t s V 5 Eraws Meads E WaBt-Adle Ew These Thousands of readers are in all parts of Omaha and the territory near Omaha. Is your message here where these buyers will see it? V TVrr-rr he Omaha Sunday Bee PART FIVE WANT-AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO SEX. PART FIVE WANT-AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO SIX. The Real Estate and Want -Ad Guide To All of Greater Omaha VOL. XLV NO. r,f. OMAJIA, SUNDAY M011NIX(. MAKCll l'J, 1iUJ. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. rag 1 4 I 0 f Want-Ad Rates CASK WITH OBSIBi C pr word ach lnertlo Special Bataat Farm and Ranch Land. Ta par line ech tnijrWB (Count ! word to the line) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AGENTS OR HDL.P WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: le per word on?i! IHc psr word . .t'rea consecutive time CXABOI BA"""1 Ic rer lino V.oniV Tc per line ....three consecutive ttraea (Count six words to the line.) 0 AD T4XIV 0 X.HBS A TOTAL OF 80e O ESS THIN loe MB 1AT. CARD OF THANKS, DEATH AND FUNERAL. NOTICES: lOo per line ch nsertlo. (Minimum charge BO cents) Monthly Rate for standing arte na change of copy) ILSi) V Un (Count six words-to the line.) Coatraot rates oa appUoatlo THT5 PER will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion or an advertisement ordered lor more than one time. ADVERTISERS should retain rscelptB flven by The Bee in payment for Want Ads, as no mistake can be rectified without them. ' USE THE TELEPHONE If you cannot conveniently bring or snd In your ads Ask for a Want Ad Taker, and you will receive the same rooci service as when delivering your ad at the office. PHONE TYLER 1000. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSHi bTVBNINQ EDITIONS ll:0t M- ICORNINO EDITIONS l00 P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANQEP PAILT. Answers te question "Where to go tonight." itnolh. KOHLFF, 2661 LEAVENWORTH Ruth Blair and Sam Ryan in The Fourth EBtate. Photographed In the of fice of the Chicago Record-Herald, 1-reel comedy." ,DKATH ANn FUHBK.tli NOTICF.S. ATTENTION. A. O. U. W. NO. 17. 1 Notice is hereby given of the death of Brother Y. D. Denison at his home, 45.9 North Fortieth street. Friday, MUrch 10, 191H. Funeral from Crosby's under taking parlors, Twenty-fourth and Lake streets, Sunday afternoon, March 12, at 2:30. Interment at Forest Lawn cem etery. . J. if. BENNETT, Master Workman. A. R. HOLLKNBEROER. Recorder.' fcTF.lN Anna wife of I'aul C. Stein, Friday. March 10, 1916. Funeral from residence, 2918 North Twenty-sixth street, Sunday, March 12, 2 p. in. Interment, Forest Lawn ceme tery. Sioux Pity papers please copy. DANIELSON Magnus J., aged 61 years, March 10, 1916. . Funeral from his residence. 6702 North Thirty-fourth street, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment. Forest Lawn cemetery. DENISON Y. P., at residence, 3710 (irand avenue, Friday, March 10. 1916. T . , I fr, Prnohv'H rhflfMl SlindaV. March 12, at 2 p. m. Interment Forest wn cemetery. Auto service. CARD OF THANKS, We wish to thank our niuny friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown during the sickness and death of our beloved son and brother, also for the many beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. James mark nnn family- . . . ..v..nrl ..III. ulmuira Vl M tl U d lo the manv kind friends who were so Kind in our sad hour of bereavement. M. w . jonnson v wm. A10!LMi;NT9 .AND CEMETERIES. MAUSOLEUM. WHY bury your dead In the cold Ground IB stormy Heather when you can buy a tomb In a marble building at reasonable prtceT Tel. MAUSOLEUM CO.. D. 217a BaumeiHter Monument Works, mauso leums. all kinds markers, isih & Charles. FLORISTS. REST yi'AI.I'l V Cl T FT.OWEKB or plants, Art Combinations, shipped every, where. Excellent service to our cus tomers in past ears recommends HESS b SWOHODA. 1415 Earnam St. 1. 150U RATH, florist, 1SQ4 Farnam St. I . I0. L. HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. ItA M ember Florists Telegrapn 'jl. Assn. A. PONAQHUE. 122 rtarney. Poug. luOL KRtTKRNAL ORDERS. ATTENTION Odd Fellows, membeia of , Beacon lodge No. 20. I. O. O. F. are re quested to meet at Odd Fellows' hall, 14th and Dodge St.. Sunday, Mip'h 12. at 1 p. m.. to attend the funeral of our late Brother William Carberry at -Hi So. :15th Ave. All members f tho order are Invited to attend. !. H. Thomas, noble grand; C. A. Grimes, secretary. OOP Fellows are requested to attend the funeral of Captain F. Lund, member of the Pannebrog lodge No. 2li, I. O. O. F., to be held Sunday afternoon, 2:30 p. m., Brewer's chapel. j N. 24lh St., South Side.' MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1'ermlts to wed have been Issued to the following: Name and Residence. Age Sebastlano Nobile, Omaha & Emanuela Riviera, Omaha 45 Arthur K. Shill. Council Bluffs S3 Mae Alphoff, Council Bluffs 19 BIRTHS AM DEATHS. Births L. (.'. and Christina Christenson, Fifth avenue and !. East Omaha, hoy; F. C. and Virginia Wood, 2"il7 North Nine teenth, girl; Joseph and Rose Weinstelii, 2.H3 Decatur, girl, August and Ketlin Burdln, MiS North Twenty-second, hoy; Jnseih and Til lie Zaguixkl, ZHA South Twenty-ninth, girl; William and Eva Anderson, North Twent y-tlilrd. girl; lieorge W. and N. Peck, 1M7 South Six teenth, boy: Chris and Jenslne Larson, 4)2 Maple, boy. Death Oliver Mackln, 21, 2370 Leaven worth. HI II.PIXO PERMITS. " Samuel Bums. Ill) South Thirtieth, re I airs to dwelling, f2,uv; ume, repairs to yaiMM''. tl.PW. ALF-PRICE-If you wa'c th "For .-le. Miscellaneous' columns of TUB REE. you'll often see article which r for all practical purpose almost as good as new advertised for half the original price in THE REE. LOST FOUND REWARDS OMAHA M COUNCIL BL'-.'FKa dTKIilir RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having los' sums article would do well to call up the office of tht Omana & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many article eacn day are turned la and the company Is anxious to isior them to the rightful owners. Call Doug 4 IF YOU Ium jthlnt sod will 4vertlM It y will surely rtcuw It it found br a hotirM svraon. Ketnarkabl tcvrie r trollt ktKiut Tr7 day throuck ttala eoluaiB THE LAW Hxipl wbo find I oat artists art Interested u knowing that Ik Stat law IS strict la requlr.n tbent tn wek tk owner Ihruuih advertisement anil olnerwls ena tfcsl lallura to da so. If nil can be arc?, la .n)Tet ee.ere Denalt. 1ST Oval breast iln, old-fashlotied, gold black rnnmel tracings; keepsake; reward for finder. Harney 17. 2til9 Farnam. Ltlsr Leather cane with paper. near 1'nion Dcimt. Reward paid by return ing to Kloke Inv. Co. Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. I.iisT A dark brlndle Boston bulldog. screw tall, long ears. Phone Web. 7324 L D"R'I,!' 4;iJi I.osf Thursday afternoon, large cameo 1 a (y'w b rooch. R e w a rti . Ph. W c bR7. LI 1ST Japanese poodle ilog; answers to the name of Helen. Doug. 8740. Reward. LOST High School of Commerce pin; on back "A. F !.. 191H." Douglas 1C. LOST Saturday evening, mink fur col larette. Reward. Call Walnut 79. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Fiirnltnre tad Honwholil Good. 6"MAlfA PILLOW CO. Folt and hull matiresses made over In new ticks at half the price of new ones. Phone us f r sample of ticking. Mall orders f Hod. lleirj Cuming St. Douglas 24'.7. ALL Itr-i'AOta water tioiits, furnace colls, etc. yulck service. Omaha Stove Repa Ir Works. IJiW-S Douglas. Tyler 20. FL'RNltL'RK bargains: beds. $1; tables, chairs, rugs, gas utoves. l. nei'dings of all kinus. 18. N. 24th. Webster lro7. DIN I NO and bedroom furniture cheap. Call Harney 6942 after 3 o'clock. FIVE rooms of new furniture for salo. Call 4115 Charles St. ALMOST new fireless cooker for sale. Walnut 11 7. Fl'RMTl'RE and sewing machine. S. 22d St. Tyler 1473-W. 1506 PI n oi a nd Mnatcul Larunivn t. WE will piy'tlve dollars in gold for the namo of a prospective piano or player piano purchaser. , . ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, Factory Pihtributers for Cablo Pianos. Tvler lt6. 214 8. IStli St. PIANO WANTED Party will store pianos and give excellent care If per mitted to use same. Responsible party. Harney 1580. -i UPRIGHT piano tor sale cheap. 8306 Vinton. : t3.0 per" month A. Hospc, lbl2t5ouglas. Store and Office Fltwra. PESKS, safes, scales, snowcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture St Supply Co., 414-16-1! S. 12th. Doug. 2724. Jewelry. Dlnmoada, Watuhej BRODEOAAKD'S "lucky wedding rings" at Kith and Douglas Sts. 2-KARAT pure white diamond. Dotlg. BH7. sewlsg Macsilttes. SEW1NU' MACHINES ' We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing machines. MICHEL'S . NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. IBth and Harney Sts. Dons;. 1663 Typewriters and Bwpplle. MIDLAND RIBBON AND CARBON CO. We make them In Omaha. What? Typewriter ribbons. Supplies for ths office. Doublas 2147. 228 Bee .Bldg. Typewriter and Xnppllr. SPECIAL Guaranteed typewriter rib bons S for $1, Reliance, Ribbon St Carbon Co.. Douglas 8242. HENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for $5. Oliver Typewriter Agency. 1306 Farnam. I Y PER W ITERS sold, remea repaired. Central Typewriter Ec. l0i Farnam. RENT a "Remington" not Just a type writer. law rent. (Jail unuuias izm. CI ng, For, Kte). WE buy and sell tailor made suits and overcoats. Krleflman. lzn Douglas rt. Machinery and Engines, MOTORS MOTORS MOTORS WRECKED Not Motors, But Prices Bargains New and Second Hand. One 3 H. P. 3-phase ?2o volts $4500 One 3 H. P. 3-phase 220 volts $47.50 One 1 H. P. 3-phaso 231 volts Ili.OO One Vi H. P. 3-phase 220 volts $UU0 One u H. P. new, 600 volts direct current $10.00 One 2U H. P. 500 volts, direct current f00 One 1 H. P. 5o0 volts, direct current $25.11) Special attention to out-of-town work; ship your motors to us. CAII1LL ELECTRIC CO., "Not Biggest hut Best." Bee Building. Phone Douglas 3879. Electric I Motor I Elevator I Repairs. Specialty I 26 SECONDHAND motors, various size., fine condition, very cheap. See Calillt E IcH r lct 'o., Bee Bjdg. Tel. D. 379. FOR SALE 6-11. P. gas engine, good running condition, also half-H. P. motor. 610 S. 15th St. FOR SALE One Bowser gas pump, with 2i-gallon tank. Oood as new. P. O. Bov 23; Elkhorn. Neh. NEW Von (iiulder hollow wall concrete rnnrhine. Hartley 324. Lumber, Ilnlldlna Materials. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER FOR BALE. Used in construction of building: In first class condition. Call Doug. 2117. Billiard and Pool Table. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and porket hi1 Hard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; send for cata logue; easy payments Ths Brunswick. Raike-Collendar Co..407-409R. 10th Ht- Awalog, Tenia an.l anva. PICTURE show tent, ai)x70, used one sea son. Address Box 04. Belvldere, Neb. Printing; and' Office Rapnllea. ONE writer preatt for priiftlng Imitation typewriter Inters: one Invalid sanllarv chair; nn- collaps hie go-cart. TM. W.7151 WATERS-BARNHART Pig. Co.. quality printing Tel. Poug. 21W, .r2l 3. 13th S t CENTRAL Printing i 'o POUOLAS ;64. 1 " ' i : A.S I'l inMnir Co. Tel Douvlaa 644 Hook and Period Ira I. 1.1 1IBAUV Conxistlng of Bilttanica, ten path's IliHtoi). lliMorv of 1. S.. Kip ling. I'oe. Scoit win! manv oilier. t bargain. Alno bookense and davenport. nun st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS M tnre.lRitnf on. THE EXCELSIOR. "Ye Olde Whisky Shop." We sell standard bottled in bond whiskies; lu and 12-year-old whlskj a specialty. 111 So. 16th PL holt SALE CHEAP. Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one of the best Omaha business schools. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will lie sold very reasonably. If Interested Inves tigate at once, because spring term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the, office The Omaha Bee. MT high standard of quaTlTy will i maintained; 4 quarts of old Fontenell whisky. 13.26; bottled in bond. Henry Pollock, mall order house. Douj. 7141; 1.1"4 V 1Mb Pt LA W YKH's-ATE NT 1 1 0 N oirrTetTsTiirt h western Reporter and large digests for sale at a bargain. Wi He for inform itlon. Room 210, If N. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. ALEX JETES' LIQUOU HOUSE Thirteenth and Douglas. Rottled-ln-bond whisky, 85c. 1.00, $1.25, full nunrt. BU'EINO gun barrels or silvering mir rors and three other money making formulas for SI. C. A. Morton, Cheney, Nrh FOR SALE Dry, clean, kiiidflng wood, delivered to all parts of the iltjr. Phone Douglas 1257. ANNOUNCEMENTS SPUING IS OPENING UP AND SO ARE WE We are ready to give Mr. and Mrs. General Public better cleaning, dye ing and repair work than ever be fore. Make a still hunt through your wardrolw for that old dress or suit you threw away and wo will make it look like a now garment. Ladies' List Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed up from i $1.00 Ladles' skirts cleaned and pressed at K)c and 75c Ladlea' plush coats cleaned and steamed $1.00 and $1.16 Ladles' ostrich plumes cleaned and curled 6c per Inch Ladlca' gloves, full size 15c Men's List Men's suits sponged and pressed... $ .60 Pants cleaned and pressed DO Men's two-piece suits cleaned and pressed, $1, and 3-pieee 1.2S Fancy vests cleaned and pressed 35 Overcoats cleaned and pressed 1.25 Raincoats cleaned 1 .00 Cravenettes cleaned and pressed 1.00 Men's hats cleaned and blocked up from 60 FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE, CALL DOUG. 6072. STATE DRY CLEANING CO. SPRING IS OPENING UP AND SO ARE WE We are ready to give Mr. and Mrs. fleneral Public bettor cleaning, dye ing and repair worn than ever be for. Make a still hunt through your wardrobe for that old dress ftr suit you threw away and we will make it look like a new garment. Ladies' List Ladles' suits cleaned and pressed $1.00 Ladies' skirts cleaned and pressed at 0o and 75c Ladles' plush coats cleaned and steamed $1.00 and $1.25 ' Ladles' ostrich plumes cleaned and curled 6c per Inch Ladles' gloves, full size lie Men's List Men's suits sponged and pressed $ .60 Pants rleaned and pressed 50 Men's two-piece suits cleaned and pressed, $1, and 3-plece 1.25 Fancy vests cleaned and pressed :io Overcoats cleaned and pressed 1.25 Raincoats cleaned 1.00 Cravenettes cleaned and pressed.... 1.00 Men's hats cleaned and blocked 60c and up FOR' QUALITY AND SERVICE CALL DOUG. 5072. STATE DRV CLEANING- CO. MEN should know of new discovered cure for liquor and drug habits. Book let free. The Furley, 3167 Farnam, Omaha. FOR COUNTY TREASURER EMMET G. SOLOMON BRODEQAARDS 'Lucky WedulnT R'nra" at UHh and Dougl as Sts CA RT KR Sheet Mcta1i7T a. 15th St ERCTSK AT y.M.C.A. Ruslne men. Everrthlaa; for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, beg pleating, coverad buttons, all slsea snj styles: hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 pouglas block. Douglas VjM. Cestamtl. THE largest stork of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. l.lelien & ,-ui, 1614 Howard. D. 41 IS. fllEATRlCAL gowna, full dresa ulta, for rent. u N. 17th 8t John Feldman. II at ton Pirating. U. V. VAN ARNAM Disss Pleating and Button Co., 33-7 Paxton Ulk. North east corner 16th and Farnam ttts. Phone I lout'ltt 21"9 Cleauer ana Llyews. 8TATE Pry Clng. Co. 120 N. 12lh. p. 5071 f fclrnprarlurs, Mplnal A ri j ul nirals, tH lit. Itt l lit., 414 Ihone HlUg. l, i,MT. l .i t..- i.-i-lt. L-rnd. Coniiul'itiiioi free. pj. i. Ueiwi.c, 1 la id tildg. pT MslT ANNOUNCEMENTS Dresaiiinktua At't't)KDU.7"sirti-, Mine," tlo Pleating'. ("oveteil Buttons, lleliistitch tig. Neb. PIcnthiB - Button t'o., 4 1-i I anon I'lk. fill ,H t hiss ladles tailoring.- , . i-.ner, LAIlh. fr miiim i v nn.M. if.l lo the latest style. 1911 Farnam. Douglas 2829. Fash, rt i OHiituKlllK. a itera tlolis. I . ;t,s... lA V work . Wit o 1 1 1 u , w in g I ted" 65? iKelster s Diessmaklng Coi. IS'city! jerry DrasMiii.tk' g co ;eg. "h A Kailianr hlropodlst. Carrie .1. Buford. ai Pax. Blk. Red 4.VI7. UrlllUK. IT. Kradbury. No pain. 9t W.Q.W. Bldg ffait Peutal Ttwuiis. liiT Duugiaa. i. SitssV. Justice of its Irate. 11. 11. CLAIBORNE, iu Paxtou Ulk. IUk 7401. Notary public; tleponitmn steno. C. W . B HIT I , "aoi Bar Ker tliuc U . Prng DRVOS at cut prices; freight pal A on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman ft Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, Nab. Klxture and Ulrlaa, TTiTTlHvlN Electrlo washing machine, aVUi.vavAxi ee(.,rlc t,,,!,, Hl)d reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Doug. 251il. AocoButnnt. E. A. DWOIIAX, C. P. Ad 433-437 Ramge Bl J . Tel. Douglas 70$. trocerles. URoCEUlEil, fruits and vegetables and tender. Juicy meat. Prompt delivery, Tom Johnson's Branch Storo, 6s2i N. 2Uh St. Phono Colfax 15. Hath. PR. BEN DA Sulphur, Steam, Modem Turkish. Electric BATHS nnd MAS SAGE for tired nerves and rheumatism. Private apartment for ladles wlih ludy attendants. 1!'19 Farnam. Phone D. :ir7. Moving Picture Machines. OMAHA Film Ex.. 11th and Doug. Mo tlou picture machine and film bargain. Patents. p. O. Barnelt. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. tl. A. Sturges. tvio Uranuel T heater Bldg. Wines and Llq,uora, BUT your family liquors . at KJlsn's Liquor house. 623 N. 18th. Dou glas 1m , Carpenters and Contraotora, Lessard at Bon, 16 Cspltol Ave. T. l.Ti. C. W. Hokanson. Lvnwth. Tyl. 2UrT. 1. J. YOUNO. 2K3 Mlai.id. Web. 1737. Varunm 4 leaner. CLEAN yl'ICKLY and TllultUlHIMLY WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC; RENT $1 AND $1.50 PER DA V. Dot'ULAS 1T. Petrotlvr. UAMES ALLAN, tit Nevllla Rloek Evl dene secured In all cases Tyler ll LA NO Nat'l Petectlv Agcy., inc.. Kee llne Bldg. P. 4K48. Htrlotly confidential. rsrassss nutt tinware BABER8TROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. fctTL luaurance. FIRE and tornado Ins. Myrtle Deuel, 8121 N. U3d. Phona Colfax 1I after 11 a. m. Plnno Instruction. Ragtime piano playing guarnnteeil In 10 to 20 leaaons. Piol Ilaynes for Oflultir.l System. 2"30 Harney, pouglas 55K4. Ragtime piano playing positively taught In 20 lessons. 4225 Cuming. Wal. 337. Painting- and Paper llanajlna. Painting and paperhanglng. Douglas Dnn. urir im n m imyt-i. oeii yi ici lilOH-CLASS work, low price. Tyler 1122. TrllOH-CLASH work low price. U eb. 7:;2. Tulioriaa. H. MARCT'S, tailor and cleaner, pressing and repairing. 320 N. INth Si. D. MS6. t'hliuney and Furnace ( leaning. Work guaranteed. F. Borneman. D. 7239. Towel Supplies, OMAHA Towel Supply, 2"7 B, 11th. P. 62$. " Trunks and Suit' Cases. FREEING R- PTF.1NLK. 1300 Farnam at Architect. Everett 3. Podd, 612 Paxton Blk. D. 2081. Watch HyeclalUlal " rhrlstlansen. 2d fl., Paxton Bk.. 1 yr. en. Wedding; Stationery. ftVeddlng announcements. Douglas Pts; Co. Advertising: novelties. T. F. Fhafer tk Co., U'th-Farnarn, D. 7474. Attorney. C T. Dickinson. 611 Paxton Blk. D. 104 Bakeries. E. If. REEDER. 1506 N. 181 h. Web 37. Brass and Iron Foundries. Pf.xton-Mltrhell Co.. 27th and Martha Bti. Panrlaa Aeailrinle. PE LUX ACA DEM Y. Ill B. 19th Bt l:leetrolyl Uloa Atlender. t.'4 Be Bldg. Red 806 WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used dekks. bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. SWAPPERS' COLUMN MITCHELL touring car; 45-horse power, in fine condition and newlv painted; to trade for horses weighing !.-' Ihs up. Prefer sound horses or nearly so; will consider plugs. Also have two Ford cars to trade. Address S. C. 1053, Bea JTOADST ii.lt, lightweight, two-passeuger, 1h16 model, lust overbauled end fully quipped. Will swap for the best ltli model motorcycle or motorcycle and Ida car outfit 1 can gat; but It rovst b A l condition. Address B C. 'i26. We. REMINO'lo.N tvpewiitei', $.; Edison phonograph, playing 2 and 4-ininute records, large $:fl Reglna iiiuhIc box, with big hunch of tune sheets; all In fine) shape; want a good small car. Ad dress S. c. MM. Bee A l."P ).-7-passenger Miliotl-Deuolt tour ing car, first-class jhape and running order, fully equipped, extra lire on il--mountahle rim. klaxon horn, etc., val ued at $"00. What ;-ave you? Address H. c. 1Q4.I, Hee. 14 VOLI'MErt American law and proce dure text books, 88-callher Special re volver. Will trade for motorcycle roll top desk, or what have you? Address S. '. WW, Bee. WANTED To exchunge foe anyihlng In valuu one l-J0 wjt' T motor vvin'ier. onu 22 Uemli'glon auto, ioud ng ilflo Willi l.'mO aliel s, one Hea' h siiet ial fielder', glove, one hx 10 soi. ih "vf -'l 6. IihVE sniull iliuiuoiid ring lo swu lor t ew l iter; must he in good condition: wont consider anything but an even exchange; i Ing v alued at $125. Address S P. jot'.'. Hee. liRITA N N I A, lhh edition. India iuper. cloth, l-'o cash, or sometlilim useful worth $-o; have paid $00. Will ship t to anyone willing to keep up monthly payments of $,',, Address Y . Bee. $22 OAS range and household furniture to trade for any kind of poult ry thick ens, geese, ducks, pigeons Belgian hares or a horse. Address rt. C. llmi. Bee. HAVE two thoroughbred Jeisey sow plgit, worth $5 each. weiKht 60 II. . a piece. Will swan for whut l'.ave you? Addres S I ' KH7. Hee IIAV'K i ruiuer lipoma ijiano will swap for miin chas'ls. or what have you? Add: rrs 8. C. H 42. Bee. SWAPPERS' COLUMN HAVE repairs of any kind lor a Cutting Witutnom Pullman 4o. at half the list price, to swap for what have von'.' Ad it ess S. f.M4, Pee. WINCHESTER repeating shotgun, L gatige, liamnierless, 1.U2 model, rib bar rel .ind recuil pad; also gun ckm; value t4': what have yo'i. S. C. JiVtT, Bee WHAT have you to swap for a vacuum cleaner outfit, mounto'i on International truck, Willi lu"c cnourh to clean ti-story building? Plenty oT business. Web. .. 1'Olt SALE or trade, popcorn and peanut machine; In good condition. What have you? Address T. C. Chrlstensen, Scotia, Neli. SANITARY cixich and new mattress lo trad" for rocker, dressor or what have you? Address S. C. 1040, Bee. 1 PWAP. buy and sell kodaks; fl m developed free. KAS"E STUDIO, Ne v ule ivlk . ihiii nnd Harney St. OAK dining room table, round, 48 In., will trado for good Incubator, or what have you. Address s. C. l8, Bee. OAK sideboard and hook case, good con dition, to trade. What Havo you? Ad dress S. C. Hki2, Bee. WILL trade Oliver typewriter, in good condition, for shotgun or chicken house. Address S. t 04il. lice. WANTED to exchange Si 0 loads of dirt for the hauling. Arthur Jones, 2SI1 ('aldwejl St. Red 74QS. SMALL grocery business and building for small home. Phono Walnut 797. 'i03 Cuming St tlooD sinali cook stove, trade for ehf.-k- ens, disc Vecord, or what? Address S. C. 104!i. Bee. 4JOOD roll top desk nnd thnlr, to swap for what have you? Address H. C. VM. Bee. WANTED to trade, diamond rlnsr, worth $:M0, for Ford runabout. Address 8. C. lmt. Bee. HAVTf ffiu Mandv Iechlck brooiicra to trade for chickens, or what have vouT S. C. 6S, Bee! WILL trade mv new typewriter for health Inerinee Address S. C. 104H, Bee. LAIttJE Wardrolie rrimk to lr.n "for In cubator, or will sell cheap. J K51, Bee. MEAT market for property. O 827. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES TRI STKE S SALE. The undersigned, trustee for the es tate of the Sargent Hdw. & Fur. Co. of Sargent, Custer county, Nebraska, will offer for sale, and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the approval of the under sinned, the stock of hardware, furni ture and fixtures and tools, that will Invoice about six thousand t $ii,000.00) dol lars, said salo to 'ake place In the store room where said prrperty Is located, on Wednesday, the 22d day of March, A. P. P'lii, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of aid day. The undersigned trustee reserves the right to reject any or all bids at said sals. There Is only one other hardware store outsldo of this one being opnruted In Sargent, nhd this affords a good oi portunily for anyone desiring to en gage In the hardware business. Any on desiring to examine said hardware stock before sale date can do so by call ing on the undersigned at Sargent. Neb. REMEMBER DATE OF HALE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22D, AT H A H OENT, NEBRASKA, AT 2 O'CLOCK A. F. PHILLIPS. Trustee H M F. BAR?TaTN S." HOTELS, RUST AC HA NTH, ('WAR STORES, POOL HALLS, CONFECTION EH Y STORES, MEAT MARKETS. V A H 1 101 Y STORES, BAH HER SHOPS BAKERIES, COl'NTRY NEWSPAPERS. TRANSFER Bl'Sl N ESS, BOTTLINO WORKS, WOMAN'S STORK. MACHINE SHOPS, REPAIR SHOPS, M A N I ' F A CT I "H 1 N 1 1 PLANTS, SALOONS, OFFICE Bl'SINESS, OROCERY STORES, MERCHANDISE STORES, AI'TO O A HAOE8, COAL Bl'SINESS, MOVING PICTI RE SHOW. PKI'fl STORES. ROOMING IlorsEH. BOARDING HOUSES. And every kind of husinens for sale. No matter what you want, tell me. I have It. WILLIAMS, Room 411, McCague Biillilliiy. i.'.th nnd 1 'ndire His. Omaha. $200 PUOFJT MONTHLY $i0 SPOT CASH, retail business; clean, high-class, legitimate, honorable, located In center of city, no competi tion; nothing to depreciate In value: practically all Block which is always of same value anywhere; doing $i'iii0 monthly; net profits over $200 monthly; full knowledge of business can be lie U'.ilred easily, present clerks would re main with purchaser for a while at least: could he conducted by business woman as well as man; owned by New York concern whose l.-i-'erests are so large nnd varied thev cannot give this Ihe attention It merits, hut expert to be compensated hy supplying stock in the purchaser: this proposition will hear most rigid investigation: worthy appli cants will he given every opportunity to see for themselves; It Is an oppor tunity In a million. In order to elimi nate ttiflers kindly address O Kfi, Bee. WANTED A MAN OF ABILITY TO CON PI CT 1 1 IS OWN Rl'SlNESS HERE AH I "OftPoRATR N"H REP RESENTATIVE. MIST HAVE? SOME CAPITAL TO PI'T INTO HIS OWN STOCK. THIS HI'SI NESS WILL PAY THE PROPER PARTY LIBERALLY. JII'SI1 HAVE GOOD REKKRUVf !. ADDRESS S. K57, REE kiANAGER wanted for Omaha manufac turing business, well eatahllHheil, build ing soxWI, ha 230 feet trackage, ahuu lant stock on hand, manufacture arti cles, as staple as sugar; no IihiI ac counts, even thing clear; no debts of any kind. Want capable, energetic man to Invest $4,(Mt and take management at $2,400 pr year. Will be pleased to give detail to right party, but must decline to lve particular to curious people. See me personally. No Informa tion over telephone. J A, ABBOTT, Patterson Blk.. Room . Ormiha Neb YOl7:LEKs Working uway, day in ami tiny out for small wuge-how do you ever i-xpec' to lie comfortably fixed -to have an Incnn-.e that will nui It e you independent If vou don't find a wa to invest that small savings account of a couple of hundrid dollars. 1 ran show you how to have a Mving income from ;i small Investment. Call or wiita W. T Smith Co., !tlSr-14 City N. Rank Rldg S.Li:S iii'tiiager wanted at once lu the Omaha territory fur one of the most sensational selling articles ever offered through the diy good, men's furnish ing, jewelry and drug trades. $U,(Ji ad vertlning campaign Just now starting. A wide-awake business man with A-l reference and suffii lent means to fi nance his own office can realise a hand some income for years. Victor Kost, 1ft Nut. Bank Bldg , Chicago. BUSINESS CHANCES i Ti million -i t f. i ,'. it "i n v knt f n . The gienteat time, labor and money i-avlng mschine known; unlimited de mand for products, al soluiely no cotn piiltlon, hint,, prviflts; small expenses. With this machine any man with some knowledge of the farm can establish a business In his home town that will In sure an lit 'onie or not less than $1 4 a inoiith. Don't full to see this wonder ful machine demonst I nt d at 2l!t Siolh Hill St.. opposite tll' Woodmen of the World h-.illdlng, Omaha, Nth. The Na tional Machine Co MAN ACh.it "U NiT'.l California olives, almonds and other products are In good demand and have a big future. We want a rvlianle. ex peiieinetl liii.dnest man or vv.vnati In oinalm to aid as nuiiumer and dla trthuler. Enotiuh raiUtal leipitrcd to tarry rensmuiblo stock on hand, no In vestment wanted In our bus lies. In nnaw cling give hii-due-' cMieiiencc. '.VI . ) Ft IRN I A HOME PRODl'CTH CO.. O I 'm nd i'al Our Nebraska farm mortttages are not af fected by European war or panic. Amountn $4' to $M.(M. We collect all 'ro Interest ami principal free of charge; So years , . I" he Nebraska farm rield without a loss Is our record. KI.OKM IWVl'MTML'VT 1 '1 1 VI c 1 S1V IVl Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg., Omaha. Neh. o P A T E K T S THAT PROTKCT A N P PAY BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE. Send sketch or model for search. Highest references. Best results. Promptness assured. "Wntson E. ('olcman, PATENT 624 F St, N. W., WASHINGTON. D. C. WIND Ml I, I. and Impieineiil Limine.,, es tablished 2" years ao; only business of this class lu good town, near Nehraska Wyomlng line; for sale very cheap, and fine opportunity for progressive man; best location in the town, and will sell tho real estate lissht; exceptional oppor tunity for light man. THOMAS CAMPBELL, Douglas 4N2;i. Keellne Building. Aty ESTABLIHHEtP manufacturer wants: staio tnanaver to open office and in.tu m e alenien. New, hlifh-closs article; 6J0i) to $700 apital ne caaary. To" hiindl tiwn money. Will pay expenses to Chi cago If you are man we want. Address, Secretary, 1012 Republic lildg., Chicago. o GOOU paying furniture, rug, stove store In St. Joseph, Mo.; established 25 years; doing nice, clean, credit business; hears splendid reputation for honesty and In tegrity; widow, whose husband died re cently, cannot well continue business; will accept nnv reasonable offer. Ad dress Y 3n5. Bee. 1 Oil HA l7E-$r,coi) slock-oTTtapin general luitrcnaniiise; good town of 1,IM p pu lallon: main line B. Mr M. west of Hastings. Doing strictly cash bust- lies; turn stook every 4 months.- No trades considered. Reaat ns for selling other 1" slness demand owner's attf n- J I on . A d 1 1 res JY 2li IUco. Li'.M Hs.it yard doing a good business and desirable from every point of view: stock wHI involci) around $.0.0.0: will sell or lease the real estate nnd fixtures; here Is n splendid opportunity to get into , a profitable and established business. Address Y 2w7. Bee $4,500 BCYS my half Interest finest and largest howling and billiard hall on Coaat: clearing $000 Per month; also draws salary of $2 per week. Stands full Investigation. Box 160, Read Miller Co.j Los Aneeles.' M A N I ' FA CT I i I E J t S o f ;" Pa don ' Ford71 starter retailing at $12.60 want county ana stale agents to open omen and manage salesmen; $50 lo $100 weekly; big sellers. Amerlcun padco Co., lc- trolt. Mich, FlRsT class restaurant lor sale; rent reasonable; good location; good equip ment; established business, owner may accept part trade. For further par ticulars see R. B. Held oc Co.. 447-49 Brsndels Store Bldg FOR SALE, at a, bargain figure; a restaurant property and lease, having the best location in town; an unusual offer for a purchaser at $1,300 cash. Address Box :i7ii. Manly, la. MOVING picture Theaters? real bargains, machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and second-hand. Hee us. . OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO. Balrd Bldg. Poug. Sh?0. IUK sale infart. children s and la dies' furnishing store at David City, Neb., at a '.rsaln: beat location, In town! doing en excellent business; wnnt to rstlrs Box No K. David -lty. Nrk Foil S,LE or exchange: Stock of gen eral merchandise anil fixtures. Invoice about $I0,iki, In good western Iowa town, for Omaha Income or good west ern land. Box F MM, Hee. i . i . FOR SALE Good, clean stock of Hard ware; live town central Nebraska, tiood reason for selling. Be quick. Ad- dres. Vj!67!R. To LEASE Garage, lo light parly; wiTi invoice one tho'isa.id dollars; the onlv one In town; mnnev-maker. Jeff M. Williams. Huy Sprinus. Neb. WANT a good, cjean slock of '"groceries, general merchandise, not too small. Give particulars in Mrst letter. Address Y Iti'i, Bee. IF you Wain to market, develop, finance or promote unylhiug, we can help you. Bureau ofl ntormiit ion, St. Imls. Mo. FOlT ' SA'f.E "Best billiard paTiurT-cigar stand und hot Hug alley In soiithoii' Vein a ka. Po x J 1 1 H ed Cl oi i il Neh. I"OIt"sAI,ir-iFaiile' hillleid "parlor in town oi S.Otsi, a luirgnln If you ne. iiil"k. Write box This, Chailron. Neb. fl! EAT E R S Huy, leas or sll yoTTrThe ater, machine and suppl.es through Theater Ex Cr. . . J IQn Faripim D t :7. Powtl Snle and Auction Co., Omaha, havs closed out more indae. stocks than an other ftim In II. s. Write for terms. For SAI.r. -I.'rii I I -1 . flour In Kansas wheat bell; money maker. Add'-es" 1 mill, situated In operation; ' '.'4. pee. (MALL CIGAR FACTOR V lor sale Go ing concern. Good leason for idling. P. V -' unison. Hlue Mill. Neh WILLIAMS." established '.'J years to buy or sell huaiusa; see him. 411 Mi'C;tgue Bldg., reference IV S Nat. Bank. CK for real estate or Inajrano: sams floor as Bee office; 11x21 feat; $30. i i t nee m Urf . nrri. e itoom 1D FoR SAI.E-Gooii, clean meat market in town of 2.001. Will si II right for cash. AildrH,4 Y ;iS, Hee. FOR SA LE Grocery store-'wlih lTving looms; In gocd location. Phone Doug Ins V,.', REsTAI'ltANT for sale, In a good town, doing good business. Will sell cheap. Address V. Reo Hl'SY grocery and confectionery store. Invoice $7 .0; want clear vacant lots. Ad dress L KMl. P.ee. To SELL or biTv a buslma! rail Buarh A Borghoff. Freniar Blk. P. Mil Ti nfvT In or out of buineu e.i1 An uaivuk i a I .ZS Hee Hldg Pong. 2477. l'"t) L IB HM ""nine t a I lit s, maid 'liai-galiTl easy terms. 22ai F'aruam Ht. Ruonilag llouars. SPRING BARGAIN 11 room rooming house 2e."j St. Mary's Ave. NEWLY furnished. H rooms, excellent location, rh.-an. - 1 1 DoMirlas tUKI. fi-HOo.M fuinisiiid modern flat tor sale close In. 4'u N. lth. Read Bee Want Ad for Profit. Uss them for reults. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. I'osi I ION as bartender, rhecker. stock man or caretaker hotel, club or buffet, 17 years' experience; reliable, active, mixer and above all. sober; best of references; will except any offer In city or out. El Johnson, 2tH St. Mary's Ave. I'hone Red 5C2.. Vol NG reliable man wants position In automobile h isiuess. Has had four years' experience In this line ns repair man and chauffeur. Can furnish best of references. Call Doug. 35.12. llU'.Ml man wants position as renalr man in automobile business; experi enced machinist: 6 years in thin line; nn furnish hest of references. Call Do u g 1 n s 6367. ALL kinds of odd jobs and janitor work by hour, day, week or month; expert, t need tn nil lines cf work. Webster 6031 AsU for .lohnson. WANTED by experienced salesman, road .Ion or work In wholesale bouse; best references. Address Y 3"4, Bee. W A NTFI Engagement hy . first-class violinist, rxjwrlcneed In all lines. Call today st Dm s. Hth, Rm. la. SITI ATION wanted as housekeeper bv middle aged woman In amall Protestant family. Mrs. Ml. Wells. 423 N. 15th St. MARRIED man. t years city salesman; a iso experienced as hookkeeper ana cot lector: references furnished. Web. 2!7;t. VUI Ml colored man and wife wish work or any kind together, or separate. Tyler I'll'-' Ask for Hamming. Frmat. POSITION by a coiipetent lady as housekeeper; wish en go on western ranch In a good reliable home. Please don't answer unless you have a worthy position ns such to offer; references ex chaned. Address J. M. 25?7 Cuming St. noi;SEKEEl'ER Lady desires plaoesa housekeeper; now living near Coxad. Neh., and would prefer place In that vicinity: will go on farm; 1 am a widow w p. h children. Address K 047, Bee. POSITION wanted by middle-aged woman an housekeeper In small family. Mrs. B. F Omaha, Neb West, Oen'l Delivery, STRONG young woman wishes house work: can give references. Doug. 1H41. Call between fl and 7 In the evening. POSITION wanted as housekeeper; f lrst clns cook; can give excellent references; ni JL " ' 'iT " JULllUQ.' n SJ e5la"?,j 0T)D experienced ctiloi-ed woman wouhi liko a place as chambermaid to work half days. Welmter 1219. NEAT colored girl wants position, rx perlenced cook, In small family. H. Jt7:'J 2701 Dotlge, IjADY would like position where she would only have tn work from 1 to 6 p. m. 1115 B. Hth SL Vol NG colored girl want position as nurse girl or work tn private family. w cosier uiuiit. KtKNOGRA PlllO position wanted by be gtnucr; will start at low salary. Web. IfhiU RELIABLE, colored girl wants work of any kind. Phone Webster 1612. LAPY wishes position as housekeeper In small family. Call Webster 4!M. COLORED lady wants general house work. Douglas SfiH. TYPIST want few hours' work a day. 2M7 Marcy St. COLORED lady wants general house- work. Pou glas 8518. I tiLoRl'.P giri wants housework. Poug. fr" 1 Call for lena. VNTF;i Position as housekeeper. Call Harney 4:161. Practical nurse. Ty. Mi W. 1711 Burt St. ; Laundry and Par Worn. LXPERIENCEP woman wants work cleaning or laundress. Tyler IW9g. rEltFlOLT bundle washing, reasonable. Ha rny 901. Kxpeiiencsxi laundry or cleaning. W. 7074. isrnii 1 1 iai uily & bundle washing. Wreb. 15:19. WA.SHING. luce curtains done. Tyler 1144. HI NPLFJ washing and day work, w. 2t2i. LAUNDRY, waslilng, cleaning. Har. 961. biJNDLE washing; neat Work. Web. 21517 I. At NDRY, Ironing. Itf. S. 27th. H. 4K11, ASHING nnad ironinu: Col'ax 2J.0U WoMATrwant"w day work. 1460 a. "ith! vvANTEl Day "work. Call Tyler 2.'i0tl. ANY kind of day work. Harney 17A0. B I 'N D LF: wa shin g a ndd a v work. H. PM9. PAY" work wanted by the hour. P. 7144. DAY work wanted ot any kind. Dg. SiM. HELP WANTED-MALE tor-a a ad llfflora. WANTKlJ-A manuger and buyer for ladles' and children's shoe department; want a man that Is a good Judge of merchandise; an A-l salesman and fit ter. Give ago, number of years' ex perience, references and salary e x pected. The Jamleson House Furnish Ing Co.. Trinidad, Colo. SA LEHMAN, city, $150 to $200. SALESMAN, auto supplies, $100. BOOKK EF;PER, mfg. experience, $80. SHIPPING CLEUK. and typist, $70. STF;.NO, $75; steno., $ii0; steno., $50. WA 'lTS 11 EF. CO.. 840-42 Brandets Thea W A NT F: P T R A F F I (j MANAG ER. Traffic managers are In demand. The fieltl la most fertile for an ambltloua man to rlae Into a high salaried posi tion. $24) per mo. und up. Special cnach- lngaiid training. I4l W. O. W. Bldg. I'i'of elon anil Trade. WANTED A good horsehoer and black smith to gu into business for himself; good location and large building (down town). 1 can furnish some tools: rent very cheap. R. Rumbel, 1424 Oust St., Omaha. WANTED Six A-No. 1 machinists for night shift and tl first-class machinery inoltlers. Op jii shop; nine hours per dav; no trouble whatever. S. B. Patch. ti Sons Co., Slreator, III. W ANTED Experienced ladles' tailor. Ap ply t oH . Fisher. 204 N. 17th St. AN uphulmercr wanted. Omaha Furniture RepalrtNi., 2110 Earns in St. i'rt'g Hon' .maps. John Kiuist, Beo Bldg. Halcamt-u and Molliltor. WANTED-An agent who possesses plenty of energy and ambition, to solicit orders fioin banks and busi ness concerns for our copyright ex clusive calendars, fans, leather gooda and advertising specialties In Nebraska. To In I n at once. Protected territory assigned. Commissions liberal. Our line is so varied and attractive that a sales man with the right attitude toward his work can find pknty of business tliu year round. Wiite sales Manager, Merchants Publishing Co., Kulamasoo, M nii 6At.hf.MKX wanted to place Shetland pony commerciul contests In every live town In the I'uited States. Keeps trade at home; gets new business and collects accounts for merchants. Nona but ambitious hustlers worthy of large compensation need applv. Steady em plovmeiil and exclusive time demanded; one week spent in a town. Proposition new, hut repeats everywhere tried. We have the goods and seek additional salesmanship ability; refereneee re uuiied. Perry 1'ony Co., Frankfort. Ind. STATE AND DISTItfi MANAGERS WANTED in South Pakota. Nebraska and Kansas, If you are a producer call or write MPT PAL BENEFIT HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION, 4o CITY NAT'L BANK BLD, ,' OMAHA. Mii. - r