TirR OMAHA SUXDAY BKTC: MAKCI! 12, 1 ik i ifyVVVSlC aV-Mittwsii V W 1 Br HKRIKTT M. HKKS. IIB next month promises to be VTr I a lively p for Omaha as fr I I g music Is concerned. At II H lltlllR t'l 1 llim-! lillin are scheduled to follow on another In rapid succeaaljn, I'irt many a mimic lover will t economli in; upon beef and lamb and other high P'lcrd phy-lral luxuries. whl'h are bad f r tre system at this time of year any way. I'l order to have a share of tha ir.uita' and spiritual necessities prorolied Ir- t'-p nay of music. .' i ttoit of precursor of what In to ri:o t'lC mimical lnteret this week will !i'i!y center arorml the appearance of Mi k, Calve at the Orpheum. renowned t:, un M over for her "Carmen" nh1 at a fuiii mi prima donna, fhe come at a, iit of climax to many worthy musl'-il attractions whlrh have been presented In jdevllle Oil wsncn. Then come our own Mendelssohn Choir, alih. Julia Clausen soloist, the New Yoik Symphony orchestra with Josef Hofman. roioist, and Frits Krrlsler' postponed re iltal In rapid euccessloh. Ijtfr the Minneapolis Symphony or chentta and the New York Philharmonic rmr Joxtf S.ransky, with Frances Nmh, eolom, and three performance of thi Boston Grard opeia and Anna Pavlowa and her Ballet Ruse will b hetrd. Tut ure reiltala will be given by Osslp Oabrllowttreh and hla -talented wife, Clara Clemens Clabrilowltach, and If I am not mistaken Oodowskl la scheduled for an Omaha appearance. All of tha soloists who have been heard In recital up-to date have1 been I done of the highest achieve ment and thee, which are coming In the future are of the fame high rank. WILL SING FOR TRINITY M. E. CHURCH BENEFIT. iy' yyl When Kreisler Played in New York He Created a Genuine Sensation No artist haa ever received a more beau- tlf.il tribute than that which waa given to Frits Krelsler. tha great violinist, at hit firs! recital of the season In Carnegie hall. New TorK, "aturday afternoon, De cember 12, leal. The hall waa crowded to the utmoat. every seat having been aold a week before the concert took place and It aeemed aa though all that waa the bet and flneat In New York a mualcal public had gathered to give thanka that thia aupreme artlat had been preaerved to them from the trlala and dangera of wnr. It la evident that Mr. Krelaler'a aklll, la, to aay the leant, undiminlnhed. William J. Henderaon In tha New York Bun, December 1. aald: But Mr. Kreltlera technical kill, which dlaclnaea Ittelf ao apontaneoualy, apparently ao unpremedltatedly, and which never ohtrudea Ittrtf aa an end. la by no mean the greatest Item of hla un eurpaaaahle art. Thoughtful people In the course, of years weary of tempeetunu temperamental playera mho aeem to lack all mental balance and who have no con ception of the true meaning of the word "art." To auch people nothing la more aatlafylng, more reatful. mora joy-giving than Mr. Krelaler'a almoat Impeccable taate. He haa plenty of temperament, but it la maatered by judgment. He ia truly emotional player, but hin faatldliua appreciation preventa him from disturb ing the artistic structure and character of a composition." This artlat will be presented at tha Auditorium Tuesday evening, March 28 In the fifth and last of the Charily Concert course. (Sues Judge Foster Censorship on All for Heavy Damages! Messages to Mexico tfediW. (Tampfcftll Thoe interested In concerted music are especially fortunate In chances to gratify their taatea In that direction. Others, who would Ilk to be. hav unuaual oppor tunities to atudy It In varloua forma ana to practice listening to mora than Just one part. t,n fact. In the coming music they are offered a regular high achool course. , Choral music waa the first to develop historically of all concerted mualo, and It la upon the divisions of tha voices In choral mualo that alt subsequent con certed mualo la baaed. In tha orchestra of the presenj day the varloua bands are known aa th "airing choir,"- the ' woodwind choir" and the- "brass choir," and each of these la made up of four parts, corresponding to th aoprano, alto, tenor and basa of vocal choir. At the Mendels sohn Choir concert Interested listener may trace choral mualo from the wonder ful old "Cruclfixua" by Iottl, written over 'JOO years ago. through Ita subsequent development to the Intricate harmonies and varletlea of effect of th present day ljotU. the oldest composer represented upon th program for this concert, waa organlKt of th chapel of the dogea at Venice. Thia "Cructflxue" la written In elahl parte and ia a fine examplo of th old contrapuntal style of music, , when one melody wa written agalnat another for accompaniment; or- made to sen aa It own accompaniment by atartlng at fixed interval after the preceding vol. had entered. Choral music of th present r:y haa not aurpaaaod many of these re rrarkatl old classical n the Interest of the I art, nor In the maximum of effect ob tained by the least mean, but with the development of harmony and freer writ ing man- more and different effect have hern obtained. . One of th Interesting modern numbers to be sung by the choir Is called "The Bells," by Clarence Ijucas. In this the effect of many bell to brought out wed ding bells, tolling bells, church bells and merry, tinkling bella-ln fact, all sorts of bells. This number, worked out with H the freedom of modern means and eung with the finish of Interpretation which Mr. Kelly bring from the choir, will probably be one of the striking num bera of the evening. "There will tie two spiritual song by Wtirlolgh. the colored composer, which wl'.l Indicate other modern tendencies In choral music. ' As a request number the anions Balmoral Choir arrangement of "Annie Laurie" will be given. In this rlevorly written setting of the well-known favorite no one will have the least difft eu'ty' In following the varloua volcee, nor in appreciating the many harmonic ef lecu in evidence. , -.ft . . 1 There is opportunity for the greatest (ojoynient In choral music,' where the words have helped to bring out the effect, where the great development In the use of concerted volcee can be seen, and, aa Is tha case with our Mendelssohn Choir, where the finest examples of choral music are presented with the most artis tic clearness and care of Interpretation. The human voice la the most marvelous of all Instruments, and when well used In a. great choir the results are over powering. After this concert, where the words have helped In the understanding of the music and the listener haa heard its highest development, he will have three chancee to hear the great concerted instrument developed In modern times In the symphony orchestra, llcre there are many "cholra" and many different ton tr sillies In th Instruments whlrh by thfmtclvea or in different combination lili etch other are capable of almost un- limited possibilities, Sometimes all the i airings are pitted agalnat the woodwind or tlie brass; sometimes one accompanies, or portion of each section will hold dla logv.e; sometimes all Join together In Htgn:flc--iit climaxes; there are Innunter- 1 table .mean which are employed by the ureal composers to attain the dcalred re sults, and under the baton of the men who direct the splendid organlxatlona we will be privileged to hsar these desired renults will be brought before u, and it l up to us to get the full enjoyment ou 'f t'-ent. In the coming grand opera there will be nm. !. that la Interesting from a musical i landro nt. The operas to be presented are hi n one the newer ones. " L" A more de Tra P.." by Montemeaxt, which had Ita premiere at the Metropolitan only last -r. Puccini's "Madame Butterfly," and "1. Eotieme." In each of thtse the musk Is Us principal factor, and the aucceasea w hich they have made depeud more upon th music than any other part Poor mu.ls hat killed many a good libr 15. but good music has kept alive many x poor one. In graud opera tbe libretto, act.on. and scenery all elucidate th niuklc, and tbe mueie In turn Idealire and exemplifiea the rest of It. Tlioee who are most greatly Interested la music will bare s busy time of it and aiiancee to biar more varieties of aauale In the shortest space of time thn have ever before fullcn lo the lot of Omshs. M an leal Notes. Mr. J. H. Hlmms, orgnnlst and choir master of Al Halnts' Kplacopal church at Twenty-sixth and Harney street, an nounces that during lnt rhoral vesper services will be x'um by the full choir every Bumlay afternoon at 4 o'clock. Police Magistrate Charles K. Foster I made defendant In a $3T,,Ono damage suit brought by Ray Jordan, who charges conspiracy to Injur" him. Jordan In his petition relates thst Fos ter haa on several occasions acted unu sually hitter toward him and that In pursuing his pernecutlon the magistrate exceeded hla Jurisdiction. Joidnn haa been arrested numerous tlrnea on various charges. He once was sentenced to serve time In th federal penitentiary for alleged Impersonation of a secret service officer. It lakes but a minute of time to save dollars when you read The Be Want Ad columns. NEW TORK. March 11. Messages for Mexico are subject to censorship, the Western Cnlon Telegraph company an nounced here today. English or Ppanbih must be used whan messages sre routed by wsy of Kl Paso, It was stated. HUMMEL LETS ENGLISH HAVE HIS AUTO BACK "uperintendent English of the Recrea tion board has been given the use of his automobile sgaln by Chairman Hummel of the board, the superintendent's supe rior. The return of the automobile marks, It la believed, the beginning of th end of the storm which brought the Recrea tion board Into the apotllght during tr? week. Training Freshmen by Fellows Wrong, Says Dr. Wilbur STANFORD VNIVERPITY. Cel., March 11. There wa lively discussion on the ramp.is today of a speech by Dr. Ray Lynwn Wilbur, Stanford'a president, championing freshman freedom. Freehmen," said Dr. Wilbur; "should be allowed to do as they please. There is too much tendency to force people Into a mold and no on has the right to Inter fere with the free development of a stu dent' Individuality. "The anawer that they all do It' la no answer at all. W ahould be Independent and should do some fresh thinking for ourselves. It Is eaay to accept the com monplace, but that means you are not thinking; that you are bound up by what It beyond you. The Institution of fresh men training Is wrong.' Dies in House in Which He Lived for Forty-Nine Years Romalne Palmer, a resident of Omaha for forty-nine years, died Friday at his home, 4416 Emmet street, from pneumonia. He wa 'il years old. Palmer came to Omaha In August. 147. and made his home at the above address, where he resided during his entire life here. He wss a veteran of the civil war, en tering the army In August, 1M2, apd serv ing until IStiS, when he was mustered out al Buffalo. N. T. He Is survived by his wife and three sons. Funeral services will be held Sunday from Dodder's chapel ot 2:30. Rurlal will be In Prospect Hill cemetery. Mendelssohn Choir of Omaha Has Splendid Program for Its Concert Kxtra rehearsals are now In full swing for the Mendelssohn Choir concert which Is to lie given on Tuesday evening, March 21. at Royd's theater. Owing to the pos sibility of perfect acoustics at the Boyd, the Choir Is doing some of Ita most deli cate numbers, whose fine point might bo lost In the larger apaces of the big auditorium, In which previous concerts have been given. The saintly old "Crucl fixua" of Antonio Lottl will be one num ber; It waa written yeara ago in Venice by one of the rarest of the old maaters. Contrasted with thla la the Clarence I.ueas setting of "The Bells ' that wonderful music-poem by Edyar Allan Poe. It ia so musical In Itself that It would aeem well-nigh Impossible to adapt It to actual notes, but Clarence Lucas has accomplished the impossible and given the choirs, who sing his work a chance to do some mighty difficult study. One of the greatest singing Oi ganixatlons of the continent remove.1 It from rehearsal. Its many difficulties when smothed out are rare and beautiful Pome negro, "Spiritual Songs," In theig. proper choral arrangement by H. T. Bur-e. lelgh. will be given. Mr. Burleigh 1 a musician whose work Is being sunf at the most prominent concert In this) country by men and women with white skins who delight to present tha work of this young genius. Madame Claussen. the celebrated corvt tralto. whose reputation preceded he here from Sweden and from London. It the assisting soloist and her splendid successes In New York and Chicago at the opera, as well as her many festival appearancea have made her a valuable attraction. Her splendid personality and her glorious voice always win an au4 dience. The accompaniments will be played fof Madame Claussen, by Miss Eleanor Scheltf of Chicago. Advance sale for subscribers la Thurs day morning at the box office of Boyd, theater, when their tickets can be ex changed for seats. CITY WANTS MUNICIPAL COURT IN COURT HOUSE The city commissioners have submit ted to the county commissioners a prop osition for the rental of a room In the basement of the court house for munlrl psl court purposes. The room In ques tion Is being used by the library for storage purposes. The city commissioners will consider next Monday morning the Idea of establishing one of the municipal Judges In the South fide city hall. Judge Murdock lives In the South Side and would be the logical one of the three Judges for the proposed South Side branch of the new court. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS A. C. Johnson, passenger traffic man ager of the Northwestern, ; In from Cht cago to spend Sunday with his father who resides in Dundee. N. H. Loomls, general solocltor of tha I'nion Pacific, la back from Topeka. Kan., where he and Mrs. Doomls went to attend the funeral of an aged neigh, bor woman with whom they were Inti mately acqtmlnted when they resided la Topvka a number of years ago. y. A. Campbell, for a long time con nected with the Burlington passenger de partment here, but for several years chief clerk In the office of the general passen. ger agent of the Chicago & Oreat Weeteni la In Omaha for a few day a, accompanied; by Mrs. Campbell, visiting old friends. T-nst Monday J. K. Brill, assisted by Mis Grace Slabaugh Iplano) and the baritone, Rudolph Schuller. of Vienna., gave a ronrert at Seard college, Seward, Neb. Mr. Mi-Ill played the fourth con certo of Vleuxtemps, the Kollln variation of i'orelll and two groupa of smaller solos. The other nlcht at Rrownell Hall. Mme. Llssnewska iilnyed Hie entire collection of pieces entitled "Scenes of Childhood," by Robert Schumann. Of these "Trau merel" Is bv for I ho best known. The names of each of the scenes waa given In Kngllsh on the program, however, and the following conversation wns nverhenrd between two prominent women: "She ntaveri 'TrnvmervV What fllil she Hn ! that forT" "Why, she certainly did. didn't she? Isn't thut strantcc! I m sure I don't know why she should Insert Hint here," Omaha music lovera always know whst they want when they want It, but, alas! some of them do not recognise what they get w-hen they get it. For Instance, last Sunday Mr. I'Jman received a request for the Beethoven "Minuet" after he had already played It. A piano recital will be given by Pupils of Alice Virginia Davla and Cecil W. Berryman at thn Schmoller A Muellor auditorium. 1813 Karnunt street, Thursday venlng, March 14. at, S la o'clock. Those t .1 r I .. ...III W.. . V.I. , K I 1 ..nii.H i-n v ii i nr. inured maurriy, i Mar.lorl Smith, Miss Irma Still, Miss! Madeline Collins, Mian Mnry Leslie. Miss Morenre Dow Jtlss Alice Redgwick, Mies Nellie Ryan. Mrs. Kuegla, MissUer trucl Ann . ; Miller and Mr. Kenneth Wldenor. Mrs. M. M. Hentonstall present Miss Mildred CIhiisoii; Mis Mary Jackson and Minn Etta HotchklM In recital Tuesday, March 14, at :1S. p. ni.. Mr. Cox'a studio, third floor. Patterson block. Seventeenth and Farnam street. They will he as sisted bv Miss Mabel Compton, accom panist : Miss Mildred Wolford. pupil of, M I f'nmi.fnn - ul.a 1 ....-. I - . i 1 1 - " "'"i mi. i, ... irm nimuau, iuiin punll of Mr. Cox. The public Is cordially Invited. A successful piano recital waa given by pupils of MIm Helen Mackln on KrUKv. March 10, In the Arlington block. Th program constated of sixteen numbers of sacred, modern and classical muaie for the Piano. On March 1 a program- will be elven nt the Hen llur lodge by pupils of Miss Mackln, assisted by vocal pupil of Mr. Patrick .O Nell and violin pupils of Mr. Frank Marh. Wood Aleabol je-tal.' TIMMINB. Ont . March 10 An k.i.i.n I Is dead, another dying, and three are aerl ously 111. aa the reault of drinking wood alcohol. Call Kpeetal BeaalOB, MANAN AOt'A. Nicaragua. March 10 The president has called an extra session of congress to consider th canal treat v with tha United State. irraix i I Nest" - W liLk:" wa ww v ""-w y y - v. j i s r stl -r ) . n 1 S. .. Tl I I F !g5r ttit ! A-v M., 1 mZ'L "-v- Y . T7" "-"T . HMW7 L The world', lT nrtV mTTE MfMM cyyy greatest, best iWmWlMM t'vitfvV bsZ equipped, most cow UM7wl I I bfQL SZ pletely stocked homeur. .HjR" 1 I z' nlshing organization t x( J 'Vw 1 ye1("i.li.aiwM, mwr.r y JO' . !; - (- lH j 1 1 ecu c i i . a rv i iiajm t i 1 - r v. ? a -- m jaw.x ,i m iMMMy rm1 0 YOUNG CO ABOUT TO START THEIR FIRST HOUSEKEEPING VENTURE HARTMAN'S OFFER AN UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE OPPORTUNITY YOUR choic of the world's largest, most complete stock of furniture said home furnishings at prices that will instantly appeal to you. All we ask is intelli gent investigation and comparison. Hartman's, today, is the world's grtati&t home-furnishing organisation, and our merchandise reflects that fact convinoingly. Nowhere else in America can you buy gtnuint quality at such low prices and we are htre to prove it to you I It costs you nothing to investigate, and obligates rou in no way whatsoever so why not find out for yourself why Hartman's is Chi- rim'i favorite homafumlchlnr center? We have eucceasfuUy served three ran -rations of brides in Chicaro, and we are able and ready to serve you economically and to your complete satisfaction. Special Easy Monthly Payments Gladly Arranged On Any Purchase If Desired hi W T3, fJ Bmm.dk W M , S I IICJI1LK 1 , ,;T U-tneh to; Tail COMPLETB DlhTtNO ROOM SUITE OP SEVEN PIECES. Built of aolld and quarter-sawed ok; beautifully finished in eUhr funYid o" golden; nVasalve extension table; ha large 46-Inch top: four heavy roped leg, and -lnch octagon barrel; 14-Inch platform base; five fall box eats ft s r g chair upholstered In arenulna Knanlsh liulh rM.. Kll chair to match. Complete set. only VU1.V V SS.OO Cash S.M a Meatk For Young and Old Ke-ep Your Digestion IVrfert. Nothing ! Is Vuit Ho NMfe and Pleasant j Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet. j rmxa rmxax af.axx.sa osr bequest. Thouaanda of men and women havo I found Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets the ! safest and ntost reliable preparation for j any form of Indigestion or stomach I I nealthellnpplnefea GENUINE ELASTIC KELT MA 1 1 KfcJSS Full 45 pound. Extremely well made. Heavily tufted. Im perial roll edge, and heavy art ticking. This mattress usually sells for 9.00. but owing to a fortunate purchase we are able to (ft p n p offer you this wonderful bargain at An titl this low price VleUW HIGH -GRADE ROTA I. IMITATION CIRCAS SIAN WALNUT CHIF FONIER. Match dress er shown to right. Haa als roomy drawer full wlled front Carfully constructed and well finished, large else, French beveled plat iiiurur. unif S16.50 IIM Casi 1JM Heath Yoa Cn Py More Bat YoaCun'iBay Better, Furniture nuuu.f. uui inn iauiei are jui a good i (or little folks a for their elder. Utile ; children who are pale, thin and have ' no appetite ahould ua th Tablet after eating and derive great benefit from them. , Pull diod boxea are void by all drug gist for 60 cent, and no parent should neglect th use of this safe remedy for all stomach and bowel trouble If the child Is ailing In any way. Mail coupon (or trial. Blid Oat, eHeraaWes fmltiuio , , Isalasr rfeer4r . SOLID OAK AUTOMATIC BED DAVENPORT Fram la very massive, with full rounded front, heavy colonial poata. On motion Instantly converts It from a full slsed davenport to a large roomy, comfortable bed. Ha full steel constructed seat and back and upholstered In guar- mwa opaniiii uniiauon learner. Htrongly constructed In every way. A great bargain, onlv Si.tt Cash 42 AO a Meatk uri u ii fa u n r - $18.89 New Models Twelve Section . Dress Form 89.45 M Cash-$1 a Uonlh nr for your sum- Just th thin iner sewing. Faaleat and aim- plest to operate, hy merely fulling out Ihe different sec ions to th measurements re quired. Is automatlo and self locking. A marvelous vslu piftTTSn? 'mm it oi be ettta:eC, rv iut'r.?. th (era t ki( U tit t Is a I) gnd tiered in as twt- l-lh. .vaj ! OUR 8ANTTART PORCEI-AIN TOP IS cZfL ooMs 111 7'Br; ' XDS as' r3- r - - nn-f-i . I l M fTrTFTss; Mjnim ia ai i g'i i in r i'rr i i I1 I SIIMa a . j a lb. .jm. II SI II IS I I Vftta -v -taw-n" t. 'iff If 1J i a i -e 'ilia. m I mm Air w -l J w- atuu I . l If iMlaiOQ LVL JsJ " " T. If Mailed ?l Promptly I mn i vj t wr, i -t. n 1 - t'v a THIS ELEOAJTT DRESSER 18 MADE) OP1 HIOH ORADE IMITA TION CIRCASSIAN WALNUT AN most Impossible to tell It from the genuine. Has heavy plank top, full swsum front, 34x28 French bev eled plate mirror. Special tor this week el.ee. e $17.95 1 m Mi a? 1 t;-ri 1 ?' Coarastetd Utile Psrcelala Top PURE WHITE KITCHEN TABLE. Ouaranteed In every way. Whit Dorcelain too la Iti41 Inrhes. iianay oivided utensil drawer. All white enamel finish. Only . SI Cash SI a Moata S6.85 Free Trial Coupon F. A. StusH Co., US Stuart aulldlag, Uarsball, afica,, sen.1 m at om- a free trUl paa-kage of Staarl'a Dys on sla Tablets. Nam. . Elreet.i City... .State. I ft at tnis low price Iffl I HIT y 1 1 -i-1 i 48-INCH EXTRA MASSIVE COLONIAL PERIOD LIBRARY TABLE Built throughout of hard wood, richly finished in American quarter- A t An sawed Imitation oak. golden finish. An J I II MX amarlng value at, only vet J . St Cash ft a Mealk rr. . 9 f "ti sliHr-.- l-aeV' in. r. J niMt i.i-.is KITt'HKN OI'TFIT of guaranteed hlgh-grad alumi num. This set oontaln full 10 pieces, just exaetly as Illustrated. "rmi rverr requirement lor in averag kltchan. All full is ana tiripuonuif wen maa. ivr Decor offered at auch a low price. While they last at only 4 .. i.iiii.-. IV. A, lull $5.75 T1 ' ,N KXCEPTIONAI, VALUE IN A 1 HEAVY 1-INCH POST VERNIS MARTIN CKO. On of th iewe.t ty .i. V -!. mtm nun wnn tar; iae X. m-.i" .ce!:.,,?l? ' - l"ll and umallr old for $7 0. W win place a limited quantity n sale for thla week s selling at thla very low price $4.35 ra se a Meata i'v-1' ianrr-'sM'i "j;.t- MABBIVK COLONIAL ROCKER- Extremely heavy frame. Made of American quarter aawed Imitation oak. flntahed golden. Beat and back upnoiaiarea in extra heavy guaran teed Imitation leather. Fully worth 117. vo. our extremely low price for thl week selling, only .. St Cah St a Meatk 9 S9.75 "J A Real Bargain In a Solid Oak KITCHEN CABINET 83.25 $1.00 Cash-Sl.OO a Month LADOR-SAVINO OAK KITCHEN CAB INET. Ha two roomy bins, two uten sil drawers, handy utensil shelf, large is china compartment. Well con structed of elected wood and specially priced a Quoted above. AMERICA'S ORKATKST HUHJC rCsUILSHRS 11 7 I 1 III i I I l 1 1414 - 16 - 18 DOUGLAS ST. ITTrtTT A enAn uein SI- OUARANTEED BALL BEAR- i.iu BSjTiinu lai niit n, w uni?; buiiu ua, six drawers, all accessories and attachments. Made with all the latest Improvements. Guar anteed for ten years. A $30 value and tbe great- AJQ n eet sewing machine Jl I i f -1 I - value la .Omaha SS Cash S a Mesti aASfe r i-t r nAx m Jil ..i Hia I T'l caw . si