Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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E. Z. RaMell of Twentieth Century
Fanner Staff TelU of Remark
able Enthutiatm.
Hoc hrmlfrt and live el oca mm. Dot
inly In th middle tnt and southwest,
hul in ail sect lone of the country are
looking forward with unprecedeated In
tercut to tti National Awlne ahow which
will ne nin in omini miring me rir "Qtiallfylii
wfpk In October, dec I a rea K. . .uiseell. ' lam," and
Mr. Ftusaell. who la aeaoi-late editor ' j fen.tone "
Tha Twentieth itury Far mar. while on ,
a hti.ane trip af a nature not directly (
ronnlf(l with the Intsreata of the big
win anew at Omaha, sounded out at
ever opportunity tha eetttlmente of tha
big man In tha ho breeding tod exhib
iting buaineaa.
"It waa surprising to loam of the wide
spread Interest manlfaat area at thle
early data: everywhere ! went tha leadera
In a wine breeding rtrele In their respee
tivo communities awamped me with ques
tions retarding the plana for the ahow,"
Mr. Russell declared.
Nlaaeat tm World.
"I feand one big opinion and already
acknowledged fact, however," he added,
"and that waa that the Omaha show will
be the biggest awlne expo alt Ion ever held
hi thla eourrtry end of enurea that mean-,
the world.
"Tha well pooled men In awlne breed
ing errrlna eraryw hero and I found Utem
to be legiondisplayed a much enthu
slasm aa tba people la the territory con
tiguous to Omaha. One thing la aura, the
hreedera of tha middle weet and south
weot will be represented at the big
Omaha ahow to the limit."
On hia trip through Kanaaa, Oklahoma
and Texas Mr. Russell conferred with
the moat prominent breedera and ex
ptoltera of porcine atonk, and In practic
ally every Instance found that goaaip of
the coming Omaha ahow waa the para
mount topic at tha hog "fanning" bene.
Well known hog men frqm 1-oulalana,
Mississippi, Kentucky and other atatea
whom Mr. Ruaaell met on iile trip aaaurad
him that the leading exhlbitora from their
atatea win he on hand when the rihbona
at art fluttering at the Omaha awlne
In the far away Panhandle diet Hot of
Texaa. he aald, hog men wre talking of
the National ft wine ahow wllh aa much
enthusiasm aa tha leading breedera of
Nebraska and Iowa.
Among tha big ahows Mr. Ruaaell vls
Hed while on hia trip were tha otuhweet
American IJve Xtock ahow, whloti waa
held at Oklahoma City, and tha readers'
and Breedera' ahow at Fort Worth, Tec.
The firet vocational conference far
women to be glrsn by tha Wale onlver
attv will open Tueedey morning wll h an
addreaa at con oca 1 1 on by Maa Helen
Bennett of Chicago, director of tha Col
legiate Bureau of Occupation there. The
conference will then rent lime for two
day, with nineteen addreaaea In all by
different women who are familiar with
different acupeiion open to women. The
purpose of the conference la to help tee
girle who do not wlah to go Into teaching,
to find the occupation that will ault
Miaa Bennett. In art ill Hon to her convo
cation addreea. will glee lecMire on
r In Pereonallty. "Joiirnal-
Women In Non-Teaching Vro
Other auhlecta to bo dtanttaeej
by the apeakera Include aurh toplca aa
aaleamanahlp.. auffragw work, extene'on
work with the unKeralty, nuralng. mdl
etna, social service, dietetlca. tba ehautai -
tia platform, public library work, In
tltutlnttol work, art, publlahlng, plav-
ground supervision and the atage.
Tha iinlveralty Chrtetlan aaaoclatlona
laat week recalled tha invitation to
Btahop K. J. McConnell to come, to iAn
coin for three daya in April to conduct
a religious campaign among the univer
sity etiidenta. The Invitation waa with
drawn hecauee the proposed campaign
would hare conflicted wllh a aerlea of
revival meetings planned by the IJnooln
elty churches, which will be conducted
by Kvangellat Lincoln McConnell. Tha
iinlveralty did not wlah to be put In tha
poatrioe) of running In competition with
tha city meetlnga, and It waa thought
this feeling might make Itself felt If tha
iinlveralty campaign was held. Bishop
MeConnell has been Invited lo eeme to
the iinlveralty some time next year.
The announcement hee come, nnef
finally, from the athletic' board that tha
long promised tennis courts for tha uni
versity would be put In this spring. It
Is planned to remove tha houses an tha
land Just north of tha alta of tha chem
istry building, and Inatall aix new courts.
These will be Jutt oast of tha two courts
that the iinlveralty hee had for a num
ber of yeara, and will 'give eight courts
In all for the tennla enthtialasta. Two
of the new courts will be used by the
women on.y. - ,
full charge ft tha course of study, meth
orls of teaching and general menssrement.
The legal management of the school
wilt remain In the hand- of the local
hoards. The selection of trained teaih
ara for thee achonla wtll be m the hand
of the directors and the Normal achooi.
Hereona completing tha rural teaehere
eouraa In the Normal school will be re
quired to go Into thee districts, live
with Ihe people, observe and see let In
the teaching and management In all Ita
pheaee. thereby getting practical, con
orete experience and preparing them
aelves to go out Into other schools of the
state and render desirable service. The
work la to hegln at once, when agricul
ture and gardening will be made practi
cal thla serin Many other thing wlil
be taken up at the beginning of the fall
tertn. The work Is under the direct
msnagament. of the rural achooi depart
ment of the Norm! achooi. which la In
charge of Prof, loalte B. Hippie, a man
who has made great success In rural
educational lines
Haitian ('allege.
Among the Students who have already
secured positions as teaohers during the
coming year are Mr. Pratt, who haa been
elertr- teacher of acienca and athletlce
at Hiulon; Miss Newbecker. who will
have the pi Inelpalahip at Potter, and
Miaa Helen Jaeonaon, who haa been
elected to a position In tba grades at
Uvrdon, her home town.
President Crone haa been out during a
portion of last week routing the Olee
elub. A few of the place" at which they
will appear ara Harvard. York, Btroma-
burg. Central City. St. Paul and Ord
The . pageant given by tha Toun,
Women a Christian association girla
the college waa a decided succeea In.
every reeoect. A net aiim was added
to the funds f the county Voting
rWotnen's Christian aaaoclation.
Huperintendenl W. A. Julian. '13, wha
haa had charge of the Wood Hlver achonla
for tha last tw veer, la proving un
usually aatlafaclory to hia people. Hia
board recently gave Mm a two-year con
tract with quite an increase In aalary.
The neace and nrnhihitlon oratorical
cnnteata took place in the college chape
Tuesday evening. Kaon ronteatanf had a
splendid oration and rivalry waa keen.
The Peace contest waa practically a tie
between Albert Theobald and George
howen. The prohibition contest was won
l.r Miss Hslel Parka, with Mis Dorothy
Huck a close second. The winners will
represent Ihe college In the etala con
visited the college Friday on a tour of
Track work la assuming Importance at
pr-eerit. It la l.klv that Tor wtll be
represented In the met at Hastings.
Prof Mlener wee at Harvard on Tuca
dev evening acting aa Judge In th- high
school oratorical oont-et at that plrne.
I slveralty.
Prof. Hhlrk has purchased a lot on Four
teenth at reft and expects to build a hntne
this spring.
Judge ftryden of Kearney and Txuen
Mills of Ourdon, both ineitil'er of the
hoard of truataee, wk In Icily to the
students at rhap'l Tlmraday.
The athletic board has taken artlon by
which the formal awarding of the official
"W" can be made Immediately at th
close of the aeaaon, thua avoiding the
long delaya awaiting the arrival of awcat
era from eeatern milla. In tha future the
official award will be In the form of a
certificate In the college colons, the
aweater or medal to be Kivcn later with
out apeclal ceremony.
Tha board of trustees was In seaaion
Thursday afternoon anil all dav Kilday.
In addition to routine buaineaa, incluilinn
tha re-election of the ntlre present
teaching force and grantlnv an Iticreaae
In faculty salarlea, ..atepa were tnkeo to
provide more room for the dcPHrtinnta
of physics and chemistry. lr. Sfhrecken-
gaat reported that HO.irOO
recent campeilgT)
althoiigb tha siihecrtp-
stitierrtbed In the
alreadv been Paid
tlona called for a five-year period
which payment could be meoe.
The aeventh annual Pan-Wesleyan ban
quet was held Thursday avettlna in the
banquet hall of the Uncola hotel. The
Mtend-jue was conslilerably larger than
that of laat year and tha "proKrain waa
tmitaiiallv good. Prof O. 11. Venner waa
toaatnia-ter and called for towsta aa fol
lows: Chancellor C. A. Fulrner for the
facultv. Prof. Ahhie C. Burns for ihe
Alumni, Rev. O. II. Phlltlpe for tha atu
tlenti. Rev. K. H. Tompkine for the inlnla
tets, ex-(lovernor C. H. Aldrlch for the
ialtv and Dr. H. A. Taylor for the
trustees. Music for the occasion waa fur
nished by the Weeleyan orcheetra and
the Weeleyan Glee club.
IHre. J. H. Schmidt of this city re
ceived word yeaterday of the death of her
brother. Oenrge J. Paul of New York
City. Mr. Paul had been 111 or several
weeks with pneumonia. Funeral services
will be held In New York. At one time
he waa engaged In tha real estate busi
ness In Omaha, hut moved to New York
f the !', QjO r,,T about nineteen yeara ago.
C. H. T. Riepen. well known Omaha
undertaker, la one man who entered the
office of the election commissioner with
his filing fee In hia hand and got disap
pointment without having to wait until
after the primary.
"I want to file for the office of county
coroner," he aald.
"That' a dead Job now.' he was told.
Ha-ha," laughed P.iepen. "That
dead .'oka, too. I'm .mra I an aele ed."
'Maybe you can. There'll be no com
petition, legislature sbotlehed the office
i at the end of the present incumbent's
term." the election enmmis-ioner fid
filepen had forgotten all about It.
The (.reateet Pain Killer.
Sloan's Liniment goes right to tha seat
of pain, aimply lay It on you do not
have to rub. c All druggist Advertisement.
T WfUTl CresnnK
Ijrferasl g sassy.
Pain In Sldo,
-Any tooal
aeist aa Haefag
Weeks' Dreak dp-A-Cold Tables
tr Colds and La Grippe (If
So good that you can afford , J73
an bulae snrf aa that VTl ' f '
get the geoutrx -
I.ikt Pacxage AAoten
kH h has i4niiWi I .,"
every where. . H-Z'-?. 1
York (sllege.
An oratorical conteet will be held next
Tuesday evening bv the department of
The senior acedamy haa accepted the
challenge of the aopliomoree for a con
teat In debate.
j Huperintendenl Walton of Wahoo, presl
I dent of the HI ate Board of Eduoatton,
Sixty Houses Are
Now Occupied in
Mina Lusa Place
Nearly elxty homea ar now either oo
eupled or under construction In Minna
I. una addition, north of Millar park. Evan
during the winter weather tha CTiarlea
W, Martin company, which platted this
addition, continued to sell lota. Home af
the recent aalaa here are tha following:
J. C. Poiikup, aevea Ma on the beule-Vai-d.
IVllliam Holloway. lot. 46.
U K. Porter, bungalow, l.l.uoe. x
Atmii !. Callloiiet,' two iote, tl.MU.
Arthur B. Anderson, lot, t"f.
Judaon Van Duran, two Iota, l,4f4.
P. M. Jors-jisun. 1st, t'M
(. 11. Walters, two lota, ll.Tutl, -
Nelaon Jaen. lot. 7W.
Mabel K. Hlevera. lot. Via.
J. K. Heywerth. bunealow, .!,
It. U Ha lie, lot. I"t-i.
K. I.. Bailey, lot, M.
F. n. Hike, lot, $ -'a.
M. It. tlarrlaon, lot. FfK
M. T. ill ide. lot. I ").
I. W. H(w. Jr.. bungalow, K9M.
Hugb Vturphy has the contract for pav
ing every street In the addition, amount
in to tn OfiO yards.
H. J. rwtersuu 1 completing the con
struction of th aewera, and th gaa com
pany Is preparing t lay six miles of gas
mains before .th paving. By July M. er
within one year from tba dale or platting,
thla addition will have been transformed
from a cornfield to a highly developed
residence section, with every Improvement
in the street and probably he) houee
bunt. :
Mr, Martin la optimist! of the future
of real eatata vatnea In Oanaha. Two
yeara ago this month he returned from
a tour of all the weetern oltlea, and pre
dicted at that time a great future far
Omaha, a value her were lower and
money could be borrowed oa lower rate
of Intereat than In any ether elty which
he vteited.
By defeating Mama Alpha Kpallon laat
week, the Delia Tan Delta fraternity
baaket ball leant won the annual Inter
fraternity baaket ball championship. The j
car of tha final gams waa it . to t, j
The Delta Tau team won Ita way to tha j
lead In the flrat dlvlalon of the fiats by
meeting and beating Areola, Alpha
That a Chi and Alpha Tau Omega. The
Pig Alpha won out in tha seuond divis
ion by conquering (Mgma lu. Phi (lemma
Delta and Bigma Chi TDpallon.
Th enrol ! meat for the Pershing Blfle.
th craak drill company of the" city cam
pus, la eighty-nine thla year, almost tbre
time a many aa lei former years. Tha
Inoraaaot enrollment la thought .due to
the greater Interest In things military
that haa come from the preparedness
agitation, and th poeelbllUy of a warm
affray with Mexico. Th Pershing are
selected from th beat driller In each
company, and meet each week for aa
extra drill period.
Captain Corey of th foot ball squad
he issuad his oall fur tba flrat spring
meeting of the foot ball men. They will
get together Tuesday morning for a talk
with Corey, and Aaaistaat Coach Ruth
erford, atnd will learn than of the plan
for spring practice.
Doasa College.
Coach SchUeler "remained In Lincoln
during the aat bataket ball tournament
and rwforeed a number of the guinea.
College eventa have been generally
posipouod thta week in account ot the
revival meetings at the Methodist and
Congregational churches.
The debate with Wealeyan. whlvh waa
to have beeu held laat frtdav uljjtit waa
postponed at the request of the Wesleyan
bebuiet. The date conflicted with ihe
basnet ball game with baker university
Feel Fine! Take
"Casearets" for
Liver, Bowels
Spend 10 cents! Don't stay bil-
; ious, sick, headachy,
Can't harm you! Best catharia
for men, women and
Enjoy life! Your system 1 filled with,
an accumulation of bile and bowel polecat
which keep you blllou. headachy, dtasy,
! tongue coated, breath bad and fctomaok
-.our Why don't you get a 10-cenU bogj
'of Caacareta at the drug store and feel
bully. Take Caacareta tonight and enjoy
the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleans
President W. O. Allen left Friday lng you ever experienced. You'll wake
noon for the New Una lend atatea, where
he will work In the Uitereat of the cur-
Senior Class at
Omaha Uni Gives 1
Big Colonial Ball
The Iron-clad rule of no dancing waa
for onca overlooked at the Vnlverslty ot
Omaha colonial ball given by the "senior
clas last evening. Redick hall. In which
tha ball took place, waa specially fitted
up for th occasion with large American
flag and picture of lieorge Washington.
In tha center of tha atudy hall an almost
exact reproduction of Mount Vernon, tha
horn of Oeorga Washington, wa recon
structed. Frtenda. etudent and faculty
member In colonial costume, danced th
old Virginia reel about th reconstructed
Vet-nun home.
A feature of the affair was a inasqurd
minuet given by niembera of th senior
claas. Following thla eevh else took
part In a special song, In th following
order: Freshmen, "Wearing ef the
CJreeu;" eophomurea. "Coming Through
the Rye;' Juniore. Carry Me Mark to
Old Virginia;" senlora, "Maid ef Athene."
faculty, ' Ixva a Old lSweet Song." and
preparatory department. "Yankee Doo
dle." In addition t this Mies Uiace Poole
rendered aevera! delightful solo "elections.
lege for the coming month. He epeu!e
to ge aa far east as hia home state,
A large crowd of Doane rooters were
On hand tu aselat the Crete High school
team lit the two final gamaa ot Ihe
tournament held at Lincoln laat week.
Four of the vlutorioua Crete five will be
seen In Uoare uniform next year.
Th ftmt alana of amine broilkrht nut
iiumtwr of baae ball and track men. Dur-"
Ing th laat five days a lame auuad of I
the followera of me diamond were or. I
hand to work out the early season stiff- I
ness. From the preliminary training out- !
look Doane will be well repreaentad both
oa tha track and th diamond thl year.
Th annual triangular dobate between
the trama of Uellavue, Coiner and Doane
waa linld at tha three collegea Friday
nlgnt. The Doane team which went to
Be.levtie was composed of Henry Daniel,
C. V. Ilobeon. W. W. Wert and O. O.
Rurker. alternate. Th home teair. con
slated of R I. Clatter. Joe Malka. R. W.
Nedro and Elsa Dawson, attentat, I,at
year the debate waa won by Cotner.
The election of the new Owi board, the
Doane monthly publloattMi reeulled ax
follows; rduor-in-cnief. It. M. Kinith;
first associate editor, Henry Daniels;
e"ottd aaaeclats e4ltr, Lesiwae lieiup-
ti.r. , h I , 4 ..Miii. tt i f n r I n VtnMtet-
ter; 'literary editor, Xfactha U Clatk; lo- I
Itor. Neal Kiime; altunnl ' editor. W Hi
ll, m W. Hennett; exchange editor, Harold
;J. I -a vl.
up with a clear head, clean tongue, lively
stp rosy akin and looking and feeling"
fit. Mother can give a whole Ca sea ret
to a aluk, crosa. bilious, feverish chl!4
any time they are harmless never grip
or ali ken. Advertisement.
The Best Rtauara4allaa.
The atrongcat recommendation any ar
Ucle may receive is a favorable word
from the user. It 1 the recommend
t ons of tboae whs bav uad It that
make Cbamberialn'a Cough Ketuedy go
popular. Mr. Amanda Glerhart. Waynes
field. Ohio, writes, "Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy has baen used In my family off
and ea for twenty year and It baa
r.evtr failed to cur a cough or sold.
Obtainable everywhere. AdvertlaemeaL
The organistviioa of the K.-I.-T. Baa
miI I leagua.tor. 1U la tertaan, wltk
Tiwensber, Hopklnsvllle and Padaeah.
K y. . and Cairo. 111., as at ruber a and
owing' Green and Heodereon. Ky.. aad
'tarVavllie, Tenn.. as peaalbltttlea.
Key to the Htuatlun Be Want Ada.
Let The
Serve You
iTo Chicago
. Kraraey State tlsrsial.
The (Jeriuan club, under the direction
of Miaa Hoalc. ae a very Intereeitng
play on Friday evening.
The at ud v center work has enabled the
Kearney facility to reach different
atudent not enrolled In tbe school.
It hs bee-i decided to give etudmts
a npilna vacation of two daya. March
Jl and April J. i ouiu ancenieut day will
be VA , May HI.
lire xieedman and her advanced claaa
In yiit.liu avhool uiuah'. will attend the
national tueetlua of MuaU unrvlaora,
to be held In Lincoln next week.
.arranaviiienta have been made for the
aaaoiiatlun ef'tw of the rural achoola
ot buffalo county with the Kearney Htalej
Normal achooi in the Important work of
rmal teacher training. These achoola
are Hilda, a ten grade ediool, and Olan-
weod. eu elaht grade achooi,
Tbe liKieased deuianua for work In tbe
department uf phyehal aclenoe called for
additlunal asalatauce. and M C. Haniy
haa lieen employed to heln Mr. Hut ton
Mr. Dnnly la a graduate of the Kearney
ftate Normal achooi and the I'nlveralty
of Nebraska.
President and Mrs Dick entertained at
dinner on last Friday evening, the Peru
ik1 Keanivy LaaKal i iul teams, membera
of the athletla board, the coactiea and
thetr wrvee. ttuperlntendeut R. M. Cami
bell of Celuinbue, aad Superintendent II.
M. baton Of Ifimeraon.
The leatiag f aeed corn la an Inter
esting part of the work of agriculture
Just at preeent. In addition to the atudy
and demonstration of crops, plana are
being made for the summer for ciiicken
raising, end the grounda owned by the
tale will be used for demonat ration
work la th vartoue p ha ess of farm work, j
"Better Hat tea" week waa observed byj
the NorrmU school taking a very active
part, through the tiitereot of Miaa Uer
trude H tiardner, deaa of women, in car.
neriion with the personal hygiene clasaea.
Ihr. Juries of Omaha, govs a most excel
lent sddrees at oh Pel time along line
of beti ' work for the prevention of aick
weaa -o. children. The JMorm-J school
worked with ths Woman club of th illy
and much good waa accompltahed.
These wtll be known aa demonstration
school. The Soriilnl school will have
5 i"-""
I I'll if
3 l
Roomy berths the famed
"longer, biz her, wider"
kind. coralor table loung
ing chairs and other ap
pointments, immaculate
cleanliness throughout,
delicious meals, courteous
companyemployed at
tendants and company
owned steel equipment,
double track and electric
block signals, these
characterize the service
between Omaha and
Chicago of the
Milwaukee &
St Paul Ry.
Phong car call (or ranratiooa
Ticket Office i
1317 Famam St., Omaha
That concerns all merchants
and all people
iv v:,v eSy: s n-
THE original Cash Register rang a bell, indicated and
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. This new Cash Register equally concerns every mer
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It rewards the diligent clerk by telling his employer
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merchant will have money to pay his bills.
It furnishes the banker and the wholesaler mechanical
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Wn'fa m toJmy mr ssa ir agent in your city
mud laewM aWa sat cat (scar an a f Aesa public
MraVeg stacHtmi.
LArtJ ffoasaeicaa are asaWs for 2af National
Cmh Register thmt wmru gttnd ht their day, kmt
af nof completely prefect yem r ghte ihe twb
mhie ssrsVca getr 1916 Medela da.
Addreee Dept. Z.
The National Ca-h
Register Company
Dayton, Ohio
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