TJLK I5EE: (LMAILA, SATUKDAV, MAKtlt 1, BISHOP'S HALO FOR RED TOPS last wofk. The good Mtiop l red-headed hlnwir. and he was aridreaeJnc the Hnmllne I'nlverMty Redheada- club. ITe flnfed out that all the anuria painted by the old master had red haJr. The llt of red tirade who did treat thlnga li a loneT one. Jullua Caeear, wmVt rnlw, was red-headed. Po wn rtobert Bruce, un n Queen Elisabeth. Tt la reputed that Helen of Troy. Dido, Cleo patra, and Alexander the Great were refl headed. It we aald of Thomaa Jeffereon that "he bad the reddeet head tn Alba marl county." Swinburne the poet. John Bunyan, author of TIIrlm' Progress;" Bchlller, tha poet, all had poll of Mating red; and In our own day we have, to keep Blehop Qua'le company, Bernard Bhaw. Victor Murdock. Governor Ktiibb". J. Ham Lewis, yea, and Hob FlUalmmona. Jud-e Wofford, for many yeara Judejo of tha rrlmlnaJ court of Kansaa Citv. uned to ay that ha never knew a r? headed rrlmlnal. Vr. PI I. Mathlaa, chlet 1-robatftjhary officer of the Kanaa City Juvenile court, aerted In a epeeoh re cently that he never knew boy with red hair to he Inherently tod; and It is an old Paying that there are no red heeded men tv. '-he penitentiary. Of course this may be merely coincidence. but It la here offered to the red, head for what it l worth. Red-headed persona have alwaya been reputed to he quick tempered and reaJy to flKht at tha alisrhlest . . provocation. "Red-haired people be folke that are to drede," run a precept of the fifteenth century; and an old French proverb ay: "Salute no red-hTd man nearer than thirty feet off. and even eo. hold three atones In thy fist wherewith to defend thyeelf." rthur 8. Hoffman, editor of Advanture Maaatine. may have thl adage In mind In hi attempt to recruit realment of red-haired men. llealmonf Somaot D"M bm4 for Ifce toaotrfe Defenae. Vrm- To b red-headed In a ntsnal honor." MM Bishop W. A. Quayl In a ajworh 'GROWING WITH GROWING OMAHA Have Your Pictures Framed Spring Veilings at 59c Charming .Veils for spring, in border and scroll designs and motive patterns. Black and colors, in styles JA ' that are pleasing to all. 'Specially priced, yard.. OIC 50 Fieces of-Silk Veiling, all pretty patterns in black, white and colors. Worth to 59c. Sale price, OE? o And Save One-Fourth One-fourth off on all orders taken for picture frames on Saturday. This includes any frame made or to be made, from the highest priced hand modeled frame down to the cheapest gum wood moulding. 00 Genuine, Hand Carved Picture Frames, Taluet. f 2.00 to $4 00, complete with glass and back, Saturday for $1 00 200 Fine Framed Conrex Medallion (duplicating a sale la it fall , that made a sensation). Special at 4Ro- Come early. yard ; .coc Mala riaae 1th and Deaglaa. 10 A Sabinbtl i A 1 Speoia r II Sarins What Corset Will You Wear I his Coming Spring.' EVEN BEFORE YOU THINK of Clothes, you should determine what style Corsets you are going to, wear and have them fitted. The fit of the Corset determines whether or no your cos tumes will set properly the pleasure of knowing you are exceptionally well dressed is in large measures dependent upon the Corset you wear. BON-TON Corsets Msuld the Figurt Correctly ;e tune you have your corset fitted the ex- 'pert ad rice which tha attendant will giva yon will prova la !ra1uahi la the selection of the proper model. ' Bon Ton Corsets for tall, full fiipires. Loo skirt with rubber ;ora set in orer thighs: sllirbt curve at waist so the rortot does not ride up when abated. Made of silk dotted broche, durable, comfortable and stylish. $0.CO - Bon Ton Cofsets, for heayy figures, of Imported Coutll, with extra boning across abdomen. Extra wide front steel, medium high bust, low tinder arm; long skirt with six garters attached, $5.00 Bon Ton Corseta, for sfender figures, in fancyv broche, gives curve at vaist line orer hip; straight back with elastic gore set at. bottom of skirt; -moulds the hip to fashionable lines, $3.50- Other Models $3.00 to $15 New Spring Millinery a Edgt 'erton - Rocheile ' Shawnee. The three hats featured above are a practical demonstra tion of what may be had at a nominaljcpst in the new silk "Sport Hats." These smart hats are made of pongee silk with the latest awaing ftripea in all the popular sweater "lor ; ' $2.98 . Curled Albatross Quills Yes, w have them In our trimming sec tion. This much wanted fancy for tailored hats comes In Copenhagen. Sand, Red, Pink, NYjr, Brown, Gray, Purple, etc. Qf Each '. JOC A well known mkr of Sntt (rimmed hate acid its hi a bow room eamplee. nmonf which ere ev- ral pattern hate made of China Split. Fine Ia horne, li)au llimp, eti?., trimmed In the feahtoa able narrow rlbbone, ptrot edcil. In paetol ehadre; meonda of flowers, novoltUe, eto. Heta coeitnf mor wholesale than the prlra aaksd mt&:-$2.5 The Spring Style Aristocrats The woman who desires' to ' pay just $25 for her spring suit will find that .this . store specializes on Fashionseal Suits and offer - the best values to be foundvin the state of Nebraska." Silk Suits, $35 and $39 Many of . the very smartest models are -shown in taffetas, silk poplins,' gros 'de londres, etc. The ef fective draping and semi-tailored features are to be found1 in marked evidence..' ' Extra Size Suits for Stout Women $22.50, $25, $32.50, $39 and $49 Special attention has been given to the women who require pat-sizes or extra cut. garments, and the ones who require an extra full busted, short walsted, high stomach or large hip garments, will be easily fitted. Every good ; desirable mate rial and color. .. i. . , Special Silk Dress Offerings at $13.75 Many pretty new smsrt models in taffeta, charmeuse, crepe meteor and crepe de chine, made with the full skirted, extra tunic, Russian blouses snd georgette combinations. Pretty soft colors for street or afternoon wear. Women's and misses' sites., Afternoon Frocks at $19.00 and $25.00 Smart In their construction and dainty In their effective soft taffetas, meteors, georgettes, etc The desirable colors Hague Blue, Field Mouse, Copen hagen, Sliver and Peace Gray, Bay Green, etc. If We Could Open to You The DOOR OF THE FUTURE And ask you to look through the revelation would make you determine TO BUY ALL THE LACES - You Will Possibly Have Use For in the next year or so. , Nothing we could ssy would so clearly show you Just what the con dition of the market Is today and what It must of necessity be I or 12 months hence. We csn ssy this about the present day situation, however: We are offering Silver and Gold embroidered Llama Lace (Import ed) 18 Inches wide, splendid for dainty dresses; would cost $1.60 to import today. Our price, 98c a yard. Fancy Wash Laces, all Imported, In Vals, Torchon, Point d. Ssprlt and Imitation Cluny; worth up to 20c, at 6c a yard. Main Floor Center. These Are Opportunity Days In ihe Glove Store Women's two-clasp ' Imported kid gloves in white. A limited quantity but all alzes, from h to IVi. For Saturday selling, 79o a pair. Also . special Women's one clasp full pique kid gloves. In black or wMte, plain or contrast ing backs, $1.15 a pair. . Women'a washable Kid Gloves are sold at special prices this week la order to further increase their popularity. These are most practical gloves for this sea son. They are washable, well fitting, good looking and econom ically priced tomorrow at $1.10, $1.50, $1.65 and $2.00. They come In various styles, plain and with embroidered backs, in wrist lengths or with gauntlet wrists. - $8.50 Dim Hats, Mm( ' Hutu, TalWrwl Hate. Knit Underwear ' ' Women's Union Suits, silk tops and lisle bod- 4 ff les. Pink and white. O ieUU i Women's Union . Suits, fine llsles and cottons. . Cuff and um-t brella styles! Pink and white. 50c Sale Worth to 68c. price, suit Women's Union Suits, in "Cnmfy" and other good makes. ' t'uff snd umbrella' knee styles. : Regular 60o values, OQ Saturdsy ......... . M . .Oi G Women's Vests, lisle and cot ton. "Cumfy Cut, square and round necks. Worth to 25c, at 15c "M'r Knit Suits for boys snd girls, light weight cottons; high neck, long sleeves; ankle length, low neck and sleeve- Cf less, knee length, utt.,0JC "M" Knit Waists for Boys snd Girls, patent tsped seams and buttons. 16c qusl- ifti Itv. each 1ZV2C r" m ' aw Candy Specials. Special Home Made Nut Di vinity, hickory nut, pe can and almond, lb..... mwC Those Delicious Cream Dipped. Brasll Nuts, per 1Q pound 07C , Cream Peanut Squares, vanil la, strawberry ana ehoo- j p., olate. Saturday, lb.... IOC Fresh Black Walnut ng Taffy, lb... .DC Fresh Maple Confections, ev ery Saturday, per , - OZ pound ilii C Full Cream Angel ijj. Food Taffies,' all flavors IOC Our Luscious Pompelan Choc-, olate Bitter Sweets and Swiss, Style Milk Chocolates, OQ pound box ...aWC Candy Dept. Pompelan Room. t Cut Flowers Fresk Cut Home Grown Sweet Peas, Saturday, bunch.... 19o i American Beauty Buds, -. each lOo Flower Department, Main Floor,, Fear. ' Hosiery Bargains Women's Silk.' Hosiery, pure dye thread 'Silk. All shades, fancy 'tarter tops,' hlgn Spliced soles, heels and toes; jq regular $1 quality, palrOiC, Women's1 Pure ' Thread " 8llk! Boot Hose, In all shoe and eve ning shades. Full fashioned, re ; Inforced heels and toes; - wide double garter topK Sat nrday, pair OUC Women'a Pure, Dye Thread 811k Hosq, In blsck, white and all the new bright colors. Fash-V loned, high spliced soles, heels, ' with lisle tops. Regular 60c quality; ' special Satur- qf. day, pair. OOC Children's Silk Lisle Hose, in black, white, pink, sky and tan Double knees, heels and toes. - Fine ribbed. Sale price, nr pair COC Men's Silk Fiber Hose, all col- . ore. . Spliced heels and toes with double soles; seamless. Special Saturday, pair. 25c ) ? M.OS Sale of Gray Hair Goods As the hsir grows. It usually grows thin. Therefore, this sale is sure to prove Interesting. ; 10 Inch Gray Switches 1 ' IJ-Inrh Cray Switches... 24-lnch Gray Switches Ail-Around Grsy Transformations, $5.00 values ....ft.OS Ail-Around Gray Transformations, $10.00 values $0.08 Children's Hair Bobbing by experts, also shampooing, bairdreaatng, manicuring, facial and scalp treatments. I Drugs and Toilet Articles I 'Jir KlH Talcum I w4r, raa t4a 11 ri(rhr' Caatorla. lie rNtrtn'a Brunatta Kouf. box S5 Mind a Konijr Almonil Cnim. V l-Inrh Manlcura Klla. worth tie..le Vlvt fuvdrr ruffa. worth Sic. ,..! Ida Mar faro Powd.r, tic aiaa 1 Mariwrlta (iylva Hou., tc ai.. Pr.- Tooth faata, t- tuba to Pcaalnl Fato fowdrr. motal boi...Sl La. Hiacha Kac o l' o alaa..le 4711 loli.t Wtttr, no bottla Malba Ut K. Tollot Waiar, bottla. r hor.l. k a Molto4 Milk. hoop, also S MiMH t l.tnimoiii, lao atao, apodal, .tao Moatholatum, ir nu Jar Xo ("utaain'a lrf CloaAor, tie alio....le ..IS. . .Ste Vlatrhor'a Caatorla. lie alia..... I.)11 1'lukhaiu'a C'smp. II alia. Ktrk a Jap ftoao eoap, lie raka.. . . . .m Kaaos Poroilda Soap. lc raka.', . . . V.lsirt Xloor Oil, too also te I.lquld Vonoor, lo ataa. apot-lal. . . .tiro roily Prim Mop. l it valuo Hubbor hotln(. t Inrhoa wlda...V Travolor'a Vt hlak Hrooma, aporlal, 1S Urit Auto Chamola. II. IS valuoa.Sao I'oarl Whlta auap. ) aara for Me lioMhold Ammonia, large bottle, lie UllUtto Raior 111 (!. It pk...l!Vo Gem tiafety Raaora, It kind o Uoblln Bo p. apeclal, 1 cake for... lie Sperlttl Soto of KiaVan Artlcloe. Maia rU.r Kar. s Buy a Victrola NOW WHEN YOU can brinjr into your home the beat of the famous opera singers ami all other srood music at a small in itial outlay of monev, IS IT NOT AVOUTII WHILE! 7t 1 i The Victrola, pletured here le No. . X S.SS. Torma. II Soon and a month. Kk.r modela. to :&. oa Ihe aame retie paymenta. TWO NEW RECORDS. , NO. S5521. 12-INCH. 1.25. Stop, Look and Listen Medley Fox Trot "I uve a Piano." "That Hula Hula." "The Girl on the Magasine," "When I Uet Uci to the U. 8. A." Victor Military Band When Old Bill Bailey Plays the Ukaltla Medley One-Step "When Old Bill Bailey Plays the Ukalele." "Oh. Oh. She's Breaking My Heart." "Jf . You Only Had My Disposi tion" " Victor Miliisry Band NO. SS522. 12-INCH. I1.2S. A Little-Bit of Heaven Medley-Walts A Little Bit of Heaven," "Where the River he Daughter of Irlwh Kyes Are ree," "My wild lr!h Rose" Victor Military Band Molly Oesr; It's Vot I'm- After Medley , Ooe-gtep "Molly Dear." "The Wedding of the Sunahlne and the Ron," "The Sweetest, Girl In Monterey", .v.; Victor Military Band 4 A Utile Bit of Heaven," -v Shannon Klowi.". "She'g tl Mother Machree." "When Smiling." "Mother Machr Our New Sewing Machine Store Opens '. " ' V , And Offers You , f $12.00 For Your Old Sewing Machine .THIS IS THE INITIAL offering from our New Sewing Machine Store it gives every wom an . the .' opportunity to realize in cash for her old sewing, machine to -apply on -the pur chase price or $1.00 DOWN; $1.00 A WEEK. Tl UDCr Sewing 1 llw 1 JLVaLLioLj Machine $1.00 DOWN; $1.00 A WEEK. , (Invented and Patented by W. C. Free.) You won't get the full significance of this offering until you read; this: , ' ', The FREE SEWING MACHINE Is built upon sn entirely new idea friction has been eliminated to such a degree that It runs softly snd smoothly and with such easy action that the "machine sickness" which msny women suffer from is a thing of tl;e past. i,r f t j nr C rice LidQur aim a iiiic uaYcri The Rotesclllo Movement, making the Free run lightly. Toggle Link Movement, eliminating all noise and friction! " -Automatic Tension Release no more trouble In this direction. Automatlo Lift, raising the head belted for sewing. Rotary Spool Pin, maktng the thread unwind evenly. -' Dustiest Japanning, atmpliftes housekeeping. Ball Bearing Treadle, runs like magic. And the FREE Is guaranteed for a lifetime. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFERING To Introduce this wonderful Sewing Machine In Omaha 1. We will buy your old mseatne and pay you 112.00 for it. 2. We will make you the special Introductory price on the FREE. 3. We will allow you the moit liberal terms you ever heard of. i i BratTirtx ij CAMIVKT MATH IMC 1 TO IMItU1ANT NtrTK I thora la aaythlac yen ttoelre learn a boot eoolaf rtitne or anything In rriatlon to eewtna. plcoae cooeall Mr export, who will (ladlr (It yaoi eaawtt od.k-e Mr Uate yea arolre It. . ThlrJ llotr lUllii(. Smart Bl6uses--wV$Z'1 Specially Priced For Saturday There's as much difference in Blouses as.there is any other article of apparel. Given the best of style and excellent ma terial, 'we are offering the best values you have ever seen. Crepe de Chine and Jap Silk Blouses, "1 Q C values .to $2.75, at t sj) 1 V O Extra Quality Crepe de, Chine, Washable Satin and Georgette. Crepe Blouses, reguler (JQ QQ $5,00 values, at... . 2)0tO Dainty Georgette Crepe : .ClCfl Blouses, at tPOaOU All thm New Color: Stylet Are New Large Collars, Frills, Embroidered Models, Pocket mouses and fcport Blouses. j YomcnV Fine Sho est Remarkably Underpriced Women'a Fine High Shoes, Pnmpa and Oxford Broken lines and. broken aires, but all aires and widtha in one style or another. Patent leather, dull leather, fancy tops or plain black; but ton or laee. The. majority of the pumps are made with light, tnrned eolea with French jieels. -These shoes aj-e, vorth more than 1 double. The .entire . l)t, pair... .'.:.....;..'.. . C Boys' Fine School and Dress Shoe, tj CC practically all sites; worth to 13.00, pair. . O X tOw Men's Shoes, all sliea, button and lace, splendid shoes, worth more wholesale than we are ) AO asking. Per pair vaUU Women's Fine Dreka Shoes.' gypsy styles, In bronie leather, all patent leather, kid and velvets. Made with full Fre nob or Cuban heels;-worth - C0 i fl to 14.00 a pair. All sites CpeUU .AIL the Women's Rubbers, first auaUty.'.oe storm style; worth 75c. Special, pair aCiOC Infants' Shoes, patent leather, kid and dull leather; black.-red and taa kid tops. Hand turned ana sewea soiei. au snea. pair s Misaes' and Children's .Fine Dress Shoes, dull leather, and a few patent leather, neat, broad QQ . toes, handsomely flniahed, all sites to I, pair iOC ,i ... 69c New Spring Togs for Boys We believe In boys; we believe that boys are human and that they appreciate good clothes the same as the rest us, and what Is more, we know thst boys will be boys and need clothes that are built to stand the hard knocks. We've selected our new spring suits with these ideas in mind, and Invite all boys and parents to inspect them for their unequal ed style, fit and all around durability. Boys 2-Pair Knicker Pant Suits, $3 75 to $10.00. In those real spring patterns and colors, smsrt grays with sprinkling of green effects, handsome mixtures of browns, blues and tans; plain colors In worsteds and caanlmeres. All tailored up to the Brandeis standard. Smart new styles, many are in exclusive models thst sre most pleasing, and above all Plenty of Blue Serges. One Big Saturday Special Handsomt Yelour Fabric Suits With Two Pairs of Pants. $3.95 All made in a striking Norfolk model with a three-piece detachable belt on coat; fancy pleated back with three patch pockets in front. Both pair of psnts are fully lined, watch pocket and belt loops. Exceptionally neat patterns of gray, brown and blue. Ages 6 to IT years. Boys, Here's a New Wrinkle, . Long Pants Suits With Two Pairs Pants Splendid fabrics in all the smart new mixtures, stripes, plaids and check effecta; various models to select from. AU ages, 15 to 19 yeara, at $10.00 to $15.00. Plenty of other splendid Long Pant Suits, priced at (6.60 to $8.50. ; A Special Blouse Waist A Sure Winner From Our Waist Maker . All mde with two to three more buttons down the front than any other blouses made, which doea away with all the gaping, so common In blouses when the boys stoop over. The fabrics sre much better snd cut with more sctusl arm room and body room; the best C?ft and largest selection of patterns. All priced at.............. OUC . Wash Togs for Boys, $1.00 to $5.00. A great big assortment of those smart new atvles and enWa here, even to the real summery kind with short sleeves and aport collars. All ages, I to. years. .ranpo4M