Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1916, SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 20

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    4 B
hie omaha si;niay r.i:i;: main u m;
Womon Are
Doing In tho World
New President of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority
' Th Was ! We n Christian Tm
peranr onion wilt hold an all-day Insll
tata TtinrsrUy beginning at 10 o' clock In
th morning at th Jnntng Memorlsl
'church, riftr-flrst and Hickory streets
,Mn. C. W. Hay wftl apeak on "Appeal
to Tenth:" Mm. C. J. J Inborn. "Some
Totlc of th tJquor People." Mr Wll
11am Berry. "Wanted, 20"f Recruits In
1P1l,' and there wl!l b three-minute tslk
by superintendents of different depart
ments Miss Mergsret Thnmpsnn ""1
Miss Uly Gibbons will give mii'I'al ii'im -
.hers and Mrs E. H Shlnrork rcrlta
lion. Mm George ovell will present
Mm. Martin Johnson with a ri for se
curing the moat memhers for tho union.
'Luncheon wiil I served at nni.ti.
The North Hide Mothers" rlnh nlll tni-rt
with Mn. F. O. Carson, TP f'ratt sticct.
'Tuesday at 1 n'rlok. Thp hostess will
he assisted hy Mm. S. P. Millrr. Mr
K. S. Wllllama will sing anil roll call re
sponse will be well known Irishmen. Mr
n R. Anderson a Ml read a paper on
Wit an1 Humor." Mm. IhvI Matthews
will read Irish stories, and there will ha
ia ler,er box containing meailess recipes.
Miss ("ora Fehwsrts will I In ihnrite
Of the proftrtm on "Aids." hy Verdi.
'which will ha riven hy the mulc depart
ment of the Omaha Woman's rluli Thurs-
'dsy at 1 IS o'clock at the Tonne Women'
Christian association Mra fi. W. Mai
Strom will tell tha alory of the opera,
thoee taking part In thn musical numbers
!lnrludlnt Mlaaea Amanda Tehhena, Cora
Quirk, Catherine Goodall and Mr. l-w-rtnee
The drama section of the Association
icf Colleglat Alumna will meet 8a turd ay
'morning at 10 4;. o'clock with Mies Bess
,lumont. Mra. II. K. Newhtaiich Is leader
of the program, which will be on Arnold
, .X v .
J . -Hi :
. Ill .
, 'J Am)
shall not t c the aiiKhtet 'pi cf i c n .e.
Thene smtV.i wll niclxe product inn he.
cnuxc tl:i v fir- wnrth t tu to rinl
hnrtiionl .i 'llcncea, which tank rni"ti4
the !.-; cu.-iinlly cd'ic.Ttctl sud nnpi"
' in t i in. 1 may ertnlnlv he .u,-i.l' i I
the tiiost international nn'l ciiinin:r.i!i
Tin n'e admlrahle words, and ll cy
m iii.n the only wouls to he a'k n in
I the conditions. It Is n..t easy to rtn.l the
1 only words."
tcrti'ty. ni"l In th's t.ry I. n c hcen par-
cf lie. II-
ill t.c I;- Id II
i omc hc.
-f Hi. The mil t.ann. i
, h.d.i'.d f .i pril I. an'
I' iiioi or ' ne "and olil
! . r. h
' in i
Fhoes from the mid-continent tem
perance conferenca held at Lincoln last
week, will be heard Wednesday at 2
c. clock at the meeting of the Krnm ea
Wlllard Women' Christian Temperance
union at tha home of Mrs. tleorgn YuitiK.
'iXX Fouth Thlrty-aevond avenue.
Jf'-f ' . ,f . vs V''.. - f '
TLts RoyA.'Ralph. Virginia Louise. nJ
JoknlxuncLill Ralph
lnlcnl fnleiiffnr.
t" iimnlii MciclclHMot.n ihol'.
Il'l..-cli. HololSI, l.ods thl-ltcl.
lip in
Minn :) N'.-w York'im ()rih'-
tni. Walter I ! niroHcti, eoinluctni-. Josef
I ' oi f mn n, snh.i-it: iimntin , ndilnrliim.
v P In
M : .-. II I -1 it r I . n '. lo n ro'llil
im;iha Auili'orliii'i. Ii t ntic"i"t undci
II'IKI'I' ex of tile IMllnh.'l Kctll'lelK' aSSK-
i iifion
Am II :t iisilp I ;-ihrilo I' sell mid his wife,-
CTM I ' I '1' f I . I ill ' 'TilllW it h . in sotm
in i pin-: i Mcitiil. 'MmnIiii V mill oi mm.
A n I 1.; ! ii lien p'il' ;v mpliiuiv or-In
Hi l:iiill i ii.ei hofter. intij ictor . liran-
i! is thi'tii'i. nril'iiec ncil I'li'nlnii
April 1.1 I'.'.-t. ii lii-ind lptii unil I'uv-
iii l'.:il!i l:ns.-e, miiion Auditorium;
i 1 i 1 1 u . in j- Vicoiir did Tre It"
A ill It llnMoii 'liiind (ipcra mid I'nv-
lowH Hull' 1 Il'i-e. iiiiiilni A oil it oriiini ;
:i M eriiOfin. Melilllii' Hlttif!,' Ve
il I MM . ' I ,:i I '.o!i me
it tii.Mtii ri i. ir.i:.
.Mr. the snke or the unaccoin-
1 t i I woik of the Meii
di t.ii it.n Choir nnnv of us sri
vln.l lint the concert Tuesdiy
eMMntr. March ?1. Is soIhk to
lc In l. t the Hovd Instead of
In the Auditoilum With the nrchesna
'. and the uccomps tiled work of the Irircr
1 1 1 1 t 1 1 i the Auditorium a nil rii:lit,
hut in the unuconmp:iri! d wrk Ihe choir
has alwnis heon at a disalvantai;e In the
conci rij" nt the Auditorium in not liiisiu
one of t horte Houndintr shells, or w hatever
It Is Ihey happen Pi t called, and in iny
of tho charming i-ffecls of the daintier
compositions havo heen lont in the lnre
ness of the hall The lloyd is n in mil
i smaller buiMIni; and h is 'ilwtiya h in
I noted for 1 1 excellent acoustic rinpeilo'S.
; More th in one w ill lie him priced In hear , " - --
j what a difference It nialc n. The te.-t of j,,.,ny ,iri. ,otn town. The Mlnneap
a gri Bt choir is In Its unaccompanied j nli.syinphony orchestra will (rive a niat
j work. There Is no;i to cover up ( ,. , nenlnB performance at the
l any nerect or nun or sust a men
harmony to the slnulliR. Kiery effect of
' -
at tha home of Mr. W. H. Mick. 211 South PRESIDENT SOCIAL SETTLE-
Thlrty-aixth street. relecate to the re-I
cent temperance conference In Lincoln
will trlve reporta and a aoclal hour will
follow the business meetlim.
Richard I Metcalfe will speak on the
present situation In Mexico at a meet
ing of tha aoclal science department of
" " ... . V' . served by the women of the First Chrla
i.10 o clock at the founa Women a Chrla- 1 . . . . .. .
tlan association. Mr. Metilulfe has but
Mra. W. I. Harford, for many years
president of the Vounif Women's Chris
tian association, will be the speaker at
the meeting of tha Hualness tllrla' coun
cil Tuesday eventnf at Akrlcultural hall
In the court house. Ijuncheon will be
recently ret-jrned from Mexico.
Mra. Ioui Bomttur will review the
.book. Pap." by Hunter, for the philos
ophy and ethics department of the
Omaha Woman's club Tuesday at
o'clock at tha Toun Women's Chris
tian aaeoelatlon, "!" la described aa
"a book of howa. not whys, for physical
and roan la 1 efficiency. ''
Tha Reaearcb club will meet today at
PM o'clock at Bi. Berchman'a academy.
Tha Creujhton Glea club quartet will
sine and there will be recitations.
tlan churrh between II and 2 o'clock.
Thar will be a busto'ee meetlnc of
tha oratory department of tha Omaha
nluh Tueaday momlne at 10
o'clock at Metropolitan hall.
Tennyeon chapter of tha Chautauqua
rcla will meet Monday with Mra. E. it.
Hampton. I1U South Thirty-fourth atraet.
IboII call will b quotation from Alice
and Phoebe Carey. Luoy Uarkln and I
lala Blatiurnay. Tha leaaon In "Amerloan
Ideal" wUl ba la chart of Mr. Wll
lUam lUlterman. Mra. R. tL Pairott wlU
iglva aa account of th ralcn of Jama 1
of England, and Mr. W. B. Howard.
'Charles I. Mr. R. B. Bunderlnd will
alv a description of tha atar "Capella'
In th constellation of Auriga.
Robert A. Gantt of tha Nebraska Tela-
phone company will b th peaker for
the vocational guidance section of tha
Association of Collegiate Alumnae. Tues
day at i o'clock at th Young Women's
Christian aaoclatlon. Mr. Uantt will tell
about th new night telephone school
which ha been (atabllshed. Ten course
are offered and over 2fiD have enrolled.
Mia Elisabeth Kooney, principal or
Monmouth Park school will tell about
vocational guidance In th puhllo hoo's
'a she has attempted to work It out.'
At th meeting of the art department
of the Omaha Woman' club. Thursday
morning, the program will conxlst of
the regular lesson and the lesson post
poned from the lsst meeting, Mrs. Avery
I.ancaxtrr'a program. Mrs. A. L,. Karnald
'will be leader and will he assisted by
,Medflmea Jerome I.llllr. 41. C. Konner
and J. .1. Melick. Slidea llliMtratluic the
lleaon, which la on the Tirtlaknff nailery
and Russian art in ten ral. will le shown.
Husbands and niemuera of the West
oinaiia .Motrins ciuo win o kucsis or An .ffAri t lx.lnr m.t. i.. h.u. mi..
honor at the next meeting, which Is to he j Holnn Bennett of Chicago, who will be
hld Friday evening at the home of Mr. , u Omaha Thursday, remain over Friday
and Mr. W. W. Caxn.lchael Mry lren-0 that an additional meeting, at which
Wallace will Interpret a play and Will i Miss liennett can address representative
Hcihenngton w ill give musical numhers. j of all of the women' club In th city,
i can ba arranged. Miss Dennett I man-
l'. 8. Grant Woman Relief corps will tgtr of th, folleglat Hureau of Oucu
old It next regular meetin Timsoay at pMtluiia and will apeak to all the high
: o'clock at Memorial hall. school girls of the city Thursday at 1
- trk'eloclr t Central lllrh school and tn
Misa Mary Kreb. Is leader of Ihe Pi.- ,he ,,.rhHr. at 4 o'clock. Th time and
gram of storie. which will be told ty the j ular for , .MJay meeting will be
Wyche Story Tellers' league members. linoutM..ed iut,r. Vociitlunal guidance I
Thuraday afternoon at 4 o' lock at thejll(. gutjj.-t f .m1h Hennett a talks,
public library. Mla Marie lVn. Ml
Florence Smith and Mlis lli l.-n Water- . t. liesste T'Jrpln. wha is Interested
man will assist. organising th Society of American
I Widows, .announces two meetings for
The music department of ti e Hu-ins h,8 vrk . fop Tu..j. ,t , o tlock
Women's club will have chanse of th ! , v,m Mn ..rii'li.
The Renson Women's Christian Temier
ance union met Friday at tho home of
Mrs. W. B. Wedge, when the Keal Pow
birthday anniversary was celebrated. The
pronam was given by tha Wwat Bide of
Omaha. Mra. John Illako and Mra.
l'dlth Bhlmrock were th leaders.
The .Woman's club of Renson sgaln
take the topic, "Drama." at It next
meeting at th horn of Mr. W. II.
tjoechner Thursday. Mra. J. H. Vlck will
lead and roll call will be answered by
quotation from Shakespeare. Two
dramas. "Tha Merchant of Venice," read
by Mrs. O. II. Tuttla, and "Peer Qynt,"
by Miss fltlger. Mrs. J. Y. Hooper Rives
a reading. "Selections from Each
Drama." and Mrs. W. F. Vernor a paper
on "Shakespearean Homance."
Th Benson Raptlst Missionary circle
met Thursday at th horn of Mr. Ray
Robinson. Th leader were Mrs. Rurrlll
and Mrs. Markham. A missionary read
ing was given by Mrs. Madison of Omaha.
Tha B. U a club or Renson will bold
business session Thuraday afternoon
at St Bernard's hall.
Th annual election of officers for the
J. F. W. club will be held Thursday at
the horn of Mra. Olto ishower.
Th Equal Franchise society announce
another series of lectures to bo given by
Prof. F. M. Fling of the University of
Nebraska on "Th Balkans, th Night
mare of Kin-ope." The lecthre course
will cover vaiiuu phase of th Kuropean
situation. Th committee In charge In
clude Weeds me K. M. Fairfield, hi U
Burke. C. A. Sweet. Charle Johannea
and Joseph Polcar. Th date and sub
jects are as follows: March 30, "Th
Vnapaakabl Turk;" April 4. "Birth of
Balkan Nation;" April 11. "Rrang nach
Often;" April 18. "Kxpulslon of th Turk,"
April .'5, "The 'Tragedy of Serbia," May
i. "The Greater German Umpire."
Th president, Mr. George H Mlckal,
will entertain thl week' meeting of th
Mother' Culture club Wednesday. Mrs.
Mickrl will be assisted by Mra. Ira W.
Porter. Mr. W. W. Flaher will read a
paper on "Home Decoration," Mra W. O.
Spain on "Period Furniture" and Mrs.
J. F. Beard on "Th Child's Room."
..ejMV-' Jk
f x V
"Mr J. W.Robblns
day evening at I o'clock. Th program
la aa follows:
Monday "Babylonian Bieavatton and
the Ulbl."
Tuesday "Nlnevah and th Cltle of
Wednesday Palestine: Old and New."
Thursday "l-'.Kypt, the ljind of I'ha
ran." Friday "The I.oiiK-Iost Hlttitea."
Saturday "Armenia and Mount Ararat,
17.213 Feet HiKh."
The courne ticket for these lectures
Is tl and sIiikU admission 25 cents.
The gymnasium department hn.i ha I
a rahtimt nut tin In tha balcony with h
coiitaina the pMiinanlH awatHli'd lit tho
vaiious athletic contexts and kHin-a and
the cup which will go to the winning
team In the volley ball gumes.
A Vict rota concert la given every
Wednesday, Thursday and Frldav In th
parlor of the Association building from
l'i to 1 o'clock.
A millinery course of six lessons will
tart Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Many
very attractive hats have hen made In
the class lut completed. For any fur
ther details the general association
can be called. The sewing classes are
also provliiK very popular. Thes.i lu.'et
at 9 1) on Monday mornings and at C'"0
to 9 on Monday and Thursday even'iis.
color. fleH:rlpl Ion or mood must ho
brought out through the voice and com
bination of voices alone. All of this work
devolves iijion the conductor, and requires
a maximum of knowledge and efficiency
to gain desired results
In spite of not heinq: heard to the eroat
rst advantage In this reepect, It irmt he
a treat satisfaction to Mr. Kelly and to
his faithful choir to kmw that they have
always heen especially commended for
their unaccompanied slnxlnif at all of
their concerts. The program for Tuesday
contains a ntiniher of novelties anil a few
numbers that are more nenerally known.
This Is the only opportunity this yesr to
hear these remarkable elmral composi
tions, nnd the prospects are for a sold
out hoiwe
Mma. Claussen's success of last sum
mer In Omaha commends her sa a most
acceptable soloist.
Program for the concert to ha clven at
the Royd theater Tuesday, March II, at
1:20 p. m. by the MendelaHohn Choir of
Omaha, Thomas J. Kelly, conductor:
Chorale To (Soil on 1 1 isli .: .. Mendelssohn
"Cruclflxus" Antonio littl
Anthem for tho Faithful Imparted
How Blent Are They (from the
Koinoiilkon of the Greek l.ituriry)
The Mendelssohn Choir.
Arls Plii srand dans son oliflcurlte.
(from la Heine le Sahnl Gounod
' - Mine. Julia Clausson.
WIiIsmts of Bummer. .Coleridge -Taylor
The l.en Hhore iTIiomas Hondl
t Coleriduo-Taylor
Tho .Mendelssohn Choir,
fionirs in Kngllsh
I -'flit Bauer
Ula and Death ColerhUe-Tavlor
Cindle Song MacFav'den
I'lnods of Spring Rachmnnlnoff
Mine. Clauasen.
live -rart Madrigal Th Rells (FMgnr
Allan I'oel 'larence Lucos
The Mendelssohn Choir.
Bonps in Sweillah
I Serallens I.tiatgard Ploeeren
TU mlt HJorte Dronnlnir
Backer flroendahl
koitdufvors Toner Merlkanto
Og Jeg vll dragn fni Pyderia Blommer
,: ; HJoegren
Mmii. Claussen.
Two Krro Spiritual
i'tg my urave (six parts
Grand Island is he i f t'e huslvt cille
' of Nebraska in a musical way. Tin y
'have a ennj-en atory tf m isl" an I many
'independent muslo tiachers and nt least
! one Itib nil i ll kerps t If nccupl d with
I mutters muMc'il. .M'M c lovers ()f i).
I i nlral and wentirn part of tee stato an
much liitelrsteil at present In tlin !ran 1
I 'land engagement "f the New Yoik
.-"ymphnny ra and Jisef Huffman.
who are to Imj in the ihirtl city fur two
concern, .via y i, nt whii h time tlioy v. ill
le returnlriz frnm the w. t Thl. .,
' in' si a I i ppnrtunity is r res. rite d to i ,i an I
I t.-dniid and i Irdty hy the St. Cel.,
I Mi. ii ty. m musM'Ml Club of women,'i
it encouraged In this undertakins hy
' n imlier ut the business nun who l. i i
' uuirantced a considerable sum Jos r
, llnffniati III play In Ihe aftetniin who i
; he w III bn heard In a concerto hy Sain.
'n. us. and the orchestra w ill furnish
t.umler r.f Interesting thlugs for th
nintinee. Interest in (he evening concert
t will he augmented by the large chorus if
; school children that will inn the t'. rl
j Busch cantata. "May," accompanied bv
fircheay-a and directed hy Mr. Dunn oscli.
j ne -new World Sympiony'' Is one o
the other Interesting numbers which
: be Klven Mrs. C. G. Hyan was in town
1 woik. and la enthii.'iastlc ulmiit tha
j f r he n I g Gr .nd Is n: d concerts y this
i celebrated orchestra.
! .fs
j 1 ho Omaha Clef ilub held a 1 uslnesn
j iiieetlng at the Omaha Public Library
last Saturday everiluc. and among other
( n.atters of buslurwa hold Its. nnniuil e-lec-
tlon. This club was formed two yean
ago from the professional niu-l lans of
tho clly. The committee of seven which
Biandels theater on that date and the I was elect d at that time was unanimously
Lloston Grand (pera company and I'av- ; re-elected the second year and has sue
Iowa Ballet Htisse open a two-days' en- 'c-ssfully managed the affairs ot the club
giiKcmcnt at the Auditorium that same ; up to the present time. The new com
eienlng. Thursday, the 13th. How it I n.litro consists of Mra. Mabelle Crawford
happens that It Isn't Friday Is ono of ! Welpton, chairman; Maitin W. Bu.-h
those freaks of the Fates that some- Jean I. Dutfield, Henry Cox, A. M.
times occurs. Maybe those three faith- BorKlum. J. H. Slmms and Miss Henrietta
fill old spinners decided It would be had M. Hoes.
enough as it Is without winding tho Mra. Welpton la ona of the best known
thread upon the Friday shuttle. If it vocal teachers In Omaha. She Is an
hud been Friday th orchestra
probably not have given a matinee per- votlon to tho cause and Infectious good
formance and the opera company and nature are an Inspiration to all with
bullet would only have been here one I w hom she tome In contact. Ona of the
night Instead of for a matinee and eve- principal themes of the club has been to
t V ' , v. J
. vi',- "- . Vv i
V';,' . - -
Unslenl Notes.
pi.e in ' " t''! tv nienibees
f H mind h.r Wu r:i mini lass wtl
he ,el. V ( lie-.'ul r.-i'ii m, Mar.-h -
v ocl."k a- ' iot.II .e A- Mua'l'e
A di'ie liim. :lil F.iiii'im i tr""l. Tfe"
ti - i ir.hlh Inc. ...iic-ilv In en held -it
Mr Land hi i; in r-.-m frori ti e
to time, ,'i.-.. t i a -co 'lTiod tie tti 'n
rreen ai'euln havu; hcnm p
if, nt i h . . eh' me .I.', ided tipo i
Tic prow ra in v 'I c n ' ' n tn' . rs upn-i
two tl ir.K hv the . n riil 'le i n'
M-lit,'- ot Vl-cs r.l'"S ml. I'ol S '.
Al.ram .-.ti l Mf I ti-- !. s I s h .
Ki hc l'r;i(.n. Mx'-i i. .: I . . '!'
1 . .-i-.ii.i. Aivi . l'i' ! i vloll
sol. be .Mi . tti'.-' Kpi.fl!-.'- pupil f
.1 K Hri l 'iiii t.faf ah I Mr I.'i'
ietir will play :i innver-unt I'r.m Mciarts
!. flat mil or concerto.
I'li.nle. Wa'-ef Id Co lumn spen" a fw
.'a s I -et i. i-ik "i -he ct cf .! ctvia'n.
li Ui'.ir" T i i u In D itide Mr
' adiiiiiti Is w II known for hi" u-e of te
luill hi loch ill s In hN compositions si
nrll as f r uu:iv other charinlnj song'
ill the day of Mn visit lie "
joined her- hv the Indian f'ltl (
I'ti.ttiln i h. 'K' uibei. wlin appears In r
c tnl ,h him. They are on a tn-ir o
'riddle veitcrn cltl . point; from here n
k."ns City, and flllln inmv nngag
mints nt other places, including Liltl
Itoclt. Atk.
Heml "tie Wart Ads f or mro' i . 1'sa
We have entfaited an attorney to repre
th.em for results
Time. Julia Clausen
Program Tuesday evening at the Yooni;
Women's Christian association Mist
Glen Sleeper will read a paper on Cad
man, Miss Mabel Delbrldge on Margaret
Um and Dr. Nora M. Fairchlld. leader
of the program, on Mr. II. II. A. Beach.
'An Illustrated musical program will com
plete th evening.
"fledda Oubler' and "The Master
Bjtlder." exemplifying "The later
Ibsen. " will b 4h ubjr.4 of the thirl
lecture in Prof. Paul G Grummann'a
course before the Drama league, Monday
afternoon at 4 o'clock at the city hall
C. W. Sear will talk on "Itcplenlahlng
th Public Pur'' before th South
Omaha Woman's club, Tudy after
noon at I N o'clock at Library hall.
Mrs. H. I Moaamaa will ba hostes for
th music section of th Association of
t'elleglat Alumna Monday afternoon at
4 o'clock. MUs Hendrlckaon will b leader
of th program
Th Omaha Woman' Christian Temper
six union meet Wednesday afternoon
at the l oung
tlon and another for WedneaUay even
ing at T:S0 o'clock, at the Young Women's
Christian association. These meetings
are for organizing purpose. Mrs. Tur
pln Is planning two meeting for next
weok also and the election of officer
for the first of April.
President of Vassar
College to Be Guest
of the Local Alumnae
Dr. Henry Noble MacCrnckrn. new
president of Vassar rollego, will be In
Omaha Thursday. March SO. on hi west
ern tour to meet the alumnae of that
college. Dr. MacOraoken will address the
Central High school stuVnts at 10 o'clock
that morning on "A Straight Tip on the
Straight of the Market." At a luncheon
given for him nt the Commercial club,
the college president will talk on "Inter
state fV.tiiiiii.rcs and F.ducatlon," and is
the afternoon Mrs. Arthur Oulou. presi
dent of the local Vassar club, will open
her home for a large tea for all the
friends of Vassar.
I,ocal Vassar graduatea are In charge
of arrangements for Dr. MtioCracken
Ari.iiiinl 1... IT V n . . -t.,1 ..1.
r ... & a n I i e lull
eep Kiver (four iarta
Arranger! hy IT. T. Burleigh
The Mendelssohn Choir.
Songs In German
Morten P.lchard Strauss
Buhe. melne Socle Hlchar.i Strauss
cr tinrc-n holt 1 1 u no Wolf
rjiinoenig . Schubert
Mine. Clnussen.
Pa rt-Song Weary Wind of tha West
i, Vh J" ""'wn -Sir Kdwar.1 Llgir
Psrt-Somr-iou Stole Mv Ixive (Mnn
rtav :&) Walter MacFarren
rum-Boiiic-Antiie Ijiiii'Io (as sunn by
the 1 iu I mural choir of Ulnagow)..
in" aienoeissunn Choir.
Iaat Thursday evening Charlea Wake
field Cadman, the American composer,
was a msunguiHhed visitor at the re
hearsal of the Mendelssohn Choir, and
as a result he may he added to the list
of celebrated musicians who r enthu
siastic about Its work. He not only
prained Mr. Kelly and hla singer for
th excellent Interpretation which they
gav. but said that they obtained certain
musical effect which he had never
herd In th work of any cither choir.
11 offered to compos some choral num.
bora especially for th Omaha Mendels
sohn Choir. Thl I a great compliment
coming from a man of euch rank in the
musical worW aa that held by th com
poser of " From th Land of th Sky
Blue Water."
Clarence Luras, ("h composer of "The
Belle." whkh the choir will sing upon
the concert program next Ttiesday eve
ning, has submitted two other numbers
In manuscript to Mr. Kelly for use In
the choir. j
nlng engagement, th next as well. But
we could be so much happlor If we had
one upon any other night, "with t'other
dear charmer away." A great many peo
ple arc fond of orchestral music, and
we get so few orchestras during a sea
son that when we do have one evoryon
likes to mak th molt of It. Mr. Ober-
hoffer and his associate are well known j
here and their many friends know by ,
cxptiicnoe that both programs will be '
well worth hearing. But a great many ,
of the same people ar fond of opora j
also, abd wa do not got very many
operas either, and seldom a really new
one. or IB li every uirctu "-""n" J
which sounds no alluring and which con
tain Pavlowa and her ballet.
And there tha rub. Every on of
theso people wants to go to both of
these attractions on tho evening; o,f
Thursday, th 13th, and cinc has
nevi.r vat demonstrated how a slngl
body can b In two different places at
once. Many are tha expression of dis
may which are being heard by the mu
sical editor.
Th Minneapolis symphony orchestra
Is bringing several soloists with It upon
Its spring tour, whloh Includes tn
Omaha engagement. In th arwrnoon
Jean Vincent Cooper, oontralto; Albert
Llndquest, tenor, and Richard t-sr-wonky.
violinist, will ba heard. In tha
evening th ololat win o
Allen, soprano; 1au1b Graveur. can
tone, and Cornellu Van Vllet. 'cellist.
Of the Richard Cxerwonky, th con
cert mater, and Ieonora Allen ana Mr.
vn Vllet hav been heard In omana
before. Mr. Van Vllet la remembered aa
winning vral encore at the tlmo ne
was heard. Louis Graveur ha received
unusually flattering pres notice in the
. . v i . . . a, al Hf I
eaat. and AlDen iinun' " "
Cooper com well reoommenaea.
The Boston Grand opera on Us present
in which it has combined with
Anna Pavlowa and her Ballet Rusae. Is
nreaentlng "mlmo-dramatlc" and mlmo-
rknrjumri nhln" i rand operas. Th first
means grand opera wher the story Is
sustained by means of pantomime, th
second, grand opera constructed with a
vlw to disclosing marked opportunities
for consistent and Illustrative dancing,
which shall form an Integral part of ach
opera. Th opera acheduled for Thurs
day night, "L'Amor dl Tro Re." la of
th latter category and contains In Itself
a ballet which will be given full Justice
Ly Mllo. Tavlowa. Th list of principals
contains many well-known singer of
high rank, and th novelty of a real
'Japanese Mm. Butterfly. Among thein
are found the names of Zenatcllo. I.ulsa
Vlllanl. Maria Gay. Felloo Lyne. Mangle
Teyto, Thomas Chalmers and Rlccardo
Martin. Associated with Mile. Pavlowa
Is Alexander Vollnlne and Mile. Stephanie
rlaskovictzka. Friday afternoon "Mine.
Butterfly" will be given and In th even
ing "T,a Boberne." Ballot will be given
at each performance.
promote good fellowship, and a bettor
noyuatntanca among the musical frs-
f JToriut j
The Proof
For years we hnve 1een rec
ognized as reliable hy Omalian
nnd Xelirnaknna, ami NOW
NITION. The nppolntee of the ".
tlonal Flnrlat Aaaoolatlon ar'
picked NOT from volume of
servioe, but from QUALITY of
ftei vlce and reliability.
Naturally tre are proud.
John H. Bath
"The Careful Florist."
1804 Farnam W.., Omaha.
Phone Doug. R00O.
JAY E take pleasure in
announcing the first
view of our dis
play of Spring's
newest and smart
est styles in the
most correct and
You will be charmed with our
exhibition of Spring Styles.
Your Inspection Invited.
dhtSidlelll &
1522 Douglas Street.
It isn't often musical (unaha Is i
n nt asunder by a Conflht of events upon
the same night, yet tint 1 Just what I
The late Algernon St. John-Brenon,
ntic of the New York Morning
.. . - l. . it.lllnplllli,
Chapter B. P. of the P. K. O. lteih,,J Jimsi. wnoee iu, " '
will hold a huslnes. and social meeting ! Tuesday venlng March . I. a .fit tin.
Tuesday at i o'clock at the home of Mrs. ! ' the ehartty concert cour... ha.
' U Hanlngton. South Tinrty..,..- Z'ZJ -
ona aw iiiie. . . , ,, .nnh hum
V. W. C. A. Mutes.
M. I .1. .Ill . I..1.I Aunf QtMM-
W.dng to happen to u. the 13th of April. , ''m,ra'" , " ' "" ' " " "
,..,, ,, u . . k. conductir of the Nw York Phll-
hen th Minneapolis Symphony orchis- . .
tra and the Boston Grand Opera com- i , 1 ' ' . . ., V"
1 here Wednesday evening. April 19. at th
Boyd theater, with Trances .ah as
suit 1st. said:
"Mr stransky has always been happy
In his programs. He has no fads or
whims, and he has shown an Inclination
to avoid tedious 'bloedslnnlge' novelties.
I "Knowing that tn outer reelings or j
' the war have reflented themselves In dls-
Krit Kmlsler. the great Austrian vio- were tiirnni away. It was an Inipitini; tortinn In the attitude of audience to
liereoinil tribute: i.n that gives an In- i tl,e ,,. (,f this nation and of that: and
nUht. as only comes now and then In j .,ng that a man of th emlnenc of
human affairs. Into th charm, tut grip mHlnl.Ha,u found It in his srtlstlc con
.f real art. While on the personal point j ,ri,.n., to tmltl the dead Wagner b.
oi view mere may t.e noted the detail,
supliressed by Mr. Krelsler as much hi
pi.jslhle, of a limp, the legnoy from s
C.ack charge, we are told. The Kus-
Fritz Kreisler's Arm Mighty as Ever; i
Magic of His Bow is All' Compelling
Uvguuiing with the xesper servlc bun
day alUI 'iiuoii. I'ref. Kdgar J. Banks will
Sv a Miuia o( liKture on "Tha lilo'e
and th Hparte." The lectur today will
be fre to all aud will be lilukteatid
with atervopticon slide taken from pic
tures made bv Prof. Banks. The Vuung
Men Christian association and the
Young Woiiivn Chrutian association
are Joining In presenting th series, a. I
of which will be given In th Young
Women Christian association auduj
rtum. At the aoclal hour whl n follows
Miss Beulah Kvana will be hostoet. Light
ref reslunents ar served.
The rtgulsr course of si Illustrate 1
lectures by I'rof. J. Hunks begins M. n-
l'aderewskt ha
Hudlencea as bav gathered to
this supreme master of th violin
thl year. Everywhere th tory has
been th same, hundreds turned
away, unable to get Into th hall. When
he gave hi flrat recital of th season In
Bymphony hall. Boton. Sunday. Decem
ber 1 that great auditorium held the
largest audlenc tn Its history and every
seat had been sold a week In advance.
Ppeaklng of this concert the Boston Glob,'
said the following morning:
"Probably every one wno has ever
heard Krelsler msds It a point to to
llieie e.-teida if ponslhle, and bunilil 1
cause of the living kaiser. Mr. PtranskT
expresaed himself manfully on the whole
sut jccl i f na'l. nallsni In muslo and
. m, .... (,m ln programs at the first
. of cour-e. was doing Ms duty and ! ' . . ' . ,
Itll ,, ,,fl l'i H" . Iinnl IIIMIIIU .1KB a.n-'..,.
taking his own chances, so there Is noth
ing to be said In weighing the moral aide
cf this question. But Ms-. Krelsler
e Idently ln for a long season of limping
In bis leg. Fortunately thei li no limp
in the artist' arm.- It has th same oi l
facll. robust yet velvety touch, to wt:?h
difficulties that appal the student ar
only Incidental shreds of melody, donv
with th sure, unhesitating abandon that
,,i, irks, say tha dance of children, which
nlvas. somehow, reaches the heart."
"Mr. Htransky said to the musicians:
"Art 1 International. W ar here to
give our beat endeavors to the rause of
musical art, and th only distinction I
make la between good and bad music,
irrespective of Its 'NstloBaHty.1 W will
perform good muslo only, from whatever
source It may come. Our pre grams will
oontain a wealth of wcrks. old and mod
ern, revivals snd first performance prod
uct of th geni i ot all nations. There
First Come First Served, as Long
as They Last
mo z
i . i
All clocks have advanced
la price. We have Just
got the last shipment of
CtUbrattd Stth Thomai Clocks
which we ran put on sale at
the same unheard of low
price) of
Knowing; many customers
were disappointed at oar
last Beth Thomas (lock; gale,
we cannot set any time on
this one, only as long aa they
last. First corue first served
Tlila Is a eMh Thomaa
Mahogany (leak, eUrht
day cathedral strtka,
tninrantel and kept la
rpalr 5 years free of
char are.
Brodegaard Bros.
Art Doing This ot
16th and Douglas, Omaha, Neb.
At the
of the
Mall OrsVt r fifth AtttiUU 7.
Ctt On tJ Ota Fit Tim Strvit Cult.
4 l
1. t