Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1916, SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 17

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3 B
I i
Council Bluffs
fj N Social Notes
IU !
: A most plcas.-mt .:tpilse party wns
V,l',n on Mr. rn.t Mr. It. It. Hutchison
on Tueolay evening nt their new home in
Hazel tH, the occasion being Mrs.
Hutchison's b:rtbiy. A Mrs. Hutchi
son's blrt'.id-iy om s only om-e In four
years a special effort wa made to make
the affair a mor.ior.iMo one. Various
giiinra cr enjoyed and supper was
served About fifty IK'' wore pre?e-.?.
A Jolly party of
people gathered
Satur.lsy evening nt liie nomo of Mr. and I
Mr. W. C. Josep'i to r.liete the cap
tire by the Keconl P.rshyterlan fUe of
the Joe Smith lio.ihy fir the church
league basket ball. '1 he loving cup wan i
placed on a pedestal In n prominent pln'c
In order that all mllit admire It The
evening wa spent In basket hall discus
sion. rnc!i yomnr man jjlvlns nn Im
promptu rpewlt tn romo ' phase of the
subject. After tlifl speeches Dr. George
A. Uajr mrnlfl a few nprreprlate remnrna.
aa atao did Mrs. K. A. Miirelio'.ise. super
intendent of the Sunday school. Mr. Jo
seph humorously ontl tie,) pims for keep- I
tug the cup anotr.e:' year. The program
a lnters l set! with music by Mjss
reda Kenady. Miss Katheryn More
house. Miss Florence Senior and Mlaa
Lois AVood. The basket ball players each
bad the privilege of invltlna a young
omnn. the ruests numbering about
thirty. A two-coyrse luncheon was served
by the hostess late In the evening.
The Misses Theresa and Kdith Brugen
hemke entertained nt a slumber party
Saturday night nt the home of their Bis
ter, Mrs. R. C. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs.
Freeman have been spending the last
week at Holton. Kan., and turned their
house over to the youn women, who en
Joyed the occasion to the utmost. A taffy
pull occupied the early part of the eve
ning and a miilnlent upper was served.
Mr. E. W. Hart went to Chicago Mon-
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon, 2700 Third ave
' nue, observed their thirty-third wedding
anniversary Monday evening. They were
much surprlaed when a number of friends
and relatives, including members of the
Xazarene church, of which the family are
members, inarched In singing. The eve
ning waa most enjoyably spent and re
freshments were served at a late hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon have made their
, home In Council Bluffs for fourteen
years. They have four daughters, all of
1 whom were present at the celebration.
I Appropriate addresses were made, to
which Mr. and Mrs. Shannon responded.
The members of the J. K. club were
, entertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs.
arry Arbuthnot at the home of Mrs.
11. A. Musselman. The afternoon was
pent at cards and prizes were won by
Mrs. A. B. Wright, Mrs. William Mar
quardt and Mrs. Williamson. Club guests
1 were Mra. Fred Clausen, Mrs. George
Bushnell, Mrs. Wlllamson and Mrs. Mus
selman. The club will meet Wednesday
of next week at the home of Mrs. Leslie
The members of the Woman' club of
the Railway Mall Service were enter
' talned at a I o'clock luncheon on Tues
day afternoon at the horn of Mra. R. I
latta. Eighteen members were present
and Mrs. Charles Reynolds was a club
I artiest. After luncheon an Informal pro
; gram waa given, with Mrs. R. O. Aller
' ton s leader, an interesting paper being
read by Mra. A. EL Downing. In a gam
Whioh followed, prises were won by Mra.
Carl FYahm and Mra. Thomas Craig. It
w AeAA tn finld n vnlnr BartV for
tl member and their families next Tuea
' flay erenlng at tha home of Mrs. W. &
Lelghton. Mrs. Lelgtiton will also be
, hostess of the club at the April meeting.
Announcement has been mad In Des
Moines of th marriage of Our Andrews,
son of Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Andrews of
, this city, and Miss Louisa HorCense Par-
I sons, daughter or Attorney ana urs. J.
M. Parsons of Des Moines, which took
j place Sunday evening at the bom of the
bride's parents. Th young couple met
1 last year when both were students at
, th University of Iowa. They will remain
In Des Moines for th present. An
' nounoement of th marriage waa made
C at Des Moines Tuesday morning, coming
as a great surprise to th friends of th
"A young people. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. An
VlJrews, narenta of th groom, are at Ex
iflelslor Springs, where they have been tot-
to last ten days.
Mrs. H. A. Quinn entertained th mem
bers or the Atlas club at an Orpbeum
party Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Mary Watts of Audubon, national
president of th baby health associa
tion, and Dr. Velura Powell of Bed
Oak, were th honor guests at a luncheon
given at th Grand hotel en Thursday.
Others presents were the past presidents
of th Council Bluffs' Woman's club
and all who assisted In th baby health
On of the most delightful meetings of
th year was th "guest day" of th
Ideal club, which was held Tuesday at
th horn of Mrs. J. P. Organ. Th af
fair was given In the form of a musical,
under the direction of Mrs. Robert Moth.
Each member was privileged to invite
a guest, and the program was followed
by refreshments and a social time. Mrs.
Organ was assisted In entertaining by
Mrs. Lewis Cutler, Mrs. A. B. Nicholas,
Mrs. W. A. Southard and Mrs. DeVol.
Th program opened with a piano solo
wf Miss Margaret Etsensperger, which
was greatly enjoyed. Miss Pranoes Ear
tngflght gave a clever exhibtlon of the
aesthetlo dancing, and Mr. Walter Jen
kins gave a vocal solo. 'Mrs. Dollle Bur
gess gave one of her delightful readings
d th program closed wltn a piano som
by Miss Vivian Gray. The regular meet
ing of the club will be held next Tues
day at the horn of Mrs. B. a Terwllll
er. The Women's Missionary society met
Friday afternoon of this week Instead of
Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
J. V. Beardsley, who was assisted In en
tertaining by her mother, Mrs. Stave. A
most Interesting Japanese program was
On account of Ash Wednesday th reg
ular meeting of the Flower mission has
been postponed one week and will be
held March 15 at the home of th Misses
Alice and Sara Clark, 219 Frank street.
Other hostesses will be Mrs. Glenn Rieder
and Mrs. Martin Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Everett enter
tained at dinner Monday evening, ten
guests being present. Spring flowers,
daffodils, hyacinths. Jonquils and tulips
were used on the table and In decorating
the rooms.
The Oakland Avenue club wilt omit the
usual meeting Friday of this week, but
will meet for a social session March 17
at th home of Mrs. F. H. Orcutt.
Fifty-nine women were present at the
March meeting of the Federated Moth
rV club, held Monday afternoon at the
A-ubllc 1
fiom li
library, a delegation of women
nderwond being guests. Repre
sentative of i tie Catholic fe. houls were
also pretK-n :nJ asked to Join with the
club tn '. ht iomotion of tin summer gar
den work auioiig the bvLool cl.llUreu. Mr.
Omaha Delegates to D. A.
I ' r&Z JCV ( w .
y m mP
- " Nvsm V- r j ISJvvfy Adam
eV x! s '. f !
Thrslm Archibald 6jmth
Whits, who has charge of th garden
work. Is making plans for a Saturday
morning; market, where the boys and
girls can bring their produce for sal
ach week. Th commute having In
charge th proposition for cleaning th
streets reported that much Interest is be
ing shown and that th plan Is progress
Ins; rapidly. Announcement was mad
that a round table, open to all mothers
of th city, wUl be held at the high
sohool auditorium, Friday, March SL At
that time Dr. Ferris will give a talk on
"Th Psychology of Punishment In th
Horn and School."
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin E. Spetman enter
tained at auction bridge Monday evening,
complimentary to Mr. and Mra, John A.
IDutton, who leav soon to make their
horn In Vermont. Three tables of auc
tion bridge was played and th prises for
high scores were won by Miss Tulare
Linker and Mr. Don Stouter. Mrs. Dub
ton was presented with the guest pris.
Following th card gam a course supper
was served, covers being laid for four
teen. Th art department of th Council
Bluffs .Woman's club mat Monday even
ing at th publlo library, an Interesting
Urn being; spent In th study of th Lich
field cathedral. Miss Mltti Pile gar th
history of th cathedral, beginning with
th Norman structure of the thirteenth
century erected on th foundation of th
early Saxon church, which suffered by
reason of its exposed condition from th
invasion of th Danes, and later from tho
soldiers of CromwelU 6h also told of
Its later restoration under various archi
tects. Mrs. Doll la Burgess gave an ex
cellent description of th exterior of th
red sandstone cathedral of Lichfield,
from different angles of view, mentioned
as the "Queen of English Cathedrals."
its charm as th moat beautiful and
symmetrical of cathedrals was men
tioned. The richly sculptured fron th
long lancet windows and th remarkable
Lady chapel were. Included in her descrip
tion. Mrs. J. E. Wallace told of th in
terior of th cathedral, a soft red In
color, speaking especially of the long or
vista effect of th nave. Th clustered
piers, th fin carved work, the geometri
cal traceries, th choir, galleries and the
Lady chapel were all described. Th
Lady chapel, polygonal In form, she
states is the only one of its kind In
England. Miss Rice told In a pleasing
way of Samuel Johnson, th most
dominant figure In Ehgland for th
greater part of the eighteenth oentury,
and of his connection with th eathedral.
His horn snd some of his characteristics
were described. Miss Rice also told of
the tablet erected to his memory in the
eathedral and of the two monuments,
on near the cathedral, erected to him In
Lichfield. Miss Rice also read Haw
thorne's description in "Our Old Home,"
of the colossal monument portraying the
figure of Johnson, and the bas reliefs
picturing themes from his life. The next
meeting of the department will be held
March K).
Mrs. V. P. Gay was hostess of the L.
L. club Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Gay
won th club prize and th card game wti
followed by a course luncheon. The
guests were seated at one long table, at
tractively decorated with spring flower.
In addition to the members there wer
present Mrs. J. P. C'hristensen, Mra I.
Mucci, Mrs. S. E. W ha ley and Mra. A.
j C. Lane. The club will meet next Wednes
2 day at the horn of Mrs. J. U. Crabtree.
A wedding of Interest to a large circle
of Council Bluffs people took place at
noon Thursday, when Miss Hasel Arnd,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Arnd
and Mr. Klrnrr J. Martena of West Hide,
la., were inlted In marriage. The cere
mony took place at the honu of th -brlui-'a
purrnts and lr. A. tl. A. itjx
lou of til. 1'aui's Uplioul chuivh of
lira. VUVSw-" 7 7 I CI , . ( y : f I
m rvxx sw .... ' ..'. s r m . m
ficiated. Th wedding waa a slmpl one.
and was witnessed only by th Immediate
relatives and a few Intimate friends. Th
house was attractively decorated for th
occasion, baskets of Jonquils and yellow
tulips, tied with tulle bows, being prettily
used In th room. Th bride was un
attended and wore a lovely gown of
Georgette crepe over chiffon taffeta. She
wore a beautiful corsage of sweet peas!
and for-get-me-not. Following th cere
mony a luncheon was served. Assisting
In serving were Mrs. Charles Oelger of
Sioux City, Miss Tulare Llnkey and Miss
Esther Thomas, neighbors and childhood
friends of th bride. Mr. anA Mrs. Mar
tens left for a short wedding trip, after
which they will go at ono to housekeep
ing at West Side, where their new
home is all ready for them. Mr. Mar
tens Is established there in the furni
ture and Implement business. Th bride
Is a clever and accomplished young
woman, who has lived here all her lit
and has an exceptionally large olrol of
friends. She waa graduated from th
Council Bluffs High school, later from
th stat university and afterward, at
tended th Academy of Fin Arts In ChV
oago. She has great artlstlo ability and
her work is well known here.
The Book Lovers met Wednesday aft
ernoon at th horn of Mr. Charles R
Hannan, sr. Tho cluh commenced th
study of Charles Dtckeng. His early
neglect and street education, his London
Ufa and th various occupations In which
he was engaged wer discussed. His
humor, pathos and descriptive powers
were also discussed. The general dis
cussion waa followed by reading of ex
tracts from "David Copperfleld." deal
ing especially with the well known char
acter, "Mr. Mlcawber." Th club will
meet with Mrs. Hannan again next Wed
nesday afternoon and begin the study of
on of Dickens' most able novels, "The
Tal of Two Cities."
Mr. and Mrs. William Powers enter
tained the Social Neighborhood Card
club Tuesday evening. Prises for high
scores wer won by Mr. Harris and Mrs.
Hlckey. Luncheon was served after th
gam. Th next meeting of the olub will
be held at th horn of Mr. and Mrs.
Society Circles
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Phelps snd Rev.
and Mrs. Charles B. Paskervllle of Belle
vu entertained the Bellevu college fac
ulty at dinner Friday evening.
Tti table was tastefully decorated with
Jonquils and daffodils and th college
colors of purple and gold. The center
decoration was a large plate mirror with
a border of stnllax and a cluster of Jon
quils and daffodils with purple and gold
ribbons set In th middle. Plaoes at the
table were taken according to a novel
scheme. Each person received a card
with the first half of a well known prov
erb written on it. He took his place
where a card with th completed proverb
lay. The list of those present Included)
.Messrs. and Mesdames
E. M. Jones, Stephen Phelps,
W. B. Mt-holl, C. E. Raskervllle.
Albert Snare. '. A. Mitchell,
Mra. liiia si. unurenm.
Myrtle Hunter,
Sarah Bailey.
Luella M. Carter,
OH.-sr Srhmledel,
Fdwin L. Fuls,
W. A. Fetera,
Br r nine A. Miller.
Jeanetle Goodwill.
J. K. Krlckaon.
F. E. Benjamin.
It takes but a minute ot time to save
dollars lihon you read The live Want A!
R. Meeting
West Ambler
Social Activities
A daughter was born last weak to Mr.
and Mra. D. L. Norton on Forty-eighth
and Pin streets.
Miss Doris Dimbleby underwent a slight
operation last week.
Mrs. H. O. Clagett spent Wednesday
and Thursday of last week in Lincoln,
John Hensman. Greeley, Neb., formerly
of Omaha, was th guest last week of his
brother, Mr. XL C. Hensman and other
friends her.
Mrs. A. M, Jackson and sister. Miss Jo
sephine Brady, went to Madison, Neb.,
last week to attend th wadding of Miss
Htldegard Ottopohl to Mr. William Can
sen of that place. Miss Ottopohl Is well
known tn West Sid having visited her
many times aa guast of Mrs. Jackson.
Th Grace Eax Bible class will meet
Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock with Mrs.
Joseph Gllmore. Fifty-fourth and Hick
ory streets.
Miss Emma Dale of Council Bluffs, la.,
was the guest last week for a few days
of Mr. and Mra. F. W. Jensen.
Charles Allen Is seriously ill at his
horn on Fifty-fourth street with erysip
Aubrey Shandy has moved his family
Into their new home at Fifty-sixth and
Center streets.
Fred' Nelson is confined to his home
with a sever attack of lumbago.
Edwin Thompson left last week for
Anoka, Neb., where he will spend the
summer with his uncle.
Mrs. C. J. Roberts spent a few days In
Lincoln, Neb., last week. Mrs. Roberts
returned Thursday evening.
William Car berry Is dangerously 111 at
nis noma.
The Ladles' Aid of the Jennings Metho
dist c'.mrrh will meet Thursday with Mrs.
II. W. Stewart, Fifty-fourth and Hickory
Mrs. H. E. Brown of Scott's Bluff, Neb.,
was the truest last week of Mr. and Mrs.
P. L. Edgar on Fifty-first street. Mrs
Brown has been in a local hospital for
some time, but expects to be able to re
turn soon to her home.
Mrs. Louis Krummis entertained at
lunch on Saturday for Mrs. William
Vickers and Mrs. Cockayne.
Mrs. N. F. Thompson entertained
Wednesday evening at her home on Fifty
second street for the following guests:
Mesdames FrAnk Cockayne. Charles
Black. P. L. Edgar, II. 8. Nielsen, F. W.
Jensen and K. (i. Qrover.
Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Iinley entertained
St their home on Marry street Saturday
evening, when covers were laid for:
Messrs. and Mevdames James Lem'ey,
L. 8. Lemley. John Wleler, A. J. Wlaler,
F. Cockayne and Emll Groman.
Mrs. Emll Groman entertained at her
home Wednesday afternoon, when the
following guests were present: Mesdames
Fred Tex. K. A. Winn, A. J. Wlaler, John
Wisler. Jsy Cole, F. Wagner. S. E.
Brown, J. J. Smith , R. J. Sutton. F. K.
Kerns, O. Arinbruat, II. J. Roessig, W.
V. Johnson. A. Hansen and Miss Lrdla
Mr. and Mr. James lmley were given
a notisen arming In their pew home on
Marry street Saturday evening. Those
present were: Messri. and Mesdames C.
It Zlnk. (I. ( I.emlev, U 8. Imley. R.
t:rnn, lliifflngtoti, Miss ltufflngton and
Mr. MrOlunK t'ounrll Hhiffs.
Mr. ami Mis. Undolph Ruser eelrbrated
their tont -fifth wrmllng anniversary
Inst Friday liltfht at Ihelr home nn West
W'rii'er sti-rrt. The fottoln curat were
IprtS'T,': Mrs.Ts. nnd Mrsdartr J. R.
Root, II. Urntiines. H. J. ltoessla. Henry
', llrimati l'st'lrn, ,t. Connelly,
! Fred WoMrrs, t.'. l',ll?sMan. VHm
FU-We. F. K. 1V, H. Newton, R '.
'Ni-Rtrr. t. 11, ns'imii. ntt. Rev. anl
Mrs. F Wolilrii. Mrs Wllllan Ruser,
r...r .. ll,.r,, I'sl.l. IM.I .--irMmnn. John .
Mrr.K. Il.l-ry I'.-u.'sr,,. Charles Itool.
Woh!.,,. WIMVrn ranlsen. Her-
.-si i:..i. luer. mm miser. ,J1,.,l w.,riI xvllIiBn, ThomiJl. t,,e
R.IMnh Uusrr. Fs'-l-n. Kng.-n ; democratic ticket Oeorge Sorenson and
Fe.i-.msn. Kml.,',,1, Ott. lleihert Ruser. 1 Klnnk K,n w for the mayor-
V H lsm nuser. K.1nr,l lluser. Rus.l fMf, A jRmM, n,eniiemsn for the (reas
K!( ; e. M Margaret Fnhl, Minnie ! ure, ship. fV. far no one else has filed for
ral.V MlnnlM Armbrvsl. Ruth Newton. . tl. rrst r the off.ce.t. The wot and dry
Eva tot. ima Maack, Metlia Ul.le, ,oto will not come up this year.
Mabel Hnh'. Mal e! I'"len, tlrare Paul-i The Kaglo's military batiil of twenty
sen. Ami" Fox. Mi l4ua Ituser and ; two under the leadership of II. H.
Porn r hl. ' Kehrs will present a minstrel show at
-I j th Engl hull on two nights. March 3P
Social Affairs
of the South Side
M;.- Mniirlur Murdock. n Junior at Ne- J
J brarka university, ent the week-end
: w th her parents. Judge and Mra. A. H.
Murdoch. j
; The Misses Rose and Margaret Hannon
i will enterttiln Ihe Itrglna club at thelrl
home Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Irln Howe entertained at a Ven
sh tr.oii at her honin Tuesday afternoon.
The afternoon was apont with needle
Wot k and Ufiut refreshment wore
served. irf. Pnvtmi will be hostess at
the ne.xt meeting. Those present were
Meadamt-a Noe. Christie, Fisher,' Cum-rrln-r.
Ptrawberker, Madden, Dawson,
Curtis, Howe.
I Mrs. Wllllnni Hhowtn entertained Tuea-
doy afternoon. After luncheon th af
ternoon wss spent In playing bridge.
Mra. Earl Abbott entertained the Mon
day Afternoon High Five club at her
homo Monday afternoon. Mrs. V. Smith
was guest of the cluh, Members present
were Mesdames Gallagher, Minor, Cum-
mtngs, Moore, Paafeld, Noe, Dyke, Kel-
loBg, Kllker.
Mrs. F. E. Anw-s entertained at a bridge
party at her home In honor of her sister,
Mrs. F. K Hall of Denver, who la visit
ing her. Thoee present were Mesdames
McDonald. Culk'n, McElroy, Radsuwelt,
Dennis, FYancls, Ball, Ames.
Mrs. M O. Furen entertained a bridge
party In honor of Mrs. F. L. Ball of Den
ver. Twelve guests were present.
The Christian Endeavor society of
Wheeler Memorial church will be enter
tained Thursday evening by Misses Gran
Sturroeh and Ruth Derbyshire at the
home of Mln fcturroek. After a short
bvalneas mi-etlng the evening will be
spent In a social good time.
Mrs. George Francis entertained Fri
day evening at a bridge party for Mrs.
F. I Ball of Denver, who is visiting Mrs.
F. E. Ames.
The C. W. club waa entertained at th
home of Miss Helen Clark Monday Tu
ning. Mra. F. L. Bird was chaperon.
Those present were; Misses Ida Ilurd,
Oreo Demoreat, F.rlynn Bird, Alletta Mo-
Cauley, .Tannett Watson, Martha Adams,
Helen Benson, Elisabeth Nollaon. Jessie
Tuoker, Helen Clark, Beatrice Walls.
Th wedding of Miss Ann Petersen,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthsw Pe
tersen, to Dietrich H. Boettcher took
place Wednesday at th horn of th
bride's parents. Th ceremony was per
formed by Rev. R. L. Wheeler at 7:10
o'clock, after which 4 supper was served.
Th brtd wore a beautiful whit satin
gown with trimmings of paarla and duch
ess lace and a Ions' tulle veil, and carried
a shower bouquet of whit roses and
lilies of th valley. The biidemald. Miss
Mata Petersen, sister of th brld. wore
a pal green taffeta dress and carried
white carnations. Miss Amanda Peter
sen, another slater of th brld, played
Lohengrin's wedding march. Th best
man was Mr. Carl Brrgqulst. Mr. and
Mrs. Boettcher left for a western wed
ding trip, after which they will make
their home at Raymar, Colo., on a ranch.
Th out-of-town guests were Mr. and
Mrs. II. F. Cruse, Mr. Carl Cruse of
Mlneola, la.; Mr. and Mr. IL Bottnhr
or Millard, Mr. and Mra. Thomas Pater
son or Blair.
Th marriage or Mr. Jsmes I David
son and Miss Bessls Paullson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. a J. PaullsonA took
place at th horn of Rev. Mr. Cornish
Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Comlsh and
Mr. James Spears being th only wit
nesses. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson will be
at horn at th Oreer "hotel.
Th mualo department of th South
Sid Woman's club held Its last meeting
at th home of Miss Jean Lee Saturday
afternoon. Th opera "Martha" was taken
up. Mrs. Esrl Brown gave th story of
th opera. Mrs. Walter Hill talked of
the life of the composer. Mis Cecil Cor
utzh played th piano solos, while the
vocal solos wer taken by Misses Louis
Bratton. Georginla Davis, Jean Lee and
Mesdames Ringer and Kullborn,
Social Items
Mrs. Helen Depre of Kansas City, Mo.,
Is visiting relatives in Florence.
Wilbur Reed entertained delightfully
In honor of his thirteenth birthday. Afler
the gamns refreshments wer served.
Those present were Mildred Chambers,
Gertrudo Krum, June Chambers, Ells
Sachs, Dorothy Reed, Marl Fllley,
Lurana Lewis. T a Swanson, Flora
Jasperson. Daisy III ttcr, Elner Swanson,
Anton Alder, William House, Gerald
Mitchell, Bevrrad Jensen. Wilbur Reed,
John Tracy and Mr. and Mra Reed.
alias Edith Raymond, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. 11. S. Raymond of Florence, and
Mr. Charles Travers of Omaha, were
married Tuesday by Desn J. A. Tanoock.
They will be at horns after April 15 at
the Traverton apartments In Omaha.
In celebration of their daughter, Ruth's
eleventh birthday. Mr. and Mrs. William
Tuttle entertained a number of the
younger folks the first of the week.
Games snd refreshments constituted the
afternoon's program. Those present were
Misses Ruth Doty, Elisabeth Gwynne,
Pearl Cornish, Ella dreen. Sarah Bullock,
Rhea Lemon, Doris Cole, Msrtha Robins,
Orietta Barber, Hulda Reevea, Agatha
j Roth, Iona Roberts. Jan Depree, Ruth
Tutlle. Carrie Park. Etta Duah. Eva
fJemoes. Mrs. Anna Tike, Mrs. W. R.
Parks and Mrs. William Tuttle.
Mis. Wilbur HoUman of Omaha 1
pending ths week end With her mother.
Mrs. 1!. H. Olmsted, who has been
MMting her daughter, Mrs. Penile O. Mc
Cloud In Chicago, la epec:'rd home Sun
ilny evening.
Taiil S. Rlvrlt spent Sunday In Lincoln
visiting his parents, returning home Mon
day, Mla Mary 8. Puttie, daughter of Mr.
and Mra. HiiRh Sultle, and Mr. John C.
t'louilt were married at the hon-.e of the
bride's parents Tuesday. They wilt make
thrlr home on Mr. Cloudt'a farm north of
The Faglrs' Dancing club gave a lrely
attended dance at thrlr hall Haturdsy
Tuesday will be primary day In Flor
ence. The lepubllcan do not serin to
have any contests on only one man flllna
for each offlre as follows: Mayor. F. P..
Tuckfr. c, c,ork John ondoon, clt,
,r n(,(.rpr. ,.,., noi.t w,ri,
j,,,,,,, ,n, y K Johnson; cou Kl'mar
nn 31. Tiie second part or the show Is
a MUsl.'ul fantasy entitled. "The Isle of
Stv," and contnlns some of the eatrh
lest music ever written. The proceed of
the entertainment will ro toward pur
chasing uniforms for the band.
ru. v. - -1 .... , . . ....
Florence Presbyterian church have or-
ganlse.1 a ten-plecc orohestra and began
tel eai sals under the direction of Frof.
II. H. Rohra, the Eagles' band leader.
Social Circles
Mrs. A. L. StiaMe returned Sunday
frrm a U It lit In r i Inter In York. No.
Mr. N. II. Tyson returned Thurs lay
night from a trip to Fort Iode, la.
Mr. and .Mrs. Kd Wulff have retime I
to thrlr home In Pine Bluff. Wye., aflir
an extended visit here.
Mrs. Wa'ter Janke entertained the Em
manuel Lutheran Iadlrs' Aid society on
A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Oleson Thursday and a daughter to Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Johnson on Sunday.
Mlaa Helen Mills of Arnold, Neh.. M
a guest at th horn of her brother, W. J,
Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Peters entertained
last week for Mr. and Mra. J. L. Brown
of Eagle Grove, la.
Mrs. C. F. Streir of Portland. Ore., and
Mrs. George Marshall of Sioux City were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wiggins
Is at week.
Mrs. Q. T. Robblns entertained In
honor cf Mrs. James Rred ot Llnoln
:n1 Mr- - Grant of Melbrook. Wyo.
Mrs. Gorton Ruth entertained at dinner
on Sunday ti honor of Mra. George Usher
of Fort Collins. Colo., and Misses-Alma
Spetman and Emma Wlnslade of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Palmer entertained
at dinner on Sunday In honor o Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Pwanson. Covers were laid
for twelve guests. .
Mrs. H. A. Haney entertained at din
ner on ' Tuesday In honor of Her little
daughter's birthday anniversary. Covers
were laid for six guests.
' Mrs. If. Johnson entertained at dfnnr
Tuesday for Mr. and Mrs. H. Mclver of
Garfield, Wash.,' and Mr. and Mrs. Dave,
Fleck of Elk City.
Th Benson fir department held a ban
Quet at th Commercial cafe Tursdiy
evening. Stat Fir Marshal W. ft. Rid
gell was guest of honor. Speeches wer
mad by th mayor. Rev. Mr. McClt:ni
and Rev. M. Calvert, a C. William
gave the history of the department
Mrs. J. N. Horton and Miss Lillian
SUger ar spending a few day visiting
in CI arks. Neb, with Miss Madeline Hop
ton. .
Th funeral services of Henry Damke,
who has lived at "Cherry Oroft" as
gardener, and died Tuesday, wer held
last Friday.
Mr. W. D. Barnes, formerly ot Ben
son, left Friday for his horn In Canada
after a visit at th horn of his daughter,
Mrs. Charles Johnson. ,
Mrs. Walter Bnell will be th hostess
for th Presbyterian and Mrs. Davey for
th Methodist Ladies' Aid societies on
next Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. ' Jones entertained
on Tuesday evening at their horn for
th Swastika Circle and Kplghts of th
Bquar Table.
Mrs. A. P. McCarthy entertained the
AAifweldersehen club on Tuesday after
noon. Prise wer won by Mesdames
Roshone, Davis and Talbot
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
John Wlchert last Sunday and to Mr.
and Mrs. Martin McAndrews on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joo Herbert left for
Honolulu on Tuesday after a visit with
re'atives here.
Mlts Mary Dran entertained the
Phllathea class at her horn on Friday
evening at a social party.
Th Baptist Brotherhood will give a
So matter what you wish In Diamonds, Watches, Holld Gold and rut
Inum Jewelry, Silverware, etc., we can save, you money. Take advan
tatfe, of our lxw 1 "rices and h'juty Tvrms. Your credit Is good witii us.
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II Diamond Ring
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hao'lsome velvet ring box. f.I
Jft4 Ladles' Ring. T
fins Diamond, set la
platinum: look. Ilk
a alngie lars t"
worth lbr. r four
ttmr. ss murk;
ot ring I. Uk t9
suil4 sold
93.M a Month
Opea daily antu g p. m-i Bator,
days till Siao. Call or write for
Catalog Mo. 803. phone Douglas
1444 anfl salesman will call.
TM L, Vslllvra,
oil sold, bsaulirul
1 U, i r !. t lii
mond lUmqua Prl
Droo ti-ln. 1 S
tl.0 a Month
Qpl?! f
V H B3
banquet on Tuesday evening at th Odd
Fellows' hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anson, recently
married, visited with the former's sister,
Mrs. Schmidt 'nst week. Mrs. Anson was
Miss FJnor Stler of Benson. J
Miss Marguerite Llljcnstolre entertained
the Luther league at a social meeting
Tuesday evening. Tapers and music con
stituted the program.
Mra. F. M. Fallry attended the weddlngj
of her niece. Mis Elsie Hire and Mr.
Howard Wilson In South Side last week.
Social Events
The IlAlston pupils of Harvey Hunting
ton and l.yle Jackson gave a musical re
cital in the church Friday evening.
Mr nnd Mrs. B. J. Ha veil will leav
Monday for their new home at Fort Col
lins. Colo. A farewell party was given
them by their friends Tuesday evening.
l .at est filings for public offlc as
recorded with Election Commissioner
Hnrley Moorhend are ss follows:
For road overseer, Ed Nelson, JJnlon
precinct: state representative, C. F. Con
nolly. 1S.H North ElKhteenth street; E M.
Robinson. 4TI9 North Fortieth street; for
state senate, John M. Tfcnner and
John ViicFarland; for member of Water
board, Oeorge L. Campen.
Kew. Spring Suits, Coats &
Dresses Arriving Daily
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