Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday
VOL. XIaV NO. 40.
'Edward J. Maynard, Former In
itractor at Clarinda, la., Hos
pital, Kills Wife and
Then Shoots Self.
Lodger in the House Hears Shots
and Discovers the
Murder and suicide wound up the
two-month wedded career of Ed
ward J. Maynard, former instructor
at the Iowa State hospital at Cla
rinda, and his wife. In his room at
the lodging house of John Michel,
2019 St. Mary's avenue, he fired two
loads from a twelve gauge repeat
ing shotgun into her body and then
blew out his own brains with a re
5:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Oscar ?el8on, another roomer at the
house, heard the shots and ran to the
room, finding the door locked. He gained
entrance by bursting open the door, and
found the two bodies lying across each
other on the floor. A twelve gauge shot
gun of the repeating variety lay to the
right of the woman's body and two empty
shells were found on the floor close by,
while in his own hand, Maynard Grasped
a .3S-callber revolver which he had used
to blow out his own brains.
' Woman Shot Twice.
The body of Mrs. Maynard was shot In
two places, tho flesh being torn from her
arms and a hole shot through her right
side. Upon arrival of physicians Bhe was
still alive, and was hurried to Bt. Jo
seph's hospital, where she died shortly
after her arrival.
The bullet with which Maynard shot
himself was found several feet, from his
body on the floor. A note which ho had
writted was found on tho bed a few feet
to the right.
"Dear Mother: Our trunvts are all
packed. Of course you may sell my
Utuff, and C.'s (the wife's first name)
mother can do tho eam with hers. I am
going, or have gone dippy. I will talk
to you from the 'coal pile.' Qood-bye,
The above note was addressed to his
mother, Mrs. A. M. Heath, Los Angeles,
The Maynards had Just returned from
Clarinda, la., where the husband had ' some -time a an Instructor of
n.rri!es tn the State ilospltal and had
lltxl at the residence of John M
but two weeks. John Mirhela stated that
to the best of his knowledge the couple
hud had no quarrels since their arrival,
and could see no apparent reason for
the act.
, Mli-s. Maynard hafl herself been a nurse
at thftJioepltal with which her husbend
waa connected, and It waa there they
were married two months age. She had
roomed at the home of Mr. Micholi about
a year ago for some length of time and
was well liked by all who knew her.
Her mother resides at Parsons, Kan.,
and has been notified of tho murder.
Mr. Maynard was a member 'of the
Spanish-American War Veterans and was
in good standing at the time of his death.
He was addicted to the use of morphine,
the police said, when a hypodermic needle
was found on the floor of the room and
a large supply of the drug concealed
IjOUISVILLE. Ky., March 18. (Special
Telegram.) "I am an escaped convict
from the penitentiary at lncaster.
Neb,," stated Arthur Campbell, while n
the witness stand In police court this
Campbell had been arrested at a city
dump on a charge of Vagrancy. Camp
bell further testified that his right name
was Shelby Richard Baxter, and. that he
escaped on April W, 1915. He waa serving
a term of one to thirty years for train
robbery.' He said his prison number was
Improvements at Shenandoah.
PirENANDOAH, la., March IS. Spe
cial.) Forty blocks of paving will be laid
In Shenandoah this summer. Three hun
dred and dollars will te g ven
In prizes for the farmers that keep the
best stretches of dragged roads. A J20,iX0
Presbyterian church will bo constructed
tbJs Bprlng. Work . has begun on a
garage with a frontage or 125 feet Dy ,a
feet on two main streets for Fred Crls
built by F. N. Hackett. A sorghum
factory will be opened here this month
A resit room is planned st the city library
or some convenient building for women.
Plans have been made for a IIVM arimry
building for Company ITs headquarters
and a meeting place for conventions.
The Weather
Hours. He-'
"' " a. m IS
rtJl. ti a. m :-.
V wSiJiiy ? a. in
Vf iTxl' S . m
V W a. in
1 a. m -
SjtrdCT' H m
TV 1-' m
L ' 1 P- m
V k 2 p. m 51
. CLOUTV 0 3 p. in hi
V ,1 p. m i-(
r 7 p. in ....47
Comparative L.ocal Record,
1916 1315 19M 1913
llieheat yesterday T..1 37 21 iW
l.o-nt )eeterday . M '-& 1M fj
.Mean temperature 44 M ?4 .'-
Precipitation 0) T .? .to
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal lenu" "ttuie 37
V X reus for ll ft ay 7
Total rs.cea Mulch 1 4'.
Nm-nvil precipitation 4 III' h
Deficit- ii' ' for the da v Hindi
Total rainfall since Mufti 1 1" inch
1 let'idi'iH-y Mince Aarch 1 2 Inch
Kxcem fur em-. -rlo l. 1 f 1 7 Inch
....!. -i v fir cor. Wlind I'll 4 . .'.3 inch
T in'll'ates trace of precipitation
J.. .V. WKI.SII. I..,cul r'oiecaster.
Vienna Headquarters Announces
Taking of Fortification North
of the Tolmino Bridgehead.
Nearly Five Hundred Prisoners, In
cluding Sixteen Officers,
Are Seized.
BENLIN, March 18. (By Wire
less to Sayville.) The capture of
an Italian position north of the Tol
mino brlhgehead on the Isonzo front
Is reported In today's Austro-Hun-garlan
headquarters statement re
ceived here from Vienna. The Aus
trlans took prisoner 449 Italians,
among whom were sixteen offlcehs,
besides capturing throe machine
guns and a mine thrower.
The text of the statement says:
"On the lower Isonzo the Kalians
attacked near Selz with weak forces,
being repulsed .when they reached
our obstncles.
"The Austro-Hungariana attacked
northwahd of the Tolmino bridge
head, conquered the enemy's posi
tion and captured 449 Italians,
among whom were sixteen officers,
and took three machine guns and
one mine thrower."
Mann Asserts Hay
Army Measure to Be
Inadequate to Needs
WASHINGTON', March IS. Tho house
military bill is President Wilson's own
bill. Chairman Hay of the military com
jnittee informed tho house today, when
debate on the measure was resumed
under the ten-hour rule.
"I may say," ha said in . reply to a
question, "in broad language that this Is
the president's bill; that he thoroughly
approves of It."
Chairman Hay said the bill "carries
out the recommendations of the presi
dent's message and goes a little farther."
He added that while tho bill did not con
tain the continental army provision the
president was satisfied the proposed fed
eralization pf tho Rational Guard would
accomplish the same purpose.
wvlt-aldlipreKcntaUve Moore, re
publican, of Pennsylvania, 'gentlemen
'oting for this bill will be voting for the
president's convictions?"
"They will," Mr. Hay responded.
Representative Mann, minority leader,
attacked the bill as being inadequate to
meet the demands of the present time.
He said:
"We are having a little trouble on the
border of Mexico and are sending a few
soldiers Into that country The time for
this came after we had had troops on
the border for four years in contempla
tion of that very thing. Yet when this
trouble occurred these troops were not
actually sent across the border until the
house had passed a resolution ordering
an Increase of 30,005 men to take the
places of the few soldiers who might
"Never was there a more pat illustra
tion Uhan that of the fact that the
present army and the proposed Increase
in it, while sufficient in times of artual
peace, would not bo sufficient In time of
war or when any occasion arises for even
a miniature war. and today we have
the greatest war of the ages going on."
Representative Mann said the United
States must take a prominent place In
defending Its own rights and those of
smaller neutrals and in upholding Inter
national laws
"I believe," e said, "that It la the
duty of the United States to prepare now
an army which will add to the weight of
the suggestions we make."
"Tlie time has come when It is wise
for us to consider the possibility and even
the probability of the future and prepare
now for what may come to us. If we
do not prepare now we may regret It to
the end of our lives."
Representative Kahn, rnnking minority
member of the military committoe, said
war came suddenly in modern times, and
wisdom and patriotism demanded a rea
sonable measure of preparedness for war.
With adequate preparation In peace
times, he said, thousands of lives might
have been saved in the country's wars.
"Great Britain was compelled finally to
adopt conscription," ho said. "I believe
that If ever we become Involved In any
great war It will become necessary to
resort to the draft."
Extensive Fire
Near High Railroad
Bridge Below Juarez
KL PASO, March 18. An extensive fire
was observed this afternoon several miles
below Juan a along the Mexican North
western railway line. It seemed to be
near what is known as High Bridge.
PICNVKR, Colo., March 18.-Ford E.
Hovey, president of the Denver Union
Stock Yards bank, has resigned to ac
cept the vice presidency of the Stock
Yards National bank of Omaha, accord
ing to an announcement today. No suc
cessor has been selected.
HEWARD. Neb., March IS. i Special
Telegram.) Former Governor Chester H.
Aldrt'h delivered an address on "Ne
braaka and lis Resources," lust night
before (the ex-ward Commercial club on
the occasion of the annual dinner of
the western portion of the slate was
eietiully lauded In the speech.
Bandit and Considerable Force Re
ported to Be Making Their
, Way to Namiquipa, in
West Chihuahua.
Message to Douglas from Commander
of One of Carranza's Columns
to the South.
DOUGLAS, Ariz., March 18.
Francisco Villa and a large numher
of his handlts have been located near
San Geronlmo, Chihuahua, and are
making their way to Namiquipa, In
western Chihuahua, near the town
of Madera, according to a telegram
received here today by Ives G. Lele
vler, consul of the de facto Mexican
government. The message was from
General Luis Gutierrez, commander
of one of the Carranza columns op
erating near Chihuahua City.
General Gutierrez said that Villa
was enroute to Namiquipa, ten miles
south of Las Cruces, where Villa was
located In earlier advices to General
Gavira at Juarez, to recover a quan
tity of ammunition which he left
there several months ago.
Una Shells Cached.
It was said by local Mexicans that
Villa has not less than 10,0U0,X) rounds
of ammunition cached In various parts
of Chlhuauha. These shells and powder
were mado by Villa, tliey said, in his
Chihuahua munitions factory during last
Tho message from General Gutlerrci
did not contain any information as to
the sire of the cache at Namiquipa, nor
was there any local Information concern
ing the amount of ammunition hidden
there. '
Lieutenant Colonel Da to Campbell, In
command of Carranr-a troops guarding
the mountain passes along tho Honors
Chlhuahua state line, arrived In Agua
Prleta last night and held a conference
today with General P. Ellas Calles. mili
tary governor of Sonora.
Colonel Campbell came to Agua Prleta
to confer with General Calles concern
ing the disposition of his troops and to
obtain a new supply of food and car
tridges. He stated that ho believed that
Villa would not be able to enter Sonora
and at the same' time said-that In his
opinion the United State troops would
have much difficulty In capturing the"
bandit chief.
A flees Calles.
Campbell reported that Villa was In
Galeana, Chihuahua, last Monday, go
ing from there to Janos, where he car
ried off all available supplies.
The colonel said that while the Amer
ican troops were searching for Villa In
the mountains In western Chihuahua the
bandit likely would conduct raids along
or near the Texas border in the eastern
part of the Mexican state.
rerun I n a; Continues March.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex., March IS. Gen
eral Kunston this afternoon had received
no official confirmation of the nrrlvat
at Casas Grandes of a part of the ex
peditionary force, but he assumed the
correctness of the report. General
Pershing's west column, under Colonel
Dodd, had Casas Grandes as its imme
diate objective, but Its arrival last night
was a surprise to those at headquarters,
who had not believed it likely that tho
distance would be covered so quickly.
The main column, according to the lat
est reports from General Pershing, waa
continuing lis march without interrup
tion, not far northwest from the advanced
cavalry force.
The work of organizing the additional
forces that have been sent into Texas
and New Mexico along the border was
continued today. From many places near
the border, where the population Is
largely Mexican, appeals for the protec
tion of troops have been made, but these
appeals have been based on no overt hos
tile act of the Mexicans.
The garrison at Nogalcs -will not be
materially weakened, although the re
moval of one company of Infantry
brought a protest to General Funston.
End of War in Sight,
Says the Minister of
Finance, A. Ribot
PARIS, March IS. "We have reached
the deellv hour," aald Alexandre Hibot,
minister or finance, speaking in the
Chamber of Deputies last night on the
financial and military situation. "We
can say, without exaggeration, without
illusion and without violation of optim
ism, that we now see the end of this
horrible war."
. M. lUbot's utterance Is taken to be of
utmost importance, as indicating official
opinion wtth retard to the small results
of the battle of Verdun. Whether peace
is or is not appreciably nearer, It Is Un
questionable that the tenalon In Fran'e
has relaxed and that men's thoughts are
turned to the rupid development of event
favorable to the allies.
CINCINNATI. March U-Kire last
night practically destroyed the six story
brick carriage pli.nt of the Bayers A 8co
vllle coin piny lure, entailing a loss, of
ficers of the firm ny, of tr,K',OX. The loss
is fully covered by insnance. It is be
lieved the fire was slurtod by the e.
llosion of turpentine in the boiler room.
M'l'X CITY. Ia., March lS.-The strike
situation at the Cuduby plant ia tin
ci.ank'ed, all the employes mlth the ex
ception of a number of hog butchers
being at work. OfficluU believe the
trouble has ended.
March 18fci-5:00P.W "cxY
Jhe Lia JusHfert Down M Wjy
i M 3m t a.rr i)
' ITT-'
Bequest of American Commander
Sent Through Washington to
De Facto Government.
WASHINGTON, March 18. The
request of General Funston to ahlp
supplies by rail from the hordeh to
the American expeditionary forces In
J&gxjco was sent lato today to the
de facto government through repre
sentations of the State department
at Quereto;
It Is understood the request was
mentioned by Acting Sechetary Polk
informally to Ellfieo Arredondo, the
Carranza ambassador, who called at
the State department and held a con
ference with Acting Secretary Polk.
Mr. Arredondo gave a general he
port of late dispatches received by
him from Mexico In which the nida
tion generally was described as fa
vorable, with the attitude of the de
facto government acquescent to the
policy of the United States.
The ambassador also informed the
secretahy that his government was
arranging to ship a consignment of
ammunition from New York to Mex
ico for use in the campaign against
Dutch Ship is Sunk
By Torpedo; All of
Tho Crew Rescued
LONnOK. March IS. The steamship
Palembang has been torpedoed. All the
members of the crew were saved.
There are two steamers of the nam
Palembang, both Dutch. The one vessel,
of 6.674 tons gross, was last reported as
having passed Gibraltar. February 15,
from Batavla for Rotterdam.
The other vessel, of l.&rfl tons gros,
was last reported March 10 at Kirkwall
from Philadelphia, with petroleum for
Aolesund, Norway.
The National Capital
Satarday, March 1ft, 1016.
The Senate.
The senate met at noon.
Reports on Chamberlain army reor
g nidation hill was submitted.
Henator Mardwlck spoke on national
Tho Hons.
The house met at tl o'clock.
General debate on the army bill was
The Day's War New
SIMK TUT. MA89KU attarka of
Thursday nlaht aaalaat tba village
and fort of Yam, northeast of
Verdun, the firrmaaa have not ad
i a need at any polat on the de
fenses of the fortress, Paris id.
nun need todar. Last nlaht passed
without Infantry aetlilty, and
firs the artillery arllo.t Is de
rrlbvd as Intermittent.
Importance tn the other war fields
art larblna. Thrra appears to ha
Increasing- military aelltlly la the
Ilalkans, iiwir, Heavy troop
muTcnrati tn liulaaria, are re
ported from Bucharest.
AN OKK1CH1, sTiTlvMK.NT from
t'onstaallnoole ;mrr Pasha,
Turkish uilaUter of war, has re
turned to t onstaatlnopla from a
trip of Inspection to rli, alva
tlna and Arabia.
Full to Overflowing
Secretary of State'i Office Swamped
Under Load of Peti
' (Front a Ptaff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, March, 18. .(Special.)
Staggering under a load of iwall,
largely made up of filings for of
fice, George Hearn, special j-echtv
tentative of Uncle Sam for the state
house, entered the office of.' Secre
tary of State Pool and deposited to
day's mail. As a result eputy Sec
retary of State Cooper could' hardly
be teen aa he studiously endeavored
to get the flings all posted so that
the work could be cleaned up by
night. The second dollvehy brought
in another bunch and the afternoon
deliveries added to the pile, so that
it is utterly Impossible to give all
of the filings which came in today.
Among the number which arrived wore
the following more Important onev
W. H. Banning for the democratio and
populist nominations for lieutenant gov
A. C. Wakeley of Omaha for district
V. K. Hatteroth, Oniaha, for district
R. C. Haper of' Pawnee City for dis
trict Judge.
W. 1. Oldham of Kearney, W. B. Price
of Lincoln and iJouglas Conea of Pierce
for delegates-at-large on the democratic
George Dayha of Niobrara for presi
dential elector on the democratic ticket
for tha Third district.
These last four are the candidates of
the anti-Bryan bunch who are not satis
fied with the candidates already filed for
Hall Klles aa ProaresslTe,
The closing moment of filing for office
were very strenuous this evening and
many candidates ' who had already re
ceived filings were In evidence with ad
ditional petitions for other purtles.
tleorge E. Hall, state treasurer and
candidate for renomlnatlon on the dem
ocratic ticket, accepted a. filing made on
tho progressle ticket.
I'Yank P, Coriick, state chairman of
the progressive party, says he will file a
protest Monday,
John A. McUuire of Lincoln filed for
congress in the First district on the dem
ocratic ticket. He was defeated at the
last election by Congressman Hcavls and
will try for another chance.
K. R. Zimmerman of Lincoln filed for!
tho democratic nomination for land com
Claude llensel of Lincoln, former dep
uty I'nlted States murshal and now dep
uty sheriff of I-ancaiiter county, filed
for secretary of state on the republican
All Plucea riled For,
Harry 8. liyrncs of Omaha and E. D.
Reach of Uncoln, members of the repub
lican state committee, met at the office
of the secre tary of state and looked over
the filings and satisfied themselves that
all plates had been filed for.
Petitions were filed by Mr. Ryrnes for
R. J. Kllpntrlck of Reatrlce and K. M.
Cuirlc of Krewater as dclcgates-at-large
to the national republican convention;
Harry S. Ryrne and N. 1. Swanson as
district delegates. Second district, and
E. W. Ml k- of Lincoln as presidential
NEW YORK. Slarch 1 -Miss Molla
RJuratedt retained her holding of the
women's national Indoor tennis i-ham-plonxlilp
here today by defeating Mrs.
Frederick Kchniiti .f this city. In the
final match of the titular tournament on
the courts of the Seventh leginunt ar
mory. Tlie girl from Norway, won in
Straight set.i, 6-:. 1.
Measure Introduced Call on Kaiser
Not to Agree to Limit Use of
BERLIN, March 16. (Via Lon
don,. March 18.) The national lib
eral group In the Reichstag decided
today to introduce at this session lta
measure calling for the carrying on
of submarine war.
Tha National liberals tent the .follow
ing messaga to Admiral Von Tlrplts:
"We art deeply moved by tha news of
the retirement of your eaceiicncy In tha
presmit difficult time. AVa send to. the
creator of our navy" and tha father of
tha German naval spirit assurance of tha
truest and most thankful devotion."
Teat of nesolntlon.
. nWKLIN. March .-Vla Wireless , to
Bayllle.)-The National Liberty party has
Introduced the following measure lit the
"Considering that Great Britain not
only makes war on the armed forces of
Uermany, but has taken measures in or
der to Impede the providing of Germany
with food supplies and raw material, so
as to compel Uermany to submit through
hunger, fur which purpose Great Britain
brutally violates International law and
employs force against neutral countries;
considering further that Germany Is able
through unlimited and unrestrained sub
marine warfare to Increase tha British
lack of tbnnaga so that It can bo made
extraordinarily difficult and perhaps Im
possible for tha British nation to obtain
sufficient supplies of food and raw ma
terials, considering that such warfare
would bring more speedily a victorious
end of tha war, the imperial chancellor
Is required to enter into no arrangements
with other countries which would hinder
us In the unlimited use of the submarine
weapon and to permit in the war sons,
against the enemy's traders, with the
exception of passenger ships, such use of
submarines as arises from the peculiar
ity of said weapons."
Similar bills were brought forward by
the conservative and center parties.
Vicarious Atonement
Idea Common Among
Pagans, Says Savant
PARIS, March lS.-That the religious
Idea of tho redemption of a community
by sufferings and the death of one mem
ber of It was not unknown in pagan
times waa the declaration mode today at
the academy of Inscriptions and belles
letters by lrof. Jules Toutaln, professor
of religious sciences at the Borbonne. j
Prof. Toutaln showed from writings'
found at Constantinople and elsewhere
that at Curium, at Cyprus, at Terracine
and at Marseilles, It was a early custom
to throw a human victim from a prom-1
ontory Into the sea as a redeemer of bis j
fellow cltltens. The terms employed In
tha writing are precisely the same as !
those used by the Greek Christians when
alluding to the Redeemer.
of Iowa Are Against
Woodrow ancTTeddy
DAVKNPORT, la., March lS.-TI.e Gorman-American
alliance of Iowa, In con
vention here, adopted a resolution calling
on Its members to oppose Woodrow Wil
son or Theodore Roosevelt, If either or
both should be nomlnuted for the presi
dency of the I'nlted htntes.
Another resolution advocated the es
tablishment of German free schools In
every city to teach children of (iermin
Americans the Germnn lani;uaije and per
petuate the traditions and Meals of tlu
White House Statement Says Puni
tive Expedition Has None of
Characteristics of an
Reports to Secretary of War Say
Everything' is Quiet Except at
EL TASO, Tex., March 18. Gen
eral Gavira, Carranza commander at
Juarez, in a statement Riven out to
day to the Associated Press, declared
that the crisis in the relations be
tween the United States and Mexico
was past and that there waa no
further need to fear trouble.
American troops pursuing Villa and
his bandits have no intention and no
orders to occupy any cities or town
during their march into Mexico.
This was stated at the White
House and War department today
after the receipt of a report that
General Gavira, the Carranza com
mander at Juares, had given notice
that General Pershing's troops
would not be allowed to occupy
Casas Grandes or other towna.
It was declared by adr-'nlstratlon of
ficials that the pursuit of Villa, being en
tirely a punitive expedition, had none
of tha characteristics of an Invasion, and
that there was no object In occupying
towns or cities, because the American
troops will keep constantly on the move.
Officials said today that the situation
at Tampico, where uneasiness Is said to
exist among Americans and other for
eigners, had no bearing on the pursuit of
Reports received at both the War and
State departments today continued to be
nrer la Generally Qoiet,
Secretary Baker early today issued tha
following statement:
"The reports received directly through
military channels, and those sent to this
department from other departments of
the government, Indicate quiet along tha
entire border except some excitement at
Tampico, which Is apparently temporary
and without cause.
"There are no reports of tha operations
of tha expedition available" for publica
tion." Tha secretary said ha , would leave
Washington this afternoon for his home
In Cleveland, O., and would not return
here until Tuesday morning. In his ab
sence Major General Hugh L. Scott, chief
Of staff, will be acting secretary of war.
Sinking of Tubantia
Arouses Resentment
At Buenos Ayres
BUKNOS AYRES, March 18,-The Ar
gentine agent of tha Hollandache Lloyd,
owners of the Tubantia, said today he
was able to confirm the reports that tha
Tubantia was torpedoed.
The sinking of this vessel has mad a
deep Impression here. I A Nacion says:
"It la Impossible to admit the right to
Interrupt navigation between neutral na
tions and to attack a steamship engaged
in passenger service between Rotterdam
and Buenos Ayres. Our conscience does
not approve such an inhumane method
of warfare, and we cannot remain Indif
ferent when confronted with acts of war
which prejudice us and offend tha na
tion In this manner."
WASHINGTON, D. C, March ll-Tw
officers and lookouts on tha destroyed
Dutch liner Tubantia, the American con-,
sul at Amsterdam reported today, "awea
the steamer was torpedoed." Ha added
that passengers were of the samej
IONDON. March 1. -Assertions bar
lng been made from German sources thai
the Tubantia was sunk by a British tor
pedo, the admiralty announces today that
no British submarines were near by
when the Dutch liner went down.
An Exchange Telegraph dispatch from
Copenhagen says the German government
has ordered the admiralty to make an
investigation whether a German subma
rine torpedoed the Tubantia.
Fighting Along
Verdun Front is
Nearly Suspended
BHRLIN. March 18. The fighting ac
tivities of both the French and German
armies on the western front were less
vigorous yesterday, according to the of
ficial statement Issued today at the Ger
man army headquarters.
PARI S, March 18. No Infantry attacks
were made last night In the Verdun
region, the war otflce announced thl
afternoon. There was Intermittent can
nonading. WASHINGTON. March lS.-The French
embassy, upon Instructions from Paris,
today emphatically denied that German
forces were holding any portlou of Dead
Man's Hill.
Carranza and
Villa Forces in
Battle Near Noe
TORREON. Mex., March W.-Fightlng
lias been In progress since early yester
day morning between constitutionalists
and VUlalatas at Canon Chorrlton, near
Noe, which is In the Torreon district.
News of the result of the battle Is not
expected to be availahle before tomorrow.
The Villa commander is said to be Juan
Madrid, snd also pof.''.'lv I'umitu Reyea
I with him.