. FOR BALE At a sacrifice price, $4,600 grocery stock; might consider some trade. Address M s7. Bee. BAIiOON Good paying business in a good wet town. Vhlte, or call N. H. Ncuens, I-Merce, nod. tHEATERS Buy, lease or sail your the- ! ter, machine and supplies through nteater kx. lc, huh rarnnm n. Powd Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, hava closed out more mdse. stocks than any other firm In U. B. Write for terms. SMALL CIGAR- FACTORY tor sale. Go ing concern. Good reason ror selling. R. A. Slmnson. Blue Hill. Neb. WILLIAMS, established 2 years, to buy or sell business; see mm. 411 Aiccague Bldg.. reference U. S. Nat. Bank. UFF1CE for real estate or Insurance; same floor as Bee office: uxzi feet; fcyx The Bee Bldg.. Office Room 103. FOR SALE Good paying restaurant; new live town (other bis.). Box 45, Grass Range, Mont. FOR BALE My saloon at once. See me. Harry Koester, at tne Harney notei. the 20tn and Zlst. FOR SALE Hotel building with bar con nected. Apply ot Peter Mangold, Ben nington, Ncb TO SELL or buy a business, call ot) Busch & Borgnoff. FTenser Hlk. p. sal. IX) GET In or out of buslneaa call on GANG EST AO. 40 Bee Bldg. POIlg. 2477. FOR SALE Groceries and plcturea. In quire at 16Z1 M St., Boutn umana. Rooming; Honaea. -ROOM brick flat, strictly modern; best of furniture; tnis place naa been my home for a number of yearn, but must cell on account of sickness; six rooms now occupied by gentlemen; will sell at bargain. Aaaress o. no. ee. i?OR SALE Rooming house, 10 rooms. Income K3. Bargain If taken at once. Phone Pouglaa 4oo2. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. YOUNG man wanta position In autom- bile business. Has had 4 years excell ence in this line as repair man and chauffcir. Can furnish the beat ot rxf- erencea. Call Poug. H63Z. YOUNG colored man. 24 years of age. reliable, cook, experienced housekeeper in all lines of housework, with best references, will work In or out of the city. Harney bM. Ill S. 27th St. YOUNG man, good carpenter and painter, wanta job with small wages. Dues not use the time for smoking or drinking. J. K. Evans, Gen i Pellvery. WANTED Work evenings after 4 o'cIock by young man ot neat appearance; any thing considered; best of references. Call Web. 2oo2 or address 206 Wirt St. WANTED Position on farm with Ger man or Engllsti catholic farmer y a. single man 44 years of age. Write Jacob Kloss, General lellvery. WANTED By young man, position on farm or as gaiuener. v m. AiauinieB, South Omaha, Route A . FARMERS When you want help write or call Empire Labor Agency, -VJ .-. 12th. Phone Doug. 1006. JOB WANTED House carpenter, in store or office building, by competent me chanlo, rhone Harney 3S49. COLORED man would like work as houseman in hospital or institute ot any kind. Call Webster 2431. COLORED man wants Janitor work, cleaning offloes, etc. Call Pouglaa 6372 and ask for Aimsted. PRINTER wants situation; non-union, in dependent. Address L w. Hee. COMPETENT man and wife want work together. Douglaa TolS; TREES, grapes shrubs, trimmed; lawn maxing. wenster itz. female. NORTH German woman, middle age, good, main, saving cook experienced In all kitchen work, wanta position aa cook In city by month- week or day. Mrs. Clara Naumann, No. , evhelby Court, 22d and Leavenworth Sts. SITUATION wanted housekeeper; country preferred; no objection to chil dren of school age; best of references given and required. 3112 N. 24th St.. or phone W ebster 1364. Mrs. P. Borne. MIDDLE-AGED lady desires position as housekeeper In small congenial family; no laundry work; references. Flor- ence 231. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position as housekeeper; small family; (rference exchansed. Call Red 21W. COLORED woman wants day work. Douglas M72. PRACTICAL nurse, will do some house work. Phone Tyler gag befote 1:30 p. m. RELIABT7e colored girl wants work as chambermaid. Call South 3772. Practical nurse. Ty. .32 W. 1711 Burt Bt COIXJRED girl wants general housework or second work. Web. 72t. Lsinnary nag par '. COLORED woman wants general house work or position as cook. Phone Tyler lata. Uy competent woman, noshing and Iron ing in family; first-class references. Coif ex 174. Experienced woman mn work cleaning or launnress. ry'er FKRFECT bundle washing, reasonable. Harney JBfil. COM PETENT laundress, day work. Web. 1K.7. Cleaning, laundry and day work. P. 74ti. Woman wants steady wash places. So.2ril. Experienced laundry or leaning. W. 7Q:I4. final! faiiiiTy'A bundle wahtng7VVel).la.J. IU"NPLE washing wanted. Web IkJ WASHING, lace cunsi'is done Tvler 1144. BUND1.H washing and day work. W. liji. rXt'NliftY. wasirfug. clenlngT)Ir L I.A l'NPRY. lis. If- s -""'h. l4 L W o MA N wanta day work. ItGO )" V!ANTED Pay work. Call Tyler JMWT" HELP WANTED MALE llarn anil f flees. UNEXCELLED business" opportunity. Exnetl-nce, references and $S0 required. Address C. 873, Bee. f-TK.MMJKAPIIEK snd clerk. Good chance for future advancement. Salary ti". A a.3. Bee. AS experienced auto accessory salesman. IN.n't apply unless you have sold ac- cessorics. Nnlnry 1'. Hi, Hw. BOOKKEEPER. Alunt understand mer cantile accounts.. $. H-if.4, Hee. Professions and Trades. .MAHON. siso odd Job man, and carpenter, for real estate work, who needs a small home or good lot cheap on easy pay ments. Work enough to help a good bit. At onre. Address A-K71. Hee. jvEH AVE an Inquiry for an unregistered cVrk Must have two or 'three " " . Vinerlen.e Richardson Drug n..h. Kicnarason mug L." CAR carpenters, experienced ; piece work ers, for rebuilding woonen nox cars. Sheffield Csr and Equipment Co., Kan- aas City. Mo. WrA NTEI A first-class horseshoer or all-around repair man. W. A. Wright, u St.. Lincoln. Neh. BLACKSMITH All-around man at York. Write to Harry Hillck. York, Neb. frvg ttorw .maps. Job Knet. Bee Pldg. Mlramrn and s,olloltirs. SALESMEN, wanted to vplace Shetland pony commercial contests in every live town in the United States. Keeps trade at home: gets new business and collecta accounta for merchants. None but ambitious hustlers worthy of large compensation need apply. Steady em ployment and exclusive time demanded: one week spent in a town. Proposition new, but repeats everywhere tried. We have the goods and seek additional sslesmanAtilp ability; references re quired. Perry r'ony Co., Frankfort. Ind; ' WANTED A man with good selling sbillty snd capable of managing furni ture department. Gate City Furniture Company. SALESMAN To sell from factory to dealer, glass, china, white, gray and royal blue cnsmelware. Big commis sions raid weeKly. ..Rmall samples. Part or entire time. Live salesman can , make $75 to $100 per week. Herthal Manufacturing Co.. St Louis. Mo. o CARPENTERS' aprons as side line: lib eral commission basis; price enables you to secure the huglness. Address Carnle-Ooudle. Knnu city Mo SALESMEN wanted for sporting goods department: only those thoroughly ex perienced need apply: splendid chance for advancement to the right man. Ad dress P 6i4, Hee. WE PAY $3 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry com pound. Year's contract. Imperial M)fg. Co.. Dept. 78, Parsons. Kan. o AGENTS make quick money selling "I'SALYTE." Strongest gas mantle In the world. Johnson Lamp Company, 619 s. ltith Ht. TO SELL now and until June 1 card l)oard fans for advertising to all classes or trade: line side line; earns IflO week ly and up. Fan Dept., Kemper-Thomas Co . Cincinnati, WANTED A few good live men, for Ne braska and Iowa; to sell one of the best patents on the market. Virgin field, big money for the man who has push and ambition. If you want the beat proposi tion of the day epply at once. 1201 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Solicitors for large eastern house. local or road work, salary and commission. Call Rogers, Castle Hotel. WANTED Stock and bond salesman. Standard Security Investment Co., 1207 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. SELL advertising pipes: sample and par ticulars free. Japanese Novelty Co.. Clinton. Ia. o EXPERIENCED house-to-house canvas- ser wanted. Apply 132P W. O, W. Bid g. WANTED Solicitor for A-l proposition. Cell 721 Brandeis Bldg. SALESMAN WANTED Call 8. 16th. WANTED Experienced saleslady' none other need apply. New York Sample Store. 20H N. lth St. Hotels nnd Hestssrsnts, RELIABLE employment agency, jsij Davenport St., headquarters for hotel help: Bpec. attention to distance ord era. WANTED A No. 1 cook for hotel; ex perience and references required. Ad dress Y-313, Bee. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn back tuition while learlng. Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue, 110 So. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. tlEN wanted to learn the barber trad. Tuition, $25. 1A08 Cass St., Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL has moved from 2406 Leavenworth St. to 2026-28 Farnam St. LEARN barber trade, more than make jour tuition while learning. Set of toolg Included, Job guaranteed. Call or write (or catalogue. 1402 Podge. TR1-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, GOtfP MEN WANTED to learn auto work tor the big spring ruth. Fine training work on autos and electric starting systems. A M ERICA N AvJTU COLLEGE. $063 Farnam Bt. Omaha, Neb. Bom WANTED Boy, 14 or lo years, to help on xarm an summer. w rue Anure w Hasenyager, Tecumseh, Neb. MlsceJ la neons. WANTED Youna men as railway mall clerks. $76 month: sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221-N. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED A man to take care of fires and help around kitchen; one who understands caloomlning. 2124 Douglas. WANTED Every painter and paper hanger In Omaha and vicinity to at tend an open meeting Sunday, March IK. 2:10 p. m., at Labor temple, 19th and Farnam. MEN of good moral character to receive special training for government position paving $l.riO0 to $3,b0) per yeur. Address P-t. Bee. MEN OR WOMEN. IS or over, wishing government positions, $76 month and over, should apply for particulars to Y :2, Hee LOCOMOTIVE firemen, train brakemen; $120 monthly. Experience unnecessary. Railway. Y 2S6. Bee. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS GAHTSIDE'S 1HON RCST SOAP CO. 4ttf.4 Lancaster Ave.. Philadelphia. Pa. Gartatde's Iron Rust Soap (trade-mark, print snd copyright registered in the c 8. Patent Office) removes iron rust, ink snd all unwashable stains from cloth- inn, marble, etc.: stood seller, big mar gins, agents wanted, the original. 2.jc a tube; beware of Infringements and the penalty for making, selling and using an Infringed .article. AGENTS wanted for up-to-date accident and health insurance. Federal Insur ance Co.. IJncoln. Neb. if Interested write Ira E. Atkinson, Sec'y and Gen. Mgr., ltith and O Sis., Wilkinson Build in. Lincoln, Neh. PORTRAIT men, write quick for new catalogue: 24-hour shipments, prints or finished work; expenses advanced relia ble men. Roberts, Wholesale Portraits, Kansas City, Mo. LARGE manufacturer wants representa tives to sell shirts, underwear, holsery. dresses, wslsts, skirts, direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madiaon Mills, 5) Broadway. New York City. AGENTS Men. women to handle article needed in every home and office; fast seller: big pmfit. Write N. B. Wylle Co 1S2U W irt St., Omaha. Neb. List your property In THB BFE'S Big House. Home and Real Estate Guide. Buyers -f real es tate are exacting usually. Value muat be there, and apparent, rtre should be sn inducement. but make the information definite and you will get responses from peruns resllv interested In vour oner, U u run it in THE BEE. HELP WANTED FEMALE Store and Offl-ee. - Stenographer When in need of a position call on us. No charge. Remington Typewriter Co., Douglas 134. Professions and Trades. WANTED Ten machine operators i.v neckwear dept. Good hours and good pay. Smith , Lock wood Mfg. Co., 13th and Castellar. . FIVE-ROOM strictly modern bungalow for sale bv owner. 2433 Camden Ave.; aa bargain. EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers. D? J. O'Hrlen Co. LEARN halrdresslna- a The Onpenhelm. Saleswomen nnd Solicitors. LADIES Earn money and enjoy selling our line of fancy and staple wash at-rles among friends and neighbors; n money required; references neresary; our agents enthusiastic over our beauti ful line and results: send Immediately for" particulars: secure your territory before it's taken. Old Colony Textile c'-m (AH) Broa dway, New York. WANTED A few active ladles, to repre sent a large mfg. concern in Nebraska and Iowa, for one of the fastest selling patents on the market; big demand, pleasant work and good pay. Apply 1201 W. O. W. Bldg. FIVE bright, callable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $.v Per week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich iriL'L?nlnan ? . Oman a . Nh, WANTED Experienced salesladies: none but experienced need apply. Parisian Cloak Co., 311 S. IHt'n St. Household ttml Moment lc, "WANTED A reliable white girl for gen eral nousework In small family; good wsges; must have references. Call Harney 3.Y19. J. B. PATTERSON. 3019 Pacific. FP.EK. Ada for servant girls accepted three days free of chargo for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or phone your ad to THE BEE office. Phone Tyler 1000. WANTED Experienced white girl for f:eneral housework; no washing or ronin- Mrs. Sam Burns, oil H, 4uth St. Phone Harnev 46. W ANTE D Experienced Kirl for cenernl housework; must be good cook; family of four. Inquire at Blake Drug Co., lth snd lyocust Sts. VANTEP Experienced white girl torv noutje worn; rnree in family; no wasning. 1002 8. 36th St. Har. 4.A;. EXPERIENCED girl for general house"- worn; no wasning. Mrs. T. J. Pwyer, 407 North 39th St. Harnev 220 Wanted uiri for general housewor wnere second girl is kept. 3303 Wool-" worm, enone liarney 6342. WANTED White maid for general housework; references. Mrs. Charles Rich, 103 Capitol Ave. EXPERIENCED girl for general house- wora; no wasning. Mrs. T. J. Dwyers. 407 North 39th .St. Harney 220. EXPERIENCED colored girl would like position as cnamDermaid, half days. Web. 1219. WHITE girl for general housework; good palace for right girl; small family. Web. GOOD girl for general housework; for eign preferred. 2109 Webster St. Poug. 8070, WANTED Girl for general housework; S In family; good wages. 2724 Spauldlng cr. f none vol. jontt. AN experienced girl for general house- work. 602 Bo. 40th. Har. 171. WANTED A neat white girl for general nousewora: a in family. 'let. Ked 2350, GIRL tor general housework, small wages, no washing. 809 S. 31st St. MAID WANTED Mrs. Walter Chamber- laln, 1329 8. 32d St. Phone Harney 6644. GOOD, white girl for general housework. can at W2 Davenport, or liar. 2540. WHITE girl for general housework. US N. 32d Ave. Phone Harney $300. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 3611 Jackson. Phone Harney 1465. GIRL wanted for general houaework; 713 N. 2Sth. Red 4757. YOUNG girl to help with housework.' Henson zxs, A NEAT girl for general housework. 610 S. zsth. Miaeeiisaeona, $35 PER MONTH extra money to any employed person; positively will not in terfere with regular work; no money invested; no canvassing; unemployed need not waste postage. Elite Novelty Co.. 929 Tyler St.. St. Louis. Mia. Help Wanted Male or Female, give this Head. EDUCATIONAL - BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of course in a reliable Business School, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will b sold very reasonable away below reguar price. If you are considering taking a caurse Investigate this at once, since Spring Term begins soon. Call Omaha Bpe. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Pay School for Young Women. Evening School for Younii Men and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. lone C Puffy, Owner and Mrmager. SOS 8. Hth St Omnha. FOR sale, the following scholarships lq a flist-class Omaha Business College: - One unlimited combination busiuesg and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-months' business or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a discount at the office of The Omaha Bee. DAY SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment dsy. Book keeping, Snorihand, Stenotype, Type writing, -jeiegrarny, Civil service all commercial ana cngnsn v,a aloaue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Uth Harney Sta. Tel. Dou glas 1565 . PAXTON Blk. Si-hooT ot Lettering and Art teacbea paying tradea privately, K, u. SCHOOL OK .VODER N LANGUAGES Class or private lessons, lowntown studio. Phone Web. to54 A.- ' J PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and ether rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for boolc on rectal diseases with testimonials. PR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kidney trouble, goitre, nervous ness and asthma sufferers are suc cessfully restored to health by me. Examination Free. Call Suite 312 Bee Bldg. DR. W. H. KNOLLENBERG, Chiropractor. Tyler l1 IVANTEP For purpose of helping atoN mobile owner defend lawsuit, infotioa tlon concerning the identity of owners or drivers of automobilea which had difficulty in descending the lull oil lVir ney street between "t h an I S-lh streets shout p. m.. December SI. 1!"5. due to skidding on the sle or.d Ice on th pavement. Mahnnev Kiiinedj, City National Bank HiUg. Dougia SI-