The Omaha Sunday Bee THE WEATHER. Fair PART CSV NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TWELVE SINGLK COPY FIVE CENTS OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAUClt 12 SIX SKCTIONS 42 PAOlvS. VOL. XLV NO. an AVIATOR HILLED 111 IOWA FLIGHT FOR NEW RECORD W. C. Robinson. Noted Flyer and Inventor, Meeti Death at Ewart, Near Or inn ell, and Ma- chine Wrecked. DETAILS OF DISASTER FEW Birdman Reported to Have Been Victim of Explosion of the Engine. TRIES OUT STABILIZING DEVICE GRIN'NELL, la., March 11. W. C. Roblngon, one of the most promi nent aviators and inventors of avia tion appliances la the United States, fell and was killed near Ewart, la., shortly before 5 o'clock today. Ewart Is ten miles from here and details of the accident are not yet available. Robinson left Grinnell shortly after noon. He had told friends here that he intended to try for an alti tude record and wanted to test a new stabilizing device he had been work ing on at his factory here. He took with him instruments with which to register the height reached. Reports reaching here from Ewart said the machine was demolished and indications were that Robinson died as the result of an engine ex plosion rather than from the effects of the fall. , Reports that he had fallen into a crowd of spectators were denied. Train Employes Nearly Unanimous for New Wage Scale CHICAGO. March 11. It was unoffi cially reported today that 98 per cent of tho locomotive engineers, firemen and conductors and trainmen employed on all the railroads of tho country had voted In favor of demanding an clpht-hour day. with time and one-half for overtime. The tabulation of the referendum vote of the men waa .completed here today and the chiefs of the four' brotherhoods of rail way train service employes, who have been in session here for nearly a week, adjourned. - - Warren S. Stone, grand chief of the BrotherhoocomoUve Engineers, said no detailed figures on the result of the Yst would be given out. EX-GOVERNOR BUCHTEL TALKS AT ALLIANCE DINNER ALLIANCE. Neb., March 11. (Special.) Tho anunl election of a board of direc tors of tho Alliance Commercial club was held In the opera house last night, fol lowed by a banquet for which 10 Plates were laid. Ex-Govcrnor It. A. Buchtet of Colorado' was the principal speaker of the evening and he dwelt at some length h. nnnortunlties which the west and particularly western Nebraska and Colo rado offered the farmer. He compared tho record-breaking crops of the last . . 1. 1 - (ar tnrv ana in i n' year in 11110 ...... . . A - f.rtnlmm nrices. wnere unu .... Secretary Fisher of the tommtn... . . a. U v f Ii A c in ma unnuHi t-vuiv w rogress made by the ciud au i lart year, the many - ,nce has benefited by the club and a short outline of the work proposed for the coming year. The following directors were flcc who at their meeting next week will elect a president, acrtary and traaurer: J. U Guthrie. C. A. Newberry. B. P. Mallery. 8. 'A. Thompson. B. J. Ballows Percy Cogswell. J. O. Dole.F W. Harris and U II. Highland. ' ATTORNEY C. A. POLK OF LINCOLN IS DEAD (From a staff Correspondent.) 1.IN.COJ-N. March 11. (Special.) C. A. Polk, a prominent attorney of Lincoln and for many years a resident or Platts mouth. and well known In Omaha, died this morning at his home In this city of kidney trouble. The funeral will be held Mbnday and the burial will be In Wyuka cemetery, near this city. SENATE FOREIGN AFFAIRS BODY ENDORSES INVASION WASHINGTON. March ll.-The senate forelen relation committee today unonl ssa.ouslv endorsed the action of the presi dent In sending American troops to Mex ico to capture Villa and his marauders. The Weather Trniprnlarri at Omaha Hours 5 a. m Yratrrday. Peg 2 m. m. in., in.. 2i M -js SKi ;to m- m. p. p. p. p. m. m. ni.. in. in. in. m. o p. 6 p. 7 p. :s ipsrsttif bonl Itecorrt. Official recoid of temperature and pre cipitaiion compared with the last three years: 191 1? 13U 1911 Highest yesterday ti 31 37 . IA lowest jesterdsy 24 iii Is Mean temperature 4.' '. Precipitation ') .0 Temperature and precipitation turn trom the normal: JX 40 .00 .00 depar- Normal temiwin' ui e ' i3 lces lor me aay I rotal deficiency since .March 1 Normal pr ipllntion hu h Ivficlency lor me aay 04 n'" Totpl raliifiill sine March 1.. .1 Inch rieficlency since XI arch 1 35 Inch Kaceaa for cor. period, 1S1.V... 1.14 inches lelicien"'y for eor. period, 1S14.. .4.1 inch 1 A. WEIH. thecal Forecaster. SEYEN AMERICANS ON TORPEDOED SHIP llnniT.oinK "florV Clin. as w a nvginu Asia ra -jaasf v of Barley from New W- Havre, ii Sunk."''" ONE AMERICAN IS INJURED PARIS, March 11. Seven of the crew of the Norwegian bark Stilus, which was torpedoed and sunk yes terday, were Americans. The Sillus left New York February 4 for Havre. The Petit Farislen says that one of the Americans on the Sillus was Injured seriously in his legs and was taken to the Pasteur hospital. He Is John Hartmann, 18 years old. The Sillus was a I.VMon three-master, formerly the British bi.rk Helly. It Is reported that Csptnln Fyvertsen of the Sillus whs drowned and two sail ors sre mlslng. The rest of the crew was saved. Only Four American, Ways Aareat. NEW YORK, March U.-There were only four Americans aboard the Stilus, according to agents :1 the line here, and they were members of the crew. It car ried no passengers. The Americans were: David Sherman fit Bedford. Mass.; John Warbman of Philadelphia, Daniel Noran of Connecti cut and Henry Monahan of Boston. The bark, which was commanded by Captain A. B. Syvertsen. sailed from New York February 4 for Havre with a cargo of 2,300 tons of barley shipped from San Francisco. The local agents said the Sillus" crew numbered seventeen iren. State Department olflrd. WASHINGTON. March U.-Cbnsul Oe- borne at Havre, reported today that when the Norwegian bark Sillus from New York to Havre was torpedoed without warning in Havre roads on the night of March 9, seven Americans aboard were rescued The loss of the Sllius was first reported last night from London. Three members of the crew were reporter! lost. State department officials seemed in clined to Mew the attack on the Sllius as a serious affair. So far dispatches to the State depart ment simply have said the vessel was torpedoed without warning. No mention was made of the nationality of the sub marine, and there was nothing to Indi cate whether a torpedo actually was re sponsible for the sinking of .the wssel or whether It might have struck a mine. If the Sllius was torpedoed, such an at tack waa contrary to the assurances the United States has secured from the cen tral powers. Secretary Lansing said no action would be taken until the State department had full information. ' Portuguese Cabinet. ,,,, Is Succeeded by -k Defense Ministry -LISBON. March il.-ViaariTj-The Portuguese cabinet has resigned to give place to k national defense government which is now being formed. t In Parlia ment yesterday Dr. Augusto Squires, for eign minister of the ret.Ting cabinet, read tho notes exchanged between Gorman J and Portugal a.nn also a note from Great Britain rcquesCng the Portugese go-ern-mnt. In view of the alliance between these nations, to etlto German ships In Portugese ports. Tranquillity prevails throughout the country.' ' ' After a lengthy Interview with the Portuguese secretary for foreign affairs, Herr Tftosen.Mhn German minister to Portugal, Ii ft hero yesterday on a special train for Madrid, accompanied by tfce ether members of the German legation. Their departure was not marked by any incident. ' Parliament has been summoned to meet In special session tomorrow. The news papers have been forbidden to print any news of a military character. Eight Hundred ; Thousand French Soldiers Killed BERLIN, March 11. (By Wireless to Bayvllle.) Aocordins; to confidential state ments made by the French minister of war, General Oallienl, at the military conference, says a dispatch from Amster dam to the Overseas News agency, the French casualties up to March 1, 1316, amounted to MO.uOu dead and 1,4(10,000 wounded. Among the latter, the dlspatoh adds, 4(,nno were severely wounded. In addition 300,000 men were missing. The total losses of the French, Oeneral Galllenl's stutemcm shows, continues the Overseas News agency, has reached Z,V0, 0X. while the British up to tho present have lost 600,000. Great Ice Gorge Reaches Yankton YANKTON. S. P.. March 11. (Special Telegram.) Tho great ice gorge has reached Yankton and is being constantly added to by a heavy flow of Ice frtm up the river. Water remains high, with only a drop of one inch in twenty four hours. The river Is rising at Fuller vine and east cf there. The situation is well in hand still and all families aa rounto'i for, notwithstanding some sen sational reports. Many famines that have refuge In Yaiiktoa make dally trips to their farms by boat and report nly much greater rise will endanger their homes. MEXICO GOVERNMENT PUTS CENS0RSHIP0N TELEGRAMS NEW YORK. March H The Mexican government has Imposed a censorship on all telegraph and cable messages from the t'nitfd Mates into Mexico, it waa an nounttd today by the Western I'nlon and .Mexican TUegraph companies. The only land messages which the Mexican gov ernment will receive must be. routed through El 1'aso and be written in Eng lish or Spanish. 1 his Information was conveyed by the authorities in Mexico City to t;ie Mexican Telegraph company's of fice here. It was stated. CARRANZA WANTS . 'IT TO SEND HIS -dvt irmnoo TTMD - hi Pi ii Hiinuna Linn First Chief Suggest! a Joint Work ing Agreement for the Chase and Capture of the Villa Bandits. PROBABLY WILL BE GRANTED Larg-ely Matter of Form, as There is No Prospect He Could Send a Single Man. IT MIGHT PREVENT FRICTION WASHINGTON, March 11. While American troops are prepar ing to move across the Mexican bor der to exterminate the Villa baudits, General Carranza, in an official communication delivered through Consul Billiman, has asked the l'nlted States for permission to send his troops into American territory if necessary in pursu't of outlaws. Administration officials regard General Carranza's proposal as favorable. It seems to Indicate that he will not protest against American troops on Mexican soil, as has been feared. Practically such a recipro cal arrangement probably would never result in a single Carrania sol dier crossing the line, as the possi bility of bandits taking refuge in American territory is considered re mote. ' ' It is realized that such an' 'ar rangement," however, would go far to satisfy General Carranza and per tnit him, to comply with popular sen timent in Mexico. There was no indication early today how the pro posal would, be received. Mlllman Transmits Note. Consul Sllllman transmitted the following communication, dated at Guadalajara, March 10, which was handed to him by Jesus Acuna, Car ranza's minister for foreign affairs. It is a' reply to: the American gov ernment's representations for per m'sBlon to pursue the Villa bandits with armed forces: ' " .. ! "In. due reply .to your courteous Bote dated yesterday and transmitted today through Mr. John V, - Belt tftHman's secretary!, I have, the honor' io Inform you that having brought tho above note to the attention of the first rhfVf of the constitutionalist army and depository .of. the - executive power of Mexlcd7 he tin. directed to y to you, to the end that you Ami r In turn, transmit it to the i '-" - v ' i (Continued tin Paire' Two, Column Two.) Carranza Men Rope ; . Animals and Pull ; v Them Across Line ' ". ; DOUukAS, Aris.,' March H.-Mllltary authorities hers who Investigated tho raid on Ameflcanx ranches south of Osborn Junction, t'Aris., ; tOnUrht, stated that "a command ' of , Carransa soldiers, who had been drinking-, roped cattle and horses le lonsins; to American ranchers." When 'they were unable to dras; the live stock . across the border linn, they shot the animals, tho report stated. No Mexicans creased the border. It was said. The military version of the raid near Osborp Junction follows: 'A command of Carransa soldiers, who had been drinkms; lieavlly, were en camped for the night near Osborn, while marching- from Naeo. Son or a. to A sua Prleta, Bonora. 'They amused themselves by roping- cattle and horses belonging to the American ranchers, whose property extended both sides of the international boundary. "Several horses and rattle, ranging in Arlsona were roped and dragged across the border. Other live stock' which waa hoped and which the soldiers were un able to art across the border, waa shot on Arlsona soli. .The -Jexlcans did not cross the line themselves. "Three ranchers, named KcWout, Rohm faulk and Collins, were said to have been fired up and had narrow escapes, but none were Injured." Thirteen American Ships on Blacklist Of Great Britain LONDON. March ll.-The latest black list of neutral shipping prescribed to ltrttloh charterers by the trade division of the admiralty on tho charge that they either represent Teutonic caplUI or have Indulged In unneutral actlvitiA, contains the names of 125 ships and Includes thir teen vessels flying the American flag. The bulk of the American vessels on the blacklist still is represented by boats owned by the American Transatlantic company, of which Richard Q. Wagner of Milwaukee, Wis.. Is president, the ships of that company barred numbering eleven. The only Americans additional to the Hat are the schooner Edgar W. Murdock, owned by Carleton, Norwood 4 Co. of Rockport, Me., and the steamship Maverick, owned by J. F. Craig of Kan Francisco. Villa Collects 10,000 Pesos from Germans TORREON. Mexico, March 11 Ten VUla tfenerala In command of only 1W men raided San Juan Guadalupe In Za catecas and captured a German named Weiner, whom they held for ransom at lo.afjO pesos. His compatriots here ralsel the money for his release. As xn ss Wolner was freed General Oonsalca. In command of the Curranx.t troops, sent a brigade under General Ellsondo, in pursuit. Three Villa men were killed In a running fight. All train arriving hero are protected by military escorts. BATTLE FOR FORT YAUXJONTINDES Germans Make Some Progress Along the Slopes Leading to This Position. TRENCHES NEAR RHEIMS LOST PARIS, March 11. There Is still violent fighting for the possession of the fort at Vaui, according to an nouncement of the French var office rtMf'ttfrn66n. -KThtn3ermans have Wade progress a'.ong the scopes leading to thin posi tion, but they have not yet reached the 'barbed wire entanglements In front of the fort. V : The Germans hold some bouses in the eastern part of tho village of Vaux, while the French are still in possession of the western part of the town. Freaek Position Captured. BKItLilN. March ll.-r(yia London.) Capture of French losltlona 1,40 yards wide and about two-thirds of a mile deep, south of Vllle-Aux-Bols, nesr Khelms, was announced today by the war office. Major Tompkins Is Given Credit for Bandits' Repulse COIA'MRL'B. N. M-, March ll.-Tele-graina from army officials and prominent civilians throughout the country pourod In today upon Colonel Horace J. Slocum, commanding the Thirteenth cavalry commending highly his exploit when with tno men he drove Villa's raiders out of Columbus Thursday. Some of the tele grams referred to the battle as an Inci dent that cut the "gordlan knot" of the Mexican problem. Most of them expressed thn hope that he would be madn a brlnadler genera and bo given command of the force to lie ert into Mexico to get Villa dead or alive. Colonel Slocum, howeier, was disposed to Klve all the credit to the officers and mm of the Thirteenth. Major Frank Tompkins, who with four skcletcn trnop.i, chased Villa several miles Into Mexico, Is about to be trans ferred to Fort ltlley and 1ms asked to be allowed to go with the expedition In pur suit of Villa. In a highly commenda tory telegram. Colonel Slocum urged the Wnr department to grant the request. He told how Tompkins force broke up evry formation Vllln made to check the pursuit and particularly how Tompkins, with tnlrty-flve men under Captain Itu. dolph Simper, out In advance, terrlfl.-d and drove In a Mexican rear guard of more than 300 men before Villa ordered out an overwhelming force ami chocked the Ameiican advance. "If we had had another troop or two," Colonel Slocum said, "we would be In Mexico yet. The regiment behaved beautifully." Captured Villa Bandits Will Be Tried on the Charge of Murder COLCMBI S, N. M.. March II. Seven wounded VIMa soldiers captured by Col onel II. J. Slocum'a troopers of the Thir teenth l'nlted States cavalry In Thurs day's battle here will be charged with murder for killing of the seven Amir lean soldiers slain In the fight according to an announcement today by E. B. blunt special agent of the 1 leparlment of Jus tice. The prisoners lucluilo a boy I yeur Of age and two officers. Stone said he would confer to.Uy with Bummers Hurkhart, l'nlted States dis trict attorney for New Mexic. anl that the charges probsbly would name Fran cisco Villa, tho bandit chief, who led the raid on Columbus. Marshaling the Forces of Preparedness '? CJiina Passengers Tell of Seizure of Germans by Britons SAN FRANCISCO. Cat., Man h 11. The American steamer China, from which thirty-eight men were taken by a Urltlsh boarding party February IS off the Japa nese coast, arrived here today. C. I. Rrown. specisl deputy collector of the port, acting for Collector J. O. liavls, summoned Captain F. R. Fraser to bis office to ninke a report. Captain Fraser declined to uiaka pub lie the details of thn boarding of th Chins, but some of them were supplied by Mrs. B. Knapp. a .passengef," whtf said she took stenographlo notes of some of the. conversation. . The China -was- stopped with a, Shot across Its bow from ths British auxiliary cruiser Laurentle about ten front the mouth of the Yangtse-Klang anl boarded by Lieutenants H. Newberry and Steele and a detail cf five of the Iaur entlo's crew, accord, ng to Mrs. Knapp, whose story waa corroborated by otner passengers. The passengers were lined up on ths deck by ths boarding rarty and each man was asked if he were a German, ac cording to Mrs., Knapp, who ' said ths Germans, Austrlans and Turks were then segregated. Two of the Germans taken off, W. F. SchurttoV. a merchant of Tau. and Richard Webber. left their wives aboard the China, Mrs. Webber .with three children. , "The women were crying snd sobbing," said Mrs. Knapp, "and one of the Urltlsh officera touched at thn plight of Mrs. Webber, said to Webber, '(Jot out of here get below.' " Webber, said Mrs. Knapp, was head strong and protested the right ef the Urltlsh to take off any Germans. 8o finally he waa removed to the Laurentlc with lha thirty-seven others. Look Tin Kit, president of the China Mall Steamship company, ownera of the China, was at the dock when the' vessel arrived, but beyond a comment that "the cplsodo was a serious one," he had noth ing to aay. Attaches of the German con sulate were also at the d ick to rate for ths twenty-four German women and chil dren aboard the vessel. Eighteen Mexicans Raid Section House East of Columbus COLFMni'H, N. M.. March 11. Klghteen mounted Mexicans are reported having raided the' home of It. A. Hlankenshlp, tho section foreman at Malpa, N. M eighteen miles east of Columbus. The family. Including two smull rhlldren, eacaned throiig.i the rear door and rrnulcrl In rairr In the darkness, where ii..- l..v In the hrosh most of the cold nuhi Tmln No. H. arrtvlnir about day light, was flagged snd the family taken to Kl I'sso. The sUad Is Ssld have passed south Into Mexico. 1 Mrs. J. J. Moore, wounded In the raid on Columbus Thursday, wss reported as being in a more critical condition totlay. Her wounds are not lought to be fatal. Stone sdded It was probable that s.m Her charges of murder would be filed agalnKt the prisoners In the state courts of New Mexico In connection with the killlni; of nine civilians by the bandit raiders. l'ablo Sanchez, ari-cau-ii while signal ling Mexicans acioss the bor.ler yester day and held as a spy. will be chaiged with alillng an enemy wliil.- on the aui! of the I'nited Slatea. The nmidir charges against the Villa soldiiTS, Stone declared noiilil lie because the raid was carried out. not by recognised bHUxerenta, but by bandits whose Irs l-r was a man hi had been procriled by the do facto gov ernment of a country with which the I'nited States waa not at war. Ast '''VL. rfP ------- tcasr with Tut it Ant. tors - rut yA0 (M VILLA REPORTED TO BE ATJSCENSION Bandit Chief Said to Have Reached that Point with Three Hun- dred Men. OABCIA GIVES FORMATION WASHINGTON, March 11. Lat est reports of the whereabouts of General Villa say he reached Aacen slon, south of Falomas, gome time yesterday with 30 followers after hla flight following (he attack on Colunv bus, This Information reached kerf today in a message to tme Carransa embassy from Consul Reaa Qarcla at El Paso. , , . i .- Consul (larcla reported that General Oavlrs, military commander at Juarea, was Informed of this by General Hertanl from Pnlomas at 11 p. in. yesterday. Ber tanl also reported Villa had sixty cas ualties in the encounter with the Amer ican troops at Columbus a ad the pursuit which followed. On the day after the Columbus battle. Villa avoided an en counter with the troops of General Ber tsnl. The American Mormon colonists are In no danger, he said. The State department announced re ceipt of advices to the effect that the customs officials on the border report that two additional Americana are miss ing from a ranch tn New Mexico which was raided on th night of March 99, near MTmbres, and about eight miles west of Columbus. The raid is not sufficiently Identified to show whether It has bean previously reported. The department announced that It waa not considered safe for Amer icans to go to the Isthmus of Tehuante pec General Carransa'a note wilt be answered after It has been laid before Tresldent Wilson. The reply of the United States probably will say to General Carransa that his suggestion will be considered If at any time It should become necessary for hla forces to pursue bandits Into American territory through the lack of a sufficient number of American troops to do the work. Training Camp Will Be Transferred to Indianapolis CHICAGO. III.. March U.-Fort Benja-1 mln Harrison at Indianapolis has been selected by the War department aa the place for the training camp for the cen tral states next summer and fall Instead of Fort Sheridan. tThls was made known I today In an announcement by Colonel D, J A. Frederick, commander of the depart- meut. whlrh has headquarters In Chicago. to the Training Camp association. Colonel ' Frederick said there ould tie three ramps lieiii at indienspnus Beginning July 5 snd ending October 6. Full Military Honors To Dead Troopers '.'iiLL'ltm'B, N. l March 11. With the entire regiment turned out, military, honor i wero paid today to the seven lr.Hr of the Thirteenth cavalry who Here killed In action Thursday, when Villa raided Columbus. Captain S. M. l.utx, regimental char lain, held services in front of the post hospital. Tho bodies were escorted to the train by the band and regiment. Aa the train departed for the east, regimental trumpet j era sounded taps. iTRGOPS AT FORT MEADE ORDERED TO BE READY STi'KGIS. S. U., March ll.-t&pecia! Telegram.) Telegraphic orders were re celvej last nliiht at Fort Meade for tho thlid figiiadron. Troop I, K, I., M, Twelfth cavalry, stathned at that post, to- pu k and prepare to Icaxe on a moment s nolle for the Mexican bordtr. FUtiSTON MAKING PLANS TO CHASE VILLA BANDITS Expedition Which is to Be in Com mand of a General Not Yet r Named Will Start in a ( Short Time. WILL TAKE AERO SQUADRON" Troops from Other Dirisioni Will Ba Added to Forces Now Guarding the Border. VILLA IS AT BOCAS GRANDES BII.LF.TI. WASHINGTON, March 11. Gen eral Funston, under orders from Tresldent Wilson to hunt down Vil la's bandit army in northern Mexico, was moving his troops at the border tonight behind a veil of rigid secrecy. 8 AN ANTONIO, Tex., March 11. Major General Frederick Funston announced to day that, while he wiU have direction of military affair along the Mexican border, the expe dition into Mexico will be in charge of a brigadier general, whose name. he said, would be given out at Washington. Organization of the expedition lll not be completed for two of three days. General Funston said, as troops from other army division" than the southern will be added to the border forces. The general maintained silence today aa to the size of the expedition and the point of entry Into Mexico. The full aero squadron here will accompany the expedition. Villa Spies Arrested. COIA'.MRUS. N. M.t March It. The arrest of aevera! Mexicans suspected or being Villa spies divided Interest among civilians here todsy with the preparatlone of the mllltla for the pursuit of Fran- , rlsco Villa and hla bandits. The Amer ican soldiers, officers and men. In their preparatory activities displayed an eager' ness for ths receipt of the order thai would atsrt them Into Mexico. Despite the nervousness among civil ians quiet prevailed In this border district during ths night, and In practically every case circulated reports of the appearance of hostile Mexicans were shown to be unfounded. Early In the night a Mexi can refused to obey the command of an American sentry to hslt.- The Mexleasi was killed. ' s-"-. Villa at Hop Grantee. acuta brought In reports that Vtlta was at Boo Orandes, twenty-five miles southwest of here. Other advices stated thst a large number of Carransa troop had readied Palomas, supposedly to assist in the pursuit of Villa Among the Mexicans arrested for spy ing was Tablo GonsaleS. When taken ha wore overalls over a military uniform. Civil authorities continued plana to bring charges of murder against cap tured Mexicans In connection with the raid on Columbus Thuraday. Captain Tablo Garcia, the wounded Villa officer, died here today., Civil authorities had Included Oarcla among the Mexicans agaliwt - whom they plan ned to fila charges of murder as a result of tho Columbus raid. Faastva dlvea Fat) Dlsvrotlea. WASH1NGTO... P. C, March -Instructions conveying full authority to General Funston to dispatch a defensive expedition Into Mexico In pursuit of Villa and hla bandits are today In General Funston's hands. Secretary Baker an nounced that full discretion as to the number of men to be used end the route to be followed, has been left with General Funston ' ' ' Secretary Baker specially referred ta the expedition as "defensive. In line with the administration's policy of regarding Its action as one to repel invasion. No doflnlts announcement was made at the War department, but It was generally understood that Brigadier General John J. Pershing will command the principal column of American troops In the pursuit of Villa. Major General Funston retain ing command of the general operations, which, it la expected will Involve the uso of three or more columna. The National Capital Satardar, March 11, 1010. The Senate. Foreign relations committee endorsed President Wilson's action thua far in or dering troops to Mexico to take the Villa bandits. Continued consideration of the legisla tive, executive and Judicial appropriation bl'l. Don't bother coming down yourself to put that Want Ad in THE BEE. We maintain a Telephone Ad-Taking and Collection Department to make this service more efficient.' Just phone the Ad in. TELEPHONE Tyler 1000.