Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tin; iu;K: omaha, sati'UDav, MAitrii i. jic.
Proposition to Call Married Men to
the Colon ii Subject of Acri
monious Debate.
LONDON, March '1?. It was well
past 1 o'clock this morning when tha
House of Commons adjourned after
n protracted debate, nominally on
rmy estimate, but really covering a
vide range of topics.
There were many heated passages
regarding the problem of calling out
n arried men. Sir John A. Simon,
cx-secretary for home affairs, among
others, appeared as the champion of
the married men, but his speech met
with sharp criticism from other
champions of the married men owing
tt. his argument that there was dan
ger of orer-recrultlng.
It waa announced in the lobby of the
House of Commons that a Conference
win be held Raturdsy at the war office
hetwren the hlsjher military authorities
end the recruiting; commanders when
the whole requirements of the army for
man will be fully discussed and explained.
It la stated that the widespread aaita
tlon on the part of the married men has
alresdy Interfered somewhat with the
war office arrangements, but there la
little dovrtit that thee ailing- up of fur
ther groups of married men has been
only briefly postponed.
May Raise Age Umlt.
Among the proposals now being con
sidered Is that of extending the military
nice of single men to 46 years. There Is
also a widespread feeling that the com
pulsion act should be extended to the
married men. as a considerable part of
the HI feeling among married men now
being called Is due to the fsct that those
who voluntarily enrolled under the Derby
scheme must go Into the army, while
married men, who declined the lnrttatlon
to enroll, are allowed to continue In their
civil occupations.
The real seriousness of feeling through
out the country on this matter was re
flected In the House of Commons, where
members showed the state of their minds
on the vote for adjournment. The gov
ernment demanded adjournment until
Tuesday, but partisans of ths married
men urged a continuation of the session
until the question of the married men
was properly settled.
Cablaet Has Close Call.
The government got Its wish, but only
after a division which was carried by six
votes. This is the most serious division
the coalition government has yet faced.
Special meetings of the liberal and un.
innlat 'War committees," which will con
stitute the backbone of any organised
opposition to the present government,
have been summoned for next Tuesdsy.
Coateat at Harrar. I
HARVARD. Neb.. March 17. (Special.) k
Fifteen high school etud-nte battled for
honors In the high school declamatory
conlest here laat night Melvla Da
Vaughn, a sophomore, wen firat place,
giving "The Independence of Cuba." He
will represent the local high . achool In
the His tr let contest at Central City. Mlaa
Faye Megrue, with "The Soul ot the
Violin," won second plaoe and will repre
sent, the school In the Jonea medal con
test at Fairfield this evening. "
Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads.
The Only ,
Union and the
"0" St. Road
Our Bridge and Roads
Not Damaged by
High Water and 1c
v: a
on $5.00 and $10.00
Commutation Books
Good Any Time,
and Transferable.
Best Marked Roads
in Nebraska
T. H. Pollock
Bridge Co.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
frNCOLN gofiLL onion
From Our Near Neighbors
Judas Prg;ley Is holding court at Ne
braska City this week.
rtiuMv Juries Hon. J. M. Wlieat has
filed his petition for re-election.
S. C. Patterson of Sweeney. Tex.. Is
visiting relatives here this week.
Miss Cordelia Orsmlich has filed on the
democratic ticket for superintendent.
Prof. It. A. Collins hss his petition
about ready to file for countv Judge.
Rev. Oeorge It. Werner of Omaha will
preach at the Presbyterian church Sun
day morning and evening.
Wr. and Mrs. te Van Arsdsle of
Omaha were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L.
A. Thompson Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Alma Sutter and Mr. John A.
Rollins; were msrried Wednesday after
noon at the Frteden'a Lutheran chjrrn
At a union meeting held here Sunder
afternoon In the Interests of the dry
campaign the county was organised. A.
J. Steenken wss elected president, C. l
Brown vice president. W. pflua- seer ,.
Mrs. A. ,.1. Steenken entertained the
Woman'a club at Its open meeting
Wedneedsy afternoon. The program and
decorations were appropriate to St. Pat
rick's day. Mrs. K. S, Nlckereon gave a
talk on "St. Patrick" and Mrs. O. T.
Pike on "Iriah Songs." Instrumental se
lections were rendered by Mre. C. B.
Tower, Mrs. R. B. Hon ham and Miss Ida
Frlcke. Several Irish songs were sung
by Mrs. James T. Bog-lev end Mlaa
Wanda Klmmel. Miss Bess Wldsman
gave two excellent readings. Miss Ida
Frlcke will lesd the next regulsr meet
ing In piece of Mrs. Fred Thompam,
who is In a hnapltal at Omaha.
Colonel J. P. Spearman has thrown his
hat In the ring, filing for county tr?a
tirer cm the democratic ticket, making
three on each side in this tight to date.
Oeonr Shackley waa at Eagle several
days this week.
J. H. Busch and family left Saturday
for their new home at Wichita, Kan.
Mr. and Mrs, John Weaver and daugh
ter. Vera, were here from Berlin Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rasmussen are the
happy parents of a newly bom babv
Misses Clara and Eds Meyers were
Weeping Water visitors the first of the
The Royal Neighbors of Amerlcs circle
met with Mrs. F. B. Carter Friday af
ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frsy wre here
from Burr this week for a visit with
C. E. Belts, who hss been visiting here
for several weeks, has returned to his
home at Flndlay. O.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Francis of Punbsr
were here Sundav visiting their daugh
ter. Mrs. it. H. Marquardt.
John Fleselman. aaslstsnt csshler of the
Farmers' State hank, wss a visitor at the
state capital tbla wsek.
W. I. Smoots, Llovd Harmon and Hoi
Oamett left the first of the week for
Chappell, where tliey will secure wnrK
Mrs. J. A. Gibbons entsrtalnfd the T.
N. club Wednesday.
The Chris Hansen family visited st the
Herman Bull home Tbursdsy.
Mrs. Stevens gave a party to her Sen
ds V school class Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. sthiirman sper t
Sunday at Fremont with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Nolte left Thu-s-dsy
for their home st Bridgeport. Neb.
Mrs. Henry Denker entertained the
German Card club Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Wyatt'a aunt, who haa been vlslt
ln here tha laat week, returned Thurs-
day . her home In Iowa.
Mre. George Cunningham went to Ben-
Sunday to spend a few i
r sister, Mrs. C. W. Htckey.
Mr. Clyde Holltster and Miss Emma
Nolte were married Saturday In Omaha.
A reception was held at the Nolte home
In the evening.
The ythlan Slater temple held a meet
Ing Thuraday and Initiated three no v
members as follows: Mrs. B. A. Bchur
man, U. P. Quinn and Carl Pfeifter.
Miss Bessie Grau spent the week-end
with home folks.
Walter Ttmm has been on the sick list
during the last week.
Miss Anna Oottsch visited at the
Huber home this week.
Commissioner Harte addressed a' good
roads meeting at IMatrlet No. 10 scuool
house Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Ma rare ta Kahnk dted Saturday
at her borne In Waahlngton county. The
funeral waa held Tueeday.
Mra. Que Qlandt and daughter. Mrs.
John Denkar, left Wednesday for the
letter's new home at Brunswick.
Herman Lambreoht died Saturday 'st
his home near Blk City. The funeral
was held Monday, with Interment in
the Elk City cemetery.
J oh it Sendall waa Injure! last latur-
! dav when a horee he was training
crushed him against a barn, breaking a
rib and severely bruising him.
Winter Cowles has been very 111, but
is Improving' a little. -
Mra LJndequlst of Omaha, spent several
days at the Mrs. Johnson home, thla
week. ....
The Valley Woman's club snd t-ie
Mother's club held a union memorial
servtoe Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Ilea-
Aa Eflaetitra Laxative
Potery Vagetftbte
Indication, BUioosmeaa, au.
Q on Q QttNicht
esssfl nWsns
. . - -a . M
a. i aa as ai n i i
Use Zemo for Eczema
.sever mUid how often you have tried
and failed, you can stop burning, .Itching
c'trraa quickly by applpylng a little semo
fu-nujhed by any druggist for &c Extra
lorge bottle. fl OO. Healing begins ths
ir oment semo is applied. In a short tlms
usually every trace of pimples, blac'x
esda. rash, eczema, tetter and similar
fc:n diseases will be removed.
Vor clearing the akin and making It
porously healthy, semo Is an excep
tional remedy. It la not greasy, sticky
,r watery and It does not stain. When
ihers fail tt Is the one dependable treat
ment for all skin disease.
Zemo, (.'levels nd.
Why Neglect Your Eyes?
When tn many eases reflect produces
nervous dyspepsU,
headaches, forget
fulness, dlizineag,
floating spots,
tyeg; thick, red
watery eyes; Itch
ing, burning, and
a lack or applica
tion in your work.
Th. - V.
V : I t aro
: 1 -- dence of eye
atram. Ucn'i delay. Come to m . I wl.l
examine and correct your de'octa wlih
tue proper glaaaee Mv prices sre ih'
Ii.weat In the city for tilgh-claee eervle
I suaranlae satisfaction in every cse
If you hsve not the r?a1y muney, pay
r u 'In,
Br. J. T. MeCABTarr. Bolts 1111 W. O.
W. lt. rtMLS Boot.
t -vif'vl
trg '-neon st the home ot
. . F. F. Adams.
Mrs. Ai ii..!, i. id Mra tlaifleld Thomp
son were In Omaha vIMtlng Mr. Thomp
son, who la In the Methodiat hospital.
Miss Kdna Weekly, who Is teaching at
Red Cloud, Neb., arrived Thursday fo
a ten days' vacation at her home.
John Monahon returned Patnrdsr from
a week e trip In western Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Hutihsrd spent Tuesday
In Omahs.
Mrs. Knutsen of Omaha visited at the
Sundill home Sunday.
Mrs. Hendrlrkson visited her son st
Fremont Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Phalan of Fddyvllte.
Neh., are visiting at the Scanlon home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rletck visited st the
Tom McOuIre home at Hcnmin Sunday.
Mrs. James Johnson and daughter,
liens, went to Sioux City to visit her
parents for a full week.
Mr. and Mra. Fred Paulsen and family,
Mr. and Mra. AI Kssmussen, all of Ken
son, visited at the Nels Kaamuaarn home
Oeorg Faokler of Blair, apent Sunday
here with his mother.
Mrs. Ben Ball of Council Bluffs spent
a dsy with friends hers this week.
Rev. H. C. Cspeey Is holding revlvsl
meetings this week st the Plattsford
Ben Miller wss tsken to an Oman
hospital last Tuesdsy for treatment for
Thomas Nelson spent Sunday here with
his fsmlly. He Is operating a medicine
wagon In Cass county.
John Thompson, from Millard, was in
town Thursdsy. We had not seen Mm
before for twenty years.
The Iadles snxlltsry to the Fsrmora'
Institute will meet at the residence of
Mrs. Guy Fish to elect officers.
Mrs. Will Roberts and children, who
have been here 'on a vlalt, left last
Wednesday for her home In Alliance.
A C. Patterson of Houston, Tex., waa
here to see his friends. Mr. Pattemon
wss In the grain business here , thirty
years ago.
Rev. F. W. Burleigh of Hayes Center
hss been celled to the Congregatlonsl
church here. His family will be here
In a month.
B. I.. Cunningham, who operates a
medicine wagon from here, had his
wsgtm smsahed and he was bsdlv hurt
by the northbound Missouri Pacific train
last Wednesday near Omaha. His tesm
was not hurt. He wss sble to go to his
home the latter part of the week.
The High school debating team, com
posed of Miss Ixulse Ftegenbaum, Mlaa
Vera Bostrtr snd Fred Hots, and accom
panied by Miss Mabel Brlaley, the prin
cipal of the school, went to Kchuyler
Thursday evening to debste with the
High school there. The decision wss two
to one In favor of Schuyler.
There will be a farmer's Institute and
s cooking and sewing demonstration In
Hushes hall. March If).
Mre. John Weeth and son. Fred, and
dauchter. Mrs. Ben Smith of Wahrto,
have gone to Waco, Tex., for a visit with
At a school election Monday eveninir
the Board of F.ducatlon elected the fol
lowing teachers for the coming school
term: Mabel Gudmundsen. nssiatmt
principal; ivrfhs bishop, grammar room;
Elizabeth Williams, second Intermediate:
fSiti '
Dress Upl
This is aow a popular
phrase carrylna an ex
cellent snsa-eatlon. No
part of your attire Is
mora conspicuous than
your hat Our new
piina styles and shade
ar nauaually axtractlva
$2, $3, $5.50,
$4 and $5
mr ! : are
1 , H
fith: tr
Li ;l
saeis'1" 'raseiasaw 'ZiUs"'Z
Mamie tuilon. first Intermediate; Alle
Wreth. primary. The pott.otia of s u-r
lntndent and of kindergarten tarhT
have not yet been filed.
I Con tinned from 1'ase One
in-Wedneaday by General Pershing. It
was Intended that the more mobile force
of Colonel Itndd shou'd effect s Junoluri"
with the first column, after which Col
onel Iodd's cavalry would be sent on
reonnalsance work, utilising also the
services of American cowboys who hsve
Joined the column in I other ecouta.
I'aee the V!.-e"rss.
General Vershlng ccHlneed to hold his
line of commun'catlon tvla. rcirtlrg
at Intervals as to Ms position snd the
state of his troops. Tils eirrlrss set was
used and couriers to the border brought
more detailed Information. The direct
wire from the border carried the mes
sages to General Kunston's bcsdnuartera.
It wss ssld today that General IVrshlng
probably would Supplement his field lines
of communication with a telephone line
that Would be extended as lie proceeded.
Fellnre of sny bedv if Mexicans to op
pose the Americans and reports that Gen
eral Callrs was using hl.t men to fortify
the passes thst lesd trom the stste of ,
Chihuahua into the state of Bonoia
served to dispel somewhat the feeling
common In msny quarters thst not all
the Carranaa garrisons would co-operate
In the chase of Villa.
There prevails here a belief thst sn en
counter with Villa la not probe hie for
soma days. His exact whereabouts la
not known, but he Is believed by most
persons to be In the mountains not far
from the Cases Grsndrs district, towards
which the Americans are moving and
against which tha Carranaa columns are
said to be directed from other directions.
SAN FRANCISCO. Msrch 1T.-The pro
vince of Kwangsl has declared Its Inde
pendence of the government of Yuan Shi
Kal and Joined the Chinese revolutionists
aooordlng to a cablegram received today
by the Chinese Kepubllc Journal, revo
lutionary paper published In Sen Fran
cisco. The cablegram ssld Iook Tun-Ting,
military governor of Kwangsl. following
the declaration of Independence on March
IK, was leadtng his forces against Chl
Kwang, military governor of the prov
ince of Kwsngtung, which sdjolns
Kwangsl on the east. The addition of
Kwangsl gives tha revolutionists, accord
ing to their claims, the two southernmost
provlnoe of China. Yunnan, on the west,
being the revolutionary stronghold. The
seaport of Canton Is the capital of
Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads.
"Berg Smlts Uu" -a.
Tl I
i I
With th Enviable lUpuUtion at th Omm of the World's Beat
"Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Clothes"
At different from the ordinary kinds told round town aa day ia from night, and
yet, owing to our cash advantage in buying-, thty cost no more than tha common, kinds.
Our Spring display ia marked with many deeidadly new thinga, and a variety of
patterns and models that is almost endless. ,
Our Window Displays of these superb garment ia ono means of assistance in your
selection, and 'comparison will show you a big earing.
Suits,$18 to$40 Top Coats,$18 to$40
Good Suits and Overcoats at $10, $12.50 and $15
Are hard to get, and in this store hard to keep. For men and young men hare
learned by comparison that a Suit or Overcoat at either price here has no connee
tion save price with the usual offering at these figures elsewhere.
Shirts for Dress and
Business Wear
Frefeh arrivals that include the newest
and tnoKt favored materials '
$1,00, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3
Medium and light weight union suits
for early Spring wear. Mercerized and
-9 .KPZci
Captain William B. Cowln. son of Gen
eral J. C. Cowln, 1 South Thirty-seventh
street, is with the Seventh cavalry,
said to be advancing Into Mexico from
llschtta. N. M. He has been atat oncd
st Hachlta on border guard for the last
two years. Ills father says hs hat re
ceived no word from his son el nee Villa,
the bandit, raided United States territory.
Captain Cowln ssw service In the Spai.-lah-Amerlcan
war and haa not visited
his folks here since he hss been sta
tioned at Hachlta.
HOT SPRINGS, S. D March IT. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The twenty-fifth annual
meeting of the Western South Dakota
Stock Growers' association will be held
here April 10 and 11. This organisation
was formed In the early days ot the
open range, when stock was permitted
to roam at will throughout the year, for
the protection of Its members by a sys
tem of Inspection en the range and at all
market points In the middle weat-
Durlng Its lifetime the organisation has
recovered eatrayed or stolen stock belong
ing to Its members of a value of over
Even with the passing of the Urge
herds and the eettlement of practically
every portion of the range, the work of
the organisation and the benefits accru-
A Spring
or you
put on
Masterpieces of Tailoring Skid
$1.50, $2.00
Ing to its members are prapnrttonstely
aa great as at any time la Its history.
Railroad, stock and commtasiton men
sre expected here from Chicago. St. Paul,
Siout City. Omaha. St. Joseph, Kansas
City snd Ienver
rsrsltsr nealere Kleet.
SIOCX TAl.t-S. S. D . March 17 t.p-
e at Telegram )-At Ihe cl sing seas on of
ths Five Stsles Furnl'.nre Dealers' as
sedation wl.l-h had Wen In evasion here
several das. the following officers wer."
elevtej fot the oomln? ycer; President.
J. M. Itustsil. I.uverne, Minn.; vice pre !
dent, Carl Shannon, Rock lisjlla. la.,
seretary treasurer. K m ind W.l o i.
Paiker. S. I). 8im:x Falls s e t 1
ss the pcrmsnent place for hn'dlng th
annuat conventions.
Rid Stomach of
Acids, Sourness,
Gas, Indigestion
P8Fe's Diapepsin" makes up-
set stomachs feel fine
at once.
Acidity, heartburn, belching,
pain and dyspepsia just
Time It! in five mlniles sll stomach
distress will go. No IndlgesUon, heirt
burn, sourness or belching of gss. tcid. I
or eructation of undigested feod, no dl'.il- I
neas, bloating, foul breath or h-siich.
Pate's Diapepsin Is noted for Its spetd
In regulating upset stomschs. It Is the
surra I, quickest and moat certain Indica
tion remedy In the whole m-or.d, and be
sides It Is hsrmlrss.
Millions of men snd women now eat ,
their favorite food without fear-lhey j
know Pape'a Diapepsin wilt save them '
from any stomach misery.
Plesse, for your sake, get a large fifty- ;
cent esse of Pape'a CHapepeln from any
drug store and put your stomach right.
Don't keep on being miserable life is 1
too short you are not here long, ao make
your stay agreeable. Bat what you Ilka
and dtgeet It; enjoy It, without dread or
rebellion In the atomaeh.
Papa's Diapepsin belongs In your home '
anyway. Should one of the family eat I
something which don't agree with them,
or In csss of an attack of Indigestion,
dyspepsia, gastritis or stomach derange
ment st daytime or during tha night. It
Is handy to give the quickest, surest re
lief known. Advertisement.
The Tsvortte grtar ot roaway As.
ears ia BlaeJItrg a-Aot rhetevlay
"Tha Wronj Door"
Satisfactory Boys Clothes
By that we mean elothea that are so
well made as to be practically wear
resisting $2.50 to $10.00
Two pairs of psnts ith Suits at either
Special Sale of Children's Wash Suits
Saturday All of our Wash Suits carried
over from last season, many of them im
ported materials, strictly fast color, in
Russian and Balkan blouse, vestee, middy
and Oliver Twist styles, worth to dit.
$2.00, now OvC
ra Bstr or fitrciriui
Last Two,
C -, l V E
sag UPiltl
A.i Other ItwiiMt re a' area.
wtrT witx
Three IT gpto si reatnrss
t.TfiI lAIIT-SOIStMti set
Kiln DtJ!!A' tMOino BELL
Wed., Tnurs.
Mr. 22-2 r st. Thurt.
Tn "TM Haw""
tit norr
Bsrienias fa'arftsy r I Marsh IS
. tifnertt" bj tOWARO LYNCH
in "Jerry"
Seat Sals Xgacay, lOe, tJc. tCj
tCcii4j RKVtiii:
Lttt Time, Mat. TODAY
And Coatlaulaf lae., JText gat. Mat.,
VarryK. C,ii-. I:e.i,ti. u.tcal
Rar era as
I,atee' Vims Matinee
Week Bays.
Today TLf NEWOTonlto
2:30 lilkRUUl8:20
sTcrth Tes. sjtpok Ce. la
Damaged Goods
First Time Shown tl
HOC- .
Boyd Theatre
Sunday tnd Mondty
Beers Open ti0 A. K.
hews at 10:00 UtS li30-3ils
i30 Tils KK T. SC.
OhUdrea Vader 1 Voi Aamittea.
cza-rr ousb ia sua owar
ta m Bovax.ii irinuo or
A Karveioaa Ortpnptaa' Story
In "Passers By"
raow Txa book aitb mat
or tsoi um sraica .
BOYD Theater
So aaa 10a, Oeatlanena 1 te 11 V. M.
raeaspeoa'a Vtvta wietasea taa War
rrloeet Chile i, aaolta, roe.
sis a stb sua r. m.
Saass Buy Oempaay
ryayksay earoaeetra
sal oarleaa et f.
II Mass., See M
$11 evatra soo aa.
Beat rorawt We Opesi Teeey at 11
O'eioea asiulaal wrotasa eaaa aa4
every yarferasaaaa yreaeatlaa
atraaA rise Orfaa
Pallas Picturet
, Taa II of tee ta
A asaasa aalaa la taaaa aaa aaa a.
lataljr aiaalaf la Us latissl assl
las' tinaHstea.
aaowa start i 11, ISiaO, leM, a, ,
BrSO, V, SiSO, SetO. .
HIPP Unsd Hafngy
OU.VTlNl Ol'tt VAl'bKVlLdJK
and rOTO PLAY.
Oreetest of 0111 Way Str
Turpin's School of Dancloi
f aeoty-elrhtb a Faraam. Sew Olaa,
List yewr naaus aaa. Prl -ete Imoai aaj!
Ussa KAkJHT aiea.
Whcr i the Omaha Bee
Universal Animated
Weekly May Be Seen
benson noxuarca f