TIIH MKE: OMAHA, RATUI.DAY, MAUCH IS, lUt;. 20 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Despite Light Receipts Cash Wheat ;findni it Weak and Rules Unchanged to Two Cents Down. fanci, IV: seme current mike, aici-agc I 'Milt, 1714l,'-j , Isconsln tln. held, I IM M 'I.TRY Alii e. nonkrr; prices tin- 11. I T f"' ' I . ,4 Ml' t . I ill' T-,ir. ,n , staaicv. r.'.)t:v; fowls, Jt'jilic; tin- kc. I'tiu-yc. OMtllt C.KtF.ntt. MtnKF.T. mETTY GOOD DEMAND FOR CORN OMAHA. March 17. IMS. Cash wheat waa nk today, ranging from unchanged to ?c lower. Receipt of thin cereal were light end there waa only A mn-lmti! demand. Corn (old generally from unchanged to lc lower. There wa a pretty good de mand for corn and tha eale wm fairly hesvy. tha bulk of the sales being of the mixed variety. Oata receipts were again light and there wss only a fair demand, the market rul ing from unchanged to He lower. There was a pretty good demand for rye, hut the market wss a trifle weak and sold lc lower Harley waa a trifle Irregular, the malt ing barley selling unchanged, and feed barley advancing a rent. Clearances were: Wheat and flnur equal to l.Iti.On) bit.; coin, lk2.OU0 bu.; oats, SKVn hud. Liverpool close: Wheat. ;iii5d lower; rorn, 1 "411 2d lower. rrlmarv wheat rerelpta were SM.mV) bu. and ahlpmenta dl3.iH bu., atnst re retpta of KiT.nw) bu. and shipments of l75.onu bu. last year. Prtmarv rorn receipt were 7Vi,ftl hu. and shipments i521.i bit., against re relpta of 4 J . i "o tiu. and shipment of 4:, ! hu. last year. Trlmarv oata -receipts were 457.0nu bu. and ahlpmenta ssl.ffai hu., sgalnst re ceipt of TM.ikO bu. and ahlpmenta of Me.WaJ bu. laat year. CARLOT PKCKITTS. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Barley. Rye. Wholesale Prices for Prndare I haraed by Omaha Deal era. RUTTER-No. 1 creamerv. in cartona, 34c; Nn. 2, !si!1e; In tuba, .".4c I'l U LTIiY Hen, 14c; rooster, '4c; young rooster. ll?'14c: ducka. IJ'v; gee.., I'.tr; tuikrvs, 17180 per pound C1IFH8-: Imported Iss, 44". ilmtiei tlc. 34e; block, 2c; twlna, l!'v; daisies, l!'c- triplets. l'c; young America, 21c; blue label brick, lHHo. Ilmhutgcr, 22c; Im porter! French Itosuefort, R.'c. OYSTKHS f'hrwix;:.e, per gal.: Stand ard. 11.25; select. 1.J. Niirthern, lr Bal.: Mnndard. fl 4.".; aclecta, Sl.; count. II-,; m lie T'nlnta. f 1. Jb per 1i0. FISM-Frceh. per lb.: I'Mfi-h. 17c; hat hut, lilc: aalmon. I7'c: red snanner. 14c: I black bii.-Jt, ute. cripples, 12ft lie. founder. . rcxen, per lb Halibut, lie; herring, 8'fc; trout, 13c; white, !' anlnmn. lOtfilJc: pickerel. TilSc: Pike. !l'lo. f-tnviketj. per lb.: White. 14c. Kip pered, per lb.; Ha I men. 17c; Finnan had dlea, 12c; roe shad, c each; ahad roe, 4Hc jier pnlr. HKKP ( I TS-No. 1 rlhi, lH'ic; No. ? ril. IS'.c; No. 3 rlba, 14"c; No. 1 loin, 22'c; No. 3 loin. 2lc; No. 3 lolna. 1V; No. 1 chuck, lu4C; No. 2 chuclte, l'l'ic; No. 3 chuck. rn,e; No. 1 round, 14V, Nn. 1 round. 14V; No. 8 round, lie; No. 1 plate, V ; No. 2 platea. 9V; No. I I late. !c. r'rult and vegetable price furnlahed by Olllneky Co : I'lll'ITS firangea: Runklt. 4. )a. 12 2S box: Hunklat, Uvei, !'i bo ; 17 Chicago ....1W afl.n'apolia ..w )mluth 6H Omaha .... 34 Kan. City.. Ki Vt. I.,oula....li tMnnipeg ..491 Theae calea were reported Wheat No. 2 hard winter; No. 3 hard winter: 2 cara, 11.01: 1 car. 11 u'4. No. 4 f 1.04. cars, NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Profesiionaliim the Dominant Fea ture of Irregular and Narrow Session. DEALINGS LIVELY EARLY NEW V"HK. Mri h 17. Pi.f' p-.nalltn sounded the ilnrment feature of to-Uy a Irremilar and clrcumcriicd market with olumo of opeiatlog much below recent active el..na leelln were lively In tlie forenoon, hut dwindled ateadlly later, when a few ieclalii e, notably Crucible Hteel. the day foremost Issue., Mexican Petroleum and Baldwin txiromutlve, claimed the bulk of speculative attention a iiimtuntlal vslrtj Itiirlna the Inter mediate ataaea there wna a brisk demand OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and Trade is Slow at Weak Prices Sheep Steady to Stronger. HOGS FULLY FIVE CENTS LOWER HANK HTATKMKNTK No. ?,. ItKI'OPT tP CONDITION OF THF. I MTKI sT tTKs 4TKI14I. BR, At Om'ih.i, In the Slate of Nebraska, at the close of business on Mltrcli 7, 1911: nKS'ilKCKS. :1,onn and discounts f I'l.MJ.WT ' "i OverdlHfts !l.!43..V. He.e 'pts OMAHA. Murch IT. era: Cattle. iIors. Offlclnl Monday... t f ii li' I T':eila v Offl.-l.il V line-, lav... offhlHl Thursday KMtlrnato i'riday Five day this week Same d Inst week Same daya 2 ka. aKo.2."i.5t'i J-amn day 3 wk. ago 2";, Oil 1!1!. Uheep. Same day last ver..2-".i'7l The followlna; tntr.e siios the receipt of tittle. Iiohs and lieei at the Omaha live atock market for the year to date aa compared with last ear: 1'0". In" Cattle SiG.TI 21.V7 !.'-'- IIok h;.ti'I 1 ..Ml 211.2111 rv. 3.'4. $1 su box; f, pifis. 12.75 box; l.YM .t 2S box; aioa. 2I',. &m, $.1 7R box. Iemon Sheep 477.',:r. CU.S.". The follow Inf tb show tlie average Pike uf heas at the Omahn Live Stock market for tbe lat few day pn ilsoris : I'nle lilH I . 4' M I S I. 21 S f'ni 4; 8 W I X I 8 J 42, 8 .1! 8 30 4.1 N R! 111 K It H 2 f. X today: ' car. 11.(12; 6 bard winter 1 car. 1 01 . 1 car, $1.01; 2 care. VJc; U II 10 le. lira, fJc: 1 car, V: cara, !nc; 2 cars, 7Vic; 1 car, l7c; 1 car, Mo; 1-8 car (poor), , 1V-sC. Sample hard winter: 3 cns, ixic;l X raia. B4c No. 8 durum: 1 car, Wc. I Kye No. 4 1 car, M'-vc. Sample; 1 car, I 84c. ! liarley No. 4: I tar. 64o; 1 cat. Sic. No. 1 feed; 1 car, 6c. I Corn No. 3 while: 2 cam. 87c; 1 car,, . No. 4 white: 1 car. ; 2 cara, I o, t cara. 66ic; 2 enra. fiic; 1 iar, t4r'. I No. t white: 1 car. .'.c: 2 cara, tCHc; 2 cara. l'-kc; 1 car, UOc. Sample white: 1 car, 6i4c; l car. 6!c. No. 8 yellow: 2 car, iJl'ic No. 4 yellow: 2 car, ftbe. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, 6fic; 2 3-6 car. 64c; 2 car, KHHc; 8 cara. S2c. No. yellow: 1 car. 2c; 3 care, Wic; 3-5 car, We. Sample yel low: 1 car, 67c; 1 car, 66c. No. 3 mixed: 3 rare. 7c; 6 cara, O'.V'. No. 4 mixed: I car, ."c; 4 cara, '; S cara, tuc; 1 car. 4c; 2 car, 4'tc Nu. u mixed: S car, llc; 1 car. 2'ic; 6 car. C2c; 1 car, 61.4c. No. mixed: 1 car. dry.Mc; 1 car, fc.V; 1 oar, 69c; 3 cara, Wc: 1 car, f"Sc; 1 car, 67c; 2-6 car, j40. Sample mixed: 12-.'. cara, c; 1 car, 53c; 1 car. 624c; 1 car, 4r. Oati-No. 3 white: 1 cara, 42o; 8 car. 4!ic. No. 4 white; 2 car. 41Vc. Sample white: 1 car, ati'fcc; J car, 3c; 2 can, 85Hc. . . , Omaha Caen Price Wheat: No. 2 hard. ll.n'al.04; No 8 hard, II.OO'.ll.W. No. 4 hard. Mcfitl.Ol; No. 2 apiliin. 3I07I14; No. 8 iprlng, 3I.(VV(1.12: No. 2 durum. Kc( tl.Kl; No. 3 iluruin, Kt,c. Corn: No. 3 white, ethtftc; No. 4 white, 4'usJHe: No. 8 white. Vu13c: No. white, RlVafiSci ; No. 8 yellow. 67V(j'c: No. 4 yellow, ftVW V; No. t vellow, 62'.te; No. 6 yellow, M42e; No. 3 mixed. 8iiSi(l7ci No. 4 mixed, 64$rt6c; No. 6 mixed. 1ft0lc; No. 6 mixed. 6fu3c: aample. 47ftu.o, Oata: No. I white, 43'ti4lV:; atandard, 4.141140 Oelden Powl, &m, :H'"n. 86 On box; Silver Cord, 14 fcl box. (Jr pef rult : .Via, 82.78 box; 64a, 13 26 box; . 3.7S box; 4-ia, 8.1 box, 4. MM box; lHie, 126. 81.60 hoi. (Irapea, $ti.ti"sii H.iso keif. Ilananaa: MeiHum ! Iiiin'he, tl.fsnff'l.'ii bunch; medium alxe liimlKis, 32 (Hfy.' 25 bunch; reaular le Jumbos. (J.h'K'ijC.'fi bunch; extra larae. Jumbo, :i 'u(i 2S bunch; Mammoth Jumbos :i '' u;t 76 bunch. ,MISt?KM.ANKol-S Honey: Comb, 83.7J crate; Alrlne, 24 ox., 810 case. Date, fins: lirum date, $:'.75 box; fard datea, Uc lb.; etuffed date. 3176 box. new flK, H."w box. Popcorn: No. I, rice. 4'4e lb.; 4U-1 lb., pnckKe, 82 60 case, Pea ni ts, nut: I'l-niuits, No. 1, raw, Cvn lb.; rnnst, Sc h.; Jiunlin, raw, Kc lb.; Jlimbu, roHsted. S'v: Filbert, ISe lb.; pecans !,'.: lb.; pecans. Junilio, 17'tc lb.; mixed mil. 16c lb. Cranberries, 81200 bbl. Cider, 8-'1.2i ketf. for rail, particularly tve coal carrier, I S me day 4 wk. ago. 21. 'it' Norfolk A Western and Chesapeake Ohio advancing- over 2 iolnla ench, while Keadlns. lehUh Valley and Haltlmore & ihlo averaged a point. Canadian raclflc. New York Ccntrnl and Hick Isiaud nleo displayed flnnn's on amall operatloi.s. The usual course waa pin sued by mn ar. motor, equipment and the shipping; share, which were Intermittently at've, South Porto ltlro uer rising; u to 1!3, and American Suarar. 3 to 111', presum- blv in connecfloit with pending federal tariff legislation. Mercantile marine, pre ferred, featured the first hour a dealings, Inter extending; It advance 3 to 74. Metala were relatively Inactive and dl msed to yield. Kennecott Copper and nd American Zinc proving the only leaned exception, the later gaining; 2'4 to the new record of 1'4-. I nlted Slate Steel responded the annual report of I the corporation with a gubaiantlal frac I tlnnal advance at the outaet, but failed to hold all Ita nee. Bethlehem Steel scored a maximum advance of 5 to fi4, and I-ackawanna Steel denoted ateady absorption on It moderate Improvement. Oil, ieculatlve Industrial, and ex press company ahare featured the apath etic final hour, while standard atocka moved with narrow llmlta. Mexican Pe troleum' high quotation of 11W repre gented an extreme advance of 6 and Crii iiiut. roae 2S to i'.i. Total aalea of atock amounted to 7K. (! share. Honda were Irregular wit 14 aome flrmne In Anglo-French i'is. Total sales, par value, were 82.H7u.flU0. I nlted Slate bond were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading- quotation on stick today were: Aster Hlxtv Iw. Close. 2 ) & fi'.fl 1 3 il vi 17.V.W 6.S.'3 4 .V.2 I1..6W ' 411 SKI In.rKVI f,.;!'i( ( ':1 73,"47 "2,645 1.1. 1 I..f. 4.a l, :.M 41.I.W.I ;7.7'l 41.424 s.( V, 41.4.'.S 72 o: tS.TS Dee. I'. S. iKindf depos ited to secire clr c ii 1 a t I o ii ipar aluei 4i'.'J.ii '. H. Imnds piedued to secure I . S. de posit i par v a I uei . .TVtsi.nu Tutal 1'. S bonds., Bends other than 1". S. bonds pledged to secure postal saving deposits Securities other than I'. S. bonds I n o t Inii'idliig sloe ksl n tied unpledged ',!, IMI.ftl) )lM Ci.M.I :.9v no :.i.2; - Total bonds Stocks, other ltescr"e bnnk stock Stil'Scriptlon to stock hi Federal l?e- rve bank Less amo int unpaid secuiitles. etc. than Federal Mii On 4.i'' with com- 1 04 .iim.t. i9i2. inn, r.'io. Value of banking bouse lun- Ini'iinibered I Nt am-iunt due front Federal I!esere bank Net amount due from apptnred reserve agent In New York. Chicago and S. lxiui 1 Net amount due from banks ! and hanker other than above. I Fxchanges for clearing house.. other check on banks In the ' same city or town as report ing bunk Outside checks and other rah Items $ til. 1271 Fractional curicn- cv. nickel and cent I.l.',6.n2- ; Note of other national bank 'Coin and certificates I l.egal-tender note Sunday. I Kedem-Ulon fund with 1". S. Receipt end disposition of live stock atj treasurer and due from I. S. the Colon Stock vard.i. omahn. fur twen- treasurer ty-fot.r hours ending Ht it o clock p. m 1 jreatepday : "ch. Men. W'h. Mch. Men. Mii. Mch. Mch. Mi h. Met.. Mch. Mar. Mar. I Mar. 'Alar. LYlar. f. M 8 7 8 8 37 , 6 8.j 8 1 8 riWI 6 041 18 62; r.; . 13SI S h7, 8 K I 81; 6 631 H 4! s: li l.l I Bill 9 37V.I a 27 2H", 1 2:! 6 6 731 K 3'1 8 3: H ,i H :i ii 6 4u 6 8 41 8 4.V 6 4X 141 6 111 S 44 i, : 47 : 6 W M 6 71 9 J i; v; :s , ii v. ! ( 8 7i; J 7? ( 6.1 !si 7;. io ij ! it 10 37 il 6 : 6 . 10 3 1 ri; U :H 8 7(11 8 6 8 67! 4. S i7 6 i wi 10 12 It Ml 6 li I'l s I 7(ii 1 i!7i10 .Ii i;27.4'SVOi s.:iiiiOii 4;.i.i0.() ;,i,00i.0i) .-,. 01" C7 2.i".l.S7.7:. l.S24..if.!4 2-ll,i2..ir 2:1. 146. T HANK HTATKMKXTS. NO. 2tr.. HKI'OUT OF CONIMTIOV OF THE KBHKA ATIAI, K, At thiiaha. In (he State of Nebraska, at the close of business on March 7, 1911": HKSiU'KCF-ri . Inns and discounts Sl,rwt. '' ; ovcrdrnfts. unsecured t.io I'. S. lond deposited to secure circulation ipar value) 2.onn M ponds other than I'. S. bonds pledged to pi cure I . S. de posits 8 V.-.Hi.'"' Securities other than C P bonds tnot Including stocks" owned un pledged 29.144 V9 Stork other than Federal He serve bank atock Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve bank, less amount un paid ., Value or hanking- house Furniture and tixtures Ileal estate owned other than banking bouse Net amount due from Federal !aerve bank Net amount due from approved reserve agent. i In New York. Chicago and St. louis Net amount due from banks and h.-inker Kxchangea for clearing house... Other checks on banks In the nme c.ty or town a reporting bank O itside checks 'snd other cash items.. 8 22.2..26 Fractional currency. nlcke'.s and cents.. 6.2.1. l Notes of other national banks.. Coin and certificate Iegal-tender note Redemption fund with I". S trenurer and due from I. S. treasurer 62.2v1.il 10,ui0.ii ;.l;.709.0ll 19.'i,oiio.ii 22.7ifliUrt IIKCF-IPTS-CARS. t'uttle.liogs Sheep, lira. St. p Minneapolis tJraln Market. MI1NNKAPOI.IS. March 17. WJIKAT May. 3I.Wtll.iO; July. $t.HW1.i,. Cash: Nu I hard, II 14. No. I noithern, 8l.loVll.l2S; No. 2 northern, SI."6S l.H'iS. It A 1 1 1 , F. Y 641ft 73c. KYK-WiS'iiWa . HKAN-tls.lP'Kijl" .V. CORN No. 3 vellow, 7.'.'i7iic. OATS Nn. 3 white, 41'yfl4.'c. F I , A X S K I J I )-82. 29 '') 2. 32' . Kanaaa 4 lly 4iraln anil Provisions. KANSAH CITY, March 17. WIIKAT No. 2 hard. 3l.WU-l.il; No. 2 red. Sl.taVrii 1.11; May. Il.ln'tti l.li: Julv. fti'.c. CORN-No. 3 niKed, Wiifnr.M-; No. 2 while, Wji'iHSvc; No. 2 vellow, 701.i(j7lc; Mav. ! 4iSc ; Julv, 71 ',-tc t)ATS-No. 2 white, ir.bic; No. 2 mixed, X 42c. Liverpool 4raln Market. MVErtPOOI., March 17.-WHKAT-Sl'Ot. Nn. 1 Manitoba. 14a: No. 2. 1.1 10d: 9, in, r i. a imni wiiiiei, gun, j,in ino. j reu western miner, -a mi; ino. : durum, ia .u. "ORN-Spot. American mixed, new. 10s 8Sid. No 3d; AlMl OoM Allls-i lislmers t Amerti-n lleet Hugar j Amerli an I n I Amerlrll lriiniHlv ... Americas H. a II Am. . K. fl Am. augsr Iterintng Anierlnsn Tel. Tel Anierti s.il Totsiero j Ansi-nnila C'HiptT I Atchison . Ilalilftln lys'Omollv ' lialllnuir Ohio I llelhlelwrn Hlevl I lirm.klvn Hsfl'l It I l 'alifiirnla f'elroleiim ... j I'snsitlnn Psi Itln ....... , rentral Iallisr i 'hei.tieu.k llhlu j Chicago il W I Chicago, M HI, f ... tldcaso t, N. W I I hi. -(. It. I. P. Br. i 'lilnn i oisr I I 'oloraito fuel V Iron... ' Crucible Hle.l I I'enver H O. pfcl IHsilllerar gacurliles ... I Krle I i lenaral Kleolrle 4.Tvti4Pc: atandard. 4W4JHc; No. 3 white, 42V42Sc; No. 4 white, 411 4IHC Barley: Malting, 6rt4o; No. 1 feed, S3i66a. Hye: No. 3: hu4?K6c; No. 3. 84tlli6c. Chicago closing prtcea, furniahed Tha Pee by lffan Hryan, atock and grain brokers, 81"! South Sixteenth St., Omaha: I. I onia 4raln Market. ST. Mil-IS March 17.-W1H KAT-No. 2 red. 11.14'ul 17; No. 2 hard, nominal; May, KS: July, l.ti3ibl.u:ra. corn No. 2. 7;tc: No. 2 while. 73c: May. 74i-; July. 74V. OATH No, 2, 43c; No. 2 while, nominal. Article; Open. High. i lxiw.l Close r. . . w heat May. July. Sept. Corn. May. July. Kept. uata. May. 1 O6414 1 MS 1 UIQUI. 1 V1S1I 7V4V4i7S'm 774i'7714T7WaS! il 1. '.a! Yeai I 1 M I10MTV4! 1 11 a. - a S 1 1 764 1 06' 1 75',VSrtS 7S 7IIU. Tb',: 46Sm . 4f,SI 444 ,llllv.l44(ft-lii-4l ' 44141 4.1'. Pork. I I I I May. 12! 97- 22 97t, 22 U 22 86 July.! 22 80 met) I 22 40 123 46 Lard. I I I 11 May. (11 12-171 11 20 111 02- U 18 July. U 87-401 11 47Hi.ll 80 I 11 40 Rlba. 11 j Mar l 12 l I 12 Oft 11166 11180 July. 13 224 12 11 87',, I 12 '-, 22 90 33 80 11 06 U 30 urn It 30 rillCAOO GRAIN ASD PROVIIIOJU r-ratarea of tbv Traalas; aad floalarj Price Boars at Trnae. tJlUCAOO. . March 17. Peace reports from Switxerland. as well as rumors of a wholesale aelsure of ilerman ships In Urasil, led io aharp breaks today In the alue of wheat. lriiea closed heavy. "i.- to Jliwawc net lower, with May at tl lnoaLOli1 and July at Sl tMS'tl'l OSS. Corn lost Vr to lVUIHc: and oata W'alo to lc In provisions, the outcome varied from ILc. decline 10 a rlae of 10c. l,om est prices of the day In the wheat pit were reached after word came that a icpreeenlative of Turkey waa making an effort for a separate peace between Tur key and the Anglo-f reucn allies. The weakness In the market, however begun on tue receipt of dispatches from IJveroool asserting that 44 Uertnan ves sels interned In liraail since the opening of hoatilities had been appropriated by the itraallian government, and would likely be used for the transportation of wheat to (treat Britain from Argentina T'le Kraailian reports were not con firmed, however. Although several ral lies took place In wheat, none proved to he or more msn a transient cnar arter. Final quotation were within had of the bottom figures of the sea sion. Corn dropped as a result of the break In wheat. The selling, however, waa not aggreaatve. Oata were represented by the action of other cereals. As In com, the offerings were light. I.ovr prices on hog opersted as weight on pork and ribs. lrd con tinned to show strength In line with areas and cotton seed oil. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red nominal: No. 3 red. 81 S. No. 3 hard '81.10.: No. 3 hard. 81 06ifl.o6S. Corn: No 2 yellow, nominal: ;o. 4 yellow, 7l'c; No. 4 white. TO'itlTuc Oata: No. 3 white. 4o.t)4.V; atandard, 4c. Rye: Nom inal Barley: SUtfw. Seed: Timothy. Mi'l 70; clover. 81Q0tsjf"iii.T5. Provisions Pork, a.Mt22 .80; laid. 110.90; rlba. 111 2Tf 11 76 lit'TTTER Klrnt; creamery, 8ftff3;Vo. KOOS I-ower: receipta, 14.M case; firsts, lSc; ordinary firsts, Wic; at mark, rases Included. 18t(19o. ITJTATOES Higher; receipta, 8 rars; Wisconsin. Michigan, Minnesota and Ita Wola abitea, f.iisc; Minnesota and Ia kola Ohlos, as. PiJl.'I.TRY-eAiive, lower; foala, Wfc; springs. ISc. AKW YORK CEXERtl. MARKET WW I HUD 17.K I al l I IHNI "U niMi t.l ;nu l.gliO 1IIB1 1.4VU XXI 3 2.3"U 17,il 76,700 'i.;n t. i'ii snn Sim l.mi trt us', 1I.IH 12'Ji, L'0", :in, Pill, ll'-J 110', im 114', so DI4 M,', ir'4 MS lK.'a 'ti 1H7S t,!.l w '" Mi, Kliia 12'a 47S pna, IKS kt 631 )'' w.i ' a (a 114 4 1DS K'l ;.fi 4t Kt'a 12?, 4BH 71 .'., i lcl lit ll-"i 1.', IVj 7S vrt 1IJW CIS ss ; li) i-;i c, n, K.', 117 17 r.v, 4", M. 1.1 47H imi I C. M. & ! t allium IMisaiiurl Pai-lfc 1 Vnion 1'acific It-'. & N. W., east.... C. & N. W., west.. C, St, p., M. & U.. jC 14. W., last..,. C i. W W., west '., R. I & P., east I Illinois Ceiitia.1 ,H hlcago Ot. Went. . 4 I 1 41 21 I Total 17.95.849.22 1 ,1 A 1)1 1.ITI KS. Capital slock paid in 3 l.miti.faXl.iM Sot plus fund 4'1.0." I 'ncli vlileil prflis...f 4IX.977.M Reserved for tases. lS.41ii.74 4 1 3 1 1 :i.2. 4 iM 2,ri 1 1. 'i .1 2, J 4 offee Market. VTfTtaT vaii 1 1. , -. unfiiiiiiniF 1, 1-. v uiiiaicii ii."-' up r nr. Ixmiion presa advice reporting that the Hraslliiin government had taken over forty-four Interned Herman ship were not confirmed In the coffee market here today, but aerved to unsettle aentlment and price broke sharply under liquida tion. Aside from these reports, which suggested the possibility of lower ocean freight rate, there appeared to be no change In the news reaching the ring. and a llitlu F.uropeaii buying; was re ported on the decline. The market opened at a decline or to : points and nctive months sold IK to 19 points net lower during the middle uf the day, with July touching siiic. and September, 8. 10c. The close was slightly up from the lowest on sums position, but nhowed a net loa of ir to 17 point. Sab) were M.IMiO bag. March, 7c; April, 7.93c; May. 7.:c: June, 8.02c; July, Mic; August. K.lftc; Sep. . Umber. k.l4c: October, 8.17c; November, 1 8.2ic; December, 8.23c; January, 8 37c;' February, 8.81c. Spot, quiet; Rio 7a, V;' Saatoa 4a, 10o. liotn official and pn-1 vate cables from Hiar.ll were delayed ; today and tha few cost and freight offers! received wero airtiject Io confirmation. Hantna 4s were limited at 10.4k; to 10.iiic, Lrfindon credit. The official cable re- j imoru at uevinie en 4-iiHi in im exenange on lxuidun. with inllrcla nrlcea un changed. Cotton Market. NKW YORK. March 17.-COTTON- Spol, quiet; middling uplands, 11.90c No sales. Cotton futures ODcned ' stead v: Msv. ll.Mc; July, 12.1c: October. 12.27c: Da. ceiuher, 12.43c; January, 12.4c. ins couon margei closed steady at a net Inaa of 8 to 9 points. Cotton futures clewed stesdy: May. 11 tt"e- l,,l. Illci,. , ,., K. n.. .:. illl'T eai.niieim 1 V.. . T i ""lr,u- creaaed facilities for LIVKRPOOU March 17. OOTTON Spot. steady; good middling. 8. ltd; mid dling, 77d, low middling, 7.57J, sales. 8,U)0 bales. IMS 7"l "a" 1I 104 t7 No t)r Ufa iltigncnhatm Ciploratlon Illinois Central InterlHimuKli Con. Corp tnapli-atlon Conner II. Hx) liitrnallfaial Harvester.-.. Ksnsaa Cltr Southern l.inn Ihlh Valley I'll loulavllls a NaahTlll MHXlratn Pelroleunl 4lO Miami Copper l.gno Ml.a.mrl, K. AV'T. pM Mlaaourl Pacific 7im National lllseult 400 Nallunal ttan NavaiU Copper . New York Central i im N. Y., N. M II 4U0 Norfolk a Wealarn Northern Pselflo l.toO 114' 114U Pacltlo Mall fielllo Tel. Tel I r.nnaylvinla H 7't Pullman raise car hhi )ai tiv n. Cupper I.Si'i) MS Hearting 17. UM US Itepubllo Iron gteal... II. ion 44 Southern Pa-Iflo t.tw ino Konttwra bsllwar TOO tit, Simlalialiar C'ompaar I 14a Tenneaaes Copper 1.0K R414 Texs Company l.loo tOA 4'nlon Pacini' 1.410 l:w4 t 11 Ion pacirie pf4 UK) M I'nltea Slate Hteel It.lno i;U II. g. teel pftl 1 ao ItTS Vtih Copper ., I. ay) (,114 1Veairn Pnlol ion nn, Waetltislioaas Rlerlrto ... 84.100 4'4 Nlontana Powar benaral Motnra Wabaah H pfd Internal lonal Marlue pM. 44. tm 74'a Kennaciit iVpper ?n.no :mh 'Hi 37 a 122 't:.4 iw.v, li. Hi, inn 24'. I7S till 4 '" 111, 147H Ii7, MO lm !, mil, 1174 i i Total receipt. . . 47 DISI'OSITION-UICAD ('Utile. lloKS.SIliel). Morrla & Co :0 . l.K;T, 42. fwirt & Company Hfll icuilahy Pai-king Co ... 117 Aimour & Co l!i-i I Schwartz. Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co 2 J-.t'iiton, Vansant & l.ntli 47 ;1' P. I,ewla 14. Rout ei Co . V. G. Kellogg I crthelmer 44. 1 'eaen lllothschllil Krcb.... .Mo, Kan. Colt Co.... 'Christie iJligKlmt iJiul'fiiian I liakcr, Jcnea & Smith.. I Hulilier hroa '-J'" I John Hari ey I Kline J, l.ltnscn ct Lungrcn j(i,. 'Other buytjrs Toian '1 n.ij- I' i'l 'il.K There was tlie llkltal ate run of cattle tod.iy, only iniriy-iom cars being reported In. For the week to date receipts amount tc 2P,S3() bend, which in slightly smaller than laat week, but lurger than u year i.go by almost 4,iWu head. The trade today waa slow ana wean 457,:M.7S l.i sa current ex penses, interest, and taxes paid.... 3.1H4.7S Circulating note ouiatamling.. Lino to banks and bankers I41,7.44.Y33 I lemnnd deposits: IndUldual deposits Mibject to check.. '7.70G, 378. 17 Certificate of de posit due In less than thirty days.. lIS,r.bi.2l Certified checks 22,5-7.27 4.14. 229 in 1 4'rfi.iaat.in) U m 1 'asliier's check 47 4 ;o ir t 1 17 11 ;i7 n 71 outstanding; Culled State de posits Post a I savings de posits ' Time certificate of deposit 1 payable alter thirty day or morel Total 1T7,S:)H.'I 42.m61.77 79.714.91 8n4.0lS.rn 13.11. 620.22 114.144.se 7'O.00 7 rA"i 7.!.4S.70 li),1f.li.3) l.OOfl.oO iS.a-fi 31 641.9SI.31 41t.1! 17 50.y0.8i H.fi4 OS L3.07S 41 1 S.noi.Oi) 173.r42.fo XJ.SllO.Oil in,rv.oo HANK STATKMKXTS. N". , e,v C TtlP P.Kl'i mi or i 1 '.m 'i 1 ' '-- ' . " " PIHST ATINAI, BAK, Nebraska. At the close at. , , 1, n in ilm State of v ' :.- 1. - 101.-. (,f M'.TC-" "II .MIllO tei". nrm it RCF.S. ,.-, n-n !HT M t -.l .lia.-nlltlt, aC',.11", ' -.'.-W Overdrafts 1'. P. Ponds: V. S. binds deposited 1c secure ritcu!a-N tion ipsr value, f .).") IV S. bonds ileds ed to secure IV S" deposit ipar aluc) ' 1 Total IV S. bonds Pnn .:. securities, etc.: ltonds other than 1". S. bonds pledg ed to j'. l e postal savings de- posit 107.1,0V Securities other than IV S. bonds mot Including stocks) owned, unpledged 22,1,".V'0 1.451 fH 120,OT."0 $1.,Vt2.573 09 2 "0,0141. 00 oH.0i0.00 Total I..IARTUT1KS Tapital stock paid In Surplus fun I t'ndlvided profits, les c.irrent expenses. Interest and taxes paid 57. "44. IS Circulating note outstanding... 2.4).Oti.flO Due to banks and bankera l,2J'i,5ISS Dividends unpaid SO.on Individual deposits subject to check... 21. 17,1.H87 Certificates of de posit due in less than thirty davs.. S2.01!.il C r If ted checks C.STi.tr. Cashier s check out standing IV S. deposits 7.',7"4 : Deposit requiring notice, but less than thirty dav... 6!,74:.8- 1,::S m 72 Certificate of deposit 41tf.7-tl.31 Total aalea for the clay. ni'WS BKVIKW 71, 7.10. floo nmrn. WS J7 10 4H VIA 1114 ir,; luf.'a or,, l-.-j 114 W14 an lTV4j l:l '.'4'i 7S 1.4 n :i't 147l 17 ' H USS 3', MS I1714 S214 " 7S4 41 rf 724 to7. 1 moucr- 317,!113.84123 St ile of Nebraska, county 01 iiougms as : 1 I. R. P. Moistnan. cashier of the above 1 pained bunk, do solemnly swear that the ! above statement Is true to the best of i mv knowledKD and belief. R. P. MORS MAN, Cashier. I tirret Attest: KDWARD I.. THVRKK, ! C. W. 1-TMAN, W. A. SMIIT1I, Directors. i Subsci lbed and sworn to before me this lHi div of .March. 19l. n i 1 SUA li. R. R. RAINBV. Notary Public. i . . ' 1 Xo 97X1 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE urn llxrhssgr National Bank, At Omaha In the State Nebraska, at the Total US32.573.09 State of Nebraska. Countv of Douglas-ss: I, 11. W. Yates, jr., cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and lieilef. H. W. YATES, JR., Cashier. Correct Attest: WARRFN SWITZI.ER. V. W. t'l.ARK K, JOHN .M DON'AI.D. Directors. Subscribed nnd sworn to before nie this Dili dav of March, I9lii. A. K. SWAXRON. (SE.M.i Notary Public. X". inv:i Totnl bonds, secuiitles, etc. Stocks, other than Federal Reserve Rank stock Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve Rank $ W.nnfi.nrt 1 es- amount unpaid. 45.0u0.ai Real estatn owned other than hankino; house Xet amount due from Federal Re serve, Hunk $ r..2lVi.1 Net amount due from approved re serve agents in New York, Chi cago and St. Ivonis 1.470.24C.87 Net amount due from banks and bankers ;.655,92.W Exchanges for 1 lear- m hon-e 303,li.oS Other checks on banks In the Fame city or town as reporting bank 10,597 ? Outside checks nnd other ensh items, M,."53.7 Fra tinnal currency, nickels and cents. 133.712 Notes of other na tional banks ao.OfW.OO Federal Reserve notes 2OVOO Coin and certifi cate M1.10t.o-) Legal tender no'.e. o'l.OKi.O. 1W.15O.0O S4,072.ff7 45.0no.0O r.10o 22 Redemption fund with V. P. Treasurer and due from IV S. Treasurer Customer' liability under let ters of rredit 5,'70",O37.13 2,'on St.oni.Or) Total ....$17,4.94 4 41 IJARIMTIEP. .8'25,CO).00 OP Tinrii S. bond pledged I to secure postal I aliia deposits.... S- curltlea other than IV S. bonds tnot 1 Including stocks) j ownri) unpledged.. I !5,0W."I0 3j0.no Italy Dselatlaas mt the Day Varloas 4'amawadltlea NKW YORK. March llarely steady. WHK.AT-Bpot. steak; No. 1 durum. 1 27 ; No. 2 hard. 3122: No. 1 northern, Duluth, 11.33, and No. 1 northern. Mani toba, 11.41, f. a. b. New York. Future were easy; May. 31. HW. CORN-Spot. weak; No. 1 yellow, 83 Vc, c I. f. New Tork. 'aATS-Spot, weaJt: standard, (lc. llAY-Finu; No. 1. Sl.Ul 40; No. 3 11.26 Cl io; No. 8. 81 OwoH tk; shipping. gji6.). MOPS-Hiearly; aiale, rummun to choice, lii. 144Tc; 11. 8010; Pacific coast. Vtii, IZttifcc; 1J4, kff'lOc. AlDKi-Fliai, Bogota. 7m4o; CsritraJ America S3.-. Ufc-ATllKK-Flrm; hemlock flrau, 339 34c; ueronda, 37' alio. PROVISIONS-Pork, firm: mess. 823 00 r"S 6,-1; f sinily, 822.uT!4 to; abort clear, I :. 'VJ2S Oil. Beef, slesdv, mesa 17 uu4 17 famUy. 1S Mhj i ti. laird, firm ' middle west, in tsrjll 10. TAMJDW Firm- city, 8c; f-.aie: special. ",e. Bl.'TTt'R Firmer- eeceipts. 7.0a tubs; (rtatnery extras, Z,yg'4x; firsts, j3io. i Mill. 3MtJt.StC. i:iia Weak, receipts. 21.834 esse; fi ah gathered, extra. I2S.i'r: extra firais. tie; firsts, IlT421'c; iconds, 2tf t'.ire - iJir.EE-Ftrm- receipts. 824 boxes: tuW held, 'specials, lbUc, iuw, average Oil and Hoaln. TlXK-Flrm. fcoc; aalea, 107 bhls.: re ceipt, t, bhl.; shipments, 234 bbl.; Stocks. 8.MS bhls. ROSIN-Fltm: sales. 713 bhls ; receipt. Z:,4 J'1''? .: hlpinenta. 1.3TJ bhls.; stoi ks, iH.OOl bbl. yuote: A, R, C. D K. F . 'I. 8."'00; 1. 8u.l5; K. M. 85.40; k, SVIo! WO. 5.i; WW, 3IJ.75. Dry liooda Market. ' NEW TORK. March 17.-DRT-OOODB-t niton goods markets were active and firm today. Print clotha advanced V.e yard on a basis of M,c for 3Ki-lnch jt,xla. Une cotton gooda advanced from -c to I'm a yard for later delivery. Silk mar kets were active at high prices. "liar Market. NKW YORK, March 17.eiF(t AR-Raw, rum: centrifugal. o.o'Jc; mnlaaaes. 6 12e. Relined steady. Sugar futures opened 1 to 3 points hlghur, hut later eased off, and at noon were 3 to 4 points lower RAILROADS IN THE SOUTH ARE NOT INTERFERED WITH Superintendent y a. Secerd ef the telegraph department of tha Rl Pase ax Southwestern railroad, operating from Kl Taao, Tex., a rnupU of hundred miles up along the border, between Mexico and tha 1 nlted States, scn,1.4 word that the only time recently when the Mexicans bava damaged either Kl Paso A South went ern railroad or telegraph property waa March 9. when Villa and his band made the night raid into Columbus, N. M. Aside from the raid referred to, Mr. Peiord asseits that the Mexlcsns have not Interfered with the operation of the road for as vera I months. He adda that now the service hag been restored to nor mal and that trains, both passenger and freight, are running on schedules Kaperlatlve Can Describe Et Isllnsj Conditions. NKy YORK, March 17,-Dun s Review tomorrow, will say: Only by tha use of superlatives ran existing commercial and Industrial condi tions lie adequately described, lire at aa are the gains shown by bank clearings. Iron output, unfilled steel tonnage and similar Indices. mere statistical records 110 lunger fully reflect a situation for which there la no precedent. In aome branches and section thn volume of business has reached uch vast proportions that fur ther expatialon la dependent upon ln- hoth production and distribution. Mauiifactitiera In ateel. In textile and In oilier line are rejecting additional contract, which they cannot handle, either hecauao capacity I already hooked far ahead, or through Inability to obtain necessary raw material. The most remarkable feature la the magni tude of the current demand in aplle of price that would ordinarily check II, urgent requests continuing to lie made for Immediate deliveries of leather, foot wear, dry goods, and ('specially of steel prod uct. Weekly bsnk c learings were 34, 131. 741, 60S. xj York Money NEW YORK, March TILE PAPKR-Ml1 P'f Market. 17. ME RCA X- cent LVm tvi. FXtii-NtlK - Sixtv dav h'lv " ''"" '- 'T uJ in!Kw'-.u demand 84 77 cable '"'' "P" ""'on " lUj S4.i2V. demand, 84., 1. ,. -ble' w eight variety and af'rr f l'4 -Bar, 87r: Mexican dollars, bill 84.771,. UllA'ER 4:'A,c HoNDU Government, stesdy; railroad, trreeular. TIME 1lANS nrmer; sixty nays. ;Tt 2 ner cent; ninety naya. 3 per cent months. S'sjtfUS par cent CAI.D Mv 'N EY Steady ; high. 2 per cent; low, 1 par cent; ru'ing rate, tt fier cent, last loan. 2 per cent; closing ild 1 per cent; offered at 2 per rent. t losing quotations on bonds today were as follows: . ssu rv. uni 4a ... US . 'S K T. lal 4a ... 7:1', .iet"M.. Pai-. coo. 4a...lii, l"laMoi'l Power ia fa, 111 N Y. c dab. a .. nt . HU" T . -iir 4'a 111 K. T . N. 11. .107S ct. 4a . 4VNo. Pacific 4a... . 4n la . !.() 1.. rcl 4a. .UMSPac T. A T aa. 0PiiB con m X'iV 1I0 sail. 4!b. . . tha demand nol being sufficiently urgent, ci0se cf business on' March to put any anap and g. tiger into the mar- . RESOURCES. ket. For tho week medium grades of l.rans and discounts killer are around 25fXic lower, with the overdrafts best grades not showing quite that much i- bonds deposited decline. Taking I he market as a w hole It to BP, ur,, clrctiU- would be sale to call killers 25c lower tojrl (vr value) for the week, while feeders are steady. !polls other than Quotations on cattle: Uood to choice j p. h. bond pledged peeves, g:Ma.tu; lair 10 a""" I to aecurc I . S. Je 38.uOOJ1l.00; common to fair beeves. I'-aOW I Doslta H.iM: good to choice hlf,'r...8' ;vi.rs'"'' Bond other than IV good to cnoice cows, u.ijki 1. iu; inn i good cows, 86.25titl.7u: common to fair cowr. 34 uni.2j; good to choice feeders, 17 ti.Vti8.10; fair to good feeders. 37.U7.ij; common to fslr feeders, ln.U0Wl.30; Stood to choice stockers, 7.7u'a27i; stick heif ers. M.75) 7.78; stock cows. V .W.J,.2a; stock calves. 87.00 u8.ii1); veal calvei, .o0( 10.00; bulls, slag, etc.. o msnii.-ii. v iitiii.4 Toilev's rieeitita of hogs up the lively clip set Dy previous a.i of the week. In the neighborhood of 211 cars, or 15,800 head, showing up. The weeks supply is tne Heaviest niiw mm weeks ago. atnountin to 73.074 head, )l against iis.itfio laat week, 03, 832 two wee . ago and i2.ui! last year. I The outside demanu was not overly , broad today and early shipping piirchasca were made mainly at 6c lower prices. mmIi k inv nt .tbe hoga were bought on shipping account at 3.2.vii4i. 3u, ana a nign aa a.w mo for weightier stuff. ' Packeia made their usual dime lower offer at the atari, but found competi tion on the belter kinds of hogs fairly keen. , .... At noon a good many hoga were still unsold, many of them of a good class, the number being eatlmated at twenty- nr llilrlv loud Sllltimltlg UU tU 1 ..... , uiii..a upi, .'fi tike lower Coin and T. .1.. uiiteh WK ver atlckv ' I.ei.-nl tender notes and weak at the early decline. Hulk aold . Redemption at 89Ui.'(i!l.a5. with prospects for quite a! sprinkling under tho bill, guile a enow-j lug was made a high, aa SIMo, the top. , SHKKP A a has been usual on recent , FrUlaya there waa a good run of sheep ; and lainl' here tdoya. The supply was iiiv,r. t..,i at tweutv-alx caix. or 6,-"I head, putting the total for the f ve I'nys , t aJ.r.45 head. This la more thsn 14,l ! smaller than a week ago, i'.OO sli.irl of j . .. 1. un n,,u- ,1 itttl.. nmra thaii 1 half a largu a for the sun- diya last i Circulating notes outstanding iear and smaller than for any similar Deposit period this year. Sellers finally succeeded In cleaning up their holdings 'yesterday, but only at the cost of making l-nq-we reqii'-iiun uxc unu tin xtremely jt rounds vealerday buers deeloi'I ail sntipamy 'towards anyllilug wemii'iu al oi eighty pounds, and salesmen found 'he'naelveg up againal a lane wnai we oner or ncey 'them' proposUonl. t)m- 1 l of wcsttTns aled above eight y-five poun.is ui IMS: ,31.641.754.41 212. SI 117, 50 1. 'TO kent Total nonns, sccuniies, eic... PU'IBL'I llfllllll BlULI of Federal Reserve bank 8 21.WO.00 T.eas amount unpaid 10,800.00 Furniture and fixtures .... Net amount due from Federal Reserve Rank Net amount due from approved reserve agents In New York, Chlcsiro and St. Irfiuls.... foxy pf thS aoVd bu'uuer weiVhi Net amount due from bank and hohi nn uliinAliiK account at bankera ..1.. i.v. Fcliaii"es for clearing House.. Other checks on banks In the aine c ity or town as reporting bank Outside checks and other cash items....! 3.JW.8I Fractional currency, nickels, and cents. A14.,, Notrs of other national banks . Federal Reserve notes certiCli ates 5),n:4i.iio 15,W).ilO C0.RS2 80 4IK.165.ii4 ?14.144 77 H2.2-W.12 1.6')4.r REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE 4IMAI4A NATI4A1 nA.NK. at Omaha, In the State of Ncuraska. at the close ot business on March 7. ll'iij; RESOCRCES. Iionns and discounts I ..fHi!1) 0erdial'U ".4ii IV S. bonds de posited to itecure circulation ipar value) 3 1 .isni.iitai.ii IV 8. bonds pledged to scci to I V S. deposits ip n r value 1 2im,00i). tm T0t.1l IV S. bond l.SW.ijOU.OU Securities other than LV- S. bonds (not Including atocksi, owned unpledged 3iKi,l9.4S Stocks, otlier tlian Federal Re serve Hank stock 14:,4uO.OO Subscription t o stock of Federal Reserve bank 3 SW.OuQOO lyss ainoiiiil un paid 45.OU0.UO 45.KO.0W Equity In lianklng house Net amount rti.e from Federal Re serve bank. ...1. ...3 411, KM. 74 Net amount due from approved reserve agents in New York, Chi cago a n d St. Eocis 2.71O.S1S.03 Net amount due front banks and C.i I Hal sto. k paid In Surplus fund 1'ndivlded profits circulating 1.0'rs outstanding line to banks and bankers 8Stil,r.:4.78 T r 1 . er.os I ' s ' Individial depot-its, .-uiuject to . noo..84,29l.4S6.3S Certificates of de posit, due in less th" "0 i''iv Certified checks... Cashier's checks outstanding I'niteii Slates I'SI' 1 . Postal savins posits T tine deposits : Certificates of firni.finil.oi l oo.").i) 1Sfi.i"S7 2) 50.IV0. ) de- c.e- 4ii:.hV;.02 lo.OOS.W . 80,522.07 SS,S3l.t4 84,209.51 t V dc- n ,s I Other lime d- poilts l.eitus of credit 1 .34-J.S98.26 3.y,l?5.13 15 .11.827 n r.i 0 w.ii ' Total 817.2-4.it4.it fc-tate f Nehraa, Conn y of Po.ig a s : 1. T, E. Davis, railiier of th" nbovc tiameii hank, do solemnly swear that tlie above statement is true to tha best cf my knowledge and belief. T. U DAVIS. Cashl.-r. Correct Attest : I m DAVIS. JOHN' D. CREK1MTOX. K. M. ANDRfcESEN. 1 dieetor'. Subscribed nnd sworn ;o b.ifore me till) 11th day of March, 1!i:. icEAul ARi. IWP1.SOX Xotary RepuMc. bnnkers Exchangiij (or clearing house Oilier ciif-ks On b.inka In the same elt y or town as renortinir bank.. 10. RnO.iO ! Outside checks Hiul inner earn nems Fractional c u r -rency, nickels and cents Note of otuer na tional bunks Federal reserve notes Coin and certifi cates fgal tender notes Redemption fund with p. S. treas urcr and from IV S. urcr Customers' it y under of credit... fund with la. Treasuier and due from 1". Treasurer Totnl EIABIE1T1F.S. 4'apltal stock paid in Surplus rund Cltdivtded rofits....$ I, e a current ex penses, interest and taxes paid. 4 47o.rl 17.145. Oi 7'."X Sl.812.vi 10,0 0. m 3,OI5.li"i.S4 407,047.7.1 2V57.-..14 ln2.25)i.C2 3.S27.91 SS.iilO.flO 5,O0O.0it 727.412.( 1J7.X7A.4j4) R due lieas- liahll-letters i. 00 M. 586.58 .3:.6t7,fi!.ii4 .$ 3M).ft10.0n fiVOO.OJ 11.WI1.47- 44,624 11 l:rj,.Vi.!lO Total LIABILITIES. Capital slock paid In Surplus fund 1 'nd I vlded prof it a S,i05,7.'9.!e Reserved for taxes.. lS,7ii.ti! 7,o24,SVt.71 5n.IHji1.O0 44. PUS. O ... 319,1 Vi, 945. iil .ll.rivi.uro.O'i . ono.oco.uo EPORT of the condition of the Live Stock National Bank. Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Ne braska, at the close of business, March 7, 1916. " BESOUKCES. Loans $3,338,59(1.50 took In rederal K- (erre Bank 7,900.00 V. 8. Bonds at Far. . . 170,000.00 Banking House and Fixtures 14,000.00 Cash aad Sight Ex. change 1,636.008.39 Capital . . Surplus . . Undivided Circulation Deposits 4,055,888.89 X.Xa.BlXrrXE8. prof Ita . Isa current ex penses, interest and taxes paid Circulating not-outstandine Due to banks and 31)24,4:16.67 si.::ih.6i! r,ta, 120.111 I,0a,0i-.4) H. country. JUMPS FROM GREEK NAVY TO THAT OF UNCLE SAMMY Frank Kaamerchak, who served for five months In tha Greek navy, ruliated In th I'nlted States navy Friday at the lor' recruiting station. Kssmerchak was an American navy man at the time tie "Idaho" and "Mississippi" were sold tu Greece a few years ago. As his enlistment had Just expired, hu waa hired by lhe Greek to go with the Idaho to Greece, where lie remained for five niontha. H enlisted as an elect! I. clan. . . . ,11ml ai-aiieu m i, v t via. Bl , 1-. a,.. -.1 I.Ua ihi.,j li.itl- iio'ikih ait loads that averaged ninety pounds an.-, better had to go at 810 50. A small run of ewea found the civ ninrl somewhat better todav, aim JI fairly well cleaned up early il,,l u era, 1,1 least sieadv. reached is lOtiti 15. the hlgh-at prices paid since Monday, which waa the last i.iy anything of top quality showe 1 ip. Twj loada on the Navajo order 1-tnded at 37 1c. Montana ewes, which were not badly wanted early, sold later in the day at steady price. 87. K5. while a load of fair sniff from a nearby feed lot was cashed St 87.75. By noon a few of lhe weighty lambs hal started lo move at prices that were no moie Ihun steady with the finish yes lerdav. or were l.vii2uc below the mil- Caiweck tiade. a few Bale 41 I'l I around Sltl.M. Three cars '"4" from a local feed lot that weighed In the neighborhood of eighty pounds sold lesdv at 11.'V At the time of going to press there were still four load, all of heavy lambs. 1 naold. being wante.l at les money than was paid for tlin.lar stuff yesterday. ...... Quotations on sheep and lamba: Lamba. good to choice. Hi.7o u 1 1 35; lamba. fair 1.. m,yn.t tin 4ci 10.75 : lambs, fall clionej. KvannratetS Anplee and Dried Frnlla ' in (av,,i.75: lamus. fresh dipped, vSir f. g rf. S. ra cla aeueon V. g. 8a. ras do conoen f . 4a. ra do c-atutam Ala gmlla A T T c 4l,a An1a-yica t .. Al'iila'Hi . 4a... Pal. a "li'a 4 . .. Math, etael r i l a. Partite lal l tie, a 41. . 4i,a 1 14. IV a f 4la. r. M IV It r a iv an ii r 4a Kt " 4a Ilan. Klaotrlc a., 1)1. Va lal 4wa III. Cam. rf 4a k. r o is)f s lni V. M 4'aa 1114 Offered. KRe,ullii( aen. 4a ia. I"TV-i4. I. A a r r 4 S4o Par i. u . UV. , rf 4a . tfwrtn Rallsa. aa . 14 l olr, I'a. lllc 4. . iw do er. 4a . V. Ititbher U . . iv.l' N. luteal ta . ?-Wal. t'nloa 4Si . 7'.Waal Klac . it tl "4 an I.ioa, l-c-S t lute to hank and hankers.. Individual deposits. .itn'ect to cneck . .81,249,871 Cert If lea tea of de- (Misit ilue In 1C3S than TX) days 'citified checks... Cashier's r h e c k s outstanding IV S. ileposlta Tostal savings de- nosila Time certificates of deposit payable after days or 1 more or.-veinil banker TS.i'9, 835.30 B,-1 ' ' ' I n (i I i (I u a I rie- 47.520 13 I5.S-.1.97 Jl.SOS.dS 14.750.00 1.3171. 215 HI 4S poait aubicct to che'-k tlerl If it atea of ile deposlt due In less than thirty dais Certified check Cashier checks outstanding I'niteii .States de posits Certificates of de osit Letter of credit 6.4ie.4:i4 .HO 1X, 42.74 v'.,w::.:!0 1S6.94S 41 1RH.871.81 653,2434.71 16.(3.7HO f) 44.is;5.0O 200,000.00 40,000.00 37.810.44 147,000.00 3,631,076.45 $4,036,886.69 COKrAKlTTVH gTATEMTElfT 0r BEPOBITB. Mar. 7, 1908, 6a71.63R.7a Mar. 7, 1911 1,043,375.66 Mar. 7, 1014, 1,877,H-J.7: Mar. 7. 115 a,01,4 70.30 Mar. 7, 1916, 3,631,076.45 taI 82.r'l". ' at pricea ;gtat rf Nebraska. County of nnnglas ( .u,xiC'i.i i rr Auiii nresinem. or ine hoo" named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true lo the best of my knowledge and belief. . W. T. AU1V.I). Tresulcnt. Correct Attest: . .. . N'otarr rubllc. II. P ri.AHKE, Jr., IS. KTDKZ, K. I'. MEYERS. Director 8ubcrlhec1 nnd sworn to before me th s 14ih dav of March. 191. iSl-'AI,) 4. A. lir.iwi r-i. being made I ' of scahbie ; Total 8l8.10.!M5.!i1 State of Nebraska. County of Douglas ss: j I. J. He IV Richards, cashier of the aliove named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement ta true to the i best of mv know led ice and belief. i J. De IV RICHARD, Caahler. I Correct Attest: J H. SI1I-T.ARD. ' A. C. SMITH. CII A3 H. BROWN, Directors. ! Subscrilieil and sworn to before me this i Ih tlav of March. JIMS ! U D. BPAI.DINO. : ISKAI..1 Notary llibllc. I siREtrroms ivd orncxRi: HEI.BOII SWIFT MOBBIB, Vice-President Morrla St Company, Chicago. C. M. lliOTABLAn, Treasurer Morris a) Company, CMoago. X. O. EDWARD, Manarar Slwlft 4 Co., Omaha. B. a.. BEAD, Tlce-Frestilent rirst BTat'l. Bank, hsnandoab, Iowa. W. r. ADKIBB, Xolmas-Adklna Co., Omaha. T. E. QLEDBII.I.. Capitalist, rort Crook, lfeh. L. M. Z.OBO, 3realdant. W. A. C. JOKBSjOsT, Tloe-lres1dent. T. W. THOMAS, Cashier. 'Si I t-e', I . ... . MS .ten l S .131 NKW YORK. Msrch 17-KVAPr)R-ATF.D AI'PI.ES-nuIl: fancy, 788V: choice. mie: prime. 4t4i)js,c. DRIED KRCITc Prunes, steady; Cell fornla. 4i!f11U': 4reons, TVaflt'c. Apri cots, nulet but steady; choice, 8A,ftl0r; extra choice. Iirtl0ac; fancy. H8hl2e. I'eachea. nulet but Kieady; choice, S'ic; exira choice. fancy, ltrc Raisin. Inactive-, loose muscatels, '.f7e: choice Ii fancy, sotded. 7,174c. seedless. 10" 4'. Metal Market. NKW YiiRhT. March 17 MF7TAI lad, 87 87 U4.1. Spelter not uuoted Cop prr. firm; eleclrnlylu-. nearby. f23.iad) !: June and later, 327 t27.."a Iron, rirni. unrhliurd Tin. qiiel. spot, tl'l 00 9.vs.ini At London- spot cooper, 107 10s; future. 471'M elncirnlvtlc. CV-M Srx.t tin, fi. I'k-; ruturtw. i,l1. I.rad. 4-3j Ps. Spelter. 13. 0n; yearling, fair to choice, light. 8 28 trl'iilo, yeai lings, fair to cnoice. heavy. 8n Vmr 40 ; wethers, fslr to choice, 87.7&r so ewes, rood to choice, 17 7ia.15; ewes, fair to good, li.uwn fcj. St, Joseph I.lve atock Market. HT. JOHEPIT. Mar.-h 17.-CATTI.B-Re-relpts, ") head; maiket steady; steer. I" 7Vjit f bid: cow and betleis, 14.759 J.:: calves. t7..""VfllO W. Ill illr Receipta. .' uo head: pistkel lower; top. r. 0 bid. bulk of sales, $.i.2e4J 8 laV 8HKEP AND LAMRS-Reeetpta. l.joO head; maiket steady; lambs, 810 7.Vn 11.30 l. I.aala ock slarket. BT. I.oiis. March 17. C ATT I JC Re ceipts. 7int bead: maiket steady: native beef steers, S7.74MIQ.4sl; yearhns steer and hclfera. P TaMn Ui; cows. gi..Vi uO; stock- ' en and feedeis. K avJM. Texas and Indian st.eis. 3525uC4). cow and heifers, $4 isatiat native calves. 8 nip 10. .V lltHJS-Recelits. 7.100 head: market lower; pig and llaht. 37.2.Vn.o: mixe.1 and butchers. 3H.4t.xu6.70; good heavy. 3-'tw SHEKP AND IMRS-Recelpts 1.501) head: market etronu: yearling rf-. H ritlD .it; lambs, 19 V4 1160; ewes, $h 0 4j8 26. Stock In sight. Receipt of live slock at the-five prin cipal western markets ysieras Omaha Chicago Kinuti City. Siuux City... St. 1-oun head: market steady; yearlinas. .2.V,j ly.oO; ewes, $7..5iVui.iO. lambs. llO.fiT.'ail.SO: wethers, S.uj4).iM; bulk of sale, 89 10 rill( AtiO LIVE STOCK MtRKKT Meak sheep Cattle, lioirs. rneep. D 15,: 4V2I"' . 1 l) .l0 8.il0 . 6-.1 :i,K) I'O . i oai 8. !) r . 7iH) 7.110 l.J" Totsls. 4.1-X) :.b 18,100 Kansas Illy live Kl4Mk Market. KANSAS CITY. Mrch 17. -CATT1.lv-llecrlpt. bead; maiket steady; prime fed slceis, '..2Ciiti .65; dressed beef sleets. S7.!Si-ti.l5. western steers. 87.5ii1l.l5; stockors and feeders. $ii.;ou4S.5i); bulls. f-,.hni7 IS: calves. 1 1 .). Him 18-Recelpt. J.KW head: market ateady: bulk. i Su.i0, heavy. Rl 4.Vq HO; peckera and butchers. 8J3ig9. lights, 9.li.50. pigs. 87.&mi4. 8HEKP AND UAMUS-Recelpts. 100 tattle Weak Hogs Weak. CHICAGO. March 17.-OATTUv-Re-ceipts. l.uOo head; market weak; native beef steers. 37.aOr,8.it; western steers, 87.40JffV); stockers and feeders. 8 (if 8.2-.; cows and heifers, S3.Wa-70; calves, S.2r.4iW.7a. HOGS Receipt. 26.010 head; market weak, mostly 10c lower; bulk. 89.5ii"i bi: liaht. 8.Wt.i5; mixed. S9.Suk.7ii; heavy. la.24X(it.7li; rough. I.20ti-3i; pig. ri s.ti.V PIIFKP AND 1.A:IPS4 Receipts. SIO) luad. market steadv; wethers, '. "1 q .2 ). , wu'.i extra fancy at f : 25. only 5c under i the limlicst pi Ice i n i-ecord; ewes. lij iHii ' S.iv ; lambs, y..',-ti 11.50. i sluai Illy live Hock Market. SIOCX CITY. March 17. C A TTUK Re ceipts, I onO head: market steadv; native steers, 87 3f'tl fai; butchers. Vi.2cflS.lll: cow and heifer. .l 0ir7 4j ; Blocker and feed era. tt"B7.uu. bulls, ataga, etc., 3i.75r7 10. HiXIS Receipta. 8.i") bead: market 16c to Zoo lower, heavy, 8v.2a.3i mixed, S.la . i 3f.; light, 3.Vje.l5 I SHEEP AND IMBS-Receipu, I head. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. March 17.-PRA1RIE HAT Choice upland, Obfit'.iVi; No. 1. 8S.50ii9.00; No. 3. KOkuVOIj: No. 3, S4.1S.0O; choice midland. 3t.5Vy.O0; No. 1, Ss.u0IS.6O; No. I. 8 ouw8.i4'; No. 3, 84 ootcii.00; choice low land. l7AtT7.W: No. 1, WOt-SI.Ou; No. X, iai-.i4i.t4); No. 3, t3.0tV(jS 0u. STRAW One car on the market; eholca wtieat is quotable at 85.60; choice oat or rye. 36.('&.ii). ALFALFA Choice. SlJSVtTlIOO; No. 1. SH.uutflluo; No. 2. Jfj-OC'aij.uO. I.naaoa Slock Market. LONDON. Msrch 17.-Amerlcan secur ities on the stock msiket were Inclined, to dt ntip on small sales and finished quiet. SI I.V Kit Htr. 27 3-1'icl tier ounce. .Mi 'Ni:y-4u4la per cent. Discount rate. Men t btls. i'a la-r cent, three months' 1 ills, 5'a per cent. Bank I tearing. OMAHA. March 17 Bank clearings for Omaha today were 84.641, 7wj. 74 and for tha correcponding day last year 83.311,98911. Key to the filUivtlor--B4j .Wtvnt daa