1 12 A THE OMAN A SUNDAY TEE: MAROI 10, 1916. T 7 II I! II II II II ii7 . il Ilk fe. .s::::::::-: : :::::V l::::"?. I 0.U2fflHm, Ill JtmmP V lliiiilijiliilliiiiii! ::::: ? 0 piiSiillllllillillllffil ISI1 My Made -to -Order Suits Satisfy Many years of tailoring experience have enabled mo to get my fitling and workmanship up to its present high standard. Today I have an estab lishment in which you can place every confi dence. Get acquainted with my tailor shop now It will be an agreeable and profitable experience ' for you. Suits-to-order - $30, $33, $35 and $40 Cut, Fitted and Made In Omaha Beautiful Kew Fabrics (or Spring Await Ycur Inspection 1512 Dodge Street. Brighten Up for Spring The price of Clothing, Food, Gasoline everything but the cost of cleaning your suit or dress is steadily advanoing. Why not meet this high cost of living by making your last year's garments do you another season? Our method of Cleaning and Pressing will add enough life to your clothes to much more than offset the cost, say nothing of the improvement in your ap pearance. Send in your clothes and let us prove it. We guarantee satisfaction or no charge. Phone us and one of our autos will call promptly. The Pantorium " ii r 'i' : : . '; . : 1 ' i ' . . 1 : . ' .,; i . sA idMiililuiLiiiluiliiluiilUtiillllli!lUlilliU4..(iiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiil MSP utu mt easier r a card carry the y J v message that lends the per- J sonal touch of : friendship j . Your I i n?. .1 rnowgrapn 'GOOD CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1513-15-17 Jones St., Phone Doug. 963. Branch Office, 2016 Faraam St. South Side, 4708 South 24th St. N. B. -We pay carrying charges one way on all out-of-town orders. Vti v- D3U0'ms if (T W v 1 0th and Farnam 1 J ' 4k I I ' - 5 A i v r- V If I j , " Tfie photograph I in your town." I REMBRANDT STUDIO litjitUbiUtiiUiiiutiiiriiiiuiiiiiuuinj! , V W M ill I I !:"::::::::::::::::::::! I I THE STYLE-CAR HUDSON "SUPER-SiX" Demanded by EXCLUSIVE CAR BUYERS GUY L. SMITH ! Service First 2563-67 Farnam St. OMAHA Phone Douglas 1970 n Comb's Spring Je welry is of dame fashion's latest decree.. Everything that's new in jewelry-for either men or women will always -be found first at Comb'sj 4he store of quality and ' popular prices. ... Combs' Jewelry Doesn't Turn Green, ' f But Does Turn Doubt to Admiration. ' T. L. COMBS & CO. "The Busy Jewelers" 1520 DOUGLAS STREET p r . Charles Paul Gruppe THE ARTIST Is Exhibiting His Superb Collection of Paintings AT THE Whitmore Art Galleries 1517 Douglas Street Until March 28th Only Our Tailoring Delights Young Men For its exclusiveness in style, and ap peals to older men for its conservativeness. Call and see our line of . Fabrics and Fashions for your Easter suit. Stevens & Lewis, Tailors 305 South i9th Street, 5. ". Cor. 19th and Farnam Your Health Will Be Improved and You Will Wear Your Spring Clothes - i,,-:.t.-, jr.--a . - - T w - , r- -7 - b ,- c ., 1 ' - a -. -- ;-rrr sj nr . ..." r . g i... - : . t to Better Advantage if You Bowl A Place of Refinement for Ladies and Gentlemen W. L. Schoenman, Mgr. EY 1807 Farnam Street r - ' f 1 I