Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 9-A, Image 9

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y a
Wen Holding Contract Ask Lloyds
to Quote Rates to Fay Losses if
Sword Sheathed Soon.
a t
LONDON'. March 1 8. Inquiries
"re being received at Lloyds for In
surance to pay total loss in case of
peace being declared during the
present year. The Inquirers are
large firms which hold war contracts
and who have to give orders for ma
terial some time ahead and at mar
prices. As a result premiums are
inclined to show an upward tend
ency. One underwriter said that for an
Insurance to pay total loss in the
?i;ent of peace being declared by the
pd of June he would quote a rate
r 20 guineas per cent, while for a
similar policy extending to the end
he year the rate would be 70 per
cent. Some brokers quoted as high
as 90 per cent for a policy Insuring
against the war ending by the end
of December. These rates are In
tended to be prohibitive and no
transactions were effected.
The rates also are an Indication
that the underwriters believe that
the war will not continue beyond the
end of the present year. The opti
mism Is based on the failure of the
Germans to pierce the French lines
at Verdun, rumors that Germany Is
putting out feelers in the direction
of peace and that Turkey has made
proposals for a separate peace.
Intensity of Fighting About Verdun j
Fortress Has Dwindled Per- !
ceptibly. j
iMost Charming of Style Ideas That Will Be the Vogue For the Spring Season?
Leaving the Oil
Fields Brings on
Much Criticism
.rrespondenee of the Associated Press.)
nrrvAPTTST ivla London). Fob. 20.
Thaaetlon of the Hungarian parliament
:onsenting to a Mil permitting ver-
n capital to exploit tfh now oil fields
Transylvania has aroused a flood of
rittalam. The oil fields were discov
ered only three years ago. but there has
been a widespread public belief that they
would prove to bo a natural treasure
worth ontold millions to Hungary. Con
cessions for their eicploltatton have now
been turned over to tha Deutsche bank
of Berlin, In return for the latter1!
promise to Invest J5.00O.O0O In the work
r-f development. This Is characterised
by the opposition as "selling our birth
right for a mass of pottage."
The center of each of the two Trans
ylvania fields consist of a group ot oil
springs gushing up from the earth In
a quantity sufficient to supply the whole
nf cestrat Europe with gas. and oU not
only for lighting, kut also for industrial
purpose. - ' '
I .Tustfcjiow far' the concessions to the
Deutsche bank go. Is not ret olear. but
there ; appears to be no doubt that they
will give German capitalist a clear ad
vantage and control In a . field where
lungarlans had long hoped to build
up a purely national enterprise. "When
the bill granting fhe con oe ant on was
brought up by Count Tiara, the inde
pendence party raised IU usual objec
tion. , urging that the oil fields ahould
be exploited and organised by the state
In order that they should sarr as a
national source of wealth, and thus re
place the dear coal, mostly Imported from
Germany. One of the speakers asserted
-this oil will now fall to the Germans,
hn will take care that the gas will
not be any cheaper than the eoal."
- .v. MAwanAnitrfl nam alnra ex-
pinned the transatcion in an interview
with Tlsza. In which n aaya inai ina
transaction was necessary because Hun
gary has not enough money to develop
the oil fields Itself.
Apaln the Intensity of the fighting
around Verdun has dwindled per
ceptibly. Only the artillery arms of
the opponine; aides are active. No
infantry or counter attacks are being
engaged in.
Around L Mort Homme, where
furioua flthta have been fought re
cently, comparatively quiet reigns.
Even, the bombardments here are
only Intermittent. There alao has
been a slackening in the fire of the
big guru In the Woerre region to
the southeast of Verdun.
Ammunition Depots Blown I'p,
Northeast of the fortress, how
ever, aronnd Douaumont and Dam
loup the Germans are hurling shells
against the French positions, but the
French are vigorously countering.
North of Verdun, near the right
bank of the Meuse, Important Ger
man ammunition depots have been
blown up by the French guns at
I unlv nna infant iv
place along the entire line from Belgium
to the Vogs. - This was to the north
of the Alans, where a German attack
agslnst a small French pout south or
the Bols Des Buttes was repulsed.
Constantinople reports that the British
In Mesopotamia are In general retreat
from the Felahle region, with the Turks
vigorously In pursuit.
Battle on laonso Front.
The hard fighting between the Italians
and Austrlans continues at various
points, especially Id the Isonso region,
but no Important changes in positions
have resulted. Little flgutlag of Impor
tance is taking place on the Russian
Petrograd reports the capture by the
Russians of the town of Mamakhuatan
from the Turks. The town in some sixty
miles west of Erserura on the Ruphrates
Battle Has Had No
Effect on Progress
Of Hustling Korea
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
SEODU Korea, Feb. 29. The regenera
tion of Korea has been continuing, not
withstanding the war. according to a
proclamation just Issued by Count Te
rauchi; the governor general, who warns
the people against over-confidence and
urjres them to greater progress.' In round
figures, the foreign trade of the country
has reached M.M0.000 during the last
vesr. according to the report, doubling
the sum of five years ago. The value of
exports has risen nearly threefold, with
the result that the excess of Imports over
exports, which once stood at 100 per cent,
has dropped to DO per cent.
The value of agricultural products 1h
now estimated at $150,000.0(10 a year, which
la double the returns for the first year
mirier the Japanese regime. More rice
4 protlllCCU mail wao iirruuu aaai ' ,
o it was pOFflule to export this com
modity to the value of $12,000,000. The
coventor general pointed out that there
was still great necessity, however, for
Improving the methods of farming. The
area of cultivated land is still only 13 per
cent of the entire area of arable terri
tory. To avoid Iwks from flood or drouth
it Is still necessary to enlarge the system
if Irrigation snd to undertake affore sta
i ion.
Among other ihlnK which the governor
teneral noticed as items in the piogrens
of Korea was the fact that more than
guilds for savin money had been
established with a total credit of IWO.OOO
deposits: deposits in postal savings banks
had reached a total of SsnO.ouO; repairs
have been completed rY.rtng the last five
.tears on some 7,000 miles of road; the
construction of the llonam-Seoul-Wonsan
railwav has lieen completed, In addition
to the Fusan-New-YViJu line, and the total
mileage of railways now open to traffic
Is over 1.000 miles. Telegraph and postal
stations have been established at more
than 600 places; the total number of com
mon schools Is now over and aoine
schools for higher education alao have
been founded.
Thieves Steal Clothes
Off Sleeping Man
John MUUgan, hailing from New Tork
and now residing at the City rooming
bouse, was robbed of his clothes while
he slept In his room. He claims that he
had a part of the stolen outfit on .his
person and that the thieves undressed
him and took his olothea and ilGO In cash!
No trace of the burglars haa been found.
Msvtswata of Oecsa Steamers.
Fort. Arrived. Sailed.
NAPLJBS Oleusappa Verai..
OUAHOOW California.
CHRIgTlAN&aMt BarawaQore.
KBW TORK. . Chloasa,
NEW YORK Hants Olav. ,
For Files
A Fr Trial of Pyramid Pile, Treat.
. raent Will Bo J nit Like Meet
ing; a Good Old Friend.
flare yon tried Pyramid If not, why
don't your The trial la- free lust mail
coupon below and the results may amnio
you. Others are praising Pyramid Pile
Treatment as their deliverer why not
youT Mall coupon awor get a toe bo from
any druggist anywhere. Take no substitute.
MM pyramid Bids- Marshall. Mloh.
Kindly aend me Free sample of
Pyramid Pile Treatment, In plain wrapper.
r-tty. . .
Editor Tells How,
D. D. D. Cured
His Eczema
Clergyaui and Banker Also Wrtto
IT. G. Hot eta kiss. Editor Echo, Prepketts
tnwn, III. : Hauember ailne was ecsema of
fifteen years' standing. Now I am com-rlot.-ljr
healed, after 4 bottles of D. D. O.
I bare sees a case of Hi rears' standing
cured. I have seen my own doctor cured
of barber's Itch, which he could not cure
F. K. Teear, Banker, Hopklnran, In I
fretted with three doctors for six months.
They did tue no good ) niy face and scalp
were full of the disease. I applied D. D. D.
.Result my face is as smooth as a baby's.
' Rev. L. I. Iiowntng, Paator Ct Av. Pre
bvterlan Ohnrch, boanoke, Va. : Tor three
veara I suffered. Intensely so. I have at
list fonnd relief In I. D. D. I am no
longer tortured ompletelr cared. I have
no hesitancy In acknowledging the great
J virtues of tbls speciflo.
i Prurglsts sre glad to recommend this
I eoothiuf, cooling liquid. 2Sc, Cue and $1.00.
1 I'ome to us and we will tell you mors about
; this remarkable remedy. Your money bark
unless the first bottle relieves you. I. D. D.
I uap keeps jour skin hrslU7t Ask about tt.
j Sherman & McComu-1! Drug Co. 'a Stores
r io!l
It takes but a minute of time to
io!lrs when you reed The Hee Want Ad
i oluimts
rule Oil Airain Uaneel.
PITTSIH'ROH, Match IS.-Pentis j I
VMinn crmlo oil adv.iiicu today to $:t
a barrel. Ulier lit w prlcea ii:imd were;
'aLell I.'IJ. Mercer Hla. k, Xew 'astl
snd roinimr. $'.M; Somereet. $r.'i. and
faa-laml. W I'inis. This 1 Mi udana'
if to cetits m l-M i el in imh -.ifle e.
tept Rafeland. which advanced j ct-nta.
Ttn tnetltatioa la tho maty one
In the central weet with apacaU
bnUdlnca attate4 In their o.
ample gTounda, yer enttrelr At
tUet,,na4 remdeains It poaalble to
claaalfy caeea. The on buldln
beiDf fitted Tor and devoted to the
treatment of non-contAioua and
noa-mentavl dl aiae. no other ha
lns admitted; the other Rest Cot
tage being dealgned for and de
voted to the exclaulve treatment
of select mental easee requiring
for a time watchful care and ape
rial nursing.
Whether it be in Garment, Style or Fabric Weave. We Are Ready, Splendidly Ready to Gratify Your Ideal in . Colorings and Quality, That Will
Satisfy, at Prices That Will Please. . f.
Beautiful New Blouses
llroad rnnire of rlnasy alylrn In CVepe de Chlne,
Itadinni Nilkn, Tub Kllka ami tJoor-jotte lllousc,
that really are worthy of fl.OO and $J.VOO jri inns,
on ante hore, Monday, at, choice S2.DS
The New Washable Kid Gloves
Are here In the pretty pearl grays, Newport and
while, with fnnry embroidered becka; they wnwli
'rfectly; come In all alce, and are priced at. per
l'lr Sl.OO. 81.50 and 82.00
Exquisite New Laces Shown d.T
That You'll Find Unequalled in Quality or Eeauty
Our bg annual aale on fine Ice begins Monday. Lace of
all kinds on epectnl aale. VaU, Torchona, tanUlly. lher,
lolnt de Taris, Oriemlal, Venise, Ktc. nly a few of the many
bargains here limed and all at epertal cut price.
Val Lneos, at 2lac, ZY2c, 5o and iy2c per yard, refru
lar price 5c to 15c per yard.
Point de Paris Wash Lnces, at 10c, 15c and 19c; regu
lar value, 25c to 35c.
Oriental Xet Top Lnees, nt 10c, 19c, 25c, 49c and 69c;
regular price 20c to $1.
All Over Knees, n 98c and $1.49; regular value $J
to jier yard.
Fine 12-inch to 45-inch Laec Flouncings, at 49c, 98c,
$1.49, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98; regular values 75e to
$5 per ynrd.
To Beautify the Home
Artistically and at the same time eco
nomically is easy if you take advantage of
the splendid offerings
In Rugs and Draperies
Shown on Third Floor this week. We
Placed Our Order Early and our prices
will save you dollars without sacrifice of
i (Oorpet and Drapery Dept. Third Floor.)'
6x9 Seamless. Tapestry Brussels Rurs. rfjey r
$10.00 ralue, sale price. J DU
9x12 Seamless Tapestry 'Brussels 1 Q QQ
Rugs, $18.00 value, sale price. ..... tPluilvO
8-3x10-8 Seamless Tapestry Brussels tt 1 O ff
Rugs, $16.00 value, sale price 4laaUU
9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs, big line t 1 C Cft
of patterns, $20.00 value, sale price. . J XOeOU
9x12 Beamlees Wilton Velvet Rags, 28 patterns for
selection, $S6. 00 value. t07 ft
sale price eUU
9x12 Blgelov Body Brussels Rugs, ArtQ Ci"V
$35.00 value, sale price P2eDU
Combination Vacuum and Carpet Sweeper, all parts
guaranteed for one year, $8.00 value, tC CA
sale price pOeDU
Best quality, water color Window Shades, A r
7 feet long, for t .'. . IUC
Let us measure your houso for shades. - All ma
terial and workmanship guaranteed.
Marquisette Curtains, white and blege, J QQ
pair, from 85.08 V 1 elO
Cable Net Curtains, 3 yards long, $5 f0 Cf
value, white only, at. pair JaCOU
Fancy Scrims, 36 inches wide, all shades, 1
yard, from 30t to 1UC
Sunfast Material, 60 Inches wide, all col- 7C
ors, yard, 81.25. 05t nl OC
Big line of Couch Covers, $ 25
3 and 4 -panel Screens, burlap and 1 AQ
sateen filled, up from vXetcl
We are showing a new line of Cedsr and Matting
Cheats, from 82.50 "P-
New Spring Embroideries
At Underpricings Truly Surprising
lleantiful KniliroldcrNl I'Mffons In Kdgen, rlounring
and AHovers.
$5.00 embroidered Chiffon Allovcrs st .82.08
$6.00 embroidered Chiffon Klounclnprs. at $5,OS
$3.00 embroidered Chiffon Peml-Flounclngs, at 81.08
$2.6 embroidered Chiffon si....- 81.40
The finest line of white and fancv colored Embroideries in the
country, at 7o OSt 81.25. 81.50. p to 83.50
per yard.
Regular price $l.r0 to $6..0 per yard.
5Ac KMIU(OII)KKIi:s, I'KK YAHU, lftc Fine 18-Inch Skirt
Flouncings and Corset Cover Km broideries, only 15? yarl.
tor K.MIUUHDKUir.S, 5c--Edges, Insertings, Headings and
(lalloons, wortit up to 15c a yard, on sale, at only a yard.
$2.00 l'lX)CN(nxiM AT OHt Fine 4 0-Inch Flouncings, suit
able for fancy frocks, party dresses, graduation gowns, first
communion gowns, etc.
yc HMIIKOIDKIUKM AT 2ftc A YARD 9 to 27-lnch Flounc
ings, In beautiful patterns, excellent quality, new designs.
K special lot of 4 H -yard strips of fine hand loom embroideries,
on sale. at. 5, 7t 10 12 Ht. 15t 20c. 25t
And Still They Come
More New Spring Dresses. Suits.
Coats. Wraps. Skirts and Blouses
. Tlie newest of the new in garment styles is offered
for your inspection and selection; in freshness, in
charm, in variety of style, in quality, at any given
price you'll find this showing superior.
500 More New Suits
Just received for Monday. With these additional 500 Suits w
have the largest and grentest variety of Street Suits, Dress and
Silk Suits in standards of designs all colors many exclusive
designs, at 835.00. $30.75. 845.00. 850.00. S5O.00
and up to 875.00.
Crown Jeweled Tailored Suits
Stand in a class by themselves, dis
tinctly superior in beauty of design, ar
tistic tailoring and duality, at
With these for Monday wo have included 100 Classy
Sample Suits, in Silk Failles, Taffetas, Silk and
"Wool Combinations, etc; values you'll unquestion
ably find matchless... . $25.00
New Silk Skirts for Monday
We have just received the classiest lot of new Skirts ever
shown. All copies of imported models. Shown Monday at
87.50. SIO.OO. 812.50 and 815.00.
Coats! Coats! Coats!
One hundred or more Rapoport's wonderful top coats, all
exclusive styles, at 825.00. 835.00. 845.00 ad S55.00.
See them Monday.
$35 and $40 Gowns and Dresses, $25
Hundreds of beautiful garments for your selection;
charming designs in the season's most popular mater
ials and colorings; afternoon dresses, dinner dresses,
dancing frocks, etc., in all Bizes, 16 to 44, qualities
usually priced at $."i5.00 to $40.00; in Mon- CjOC
day's sale, choice $tD
A lot of Blouses for Monday in fancy laces, Georgettes. crep3
de chine, also high clans tailored stripe silks from the famous
Max Held line, mouses worth to $10.00, Monday, 84.08.
The new spring silks in a great variety.
At lower prices than you will find else
where. PREPAREDNESS Early pur
chases enables us to sell silks at no advance
in price. Buy your silks here and save
fully one-third in price at the daylight silk
Satin striped Taffetas, extra fine qualities, beauti
ful light and . dark colorings: silks especially
adapted for skirts and dresses; a special showing
Z1::1:... $1.00
Taffetas! Taffetas! Every woman seems to want
a taffeta dress. 200 pieces for Monday's selling,
in the new spring colors, qualities that are de
pendable and give satisfaction. New blues, grays
and rose colors; plenty of black OC
or navy, at $1.50 and aDC
The new Corduroys, for skirts and short coats are
here In the newest colors. Old rose, Delft blue,
canary, Russian green, champagne and t 1 O C
white. Sea them Monday, at 81.50. PlD
2,000 yards of 3G and 40-lneh Dress Silks in a
good assortment of colors, chiffon, taffetas, satin
de sole, crepe do chines, in prints; silk poplins,
radiums and all silk satin stripe, tub OC
silk, worth fl.26 and 1.60. at. ...... . ZJDC
60 pieces of 24 to 36-inch, plain and novelty Dress
Silk, mescalines, taffetas, fancy stripes and plaids,
silk poplins, tub silks, etc., worth o
11.00 and fl.26, at 78 and...... DOC
New Spring Dreas Goods in Onr Daylight Section.
All the new weaves and colors are here. French
velours and gabardines, new poplins and Otto
man cords, French serges and men's wear sergea
for tailor made suits, 50
56-inch Covert Suitings in the new sand shades,
mixed browns and greens, very attractive and
stylish for 8ktrts and Suits, $1 25
160 pieces of beautiful all wool fabrics In the very
latest spring colorings, poplins, Mel rose cloths,
gabardines, French serges, medium weight and
strictly all wool and fast colors; no
$1.26 values, Monday, at 170C
New shepherd checks In the several popular slses,
black and white and some with col- J OC
ored overcheck; 64 In. wide, 81.50. V esfitJ
9klrt Made to Your Measure See our New Spring
models at our dress goods section. Stylish, up-to-the-minute
skirts that are made well and look
well; your choice of a large range of do OA
new materials; for the making Ps&aUU
For ladles who wish to partly make their , own
skirts we have the semi-made skirts. Very simple
to finish, in plain materials; also black and white
checks. Pee them Monday on the J0 QQ
main floor, at 83.08 and P..70
Of the better class at
prices no more than most
ordinary kinds.
Specials for this Week:
That you cannot afford to
diIh. To gut ail that is JiiUy
due yon in wall decoration,
come here and select your pa
pers. We have a better cla.
of pattern, but they cost yon
no more than the ordinary
kind. You will realise the sat
isfaction of having a pretty
home If you .elect your wall
paper here.
plain Oat Maal Patpera. 30-tnch
roods; rasular 2!u rallies. vr
10,004 rolls of kitchen and bM
room papr worth 12ViO per roll.'
- at this sale, per roll So
Gold with borders. aultaMa
for parlors, ha'ls and dining
room a, worth 2 tic par roll, ko
at. per roll 18io
e.Ortrt rolls of pacer anltanla for
any room In ths houas; regular
prire lio per roll, so at. P-r
roll TV0
W dave th finest assortment
c.f cut-uul borders In the city. All
borders cut out free of chares
during this sule. Una week only.
The New White
and Colored
Embroidered Novelties for Dresses and
Waists, while on whito or colored em
broidery, IVi nnd 4(1 inches wide, per
yard. 59c and C5c
"White Suiting and Skirting, 3G inches
wide, a showing of excellent fabrics, at,
per yard 39c
ash Fabrics
Plain White Voile, 40 inches wide, su
perb quality at the special price, Mon
day, per yard 15c
The Newest Sport Stripe Shirtings, 32
ins. wide, best colors, here, per yd., 39c
Sport Stripe Skirtings, 2S inches wide,
fast colors, per yd ....29c
Colored Linens for Suits, soft and of the
silkiest finish, per yard 45c
We Advise Our Customers to buy Flour Now
iLiaiin mi hi
The market is op effala aad evsry
laoioatloa for higher prices.
Monday we will nM tlie bent high
grade Llamorid II Hour, muda from
No. 1 selected wheat. notnuiK tln-r
crown. Kverv sn k Kun.rant. ert :n
give perfect all.rat'tton ur
your money rerunntu 11
full, per iH-lb. sack
10 bars Bat-Em-All. lllajnond
Iundry tueen whit, laundry aoaii
10 bars Pearl White Laundry Hoin
for 3o
f bars Electric. ftirk Soap SSo
7 lba. best bulk laundry a larch ... SSo
I lbs. beat rolled whits Hieakfu.t
Oatmeal for e
I lbs. white or yellow cornniral . . ITo
I pkss. Hklnner's Omaha Made Man.
aronl, Vermicelli ur ripaahettl. .S3o
I lart cans Condensed Milk Sla
small cans Condensed Milk 810
I rajia wax, trlnf. or green beans
for le
I laxse cans Golden Pumpkin, Hom
iny or Hauor Kraut 91o
8 larse cans Pork and Means S3o
S2-o. Jars Pure Fruit Prerves . . 8&o
2-o. Jars Pure Strained Honey.. B3o
Mai t.aren's Famous Peanut Butter,
vr lb 12Vo
Tall cans Halnion 8iO
ans nil or Mustard JWdlnoa . . 19o
a lbs. choice Japan Hlce SSa
Veaat Foam. r ka- So
V.. '. Corn Klukrs. I1 60
V'. O. or Krumlilf, pk So
The best aoda or drahom crackers.
rt-r lb 1o
All ltPKular 10c Iooe-Wllea Famous
Cookies, per lb S'tO
All regular lr I.oone-VlIs Fa
mous t'ookles, per lb IOO
All Itea-ular 16c Iose-Wllea Famous
Cookies, per lb llO
The beat Tea Klfllns. pr lb ISHo
Fancy Oolden Han to. Coffe lh...6o
The best strictly Fresh FS. I'r
dosen 0O
120 sle. that retail at 40o per dosen.
our price SSa
150 alxe, that retail at I So per dnteo.
our price UVaP
170 aise, that retail at 10c per dox n.
vui eii lev aw
04 sla Grapefruit, rerular 3 for aSo
oar prloe for Koaday, aaoa Bo
The bast strictly Frasb Country
Bra's. .BOthlJiaT finer at any prloe, par
dosen at 80e.
The best Creamerv Butter, lb ...360
No 1 Country Creamery Uutler, per
ib aao
The best Dairy Table Flutter SSo
Full Cream. New York White.
ftunslti Yiiuiitt America or
Full Cream Mrlrk Cheese, lb 840
Neiitchatel Chrese, each So
Imported Roquefort Cheese, lb...80o
InnlKirtiid Orltronxola Checae, lb...SOo
fcee our samplea of the famous Krunr
Ctineaes, 3? varieties, at 4So
TATO XS, rzox 30o
Kreah Spinach, per peck 80o
I larso hunches Frenh Phallots, Had-
talus, carrots or Turnips 100
Fresh Cahhave, II l'.o
klancy Cauliflower, lb THo
Fancy Red linlona, lb So
Fsm y HI pa Tomatoes, lb lOo Ciioumhera, each 160
5 large H0110 Hunches 10a
Fancy Cranberries, quart lOo
I the watchword of the hour
Am yoo prvparexl for house) clean
ing and gardening time? Why
not take Advantage of the many
specials offered here this wek?
Wash Day and Gen
eral House Cleaning
Supplies at Bargain
Prices on Monday
No. 0 Galvanised Tuba Sa
No. t Galvanized Tubs SSO
No. 1 Galvanized Tubs 730
No. t Galvanised Tuba tsa
No. t Extra heavy Msk Boilers, cop
per bottom fl.88
No. t extra heavy I.lsk Boilers, cop
per bottom fa. 10
Medium alse Clothes Baskets SSo
I-arge tixe Clothes Baskets TSa
Folding Ironlns Boards SSa
Full all brasx or tine Wash Boards,
at 43a
60 ft. Wire Clothes Line, twisted, 1S
100 feet Wire Clothes Une, plain, 39s
Three ic boxea Clothes Pins loo
Folding Clothes Hacks Mo
Huperb Iron Frama Clothes Wrlnaer,
at 12.48
Brighton Wood frama Clothes Wring
er, at 83.fl9
Mrs. Potts' 6-piece set fiad Irons 880
Willlajiis' Klettrio Irons 8a.8
U. K. Washing Machine, at $4.4.8
Hound Hun Western Waaher Ma
chine 81.98
tl.SA Oil Mop. tl 00 csn of Oil. IMS
value, at 81.18
Medlmu Bquai-. Clothes' Hampers.
at asa
Irge square Clothsa Hampers,
at 1.18