Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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    U A
Seten Out of Eleven Organisation, j
Appealed to Get Into Action i
Eight Away. I
Wharton Sayi it Should Be located j
at Fifteenth and Howard
Seven of the eleven organizations
appealed to on the union depot agl
Utlon by the Associated Retailers of
Omaha have already either taken
definite steps, appointing a commit
tee to work with the retailers, or
have written the retailers that they
will do so at the first meeting.
Those Oiat have already replied to
the letter are the Commercial club,
Clearing House association. Retail
Grovers, Builders' Exchange, Omaha
Ad club, 8outh Omaha Live 8tock
Exchange, Omaha Auto club.
Mark 8tret Comas"!.
Her are few mor comments beard
on the treet:
John C. Wharton. PotmMter Omaha
la no way-station in any aen of th
word eicept in type and l of it pa
nenger stations. Omaha has attained
urn prominence in th commercial woild
u to be entitled to a union station com
mensurate with its progress and develop- J
ment Washington. Chicago. Kansas j
City and many other municipalities have
stations that cost many millions, while
Omaha's railway stations ar little. n
adequate affairs that cost a fw thou
sands. Th railroads cannot much longer
deny this city th terminal facilities to
which Its Importance entitle It Th new
ataton. In my opinion, should be located
in the neighborhood of Fifteenth and
Howard streets. That Is eentral and con
venient to everything.
' raroast Bay Time U Rle.
A. C. Pancoast, Attorney Th agitation
for a new union station is a good thing
for The Bee to keep up. W cannot
boost too much for this. Omaha Is Just
wher it Is coming to its own rapidly.
With th progress w hav now made In
the matter of hotel facilities, so long
much needed In Omaha, rtie time is rip
to turn our attention to a new union
dnot, a grand central union station, to
compare favorably with those of St.
Louis, Ksnsss City, Chicago and cities of
that type, for eventually that Is our class,
J. II, Dumont. Former President of th
Real Estate Exchange I want to see a
new union depot and more trackage fa
cilities. Of cours, w wsnt th Bur
lington In this time. Rrery time X see
that Burlington station I want to laugh.
Th plan If a Jok. There n that fin,
spacious room above, with no on using
It. Th service is aii below, wher every.
thing is crowded, and there Is no ac
commodation worth while.
W, H. Morrow, president of th Eco
nomic League Keep up th fight. Keep
th thing going. There Is only on s'd
to It W need a union station, of course.
That Union Pacific Station w hav at
present always reminds ms of the fains
front structures you see on th main
'Streets of a country village, with a high
front, mostly of painted tin just for ap
pearance sak. and than a low shed -f
a building hidden behind th fsls front.
W wsnt a union station this time with
the Burlington joining' In. so that a man
need not get off at th Burlington, and
then miss his train at th Union station
a block away, while h is trying to climb
up stairs, run over in viaduct, and 4o
a 'lot of silly checking of gripe.
11 W. II. BUMS, Fremont.
Winning poem for tlUO prise offered by John D. Ha Well of Wake
field, b.
Now laud the proud tree planter state,
Nebraska, free, enlightened, great;
Her royal place she has In song:
The noblest strains to her belong:
Her fame Is sure.
Then sing Nebraska through the years;
Extol her stalwart pioneers;
The days when, staunch and unafraid,
The state's foundation, well they laid, .
To long endure.
The land where Coronado trod.
And brave Marquette surveyed the sod;
Where Red Men long In council sat; 1
Where spreads the valley of the Platte
Far 'neath the sun.
The land, beside whose borders sweep
The big Missouri's waters, deep,
Whose course erratic, through Its sands.
From northland on, through many lands.
Does seaward run.
The foothills of the Rockies lie
Afar athwart her western sky:
Iter rolling prairie, like the sea,
Held long In virgin sanctity,
Her fertile loam.
Hor wild life roamed o'er treeless plains.
Till came the tolling wagon trains.
And settlers bold, far westward bound.
In board Nebraska's valleys found.
Their chosen home.
How o'er her realm and "neath her sky.
Her golden harvests richly He;
H corn more vast than Egypt yields;
Her grain unmatched In other fields;
Her cattle rare:
Alfalfa fields, by winding streams;
And sunsets, thrilling poets' dreams;
These all we sing, and know that tlm,
Has ne'er revealed a fairer clime,
Or gweetey air.
O nroud Nebraska, brave and free;
Thus sines thy populace to thee.
Thy virile strength, thy love of light;
Thy civic glory, joined with right,
Our hearts elate.
T'tv manly wisdom, firm to rule:
Thy womanhood In church and school;
Thy learning, culture, art. and peace,
Vo make thee strongs and ne'er shall cease
To keep thee great!
Should this song be chosen by the Judges, these stanzas could be
utilized on occasions, making them especially appropriate. In the original
composition, thes? two additional stanras have place between three and
Her heaving bluffs uplift their heads
Along her winding river beds,
And, pleasing far the traveler's view,
Well guard her Elkhorn and her Blue,
Encrowned with wood.
' A there, by landmark, ne'er to fall,
Upon the ancient westward trail;
O. graven stone, securely piacea,
Hy eye observant may be tracod
Where wigwam stood.
Her honored cities grow In wealth;
In thriving commerce, public health;
He first, the gateway of the west;
Her Omaha, that will not rest,
Nor take defeat.
Het capital of worthy fame,
That bears the mighty Lincoln's name,
And thousands of Nebraska youth
E'er summons to her fount of truth,
At learning's seat.
Student Raid on
Ames Theater Was
Slightly Overstated
AMES, la., March It. (Special Telo
giam.) The story that went out from
Amea last night to th effect that th
militia had been called out In Ames, to
quell a riot of Iowa Stat college stu
dents, was a wild vagary which had llttl
or no foundation for Its proposition.
Th engineers of th college, who are
about 7V0 of the total of 8,000 students,
yesterday had their St. Patrick's day
wlebiatlon an annual feUval. They had
!lg festivities on the campus and In th
afternoon marched down town behind
tlnlr band. They rushed one theater
a cd then went to the Compsny C armory,
which a man had rented for a two-day
week-end production of the film, ,'Dnv
esed Goods." The guardsmen learned of
the Intended raid down town and there
wre three or four guardsmen on hand,
with baynneis fixed, to keep th students
out. Heputy Marshal Richard Canady
made a speech to the crowd. lie made
rsnrnicnts with the manager for a
free show." and the crowd went quietly
tu. In the first scramble to get in the
door a couple of studrnts stutk their
heads Into the bayonets and were
scratched. Nobody was injured and no
body was angered. Captain Moore of th
guardsmen gave orders to prevent dam
aging of th armory property.
Pollard's Name Filed
For Delegate in First
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, March V'. (Special. A pe
tition containing over l.soo names was
filed with the secretary of state this
afternoon placing th ram of Ernest M.
Pollard In line for th nomination for
delegate from the First district to th na
tional republican convention.
Mr. Pollard later went over the list and
accepted the filing.
Itead Bee Want
ihem for results.
Ads for profit Us
beklsar Waal.
Th alfalfla dJ4 waa paying his
first visit to a U . any elae. Standi
ng alon th sidewalk li chanced to a
a aprtnkllns cart coming down the etreet,
and bo sooner had he set eyes on th
l rn at than he began to lautfh like th
ooy at the minstiel ahow.
'Say. old pal." he I (marked hilariously.
Benching a rop tn the rib, "dosit that
Jui-t beat allT"
Don't what beat atir' respond" t".ie
wondering cop. "Wrist's th Juket"
"Jut look at that feller on that wayon "
leplted ti.e alflf party, pointing to th
pi Inkier. 'Tint d. rnul t hump won't
have a drop of wstrr left bv tlir time he
IS hem: " Philadelphia Ti-lvvi'h.
Old French. Town Wrecked by Shot
and Shell Beiumes the ttnlet
of Ions Age.
(Correepondeno of th Associated Pre" )
NANCT. rrano. Mroh U.-Naney. th
old capital of th Duchy of Lorraine, had
for mor than two soor of years th haz
ardous privilege of occupying a front seat
la th thtr of probable war. "Tar
.... inr Miun" th conscripts sent to
Nancy war called. It waa her th "Iron
ji..i.. .f the Twentieth army corp
... stationed with th Twenty-sixth
brigade of cavalry, not to undertake th
supposedly Impossible task of saving
Ku ta reoeiv and deaden th
Tha ator has been told of th French
officer, who. anticipating war in jun
last yar, sold his little country property
..r vanev. bousht a villa In Belgium
and congratulated himself that his family
would be far outslds th vortex.
While th stout fortress of Namur was
crumbling under th blows of th heavy
Oerraaa guns, unfortified Nancy, o.
fended by Castlenau. proved Impregnable,
Tka Branch officer's family fld to France
with Belgian refugees at tns sauna ma
that Emperor 'William, who. with 10,000
cavalry of th guard had awaited th
moment for this triumphal ntry Into
xr. hack toward Mets. As to
the nurohaser of th officer's country
place, h has not seen a German soldier
and sine August M, 191. th sound oV
th cannon has been growing fainter and
leas frequent In his eare. It la only when
th wind Is right that Nancy hears It
Only ome did th German artillery get
oinaa anouah under cover of night to
bombard th city, and then It did leas
damage than th dosen visits of Oermsn
aeroplanes and Zeppelins. Nearly v.ry
f those visit waa tragic because
everyone wanted to se th aircraft. Th
ta children and wif of a barber In the
Rue Salnt-Jealn eteppd to tn aoor to
set a look at a Taub on morning; all
three were killed, together with four
other persons, whll th barbr escaped
without a scratch. Four Ppl wr
killed by a bomb that fll th win
dows of th prefecture.
Th second attempt of th German to
bombard Nancy with their heavy (una U
till the talk of Nancy. One of the flf-teen-lnch
long-range naval pieces, put In
position near Chateau Ballna (Salsburg)
to send Into Nancy th same destruction
that they had burled Into Dunkirk, was
discovered by air scouts. The FVench ad
vanced their heavy artillery to easy rang
and destroyed the big gun and its founda
tion before It had fired a single shot, ac
cording to report.
Nancy appears today to be anything but
a mllltay headquarters. Only a few sol
dier on leave, a few convalescent
wounded and officers on various missions
glv It the serablanos of a garrison town.
Th soldiers' quarters in the barracks are
occupied a thousand or so of families and
debris of families from different parte of
Lorraalne, awaiting th moment to re
turn bom. Among th mar eighty-four
children called "th orphan of Pont-a-Btonaaoa.1
because their parents hav re
mained In the little town shelled recently
fog- th mth Urn. Th women of this
colony ef exiles, taking thai part In the
work of national defense by turning out
tce.ooe trench sacks, work at wnlca they
sen earn 40 cents a day besides their
board and lodging. It is rather coarae
work for eouie of them, expert in the fin
est embroidery.
Nancy's industrial, commercial aud edu
cational life has gone on uninterrupted
and modified only by difficulties of ful
and transportation. .
Th md!oal college law school snd
other branches of th university hsv not
missed a day of their regular terms sad
the publio schools were never closed.
"Pacificists" Battle
With Carranza's Men
TOKREON, Mexico, March is. Rellahl
reports reached her today also that
twenty-six men had been killed and thirty-two
captured In a battl between con
stitutionalists and so-called "pacifists'
somewhere In the rerlon of Durango,
Mexico. Th "pacifists" wer said to b
under th leadership of Generals Banue
loa and Miguel Hernandes.
Mrs. Kllea Jones.
TABI.K ROCK, Neb., March 18. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Ellen Jones,, widow of John
A. Jonee and mother cf County Commis
sioner Enos O. Jones, died at her let
residence , four miles northwest of Ta
ble Rock, Thursday afternoon after
brief lllneaa. In her list year. She had
resided on this farm for nearly sixty
years. Sh Is survived by on son and
three daughters, Enoe O. Jonas, Mrs,
Mary Ilarrtck and Effl Horton, all of
Tabl Rock, and Mrs. Sarah Wright of
LyndaU Utah.
B. B. Via Baabarsia.
B. B. Van Emburgh, brother of Mr.
H. a Van Glesen, died in New Tork
City after an Illness of two weks.
Miss Gladys M. Davis, daughter of J
H. Davis, and Mr. Thomas Ilerron were
married by Rev. Charles W. Savldg Fri
day evening- at th People's church. They
wer accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. c. J
Fashion Center oPHie Middle West
Established 1886.
Wash Suits
and Dresses
for Boys and Girls
New shipments
have arrived and will
be unpacked ready
for Monday's show
ing. Ono and two-piece wash
suits for boys, combina
tions of plain striped and
checked ginghams, sizes 2
to 6 years, 60c, 65c.
Children's dresses, one and
two-piece, skirt and mid
dy, plain, striped and
checked combinations;
sizes 2 to 6 years, 50c, 65c.
Children's Wean Third Moor
To Be Charmingly
is to be Well Dressed
And to be charmingly
veiled is but a step
between the ordinary
styles usually seen,
and the original dis
tinctive kinds we of
fer you in our collec
tion for spring -wear.
Various sizes of meshes, plain
veils, fancy veils, snug fitting
veils and flowing veils.
Several qualities all here and
waiting for your selection.
A Special Monday:
English Golfine
Regularly $1.50 to $1.75 a
yard, Monday,
$1.19 a yard
Gold, Rose,? Delft, Ivory and
Our Fashion Service is at Your Command
Our organization, perfected through the
experiences of thirty years, during which
time we have served Omaha's best dressed
women, is ready at all times to offer timely
advice concerning any phase of women's
Our representatives search the Fashion
Centers for the newest, most authentic ideas,
styles that are sanctioned by the leaders of
Fashion here and abroad.
The Women's Apparel Salons
Now Presents Spring Offerings
New White Fabrics
Another shipment has arrived (the
first one went in a hurry) and Monday
we'll have these beautiful silky striped
and checked voiles at the special price
of 25c.
25c A YARD:
A fine 27-inch pique of unusual qual
ity, a material that launders well and
bids for popularity owing to the enthu
siasm with which wide cords are being
selected this season for smart tailored
suits and separate sport skirts.
CIALLY PRICED (in 10-yd. bolts)
AT $2.50:
Sheer and soft, ideal for lingerie, 40
inches wide, in a superior quality.
Silks Woolens
Distinctive Fabrics for Spring;.
Taffetas, Failles, Gro de Lon
dre are being favored for spring
wear Silk Georgette Crepes,
40-inch in all shades, $1.50,
Ripple Cord, silk-and-wool,
the right weight for spring
suits and coats, a good range
of colors, 40-inch, $2.00.
In the Basement -House-Dress
Monday will be red-letter day, for
we'll be ready with newly arrived
for $ 1 .00 and upwards
Values of surprising greatness.
1 :Zpf! C.
This Elegant $70.00 Broadcloth Casket
We Have
Cut the Cost
of Funerals
In Two
It is only fair to
yourself that you sub
mit the statement of an Undertaker to
your Dootor or legal adviser. We know
that our statement which will be about
half what others charge will meet with
W offer you better services and the game casket,
as others can giro you. We have Cut the Cost of Funerals In
Two. Everything the same except the price.
Douglas 887
Omaha's Only Independent Undertakers
24th and Harney Streets
a u
Humphreys Seventy-seren
For Colds, Influenza,
To get the best results, take
"Seventy-seven" at the first chill or
If you wait until you begin to
cough and sneeze, have sore throat
and Influenza, it may take longer.
35c and $1, at all drug-gists or mallei.
After Grip take
after any long Illness, physical ex
haustion, loss of strength, or appe
tite, take Humphreys' Tonic Tablet
price $1.00 at drug stores or sent
Xumphrtya' Ilomeo, Medicine Co., 168
William street. New Tork.
SgSjSjgSjJgBsgsssjSJSJJsg 1
TwGt Inspired key to
f Internotionol Situation
7 I .
a awarded the gold medal at
th Panama Exposition. Come and
see look It over. Irtrea up from
Aold on raymenta if Peatred.
Regularly SI, special 736
Extra Good Vitality.
Regularly 50c, special 33
Regularly 30c, special 14c
scrub nnrsriEs
16e site, special 11
J0o size, special 13
J5o size, special 1G
Regularly 25c, special
Cleaner for 825.00
Regularly 60c, special 37
Regularly 46c, special 33c?
2 5c size, special 21 C
Regularly $1.25, special .... 73
12-qt. size, special 24
14-qt. size, special
Regularly 25c, special 17f
Vacuum Cleaner ....818.50
For Vour Woodwork, Furniture, 'Screens, Bath Tuba or
Automobiles. '
JYu&sorjs co.
"Sunshiny" Gleaning of
Ladies' Dresses, Suits, Gowns
Or leave work at
the plant, at
Dresner the
Tailors, 1815
Famam St., or
Brandeis or
We love to receive compliments upon
our work, and It DOES our hearts good
to hear a lady tell us: '"My, but I DO lika
to send my frocks and dresses here for
cleaning; they came back so Sun-shiny
and free from that 'Gaaoliny' odor!"
Such compllrsenta as these are given
us every hour of tho day.
Let na do some "Sun-shiny" cleaning
for YOU; let's clean your dresses, suits,
coata, gowns, gloves, feathers, or. In fsor,
anything worn by modern, petite, properly
dressed women.
Care Caution Dainty handling nf
dainty thlnra and THERE you have the
reason for Dresher success.
Try "9un-shiny" Cleaning, Madams.
Dyers Cleaners Uattcrs Tailors
2211 to 2217 Farnam St Omaha