Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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iuui dill oifir in
( '
Sincere Effort CongTest Hai
Made for Better Army.
Special Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, P. C, March 1.-Thc
Chamberlain army bill, or rather t!ie j
scnste military affairs army bill is looked ,
upon by army officials hereabouts as the
most constructive measure for the army
that has been presented In quarter of
a century.
The assertion of a portion of the daily
press that the senate bill In Its present
form creates a large army will provoke
a smile amorist the military authorities
of the larger powers. For Instance, what
III Japan think of the program of the
senate committee which gives this coun
try nt the end of five years seven divi
sions, with a total strength of about
!- .
span, according to the latest reports,
4 now an active or regular army of
rnty-five divisions, with a strength of
about 850,000. This Is composed of 10."
regiments of Infantry at war strength,
-omparad with twenty-five regiments
at peace strength, as provided In the
senate bill at the end of five years. Japan
has thirty-three regiments of cavalry, as
compared with twenty-five In the senate
bill. li batteries of field artillery, as
compared with 126, and a correspondingly
greater strength of other auxiliary troops
in its active or regular army.
Two Million Reserre.
But this Is the smallest part of Japan's
war strength. Back of its regular or ac
tive army It has a reserve of about 2,000,
M men with regular army training of
not less than two years. Congress and
the senate committee is discussing plans
for about 760,000 national guardsmen and
volunteers, with a few months- training.
Hn shaping her diplomatic policy Japan
will not take into consideration what this
country ininKs H naa in me way oi an
army, but really what It has. Japan will
compare Its forces with the trained
troop of the United Btaty In making
demands upon this country,
;The same process of reasoning will be
employed by other countries in shaping
f v demands they may decide to make
mi the Cnited States at the close of
tile European war.
Simply n Step.
Ttfs is not said In criticism of the gen
Wfl character of the .senate bill. The
"fcnate bill la the first sincere effort that
Jk congress has made to give the country a
r well balanced army. It daces our mill-
tnrv nnllrv rm . innnii , hut dnoi
not give It a large regular army or pro
vide means for creating an adequate
force of trained soldiers. It is simply
a step in the right direction.
. The senate bill goes the limit In an ef
fort to secure trained cltlien soldiers by
the volunteer system. It authorizes the
president to maintain volunteer organl
'. zations with terms of enlistment which
will suit any class of people or any local
j condition of the country. If the people
. do not respond voluntarily to the call
under the Chamberlain bill, it will Jbe
soldiers cannot be obtained unless this
sountry' adopts the Bwlss, Australian, or
i soma1 other compulsory military training
rvstem.. .( '.
As far at the regular army or first
line troops go, the house bill Is a con
tinuation of the old piece-meal system of
legislation which has been the weakness
of the country's military policy. No at
tempt ia made to accept the recommen
dations of the war college and the un
military organization that is provided for
In the bill la even more objectionable than
the small Increase for which it calls.
: Difference Between Bills.
The senate and house bills provide or
ganizations as follows:
: - Dlffer-
. . Senate. House, ence.
Iry regiments 25 IS 10
artillery (bat'ries) 1M 1 18
oast artillery (Co. s....) 263 222 41
neers (comnanieat.. 48 27 n
ri coma i nattjuinnm n n
Aei saudron 7 7
The senate bill provides seven infan
try divisions (sixty-three regiments),
plus one regiment for garrison for
v Alaska and one for garrison for Porto
T llico and two cavalry divisions (eighteen
regiments) with the necessary additional
savalry. lleld artillery, engineers., signal
troops and staff to complete. In every
detail, the seven Infantry divisions and
two cavalry divisions, and provides that
these divisions be maintained In time of
Ia e, at two-thirds their war strength.
giving a total. Including line and staff, of
178.0HO men in the army at peace strength
r.nd approximately 248,000 men at war
The house bill provides for four infan
try divlninns complete, plus four regi
ments; one cavalry division complete,
plus two regiments; a surplus of thlrty
nix batteries of field artillery, the equiv
alent of Mx regiments, and a surplus of
I - (jnal battalions and aero squadrons suf
ficient for seven divisions.
I'rider the house bill. the peace
Mrengtli of the army,- Including line and
Htaff. - is l.V.,000 men. 140.CU0 being line
tioops, and the war strength. Includins
lino and staff. Is approximately 172,000
Follow General Staff.
The scnute bill appears to follow very
v the recommendation .f t .
1 "1 itaff In ita policy report aa to num-
kt of divisions, but reduces the strength
'ir these organizations from full war
trength as recommended by the general
staff, to two-thirds of the war strength.
In he policy report, the general staff
held that the minimum number of mobile
roops needed ' in the I'nited Slaiej In
rganlzatlons of the mobile army was
121.00) under training with the colors and
JTH.000 which had received the minimum
training of two years with the regular
rmy In the reserve, giving a total of
"i,00. thoroughly trained mobile troops
ith the colors and with the reserve, the
roops In the reserve to be fully organ
ized into regiments, brlgsdes and dl
iions. so as to be Immediately avail
ble upon mobilization. This number
as baeed on the number that could be
brought on August 1, mi. in one ex
pedition by one of the strongest single
ower 120,0(4) men.
Four Days' Reunion
of the Masons Soon
A four days' reunion of the Scottish
-He orders of Nebraska will be held In
he uathedral. Twentieth and nnn.i.i
as. March 30 to 24. durtna whih
ne degrees from the fourth tn the thir.
ieth will be conferred on a class of 126
Frank C. ration. John Disbrow. E. N.
Ho Irs and John Urossman. masters of
ihe four bodies, lll preside over the
Superior Values in m Women's Spring Apparel
Special showing Saturday that demonstrates most charmingly the
supreme smartness and superb quality ofTiaydens garment offer'
ing at whatever price you wish. - - i
A SpedalSakot OC
Spring Suits at . .Y mUU
Hundreds of them for selection in wide
assortment of choice styles, in poplins,
gabardines, 6ergea and check suitings,
all most wanted colors. Sizes 14 to 46.
Crown Jewel Suits, the (frOE
Queen of them all, at . $6
Scores of charming designs in broad as
sortment of material and colors gabar
dines, coverts, novelties, stripes, etc, in
plain colors, checks and fancies. Superior
A Special Sale of $1f flfi
New Spring Coats . v.ll
Scores of nobby designs in, all colors, co
verts, gabardines, novelties, in plain colors,
plaid checks, etc., flare, belted and other
designs. All sizes, 16 to 48.
Thousand Beautiful New. Blouses
Just received for Saturday, the largest
variety of classy styles ever shown. Won
derful values at. :
$3.95 and $5.95
' New Shirts . -.
All the season's many new shades. All
sizes, at $5.00. ;
Hundreds of them. Made of poplins,
serges, checks, plaids and novelties. All
sizes, Saturday, special, $5.00.
New Afternoon and Dancing
Just received for Saturday hundreds of
classy taffeta silk dresses and novelty silks,
large variety of styles
$19.50 and $25.00 1'
Children's Classy Spring Coats
Sizes 8 to 14. Elegant values, at
$1.95,; $2.95, $3.95, $5, tip to $15
Sale of Children's New Dresses, $1.50
10 dozen new wash dresses for children.
Sizes 6 to 14. Made in tho season's new
styles, elegant variety of colors. Special
Saturday, at . .
$1.50 and $1.00
100 More New White Coats in the fk t10 7 M C J &1 fl fl
nobbiest styles of the season, at pl0, tplD flHu tplU,OU
wxCcnte$CQw a6mAeorm aGmdefcr mCai6e(&y
XgT iMPonTt8 C tMverrrs S importers ' 'MPoVrrira
Captivating Millinery
We extend to you, one and all, an Invitation to visit our Millinery De
partment. We want you to ret acquainted with the
"Concello Hats' .
There It om thing about
these hata that is different
When one compares oats one
must consider style, Quality
and finish.
For women of fastidious
taste who like to "lead" In
style Instead of "follow" we
offer a collection of hats em
bodying the latest ideas.
The Concello Hat Co., with headquarters In New York and Chicago aro
constantly watching new style developments, and with skilled milliners re
produce the very latest Importations.
We have the exclusive aency for 'OOXCEIXO HATS" In Omaha.
These Really Captivat
ing Ilats Sell at
$5, $6.50
and $7.50
aGmle&ym &rtdf ndei CGm&y
1 I -MsnnaaBsnwmnsmmmmmmmmmawsH
Read the Big. Special Grocery Sale
for Saturday
Tor Quality and a Sarlng of 88 to
60 OB the Coat of lAwing, It
Pays to Trade at BXaydaa's.
15 lbs. best granulated Sugar.. 91.00
48-lb. sack best patent Health Flour
for ai.
ii-lb. sack best high grade Diamond
H Flour, nothing finer for bread,
V'ta or cakea, per sack 91.40
t ll.u. best white or yellow CommetJ
for 170
7 Urn. rolled white breakfast Oatmeal
for 850
S lbs. choice Japan Rice 86e
i cane fancy Wax, hiring or Green
Beans for 88o
4 cans fancy Sweet Sugar Oorn . . . Sba
4 large cans Condensed Mllk....lWo
8 small cans Condensed Milk 884
28-oz. Jar pure strained Honey... 85o
US -os. )ux pure tYult Preserves .. 88o
1 -lb. can Assorted Soups ......80
Tall ran Alaska. Saimou 10a
1-lb. pkg. Condensed Wines Meat . . 6o
cans Oil Sardines 180
The beat Soda Crackers, lb 7
MaeTvarsn'a Peanut liutter. lb.,18Ho
Hersbev's Breakfast Cocoa, lb... 80s
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb. .800
The best full cream N. Y. White. Wis
consin Cream Voting Amerlia. or
Wisconsin Brick Cheeae. lb 84
Neufchatel Cheewe, eafh So
ImporLed Swims Cheese, lb 45o
Im.orted Tliu:fort i'heese, lb...SOo
Tlie best Tal.le Uutterlne. equal tn
ircimifrv butler, lb 83e
Good Table Butterlna. lb ISO
2 lbs. good Butterlne ' Sao
The best Creamery Butter, lb....3oo
The bent Creamery Butter, pkg.. 870
1,000 Boxes raacy Colorado Blaek
. Twtf Applsa Parked In bunhel
boxes and sold reguUrly for 1 1.0 J
- per box. Thla car was ahippai to
us to sell for the grower. Sale
price, per box 910
omATB ravn mu bat uax at.
12 and 150 also Fancy Highland
Navels. Saturday, dosen . ,.88o
The finest of quality, fancy (4 are
Florida Grape FTult, each So
Biioot fraa tha grow te tho set
earner. As wo advertise, o wo S.U.
16 lta. best Ohio Potatoes aoo
Fresh Spinach peck aoo
I largo bunches fresh Radishes, Tur
nips, Carrots or Shallots loo
California Cauliflower, lb TJ
I large Soup Bunches loo
Fancy Cucumbers, each lao
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb loo
I'a.nry Head Lettuce, head. So, fUo
t hothouse Leaf Lettuce loo
Wisconsin Cabbage, lb me
Old Bee la. Carrots, Turnips or Par
snips, per lb .....So
Fancy Egg Plant, eovch ....... .18Ve
Horseradish Root, per It) 8V,o
Fresn Parsley, 1 bunches loo
Fancy Rip Strawberries, qt. txjfm
t 86o
Fancy Mushrooms, bos goo
Setcial MmOt SaU Sat
In Our Mammoth Meat Dept.
Xo. 1 Fresh Pork Loins, from 7
to 10 lbs., per lb 134
No. 1 Steer Pot Roast. ., .1(S, lSVae
No. 1 Steer Round Steak 1SV0
No. 1 Steer Rib Boiling Beef. .8V,o
No. 1 h'all ltmb Hlndq't'rs. .I440
No. 1 Forequartera Umb..,,m,e
No. 1 Bulk Sausage ....SVaO
rn o. i l,iiik sausage 18H
ids. uest Leaf Lard I
Smoked Meat Special Batarday
Armoax's Star Kama.
No. 1 Kxtra Lean Bacon. ,. .1SV.0
No. 1 Pirnlo Hams ,.1040
No. 1 Salt Pork 8.0
No. 1 frrah U'l.nn.r.
No. 1 New Kegs of HoVland Her
rinrn, for
Liquor Dept.
Old Taylor, 8-year old, full qt. .81.00
Cedar Brook, S-year old. full qtll0
Clarke'a Pure Rye, -yer old. full
luari nxo
Spring Hill. 8-year old. full qt. 91.00
Maryland Rye. -yr. old, full qU.Tao
Hennessey Brandy, 10-year old. per
bottle 9 LOO
La TlnU Wines, 10-year old, per
bottle . lkn
Spnkist Wlnee. 1-year old. full
quart for goo
Homemade Orape Win, gallon 91.84
California Port Win. gaiioa..ila
Society Cocktails, bottle IIjOO
i. T. Welch, bottled In bond, full
quart for 81 AO
Mall and Phone Order Promptly
.. V ' '4
i r'
l; I
?H ' f
PI u -
I CyrilBsSofasiteAMssa
Spring Styles in Overcoats
THE Suits, too, you'll find here in really unusual
variety; the real class in Style, exceeded only by
the Superb Quality of material and tailoring.
You can get your overcoat single or double breasted;
with plain or patch pockets; fancy weave or plain
color designs that will appeal to all. $25 is a low price
to pay for Such Quality. We have both Suits and Over
coats at more and less.
Complete Spring Lines Now Ready
for Your Selection. .
The Home of
Hart, Schaffncr es Marx
Guarantee:! Clothes