THE BER: OMAHA, MARCH 1916. I I I7ant-Ac! Rates lc CAM WITH OaSIBi p-er word each Insertion poetai Ktii Frm and Ranch Lands. T par Una each Insertion ( (Count alx word to tha line.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AGENTS OR HBI,P WANTED CLASS1 F1CATION 8 : , t par word ona time ilVo par word... three consecutive Umea CUIOI KlTXIl to per Una.... ona tlma 7o per line three consecutive timea (Count tlx word to tha Una.) STO AD TiUir TOM I. IBS THAW A TOTAL or Oc OA X.ESM I HAW 10o XA DAT. CARD Of THANKS-. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES: 10e per Una each Insertion (Minimum charge (0 cent.) Monthly Rata for standing ad (no change of copy) $1.80 per Una (Count six words to the Una.) Centraet rata em applloatloe. THTB REB will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than ona tlma. AfiTKRTTPirR8) should retain receipt rlwn by Tha Pee in payment for Went Ads. a no mistake can be rectified wltbout them. fSE TlVPi TKT.TTTHONB If ymt eannet conveniently bring or send In your ads. V Ask for a Went-Ad Tsker. end yon will receive the same rood service a when delivering your a1 at tha office. PHONTC TYLER 1n0. TTANT-AT mtl'MNS CT-OPr ttentng rtttton i:o m. MORNING EDITIONS :00 TP. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILY. Answers to quettloa -Wbars to go ionltbf Dswataws. EMPRESS. 16TU ft DOUGLAS "The Suppressed Order," the greatest clvu war drama produced. A new de parture In film drama. . "Keeping Up With the Jone." Humor, fun, attraction, all In on picture. "Theodore' Terrible Thlrat." A treat In humor. Seeing America Weekly. PRINCESS. 1317-19 DOUGLAS "On Her Wedding; Eve," Vltagraph spe cial Hrnadwsy feature In four arts, fea turing neautirui r-tiltn story. The pat ent Food Conveyor. Some comedy. fnk GAilDKN, 131 S FARNAll Diamond Are Tnimn. 8-rcel fell:. Hetty, the Hoy and the Bird. Vltagraph. Th l 1 1 h P I k n. Vim. 5c p ro ra m 4o, TH rAKNAM 1410 FAuNAM Four reel ef irood picture. North. OflANL), 16TH AND BINNKY. "The Fourth Kstate." featuring Ruth Blslr. a 6-rec! Fox feature, and a good comeoy. IROP. 24TU & LOTIIROP. Edear Selwyn In 'The Arab." Snwtki, TSJ4 LlC A VEN WORTH. apSllo. A Sticky Affslr." Vim com. Th Oulillns; Hand. Kalem The Truth A boutlfelej. Kdlson. -JOULE VARD. 83d & LeaveawofTET TonlKht at T:1 and :4K: "Rtipert of Hentsau," a Pin Hlrd photo play from the femou story of Anthony Hope, wl'h .Tsne Oall and Henry Alnley. ROHLFK. 251 LEAVENWORTII Ils Meredith in "The Previous Packet," Path one-reel corned v. Gold Rooster, play. Wni. MONROE, 25 5 S FARNAll Jackie Saunders la "The Woman of the Fea. The Darkeet Hour." tha last episode of Ptinsaree, snd a Rood corneal y. Hontb tilde. LEBdE, Th Human Cauldron Vltagreph. t-r. Th Arlint Model. Vim. No Kmoklnif. ltibln. OBPHEl'M. 24TH"nii The lnltents," featurlnit Orrin John son, i , "The Hunt," featuring Ford eterllnf. Otar Features These are Special Extra-Reol Feature now appearlnc at the following Theaters.-. APOLI0. 4 LEAVENWORTH. -The Ouldiin Hand." OLl.K ARD. Sjt - UAVKNWUKTlf, 'v"Rupert of Hentrau." LMPKI-4S. liTllANU DOUULaS. "The Puppressed Order," the grestest ?' civil war dramas. OHA.SD. UTII AND H.l.NNEV" The Fourth Estate," featuring Ruth V.tatr In a 5-ree Pot feature. lATliRoP. i4'i'H AND LOTIIROP. Edgar Felwyn In "The Arab." MtTMtTibJ. STH AND FAltNAr Jackie Baunder In "The Woman of the yes.' OiU HEl'M. &ITH AND ML "Th Hunt," featuring Ford Sterling. PHi'NCE.-'si. 1H17-1 lOi:LAS.' "On Her Wedding Eve." a Vltagraph special Broadway feature In 4 acta, featuring beautiful Edltn Story. MOXIMF.XT AND CEMETERIES. MAUBOLKUM. Vi'HT hury your dead In the cold ground in stormy weather when you ran buy a tomo In a marble build ng at reaaonab'e Urt.-ef Tel. M A 1 3 M CO , D. SI7k l-'-'liriier Mttiuliitiit T i- i . . W OI MS, niauMo- leuins, all kinds markurs. Uth A Charlti. rLuH!T. UFST CHAI-ITY CUT FLOWER- or ni ts. Art Comblnatlona shipped every wiere. bxcviivui arrvue to our rus- t outers In past esrs recommends !1E4 ft l-WOHdht. Hli Karnarn Ht. D. IrOL A T ' 1 ' " " i Earns w St. tii:'ND"p.SO'N. !! Douglas l!-.c'r Fu.rlwts ivlrsrsun D. &. b. ia . Ass a A. LoNAUliUK. 1U its'ixy. liuug. ti. Vhen Y Put Your Want-Ad CARD OF THANKS. 1 ISH to f jprMK my sincere thanks nd appreciation to the Teuton Gallagher company end employes, Pat ton Lodee 173. A. O. U. W.. ahd the many friends end neighbors for the beautiful floral offerings, kindness nd sympathy shown during the sickness and death of my beloved hn.l.nnd. t'HRlHTlNB nANIKION. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. P.lrthe Altiert snd Mary Wooslry. 4",a Nicholas, girl; Hurry end Grace Carter, hospital, hoy; K. Arthur and Augusta Jones.- JfJ Camden avenue, girl' Karl and Ida I-ong, 4i.w Marry, boy; Alrlo end riaivatrloe Uinggl. wit Jiotith Sixth, girl; 'lrtno and Antonio Olhlllno, 11.12 South Twelfth, boy; Walter and Annie Fish burn, 142 North Twentieth, l.oy; lon snd Fannie Fitch. I North Eighteenth, boy, lrry C. snd Murlll Henderson, hospital, boy: Robert It. and Edna Koran, .14 North Thirty-seventh, boy; Albert A. and Anny Melalnjrer. 2714 South Hlsteenth, boy; I'nvl't and S 1 1 n. .unman, North Twenty-second, bov. Deatlie-tl. P. I teller. 8Tn South Twenty-fourth; Thonins H. tluvln, 14 davs, hospital; Marie Betlack Sellne. 84, hos pital; Charle Vandrelrh, 21 day. 4"23 W: Mr. Anna Battles. 47. hospital; H. It. leitrn, ai. zu nuth iwenty-sintn; M. It. Cornish. 1. 74"9 Indiana avenue; Mr. A. II. Henton. 6. hotel; Helen M. Olb son, 2 months Fourteenth and Ohio; Charles E. Hutler, M. 4W2 North Twenty third; Oerhart Ulenderman, 71. f'J Han croft; Claranre Van Wle, J. 422 North Nineteenth; lienry seaman, cm, nospi- tsl. . MARRIAOH LIC'RSRS. The following permit to wed have been Issued: Nsme and Residence. Aa Albert Thompson, Omaha 2J Gladys Mullen, Omaha 18 Thurman J. Mor.tnito. Omaha 78 Myrtle Oenlin, Omaha 1H Albert Rom!;. Albion 30 Tlllle Lawaon, Albion iW Severt Olien, Omaha 24 l.ydla J. FJelltn. Omaha 23 K. K. Willer. Hastlnire over 21 It. K. Hill, HaatltMi over 18 Otto Wllke. Henson 21 liena Kohner, Irvlnsrton 23 Hl'Il.DIXl rKRMITS. I N. Osborne. 4335 Leavenworth, frame dwelling;. ;r-t. LOST FOUND REVARDS OMAHA COUNCIL. BLL'FFo UXKKiL'f KAILWA X UOAl'ANI. Person having lo some article would to wall to call up the office of th Omaha A Council Hluffs Street Railway company to ascertain wbstbsr they )ft It In th street care. Many article eacn day are turned la and the company I aastoua to restore them to tb rlatittul owner. Call Doug. 48. if YOU Ion sartbln nod -ill rtla H kr yea will irir rMwver It It Inuni br s hu IMrana. Hrmarkakta rtcrt tre stmiM ttmut rrr Ikranrk this eoluau IKS UW-rwli lis lu artislss r Isterastxt Is knowls that tks stats Is Is trlrt la Mqulr.ns tkeia t t tks svso Ikrossk sartuMst as otssrwtss. ana UU s tenure to 4 so. It stan ssa ss areter. Is fil a aavttra spaltv. LiOHT. Diamond oval shape pin. Finder will receive extra liberal reward. Return to 11. 8. Arnxteln, tare Guarantee Clothing ( I)., 1M Douglas Ht.; J WILL the person who took the bicycle at the South Omaha Kee office last' . Hundny morning pleRsa return same; no duration asked, I()ST Todies' (old walth, on Dooko Bt., between WHh and S-'d Ave. I.lberul re ward. Mr. Atkinson, Central lilfch school. liOHT Monday evenlnu. cameo pin, valu able as keepsake; liberal reward. Phone Walnut Mff. . i?DT.IJKbN Hcotrh Collie with while mark on head; notify Walls, Kargo & Co. , FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I'urnltwrv and llwiieli o IjU mmI MAHAFn.i.OVV CO. Kelt and hair mattresss made over in new tick at half the price of new ones. Phone us for sample of ticklns. Mall order tiled. mn Cuming Bt. Douglas 24H7. , t.KAVINO for California, must sail quick; furniture, b rooms, fine condition; runs. Chairs, beds, new victroia, oiu. o. .. DoukI'is, 2oal Fowler Ave. AII MPAl'il vaier Hunts, furnuce coils, etc. uulck sorvlce, Omaha Htove Repair Works. 130rt-8 Do'.iglas. Tyler 80. fUKNiTUKhJ 'barkaina; bed. Vi tables. clialrs. rugs, kms stoves, i; neutiuiKs oi all kinds. 18 N. th. WbierJt47. VlJkT Complete furnishings tor & rooms. 2 rooms rented; pays rem. aci quica. 23 Dewey Ave. H 8.578. PARTY leaving city, gna love for al. Ini.tilre 2S81 loilijc. m P 1 a a i.i "a u d M r s on I a a I r n m b Is. vVli wlllT'iy "five dollar In itoUl fcr the name of a prospective piano or player Die no purchaser. ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. Factory Distributer for Cabin Piano. Tyler IW. tt S. Itth rit. pi-r month A. 1.)hm , 1,. 12 Do'.iglHS, Store a ad office Klltri-. LKSKS, safes, sculea, eliowcascs, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Oniuha Fixture A Pi'pply Co., 414-lri-lK S. 12lh. Doug. 1724 Jv rlr7 Dtemoisaa, Wstt'hrs. j7tODEjAAltD'8' "lucky woiidlng rings7" st l'lth snd IhjiiglHS Sts. . Typewriters -nd 8npll. f?EV"jnachlne"soi(l the same as rent; $:i per month, bu us before you buy or rent. Klilpped any place on ten daye' free trlaU Butts Typewriter Exchange. SIS 8. isth, Omaha, Neb HDI.AND RIBBON A CARBON CO, Office upplieaD.a47: .. Bldg TYPEWRITERS Rented, sold. TermiT MIDLAND CO., 2'.H Hee. Doug. ?147. fTpr CI Al-Oueriinieed !ewritcr rib bon I for $1. Rellaac Ribbon A Carbon C"., lKJilglS I" HT'.Nr an Oliver typewriter S mo. for IS. Oirver Typewriter Agency. l'Ws Farnam. Type ff PER WIT ERS Centrei Typew sold, isiiteo repalrsd. rlter Exe. 10S rarnam. ItKNT Remington" not Just a type writer. Low rent Call pou.tln t-J"- . "laws Martnaee. -WlNO MACIITKeS We rent, repair, sell needle and parta of all aewlug niachine. MICKEL'8 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. IMh and Harney Sta. Doug. 1S62. Clat-tac, Fars, F.te. MADAME MICHAELS Clowns, Suits and Wraps. IIIPiO t h St. Call Don g. TtM. WE tmv and eeil tailor iimde suits and overconis. Friedman. 1211 I'ouclas f-t. HUiklirrr enl Kbrm, Sccuiul-hund inututa, dynamos, ntasnetoa. I.e Lion Kiuctrlo Works. m-a S. l'.''h St. fTSECtiK Dl I AND motors, various ele-t, fine rnndittuli. very cheap. See ('uiilll Electric Co., Biie Bid. Til. D. .. I. amber, Halldlaa. Materials. ATlTTifNDTTiF'LiniureiFFffi Used in construction of building; la first class condition. Call Dnu 21 17 Ullllard sa Pool Table. FOR BALE Nw and seoond-baud carum and pocket bl'liard tables and howling riileys and accessories; send for cats, utue; easy paytiit-nla The Brunswick. Psike-voHender Co.. 407-4UM S. 10th ML Amat Teat aau 4 ssiai. PICTURE siiuw tent, 'x'iii, used one ai-a-sun. Adiliesa Box 'M. B-'vl Vre. Neb. Prtafl-g, 4 Olftee applies. wriltr pre fur priiiLins liniia'iuii pewriter b-tieis; one luvulil sanllarv air; one coltim ble go-cart. Tol. W.7154 WAT KMS-H AhNHAKT Pig. "o.. Uulty firjnt ton Tel. Doug. 2190. 6L'4S. 13ihSt Cl; UAf. Printing Co. rHH'OLAd .ItX IkiLULAS i iuiuiig Co. Til. Dyuglas MtT ou Are in a Hurry When You Need;::'Q FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Kinfrlri anil Meeds. BKNIt II and we will semi you 6" Pro gressive Everbearing Strawberry Plants snd 1 Improved New York, that beats Senator Dunlap 1 to 1; postage prepaid; catalogue free; trees, shrubs. The Welch Nursery, Shenandoah, la Si lierjlssrwn. FUK 8AI.K I'HKAP. Rustneas College Course. Full and complete scholarship In on of the best Omaha buMncs schools. Oond reason for selllnn; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be sold very reasonably. if Interested inves tigate at once, berause spring- term beKlns soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the office The Omaha bee, t-T Mh standard ut quality will mslntnined; 4 quarts of Old Fontenelle whisky, B..6; bottled in bond. Henry Pollock, mall order bouse. Lout. 7 11; 1??-124 N. I th St. ALEX JETES' LIQUOR HOUSE Thirteenth and Douclaa. Rottled-in-bond whisky, Kc. 11.00, $1.B, full quart FOR ,8AI,k-lry, clean, kindling wood, delivered to all parts of the city. Phone ' DouRlna 1257. SPECIAL NOTICES 1 WII,f soli for torage charges one econd-hand auto .truck, 2.0 0-poun-l capacity. 1414 Military Ave., Omaha, on April 1, 191fi. 1 p. m. T. Pweenev. t . j ! ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COtJNTT TREAKURER EMMET O. SOLOMON TSHODKUAAKIJ 8 L.ucky WoddlnS Rfira" at tHh and Toucla te. CA RTF.R Hlicet Metal. 1 i 0B. 15ThSt. tXF.m-IHR AT V M.C.A.-hiislne- men! UreuisakUg. ACCORDION, Pide, Knife, Box Pleatlne;, Covered Hut tons. Hemstitching. Neb. Pleatlne- A Button Co.. 4..1-J Paxton Hlk. fTP'.H clasa" ladle1- tailoring- 1 1. K, seller, Kiomar Hotel Hlflg , 2H N. ntn. Tyler 2 -7. huMh riinotll?fl tn (Ha latest lyl 1911 Fimam. touU Fash. lrewninklnk, alterations. D. yrnfi. l'AY work. VVashliiir, new Ins. Red. S!? Krister Dressmaking Col. 16U City Nat. Ssrry brsssnmk g college. 20lh A FarnamT Kverythlae; for Mf-sneai. ACCORDION, aide, knife, eunburst, bo pleating, covered buttons, all else and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, em broidery, lwading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL MUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 2(K Douglas Flock. Douglas 1IH6. Carpcatera nasi Cowtraetora, Lsasard A Bon. IPO C pltol Ave. T. 1!B Cementing and Mastering. Call Red 7oniS.' C, H. Koy. 2i"9 Hrlslol. Ph. Web. aft& C. W. Hukarisun. y f.vnwth. Tyl. 2M-J. j7 J. YUUNU. M3 Mlat'il. Web. 17:17. Costamea. THE largest stock of maaquerad and theatrical cost nines in the country. T 1 1 eo. Llelcn & H n , 1514 Howard. D. 4 lift, ETTeatkicaL gown, full dresa suits, for rsntN. 17th Bt. John Feldman. - Piano lastractloa. Ragtime piano playing guaranteed In 10 to 20 lessons. Prol. llaynes for OrlKlnal P i s tern. 2o:t0 Harney, ponging 6'if4. ftngtlme piano ploying positively taught In 20 lessons. 22S Cuming. Wal. H-ts. Palutlngi snd Paierllaaslagr. FOR painting and paporhanglng, call Tyler 24KU-J after S p. m. First clas work; lowest prices. fllOIM'I.AS.S work, low price. Tyler 1132. trrrr: : "TT- r- ' . . -V flTi 'J 1 1 -t : LASS work, low price. Web. 7H3T Baths. IR. RENDA Sulphur, Steam, Modern Turkish, Electric BATHS and MAH HAUK for tlted nerve and rheumatism. Private apartment for ladle with lady atten(lnnt.l19 Fnrnam. Phone P. 34.17. ( kiruiirst-ttiri, kiilnnl Adjmstmeats. DR. BURHOllN, 414 Rose Bldg. D. 6347. Palmer H'-hool grad. Consultation free. Lr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Haird Ulclg. I. 8461 Huttnns and rieattn. O. U. VAN AKNAM Drcs Pleating and Button Co.. 8.W-7 paxton Blk. North east corner 16th and Farnam Sta. Phone Iinujlas 11109. HoBserleamlae. ELECTRIC house cleaning, our work and price will plcae you. 1ot us remove your storm window and put In your screens. Tvler Ml J. lie lev lives. 9AMES ALLAN, Ul Neville Block. Kvl. deuce secured in all cases. Tylsr 11. ILANO Nat l Detective Acy., inc., Ke . line Bldg. D. 4M8. Strictly confidential. Drags. . DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid oo tU order; catalogue free.-hherman A lie Connell I)rug Co., Omaha.Nb. " Jasllcoa ot itkm I'rac. II. H. CLAIBORNE, 613 Paxton Ulk. Red 7401. Nut ary public; deposition steno. t. W. HMLTT. m Barker WiooliT Ijroeerles. GROCERIES, fruit and vegetable and tender. Juicy meat. Prompt delivery, Tom Johnson' Branch store, fciij N. 2lh St. Phone Colfax UA Yacnaiu tleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY and THOROUOULT WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC; RENT II AND tl.60 1'KH DA V. LmiUULAS 17a AtlDUSSISSU, E. A. DW0BAK, C. P. A, a.i.i-oi namse ruug. lei. I'O'lgta T40O. V laturea asiil Wirli.. DTTIfJCIN Electric washing machine. "U1U114' electrlo Iron and reading lamp. f?'J3 Cuming St. Doug, tela. Cteaaers as 4 Dyexs. STATE Dry CIng. Co. 120 N. Uth. D. 6071 IvaIia. Yr. Bradbury. No pain. li W.Q.W. Pldg. Tait Dental Rouma. lil?Iiouglu. 1. 8ij" Moving; Ptetar Maealaee. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug-. Ho tlon picture machine and film bsiMaiua Pat tuts. ). O. Ramell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red T117. tl. A. Stiirgca. t-iu Braniiels Theater BldsT Wiaea sal L.Iaorm, BUT your family liquor at K!n- Uquor house. h:i N. ltfth. Dougla liuT . Isasraucti " ' FIRE and tornado In. Myn-e neuI, in in. ji. rno'ti v o 1 1 as i'a nrier n a. m, Tailorlaic. H. MARCI'S. tailor and cleaner, pressing and renalrlnnr. I 320 N. ISth St. D. Htv"i t klnisry and Furnace Cleaning. Work gua ranteed. F, Porneman. D. 728. Architects Everett 5. Dodd. Ill Paxton Blk. D. Kl. Ii -.Hullea. OMAHA Towel Sunolv. ?7 8. Uth. D. 6H Furuacea ass liss rare. HABFR8TROH. 402 Hamilton. Wal. 71 Trunks anal suit lasea. FRF.T.1NO STFIN1 K. f Farnam ft Watch Biteclnllals. rbristiansen. 2d tl.. Paxton Rk.. II yr. ex p. Weillai ltatloar,, IWcdillng announcements. Douglaa Pi g Co. Advrrtlalaa Nevelilea. V. F. Shafer A Co.. U'th-Farnara. P. T47. Al.urn.ys. ' C T. Dickinson Ell Paxton Blk. D. MM Bakeries. J tH REFDFR. !5n N. 18th. WebiaW Urasa nn iron Fuaaari-a. rxton-Mltchsll Co.. nth and Martha Btx. Call TTyleir1 IOOO in THE BEE Phone Orders at Cash RateOne Cent Per Word ANNOUNCEMENTS Daaetna- AraHeasles. PB LUX A CAD KMT. Ill B. Wli Wt. Kleelrofysls lloa Aflender. C?4 Pee RM. Red Z I klropodlats. Carrie J. Buford, 63 rax. Blk. Red 4EI7. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desk, bouirht. sold and traded. J. C. Read. 1207 Karnam. SWAPPERS' COLUMN HAVE part for a I ront transmission. also hsv a 40-hore power Werner transmisalon, three speeds, absolutely perfect' also two 40-horse power hind axle In A-l shape; also about 15 cas ings and tubes, different slues. Will swap together or separste for wnat have you? Addreaa S. C. 1'ITH. Hee. MITCHELL touring car: S-horse power. In fine condition snd newly pint; ? trade for horse weighing I,2"0 lbs up. Prefer sound horsea or nearlv ej; will consider plugs. Also hsve two Ford cars to trade. idrss 8. C. lot He KEMINUToN tperaer, (6; Kdlson phonnsraph. piaylng 2 and 4-mlnute recorda, large $3oo Reglna music box, with big bunch of tuna sheets; all In fine shape; want a good small car. Ad dress H. C. IflfiO, Ree. AUTO. 7-psssenger Abbott-Detroit tour ing car, flrst-clas shape and running order, fully equipped, extra tlr on de- . mountahla rim, klaxon horn, etc., val ued at S7W. what rave you 7 Addres e. c 1"4:, nee. HAVE 2 rtiKS I ingrain ). 1 dresser, 1 bed end mattress, 4 pillows, I rocking chairs, 8 kitchen chairs; will swap any or all for what have youT Address 8. C 1Q79 Pee. W12 CHALMERS to trade for Ford, or will sell cheap for cash. AU new tired s nd newly nainted. Call Florence HI. C-VOLUMES American law and proo. dure text books, Special re volver. Will trade for motorcycle, roll top desk or what have you? Address H. C. 1139. Ree. 2T7i1& HRAND new Overland, bought last fall, driven lea than 1,000 miles on Omaha streets. Will trade and take In 1H15 flve-passenger Ford. No other trade accepted. Address 8. J. 1087, Bee. HAVE small diamond ring to swan for typewriter; must be In good condition; wont consider anything but an even exchange; ring valued at 125. Addresa r t". lo42. Hee. BRITANNIA, lHh edition, India paper, cloth, cash, or something useful worth tM; have paid 160. Wllf ship aet to anyone willing to keep up monthly payments or in. Address x M, Hee. REVOLVER 3-cal., blue steel, hammer less revolver, new, to trade for hammer revolver In same condition. State make and size of your hammer revolver. Ad- nrrsa h. c, I'm. Iiee. wTll" exchange GO 11. P. flve-passenger auto-In good shape; Just overhauled, l!tl3 model, good Urea, fully equipped, for lighter car, or. what have you? Ad rtrcua H. C, 10R3, Pee. ADDING machine, will swap for Ford auto, piano player, pictures, books, or what have you? The machine Is In M cellent condition. Address S. C. 10M, Bee. VIOLIN Full size violin, 30 years old? will trade for violin three-quarters slso. or anything of equal value I can use. Address 8. C. 1077. Bee. WANTED "to trade a Ford Roadster, body in fine condition for a touring ear body. George Zoller, 100 E. Broadway, Council Bluffs. Ia; AUTO family touring car. 45-H. P., Rutenber engine, In perfect condition, fully equipped, mean business' what have you In personal property 7 8. C. i'9, nee. 1(WANT to trade for a H-cylinder Mason ill , viiaiiia iiiue im in kouu vuiiuiuuii- Don't answer this ad unless you own a Mnson car. Addreaa S. C. 1075, Ree. 22 OAS range and household furniture to trad tor any Kind of poultry cnick ens, geese, ducks, pigeons Belgian hare or a nnrse. Address H. t;. hto, Hee. HAVE two thoroughbred silver spangled liammirg Cockerels, worth 10. Will swap for hens, or what have you. Ad dress H. C. 107a. Be. flAVB new Remington 22 hammerloss re peater rifle to trade for bicycle; must be In good condition. Address C. bus. Bee. WHEN YOU PLAN TO SELL THAT REAL ESTATE WHAT T List your property In THB BEE'S Big House, Home and Real Estate Guide. Buyers r real es tate are exacting usually. Value . must be there, and apparent Price should - be an inducement. but make th information definite and you will get responses from ' perauns really interested In vouf orter. If you run It In THE BFIE. tl AVE two thoroughbred Jersev sow pigs, worth 16 each, welcht 60 lbs. a piece. Will swap for what ?fve youf Address f. t'. uhj. nee. fib. 8 Remington typewriter, In perfect condition, for rugs or other personal Sroperiy i ran use, or anyiiung to eat. . C. iof.7. Bee. WISH to trade upright piano for late model Vlctrola. This piano ha excep tionally fine tone. Addreaa H. C. 1056, nee. fiAVE Cramer uptight piano will swap for auto chassis, or what have you. Address S. C.,l"43. Bee. HAVE rt-palrs of any kind for a Cutting 30 auto or a Pullman 40, at half the Hat price, to swap for what have youT Ad- ' dreas 8. C. 1014. Bee. 1 HAVE several things that 1 will swap for a canoe or. motor boat; must be In good condition. Address S. C.f ION), Bee. HAVE one IS-foot Michigan steel taulL 6 horsepower motor boat; want light car or what have youT H. C. losa, Hee f SW A P, buy and eell kodak; developed free. KAUK STUDIO. Ne ville ulk., ltti and Harney fits DIAMONDS, value 100, to exchange for automobile. Must be In first class con dition. Address S. C. 108, Bee. LARGE, massive, quarlersawed oak li brary table, cost l, same a new; want Vlctrola or whatr box -f. c. ios. Bee. WILL swap even. Cramer piano for Saxon, Argo or other light car, or what nave your -aiuin-B p i . icn, nee. CoLUMllilA giaphaphotie, fine recorda, for good rug, oriental pattern, or piece of furniture. Tyler 13S9. OAK sideboard and book case, good con dition, to trade. What have youT Ad dreaa R. C. l'k"2. Ree. SHOE shop, tools, machinery, good loca tion; will trade for good motorcycle. Box 803. Humphrey. Neb. WILL trade Oliver typewriter. In good condition, for shotgun or chicken house. Address S. C. 1146, Bee. Cn 1 lERWOOD. No. 4. and Smith Pra niler, No. 2, for what have youT Ad dreea S C. 1076. Bee. WHAT have you to trade for a beautiful Persian cat; will cons der a good female cat. S. C. 6SJ, Bee. ONE Kant man Kniliik; will consider pure breed chickens, or what have youT Box 8. C. low!. Bee. GOOD small cook stove, trade for chick en, disc record, or what? Addresa S. C. 104. Bee. GOOD roll top desk and chair, to swap for lint have you? Address 8. C. Hlf.l. Bee. HAVE t.ia gas range, good as new, to swap for coal range; same must be In good condition. Address B. C 1' Bee. WILL trauti my new ope wilier for utulth tiiaiirance. Address S. C. H'41. Bwi. HAVE one Kcupe iiat range; 1H trade for blrd'seye maple ch'f fouler and two J'alra of girls' ball-bearing roller skates or one Plymouth, Rock cockerel. S. C. fvi"l. n. W A N TKD to trade, dluinund rlue. worth . 2uo, for Ford runabout. Address S. C. VM1. IV j. 1-FOOT refrigerator and shoe case to trade for Ford chaaais. S. C. RHI. Bee. a-PASSENG l.H car to trade for Ford car or Ford chassis. S. C. 690. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES TRI'HTKfH tiALE. Th undersigned, trustee for the es tate of the hargent Jldw. A Fur. Co. of Psrgent. Custer county. Nebisska, will offer for ssle, and sell at publlo auction, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the approval of the under signeds the stock of hardware, furni ture and fixtures and tools, that will Invoice shout six thousand (M.OOOOO) dol lars, said sale to "ske place In the store room where said property Is locsted, on Wednesday, the 22d day of March A. D. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of aald day.. .. . The undersigned trustee reserve Oil rlKht to reject any or all bids at ssld sale. There is only one other hardware stcre outside of this one being operated In Psrgent, ind thU affords a good op portunity for anyone deslrinn to en gage in the hardware business. Any one desiring to examine ssld hardware stock before sale dtite can do so by rsll tpg on the undersigned at Sargent. Neb. REMEMBER DATE OF PALE, WKDNESDAV, MARCH 22D, AT SAR GENT. NEBRASKA, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. A. F. PHILI.irS. Trustee f(R ."AI.K-tKJOO FEED. Ft EL BI'PI NESH WITH Rt'ILDINOP AND 1.0T, IN RAPIDLY DEVKLOPINO ORANHK AND LEMON DISTRICT, IN TULARE ('orXTT, CAL1FX1RNIA. PTRATH MORE FEED AND FUEL COM PAN f, STRATH MORE CAf.IF. YOU MECHANICS who want to better your financial con dition, who have other dependent upon you, who think of the future; we cn show you how to get ahead. W. T. PMITH CO., ' S19 City Nat. Bank Bldg. For SXLE, at a bargain figure, a restaurant property and lease, having the best location in town; an unusual offer for a purchaser at 11,200 cash. Address Box 373. Manly, la ilOVlNO Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and second-hand. Be us- OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., Ralrd Bldg Tou. JW. FOR BALE Infanta, children and la. die' furnishing store at David City, Neb., at a barraln; beat locatloa In tewn; doing so excellent business; want ta retire Box No. V. David "tty. Ncfc. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of Hard ware) live town central Nebraska Rood reason for selling. Re quick. Ad dress, Y 257. Bee. TO LEASE Oarage, to right party; will Invoice one thousand dollars; the only one In town; money-maker. Jeff M. Willis ms. Hay Kprinse, Neb, FOR SALE Oents' furnishings, clothing and shoe stock; Invoice' M,2f0; good town; good reason for selling. SenM- nei. Arnoin, wen. FOR BALE Country store building and residence, northwest Nebraska.; about 14,000 required. For particular, write C. o. Frv, fllen, Neb. FOR SALE 6-table billiard parlor Tn town or x.uiv, a bargain If you act quick. Write box tftfl. Chadron. Neb.- FOR SALE Meat market in a good town; f ood business; will sell cheap at once, t. 3M. Harvard. Neb. SALOON Good paying business In a good wet town. White, or call N. H. Neuen, Pierce, Neb. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and auppltea through Theater Ex. re, 140. Farnam. D. 197. Dowd Sale and Auotlon Co., Omaha, have closed out more mds. stocks than any other firm In U. S. Write for terms. CM A LL CIGAR FACTORY tor sale. Go ing concern. Good reason for celling. R. A. Simpson. Blue Hill, Neb. WILLIAMS, established 29 years, to buy or sell business; see him. 411 McCague Bldg.. reference V. S, Nat. Rank. CVFICE for real estate or Insurance; same floor a Be office; 11x21 feet; $30. The Bee Bldg.. Office Room 108, LADY partner wanted with small capital rnr clean, pleasant nusiness. noom s, Ottawa Blk., 24th and Fsrnnm. FOR SALE Good, clean meat market tn town of will eell right for caau. Address Y 308, Bee. ' ' RESTAURANT for sale, In a good town, doing good business. Will sell cheap. Address Y. 302, Bee. o" 6TlX or buy a business, call bi nuscn at Borgnoff. Ffensr m. u. mv TO O FT In or out of buslneaa call on QA NO EST Ad. 4a Re Bldg. Dong. S477. Hoomlig Houses. -ROOM b:1ck flat, strictly modern; best of furniture; this place ha been my home for a number ot years, but must sell on account of sickness; six rooms now occupied by gentlemen; will sell at a bargwl n. Ad dress Q. BM, Bee. 22 ROOMS, strictly modern; furniture for sale; flat for rent. UK1 Caa. A bar gain. Phone Tyler 2ti41. SITUATIONS WANTED .... At ale. YOUNG man want position in automo bile business. Has had 4 year' expeil ence In this line a repair man and chauffuur.' Can furnish the beat of ref erences. Call Doug. S&32. 1 YOUNG man want position tn automo . bile business a repair man. Has haj 6 years' experience a mechanist. Can furnish the best of references. Phone Douglaa 6357. WANTED Position by married man with 6 years' experience as city salesman, calling on grocers and bakers: also col lector and bookkeeper. Tel. Wi.-b. 2S73. FARMERS When you want help write or call Empire Labor Agency, 208 a. ' 12th. Phone Doug. 1006. ' FIRST-CLASS ' tractor engineer wants Job to run a plowing outfit for the spring. Phone Harney 1002, or write N, Porwick. 128 S. Win St. Omah. WANTED Hedge and shrubbery to trim, bulb to plant or any work about lawn, ' Phone .Douglaa 3&e and ask. for John Isley. COMBINATION telegrapher and ticket . clerk, six year', experience, all around . man. Address Operator, Goodrich hotel, Council Bluffs. Ia. YOUNG man wants position on farm. Some experience. Write to D. Francek chlnl. General Delivery, Omaha, Neb. AN TED By experienced salesman, ; road Job or work in wholesale house; best references. Address Y 304. Bee. COIAJKED man would like work a houseman In hospital or Institute of any kind. Call Webster 24.11. MAN wants work of any kind. F. Chrl- tlan. Volunteers Home. TREES, grspes. shrubs, trimmed; lawn ma k Ing. Webster 7612. YOUNG man want work In hotel:- have worked In hotel before. K 86S, Bee. Female. NORTH German woman, middle age, good, nlaln, saving cook experienced in all kitchen work, want position a cook in city by month, week or day, Mr. Clara Neumann. No. 9, fcheiby Court, 2Sd and Leavenworth Sis. YOUNG lady wishes position as house keeper In, home for peocria employed; full charge; or to take full charge small rooming house; very reliable In either position. Phono Douglaa 6674. RELIABLE colored woman want gen eral housework, who can go home night. With good references. Douglaa 7i. ' POSITION wanted by young colored girl; Central houaeaork, chambermaid or work of any kind. Call Webster 7uw. - RtCFIN-U). lady wants position as house keeper: neat and good cook. Reliable. Irene Chaffee. General Delivery. fJOLORED maid wants day work; wash ing and ironing; can give city refcr ences. Tyler 2:ti-W. POSITION . wantod as cook In boarding Uiuiso or private family by competent 'Soman cook. loug. RIFal. POSITION wanted by young lady tu as sist with housework; may go home nights. Douglas SS.iii. WANT EldBy colored lady, iHisition ts chambermaid. Reference. Phone Tyler .. RELIABLE colored girl want work, a chambermaid. Call South 11772 GOOD colored girl wauls work bermald. Call Douglas Ti. cham- Viacllcal nurse. Ty. U'l W. 17U Burt fcU SITUATIONS WANTED Ken in je 01 RL wants place a nurse girl. Call Harney, lHa. l.eaadry aasl Day Wr. EXPERIENCED woman ants work cleaning or laundress. Tyler kK. PE R F ECT bundT washing. reasonable. Harney 961. W'oMa.N wants South steally wash - places. fTpeiieuced laundry or Tearltng. , W. TO" rTmiiriJ.iTiiTix b,y.i;'I-e whnic. Wh. l,:v nl Lln,r. wae.iui!. wan'ed Web, lt.2 ,s HIM), IhC" I' r alia tioi-e i'vier H4, H'NDLE washing and day work. W. 21 23. rAX.lru wshliTuy, cl' anlns. Har 9til. ,-SDIO. In. I. Ilia, ru. H 4 8U I.ADM.'ilV en'l env i K. louirna 7144. M AN rants"dav work. HoO 5. ldt l iKll"nv work. Call Tyler ANY kind of tl:4V wi llallie 17-H. HELP WANTED-MALE kf nrrs a ad office. WANTEi i ItAt r IC MANAGER. Traffic manages arc In demand. The field Is most fertl'e for an smblllou mm 1o rise Into a high salaried posi tion, t- per mo. and up. Special coach S nd training. 14 1 W. O. W. Bldg. ALr.sMAK, auto, supplies, 100.; steno., I7n; bkkpr. and steno.. 170; bkkpr., XS; bkkpr., I7S; bkkpr., 170; shipper and typist, l'i,"; steno., ."i0. WATTS REF. CO.. g40-4g Brandels Thea. GEN. MUSE, cleark, IS; ledger clerk. wholesale, iW; stenog.. 1. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N., INC. Originators of the Reference Business, 71 Omaha National Bank Ming. FOR a hiu-grade position sea u. . T.'i MARTI X),. 1327 W. O. W. Professions, sad Tended. WANTED A goad . horsehoer and black smith to go Into business ror lrmseif; good location and large building (down town). P can furnich- some tools; rent very clTeap. R. Rtimbel, 1434 Gust St., Omaha. CAR carpenters, experienced; piece work ers, tor remiiiamg wooacn vox. cam. Sheffield Car and Equipment Co., Kan sas Cltv. Mo. WANTED Architectural or mechanical draughtsman; state experience and sal ary wanted. Swift A Co., South Side, Omaha. WANTED A grtod .combination tinner and plumber, good steady man, with references; steady Job to right party. M. P. Murphy. David City. Neb. firi'g More, .maps, John K'nciEt! Bee Pldg. dalesmen and solicitors. SALESMAN WANTED SALESMAN TO SELL HIGH GRADE STAPLE LINE. ONE ACQUAINTED WITH CITY GRO--CERY, DRUG AND-CONFECTIONERY TRADE. APPLY IN OWN HANDWRITING, GIVING EXPER IENCE, AGE. SALARY. MUST BE ABLE TO GIVE SECURITY. ADDRES3 F 862, BEE. AGENTS make uulck money selling "USALYTE." strongest gas mantle In the world. Johnson Lamp Company, Ii9 H. Kith St. WANTED Two salesmen for city. We furnish leads and a'l materials. Call Friday, 2 to 4 p. m. Mr. Browning, 3U Balrd Block. - y WANTED Stock and bond salesman. Standard Security A Investment Co., 1207 W. O. W. Bldg,. Omaha. SALESMAN WANTED Call 623 S. 16th. ! . . " HELP WANTED MALE Hotels -nd hmtssranti, RELIABLE employment agency, J61I Davenport St.-. headquarters for hotel help; spec, attention to distance orders. Trade ScbooL. MOLEE BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted, to-learn trade.- We have - originated a plan to teach It -quickly and earn back tuition while lea ring. Tools .Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue, 110 So. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA . AUTOMOBILE .- - SCHOOL . y. , :.''. ... y:. y . r. . ; .'. ; haa moved from .3406 Leavenworth St. to 2026-28 Farnam St. 1.EA UN barber trade, more' than make jour tuition while learn'nsr. Set ot tool included. Job guaranteed. .Call pr write or catalogue. vn uonge. TR1-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Bl-JN wanted to'learh -the barBer trad. Tuition, 12a. - 100$ Cass St., Omaha. omaha barber college. , good -MenTWaTjted to learn auto. work tor -the bl spring rurh. Fine training wqrk on auto and electric starting, systems. , AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. I06S Farnam St - Omaha, Neh. I M tsce.llsneOns.' MEN of good moral .character to, receive special training for governmjnt position paying tl.tOO to I3,M)) per year. Address r-iisw. nee. MEN OR WOMEN", or over, wishing government position. ITS - month, and over,, should apply for, particular to Y. tut Bee.' : -'. . ' ' ' - WANTED Youn Aien .a railway mail clerka. 176 month: eample examination question free. Franklin Institute, Dept WAJ.TED Name of ambitious men, 11 ' or over, wanting Railway -Mall clerk po sitions. Xi&.w.montn, Answer mmiui stely. Y 741. Ree. 'vVANTED Experienced farm- hand for general farm worK. . F. C.- uiif,- m r.x change Bldg.., Union Stock Yards. TWO first-class mechanics, between 30 and 40 years of age, tsfi-HOO. THE MARTI CO., 1.727 W. O. W. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS CANVA8SEKS wanted. Apply Palace Barber Shop, 24th and Davenport, eve nings. . . . t . - . . HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores aavd Offices. STENO.,. grain h... .175.00 STENO.. wholesale-; , 75.00 STENOGRAPHER. R. R. 75.00 STENO. and clerk..; 70.00 BILL CLERK 40.00 BOOKKEEPER, beginner 40.0) OFFICE t'LKKK, gtSod penman.:.... 46.00 T HE CA NOA GENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. Sf ENo7 IN S URA NCaJ .16.00 STENOGRAPH Mi- . i. 40.00 STENO., OLIVER ., 40.00 STKNO.. BEGINNER .00 COMPTOMETER OPR. 60.00 THE CANO -AGENCY 00 BEW BLDG. CAS1UKK. 840-145; . stenog.. ; stenog.. CASHIER. 4-Hii; sltiio., u;.. stenog. and clers. f4i; gen. olfke clerk. Hi. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'X.. INC. 7i.i Omaha National Bank Bldg. STt.No., atternoon only, to. Saleslady, nillluiery,. $23 or better. . Steiiograplier, IK). CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. loifc-lf. Cltv National.' ' STfc.NO. and dh-taphone opr.,-1-6 to 87-. W'ahl adder operiuor. 40. . . WATT,-' R KF. CO.. 40-42 Brandels Thea. Pruftsaloas a'l Trade. GOOD.- xirien.ccd .pianlcirlsl. ,1001 W. 'I. W . lUl LEARN balrdrusslnK At Ths Ocpenneim. HELP WANTED FEMALE SalfisomfS and Solicitors. SALESMAN WAITED TO SELL AD VEUTISING SPACE; YOUNG MAN PREFERRED, RUT MUST BE JAVF.r ' WIDEAWAKE. PLENTY OF REAL t NERVE AND NOT AFRAID TO J WORK; WILL GIVE RIGHT MAN SALARY PLUS COMMISSION. CALL 10 A. M. or S P. M. ROOM 104. BEE BLDG. - . - . - - LADY SOLICITOUS For hlch gts-le work. Very I"crslvs proposition. Room ll'l, W. O. W. Pldg MmiKrhi Id rml llniwllf. WANTED A competent woman without children to take fttl tharge In small home; S In family. Must be good plain cook ahd able to do laundry. '""m'i nent place snd good wage. Call after 6 o'c'y k,J4gN,r;h. Wenster A KOinil l.eiman larmer, Bged .10, a widower without children, prefer a. germnn lady for a housekeeper; an all arounn nouseseeper oinj ii- "e-j-Addrees P. O. Box T,, Bennington Neh, WAN TED Housemaid, refined and ex perienced Troteslant woman or gin lor general housework In private family; washing don by extra help. References required. Good wages. Call Walnut 808. WANTED A reliable white girl for gen eral housework in small family; good wages: must have references. Call Harney S.J9. J. 1). PATTERSON. 301D Pacific. FREK. Ad for servant girl accepted three days free of charge for resident of Gi eater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Urlns, send or phone your ad to THE BEE office. Phone Tvler 1000. i WANT ED Good white girl for general house work: good home for right girl; family of three; plain cooking: no wash ing; good wage. Call at 3821 Farnam St. - Harney fc!."i0. MIDDLE-AGED lady to take care of two children, good home and small wages to right party; no washing or Ironing. Call Doug. 7tiM. after 6 o'clock. ft'ANTKD Experienced white girl for general housework; no washing or lronlr- Mrs. Sam Burns, 611 S. 45th Si. Phone Herney 46. WANTED Experienced white girl for general n otitic work; three in ramny; no washing. 1002 8. 3fith St. Har. 4S82. YOUNG girl to care for small child, eat and sleep home. Mrs. Mackenzie, Na. vllle Hotel. Call at ence, don't phone. EXPERIENCED whit girl for general housework; references required. Harney 220. Mrs. T. J. Dwyer. 407 N. 9th St. EXPERIENCED girl for general hous"S- work; no washing, airs. T. J. Dwyer, 4o7 North 8!th St. Harney 1220, VANTEI Girl for general housework. where second girl Is kept. S303- Wool- worth. Phone Harney 6342. WANTED A neat girl for general house- work; a in ramny; good wages; no washing. 116 N. 40th St. -. WANTED Girl for general housework, 2 in lamny, references required, 911 un derwood Ave. Walnut 2f.V. WANTED White woman for general housework. Apply at once. 3603 N. S4th St. Phone Webster 7067. WANTED A girl for general house wor 1302 Psrk Ave. Call Harney 1.m Vv" ANTED A girl for general housework.. iOoq wages, tva p. gist 01. YlJUNG girl to helD with general house work, oils H. sutn Ave., soutn time. bo. Z2c4. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 3611 Jackson. Knone Harney itho. GIRL for general housework, small fam ily. Ftiotis Harney iwa.- GIRL for general housework: no wash ing. Call Webster 7067. -EDUCATIONAL-BUSINESS COLLEGES - ' STUDENTS -, "SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. ' For sale, with good reason for gell ing, a variety of course in a reliable Business School, one of the leading bual nes college ot Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below reguar price. If you are considering taking a caurse Investigate , this at -once, since Spring Term begin soon. Coll office. Omaha Bee ' ' THE-VAN SANT SCHOOL . . 8TENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPINQ. Pay- School for Young Women. . Evening -School for Young Men- and Women. Saturday morning clas In typewriting. ' .lone C. Duffy, Owner and Mrnager. 80S S. Wth St. Dninha. FOR sale, the following scholarship In -a f list-class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. y One unlimited stenographic course . . One three-month' business or steno graphlo course. Will be sold at a discbunt at tha office of .The Omnhn' tjee. DAY UCMOOL. BOYLE3 COLLEGE!. : NIGHT .SCHOOL - c.rry - unjr ig vfiruiillieni. asy. xioo- m' ftet-ptng,' Shorthand, Stenotype, Typr writing. Telegraphy. Civil Service art Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free. BOYLES COLLEGH. .- ' . Wth and Harney 8U. 4 Tel. Douglas 1665. . BCHOOL OF MODEBN I LANGUAGES Class or private lessons. L own town studio. Phone Web I-SR4. ' PAXTON Blk. School of Lettering and Art teaches paying trade privately. R. 611 -3 PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured i Dr. E. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book: on rectal disease with testimonial. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kidney trouble, goitre, nervous ness snd asthma sufferers are suc cessfully restored to health by me.' Examination Free. 1 1 , Call Suite 312 Bee Bldg. DR. W.' H. ' KNOLLENBERO, Chiropractor. Tyler 191 . U.iM TO PENSION INVALIDS. The Ladies' Home Journal... TL SO The Saturday Evening Post ...81.60 The Country Gentleman II. 00 8 0 subscriptions by April earn that V-.000 for The Invalids' Pension Ass'n. Your order or renewal contribute boo. Phone Douglaa 7W3, or addres GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha, Neb. NOTICE. Leo Jurgena will not be responsible for ny debts contracted after March 2 1U14, b hla wife, Mary Jurgena, who fca restrained him from his grocery and confectionery business at 4024 8. 24tn St., South Side, Omaha, and 1 suing him for divorce. . . Planed.) LEO JUROENB. YOUNG women coming to Omaha "as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's. Christian association building at .17th St. and St. Mary Ave., where they will be directed to auitable board ing place or otherwise assisted. Lwk for our traveler' guide at the Union, Station. . KOTI C E is hereby given thai I will not be respons.ble for any credit extended o my wife, Dora Foley. Signed, Cha. Foley. Service r 1