Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1916, WANT-AD SECTION, Page 4-D, Image 36

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    4 D
em a quiet residence treet of horn
ewnsra, tn a freshly 1eve lee fart of
til WHt rmm Cletrlrt. e"t fmrit
n Blh .. Jut north of Port ft ;
Thae lot srs surrounded by sond
hMnes: they sre 'y o Hock '""
th Ktrvr rrnT rRF.smTTF.nJAN-
CHTjUCH, near th new Henry Tate
school sits. 4 1 minutes' wslk to
klgfe school Brery HnTi-rr r and
tnr puM thla district, ma kin a
(rick trip downtown or to the depot.
It la a splendid mmlni walk of SO
sleeks for the business man. Onlr
aut front lota left In tha blocn. They
ar trxM ft. each, perfect K""1
fee abovs tha street, and uniform elm
traaa along tha whole block. Who
waats ens er both cf thaaa for a food
bona sits Tha pries tan make on
thaaa la vary low ,ucn ,t
fronts In tha Waat Farnam district.
rl raaha Nat. Pank Blrtr. Tel. D. SU
btooH aouth of Iavenworth: wo ti.
La; will sell for T6; apeclala In; I1t
iTlow to rear, will fill buw; ooma
4t tedejr; h's bargain. Phona Bonk,
w; B, Ud Pt.
Pasture tha baat lot en tha B"1r
lOeVnulavard, one bloek tntn the Zlh
t, f Una n,l ona Biooa eaai t
Vuilev Park, ll la uida feel, a benu
tifol alia for yeur heme,
Charles W, Mnrtln & Co.,
Trie Uf, Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldf
The Vater hoardh' ! their prep-
i.xluiuial The nlanllng will he
dona la. early aprlna-. This makes Mercer
Park a, vary deairabl apot In which
K"ema heuaea allowed. All Iota
front Houlavarcla,
All peolala In and paid.
lrtoaa are raaaonbla.
W. Farnam Smith & Co.,
im rimim Ht. Tel. Pom.
Dmid Hill lAta
$1 Down 50o Per Week
Wt have about lata In Ihla addition
that wa can deliver on theee terme and
ftret noma flrat aerved, Tlieae lota ere
bound to Increaae In value feat, we
are bnlldlnc -room houaca here and
nthera are aolnff up aoon. Lt ua allow
you theaa lota.
jgrr w. PKprortn tins, nwn. iw
Only $550 Fcli
Thre lot an Wirt Mt., one blork fmm
Uth. each etxIM, priced at only f.V
e&eh. Client aaya Til KM.
H. CL lYeeinan,
At Petare Treat Co.. Kth and rarnam.
' $10 CASH
A vwry choice lot aurrounded by Hew
homea; en STadei haa water. wer,
aa and atdewalk. tialam-e only S. per
month. located between two car line;
rloae to tha Kennedy Bihool. Un Win
t. Juat waat of nth Pt.
W. Farnam Smith & Co.,
110 ranum ft. Tel. Pntllf. vm
Big BargainLittle Money
Te etoee aa eatate. wa must aell a.
hiialneea lot In Clifton Hill, fronting
Military with five-room houee,
for tuioa, and oan make reaaonabl
terms. Oet partlculara.
OKORflB O, WAI JACK, 1 KeenePld
BAKQAIS lt U. Efliatoiie perk, weat
aide 17th arenae. between J'ort and
Faiiaon; arhoot end care rloae. Hewer,
cement aldewalka, water, are paid.
Web. 1M.
"J'VV'O corner lot, bah and Hamilton b
t. 7iO; fhlTf, caah, hel. term.
THATCHER. 121T City Nat. Doi'. 01..
U(!kI reaidenoe lot at th and Hamilton
Inctn nrlca taOO. half caah. balance on
email monthly payment, fall Her, trx.
rNK lot. huxl'Xi ft., lav well, three ulm-ka
te ear line. Will aacrlflce for Tyler
Beautiful Bcllevue
m Beautiful Bellevue
) This charming old vlllase. with ita
year of Intereatlnc hlalory. It varlea
landaeapa, fine woodland noble hllla
avnd fanioua old collese, all eloaely con
certed with the very heart of Omaha,
off era unuauai opportunities for tha
family which wanta a home In the
country, with work In the city. Beau
tiful lota may be bought at prlcea from
1100 to 260, and olid blocka (U lot,
to ii.Ma.
Take any car to South Omaha, and
the Intarurban from Xth and N Sta .
very hour. Only 4b rrrtnute from Ititli
and Farnam, Thla Utile excuralon U
worth your while on any aprlng d
you have tha time.
nraROtt Cl. WAUfB 14 Keellne Rid
JTaTe 15 flrat choice lota In Leaven
worth Heights Add.; eaay term. Ooug.
IW. Carl E. Bolen. 1 Paxton Rlda.
TO'UR choice lota, (.Id and Leavenworth
hs lor aaie at a t.arirain. Hea me.
Tel. P. r- l"l Neville Blk.
rTNB loU. Banrroft and walking rtla
tnnoe: only r0: eaay t erm. Co I fax T5 1
C&T with fruit and ahade titwa, aide
walk, tor aale: cheap for caah.
. Marcy. Red 44.
af leeelli
Oct., 100x128 ft., paved 8t., aewer and
water; located in Boulevard park. Price
i riA
In aide lot, 40115. atreet to be paved In
aprtng; located In Boulevard park; Mil.
Inside lot 60x130; on Ui, juat north
of Ames Ave. Price tV
t lota near 18th and Fort Sta. Price
gWO each.
Ten lota near I4th and Fort Omaha
Ave. Price from IS to $100 each. Will
make term to full buyer.
RASP BROS., Doug. 1G3.V
tot on 3rover Bt. near 14! h
S L B5 down and X4 month.
AfS-KiW bangaiow and two acree on
O rover, near 4h Hu Only (kO
run ana balance monttuy.
17,000 PI na new boine; modem ; barn
garage; chicken coop: five acrea
guod land: near 4aih Ht., aJid
county line In 8arpy county.
17.10 About 1A acrea nn mile north
of Florence: IS acre of hill land
balance bottom, hmall farm house
and small cottage on bluff. Boau
iuul tunuwr hotne alia.
N. TV rxtOK at '0 . Wlthnell Bldg
win take aame tn on a nice. new.
t er 4r. home, or will build fur you.
aa give you a aplemlia, good deal.
OJBORNK, T(d Oni. Nat. Bk. D. 1474
osb Tift. r
Corner. haAdy U school, car, atorea.
'rra eri, eveeiitiara.
Y dTXAT.T. -4 good lata In WaaKhiglaa,
u. m. v . mcana, mewtoo. a. an.
M lacejl neon.
No. r'i Pi I'hnne Mongla In.
1 it H fVs" I o tn e ii r r. Tounlaa "21M7.
MAkK ii nifiT on inlriiri p! aouthaeat
quarter .tS-12-JJ. I.lnro'n county, Nh
Independent I, umber Co
Be .
start yotn iikvf: in hkxsox:
jil:y this ixt:
llOflO down and llo 0 p'.r month; price
:'0O; le. txxl; lotfd on I -count
M. Iietween dark anil burnham; not
fir from aclionl end car hue. Ueo. H.
Wrlif' offloe.f)mha.
4t acie n-r Irvlimion. $ll.i"fct: -fti-re
fruit furm tn Hons-m, paofi hnuwe, r-jm-nt
nlkn. I''i.fii. niio-tlilrd each. Ilr
nc : t
" " " "4Vniipirniaffa.
.ri tnr W Imli end Iiik k l.irm
cloe to I ouni'H Huff: Imnnvcni-ni8
ere pood, team, lnnpnionl. lO' chlrk
emle, lund all lava aood. 3 '.'4 8. Mill,
14,500 buyn a well-built 7
rootn houpe, hunKAlow elyle, lo
cated on north front lot 60x135
ft.; nice Hhade treea; one-half
block from car line, having liv
ing room, with large fireplace;
dining room, kitchen, bedroom,
lavatory and toilet all on first,
floor; alno 3 bedrooma and bath
room on second floo; finished
In oak and white enamel, with
oak floor; plenty of closet
room. This la a well-built
home, not too Iargn, but with
plenty of room, and Is priced
right. Terms: 11,000 cash,
balance monthly, like rent.
$5,000 buys a good, full two
story, 6-room, modern house,
located on south front lot 60x
135 ft., one block from car line,
bavin tiled restlbule, reception
hall, living room, dining room,
butler's pantry, convenient
kitchen and rear entry, first
floor; 3 good-sized corner bed
rooms, tiled bathroom and out
side porcb, with door opening to
same from second floor; full ce
mented basement, laundry con
nections; furnace heat; oak fin
ish first floor; newly painted
and. decorated and In flrst-clam
condition throughout. Terras:
$1,000 cash, balance monthly.
Don't fall to tee us about
these homes If Interested In get
ting a good place In Dundee, In
good condition, at a right price.
902 City National Bcnk Bldg.
Phone Doug. 766.
On Dodge St., between 48th
and 49th Sts., in the prettiest
block attractive home, excep
tionally large living room, with
beam celling, fireplace, French
doors opening onto sua porch;
wide opening into dining room;
finished In quarter-sawed oak,
with oak floors; four nice bed
rooms, with closets, one ar
ranged for sleeping porch and
bath, on second floor; oak fin
ish, white enamel. This place
la a snap at the price It can be
bought for $5,500. .
915-16 City National Bank Bldg.
Doug. 49.
Bargain Hunter, Attention I
Dundee Owner
Leaving Town
4t Cuming St., comer
lot. fcaHxM;
fin nou
curbing on both tree La;
all around; high and
alvhtlv: hnuta haa larae living room.
timing room, den and kitchen on flrat
floor; on aecond floor 1 good bed
rooiiia, fine bath and a large, roomy
eleeplng porch: haa alao a fine floored
attic, full baeement, fine hot air heat
ing plant, laundry and garage. Owner
haa ct out q'lile a bit of ahrubbery
and treea, but la leaving city and
tnuat aell at nnre and haa plated the
extremely low price of M.l on thla
home. Temta can ua arranged. Thla
la en undeniable bargain. Go out to
day and look It over.
' r t -X'VT-r c nT A rrn.'TV rlA
I J I Pits Ol U I TjIV J.,
Vole Agenta,
ie Omaha Nat. Hnnk
42J to 45th, Leavenworth to
Pacific Streets
Risht In town, right on car line,
water, aewcr, gaa, aldewalka, all In and
paid for.
Prlcea only lift) to tTOO a lot, eaay
payment Nothing like It at the price.
No audition to the city ever allowed
auch rapid development.
Ride or drive around and see for
our-lf. It will lie worth your while.
Benson & Carmichaet,
Tel. Doug, mt 643 Paxton Block
A fine new 1-iHxim thoroughly mod
em home on northeast cormr .Mat end
lavenport. On a beauiltui euuth front
lot. House haa largo living room, aim
parlor, etc.: 4 bed room and ftulahed
ettlo with heat. etc. House I decorated
and ready to move right In. (ixn to-
any ror inaiieciion.
On I nderwood Ave.. J iat weat of 81st.
a good s-room all modern hoiisi'. Can
le bought on eaay term. For let or
hulls in Dundee,
Douglas l&U.
04 Pee Bldg
I have for aale a number of fine homes
located In thla restricted duHrict. rang.
Ing In price from MM ta IIAk: also
beautiful residence lota overlooking
Happy Hollow golf ground and Kim
wood park, at very attractive pnoe.
lo not delay In making your aeledlon
today; tomorrow inay be too late. Call
me up and make an appointment to go
out and aee what I have.
MS Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. fli
ffl aa mudru as money caa uaka.
Walnut UTS.
New Dundoo Homo
Newly Decorated
5104 Izard St.
f'fiMH out and look thld prnpeilv ov.-r
Hnd nmke nffr Ownr on rPTnt
Ni!, h r. NeVis TVTr f a Ticl 2.!"
.''!enl; wnt win ill plei c W'rth
wl.n lutle or no mort( on It; will
teke I2 ir mo. aa iytiint on differ
ence; will Ink ti ' run down' pliir I
rler, or will rcII fov t:KO down end itvi
partn'-nt A. K ' ooilmnn. 41 Mc
1'niMie I'l.lg P. 42
A N.N'Ol'N' ; M KNT.
The new ;-ror m b .nrnlow. Sf N. Srtth
Pt., Iiindee, will be np-n. 10 to r o cl k
Hundiiy. for vtltore who deir.' t- ee
the new nlen mo'lorn kitchn l)'metl''
Nf.ct.iv l.Mi'hpia imH iiIiiiiIh f mi't fi 1 1 V '
Invited. Povernl hundrrrl mur it Iiec
W. 1 SKI.HY N!-.
Nnitheaaf tmndee, on that lienitlfil
plnlrau norlli of Cnmlnn St ; f''U lota
with rlty water, w.ilka. Rna; I'iOO.
$i.irt. Heat opportunity for moderate
priced home In that part of the city.
J. ' Fr. O. WAI.IjAi-P:. l Keellne Bids .
A N NOL'NCKM KNT -The new h-T. houae.
mi N. rth HI., Dundee, will be open
ftunriay, 1ft to & o'clock, for vlaltora who
ere Intereated In eeelna" the new-plan
kitchen. Heveral hundred enw It last
til NI)F.K hunaalow of alx rooma ana
Bleeplrid porch; almoet new; hot wetet
heat; ocupled by owner; lot 5xlS..
Phone Walnut tmi.
C-KOOM, all modern, near car. Chaa. E.
Wllllwmann ( o.
40th and P St.. South tide, good 7
room houae. barn, chicken houae. etc.
Ona an re tn fruit, all klnda. Remember,
thla property la located but 10 Llock
from the atork yarda; fine for elo k and
bound to grow In value.
IMce, 14,800.
O'JraiL R. K & INS, AG'CY.,
Brandela Theater Bldg.
TeL Tyler 14.
I r Till Id THE PlACK
Very good 4)-room houae, barn, chicken
houae, loxJO; electrio light, fine well
and pump; olatern and aink In kitchen;
almoat k lota; 3D bearing fruit trees,
cherrlea, apple, pear, plums, S row
of grauea, currant, blueberries, alfalfa,
lota of Shade treea beautiful view,
high and alghtly: 1 block to car, price
reduced to Kw, on term, mum be
old quick.
P. J. TtiBRENS, Omaha Nat. Bank.
O. 21K2
GNU acre up garden graund. tl down and
Wc. a week per lot. Cheaper than rent,
t'haa. K. Wllllamaon Co.
A Good Lot to Exchange for
Five-Room Bungalow
Ioatd ona and one-half blocka
south of Hanacom park on lilst Bt. ; all
, improvemente In and paid for with the
exoeptlon of a few unpaid installment
of paving; lot 47x127; very nice naluh
bnrhood, one block of park car line and
cloae t good school. Thre owner la de
sirous of getting a nloe bungalow at
once, and will give a good ueal. Call
us at once.
Iliatt-Fairfield Co.,
Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 4tw.
P.KMT bargain In elate, l.ifti acrea, mile
of Thedfora, county seat, main Hue of
Burlington. Will trade for 1H0 of equal
value In eaatern Nebraska or central
Missouri. Thla place la clear of Incum
brance; youra must ha the aame; $5 per
acre. Will aacrlflca for rash. Klnver
Howland. 4M Pierce. Walnut Iftil '
FUR KXCHANOK Well-Improved 3.M.
Joining limit or an low city or Go.uuu;
suitable to eut Into S and 10-acre tracts.
Street car runs to farm. For I2&.0U0 or
tsrt.OOO atock merchandtae, hardware or
furniture. Balance on farm long time,
low rate of Interest Addreaa kU Allen
Bt.. Waterloo, la
For automobllea, S40 acr mixed farm
ing and grasing land; & acrea broke,
balance pasture: fair Improvement; U
miles from good town on main line of
B. At M. Ry. ; only one and one-half
mllea from good country atore and
school. Addreaa Nail Logan, Arnold,
u AC R ICS hay land In Ixuip county. Ne-
nrasKa; 10 acres or truck In Texas; 'Jn
acrea of fruit at tkeview, Oregon: 1X
acres In Texaa: 0 worth of atock In
the Benson Cold storage and Ice plant.
All above exchanged for automobile ol
Omaha property. Call C. W. Weat,
Douglaa 40t.
G-PA.vSKNUKR. 40-horae l"oer. 1U14
nuMlel Jackson auto, with electric
Hahta and self atarter; newly painted;
new top; thoroughly overhauled; will
trade for city property or farm land.
Ask for Melots. Hasting & lleyclei,,
liilj Harney 8t. Tyler do.
for ltiil acrea, Fall JUver county. South
Dakota; small houae, fenced, part
broke; good wheat and alfalfa land:
title A-l; mortgage, 10. due in 191K. i
per cent; .t.0U; 11 mllea from Oelrlch.
V, O. Reward, 1IQ4 Pahler St.. Omaha.
FOIl TRADE 7-room. entlrlv modern
nearly new home. In good location, for
smaller: must be entirely modern and
In good location, or will consider good
lot or bungalow. Colfax S13J
111 uXTjC or exchange. What have you
to offer for acre of unimproved
land. lxCBted three mile N. V. of
1-aramle, Wyo. No incumbrance. F. O.
Holden, Oed. Neb.. R!.
Want larger houae: will auni ana
put in cottage for 12. 0.
W. T OKAIIAM. Bee Bldg
strictly modern, euultv vil
OiO; emouhrance
n n suit nae
to trade for euultv?
imOmaha NarHk. Bldg. Doug. ns
ilAVl-; ligni ltouat'keepiirgfurnitura for
SI rooms. A money-making business
Will Hade for vacant Int. walnut 121s
l'OH 8M.K ur vchitngc, ltii acrea In
Mellette county, hnulh Dakota, for
Omaha property, l'hnne Red SS4S.
ViH SAUf: or, HiO acrea in
Uellelte county. Hnnh Dakota, for
' imuba prorertv. Phone Red my..
SIX In use an.l (rn to rxchange Neb
firm. Tclan.1 Trumbull. Bee Rldg
CAN sell or exchange anything ou have
to off.r C J I'niinn. M.'i'ague Bldg.
6 Kr'hT, lit ii Si. 3 !.ik. fiuin viaduct.
SK.6UU. McCaaue Inv. I'o.. McCague Bldg.
Reveral a-room bungalowa and cot
tage that can be ald on amall pav
ments dowa and balance like rent. We
have the buyer n iw -ta ua at once.
th Floor Omaha Nat. Bk. Bid. D. 1711.
WANTED To bur oa laiuiSly paynMii&
hwi avure rooca, wiia unu
store roocB. wita urias ram
beve. at OawtrsJ segue dlwrtoL rkw
t-. have a cuafmner for a I'tindee i"t
wllllna: to pay caeh; ownera only wani"..
to replv.
Keellne Bldg. Hd 4144
UK lie huver for all klndo
of prop-
erty If priced rlsht. IA with n.
W. Be.tford Ron. Dour. SN?.
$10f) IK)WN
Bii "2 feet eaat front on 24th St.,
nar PVanklln Ht. flood location for
small atore. price 1975. Payment
monthly or annually.
$300 DOWN
Hu 2 email atore with living room
In renr on 4th St., near Franklin llente
J o. Price l.'.friO. Balan'e aame aa rent.
$500 DOWN
Bii cven 'Oltee and large trark
ce lot. liiTxlT l. at 14th and Ohio, part
on bank and part on R. R. grade. Renta
JM. Price MWi. r caah and K0 a
monlh until paid for.
$1,000 DOWN
P' a two large atnres nnd four apart
ment above, near 4th and Cuming Sta.
Item Ul. Price a,(. ttHlanre monthly.
N. V. lHfiK A CO.. y Wlthnell Rld
Rental Income, KH per year, located
on corner lot within eaay walking dis
tance from retail bualneaa oenter and
close to car line. Thla la a well con
alriicted. -tory and haanment brick
luillding. having nine 4-room apart
ments, which are well arranged and
roomy, renting for five summer nvmtha
at '.6 each end aeven fall and winter
month at each. Thla property
paya exceptionally well and cn be han
dled with about 113.000 caah, balance
long time at per cent. Don't fail to
investigate mis proposition.
Tel. P. :m. tm rity Nat. Rank Pldg.
12 Business Investment
Ttils I a new brick bualneaa block In
a fine location near a street car junction
In the north part of the city, rented to
responsible partlea under long time
tease. Will divide and aell store
separately If dealred. A gilt-edge In
vetment. Price t.O0O, or Itl.OuO for
two atorea on comer. Lot 77.4x134 ft.
George & Company,
Phone p. 7. 9nj City Nat Bk. Bldg
20 'o Net on Your Mqney.
One 4-room cottage and one doirtile
houae, 6 rooms each, all medarn azcevt
heat. Renta for M0 per year. Prloa
K.hun. Located on ZUrt, near Leaven
worth. J. B. Robinson,
443 Bee Bldg Douglaa S067.
10 Income Investment
Two storea and flat on Cuming St..
near i'4th Ht., In fine ehape. alwaya
rented for J per month. Property In
this location la increasing In value fast.
Thla particular piece can be handled
on terms. Price 14,880,
1 0th aTitTVester
A M-foot piece here on Wabater Bt,
rlKtif close to 16th, we can aell for
tl.vm; S-room cottage on tha lot
JKFF W. BEDFORD ft BON. Pong. t39Z
iiO RouM.H, large lot, CO0O; 11 room,
M.0; three large apartmenta, brick,
IlL'.Durt, near high achnol; other bargain.
See me. a. P. Btebblns. mo Chloago.
Real Katate, Lou, Mvrtgragrea.
WE are ready at all times to
make loans on first-class city
property and eastern Nebraska
farms. Rates on request.
212 South 17th 81
6 TO t for loana on heat class city
residence in amounts ix,uuo up; also
farm loan. Reaaonable commlaalona.
PKTF.RS TRUST CO.. 13 Farnam Bt
MUSKY to loan on improved farm and
ranchea. we alao buy good farm mort
Ktoke Ine. Co., Omaha.
OMAHA homea
tktat Nebraska farm.
101 Omaha Nat Phone Douglas Z716.
TO LOAN, mr S year.
on improved propeniea.
SFIOPKM CO.. Doug. 424.
MONEY on hand for city and
farm lorfn. H. W. Binder, City
National Bank Bldg.
145 Omaha
Nafl Bk. Bldf.
ll'W TO IIO.OiiO made promptly. F. D. Wad
v i hiI mag., mtn ana r arnam hi
CITY proM-i'ty. Large loan a apeclally.
W. H. Thomiis. fSt Stat Bank Bldg.
It ea I E t a t e, t,oiwa, Mortgja are.
CITY LOANS. C. G. Cajiberg. lie
' VI Brandeia Theater Bldg.
CITY and farm loana, b
b,. t ft oent
J. H. Dumont A Co.,
418 Keellne Bldg.
i Omaha Nnt. Bank Hiag.
Stock and Boada.
One $2,000; two fl.760 each; signed by
reaponalble Omaha bualneaa man; se
cured by first mortgage ou new bunga
lowa, located on the beat ear line in
Omaha. All rented: Income more than
three tlmea the amount of Intereat We
offer the above aubject to previous sals
at par with interest to date.
J. H. Dl'MONT & CO.
41H-1S Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 90.
HAVlu iwn tl.UUU luoilaaaea diaelna
tier cent Intereat: secured on Tenneaaee
lind; duo In I and 4 yeara; will trade
for gool automobile, or what have you?
Address c sib. omana oee.
Hie new addition in the "West Farnam Dis
trict close to Omaha's finest homes. Why not get
the prices on Crestcn Annex lots before you buy.
We can sell you a big lot running clear through
the block facing two streets, large enough for two
houses for 91,575. We have some good proposi
tions to make to contractors who desire to build
for sale, in this locality.
Cre6ton Annex is located on 3Sth St, north
of Davenport.
Douglas 25i)b'.
' "-or.4 lL r - '" - -f'-.-.. -! ...:... .aw--.,.Ji
A Few Chickens, a Garden, and Fruit
would reduce the high cost of living a groat deal.
Why Not Lay Your Plans Now
And Select An Acre of Ground Near Omaha
that is well located and will increase in value like the
Acres and Half Acres in Benson Gardens?
Located along "West Main Street, paved road, between Benson and the New Town
of West Benson. It only takes $10 to get started, then $10 monthly payment on an
acre (equal to fi to 8 regular city lots). Don't put it off. Now is the best time to
look over acres. Call at office or by phone for plats and price list. Our new tele
phone number, Tyler ."0.
Hastings & Heyden
Douglas 1S13, City Natl. Bank Bldg.
Dundee Bargains
f A peach. New home, handsomely
finished In 'oak downstair; white
enamel with birch mahogany door
upstairs; beautiful oak floor all
over house; many built-in feature.
Including fireplace. bookcase,
rhlna cabinet, beautiful French
doors connecting Into sun parlor;
sleeping porch, fine attic: beautiful
electric fixtures and tha house dec
orated from top to bottom. If
bought this week someone will get
a big bargain. Get busy.
$ Another bargain; 7 rooms, finished
)nt like the above houae; haa a
great many built-in features; a lit
tle different arrangement, but cer
tainly a beautiful place. Thla can
be bought right. Term on either
Field Club
t Party built this place for his home.
Juat before It was finished he waa
compelled, because of bualneaa to
move; he needa the money and la
willing to take a loss. Here Is a
place you can steal. It la located
on the flneat atreet In ine Field
club district: all specials paid; -
v foot lot, and ia the best buy In the
city at the present time; it ha a
heated garage attached to the
houae. Thla la worth a lot of
money to an owner with a car.
Call ua for further Information.
$7,00ft-Corner. In the heart of the Field
club district: 7 room; many
built-in features, including big fire
place, bookcases; heated garage at
tached to the houae; all oak finish
downstair: ' white enamel, with
single panel birch door, upstair;
flneat kind of hardware; all ape-
clala paid, and certainly a bargain.
Can handle on terma.
Financial Wanted.
Immediate closing.
Lowest, rates.
Residence loans a specialty.
Interest paid but twice each year.
A b tract of Title.
fifiornnt At Abalract Co. We can bring
juaranieedown vOUr abstract on
short notice. R. 7. Patterson Hldg. D. 8M7.
V.'V,-1 I Title Cluarantee and Abstract
"-"""Co.. a modern abstract office.
ft B. 17th St. Tel. P. 64H7.
REED ABHTRACT Co.. oldest abatraot
office In Nebraska. 3U6 Brandela Thea,
Residence Walnut
Winona Apartments
26th Ave. and Dewey
' v
-04X 1. i -J"
! . t
' "". ' ,; '' ' . ' ' ':: : ; - """.!' "-
Twelve apartments. Janitor's quarters In the basement.
Gross rental of $7,200 a year. Price $45,000. Here is ac
tually one of the best built, best finished apartments in
Omaha, in a location that is becoming more valuable every
day. n is only two blocks from Farnam Street, between 26th
Avenue and 27th Street. Streets on threw sides, private alley
on the fourth. No vacancies, no undesirable tenants. Re
member the price, $45,000, and rent at $7,200. Mtg., $25,000.
Armstrong-Walsh Company
Tyler 1536. Keellne Bldg. Sole Agents.
You Will Find It Easy
To get a good lot in Happy Hollow or Dundee. We have
some very good ones that can be sold under the easiest of
terms. ONE-TENTH CASH, balance monthly or quarterly, .
as desired. You will have a lot paid for before you know it;
as prices are low. considering the class of houses built, or
about to be built, your paving, sidewalks, your permanent im
provements of various characters, no residence portion of
Omaha Is more attractive. No suburb offers such Induce
ments. WE CAN ARRANGE A LOAN FOR YOU if you are ready
to build. Even if not ready, there is no question about tho
investment In a lot in Happy Hollow or Dundee.
Now is the time to select your lot in this suburb of
homes, where people enjoy living. Phone us and we will
gladly help you pick out JUST the location YOU want
George & Company
Douglas 756.
FOR RENT-Ooo.1 2u0-arre farrn, mllea
north of bloomfield. Neb. Ad'lreaa Mr.
H. O. Kalrd, 6ui Oaaa St., Omaha, or
thone Walnut 1)617.
trkaniai n d a .
180.1m arrea ot government land open
for honieetead April gi); liicatej along
and near the Missouri and North Ar
kansas railroad; Ideal for fruit, poultry,
atork or general farming: some timber.
Write for particulars. J. C. Murray,
O. P. A., Peak U. Harrison. Arkansas.
I allfurmla Land.
A LJTTl.E farm, 3W). Easy term. Cali
fornia Importa carloada of chicken and
egg. Her a a chance for poultrymen.
My t-arre tracta are Juat big enough
for chlrkena and are close to town con
venience and market centers. Write
owner for f'Ul Information. I'. B. Ooas,
Sheridan. 1'lacer county. California- o
CALIFORNIA alfalfa, fruit and" dairy
farina for aale. Term. Write K. R.
Walte, Shawnee, Okla.
Colorado laad.
FOR SALft liu acrea iloee to Ft. Morgan.
Thla la aa fine a quarter aa there la In
thla county; iaya perfect; the best of
soil. If wanting a good farm thla i it.
Hrlca tier acre. F. T. Corcoran. Ft.
Morgan. Colo.
r rkTToover smes t lands.
Colorado; fine aoU and climate; un
uauai opportunity: official pamphlet
free. Manager Immigration Liepart
naut, Caeon Bldg., Denver.
w h W i,i f.:m W :s-
: -
V.-ei Vk I.
ill! !
rvriiiii i
902 City Natl. Bank Bldg."
( uiurailn I.nnil.
A FEW quart.-r sections of farm iiind.i i i
eaatern Colorado; excellent soil for!
wheat corn, outs and barley; b- inier
crop last ear. One-fifth cah. !iv,
year' time. Crop will pwy lor la.iu..
Buy direct from owner and ave ageni's
commission. A. K. Zielime, UC South,
Im Sulle St., Chicago I
Florida Land.
one cent of purchase nioncv 7e-
uulreu to secure n true or chicken
farm site, driving distance from Jack
aonvllle. Fla.. good fertile soli and
title guaranteed. PoMeaelnn whenever
you like and pay for land whenever
vuu like: Jo year or more if desired.
Not more than W and not leas t win
10 acrea allotted to on paraon. Any
bank, city official. Chamber of Com
merce), or commercial agency In Jac
aonvllle our references. Write for re
ticulars. Jackeonvllle Helghta lin
provement Co.. Jackaonvllle. Fla
FOR SALE 10 acres of vegetable and1
fruit land and a big lot In a good tonm
In Palm Beach Co, Fla.; on rail aiid
water; 30 alligator par tre.-s plai.t.d
and rarod for t ear. 1'rice foi .ill.'
$750; 2 per cent cash, 2 ptT e n' I n
month; no intereat Aii'ire-.- 'i ,i,i
1.W1 Weatmlnster Hldg , Chlcanu. r
1 to 1 . trn ' o ; ipjl
value i 1 dn-i,l r .". 1 a
Conner, lei ! ii At . ).... lui. I