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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1916)
TllF, OMAHA SUNDAY l)K: MAIJCH IP, 1HH. 5 A CAYALRY GAMP AT COLONIA DUBLAN Column from Hachita Arrives at Mormon Settlement Adjoining City of Casas Grandes. GATEWAY TO GALENA REGION (Continued fmm Face OnO lrr lo his troop BRHinut perrnlttlnK the occupation of cltlp. The general offprfd no conimmt on whnt he would do pro vided the American troojis occupied a Mexlrnn city. rtspntchc direct from Mexico mid the official nnnounoements from Major Gen eral Funnton made It evident, today that t ho two American columns, one from "o lumhu, X. M., under General rershlnn. wid the other from Harhlta, N. M , un der ColoneW lodd, had Rotten Into clone communication with each other, and probably had formed an actual Junction when a little more than half way on the route to ("ana Grandes. treio llrrnnilna Apparent. Something of the atrnteRy of the dash on Villa's trail also wag apparent. The Hnchlta column made Its actual start from San Bernardino ranch, which Is In the little square of territory about the size of a larso county, where the state of New Mexico extends some forty miles outh of the general east and west line of the American border.- Hy using this American territory for the first part of their advance from Hachita, the flying cavalry command of Colonel George Dodd, was able to strike Into Mexico at the shortest distance from Casas Grandes, a. little more than sixty miles of march. The main column under General Tershing at Columbus, N. M., starting from a point considerably further distant from Casas Grandes, did not bo due aouth, but apparently veered to the westward to get Into touch with the caralry command from Hachita. Reports here that Tershlng'a army In tended to establish a base at Guiman were discounted In dispatches yesterday that Guzman was still held by Carranza troops and that the American columns were marching about twenty-five miles to the westward. This would put them very close to the route of the cavalry com mand of Colonel Podd. Guzman Is an Important constitutionalist garrison town, about thirty miles directly south of the point where General Pershing entered Mexico, and by going past it to the west no question of occupation was raised. HAVE A PARTY TO TALK OVER RELICS OF YESTERYEAR Seated, left to right: Mrs. Arvilla Foster, Mrs. M. W. Sears, Mrs. M. J. Tracy, Mrs. Elizabeth Christy (hostess), Mrs. Sarah Mays and Mrs. Mary More. Standing:, left to right: Mrs. Collins Jordan, Mrs. E. W. Kennedy, Mrs. Lucinda Kems, Mrs. H. J. Sheridan, Mrs. S. M. Moon, Mrs. Helen Stearns and Miss Mary Munn. r it C : - Ni .I mi iwwnn WW sa sfcis -W'M '"'Mm ' -."1 SPECIAL MUSIC AT NORTH PRESBYTERIAN TONIGHT At the North Tresuytenan church there vill be a special musical service at 7::f p. m. this evening with the following program: J'relude Andantino . .. Lemare .Anthem (with unison bass solo) The God of Abraham I'raise Buck Solo But the Lord is Mindful Mendelssohn Paul Reynolds. .Anthem (with solo) Praise the Lord Uoold Miss Dlmock. Offertory Chau de Honheur. ..i... Lemare Anthem (ladles' trio) Great Jehovah Krats ! Solo The Ninety and Mnc Campion Mrs. Roy Flanagan. Anthem (with solo) Jubilate llo....Goold Dean Davidson. 6olo Love Divine, All Love Excelling. Sonimers -a- ' J. C. Ochiltree. Mala Quartet I Messrs. Reynolds, Newcomb, Ebrlght, Allen. Anthem (with solo and oblis-ato) Hark, Hark. Mly Soul ...Shelley j Miss Helen Fales, Mrs. Flanagan. i T ll.. J. .. I J I VDUuur-uniKU ntiiiufi Miss Eloise West, organist; Lee G. Kratz, choirmaster. BOGUS FIVE-DOLLAR BILLS ARE NOW IN CIRCULATION Wearing dresses. Jewelry, trinkets and finery that would seem strangely out of place In 1910, but which were In vogue In the youth of our grandmothers, great grandmothers, and great-great-grandmothers, and bringing with them heir looms and priceless family relics of other centuries, fourteen silver-haired old ladles were the guests of honor at the home of Mrs. Kllzabeth M. Christy, 3404 Lafayette avenue, Friday at a real "Old Times" party. Exit the customs, anecdotes and lum inescences of a mere twenty or thirty years ago. Such "modern-day" things were relegated to the scrap heaps of memory for the time being. Persons 60 years old were talked of as "children." Seated around a room In a circle, these old ladles, whose ages when totalled up reached well over 9"0 years, in turn ex hibited some heirloom or relic and told Its history. Borne of their bodies bore visibly the results of the touches rf Father Time's Inevitable wand but not. In most care. their memories or spirits. Lived Aziln Ilaya of 1 nr. The sight of so many old-time thinKs and mannerisms loosened the floodgates of remembrance Hnd for a few precious hours today was forgotten; they lived over again in conversation their yester days. Ah! here was an old silver spoon ownel by some bright-eyed old lady that was old at a wedding anniversary a half cen tury ago. And here a sampler a thing as strange to the modern debutante as the Ramadan thst, handed down from generation to generation, has existed in throe cen turies. And, again, a Plhle, printed in England when the American revolution was still a timely topic of the day. Very much In evidence were the back combs, shawls, cameos and whatnot of yesteryear. Anyone atemptlng to compare modern times with the "good old days" would have lost such a debate In the rebuttal The rebuttal would have been sincerity. The oldest lady at the party was Mrs. M. V. Sears, mother of Judge U G. Sears. Khe is (d years old. And the youngest was well, the young est was old enough. The guests of honor at the party were Mrs. Sears. Mrs. E. W. Kennedy, Mrs. Arvilla Foster. Mrs. M. J. Tracy. Mrs. S. M Moon, Mrs Mary Moore, Mrs. Jo seph ltcalty, Mrs. H. J. Sheridan, Mrs. Collins Jordan. Mrs. Lucinda Kerns, Miss Mary Lunn, Mrs. Helen Stearns and Mrs. Sarah Mayse. Mrs. Christy, the hostess, whose mother, Mrs. Mayse, was one of the guests of honor, was assisted by Mrs. J. II. ..lteley, Mrs. D. M. Learning;. Mrs. (1. T. Llndley. Mrs. T. W. Wheeler, Miss Flora Sears nnd Kev Oliver Keve, pas tor of the Walnut Hill Methodist Epis copal church. Miss Hears sang "The Wearing of tb.0 Green." Tho color scheme In decorations, re freshments and the attire of the hosl esaes was green and wl'lte. Operations Are Performed On Three of Omaha's Officers An epidemic of Illness lias swept over tho police department In the Isst few days and three officers are confined to hospitals following operations, while two others are confined to their homes. Officers Johnny if olden and Nels J. Holland were both operated upon Friday at Lord Lister hospital. Holden was op erated on for blood poisoning, while Hot land underwent the knife on account of appendicitis. Officer 15. J. Kimball was operation upon at St. Joseph hospital for mastoid itis. John Urarty, turnkey at the city Jail. Is confined to his home with a bail cold, and Sergeant W. R. Wilson Is at home suffering from diabetes. "Bob's" Fee Graft Yesterday's pocketing of half the receipts far htm $5S.E0 ia addition to his a yeu salary. 1st ap- M ap plications pllintlotis Dste. at II each, at 4 each. Mmcli 1 n " March 1 17 0 March 3 12 1 March 4 9 March S4 S March 7 i 1 March s 3: 1 March !." 0 rch ' 22 1 March II H 0 M mm h IS 74 Man h 14 f-4 .1 March 1.1 74 March b1 0 March 17 V 2 Totals. 15 days In March. .SV 2.1 SERGEANT RUSSELL DRIVES STOLEN AUTO TO STATION An automobile owned by John l.of. 2111 Ohio street, was stolen from where It had been left parked at Nineteenth and Cass streets. In less than fortv-flve minutes after n report of the theft had been made to the police. Sergeant Rus sell found the car at Twenty-first and Nicholas streets, where the theleves abandoned It. Sergeant Russell, although not an expert "handler" of unruly fliv vers, drove the machine to the station. BAN ON CHILDREN TO MOVIES LIFTED i . Dr. Conntll Declares Scarlet Fever ii So Relieved as to Warrant Rescinding of Order. ONLY TWENTY-EIGHT CASES NOW Dr. Connetl, city health commls alonpr, han liftr-d the bun on tho ad mission of children under 12 yeara of a to theaters and moving pic ture, shown. Dr. Cnnnell, In rescind ing the order, explains that the scar let fever nluaflon has so Improved that this precaution is no longer necessary. Health Commissioner Connell made this statement: "I believe the scarlet fever situation, particu larly among children, has been re lieved to the extent that I am war ranted In rescinding my order re lating to children attending motion picture shows and other places of entertainment. There were only twenty-eight cases this week of chil dren of school ages." Spring Showing of Millinery There Is a How Itching ("Win Alton t the New Millinery Mode We Have, Asacmltleri for Hprtnic. r NEWNESS that Is the keynote of all the beautiful Millinery modes thnwn here now. And there la a charm a bewitching and attractive charm about the many new stylos that we have gathered for our Spring displays. There are many hats here made In our own shops that are direct repro ductions of high-priced Tarlatan models. They were planned by the best designers In the Millinery world and our adaptability to ropy the9 models elves you the advantage of buying tueni at very moderate prices indeed. A welcome Is given to all to call nnd examine our many models and see where Millinery 1b sold at the best values In Omaha. O'Connor & Emblen, Kecond Hitor I'axtun lllock. Sixteenth and Fanuun. In Our Gift Shop (Firif Floor) Table Lamp and (in shade, complete. ... P X vr Government agents In Omaha have re ceived notification that counterfeit 15 federal reserve notes are In circulation. The counterfeits are a quarter-inch longer and a trifle wider than the genu ine. Red and blue Ink lines are drawn on them In Imitation of the red and silk thresds found In the genuine. All the counterfeits so far found bear the num ber U393.")1A. m M H I m $14 This Bedroom Suite Bed, $19.00. Dresser, $20.C0. Chiffonier, $19.00. Dressing Table, $17.00. One example only of the large assortment now on display. Mad from select oak, quarter sawed panels, Jacobean finish, twist posts. CONFECTIONERY STORE AND SALOON ARE ROBBED William 1 ayduk's store, at 1210 South Thirteenth street was entered Friday Mgnt oy Durgiars. wno guinea entrance j by forcing open the front door. Cigars, tobacco and confectionery to the total of J3& were taken. Mike Br ski's saloon, 1002 South Thir teenth street, was also broken into and forty bottles of whisky, together with three boxes of cigars, carried off. 11 ..OH 'w .... .T '.. ijiiiii .inn mifllMJM I 1" V . .Sin .... flU, J.I Orchard ? Willielm Co. 414-416-418 South Sixteenth Street. Quality Furniture at Popular Prices 8 Carloads Furniture Received the Past Week Embracing llie latest in Jacobean, William and Mary, Queen Anne, and Ohas II designs, as well as plain straight linea and Colonial patterns. You'll be pleased with this Sujerior display and surprised at the low selling priees. Jacobean and Charles II Mahogany Bedroom Suites Cane insertion in panels. Very attractive patterns. Beds, $28.EC and $29.00. Dressers, $29.50 and $30.00. Chiffoniers, $29.00 and $29.50. x These suites also in American Walnut at, a nmull advance in price. Simmons Steel Bed, $8.75 One of our big line of Simmons Ueds. exactly like cut. hnilt wilh two-Inch con tinuous post five one-inch fillers, and fitted with Rood grade nieiul rasters, mak ing it easy to move about. Cornea in e'tlier whito enamel or Vernis Martin finish. Kull Bize at S8.75. Bad Coaghl Feverish? l.rlppyr These ailments weaken your system; don't wait. I'se Dr. Bell's Tine-Tar-Bloney. It allays inflammation: kill crrms. .25c. All drURglsts. Advertisement. BRIEF CITY NEWS "Tcwnstnd's for 8 port ins; Ooofls." Baltimore Silver Edholm. Jeweler. Llfhtln rixtarss Burgess-Grandsn. Hsvs Boot Flint It Now Beacon Press. Auto Ttrs Chain, Jas. Morton Son Co. Vs "Ism-Tils" shingles. Sunderland. Mirrors Mads and Bs-Sllversd Omaha Glass Con. Co., 1612 Cap. Ave. D. 1721. To Stll Bal Estate, list it with J. II. Uiimont & Co., Keellne l)ld. Keep Tour Money and valuables In the American Safe Deposit Vaults, 218 South 17th St.. Boe BldK. Boxes rent 1.0J for t months. Open from s. m. to 6 p. m. Mrs. retail Better Mrs. Lee Kstelle, wife of the district Judge, is improved considerably and is not in danger, as was first reported. "Today's Mo via Fro train" classified ctlon today. It .prea.-s in Tn B'O tXCLUSIVELr". Find out what the vs.. rloua moving picture Uisaters offer. Tsacher Has Boarlat Paver May Kelly, teacher at I-ong school, Is Hi with scarlet fever. She Is the second public school teacher stricken with this dlseaae. Held for Violating Bop Laws Virgil Trice was bound over to the federal nmnd Jury by Commissioner Slnnhaus under J1,0"0 bond for alleged violation nf the "dope" laws. Mrs. roots to Speak Mrs. D. A. Koote 1-ud. r of the li neighb jrhood Hlll clasdt s of the city of Uinaha, will cundui t her class for leaders on .Monday after- nn, March 20. in the auditorium of the Young M"ii H Chr.stiun association. Us "Tax-Til" Shingles. Sunderlands. Ksysr Oosa on Buying Trip K. M. Meyer, manager of the lierg Clothing rntnpanv, I- lies' department, will leave for Ne.w York on a buying trip to re plenish bis sto ks, due to the brink bui-lie.-." of his department the lat ek. In fact, a full size Davenjwrt, Turkish con struct ion, G feet 8 inches lontf; soft and luxurious, covering is hair cloth j. A r figured brown denim. Wry spl. val. !)f G enuineTennessee Red Cedar Chest, $ 10 Moth proof. .lust the thing in which to put away winter clothes Size 40 inches long, H-j inches wide and 17 inches deep Rocker, $13 (Like Cut) Frame of solid mahogany, twist posts; one of the late pat t ems, upholstered tp- entry, spring cushion scat. fc 1 Ir'I fj Choice Anne ( hair or Rocker. gg Another Carload Combination Ranges Pretty good evidence that people want only the Itest. The Round Oak Combination Range burns coal, gas or wood equally well without change of parts. Don't take our word for it. We will H-iid it out on Bilf 3? Iiiitr-f& r JiiiiisM t - t t ' rtrff I as IMI T II. I BIISinMMMMMWII,-.- ilrtNilliisr rVi 30 Days' Free Trial Then after the trial, monthly payments. The best costs no more than the cheaply made, un known combination range" Prepare for Summer Turn in your old Refrigerator for $3.C0 on a new Herrick. It don't pay-to fix up an old refrigerator Only a perfect circulating refrljerator like tli HEKIUCK will keep the family's food pure. It's Early Yes Hut early preparedness Is the only economical kind. Monthly payments as you use the Refrigerator. Complete line of Herrick's on display in basctneut. Jj TTWWHWTf Charming New Laces for the Curtaining of Your Windows la our curtain department we are nhowinR a new line '-f Duchess, I iris Hrie or strip lace goods. These enable us to treat ordinary nle, large and small windows and French doors exactly alike and with, proportionate fullness. Made in the new champagne tthade and range in price-- $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 per strip 9 inches wide. No higher than regular curtains of this style and much more practical. Also curtains to match two Oi these patterns, at $12.50 and $13.50 Pair. New Rice Voile An exceedingly sheer and dainty bedroom curtain material, in while only, 10 and 75 Yard. ThoKe Hice Voiles alRO come in pink and blue Jacquard dot at 75 )ard. . . i WL mm Sunfast Madras l roue and gold effects for Chambers, i0 Yd. Filet Lace Nets In natural Egyptian and Ivory colors, 10c 50S G5 and 75( Vd. Rugs That Look Well Wear Well-and Sell Well That's what jn'oplo want, and because we buy only the hot known makes, carefully select and show them in big as sortments, we are daily selling large numbers of Axminster Rugs 9x12 bizc $20, $22.50, $24 to $29.75 ur lines show assortments in all sizes at proportionate prices. Our Rug Section offers Complete Stocks of New Patterns in Bundhar Wilton Rugs French Wilton Rugs Whittall Anglo-Persian and Anglo-Indian Rugs It would be a mistake to buy w, It bout seeing our assortment of rugi. Spend a Pleasant Hour Listening to the New Victor Records In Our New Victrola Gallery On the Fifth Floor The most perfectly appointed suite of rooms la t!ie west for the display of Talking Machines. You will be cordially welcomed here at all timej. Victor Tulklntt Machines In all grade und flnibhcv, $15.00 to $300.00 Have You Tried The Victor Tungs-Tone Stylus? It plays CO to 200 records without need of change. 2LV ;cirii. aw ii 1 Oonvenient Term of 1'ayniont. Key to the Situation Uee Want Ads.