21) Tin; omaiia srxrAY m:K: march 12, ion;. HELP WANTED MALE tlomrn i ml Ir i t on, ADVKRTISINO SALESMEN. Yourg mm hi think 1 1.- are salesmen and ' an sell advertising pace to nifrchRiiH run land a perma nent posit urn Hh pood future If they can make pood. Want dcnn-cut. live, wide-awake snd agirrcsslvc men who can get In terviews with business men and tell their story in an intelligent manner. SALARY AND COMMISSION. Tell nil shout yourself In first letter. A dVrf ?s S L4. lire JjlVK Most I.I iTF.KAIj ' I M M 1 S S 1 1 1 N JtiSlTloNS AM) IK' 'Dl CTIVH N E- I IIAI. I i.iwu iniiit.s run i Al.E..MlAN wanted to sell a popular linn of men u neckwear anil other nov eltlrn In state of Nebraska,, em-lusive i terrltor : liberal commission and rx- prnes advanced to right party; give references, experience and present oe rupatlon. Address Amerlran Manufac turing Company, bi.T4-610H Jefferson St., Waterloo. ia SA I.E.-M LN-1 i'i-KH side line, new live prnpnaliion. all merchant In towna of luOi0 ami under want It. paya $' com mission on each sale; no collecting, no risk to merchant. We take bark un sold goods. Easiest, biggest paying aide line ever offered. Cantlrld Mfg. Co., Slgel St., Chicago. 'i'Htl men of ability; aell credit register systems to retail merchants; handles credits like ensh; excellent opportunity; salesmen earning $i to $. monthly; exclusive, tcnltorv granted. Mate, qtiall tlcatlona. Reference. l"resldcnt Cash Credit Hy-teni. tayton. Ohio. SALTM AN Splendid opining April 1st, capable salesman for Nebraska to aell staple lino on unusually liberal terms; commission contract; $35 advance weck v. Sales Manager, 34 Suite, X"0 Wond ward. Oct rolt. Mich. SALESMAN Vacancy March iih; ex perienced any tine, to aell general trada in central west; unexcelled specialty protmsitlon; commission rotitruct; $35 weekly expenses. Continental Jewelry Co.. l- U Continental Bldg.. Cleveland, i into.- I7Ttt MMERS' 81 OK LINK Small article for saloon trade; samples carried In pocket; bona fide salesmen only; hust lera have made from $5 ,ly up. Ad dress Mott Novelty Co.. Ocean Park, Cal ro- iKialtlon; salesman calling on the dm . it . .... an r m n riprll Ive cnemica, or ronm-si . - a fair prom nanoung om nn" Isbels and cartons; com mis oris pa upon receipt of orders. If Intereat, write Missouri Hox Libel to., 17 s, Main r-i., i-i "".rj SAI.K.MKN-An opportunity to muke bl, money selling stores wonderful sellini article used by everyone, hells on sight Koj- particulars and sample addrea Safes Manager. O. P P. Co.. 3 HI Paul Kt jtaUlmoreMd. - UKLTAlVuii factory wants good men lo new dignified side line selling larg. quantities io nn-n mh". ,.i,. ., n lea erences ror sampiea plans. Advertising Novelty Co.. Chi 'ago. , 7?A LWM KN or im of bW alumlnu i-k cooking utensii. coin. rs selling reiau aim ,.i -. -wonderful opiiortunltles to hustlers. ITo . ... . . -An., n. 1 1 r 11 Til Ml 1 W tectea territory j ... rt slons. Iteferences requ red. le t A. Notional Alumtnum Works. Klmlrs. aTaKHJ t-o weekly; eAth nrchijl nd pnyslcl.n s. prospect; free outfit One man made nrst irn uj-. Isst June; he la still working. Address huperlntendent. 344 Wells Bldg.. Qulncy. in WANt'kD Kxperlenced gpeclalty le per ceni co um.--."... f.ro.1uct Ing Main and Clark Ave.. Bt. Loull Co., .11... T. V - , . it .... Ilnj. n I ept . V Ain i Kl salesman w Tempnince Drinks In "'V'.in" 140 towns; V, per cent commission : weeklv . drawing T"T,T. Mo. Co.. 4 m n. jiiaui oi'i -T." Dent CAHHY aldo line; quick selling "lf retail trade only: salesmen earn ,17 & to I Mi month. VlnlUi Brass Works, Vtrbs. okla. SAI.K.-Mh-N-New side line; 6 minutes' time pays you 17.60; pocket mpl"' prompt commissions. Stats territory covered. Klwood Mfg. Co., Inc., VI Michigan Ave . nicspo.- I.' I. ml a HIH.r lull v proposition with which a live wire man can make from $75 to I1W per week, if you are a ssles man wrllo for particulars. Th War ren Heflnlng and Chemical Co., Cleve land, o I.KAN-Cl'T. ambitious salesman with nuurnl renrd to represent promi nent manufacturer of high grade spe cialties sold to jobbers, dealers and consumers. Halary, expenses and bonus on sales. State age. experience and nuallficationi in Initial letter. Box Y yw, Wee t A 1.K.-.M A N Ca pable specialty msn for Neb.; staple line on new and excep tional terms; vacancy now: attractive commission contract; f weekly forex- penses. Miles F. Bixler Co., 831-11 Csrlln r.ld. Cleveland, p.- U'iWTVII ll.L.,m,n who ran mix wit farmers: also good local agents, to sell best silo made. Money-making propo sition for responsible man. - n. rwey- stone Silo Co.. Jll niamners. lAI.RSMAK To sell from factory to dealer, slaaa. china, white, gtay and royal blue enamel are. Pig commis sions raid weealy. Small samples. Part or entire time. Live salesman ran make 175 to I'OO per week, llerthal Manufacturing Co.. St. I.rfiuls. Mo. o WE PAY a week and expense to men with rUs to introduce poultry com pound. Years contract. Imperial M)fg Co. Dept. 7, Parsons. Ktn. ELIj advertising pipes: sample and par ticulars iree. aapauvs xnovvity .u. Cllrton. la. 4 o sell iiu' and until June 1. rardboanf fans for advertising to all classes of trade: fln sloo I'ne; arn weeKiy. ,M. I' an Dept. KeniPr-1 nomas to 'Inclnnatl. WANi'KI Huxiliiig stock SMleHiiien "7ol most meritorious and lest Selling propo- sltlon ever ottered, our bssisih m-e sure your success. K. I luPont. Sumpter Hldg., itillas. Tex iiAI.KSMKS to call on grocers. conf"C lioners. general stores, IliiO monthly an I expemes; yearly contract. Manager, 15 o SeiHinn tt.. St. Louis, mo WANTKI) Three m-r,l sppearlng. intelli gent salesmen la travel with sales man- ager for large tailoring company; all expenses paid; salury or commission Call Saturday tfternoon or Sunday at ttfosbaw hotel. aK for Mr Henrtee SV A. N'T IIP StoJk and bond salesman. Standard Security Investment Co., 1M W. O. W. Bid . Onisha WANTKP Relisble salesmen. Standard Security and Invt-etment Co.. W. O W. Pldg . Omaha. Neb. rA I.FSM A N WANTKP Call tfTJ H. Kth. Hetels aa4 krttssrssta, HK1.1AHLK employment agency. ) 'avenport St.. headquarters for hotel help- spec sttention to distance orders, Trade ifSssU. SAVE $25 BEE OUH SPECIAt. HOLIDAY Omn. ir v c n i atieim Oay achool you can hold your job and at th same time get your automobile tducatlon If you enroll In ir.e NIGHT CLASS OF NFUHAKKA Al'TOMOHIT.e: BCHOOU J LEAVUNWOHTIL RED ina MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wsnted to learn ths trada W have originated a plan to tch it quickly and earn back tuition while inanng Tools Included. Ocen to every on. Writ for catalogue, 114 Bo. 14U v. omtin, wfp. ItAitN iarDr trade, niore than mika lour tulUon while learn ng. Set of tol included. Job guaranteed. Call or writ I'.r raising ie. io.' 1'odg. TK1-41TY RARbKK COI.I-BOB. Jiil.N wai.lej to Karn t lTir trad. 'luili' n, li. I'M! , ass i'... Omaha. OJiAiiA BAKbt.ll COIXIUU. I r.l.LI' it- I , 1 1 1 1 . ". I n"riri.i S A li K M E N. PREFERABLY F TAINT AND VAFlMSII F.XFEIU KNCK THOUGH NOT ESSENTI A I.. API I.Y V II. WAGGONER. SALES MNAGltt. 1 TO P. M, SUNDAY VM 1 .u '. I '. i . H' '.i r, r i " ' I i.i t. HELP WANTED-MALE Trade trhnnU, GOOD M K.N WANTED o learn auto work for the big spring rurh. Finn tralnlm? work on autot and iectrl Martins stcms. AMI KI' .W ALiu (i'l.l.CTE. M Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. M iRreJInneiiai. V A N i 1 .1 Ex pel letii'Ml or Inexperienced man to handle branch illslrlbnting pro ositiMn fur popular line In terrlioijr that will absorb fne hundred or more cars, stale salary, aire, references first lot ti r Address V 21'8. Hoe Gm T7lN.M KSf "poHitlon In postof f Ice" railway mail and other branches ate K ni . prepaio for 'exams ' under for mer I", f civil service secretary exam iner; booklet 'i free, write today. I iill r.x.m civil S( rvice School, Itm hes- Jit. N V. A.V1 i-.l i-i iav U r for I'.'IH, ag.-d ."7 to fi". experience unnecessary. salary, commission and extM'tise allowance- ti rlubt msn J. K. M Uriidy. Chicago. 1K'I'K 'IIVi;. secret s-rvicw apiilicants, inexperienced, ever) where. Write Her Mllon Secret Service Institute, Chit ago Kl'-luuiirf leu a ruiiway mail clerks, .t minth; sample examination fpiistlons fne. rYanklln Institute, 1'epL ?'1-N. H"cbeslfr. N Y. v A NT 1.1 -. Names of ami.it lous men. It or over, wanting Railway Mall clerk po sitions. 175.00 month. Answer tmmedl- mtc'v l Mee. S A N I t.l ' An expci b ooed fi.r inimaurr io uuv ana nen rhun ni r'hlcrt, Nb. W. ). .Schmklt. TreJ., Mil lA M-'uSioti VK firemen, train biakemcn; l:n monthly. KxiM-rience unnecessary. tj..ll..... V flu. II UmIIwhv, Y "Wi llee. WANTKO Ouliar plaer at one, no colored mush lan need apply. Call today st 0 S. 14th Wan- I'kiO A young man, single, who wants steady Job and who can pla.v bass horn good In band; no booie. AV rite P. O. 2-4. Itivetton. Neb HELP WANTED FEMALE gtorea and Offices). WIS have a Isrge Hat of stenographers, bookkeepers, clerks. Tell us your needs. No charge for this service. ItKMINQTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Douglas 1284. f TKNoiIKaT'IIKK, Mliolesale. "0. p i ri nniA Kit, automobile. I.o. ST KN X 1KA I'll KK. good future, t-IA. ClOAIt CI.KKK. 140 WATTH H KK. Co., iM2 Urandela Theg Prnfeaslnna and Trade. OI'KKA nuts Foil I'DWKK SKWiNU MACHl.NK IN SHIKT AND OVBRAIA KACTOIlY. IDICAL WOKKINd CON PITIONS KXCKUjFNT WAUlOs AND I'KKMiA.NfcNT POSITIONS Ol Alt ANTKKP. BKK MRS. DOHF.CK AT M. WMM I I'll CO., DTH A iX)CUUAH. K.N expci icureil macnll e op,'iators, lie :k wet. I department. Smith-Dock wood ManiifccturliiK Co. i:ith and Castcllnr. I.KAKN halrdresalng ai The Oppenneiio. Da lea women and Mnltrltors. IAI'Ikm i.mri money and enlov acllitiir our line of fancy and ataple wash fabrics gmong frlemls and noigbbora; no money required; references neieaary;' our agents enthusiastic over our beauti ful line and results, send immediately lor particulars; secure your tenltory before It's taken. Old Colonv Textile ?: lJ-oua wu,rse w York iV K women aoiiciiora for ladles suits, coats and dresses; must be hustlers and have expurlencn and furnish refer ences; salary and commission. Apply Ileddeo, 1417 Douglas Pt. lis VvTOlik; expenses advanced: womun ;o iravei ana apitolnt ageo's for con Nitrated food- llavors In tut. lie lia ble slfg. Co.. i24 Cntnn Htdn.. Chlcaao IVK bright, .cangiile ladles to travel, aetnonati-ate and tiell dealers; 2S to SM rer week; rallroid fare paid. Goodrich 'rug Company, lcpt. 4", Omaha. Npi), Household and Oomeatte. PUBIS. Ada for servant girls accepted three days free of cliurgo for rosiuents of Uteator Omaha and Council Uluffa. bring, semi or phone your ad to '1112 lit-tt, ouice. flmiw. 'i ylor 1000. TLvi't;itlli;N"CT2D white gill for general nousewora; reteronces requirea. Mr. F. Dwyer. 407 N. toth 8t. ilarn e y 20. WANTED A good while girl for general nousewora; no cooking or washing; good wages. Call at once, 1&15 S. 3Cilh Ave., or phone Har. 4fr;j ;1-A competent wlille girt in lainuy or . good wages. Call Colfax or call In person. 724 KDauldln St. VVANTKD Kxi ienced girl for general nousewora: small apartment; no wash Ing. lg Colbert Apartment. WANT'KD Olil or woman for general Housework In country, two In family. P. It.. K. t. HOX SI. David Cltv. Neb CAPAUUT experienced girl Tor general nousewora; i cniuiren. t aduita. it.ll 1 Jtfayette Ave. Wal. 91. EXPKIUICNCKD girl for general house work, airs. ueo. ti. Mlckel, XU1 Harney St. Harney 2W. WANTtU-Uirl for general housework; roreigner preterreo. Ken 4,r, W ATKD Aiirl for seneral houaework. 13U1 1'ark Ave. Harney IWi. CO.NCPKTENT woman for general house- worK. wrr s. "tn. Harney nil. COluipUTKNT house inaki; good wages. t oirax W3. MlsoeJ la neons. WoMaN-a iW woman of good address, over Sb years, for outside permanent position; stesdy employment, good pay; quick advancement: nurse, teacher, saleswoman or demonstrstor preferred; cxiieririice, however, not nooessary; only thoso ready to accept a position and go to work at once, need apply. Call Monday between 10 and 12, In per son. J. W. King, parlor. Rome hotel. AMlilTlOI'S woman wanting to earn txtra money at home, whole or part time; no canvassing; good, rlean cut proposition offering fine opportunity; no capital or experience necessary. Write Miller, 101 lrvlngton street. Den ver. Colo. CALIFORNIA JU) motion picture coin- names; easy to writ play; highest prices; no school; we revise, sell; free details. Photopluy Bureau, 32b Sta. C. KosA ngcles I. A PI KS Ciiy letters at home, spare time; si t isfactlon g uaranteed ; send selt addrrssed stamped envelope for part lew Ulais. I'o-iiperHtlve Advertising Serv ice Co.. P. o. Hox S7i. St. I.Hlls Mn LapiT. 8 Make shields at honie. 110 Per 10; no canvassing required. Send sd dressed envelope for particulars. Fureka Co I ept.Hrj K slsmasoo. M Ich. KARN weekly, spare time, wrliing"fur newspapers, inagaitnes. fxpertence un neresaiy; delalla free. I'resa Syndi cate. 112, St. Louis. Mki AGENTS AND CANVASSERS ONF. THOI'SAND DOLLARS KKWAkTT e win luniii ii.um it tins is not the greatest money making house-to-house Proposition advertised in these columns. N. H 1. Little Wlxard Ihor Saver waa!i clothes ill 10 minutes absolutely without rubbing. It contains no paraf fin or wax and there la nothing like it on the market. Sells for lSr enough fur five family washings. Wt supply you with all the free samples you, need. All you do is to leave the free sample will, the housewife and when you call again she Is walling to become your steady and permanent customer. This U positively Hut most scientific and wonderi ul labor saver of the age. and you will mak a grvat mistake if you do not avcur territorial rights at once. A 1-eent poetal rard bring full rarttculars Farouhar-Moon Mfg. Co., ept. I. 15. 14u W. Van Buren St.. Chi cago, 111 MAN wanted as exclualve agent. we manufacture six styles relf-w ringing) mu for all purposes, including an ab solutely new combination scrubbing brushmop, that is self-wringing ; evei y woman wants this proven suocess; new. Inexperienced men make is r day: oui man mad HJU the second week; no investment; send for catalogue and ex clusie territory proposition that will make you Independent IPlkar Mo i., 27 W. Grand Ave.. Chicago. Ill KINK opening for a few ambition ladies or gentlemen. Kg money, quick sales end steady employment. S. r S Sale Co., 22 Franklin Bldg., Put. bio, Colo. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS tlMliMbK'.i Iron Itust "Hp o . I'i4 Lancaster Avt , Phlladeli hla. Pa. Sart side s iron Itusi Soap itiaiie mark, print and cupvrliiht registered in the 1.'. S t'ntent offbei I'liimn linn rust. Ink and nil unwasheblo stains froni rlothlng, marble, etc Hood seller. biK iiihtciiis. agents wanted. Tbe orlclnal, Tr a tube. Peware of infringements and the penaltv for mak ng, s lllng and using nn in'rlnied nrticle oPPOItTI 'NITY wr.rt h v. hile f..r T'nPle of gnnfptlon with smne means for bqek Inc. rxibsle rlcbts. n al (or states; no romp tlrion: pr duct rrr ates own le n. and whenever offered, bence highly prof table, business especially ar peais to men or women past their Jo. F.lnian Mfi, Co.. HJI Curtis,Dcpvcr. Colo. r.lVK enerpelln au'nts make big money handling fast S'ldng specialty for of fice and home, particulars tree Na tional Merchandising Co, 1414 llebcrt St., St. Iiuls. Mo. PoRTTlAn men. write n"lck for new ;-bour sblntnents. prints or ratalotrue finished work; expenses advam-ed relia ble men. Roberts, W holesale Portraits, Kansas City, Mo. CA N V AsHr.itS wanted. Apply Palace Harler Shop, Ulh and Davenport, eve nlnss - MKXli'AN dl-monda, exactly resemble genuine; same rainbow fire; stand tests; sell at sight; live agents wanted; profits .il weekly and up. Write quick for earn -pie case offer free. Mexican Diamond importing Co, llox A-1I, I -as Cruces, N M Tip money for ou selling our household specialties. Kstabllshed reputation rite U W. Myers. Iowa Distributing Co Rox 4fd, ottumwa. la. ACT gCICK ! Autoinobllo gasoline going up. Sell (laso-'l'onlc. F.quals gasoline at 3c a gallon. Kllmlnates tarhon. I'ollar an hour profit, titles guaranteed. White Mfg. Co, Dept 10. ('inclnnatl. O. OKA'l'K J'l ' ICB 'hewing Oum, all store keepers buy. Round coated grapes ot gum. Constant demand because chew crs like It. Write quick for territory. Helmet Oum Co., Cincinnati, HIOiJKST bonanza agents anywhere ever had. Permanent, dignified, wonderful. Money? He convinced. Write for full particulars. Motor Insp. Supply Co., Sheridan Penn. Pittsburgh. Pa AOKNTS wanted, TuiTpcr-cent profit sell Ing useful specialty; used in homes, ho tels, stores and by auto owners: good repeater; sample free. Auburn Spexrlal tlea Co. Dept. 242. Auhurn. N. Y. A&RNT8 wanted to get members for our Assn. We publish owners no commis sion magaxine. Commission and bonua for workers. Huyers' anil Sellers' Assn., Appel llldg . Denver, Colo. AOKINTS Wanted Karn ll" (billy calling on automobile owners. Particulars freo. The Warren Tucker Co.. l"la. Kan. AliCN'TS make big money selling our 15 new household articles. Women de lighted. Samples furnlxhcd active work era. Write now. Frank Newman. 3-7 Fost 4'-th St.. I-oa Angelrs, Cal. AOKNT8 make 6"0 per cent profit selling isovelty Sign ( ards." Merchants buy 10 to 1"0 on sight. WO varieties. Cata logue free. Sullivan Co., 1234 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111 AGENTS & profit. Free samples gold sign letters ror atore and office win-do-.. Anyone ran rut on. Metallic Let ter Co., N. Clark. Chicago LAKGK maniilact urt r wants representa tives to sell shirts, underwear, holsery, dresses, wnists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madison Mllla, f.9rt Urowdway. New York City. AtlBNTS New household necessity; con stant rcnater; am ier cent profit; sam ple free. Kodo Products Co., Dlv. S., I'hllsdelphiH. l'a. AOKNTS wauled to carry as side line new patent fly-paper holder. Cliaa. I'feuer, Humphrey. Neb TUB greatest seller ever offered for sale; every housewife buys; nothing like It; big profits: sample 15c s tamps. Han ger, ifm Manhattan Hldg.. Chicago AOKNTS Krand new Invention; vacuum cleaner and carpet awoeprr comblnod; also fifteen othsr household apoclnltle, ". to lo dally; free territory. 13. T. Woolery, Mgr., Bellahle Mail Order Itouse. Dept. D, Bog m, Ord. Neb, AtlKNTS-Uttle t;iant "lift and force pumn save plumbers' bills; removes till stoppages in waste pite; absolute mo nopoly; fix you for life; write for new a cents' plsn. J. K. Kennedy, SO Bast 42d St.. New York. AUKNTS-T've a new soap gamo that's a dandy; new stuff; 100 per cent profits; samplo and full layout free. Write ?ulck. Lacaulan Co., Dept. 2, St. xiuls, Mo. ' vTANTTiD Agent in every county to sell light device for Ford cars; light re volve automatically In front of wheel. Rex Revolving Light Co., Vine Grove, Ky. . PORTRAIT MlN: I offer special Int durementg to steady producing agents; special term and prices, unequaled por tralta and accurate prompt service. Write me today. M. A. Beall, Artist, 2KH Van Buren St., Chicago. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For aale. with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of course in a rellabla Business School, on of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below reguar price. If yju are considering taking a raurse investigate this at once, sine Fprlng Term begin soon. Call office, Omaha Bee. FOK sale, th following scholarship in a f list-class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and ahorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course On three-month' business or steno grMiihic. course. Win be sold at a discount at tha offloa of The Om:ha Jee. DAY dCMOOli. DOYI.K3 CtJPLKGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Kvery day is enrollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand, Stenotype. Typo . writing, Telegrgphy. Civil Sorvk all Comniercl.M and English brancite. Cat alogue free. BOYLE S COLt.EGH. Mth and Harney St. Tel. Douglas 1SR5. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL UTENOGRAniY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and M omen. Saturday morning class In typewriting. lone C Puffy, Owner and Manager. yt S 11th St Omnha. SCHOOL OF MODERN l.ANGUAGKS -CIhbs or private lessons. Lowntown atudf. Phone Web tv.4 PAXTON BlifTScho.il of lettering and Art teach e paying trade prlvataly. R. 1U PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal dlsaseB with testimonials. DR. K. K. TARRY, .40 11m Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kl. ney trouble, goitre, nervo.. na snd asthma a-ffcer are auo ccasfally reaturwd to health by ma txanuuatluu Frew. Call Butt tU Be Bldg. DR W. H. KNOLLENBERO, Ohtropraotor. Tyler ItH. W.W0 TO PENSION INVAUM Th lidle' Horn Journal lit Th Saturday Evening Puat P M T Country Gentlsnuut 11.04 subscr ptlons by April earn that ?uoo for The Invalids' Pension A n. cur order or renewal oontrtbutc 6uc I'hon lougla nw, or address GORDON. THE MAGAZINE) MAN. Omaha. Neh; Wn.l.Uli HENRY Kljf 'RIDGE, Twin Kli. Idaho, is preparing th genealogy of th Eldrvd-Eldredge-Fdndge family and would like to hour from all de scendants who have not already com municated with In m. PERSONAL )ol Ml women rominif to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St Mary's Ave, whr they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted, look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station Till; Silvatlon Armv Industrl-d home so licits your .ld clothing, fiiml'uie, mag azines. We collect. We (l'rbiit I'bone Douglas 41T and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. M"V 1112-1114 Podge St MKN wanted to learn merits of wonder ful discovered cut" for liquor and drug hi, bit"; no cure, no pay. Booklet free. The Turley. Ill'i Farnarr. Omaha. PKS. loHNMTO.Ni-.- "hlropra tot s. of Sheldon, la.. isb to nnnounce their loiation at 24"7 N St. S. o. Consultation free and invited. Phone South 4"lg I'O tint send money If you are adlrted to drink, but write for booklet. No rure. no pay. The Furley, 31,"i7 Farnam, o mn h a P ho no f s rney S742. NOTK'K Is beieby given that 1 will not tie responsible for any credit extended to mv wife, Intra Foley Signed, Chas. Foley. I? TT P T IT T? V Bunreasfully treated UUI A U IV 1 wllhout a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Wray & siatneny, ;sj nee Miag.. umini STUA W hats dyed. fookTTke new. Plume l'aradlse and aigrettes cb an'vl and dved. I 'ora Klsele. p. :tr,32. 1136 City Nst T P.k. ftliKl MATIs.M treated auccessf iITlv. re sul t guaraot'd. Pr. Bowser, lit Bee Hldg MASSAGK AND Kd-KCTRiC BATHS. chiropody. Misses Gray and Head, ?14 Fislrd Plk . 17th ard Potig'as P 14". J'hRStjNAI Ml sses StauToa and Shaffer, bath, electric treatment. Open ( a. m. to p m. Douglas 713. 4"! Ware BIk MAK BHLGMAN. steam and shower baths. Massage. Red 2727. Room m. Karbach BIk. AhsAGK-Mlss Webster," 4 Pax too BIk. P. r?7. Office hours 10 to 8. foCl l'NTlFIO iruc wage. iito Bee Bldg. i'hone Douglas FOR RENT ROOMS lii'OM In private family by young em ployed lady; convenient to Farnam St. car, west of Slst St.; best of references. Address P VA. lw Famished Hooras. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS: I If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads, call at The Bee office for a Room List gives complete detailed descrip tion of vacant rooms In all parts of ttio city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Pept. and give your name and address, and a list will be mailed to you at onpe. New lists are issued every week. A SNAP Fast room with sleeping porch. Cull Colfnx 4tIO. Fl'KNlSJlfclP room to let: cast front, two windows; something above the averago; reasonable rent. t10 N. 2.kl St. Tel. Douglas ATTAcTi V'hi modern rooic full length of front; now furnishings; would like two young ladles. Harnev 3I!H. M DUDG Have four new housekeep ing rooms on first floor; will rent rea aonahle; laundry prlvileg ea. 'le.l H. 2I. 1621 KM MKT Private family would rent , two furnished rooms to desirable people.- -Call Webster .1213 for Information. -HE B UF fT N G TON 2584 Harney St.. -rooni apartment., well equippea, waier 1n kitchen, janitor service, modern. 2? i DOUGLAS Two newlv furnished rooms In modern home and nice nelgh borhood; suitable for two gentlemen. 4KI3 S. fflTH ST. Flrat-class rooms; all modern; private family; walking dl- rance. ytione Harney 1666. 3D TH ST , 312 N Two well furnished room In a nice home. Everything: modern. Call lotiglaa 6Mi. ilOUEKN beautiful room in West Far nam district for rent to business gen tleman. Harney 1!)3. FOR RKNT 2 modern rooms, reasonable; Private family. Meal next door. 701 Georgia Ave. Harney 1130. Iu6 PARK A V i-. Large room, modern, private family; two people preferred. Harney lwa. CAPITOL. 2411 Pleasant room; always clean and quiet: reasonable rent. K1CKLY furnished room; private family. 23 St. Mary1. R. .. U". DODGK Nicely furnished rooms. In private family; close In. NlCKLY furnished rooini close In; all modern. 631 S. 22 St C5 BO 26TH AVE.-Nicely furnished room. lougla t74. Hoaukeeplsg Rooms. La RGU outside roons, furnished for i housekeeping, $3.60 and 11 per week; s'cam heat. Lincoln Apartments, 2102 1 hlcago. Tyler W. Light7 clean, whole tup floor, furnished, Wn..L 1I1. I 1 . J . I. ..I . imuBr,ciiiii. oiiijv ill such ii. riuiB, S rooms and bath. Stove heat; 114. 2022 N. list St. Webster 20. NEWLY furnished modern housekeeping rooms, on car line, in nne neighbor hood: verv reasonable. Harnev W.3. 2tS DODGK Suite of light housekepelng rooms, south front, walking distance. Reasonable rate. Harnev WS. Fi. 2d, Slii Nicely furnished front room witn alcove and gas range on bath room floor. STasijN, 2-17 Two pleasant south rooms ror notiseaeeping. narnev wia. BURT. 1711 Modern light housekeeping rooms. Private home. Fl'RNlSllF. D light housekeeping rooms: mooern. win Davenport St. Hoard and Hooms. CALIFORNIA. 2KI.V Nice, pliusant front room with alcove, modern, private fam ily of adults; home privileges; breakfast if desired. Harnev MX ,AKUK comfortable room in private home, breakfast and evening dinner: on Firnum line; references exchanged. IVmsrlss 29T.7 FARNAM ST.. first c'as board and room within walking distance. Men preferred. IiOOM and board for one gentleman; close in. 81 8. ZSth. Harney R4S3. 2M DODGK Front room, modern, board; walking distance. ON'K large room, suitable for two, with board, r.2. N. lHth. Dong. Vnfnrnlshed Roont, FOR RKNT Three rooms and balh, up stairs; !U. .'"i Leavenworth. Hoom Wanted. tor PKOVI.K WHO RKNT ROOM-,' CALL TUB BKE WANT AP DEPT. and find out all about the Fl'RNISHEP ROOM Ol.'IPK. Its a plan that Is helping msny people rent their rooms. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment and Houses. It oases. 2 ROOMS, mud . porch. Phone Har. 4M. HOTELS Till. CHATHAM, A Residential. - Transient Hotel, 110 S. 13th. catering to men. 1 loiigla H';. tOc to 75c day HOTFL HARNEY. FITtOPRAN Pl-VN. 1 AND t'P. 14th and Hsmev sts. Omaha. Hi'HUT- HOTEL. EPROPEAN PLAN. $1 AND P.P. Mth and Harney St.. Omaha llOTEL SAJFRC; HOTEL HARLEM lih and Farnam. 2otta and Farnam. -psciai Rate to Permanent GuesL. FOR RENT HOUSES Went. BKlCK HOME-No. Farnam fit.. 1 room, sleeping porch; brick; In the heart of Omaiia' bal residential dis trict. Rent 140. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO. 1330 Farnam St. Douglas 10fi4 3.1 N. AVK.. rouuiS, $ bwU. April 1st; Doug. SHI. FOR RENT HOUSES Weal. 3ol''i I.INt'iil.N 111 . p. I l-toom house, strictly modern, with hot water heat Price $.V. Douglas I SI".. nnrttt. L N I SI AI. BARGAIN Seven - room frsmn and st urro house, strictly mod ern in cwiy way. hning reception hall, suti room, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and entry on first floor, all finished In oak; two bedrooms, bnth and sleeping porch on second floor, fin ished in white enamel, with mahogany floors; beautiful lighting fixtures and many other built-in features, on paved street and (mid for. This house cost $.-,.ii to build, will sell for 4."". easy terms. I.ointed at .1123 Hamilton St., New Mont'lnlr addition. 1 block from Harney car line, open every day. Call owner. Harney VA ' UltKiM Iioms. hT modern. Ill first class condition. 29 11) Webster St., $2S, and tenant to pay fr water. CHRIS RoYKR Telephone Douglas 2"49. 212'; C u mlng St. 4-UOO.M mod. flat, MS N. b'.tli St., 17. 27 Cun;lng St., S-rt-om modern except beat. J. H. ROBINSON. 4 H-e IPd. CIKAN, newly decora;ed, 8 rooms, mod ern except neat; guod neighborhood; reduced to tin. 2r9 'ru by St. Web ! 5. .fill MIAMI .f7iMmi.all mod". houseT half bloek from car; cheap at IM. Phono Webster 7iKd. S.Sf.4 SKWAHD St., 8 rJuniK. modern, t-tu; good lawn and shade. Phone Douglas sun or ainut esu. 7-Koo.M modern fiat. Ml H Spencer. Web ster127V 115 (.RAT Tf-PT.-7-r. com., modern, M! .T .H a 1 1 . 4 53 Ra m ge Bldg Doug. 74' 5-RiiOM mouetn cottage. Vent liT 2214 i.race. Webster .1123 6-ROOM modern bouBe Fhojie Walnut W. 1015 N. 4btn. 4-miu.vi cotiH Hnrr.ev WW. Z-'i''j Davenport. I'hone -R. mod., 2h22 Mnnderson. Webster 32iVi. Aooth. fxTil RKNT May 1, strietly modern house, three bodrooinn, sleeping porch, first block south Hiinaoom park, west side car line. Telephone Harnev M31. tMvooM house, i bath rooms, hot water heat, newly papered, $. 1143 Park Ave. Phone Harney atl'S. t-R. house, sleeping porcFi Fle'd Club I nst S i. h Ave. Harney ;K24. N I.AT o-room cottage, facing boulevard. Hi inquire 2411 . B4tn St. 5-ROoM house, modern except furnaoe. f.J3 S. 24th Ave. Har. 4V. Mioo.. mouet n hu la , tig yard. 2447 3. 2utn 5-ROOM modern except Ilea t. 2f2 II e rce. ."-Roo.M modera house, 2614 Marcy St. Tyler 2:20. ltseej la neons. Modern Homes 8-R. XH Davenport St $50.00 s-R. 3322 Harney St J4O.00 8-R. 4Vsi Webster St., Dundee $32.60 H-It. .3415 Charles St $27.60 !)-H. 27isi Parker St. (colored) $30.00 X-R 1143 Park Ave $26.00 6-R. !! S. Pth St $2fi.00 6-lt. 2120 N. l.'.th -St $16.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 5- R. 420 N. 17th St $35.00 6- K. 2ft Vinton St $10.00 6-R. Shelby Court. .iOe in $17.60 6-R. 3HIH Seward St $12.00 4-R. f.12 N. 2Sth St $12.00 3-R. 3120 I-eavenworth St $10.00 3-R.-2516 N. 31st St $ 8 00 FLATS. 6-R. WIS Leavenworth, mod. ex. ht.$l.00 No. . Shelby Ct.. mod. ex. ht.$ 7.00 APARTMENTS. B-R Georgia, 1040 Georgia Ave.... $37.60 Peters Trust Company, 1B22 Farnam St. Douglaii 838, li-t .A TiJ ?'1,,Mh -r- city water, gag, $50. JIa"-V0 - 8-r - modern, $26. " 1. st- 6-r- clty tw, t.sa V' J5"1' .. mod. ex. fur.. $12. 2214 lj, 80. O.. v.. city water, gas. 3. 1N. ISth. 4-r.. modern, $35. ... . DETACHED, HOUSES. If N. 32d Ave., 8-r., modern, $60. ? !! f' H3 Ave" 8-r - modern. $38. 1114 S. 2th, -r., modern. $30. N. 10th, 8-r., modern, $25. 2210 N. lath, 6-r., modern, $28. o - JIK 8-r" modern, $23.50. I'll S. 2Sth, 7-r.. modern. $!. l'.m lavenworth, 6-r., mod. ex. fur., $30. H13 So. inth. -r., city water, gas, S1&. 2418 N. 17th, 6-r.. city water, gao, 115, Parker. 6-r.. modern; $li. 3T17 Dewey Ave., 5-r.. c;ty water. $12.60. 2fd9 Corby, 6-r.. city water, $12.60. 3M4 Parker, 6-r., modern. $15. 2210 fi. 42d, -r.. well, $a. r 1 A Ill'i V n una 346 Omaha National Bank Bldg ROOMS "Hlfi I'-rUo- HI n, - - - .., f.l lw- ern. $12.50. 4 rooms, 2019 ClarV 8t', $10. 6 room. Hi, ij. 12th BL, $12.60. 4 rooms. 241. Ersklne St.. part mod ern, $14.50. 3 rooms. IMS N. 17th St., modern except heat. $13.50. 7 rooms. w N. 26th. modern, hot water heat, $25. 8 rooms, 1422 Sherwood Ave., modern. $25. 10 rooms, 2414 Cass St., modern, $40. 11 rooms. 1029 8. S"th Ave., modern, $27.50. 7 rooms. 2517 "D St., South Omaha, modern. $2T50. BENSON MYERS CO., 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. i none nous. 746. $7 -202t CA STELLAR St.. 8-r.. water. ii i.toi in. 1 1 in e-., -r.. mod. ex. ht. $12 bV4 N. liith. 3-r., mod. ex. lit. $ls-271 Charles St . -r.. mod. ex. ht $IH-2nl2 Jones St., 6-r., mod. ex. ht. S'JO 4214 Wirt St.. 6-r.. new bungalow. $- 4107 lfayette Ave., C-r., newly doc. orated. $25 lath and Lothrnp, 7-r., all modern. On Prettiest Mile Blvd.. 6-r., all modern. $2. 2;th and ForVPts., 7-r.. all modern. $30 B-r. t. Ixiuls flat; Hanscom Park. N West Farnam District. 13 rooms. Call us. Have large list PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. '.37 t mwha Nat Ttk. Bldg. D. 17S1 o. FLATS. 61! S. 19th, 6 rooms, modem. $32 60 17.'i Iavenworth. rooms. $J0. 2o77 Cuming, 8 rooms, $i. 2579 Cuming. 3 rooms. $.S0. HOl'SF-S. 17I N. 3th St., 5 rooms, $l. VI ' V"" 7 rooms, modern. $25. 20 S Sih Ave.. rooms. $;o -iW3 Locust. 7 rooms. $lg. 4:Mi) Harney, A rooms, sleeping porch all modern; garage, $40 FIRST Till' ST COMPANY DOt'GI.AS H5i M WTH'ijth 1313 DAVENPORT ST.. s rooms, modern except heat, 2iV 1W4 Farnam St.. 2d floor. 6 room, mod ern except heat. $17 .50. 130)1 s. :nth Ave.. 8 rooms, strictly mod em J2T. 2O10 N. isth St.. 9 rooms, strictly mod ern. ?o. Ill s. f-th Ave.. 9 rooms, strictly mod ern. $30. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO iryi Kama St Dnurlas 4 Lk ml 1. r e . . 1 1 u 'fcilfi V" - a-.. ' 5-r. cottage. ;;ii Patrick Ave $l4 0o&-r. tottaae. S-1 and Franklin. $-'"'' -r. modern except heat. 2609 80. loth. $.tc.iioa good 6-room modern hcaiae In nice order on east frmit lot at 392J No. lMh W. II. GATES, T Oin. Nst It-.nk wm. Dour. 1294 t CHARLKS. g-r . modern. $25. 2417 Capitol Ave.. 7-r.. mod. ex. ht.. $J 2f?4 Dupont, A-r.. part modern. $7. 1S17 N. 21t St.. -r.. part modern. $1S. 4415 Decatur. 7-r.. city water. $1150. SUA Franklin. 6-r.. citv water. $1V 15!8 N. 32d St , Ir, city water. $9. S.'iKt Marie, 4-r.. city water. $;..V). 2-'A S 5th St . 4-r.. el'v water, $7-50. 341 Miami, -r.. well, $9. Joui t Iritssv Ave 4-r . well, V. CRKIGH. SONS & COM PA NT. Dnugla 20 6ng Bee Rids-. ET. 25TH AVE., 4-r.. 1st floor. $1 .1 ."n . .iin Ave. v, l, -r.. 10. 94A N IS'h Ave (f.t. -r., $10 128 Burdette St. (c V 4-r.. $11 f- S. Joth St 5-r.. R'J V. oth St.. R-r.. $. 4.13 8. 24th St., ti-r... $M. 434 S 21th St.. 4-r. $. 1fii7 Burdette St., 7-r., fH. 3l; Maeon St . 7 r.. r. THE BYRON PEKD OfM?AVT. P. :7. 21J B. 17th Ht. 'aii o 1- pi., iir.. iirim neat, moqen, 204 8. 19th St.. iC-r . hot water heat, mod, I --. r i aa i s 1Fa N 17th St . -r. 4219 N. ?th St.. 14-r.. modern. CITY TRCST COMPANY, leth and Harney Sla. Doug. TSt. FOR RENT-HOUSES 1 laee.lln nrnm, 1 1 1 ) I 'S Fx FLATS. $!4 R-r.. K30 Clark St., part modern. $iri 7-r , 2fV73 Fort St., modern, itn r.-r., e.'Jt S 2th Ave., modern. $.- 7-r.. 4 1 ''2 Iafnyette Ave , modern, tl" s-r., ."-'' Harney St., modern. $.'- 7 r., 212 S 37lh St.. mod., garage. $iu s.r., Farnam St.. modern. GEORGE ft COMPANY. Phone 1 1. 7V '2T'y NRtllkPlde. 1T22 S. 32D St., s-r.. all mud. house. $3.. 2'.21 Capitol Ave., S-r.. all mod. house, $25 332k Ca.. 6-r.. all mod. houso. $.5. fi.O N. 41st St.. -r., ail ni'id house. $-"2.M. 1721 Van Camp Ave., 6-r. all modern house, $1'. 2b!9 flrace St., 5-r.. part mod. house. $15. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO.. Ding 722. 2" First Nat Hank Pldg in I tZARI f-r.7 i I Tnoi I . 1"12 Pacific, 9-r , mod. ex. hent. $3.. 4 S. 35th St., 7-r.. all mod.. 32 'J 2'! ChlcMS-o, 5-r. part nvd. $2". Ii5"9 Ixithrop, 5-r., all mod.. $1. 1010 Pacific. 4-r . pnrt mod.. $14. lilRKF.TT ft l O.MPANY. 43 Bee P.ldg. Doug. $13 THREE-ROOM COTTAGE. $12 THREE-ROOM BRICK FLATS. Separate entrances, one story, gas, elee. It., sink, toilet, water pd. Very neat, clean, quiet, respectable; lawns, farbage, etc. cared for. 3026 8. Wi, blks. S. Vinton on IRth. Red 49"2. FOR GARDENING AND POULTRY. 6-r., downtown, colored; $11. Also a t and a 3 dike bungalow) and ACRE GROUND. t snd $7. Also 5-r. Cali fornia bungalow and acre, $14. Tl. T yior Fvenlnirs. Wal r . 4un NORTH 3th St.. new. modern, 7 room residence; rent very reasonable to right party. 1321 S. 31st St.. Hanscom park; rent cheap; now ready for tenants. Phone Harney 41'i9. HOUSES FOR RENT. CRKIGH. RONS ft CO. do REE BI.DO. POl'Q. 109. FOR RENT AP'TS AMD FLATS FURNISHED OK IN FURNISHED. Detached apartment of 7 large room In West Farnam district; two baths, steam heat, hot and cold water. Janitor service, garage: no small children. I'hone Harney 1S2. West. IDEAL FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT. An excellently airungeu apt. near 2511 Harney, with built-in buffet, large clothes clofccl. also linen closet; fine large kitchen, with built-in refrigorator; gas range and cabinets complete; eaet front, second floor; verv desirable apt. Soo it before you locate. ERNKST SWEET. Office 2511 Harney St. Douglaa 1472. N the Hollywood, near 2511 Harney; 3 rooms and bath; plenty of windows, light and cheerful; 2 large clothes closets; ref-lirerator and gas range fur nished; everything first class; plenty of heat and hot water; first class Jan itor service. Be sure to see thl before locating; $33 and $38.50. ERNEST SWEET. Office ?M1 Harney St, Douglng 1472. STORES. 1816 St. Mary's Ave.. 15x30 basement. $25. 1727 Howard, modern, 30x40, $30. 2677 Cuming. $15. 2520 Farnam. $M. FIRST TRUST COMPANY. DOUGLAS 1151. S03 SOUTH 13TH. fERY choice 4 or 6-room steam heated apartment, on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBBINB, 1K02 FARNAM BT. MODERN 6-room apartment. Including sleeping porch. Wtll located. Harney 199 STORK building, living rooms rear. 2006 N. 20th. D. 1853. 903 N. 17TH. 6-r.. all. mod. apt.. $35.60. --u j lunulas, -r. nat, mod., at eel range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet, J16. nanr nrura, lUUO. Ih63. FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartmenC rtirr desirable; th Chuta Vista, aotb and Poppleton Ave., $42.50. 322 Bran dels Theater Hldg. Doug. 1671. DESIRABLE six-room flat, steam heated, 2620 Leavenworth St. Rent, $30. Conrad Young, 822 Brandela Thea, Bldg.. D. 1671. FOUR and 6-room flats, aist and1 Amos water free and reasonable rent. Phone w ainui ts.. ST. CLAIRly-Uth and Harney. S-room apartment. Harney S4T. gonth. 8 ROOMS, duplicate flat, extra fine, Worthlngton Place. Douglas 7271. MlirrlUneosi. MONTH FREE RENT. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. 3-r. and bath apartment, brick, mod. except heat; good neighborhood- $11.60. D. E. BUCK. 912 Omah Nat. D. 6226. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Store, move, pack, ships; S-hora van and I men, $1.26 per hour; storag. 11 per month. Satisfaction guarantee d. Douglas 4338 and Tyler ttO. Fireproof wAiiEiIOUSE. Beparat. locked rooms, for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 8. 16th Pt Douglas 41$. GORDON VAN 00. Packing, storage and mov ing. 219 N. 11th St. Phon Douglas B4 or Harney 1937. MOVING AND STORAGE. PACKING, SHIPPING AND FURNITURE REP A.1 RING, PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY. CENTRAL FURNITURE STORE. Dougla 7786. OMAHA Truck, Van and Storag Co., moving, packing, storage and shipping. Phot- Douglaa 1496. FIDELITY FREE Phono Douglaa !S8 for oomplet list of vacant houses and apartments; also for torage. moving, liith and Jackson Sts. FEmrfNVAN & STORAGE' Packing storage, 16 Cap. Ave. Tyler 1200. .T I) Tf.h' V. I) Express Co. Moving. " " packing and atortig. 107 Farnam Bt. Douglas 614 FOR RENl'-BUSINtSS PRTTY lores. $ lu-2ou7 Ames Ave., lux 16 feet. $ 22.002916 Sherman Ave.. 15x50 feet. $ 50707 S. lrtth St., 2f:.00 ft., steam ht. $ 60 7 S. ltilh St.. iOx ft., steam ht. $1 2210 Farnam St.. 2vxl32 ft., st m ht. $175 2Hi-l)i S. I'ith St., 4oxi ft., steam ht. GEORGE ft. COMPANY. Phone D. 7". Cltv Nat. Bk. Bldg. 12tj FAKNAM St., 2-story and basement, ixl3o. In wholesale and retail UihiicL 317 S. 11th St., 3ux6f'. $2r.. r,i Farnam St., 12x1 JO. 1615 Farnam St.. 12xl3o. W. FAKNAM SMITH A CO. 1330 Far-am St. Douglaa 10fi4. VElCf desirable stores in Grain Exchange building, (ire proof, in Una with growtn of business canter. Make a selection to day. F. D. W'EAD, ills S. 14th St, Wead Bldg FOR RENT OR SALE. Building. 46x110, maple floors, good for implements or manufacturing concern; been used a a skating rink. Inquire of J. P. Johnson, Geneva. Neb. STOKE TO RENT. 1411 Harnev St. (tore good. I'ith end Harney Dour. 7S9. CI TY TKU8T COMPANY. &FFICE-Third floor. 1,V6 Harney. O. C. RED1CK. Attorney, rnnn oougia lisn Pgr hEKf-Oood tU re room for pan toriuna or Jeweler; town of LSOO. Ad- nress r sot, Hee STORE ROOJ1S at lv-1811 Farnam Ft. Thos F. Hall, 433 Ramge Bids D. "46 5TOB.B) building, living room In rear, $uu. N 2otn. Douglas t3. GARAGE-lta. N. $1st Av. Harney t4aoT Office 4 Dn k R nasi . ROOMS In W E b ST E H -b U N 1 ) E RLA N D Bldg., formerly occupied by R. I.ilook. very desirable for ladle' tailor and drroakrr. For term see GEORGE ft COMPANY. Itione D. 7j 9i2 Cltv Nat. Bk. Bldg MlaeeJla GAjnAGE For nut, new brick garage. 4xlu0 ft. In Herington, Kan,; liv town of 4,500 popuiatlon. on Oti Santa Fe Trail. Public demand that thl gsrag b opened. Good proposition. Come at onn and look it over. J. T. Rush, Her ington, Kansas VVMTTn m RENT 1 FT u rent" o:r vacant tiopcrty PVYN'K INVESTMENT Co.MPXNY. .'.til Fir. Omaha Nat. P-k. Bid-. I '. DM- t'nf nrnlshrd Houses and Flats. Pl;i ipF.RTV OWNERS .'l'Ti:.NTloN. We have had ." cnils for rentals s.ncs Sutidny, slid must hnvn houses for our rllents; l' t us know hot ou have va cant. Call Dotislns 4:t'i Slmpen 4 Com ninv, 234 Keeltne Muibbo SiT)DERN ilOI 'SK W et Farnam or Dundee; must have ." bedrooms and maids room: will pay -' per month for a suitable house GEORGE ft COMPANY. Tlione D. V. : 2 City Nat. Uk. Bldg REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Examine Property Call at my home, 312". Chicago, any forenoon this week and I will show you the vacant property we are sell ing which belongs to the Yates' Es tate. Afternoons I shall be at the office. There are S or 10 vacant lots, very desirable and very cheap, on easy payments. We have also In this neigh borhood five or six homes for sale. Some contractor can buy the whole bunch of vacant property and build some good houses and they will sell. House Telephone Harney 2176. Office Telephone Douglas 6". A. P. TUKEY of the Firm A. P. Tukey & Son, 1507-8 TV. O. W. Bldg THIS PROPOSITION 100 LOTS 100 HOMES WILL BEAR CLOSEST INVESTIGATION. I can build to order for you on either of close to 100 lot. These lots are In all parts of Omaha and Dundee. All are well located. Will help finance. Investigate thoroughly the house I built last year, then know this, I WILL NOT build for you unless I BUILD WELL. If you fall down on your payments at end of 2, 6 or more years. I Insist on still having a GOOD house to offer at resale. THINK THINK HARD. Doug. 2981. Today 6. Wal. 2812. C. E. BOLEN, 614-16 Pazton Block. STOP HERB $7,000 Ten-room residence, four room, on first floor, four bedroom and bath room on 2d floor, billiard room and maid' room on 3d floor; full cement basement; hot water heat; cement porch. Here is a well built and attrac tive home, located on 33d Bt, In tho West Farnam district, that can be bought at bargain price, a tha owner 1.4 arranging to leave the city and lias asked me to sell hla home at once, The house can not be duplicated for the money asked, and the lot 1 easily worth $2,500. Do not miss this bargain. Phone ine for an appointment, C. A. GRIMMEL, 4f Om. Not. Bk. Bldg. Doug, lfflg, MONEY TO LOAN ON APARTMENT HOUSES, DOUBLE BRICK: HOUSES lnre House, Busbies Property and t per cent. SH and 6 per cent Loans for Building Purpose. W. H. THOMAS, Keellne Bldg. TeL Douglaa 148. Bemis Park Home Thl beautiful strictly modern home In the heart of Bemis Park, on large south front lot, has 11 large room, furnished In oak throughout, beauti fully decorated, hot water heat, lo cated at 8520 Lincoln Blvd. If you want an Ideal home be sure and see this house today. Call owner Sunday, Walnut 1583, or week day. Dougla $500 Cash Pay down thl um of money and w will build -you a 5 or 6-room modern house on Chicgo St. between 3d and 44th St. Thi Is in a district of new houses See u sure about thl propo lUon If you want a brand new house. Creigh, Sons & Company, Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg. 73"r-hareduc1 pric of hls Prop erty in order tp make a quick ale; t;n?rm,,,.t?i'y .h,iUM ln 0edral dial trict. Just 1 block from Saunders school; In one of the beat neighborhoods In city: ot is 50x110. eaat front; building I?:"., association loan on property of $1,500 See us at once. Price is $3,onb. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO. Doug. 722. 209 FlrstN.it. Bank. Bldg ACATHEDilAL DISTRICT BARGAIN 300 California St. A beautiful well finished, 7-room strictly modern home that is too large for present owner. Offering this splendid home at a bar gain if taken at once. Ixt alone worth $3,500. THOS. L. McGARRY, 42. Keellne Bldg. nt 4344 W FJll T ifi n v a r Elegant new 10-room house on SRth Ave oak finish throughout. vapor healing system; buffet kitchen, sleeping Sorch; owner has been asking $10,001 ut will sell this week for $.i7.V0. This 1.4 a splendid home and a bargain. P.UNK INVESTMENT COMPANY. ain r 1. timana rar. hk Ming. P. 17m FOR SALE by owner, new 7-room. all nnHiern nouse. oa a rimsn downstairs, white enamel and mahogany doors up stairs, tile floor and bat hroom. Wal nut 3213 WHAT h had to cell: An automobile, a motorcvcle. a summer cottage, a Morris chair. And he sold 'hern through TH BfR Want Ad eolumas. REAL ESTATE. Fire and General In surance. Art Thatcher. 1217-18 City National Bank Bids. Douglas 3X01. Nosth. Prettiest Mile A Home If you wart a real home tn a restricted dlatrlet. with new ho es all round, on the finest Boulevard In Nebraska, within 00 feet of Omaha' most beautiful Park, on block from car line, come out and lee 'he 11 bi use tmt of 4th street on the South side of the Florence Boulevard at Miller Park. Sl large room, attic, full base, ment brick foundation, fireplace, laundry tubs, book eases, buffet, beautiful oak fiidfh, fine lot. every thing the best. Charles W. Martin & Co., 743 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. Tyler 1S7. ALL MODERN 7-room houa for aale by owner cheep (or quick gal. Colfax 3-i