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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1916)
( Jilt; OMAHA SUNDAY HLK: MAIU'll l'llti. 13 A v?jw:'.Na?J..-. Lzx. sxzicx wt.ts ti "v-vev vi. v-J -y ,V7. u c IksT-sp"- a j Ladies' and Misses' j I Spring Coats j I More Than 100 Samples On Sale ? Monday and 1 Mm Styes that you know ar. th. very latest In ahoea, of ail leathers, cloth tops, button or lace, Theaa 14.00 to Is nrt .H- .... ..I. . , Tuesday ! $1.95 and $2.45 New i ilJUtCMUl Shades J antf I Newest I I A Saving of $5 to $10 I ! on Esch Garment j A. Bonoff x I H. Y. Sample Store i 206 North 16th GREAT SPECIAL SHOE SALE Money Savins Prices FOR WOMEN FOR MEN Thousands of sample shoes from the beat makera. The beat leather on the market, and styles to suit every requirement. These ahoea aell up to $5.60. our bargain prices $2.45 and $2.95 p.-txj tmu p.uo II rt . nr .omplet. Una afea'a work I L,OrSGtS ahoea .- war like Iron I I vwwa 1.95-$2.45 Mall ordars re ceive the a a m careful 'attention aa our other cua- tomra. ive style and a Is of ahoa wanted. n jm M Store sow opem evea lag;a natu 7 o'olook. Loyal Shoe Store 16th and Capitol Ave. ... Loyal Hotel, Bldg. . , -A VeritabU Garden of Flowers in this R Fascinating Display of New Millinery For Spring Both large and small ahapea. Beautiful pattern hats. Topularly priced from 13. OO VP. Open Till t p. m. Xvery BvaBima. Flatiron Millinery Shop 17M Kt. Marr'a Ave. riatiroa Balldiaa. The New Spring Styles Demana Thmi are la ao- eordamoe Tou will1 be aura of ret tins' corsets with the proper lines, together with the high est quality If you buy a GENUINE GOODWIN CORSET JTOTB We are the sole agents In Omaha for the bona fide Goodwin Cor set. Don't be mislead with idle chatter. i C ST0CKUELL 1799 St. afarys Ave. JTlatlroa Bulldta-. - ' ADVANCE FASHIONS IN SPRING TAILORING LATEST STYLES AND WEAVES AWAIT - YOUR VISIT A DRESS UP We ask the privilege of showing you the styles colors quality that' have been decreed for the bprlng and Summer season. We have aecured M. Strasberg, a Chicago designer, who will cater to the wants of Omaha Uood Dress ers. PRICES We guarantee Fit Quality Work manHhip btyle in our (Suits, ranging in price from $35 to S45. Ideal Ladies' Tailoring Co. Successors to Miller, Bailable Ladiea' Tailor 418 Faxtoa Block. Phone Bed 8973. Opea Sveainfa Until 8:30. Are We Oat of Place When We Advertise on This. Page? Not On Your Life. Read This Ad and See. Everyone Talking Frills All the women of Omaha are talklag about suits, dresses of the finest fab rics, hats of tbe latest creations, shoes without hose, lingerie of the finest silK and corsets, too. Every conversation at pink teas, Is about frills, which change several times a season and Daddy has t pay the bills. Edison Thrills Are lasting forever and Daddy only has to pay one bill Instead of bills. The Edi son is the housewife's favorite, the hubby's bobby and the family's delight. Whyt They can pull the rugs anl dance till midnight. Also the voice or violin student can teach themselves by practicing with an Edison. Records of Instrumental and voice music by th world's leading artists. Picture of New Machine The picture of the machine in this advertisement shows the new CHIPPENDALE MODEL. It is the most beautiful instrument In the market today, a real ornament in your home. The reproduction of voice or instrument on an Edison Is so perfect that when a test was made the audience could not distinguish the Edison from th original. SHULTZ BROS. 4622 V Edison Shop mIsfh. a I I FASHION SHOW AT. HENSHAW CAFE Every Afternoon and Evening If you want to see all the latest creations in Spring Apparel for ' Women, come to the HENSHAW CAFE any afternoon or evening. V Music and Dancing To entertain you while you eat a Lunch or Dinner, and sometime view Gowns, Dresses, Suits of the social stars of Omaha and out-of-town guests of the hotel. Hotel Henshaw Omaha Style Plates Shown on These Pages Made by The Bee Engraving Plant. Designs Submitted, Estimates Furnished Call Tyler 1000 v roruLAit PRICES. Let Lohrmaa Tailor Your Suit and save $15.00. Skirts a Specialty , 88 TO 810. Complete. Black Tread and Pink Sidewalk Fashion's latest presentation takes shape in Diamond Tires Omaha Tire Repair Co. HENRY NYGAARD, Prop. 2201 FARNAM STREET Phone Tyler 1552 Sfyfe Quality Service j Suits 1 .and,, j Wraps i The Highest m Class Grade and Style I Are Designed i and Made ! 5. . Ackerman (18th and St. Mary's 0 FUtirn Bldg.. Phonm tor Appoinimint No. 4 4-lnrh Bo Pleata groups of t half Inch side iJeata going from center to right and left. Above aklrt should be prepared from straight width of goods anJ should not te cut gored at top. Al low two inches for the hem and two Inches of shrinkage on each width of foods used. Material should measure hree yards around bottom before treating. Price, a.50 for pleating only. All wool or all silk gnoda bold (pleat beat. Avoid cotton ml Hires. Combination Accordion Pleated Skirt 69 New Models of Pleated Skirts Accordion Side, Box and Com bination Pleats. Buttons All the New Styles and Size. Hein-Stltrhlng and PI cot Edging. Embroidering Untitling, llendlng Iktne on (iarmpnta. Artistic Designs Furnished. Send for Free Price Lint. Send Your (ioods. Orders Filled Promptly. Watch for Other Models. Everything In Pleating, Cov ered Buttons, Hemstitching, Plcot Edging. The Ideal Button & Pleating Co. 107.109-111 South 16th St., Omaha, Neb. Tel. 1. 103(1. ' ' " ' ' The PS W Alia I Isli shop X Op 208 So. 18th St. Oriental I Vr Pieeea and 1 Aatiqaea of all 'C y The Meedle Craft V, Sxohaaga la Ooa I N. vv aeotloa. . Tea served I I erjr afternoon. f I ' Ton are i ' I r Cordially I rr ( i Start the) season in Style. Have Your Elec tric Put in First Class Shape. I am now in business for for myself at You will no doubt re member me as the man you used to deal with at Dr ammo nd's or the Elec tric Garage. 2230 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 4317 Walter Anderson Electric Co. VIE