Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 14-A, Image 16

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Twenty-Eight Trucks Furnished by
the White Company on Twenty
Tour Hours Now on Way
to Front.
I.EVKI.AM. O , March K.-(Fprlnt
Trlcitrem. Tlio spi rrt 1th whlrh Amtr;
rau lndiiKtrlrn can l 'mobllis-d" t'
supply the surtdm nt'cds of the l"nlt1
States army m demonMratnl yrMer
day wlirn n Ion rii.tanre tflcphono call
from tlic War dpartnn nt to tlia White
company rexultPd In 1h lipntchln; of
a Bplnl train load of White army ea' ort
trurka to the Mexican border within
twf ntjr-four hours after the ordr n
plarwl. Thla apci lal train now speeding
toward the border under ( special orders
and full rlnhl-of-way carried twenty
lsht truck which will compose the first
motor truck company cf the rnlted States
Twelve hours later the White company
had supplied the pcraoncl of this truck
unit from a large numlx'r of employe
anxious to serve, thirty-four pkked men
were enlisted to act as drivers, mechanics
and truckmasters and tho company loft
Cleveland In a special enr under com
mand of Certain James W. Furlow,
f. 8. A.
Although the ultimate destination of tho
company is unknown clue to the censor
ship covering; military movements and In
formation the trucks will be unloaded at
El Taso and .begin their actlva servloj
from that point.
The intention of completing the organi
sation and equipment in f I Paso la taken
as an Indication that the trucka will con
WT the column of General rerahlng In
the punitive expedition across the border.
Last of the Army Male.
The organization of the first motor
truck company, which marks the last
at and of the army mule, not only dis
closed the speed with which military
emergencies can be mot. but revealed the
degree of preparedness maintained by
America's largest motor truck manu
facturers. The same flexible manufacturing-
facilities which have enabled this
company to supply large fleets of motor
trucks to big corporations on rhort notice
enabled the company to meet this military
exigency without loas of time. Smaller
companies building trucks only as ordered
would have required several weeks tlmo
to complete the necessary chassis follow
ing the telephone order for equipment.
The White company was able to put the
twenty-eight trucka under a severe road
test, load them on freight cars and start
the train In less than twenty-four hours.
Almost simultaneously tha bodies for
these trucka were shipped from the
quartermaster depot at Jefferaonville and
the bodies to be mounted on these truck
are the regulation army field wagon
bodies that are familiar to most people
and similar to those used In Cuba, the
Philippines, Alaska and China. They are
to be mounted on chassis of one and one
Jialf tons capacity and will be fitted with
the regulation bows and canvas covera
which have been characteristic of the
field wagons hertofore drawn by mules.
These trucka will carry three times as
much as a six-mule team under the
conditions to be encountered In Mexico
and will be particularly valuable on long
marches Inasmuch as they do not have
to carry the great Quantities of fodder
required by roulea.
This is the first time that the United
States army has made use of motor
trucks In active service and the Mexican
campaign la expected to reveal the com
parative merits of the mule and motor
truck under the most difficult conditions
Imposed by military service.
The organisation of the first motor
truck company consists of Captain James
W. Furlow In command, one machinist,
cne mechanlo and one mechanic's helper.
F.ach of the three assistant truckmaatera)
will have charge of nine trucks. To
facilitate the auporvlalon of this equip
ment the truck masters will be equipped
with motorcycles.
Frauds Takes on tho Detroiter
The C. W. Francis Automobile company
of thla city has recently closed a contract
to act as distributers for this territory
for the new Ivt roller "olx" and demon
strators have recently reached Omaha.
They can now be seen at the Francis
Automobile company's salesrooms on
Farnam street.
Judging, from the tremendous sales of
these 'sixes" throughout the country it
is expected that the Omaha and sur
rounding public will soon be following
the same trend as the rest of the country.
The sixes are commencing to take their
rightful place aa leaders In the automo
bllo field, and It la rather noteworthy
that the new Ietrolter alx-forty-f!ve has
proven one of tha sensations and sur
prises of tha jr11 season. This new crea
tion was brought out for tho first time
at the Chicago National Automobile
ahow, and it aroused tremendous enthusl
Ism among the dealers and the general
buying public. The car has since been
exhibited In Muffalo, Kansas City, Min
neapolis. Orand Haplds, irtlca, I'ortland,
Me., and Hoston. Mass., and the com
pany's president, Alfred O. Dunk, who
ass in personal attendance at the Chi
cago, Minneapolis and Hoston exhibits.
'states that ho waa able to close contracts
through dealers and distributers to care
for a very large part of the total 191
output originally planned.
The new Detroiter Motor Car company
was organised last July and continued
service and output or. Ietrolter cars
without Interruption, but they decided
that It waa necessary to bring out a
model which would bo a radical depart
ure from anything which the previous
company had heretofore shown.
Studebaker Traffio Department De
vises Scheme of Shipping Ma
chines on Flatcart.
If ever the resourcefulness and In
genuity of motor car manufacturer and
dealers were put to the teat and proved
It has been during the past few months;
In fact, ever since the famine in freight
ckrs hit the country. It Is safe to say
that, as strategists, army generals had
nothing on automobile traffio managers
who successfuly coped with the 'situa
tion. The story of how motor cars were
moved, dosplte the freight congestion. Is
an interesting one, tinged with romance
and advonture, and Involving the match
ing of wit agaloat wit.
With' dealers echoing tha clamor of
automobile ouycr for Immediate deliv
ery of their car, the big problem be
came one of how to get thoae cara to
their destinations. And it was one of
the stlffest problems ever faced by the
builders of motor cars.
A big factor, of eourr waa the un
precedented early demand for automo
biles, foretelling aa it did a record year
for the Industry. The months of Janu
ary and February, dull In former years,
have found the factories working full
force this season, and even putting In
many hours of overtime. Production
schedules pave been Increased to take
car of the greater demand. The Htude
baker corporation, for Instance, contem
plate an output of 100,000 cara In luifl.
Buick Truck Goes
Up Steepest Grade
in Sanjrancisco
Duncan street, which suddenly broke
, Into fame because the motor world dis
covered It was the steepest graded hill
i in Saa , Francisco and Immediately set
about to master It by driving car over
! tha top, was again the scene for another
'aiege Saturday by hundred of automo
bile enthusiast and before the sun had
set several more makes of car showed
, the power and flexibility of their motor
by crossing the crest of this 60 per cent
When Jo Schmedlt. who successfully
drove the Quick little tlx up the hill laat
Tuesday, started up the grade with a
Buick 1.600-pound truck, there were many
misgivings to whether he would succeed
and grave fear were expressed for the
welfare of hi load of five passenger.
On the first two attempts the truck
halted within a ifew feet from the top
and slid bark the grade, but on tha next
trial the power-wagon negotiated It with
out the sllghest effort and afterward
'made several more trip up the Incline
as though It wits fin ordinary grade.
After the first two trial Schmedlt
seemed to know Just how much fuel to
feed the motor and It responded per
fectly to Its tssk. Following his ascent
In the truck Bchmedll a rain d
Buick little six up the grade and slipped
over the top with the same eaae that
characterised hts demonstration on Tues
At a recent meeting the stockholder of
tie service Motor Truck company voted
to increase the capital stock of the com
pany from 1250.000 to KjO.OuO, The new
, issue or stock ha practically all be
subscribed by the present stockholders.
This Increase In capital stock waa mail
necessary by the larg Increase In the
aaie or service trucka. Two large addl
tlona to the factory have lust been cm
pleted which practically double the ca
pacity of the plant, but the directors of
the oompany anticipate that thla Increase
will not be huge enough to take care of
the business and are planning the erec
tion of a large new plant In the near future.
a compared w"th about half that num
ber laat year.
Hales Mark la Kaay.
The task of the sales department was
an easy one alongside that of the manu
facturing and traffic departments. It
was not a question, a In former years,
of how to sell the cars, but rather of
how to produce them fast enough, and
more especially how to provide facilities
for shipping the cars that were built.
Due to the alertness of I. J. Oilier, vice
president and director of sales, the Stude
baker corporation haa not Buffered to any
great extent. When the freight situation
became acute Mr. Oilier started the traf
fio department to work, with tho result
that methoda never before employed In
the automobile Industry wero adopted.
As soon as It became Hear that the
shortage In boxcara would continue, Mr.
Oilier Instructed the traffic corps to In
troduce the use of flatcars and gondolas,
and thus overcome the obstacle. For In
stance, a tralnload of flrty-slx flatcars,
bearing 1 12.1,000 worth of automobiles,
was shipped to the Pittsburgh dealer, ar
riving twenty-four hours after leaving
Detroit. Other tralnload ahlpmonts went
to dealers In Minneapolis, Chicago, Grand
Kaplda, Saginaw, Toledo, Indianapolis,
Cincinnati, Cleveland, Youngstown,
Akron, Canton, Rocheater, Klmlra, Al
bany, Hobokon. Boston, Providence,
Bridgeport, Philadelphia, Newark and
Omaha. ,
But even thla plan did not entirely
solve the situation. As a result. Instead
of waiting until spring as used to be the
custom, many dealers came to the De
troit factory with members of their
force and, clad In fur coats, drove car
over Icy roads to their home towns
within a 100-mile radius of Detroit. It
was no "unusual thing to see a string of
bright new car leave the factory,
manned by dealor who were intent upon
keeping delivery promises with their cus
tomer. Still another method had to be fre
quently employed to tske care of dealers
at dlstaneea off the main railroad line.
Hy this plan dealers would trawl to a
central point where a tralnload shipment
had been received, and four or five cf
them would drive away the cars that
made up the entire consignment.
Cadillac Storm
Curtains Quickly
Placed in Position
Time wag when the motorist over
taken by a shower, was compelled to
disturb the other occupant of the car
In order to dig out the storm curtains
from underneath the seat cushlona. Even
after he had succeeded In extricating
them. It required some time to sort them
over and find the right curtain for their
respective places.
In the meantime, everyone was pain
fully conscious of the fact that It waa
A good example of how this annoyance
has been overcome I seen In the Cadil
lac, In which a moat convenient method
has been devised. When not in use, the
curtain are held neatly overhead on the
tinder side of the top. Being attached to
the top framework, they are not apt to
become lost or disarranged.
The simple turn of fastener release
the curtains from their pocket and al
lows them to fall Into their respective
positions. They are always accessible at
times when quick action 1 desirable
and It I a simple matter to aecure them
In their correct positions without even
getting out of the car.
Another convenient feature Is the man
ner In which provision la made so t- at
the curtains open with the door.
Three Stolen Autos
Found in Few Hours
Thefts of three auto were reported to
the police late Friday afternoon and be
fore midnight the authorities had recov
ered all three.
Tom Mahoney, Omaha Grain exchange,
reported that his car nad been taken
from Eighteenth and Douglaa street. It
wa recovered at Forty-first and Doug
laa streets.
John I jot. 2115 Ohio street, lost his anto
at Nineteenth and Caas streets. It waa
found at Twenty-first and Nicholas
Charles Belangee, Fifteenth end Cali
fornia streets, reported tnat hla machine
waa taken from In front of hla home.
It was found at Twenty-fourth and P
streets. South Side.
Former Prisoner
Sues Sheriff
John F. McCarthy, formerly a prisoner
In the Douglaa county Jail, hold by the
federal authorities, has sued Sheriff Mc
Shane for $.",000, alleging that when hia
cell waa being scrubbed a Jail employe
spilled a bucket of scalding water on
his legs, causing permanent Injuries.
life dJrii Uiim
r j
Tho Allen has fought and -won its battle
along this line. Wo invite comparison, point
for point. We owe it to you and you owe it
to yourself.
9 3-4 x 3 Inch AHan-Sommar '
Motor, 37 H. P.
4 eyonrfers eaar en Moo,
Unit power plant
Wamtinthoum aktctrie attattng
and lighting ayatam.
Ga tank at raars ra
Fall floating rear axis, preased
at mm I houminga.
Ill Inch whaaJbaam, 55 Inch
undaraluni raar apringa.
Piramtona damountabla lima
with one axtra.
Waigtrt of oar la 3300 poanda.
Standard Motor Car Co.
. Carl Changstrom, Mgr.
Western Dittributort
2010 Farnam Street, Omaha
Faorory Addraaar TffB ALLEN MOTOR CO., Foatoria, Ohio
'i niijUfcaiVnitiT frriihwittiii
At the first twinge of I In In the back
spi'ly fciloan'a Liniment relief comes at
once. Only lie. Ail druggists. Advertlse--it.
' v2
. -A
HERE are no exceptions to the aston
ishment and delight of those who
have experienced the truly wonderful
sensations of travel luxury as afforded
by the Eight-Cylinder Cadillac.
The luxuries of motoring which dis
tinguish the Eight-Cylinder Cadillac are
obtainable only in the Cadillac.
Those who are within the World of
Cadillac ownership enjoy luxuries of
travel to which you must remain a
stranger so long as you are outside of
that Worid.
Cadillac Company of Omaha
20 GO-64- Farnam Street Phone Douglas .225
h 5
SERVICE should be a big and
vital factor in every efficient
institution. Yet the word is
sometimes loosely used, not to de
scribe a highly important depart
ment, nor to conceal it, but rather
in place of it.
Maxwell service has a real and
definite meaning. It starts with the
car itself and it is perpetuated by a
highly effective organization consist
ing of 16 complete service stations, 54
district branches and over 2,500
dealers and agents all intent on
giving surpassing service to every
Maxwell owner.
Maxwell responsibility does not
cease with the sale of the car, for
Maxwell owners represent the good
will of our company their satisfac
tion is our biggest asset and their
loyalty to our car and our company
is paramount. '
One Chassis, Five Body Styles
Two-Passe ng-er Roadster ... . $63 J
Five-Passenger Tourinp Car . . . 65
Touring Car (with All Weather Top) 7 1 0
Two-Passenger Cabriolet .... 865
Six-Passenger Town Car .... 915
Full equipment, including Electric Suiter
and Lights, All prices F. O. B. Detroit
Maxwell Motor Cars are told in Omaha by our representatives
C. W. Francis Automobile Co.
2216-18 Farnam Street. Phone Doug. 853
365 Days of Free Service Inspection
"Exide" Batttery Service
This Card Entitles the Holder to
At Our Service Httijn.
Delco Exide Service Station
2021 Farnam St., Omaha.. Neb. Tel IKug. 3697.
Issued to
Iate Issued 1-
.Make Model.
May June July Au.
I Start Your Ford .From the Seat
with the
Starter for Ford Cars
Just a sllrht poll oa tha
handle and your motor starts.
Absolutely prevents kloalng-.
James Phillips & Son Co.
y y Fbon Douglas 4397.
SlO-12 Bo. ISth t-Mt . - 11 . h.
I wife