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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1916)
TITT-: OMAHA SUNDAY BBK: MAKC1I IP, 1916. 4 A A Spoonful of Salts Relieves Aching Ki3fleys We eat too much meat, which clogs Kidneys, says noted authority. If back hurts or Bladder both ers, stop all meat for a while. ffhwi jrou wake up with backache and ilull misery In the kidney region It gen erally meana you hava been eating too much meat, says a well known author ity. Meat forma uric acid, which over worka the kidneys In their effort to fil ter It from tha blood and they beconia aort of paralysed and loggy. When your kldneya get sluggish and clog you muat relieve them, like you relieve your bow ela: removing all the body's urinous waste, elae you have backache, alck headache, dlisy apella: your etomach aotira, tongue la coated, and when the) weather la bad you have rheumatlo twinge. The urine la cloudy, full of eedlment, channels often get Bore, water arkldfl and you are obliged to Bek re lief two or three time during the night. Either consult a good, reliable physi cian at once or get from your pharma cist about four ounce of J ad Salt"; take a tablespoonful In a glaaa of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys wfll then act fine. ThU famous aalts la tnade from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with litliia, and haa been used for generations Id clean and stimulate sluggish kldneya, alto to neutralise actila In the urine so it no longer Irritates, thua ending bled iler weakness. J id Salts Is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It Is Inexpensive, cannot injure and makea a delightful effervca icnt Itthla-wmter drink. Advertisement VILLA HOT CAPTURED But If he should be, tha roost ruel form of punishment that could be given him would be to extract nil of his teeth and turn him loose on some uncivilised la- land to spend the remainder or nig days toothless. Hlg life would bo short, but miserable Indeed, The strongest system cannot gurvlve to exceed ten year if every tootn ia out and no artificial teeth are to be had. Every tooth you lose and do not replace Junt shortens your life ac cordingly, o the best tnmg to oo Is not lose them. A tooth must be far cone Indeed If we cannot build it up and save It. You may not be to blame in tne nrst pi ace ror bavins poor teeth, but you certain ly are to blame ror allowing tneia to ro until too late to Bare them. What a wonderful progretu there has been made in dentistry in the last few years, especially la neatness," durability, painlessness and expense, expense we saia something; then. While soma den tists are still asking- twice and even three times as much as we are for dental work, we are satis fied with our prices and know It Is not possible for Anyone to do better, more lasting and beautiful work than we are continually do ing. w i ..bTW r ws. Our guarantee la as strong as one can possibly be made, .vis, it at any time within ten years you become dissatisfied with your teeth or any work performed here, wx) will gladly readjust same to your complete satisfaction or re fund your money. If you are skeptical, not being acquainted with us, please phons Douglas 87 and we will mail you a list of some that have had us do their dental work. Call them up and get their opinion of us. LET us talk the matter. f your teeth over with you. AH work guaranteed ten years. See our price list and compare It with prices you have paid elsewhere. Silver Killing 80 White owna fl.OO Beet 22k Gold crowns . . . 4,Ot it ridge. Work, per tooth. .$4.00 llext rUtes. . . ,3, $H and $10 Treatments $1.00 We give mileage for 50 mil" on Out-of-Town Contracts for $10 or more. CAYALRY CAMP AT COLONIOUBLAN Column from Hachita Arrives at Mormon Settlement Adjoining City of Casai Orandei. GATEWAY TO GALENA REGION ntM.F.TI. Kh PASO, Tex.. March 18. Fran cisco Villa Is in the neighborhood of Cruces, 110 miles south of Casas Grande, according to Information received today by General Gabriel Gavlra, Csrranxa commander at Juares. Celebrates Seventeenth Year as Guardian of the Woodmen Circle EL PASO, Tex., March 18 American cavalrymen were camped at dawn today at Col on I a Dublan, one of the environs of Casas Gran des. They arrived in the night. Throunh Colonla Dublan runs the road o the Galena district, twenty five miles southeast, where Villa ! was last definitely reported. The news of the encampment at Colonla Dublan dispelled fears of and disputes with constitutionalist authorities over what position tho American troops should occupy at Casas Grandes. Mormon scout out riders dashed into Colonla Dublan last night with newa that the Amer icans were near. The column which was first into this Important Amer ican settlement was said to be the cavalry from Hachita. New Problem ArUee. A new problem faced the American troops In Mexico aa they entered the re gion where Villa's trail Is sesreely three days' old. Thla problem came, not from tho Villa ehasn, but from the attitude of the Carranxa authorltlea that they did not wish the Americana to occupy any Mexi can city. In making his announcement that he had asked the Americans not to enter or occupy Caaas Orandes, the city whose possession meana safety to the American Mormon colonists of that region. General Oabrlel Gavlra, commandant at Juares, Mrs. Emma B. Manchester's seven teenth anniversary as supreme guardian of the Woodmen Clrcj was celebrated on fit. Patrick's day. letters and tele grams of congratulation poured Into the offloe all day and the messenger boys were kept busy delivering large boxes of cut flowers, which Included roses, carna tions, azaJlsa, hyacinths, tulips and daf fodils. At ths close of the day the room resembled a bower of spring blossoms. It Is due to the efforts of Mrs. Man chester that the Woodmen Circle la U dny one of the largest and most substan tial fraternal organizations In the Vnlted States. When Mrs. Manchester accepted her office In 1S09 the order consisted of only a few discouraged members, who were facing a hesvy debt. But when tTiey saw the strong determination and recog nised the executive ability of their leader they were stsed with a desire to assist In building up the Institution. Boon out sders became Interested In the progress which wss being made and decided to Join the Woodmen Circle. Mrs. Man chester worked quietly and patiently meeting and overcoming every obstacle which presented Itself. Often she was confronted by serious financial difficulties and again she was forced to contend with thoae who had become envious of her position, but she would not allow any thing to disturb her peace of mind, for she understood that her ultimata succeaa depended upon clear, harmonious think ing. And the order continued to grow, to branch out In every direction, reaching not only the large cities of every state, but finding Its wsy Into remote towns, villages and farms. The present membership of the Wood- " V '-. e. i 1 - X I -a. """- i i' ' ' v A ie' M'NISH OBJECTS TO REED0J BALLOT Republican Chairman Filet His Formal Protest to Name on Ticket. REED SEES REPUBLICAN WIN New and Delightful Spring o MRS. EMMA B. MANCHESTER. men Circle Is over 166,000 and It can boast of a reserve fund of S5.ono.000, which renders Mrs. Manchester's work unequaled In the history of fraternal beneficiary associations. But Mrs. Man Chester doea not feel that she has yet reached the height of her ambition. She has many plans for the future develop ment of her order and she means to see them executed If possible. lows Nfwi Notes. MISSOURI VAI.I.RY Mrs. A. B. Kos brook under the direction of Mrs. Pres ton White of Hoston, Mass., hss organ ized an anti-suffrage club hero to oppose the suffrage movement In Harlson county at the June primary. ORrsWOI.D Fimtie1 Bailey, a farmer residing five mill s east of town, la dead as a result of arsenical poisoning. He was ill but a short time. When physi cians were called It was evident that the man was suffering from poisoning, but from what drug was unknown until a short time before desth, when Mr. Bailey admitted he had taken arsenic. It seema liat he had been In tha habit of using this drug in a medicinal way. The family conslxt of a wife and sit small children. WOonniNfc "lty cloptlrm will tfttte rr . .,i ,h,. of pince nere Monday, Marm u. canoiasm: expressed no vexation at the presence or Jft J)r 1)ewp. oouncUme,,, fJ. N. Young, T. J. Jefferson and Bon YeaKcr. Hpex-lal election for the qtiall- fled voters to pass upon, granting a franchise to the electric light company will be held here April . Office Hours: :30 to . Wednea daya and Haturdays to H p. in. Sundays, 10 to 1:80. McKENNEY, Dentist The Man Who rut T-EET In TEETH. 14th and Farm in tits., 1324 Far nam. l'hone ltouglaa a72. troops In his territory, but he was very firm In his announcement that under his present Instructions from General Car ranxa ho has no power to modify the or ders to his troop against permitting the occupation of cUles. The general offered no comment on what he would do pro vided the American troops occupied a Memtxan city. Dispatches dire from Mexico and the official announcement from Major Gen eral Funaton made It exJdent toady that the two American columns, on from Co lumbus, N. M., under General Pershing, and the other from Hachita, N. M., un der Colonel Dodd, had gotten into close communication with each other, and probably had formed an actual Junction when a little more than half way on the route to Caaas Grandes. 'strait-err Beeomlsg IpBsreii.' Bomethlng of the strategy of the dash on Villa's trati also was apparent. The Hachita column made Its actual start from San Bernardino ranch, which Is In tha little square of territory about .the alie of a large county, where the state of Mew Mexico extends some forty miles south of the general esst and west line of tha Amerloan border. By using this American territory for the first part of their advance from Hachita, the flying cavalry command ot Colonel Georgo Dodd wag able to struts Into Mexico at the short oat distance from Caaaa Grandes, a little more than sixty miles of march. The main column under General. Pershing at Columbus, N. M., starting from a point considerably further distant from Casas Grandes, did not go due south, but apparently veered to the westward to get Into touch with ths cavalry command from Hachita. Reports bore that Pershing's army In tended to establish a base at Ouatnan were discounted in dispatches yesterday that Gusman was still held by Carranxa troops and that the American columns wars marching about twenty-five miles to the westward. This would put them very close to the route of the cavalry- com mand of Colonel Dodd. Ouxman Is an Important constitutionalist garrison town, about thirty miles directly south of the point where General Pershing entered Mexico, and by going past It to the went no question of occupation was raised. Warn ted a Real Welcome. king who, blustering Into the house at 4 They tell a story about a Buffalo food o'clock In the morning, growled "Hello! Where's all the servants?" "If you please, sir." the butler answered respectfully, "when It came 3 o'clock I thought you were spending the night out and ventured to send most of the footmen off to bed, sir." "Humph!" growled the food king. "Ven tured to send "em off to bed, eh 7 Fine pteo ot Impudence! Suppose, I'd happen to bring a friend home then there'd only have been you seven to let us In!" Buf falo Newa Pretty Hard to Say, How's the fsmllyf" a fond parent was asked. "Well, my children are at a dirricult age now." "Difficult W'hy, they've all parsed the measles and teething ago, have thoy not?" "lyng ago. But you don't know a father's troubles. My children are at the age where. If I use slang, my wife says I'm setting a bad example, and, If 1 Speak corectly, the youngsters think I'm a back number. Which would you do?" New York Times. Passed the Test. "flo yon want to marry my daughter, eh?" snorted the old man. "Do you con sider yourself financially able to do so?" "Well," replied the suiter, "after a fel low has bought candy and flowers for a fir! for a year and has taken her to tho heater twice a week and Is still not broke. I guess he cn afford to get mar headed regiment ever goes to war It will rted." Philadelphia Record. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 18. (Special Tele gram.) A protest was filed this morning by J. C. McNish. chairman of the repub lican state committee against the placing of the name of Attorney General Reed upon the primary ballot as a candidate for the republican nomination for at torney general. MeKlsh's Protest. Mr. McNish says: "Judging from the purported Inter view, which Mr. Reed gars out In Lin coln, It would seem that he now con strues the primary law In a different light, regardless of the fact that he has filed an acceptance as a democrat, and It would seem he anticipated that he ' would slip In aa a republican candidate without filing an acceptance. I no not believe the voters of Nebraska will look with favor on such politics and mode of precedure in holding office. Mr. Reed undoubtedly sees the writing on the wall which appears to be a, sweeping re publican victory." He filed a long formal protest. Pool Snstalns Protest. Secretary of State Pool this afternoon sustained the protest filed by Chairman McNish of the republican state commit tee of the name of Attorney General Reed, a democrat, from appearing on the republican primary ballot. It will now be up to Mr. Reed to man damus the secretary of state In an ef fort to get his name on the ballot, but It will probably not be done, as Mr. Reed has said that If there was aa ob jection made to his accepting the filing he would not do so. Precedent Adhered T. "Will you marry me?" The fair lady at the man's side drew away with a movement that seemed al most prudlwh. Her breath came and went In little, explosive Jerks. She tried to speak, but no sound came from her Hps. She tried once more, and then, with sweet tremulouaness, she gave her an swer. "I will marry you If you get papa's consent," she said. "I never marry with out that." Cincinnati Enquirer. Not Experienced Know ah. "We are getting up a symposium on the subject 'Is Marriage a Failure? " we re marked to the celebrated actress whom we had been sent to Interview, "and would like to hear your views on the matter." "Dear me," she exclaimed, "how can you expect me to throw any light oil such a question? Why, I have been mar- j ricd only five or six times. Philadelphia Ledger. Pattern Hats... $10? 125.?.. In a large selection of original and different ideas, beautifully executed and moderately priced $875 Tailored Hats... in Hemp, Milan, Hemp Ldsere and Fancy Straws. Two-tone color schemes and satin combinations. Large taffeta bow trims and neat tailored arrangements. Three Special $50 $ O50 $ C00 Groups for Monday dH....y J ....) iJ .... A Sale of Untrimmed Hats at a Fraction of Their Worth Roll and Straight Rim Sailors, Dolly Vardons and Poke styles; Gains boro and Mrs. Wilson shapes. Milan Hemps, Hemps, 0m, Mllans and LJaera ' straw, worth $4 to $6. In Two Lots Monday $ 50 $ O50 afcsxf s as ssw a as MM BMBBnpr aBjSJgSaW BBS S f 11 mm 1516-18-20 Farnam Street. ' ..-v- )'-... f"': i , a. -c TO BE filYEfl AWAY ABSO LOTELY FREE 8 ireaf Publicity Contest Read Over This Fine List of Prizes. Think of Getting One of Them Abso lutely FREE I Someone Will Get Them; Why Not You? Try It Now! In Addition to ths Ihh Prizes, a Vstaibls Will Be Chren to Every Contestant FIRST PRIZE A Besratlful SduatoUer a Mneller Upright Piano AH other correct an SECOND PRIZE All AEOLIAN UOCAUOH The) World's Greatest Flrancgraph. will recelTe Beautiful Premium and a Oedlt (or $78.00. Heard at City Hall Wedding belUI ' "I hsven't lost any Mexicans." Chief Dunn has opened the golf season. "let's have an escalator in the city hall, lustead cf elevators, or a board walk for the members of the various boards." THE ABOVE PRIZES will be given to tha neat est, correct and most ar tistic answers. SPEND A FEW MOMENTS 0T YOUR TIME AND WIN ONE OF THESE BEAU TIFUL PREMIUMS. A VALUABLE PREMIUM FOR EVERYONE. George Washington Puzzle TRY IT YOU OAK BOliVB IT. Raw, Cold, Windy March Here la a sure way to get a cigar in i the city hall: Enter Buck Taylor's office with a lighted cigarette; then he will ask you to throw the "stick away" and aocept a cigar. The Recreation board will borrow Com missioner Hummel's new oil spreader. Jerry Howard thinks he should have been asked to lecture before the play ground Institute. Many who go through the win ter months la comparative good health fall easy victims to disease during the month of March, with Its raw, cold windy weather. Duffy's Pure Halt Whiskey a bracing tonic-stimulant, aids the system to defy the debilitating March weather and gain health and strength by Us beneficial ac tion on the dlxeatlve organs, upon which bodily health depends. -Gel Duffy's Kiep WtT Sold by most druggists, grocers and dealers, 1.00. If they can't supply you, write us. 8end for use ful household booklet free. Txa svm miff wstemlstt oo fcocbr. sr. T. Nellie says: soldier than a "I would rather be a live dead hero." John Grant Pegg Is learning to sing, "Don't Bite the Hand That's Feeding j You." I Bhd house exhibit In the city hall next ! Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ! Let's have a rat killing at Thirty-first , and Cuming streets. "Where are the anowblrds we used to i see In Omaha years ago?'' asked an old timer who visited the city hall. . I . v linTL.. . - a 1 r. xi j ! m arniociK. : - iioti is s aem- j ocrati "Wbere Is a democrat? 'Who la a democrat?" Yon do not haw to bay anything to win one of tba above prises, simply solve the "George Wash ington Puzzle" and seaid as your answer. REASOH FOR THIS . GREAT OFFER Hundreds of families arts cons Ins; west dally to make now homos. We want escryone of theave good people to know tho Sehmoller & Mueller Pisno Co. It finest Pianos, Player Pianos, nnd Phonographs, and Its money. sTtn( facilities to the buyer. Just aa tho old families have for many years known them. We want to, greatly mrreneo oar sales this year and jointly with a number of America's leading llano Manufacturers, we have set aside a Urge fund to bring this house to the attention of ewery home, old and new. A ay oa able to give Ufov. BukVwa ttmrHq Xeary loa. er, eomwade of SUauT oU Uago la aril war, or bis old est ws, Vrauk Toeter, please auttfy aCra. Jwhanaa gtolliager, VMU Bouva ITta t Oouiaa. "Yesterday was a folne day." price!" Recreation Peace board. at any Clean out the bath tub. Water rates have been reduced. Three days to spring! The municipal court Is In operation. The three Judges want work. Kids may now go to the movies. The health ooramlsstoner said It was a real (reel) pleasure to raise the order. Only one member of a fam ily can compete, and If more than one answer Is sent In by the same family they will bo diwinaurtea ana the thrown oat. SBBBBBBSB JGURES confirm what r4 we have repeatedly told 11 you : That Goodyear users iar outnumDer tne users of any other brand of tires. !Out of 353,859 tires counted in 71 principal cities, 75,631 were Goodyear. , This shows a Goodyear preference of 21 per cent with close to 200 tire , brands for buyers to choose from. What else can it mean except that Goodyear users have found as you will find that Goodyear Tires cost less because they go farther, and last longer, and give less trouble ? GOOIEAR T I RE S Eavloptfrom GofytarSmiee Station DeaknEttywhtn Goodyear No-Hook Tires are fortified sgsinst i Rlm-cuttlng By our No ll im-Cut feature. Blow-ooti By our On Air Cure. Loots Treads By our Rubber Rivets. Insecurity By our Multi ple Braided Piano Wire Bate. Punctures and Skidding Br our Double-Thick 11-Weather Tread. There Are Ten Faces In This PKtnre. Can You Find Seven of Them? Contest Closes on Tuesday. March 20. at 6 O'clock P. r.1. Addreesi AU Aorwera to STATISTIC BLANK a X herewith submit my answer to your Publicity Campaign Contest and agree to ablOe by deoietona of the Judges. Kanae.... M. ............ .No. of Faces.,.. .......... Ke. tat. a Street Do yen now own a Planof .............. Player Plaaof Ptioaog-raph? Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Contest Department A. 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. i I I II MKrTK Tread. II "" ' "" " ' ' t' irirr"1 "" " '" rr"mTr-" i isilli user m in miaswuwi ,u nail i.i.suJ You'll Find It Here When you want the best in wines and liquors go to tho "Old IUJUble" and save money. These low pricee to acquaint you with our new enlarged store. TWO QUART BOTTLES OF BEER, CEDAR BROOK, OLD TATIX)R. CLARK'S RTE, OLD CROW years old. only 98c FULL Cackley Bros, 10th and Cnpitol Ave. Bend Us Your Mail Orders. The spring poet was around ths cily halt seen hovering i