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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1916)
! i i i 1 1 1 I I I t : ! S i ; 1G-X THK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAKCll 3J, HUB. Mother of Maude Adams is Dead PAW UKK C1TT. March 1. fra. Annl Aaenath Adama Ktkalden, mother of Maud Adams. lled here, at 10 o'clock last night Matida Adama, who cancelled her New Tork theatrical enaementa In order to at tha bedalde of her dylnf mother, a with her. Maud Adama concluded ibnirtljr her New Tork aninMrement laat Saturday ntltht and If ft for Bait Immediately, r arriving here at noon Wednesday. Tha aetreaa engaged rooma lit tha hoapltal In which her mother waa a patient and re mained at her alda ronatantly until her mother died laat nlaht. Mra. Klakaddrn win born In a In cabin near Pall lJVa In 1W. Pha fia an ama teur actreaa while a amaJl drl and mada her rrofeaalonal dtbut In the Bait Ike Theater Stock company In tha role of nrace Otla In the "People'e Lawyer" on July 2T. BIDS OPENED FOR SEWER WORK IN NINE DISTRICTS It takea hut a mlnutt- ot time to aave dolLara when you read The Bee Want A4 column!. J-'luna of the opening of the 1316 public Improvement program were evident In the city engineer' a office, where blda were opened for newer work In the following nine dintrfta: Klfty-firat atreet. Howard to Iieavenworth atreeta: Pontenelle park; OITford park atorm water aewer; Thirty fifth and J to Thtrty-aeventh and M atreeta; Clifton Hill, from Thlrty-elxth and Ohio atreeta, northeaet; R atreet. Thlrty-atxth to Thirty-ninth atreets; Twenty-third afreet. N to P atreeta; Ieey avenue. Korty-aecond atreet to Pnddle Creek aewerj Koi ty-eighth atreet. lavenworth to Howard eirci. j . 1. ..Ill 1.A MadAr at the meeting next Tuesday morning. Key to the Situation Bea Want Ads. Ami . . .' ... Fashion To The Fore With The Most Fascinating Styles Ever Shown In Any Spring Opening Exhibit Costume historians of the future will chronicle this Spring season of 1916 as the supreme effort of master designers to catch and hold ' that vill-,o-the-visp--STYLE--and present it in fascinating array. Beginning on Monday, and continuing for many days, our Annual Spring Exposition of the newest Evening, Afternoon and Street Gowns, Costume Suits, Tailleurs, Wraps and Coats, Millinery, Sport Apparel, Blouses, Footwear, Gloves, Hosiery, Neckwear, Silks, Dress Goods, Fabrics of all types and Apparel for the Younger Set will be given in this store. A TINY peep at the new costumes gives the impression of a loveliness that holds one spell-bound-the colors of the sunset, the glorious riot of tones from Spring's awakening materials so light and filmy and beautiful that one wonders how even the most deft fingers can manip ulate them. , v ASH ION is reverting back to the Colo nial period, with all the pinking and rufflings and ruchings, and in its very sim plicity and charm, it fascinates. But why go on? A true picture of even one gown would take columns and columns of type to delineate YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THIS SPRING OPENING ON MONDAY MORNING mt 7 iff A New Departure So many women who came to view the wonderful Spring Gowns in previ ous years expressed the idea that it would have been agreeable to them if they could have had the opportunity to purchase moderate priced apparel on the same day, that we have departed from our regular custom this year and will present to all .who desire to share in the offering, groups of Suits, Dresses, Coats and Skirts which we have assembled for this particular oc casion. Just a hint of the prices will suffice: 50 High Grade Tailored Suits, values, $35.00, $39.00, $12.50 and $45.00, at $29.50. A Group of Silk Afternoon Frocks, val ues, $30.00 and $35.00, at $22.50 each.. Coats for Street, Sport and Dress wear, values, $19.00; $22.50 and $25.00, at $15.00. Sport and Dress Skirts, some for stout women; values, $7.50, $8.98 and $10; $6.39. IMajiwjn Mj aapaajawajuwyiyyayj aaa y yay. .y wfmwjsttjy ajyji.,. fr7rfp, ty i?W9jpi. " gWVVW'WyVl 4 o ' ' ' L- , IPliiPllililllll!