5-n 3MA,M(CIHI HH to .J i. iUII 7U. J Till: OMAHA SIWIUY RK.K: MAIK'il V2, VMG. 'f ii , I clujii.au i oil the OP-! off 'jls-4 .n't im Uth irds out dis ety.l ole rlrs. en s has Ion, t In rest .tse ea ileo- ' il 'Mi 1 HIT left of Thistledown"!6 10 . ' UMAHA fOK WiiliU LEADvJO CHAR ACT I. Gladys "Sickcl, fairy he: rM; Eorothy Wilcox, fairy queen; Madeline Joizc), thlc'ladowa. Every Thac of Baby Life U Be Taught by Experts ct County Court House. i mil .mm ii mi ri tension work. department of agricul ture of the state university, gave a dem eiietrs'.lni of Infant's clothing, and rrof. J. II. rrandrrn of the department of tl.viy husbandry, lectured on "Milk and in Hole lion to rubHa Health." ' Ij 1 3- :.l (J ' " LECTURES ON TEETH TONIGHT King Bab? was given his scepter nnd crown at the liaby HcaKh ex hibit In the court houso yesterday tad will relpn In (majesty for one reck. Ills history. education. r.cuJth. food. riota:ng and ritlc r fflits ere only o few features whleli re lllustrafd In tho rxnitlt r.flsetit h'M liy the Lincoln and Omaha Women's club, under the direction rt W. K. R. J. Kdholni of Omttha, Mrs. Fmma Iteed Pavlsaon of Lln rcln and Mrs. Hugh La Master of Tecum sell. Lectures touching on every phar.c cf Infant elrsre be given every afternoon and evening except Sun rtflv during the entire week. The subject at the afternoon meeiln? vhich opened the exhibit and at h!ch .Mrs. E. M. Syfert of the Cmaha Woman's club presided. wn on "Civic Environment of the Child; Its Pood and Clothing." rrof. Loom t a Letarra. Frof. Alice M. Loomls of the dopert mont of home economics, I'nlverstty of Kebrask.. lectured on "The Civic Rlshtr of an Infant."Dr. Albert K. Johann. dl rector of hyirtene of the Uneoln public fchoole, talked on "Tnfant Welfare Hu tions." Mrs. Davlsaon. head of the ex EMBARGO ON' EXPORT WHEAT AT GALVESTON RAISED Tr.rcritns lave readied the Omaha '.'.rkln cxrhmne tht the rmonrsro on client ah!rnent. lito Oalvestnn ha beci flla-i! and thnt the elevatoi- there arn MMIIilMBWaBBBIWII In a position to handle a eonalderahle quantity of grain. This. Iiowevrr, did not sive the market an upturn and wheat old off 1 to t rents, the prices rangin from 7i cents to l.Nt pee huahel. He clrta for the day were St carloads, con H1erd fairly heavy for a Katurday. Corn was up a rent, the beat selling at ''! cents per bushel, with the off -radia ar-Ulnr dswn to 4. There were .' iar lends en the market. ('.Ms sained H rent per huahrl and old . t X and 4314 crnts per bushel, rtocrlpls vrre 11 carloada. magsstsasamm Greenes Pharmacy . Sixteenth and Howard Streets t nrrv n full lial'v Xpeowsitiet'. line of the lcst 6.' PURE BOCABELLI CASTILE SOAP FINE SILK SPONGES SQIBBS- (Endorsed by all physicians.) PURE TALCUM POWDER CASTOR OIL SUGAR OF MILK Our Motto: "There is nothing too good for Baby.M I sr in - . . - n mm mim mn ir irr " ir 1 1 ' vs-era- Awwsy.ljs'i m vm.vvvi..,i vs-ssi.'.-, Theft of Thistledown" to Be Feature of Baby Week Program "Ppr-eta Intel-eat in tho observance of Sahy health week In Omaha centers wound the presentation" of "The Theft of Thistledown," at the baby health ex hibit Tuesday n!lit. This Is a morality Interlude for children, written especially fof ""this week's observanco all over-the country, and . will be presented, by a ( ronp of .On-.aha children, ur.der the di rection of Mrs. George Mtcel, president it th Mothers' Culture club. '. Tiny Jar.o '. Lowo,' " the 5-year-old ta-hfer of ftbv.' and 'Mrs.":Cltus Lowe, pre tenses to teltho lilt of the. entertaln lue.n. . whan she takes the part of the snrth baby stolen by tho fairies. The speaklixi parts,,. those of the fairy queen. Thistledown, and the queen s herald will be taken by Dorothy Wilcox, Madeline Johnson and Oladys Mlckel. The threo Tlxles, Blueberry. Bramble and Hvirr. will be Madeline and E-elyn Lows aid Dorothy Norton; and two standard bearers. Edna and Elisabeth Carnal. Another feature of the play will be a. flower dance, tho "Iteturn of Spring," by six Uttlo stria. Flora Shukcrt, a roee; Angellne Rush, a carnation; Marguerite Carnal, a sun flower, snd ftcmlce Wilcox, a poppy, will be the flower, fslrles. Mrs.-T. P. Davie, Mrs. R. A. McFar- lane snd Mrs, Charles Ztebarth, presi dents of other mothers' clubs, are assist ing Vt-a. Mlckel. Every Healthy, Normal Kiddie is Fond of ICE CREAM... Clean, Makes The Food Value in Wholesome Ice Cream it the Ideal Treat. In Ordering Your Ice Cream Be Sure That You Get jr niuib ana vitrtklnj twi rachetl : b4 . al reaso (rlr light placed at the eithlblt, the flash j( which every ten seconds, represents U.u iitath of a child Unde 1 year In the clvllfced countries of the world! Think, C ), WO babies not yet 1 year old, dying each hour, in many Instances for lack pf competent. Intelligent care. , . Occupying one entire wall Is a collec tion of. brilliant posters done by students it the Nebraska university, when the dls "Iftjr "f posters ordered from New York died to arrive In time for the Lincoln Mbit last week. These posters llustrate trlklnsr fact. One out of every six the Vnlted States dies before It the age of 1 year! Here Is tho reason for inaugurating baby health oek all over the country to decrease a dread rate of Infant mortality. Ja-rralle Books. book store occupies a nook with attractive of Juvenile books and Clotures and songs of childhood will be tn only music heard at the exhibit, while clever sayings of children are repeated freely. . Ttu crrlo aspect of the better babies' movement will be presented In lectures given during the week, as well as In the prodigious amount of literature fur nuihed for distribution. Clvlo and moral training In the publio schools, new aspects of children's education, such as play grounds, birds' clubs, gardens, boy scouts snd campfire girls' organizations; ques tionable Influences In child life, moving pictures and unsupervised plsys, all these qulbtlons are considered. (1 Leetares at Theater. lJ connection with the baby health ex hibit, the Burgess-Nssh company has ar ranged a series of Instructive lectures to mothers to be given by prominent Omaha X local 1 thi jbost ' specialists -every- morning at 11 o'clock at tho Boyd theater. Monday morning Ur. H. et. McClanahan lectures on "In- fent Feeding:" Tuesday, Dr. J. C. Iwer- mi on . ractlcal Hints for the Core of Infants;" Wednesday, Dr. V. 8. Oarkc on "What We Can Do to Prevent Illness In Children." and Thursday. Dr. Newell Jones on "Proper Foods for Infants and Children." Tho women In charge of the exhibit. Mrs. Edholm. Mrs. F. 3. Blrss nnd Mrs. K. J. .Burnett, are elated over the co-operation manifested by the Omaha merchants. Alrl" from the On-ha, Dundee, Benson and South Omaha Woman's clubs, host esses for the exhibit hsve volunteered from the Association of Collegia Alum nae. Young Women's Christian associa tion. Visiting Nurse sssoclotlon. Fcdera tlon of Child Conservation leagues, r. E. O. sisterhood. Daughters of the American Revolution, Woman's Relief Corps. Wo man's Club of the Railway Mall Service, Federation of Mothers' clubs In fact, every woman's organization In the city. The exhibit IS open each day until Sat urday from 19 sl m. ti VO p. m. Today, however, the exhibit closes at o'clock. run Foreeffjl, if StarlUaK. This notice, posted In a cunsntwoos place In a Boston grocery Mere, has oc casioned tonslOerablc mirth ernonj the patrons. This Is the substance. "Lisatr that occurred to three of .our dellnmnt eurtomer. "Said one: 'Tomorrow I'll call If 1 live.' He's desd. "Anoiht-r said: 'I'll see you pion.' lie's blind. "Still another said: 'I'll nay you 6n Saturday or so to h .' lie's gone." It is such Instances a thene nat make a man inclined to forego credit alto jollier. Be it on Ulobe. FARM 1 3D MILK. Safe Milk for Baby Uied by The Alamito Dairy Your baby should have only the best and purest of foods, o dairy inspector has given the Friesland Farm Dairy a mil averace of 95 per cent, leadincr every dairy in Omaha Ejry time there has been an inspection of the Omaha dairies .lpanlines.s and sanitation. The Milk itself testa uniformly A ;r cent butter fat nnd Yl'- per cent solids. See that YOUR baby has the best. Douglas 409, or Walnut 1529-2. BUY A BOX Big Slue, 100 la Vox. Our usual 38c slse Dozen 32c Box 2.51 Seat Brand Is selected California fruit. In rich syrup. All large cans. Teaches, Tellow Freestone, at....!7e bllced Lemon Clings, I cans 52o each, at 1M Rart.ett rears 1M White Cherries S3o Apricots , ice Klutua . , lo Mountain Brand la good California fruit. In good syrup, ail large can', Parhea. freestone, lo J (ur....40e reaches, eilcad leinon clings loe hart lett Fears lto Whits Cherries ls Apricots, lso 1 for , 4o I'rlnreas Mnea4pU or Paradl o Brand, large cans, t thick goldn slices, at IS No. 1 sis, can I to Ko. I slse. ran 104 MXSCBXXtlJrZOU. XlacLaren's Peanut Dutter. lb lis I j. C Boap. l bars at 0 -I if - J All our stores have these Q K J fVi alsea, amna have hu-gor H H mmmtmtmt V 3 Svnd smaller sizes, from B H 14 a k-1 11 1 1 n lio drz. to itc; Box, H H M P B r-" lASl ti zt to$i.4. a n vif .V .lt"ZVZ ! B U-S.PA.TSNT Osric'f if MMM How Long Can You Remember How the Baby Looks Today ? Perhaps a year or two, and then the recollection grows hazy. And if anything happened to the dear little one and you had neglected securing a good photograph of him, could you ever forgivo yourself! If ho is spared to you, grow into a fine, stalwart man, don't you suppose he will treasure his "baby" picture? Surely! The- Heyn Studio Baby Pictures ore famous be cause Mr. Jerome Heyn devotes most of his time to the study of child portraiture. Why not take advantage of his constant study? The Heyn Studio 16th and Howard Sta. , Omaha, Neb. Then You Can Be Assured That You Have the Highest Quality Obtainable and Your Youngsters Will Thrive On It IT IS A REAL HEALTH TREAT FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN. For Sale at ' The Leading Drug Stores and by The Best Confectioners Fairmont Creamery OMAHA SKOGLUND "The Child's Photographer" Kjur Children 's Pictures Arc The Best, Yet Our Prices Are Reasonable Try Us and Be Convinced 1 i 'w 1 - SHI 16th and Douglas Sts. Phone D. 1375 333 THE BABY HEALTH FOOD A solid carload of Fancy and Extra Fancy California Navel Oranges priced near wholesale cost to MOVE SURPLUS QUICKLY TIP-TOP Bis Hlse. 120 in Uoi. Our usual 83c slxe- Poien 'J7o Box fii.M Big Klae, ISO In Box. Our, usual tic all Dozen 'Mc Box 92.112 READ MAIIC1I 18 is XatlonuJ Orange Day have IHEMII M WUAI'I'KIM, Our Tip Baking Powder made prize I Columbine rki ltJ4 and 1S state (airs. l-os. ran (26c size) 3 for Ms en eh. at 10o Our 'lip Haking Uoda. 1-lb. pkg., 3 for 13o each oa Celluloid or I. X. U Htarch, 10c pkc.. now at ' Tiex Iye. I So caji To CVdsr Oil Polish, tOc size goo H-st lied Alaaka Halmon, 1-lb. run. now at ITe Chum Halmon, 1-lb. can, to J for g&o Mustard Mardinea, 10c cans Bo Oil HiLTdlnes or ' mustard o 1 for 10o Maca.ronl, Hpaghettl, Noodles. 10,- pkga.. To 3 for lo Olive Oil. pompelan, pint ao Pint Mo Preserves. 12-os. Jar. pure fruit.. gls CUing YBOKTABX.SS. Hominy, big cans. I for 3o earii. 7e Kraut. Mg rsui BO and e peas and Corn, 10c graide Ts Sifted Colorado Hurni- feu at Ixo Toinatoea, 2"-lb cans, often cold (or liii., our price lOo aad lie SCatAT DlrigTMEST Ooallty Ooods TUe (est on yonr tbble t.Ua the story. Klb Bol.tiig Heef, lb So aad So Wry Halt ltutts. lu Ije Hacoa Hacks, by strip, lb 18o Pot Koaats you'll enjoy ltVfcJ atrTTsuirB. Vtlghest Qusilty l'Hncton. Tilt or Natural color, lb glo Kfuplre, medium grade 17o Magnolia. 1-lb. roll S4o cmxsoo JUTO USD, Crlsco SOo, 4Bo, t3o Pure kettle lard, a'x-s farthest, i.o watrr In opon kettle lard per lb ISO aad 13o BUTTE. Beat creamery. 1-10 pkg 3So No. t creamery, 1-lb. pkg Mo took lor Thit Labtl i Means Health and Strength for Your Baby And what is good for the children is good for the "grown-ups" as well. Tip-Top Bread is made from tho best ingredients, under the most .sanitary con ditions. . , If there is an- infant in your home, be sura to buy Tip-Top. 5c and 10c at Your Grocers U. P. Steam Balrinu Co. It's not cnlyuhit you PAY, hut what you GET that is the real test of value Friesland farm K tr" THE (BASKET STOOGE West Dodge Ml ... 1 1