nm omaha Sunday bee: march 12, mtr. 11 A -HAPPENINGS IN THE MAGIC CITY Horses firought to Yards Fail to Meet Requirements of French Bayer. LOCAL MEN SEND OUT WARNING Many Would Adopt Bright Baby Left on Doorstep by Broken-Hearted Mother Loral horwmen at the stock yards ar ending out another of many request! to farmers and horse dealers to keep away from the market with horses that do not come up to the exact specifications of the French buyers In this country. Prac tically all of the trade In horses Is with the foreign buyers. Horses are repeatedly rejected by the Frenchmen. Thlerea Attain Busy. Thieve again Invaded rrlvato homes and stores of the South Side yesterday. Between 1 and ( o'clock yesterday morn ing; the glass In a window In the store of Mrs. William Freed, 4932 South Twenty sixth street, was broken tn, and besides six pairs of gloves, a half crate of or anges and a bushel of apples were taken. Someone entered the front door of the home of H. H. Cook, 2223 N street, Thurs day enlng when the family was out and stole Hi from a vase hidden under, the dresser In one of the rooms. . Base Ball In Fall Sway Base ball among; local public schools Is in full sway at present. In the first game of the season South Lincoln school defeated Hawthorne school by a score of 11 to 9. Yesterday the Hawthorne team won a tight game from the Garfield school team by a score of 2$ to 22.. The same day sSt. Bridget's team defeated Garfield by a score of 22 to 9. Basket Ball Game. .South High basket ball girls play Ne braska City In the final' game of the sea son this evening on the local gymnasium floor at Twenty-third and J streets. , The local Quintet has already defeated Nebraska City. The game tonight will begin at 8 o'clock. ' Sooth 914 Chvrch Note. Friday, March 17, the Ladies' Aid so ciety will meet at the home of Mrs. English, 3806 South Twenty-third street. Rev. J. "W. Morris, pastor of Grace Mtcthodist church, will speak Sunday morning on "Prophecy ana the Jews." Sunday evening' he will deliver a special talk to the young people on "Dreams.". Sunday school at 9:45. Junior league at 2:30. Kpworth league at 6:30. South Omaha - United Presbyterian church, corner of Twenty-third and H streets. Albert N. Porter, pastor. Preach ing at 11 and 7:. 10. Sabbath school at 4u. Juniors at S o clock. Young Peo- Vedncsday evening at 8 o'clock. J. S. Albers, pastor of the South Side Christian church, returned from Browns- iiltr, ncu., wilt re hub uwu bUllUUUl" where his work met with gratifying suc cess. He will fill the pulpit again Sun day morning and evening in lils own church. Twenty-third and I streets. South Side. . Trinity Baptist church. Twenty-fifth and H streets, Sunday, March 12. Sunday school at 9:45. At 11, Rev; F. A. High, secretary of the Nebraska Antl-Salooiv league, will preach. Junior union at 2:30. Hnptint Young People's union meeting at 6:. 'M. At 7:, an Illustrated lecture, given by Rev. W. Reinhard, western field sec retary of the American Tract society. Hillside Baptist Chnrch, Forty-third and 1 streets. Bible study af 10. Evening; service at 7;).. conducted by a . gospel, team. Thurnday evening, 7:45, those de siring to enter into membership with the " church -will meet "with the ohuroh officers.' Neit Saturday evening at 7, o'clock, there- will ba a supper and Je ture-.by Ktjv., George. M.acPouga). ' . St. Luke's '.Lutheran church, "fwenty flfth and K streets. Rev. 8. H. "Yeriarfv pastor. Sunday school at :45 a. m. Morn ing sermon, ut ll o'clock. Preaching by pastor, topic, "Nearness to the King dom." uLther league at 7 o'clock; Edward Max-las, ' loader.- Bventng service at 8 o'clock. Everyone welcome.-. Woat Rlria Interdenominational church. Thirty-eighth and Q streets. Rev. Shall cross, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11. Christian Endeavor at (1:45 p. m. Preaching service ai : o ciock. n.hlo r-laxa Tuesday at 10 a. m. at the home ' of Mrs. Sam Whittens, Thirty- i-ighth and P streets. Ladles' Aid society Thurarinv at church at 1:30 D. m. sharp. Home baking sale Saturday afternoon at church, ' . Central Interdenominational church. t 9.ih a. m. Morning worn nip ai n. oer- Ball or ine nari.n. iounj Mrs. Rose Ponnell was sitting with two of her children. Clifford and Goldle, In their home, 2213 Dodge street, Friday evening when they heard an odd sound on the front porch. "Oucrs it's Just the cat." said Clifford. But it didn't sound like the cat. So Mrs. Ponnell went to Investigate and found a baby! Yea, sir, a regular human baby ! . ' j Ah, the glorious mystery of a baby's effect on woman's heart! How Mrs. Donnell fluttered about! How soma women roomer In the house arrived there as' If by maglo ' when they heard the bahy'fl voice!" How they fondled it! How they fed It with milk from a spoon! How they car ried it into a darkened room and sang lullabys to Itl How they smoothed its clothes and kissed Its dimpled cheeks and chubby hands! , Mrs. Donnell finally called up the au- thorltles and soon cams 'Detectives Dunn f and Kennelly. They looked upon the baby with mas culine calmness. They poked stubby flngerr into baby's velvety cheeks. They j spoke In baby language thus: "Da-da," "Kltsy-ltsy." Dunn looked at the pretty little waif and sagely remarked: " 'Bout months old." But he didn't go away with his pre- ' tense of wisdom about babies, for Mrs. Donnell exhibited a note found pinned on the bundle. It read: Born February 19, 1918. I can't keep her. Please give baby a home." It was the farewell note of a sorrowing mother making the greatest sacrifice that poverty can force a mother to make. The child was fully dressed and had a cotton flannel nightgown and a thin serge ' coat wrapped around it. And, so, after the women had kissed It goodbye a dosen times It was bundled up and entrusted to the two big men, who took it to the Child Saving Institute. One of its little hands took firm hold on Dunn's forefinger as he carried it away. "Oh, I'd have loved to keep it," said Mrs. Donnell later. "If I'd only had some way to take care of It. Tt was such a dear little thing. I've had six phone calls this morning from women who wanted to adopt it." non topic. Ice at 7:30. Gospel team at s o ciock. con cert n v vv nir it-naii-indnjunuii , , n. , , ronday evening under ausplcea of Sun ny achool. Ladles' Aid meet" Friday afternoon at 2. Wednesday, prayer meet ing and teachers council. Maglo fltjr Goaslp rtrrlna .Tinea for rent in Bee office. 2318 N street. Terms reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South n. - The Women's Home Missionary so ciety of the Grace Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. J. W. Morris. ; South Twenty-fifth street, Friday aft ernoon, March ll. airs, uoerne aou air. 1. Robb are assistant hostesses. The women of the west side met at the home of Mrs. 1. Thompson, Thirty-eighth and P streets, Tuesday morning and or ganized a Bible class. Mrs. John acted as chairman and Mrs. Harry Bruce was elected teacher. The first meeting will b held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sam Whltten. 50S0 South Thirty eighth strct-t, next Tuesday morning at u o'clock. Women of the neighborhood ni-o Invited. Bryan Says Sending Army AfterVilla O.K. SOUTH BEND. Ind., March . William J. Bryan on his arrival here late today nave out a statement in which he ex pressed approval of President Wilson's course in sending troops into Mexico aftei Villa. "While the outrage is a distressing one and deserves the severest punishment, n glad that President Wilson is not per mitting hlmHelf to be forced Into Inter vasion by those who have been trying for two years to Ret this country into war with Mexico." said Mr. Bryan. "This is the first time we have had sufficient luuse to crofcs the border." - V., O 1 A choose delegates to tha national conven tion.' One faction headed by W. H. John son, state chairman, will meet in Macon, and the other under the leadership of 11. B. Jackson, national committeeman, will convene in Atlanta. I QUARREL BETWEEN BRITAIN , AND PACKERS IS SETTLED WASHINGTON, Merch 11. From un official but reliable sources it was learned today that the long standing cases of the American packers, Involving the deten tion by the British government of large quantities of meat products shipped from the United States to the neutral'countrles of north' Europe, have been adjusted. " While details of the settlement are lack ing, it Is known the British government has 'undertaken to 'secure' the ' exporters against loss of long time contracts. Firemen Are Overcome. MINNEAPOLIS, March lLiTwenty-flv) firemen were overcome by, smoke while extinguishing a etubborn blaze In the basement of tha standard Clothing com pany. In tha center of the business dls trlej. early tonight The monetary loss approximated $30,000, principally due to smoke. . - "BABY" AND ITS NURSE PHOTOGRAPHED AT CHILD STINQ INSTITUTE. ASK RESIGNATION OF CLEVELAND SCHOOL HEAD CLEVELAND, O.. March It-Seven members of the Cleveland Board of Edu cation, constituting the entire member ship 'of that body, have united in a re quest for the resignation of J. M. H. Frederick, superintendent of the Cleve land city schools, on the grounds of al leged inefficiency. TROUBLES OF RIVAL IRISH SOCIETIES GET INTO COURT - i NEW YORK, March 11. Trouble bs tween rival v Irish organizations, both claiming to represent the Ancient Order of Hibernians, over the question as to which is entitled to permit to parade her on St. Patrick's day got into court today. Coroner Timothy Heal y, grand marshal of one organization, described as the An cient Order of Hibernians of New York county, and which has already obtained a permit, was ordered to show cause why It should not be restrained from parading. The order was obtained by the Ancient Order of Hibernians in America, of which Roderick J. Kennedy is the head In New York county.. FAIRBANKS GETS MORE VOTES THAN WILSON DID INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Maroh 11. Prac tically complete returns from Tuesday's primary, tabulated her unofficially to day, show that ' former Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks, candidate tor the republican nomination,'' received ltfcfl votes more than were oast for President Wood row Wilson, candidate for renoml nation on the democratic ticket. Fair banks received a total of 174,129 votes to Wilson's 168,847. HENRY GASSAWAY DAYMCCUMBS Man Who Ran for Vice President with Judge Farker in 1904 It Dead. NINETY'THREE TEARS OLD WASHINGTON, March 11. -w- Hcury Gassawav Davis, former United States genator from West Virginia and vice presidential candi date on the democratic ticket In 104. died here early today after ft brief UlncBB. aged 93 years. Henry Gaeeaway Davis' remarkable ca reer Is a distinct encouragement to tne eugenlMs who believe men should live In hnnli h a rentury. When he ran for the vice presidency, the oldest candidate ever known for that office, there was some criticism on this score. Mr. Davis was born In Baltimore, No vember 1. 1R23, and received a meager education in tha public schools. At a very early age he was hard at work. He was the eldest of five children, and the death of his father, Caleb Davis, mad him the family breadwinner. H becam a railway brakesman and soon began his long career as a railroad man. His ad vance was rapid and In a few years he was known as a railway magnate and a lumber and coal operator. He owned vast coal fields In West Virginia. He entered polities soon after the close of the civil-war and led the delegates from West Virginia In six national dem ocratic conventions. In 1904 he rsn for the vice presidency on the ticket with Judge Alton B. Parker. Ilara Ilia Iteleaae. UTIA, N. P., March U.-The t'tica club of the Mtata league Unlay bought from the Hyraouse club the release of Second Hsemsn Ambrose McConnell for $l,(i0. McConnell will manage the Utlea team, lie formerly played with the Bos ton and Chicago Americans, Toronto In ternational and Atlanta of the Southern association. For PiQo wrors W - i w - Jj flasapj) Paeka li of Ik F a sa m m PyraaaK Pllej Till t - New Offered Kr 4 PrT " What It Will D far Yea. Pyramid Pile, Tr a t m e n t Rives quick r fr et, stops Itch I n sr. bleedtna er protrudlnr piles, hemorrhoids and all rectal troubles, tn the privacy of your own horn, loo a box at alt druggists. A single box often cures. Free aaafl fer trial with booklet mailed fre In plain wrapper. If you send us coupon below. r FREE SAMPLE COUPON ttt A irrrs norm enuBim , 62 Pyramid Bldg, Marshall, Mlch. Kindly send tns a Free sample of PyTaawdPUaTreataiMt, In plain wrapper. Name ' .-..it........ , Street City Stattft e e s FATHER ASKS DOCTOR TO KILL CRIPPLED CHILD PHOENIX, Ariz., March 11. Testimony that the father had tried to persuade the ettendlng physician and nurse to end the life of the deformed 6-wecks-old baby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Richard son of this city, was given today at the coroner's inquest Into the death of the child.' which, according to the verdict, was "smothered to death." The Jury made no direct charges. Dr. A. B. Nichols and Jeannette A. Failfy. the nurse, testified that Richard fon had asked them to give him a dru with which to "kill the child because it had only a thumb and one finger on each band." Otherwise the baby was perfectly formed, they stated. MEETING OF REPUBLICAN COMMITTEEJNDS IN FIGHT MACON, Go., March ll.-A meeting of the republican state central committee I ere today broke up in a series of fist fights and after the polk- had dispersed the committeemen and tent three of the negroes present to jail, leaders of tha rival factions announced the call of two k pa rate state conventions April 12 to M(l)(l Jiq Standard of VqIuq and Qualify fsix-sa 1050 ftixDctroit 6':',iiitT'uMis v I , For Your Own Protection a Paige We want you and your family to FIND FOR YOURSELVES in this new Paige Fleet wood "Six-38" ($1050) all the VALUE and QUALITY which, we claim, make it supreme among five-passenger motor cars. We want you to find for yourself the tre mendous POWER, sturdiness and reliabil ity of the motor. You will need this on steep hills, in sand, for all those road-condi- tions that bring out the real worth of a motor. We want you to find for yourself the flexibility of the motor (from a speed of 2yi miles an hour to almost a mile a min ute) and the remarkable ease of control. We want you to see for yourself the beauty of line and design, the elegance and the luxury of the equipment and furnishing throughout. We want you to find for yourself the REAL VALUE and QUALITY and SUPREM ACY of Paige cars. Last year the "Six-36M sold for $1095. Now wt offer you the Fleetwood "Six-38" with a longer wheelbase (117 inches), with even more luxur ious roominess, with even more elegance in up holstery and furnishing throughout, with a motor even more powerful and flexible. Now we offer you in the new five-passenger Fleetwood a . greater car a larger car a more luxurious car and a reduction of $45 in price. In their efforts to keep pace with Paige cars the Fleetwood and the seven-passenger "Six-46" other manufacturers of Light Sixes are introduc ing radical features new designs new power plants new engineering theories. These are all experiments. Why should YOU risk an experiment? Why should YOU consider anything but the na tional standards of six-cylinder value the five passenger Fleetwood "Six-38" at $1050 and the seven-passenger Fairfield "Six-" at $1295? ' Taige cars have won the overwhelming endorse ment, of the American people. They have been perfected to the current hour of motor car build ing. They are built and backed by one of the strongest companies in the industry. Why buy anything but a proven, an established success? Why anything bat a Paige? 1- Flcrtweod "Sim Sff" . . .$10!9 Ktirndd ''Siji-4" ... Ctbriolct . . H0 laa 1909 Tow Car 22J0 PricM F. 6. B. Detroit Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company, Detroit Michigan Murphy-O'Brien Auto Company 1814-18 Farnam St. Phone Tyler 123. (55) . t rnr . 4 iiTTTT- WMH. , -TTTT" D The Proof ON'T accept claims or opinions. Eivery ' rnan soiling an automobile will tell yon his car ran be run at low coat. ' He'll tell you this because he knows and you know that (wolln oil and tires are cost ing more and more all the time. He know and you should know that the operating cost of any automobile during fire years' time la worth your careful conalderatlon. We don't give you any guesswork. We tell you what we know. We state the tacts and figures proved and verified figures. Here they are: Maxwell World's Non-Ktop Record Facts. Miles without a motor slop J8.02S Avers Miles pr day (41 days) 600. Miles rr ea'ilon of gasoline 21.M MlUs per gallon of oil 00 Avcragn miles rr tire MTl Most Maxwell owners get even better re sults than these but we are Just giving the, actual figures set when the Maswell stock touring car broke the World's Motor Non stop Record. When you get your Maxwell yoir-can to sure It will give you economical service probably far more economical than these fig ures indicate. But to be sure that you can get your Maxwell, ORDKH NOW. Wis have a few here but don't know whon we can get more. Freight cars are scarce and the Maxwell factoiles, In spite of doubled production, are away behind In shipments. Touring Car, $653 Roadster, . $635 Prlo T. O B. D. troll I ill I i ! - I - . ! M ' ' , " li ! P. W. Frflnri AntnmnMIe Co. - 5 i 2210-18 Farnjun Street. Phone Poug; I DISTRIBUTORS FOR JJ jj cm.....' mwll .hi an -!TrcxT2!s j kfcl.. c I '' iir-f; Tr-""-''r-r-Ti 'irnih"n i 'i n 1 1. tjsrf'-irri 'in irmfniiiMr,n'ttfWi-n mi mi nii m . . I f f Sells on yHs 'Specifications How many cars in the Ulcn prico class aro being sold solety on their specifications? The c411en thrives on comparison, Noto some of tho specifications: 9 3-4 m 3 Inch A Man-SaasAMT Motor, 3J H. P. 4 ejrUndmrm emmfn bbo, Unit powor plant Wamtinthaumm mlmctrle mtrnttag mnd bthttni mymtmm. Oh tmak mi nmri l Full Rotting rr mxlm, prtMmi mf1 houmini'm, U3inel whlb, 55 lactt undmrmlunf rmmr aprinim, Ftntton dmmounimblm rixxm with on amtrm. Weight ooAt 2300 j Standard Motor Car Co. Carl Changttrom, Mgr. Western Distributors 2010 Farnam Street, Omaha Fmctarr AMrmma: THE ALLETf MOTOR CO.. Fomtorim. OAa Own your own home. You can purchase one on easy monthly payment like rent. Read the real estate columns.