Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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miTAtirm iriTnin
Omaha Weitern Union Electrical
Clnb Talks with New York and
San Francisco.
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp
could not have evolved mort won
derful things than those which were
brought about by modern electrical
science Thursday night at the ban
quet and telephone demonstration of
the Western Union Electrical club,
which wan held at the Hotel Rome.
Over 200 guests at the affair
talked with guests at similar din
ners In New York and San Fran
cisco; diners In the Golden Gate city
were regaled by music furnished by
Omahans and New Yorkers, and vice
versa; guests In the eastern me
tropolis, with the waters of the At
lantic ocean but a few blocks away,
listened to the waves of the Pacific
aj they beat against the rocks at the
Cliff house in "Frisco" and Omaha
people In the middle of the conti
nent sipped their coffee and listened
to both.
To sit at tsbl.s with telephone In
front of them and hear from New York
the strains of a violin, the twang of a and a vocalist sing "The End of a
Perfect Day." and the next minute to
hear perfectly an orchestra In "San Fran
cisco play "The Star Spnled Banner,"
was the experience of the guests.
Three Baa.. Unite.
At 9 o'clock the transcontinental tele
phone line was opened, connecting the
Western Union Electrical society of New
York, the Western Union Electrical cluh
of Oman and the Western Union Elec
trical Efficiency club of San Francisco.
At this hour the diners In New Tork had
finished their banquet, while those In
6n Francisco had hardly begun.
Roll call of Important cities alonf the
route of the transcontinental line was
held, end the Omaha guests exchanged
greetings with Western Union officials
In different parts of the east and west.
S. B. Halff. president of the Western
Union Educational society of New York,
exchanged greetings with Robert M. Mc
Donald, president of the Western Union
TClpfftrtCal rluh nf Omaha. ana If J
Jeffs, president of the Western Union
Efficiency club of San Francisco.
Uaten to Mode.
' Entertainers in New York and San
a rani-ici-o inn lava n rnuaicai program.
Omahans listened to and applauded those
In both cities. The telephone demonstra
tion closed by guests In the three cities
saying good night to -each other.
The committee on arrangements for the
Omaha banquet and telephone demon
stration was composed of H. C. Pierce,
J. R. Hyland. R. M. McDonald, F. L.
Keller and W. J. Kcane.
The guests included the following West
ern Union officials from Denver: W J.
Lloyd, general jnanagar; B. L. Brooks,
superintendent of trsfflc; W. C. Titley,
Danish Arctic explorer, will
start from Copenhagen early
in' April to explore the re
mote region between Peary
Land and Greenland.
Rate Expert Telia Why Cities Need
to Maintain a Local Traffic
Owl 4
superintendent Of plants; A. J. Sands,
division auditor. Dr. F. H. Mlllener of
the Union Pacific, P. K. Harlan and P.
E. Grlswold of the American Telephone
and Telegraph company and Guy H. Pratt
and Im B. Wilson of the Nebraska Tele
phone company were among thape present.
CAMBRIDGE. Msss., March 10. I
(Special.) K. J. McVann. manager!
of the traffic bureau of the Com-
menial club of Omaha, addressed
the Graduate 8cbool of Business Ad- j
ministration of Harvard university
last night on the subject of "The ,
Development of a Local Traffic :
Bureau." :
Mr. McVann sketched out the his-
tory of these organisations, pointing ,
out that until a few years ago such
an organization aa a traffic bureau
to look after the Interests of the
shippers In rate matters waa un
known to the country.
He pointed out the conditions In
the railroad world that led up to the
organisation of traffic bureaus, or
that made traffic bureaus a neces
sity In the large cities where ship
ping Is heavy.
"The bureau Itself has now become an
Institution," iis'd the speaker. "The city
that Is without one Ik like an offl-e
without a telephone or a typewriter. Its
manufacturers and distributers find their
opportunitlea for trade circumscribed and
their fields of endeavor restricted and
they ar frequently unable to ascertain
the reason why. Their expense on ac
count of freight and express charges
grow unduly large: they find it difficult
to enforce their claims agalnat the car-
rlera for overchargea becauee of their
lunnrance of rate adhmtments and of
tbe Carriers' fear of breaking the law.
Ofttlme 4.
"They find tlirnwtvea Involved In
many nredlce and vexsttoua eonttmer
le with rallwav ssenta and minor of
ficials. They find themselves at great
disadvantage when required to
before railway committees on rates and
( Insslfh atli.i). before state railway com
missions nn. bttfore the f-deral commis
sion, all of this iHM-ause they have not
lovn I" tom h with the tisnd f the
times and have not .toluol with their
neighbors In the orttHnlsatlon Snd de
velopment of a local traffic bureau.
which would take all these troubles off
the mind of the Individual merchant,
solve his problems, smooth out bis dif
ficult lea and leave him free to prosecute
his real business, which Is the sale Of
the output of bis factory or atot.
"AH over the country, the local traffic
bureaus are at work on the problem of
the Individual snd the community. They
sre Ironing out rate discriminations,
readjusting rate schedules and elasslfl
cation ratings, examining all rules and
regulations Hint nffeet the business of
their principals or communities, usually.
It la well to note, wlih the conlHl co
operation of the railroad people up to a
point where aometlmea co-operation must
give place to eonfllet. but where that
conflict Is no longer fraught with the
bitterness and III feeling that n
charade, 1st Ic of thS differences of ear
lier snd lest enlightened days."
I never In my life saw New Totk I'lty
In such a bustle of business as at pres.
ent." said Joseph lldn. who spent a
eek In New YorS slid then skipped to
the opposite side of continent, spend
ing some tints In i'allfon In, and only
this week returalng t Omaha.
"Kverythlhg- la alive s'nd sbustle In
New Tork. and ths hotels ars crowded
At the Anlolola I engaged a room, ani
hen they found I wanted It for a week
or more they Infotmel me that was Im
poIMe because the room was booked
ahead, and that seemed to be the case In
all the hotels.
"Kvtryborty Is working and has money.'
Pmf. .1 A. (Illllsple. formerly head of
the InMimte for the Deaf In nniaha. Is
In HUIni; here
Frank M. Johnston, siipeilnten'lent of
the I'ouiteenlh division, railway mall
gervlca, hns gone west for a week's tour
nf Inspection.
Waits a Month to
Get Cars in Which
to Ship His Wheat
Four weeks sgo E. S. Flagg of Omaha
went to Sidney, Neb., near ' which city
he owns a 640-acre farm, to ship a couple
of carloads of wheat to Omaha. Ha has
Just succeeded In getting his second csr
to Omaha.
It was two weeks before Flagg could
get his first car of wheat ahlpped and
another two weeks before ha could get
a second car.
"The car shortage la playing havoc
among Nebraska farmers." declares Mi-.
Flagg. "At Sidney orders were put In for
cars on January 1. and they haven't been
fitted yet At Peeti. Colo., there are 76,00
bushels of wheat dumped on the grounj
because It has been Impossible to get
Ouch! Lumbago!
Rub Pains From
Sore, Lame Back
Rub Backache away with small
trial bottle of old" St.
Jacob's Oil."
Back hurt you! Can't straighten up
without feeling sudden pains, sharp
aches and twinges? Now listen: That's
lumbsgo, aclatlca or msjho from a strain,
and you'll get relief the moment you rub
your back with soothing, penetrating "St.
Jacoba Oil." Nothing elae takea out sore
ness, lameness and stiffness so quickly.
Tou simply rub It on your back and out
cornea the pain. It la harmless snd
doesn't bum the akin.
Limber up! Don't suffer! Oct a small
trial bottle of old, honest "St, Jscobs
OH" from any drug store, and after
using it Just once, you'll forget thst you
ever had backache, lumbago or sciatica,
because your back will never hurt or
cause any more misery. It never disap
points and haa been recommended for SO
years. Advertisement.
Orchard & Wilhelm Co
414-416-418 South 16th St.
This Square Tube
Steel Bed.
la white enamel, Vernia Martin or
oxidised finish.
In 'walnut, golden oak or mahogany
Fresh Carload
and Brass
Continuous 2 -inch post beds, with
five 1-lnch fillers, in white, Ver
nia Martin or oxidized rn
finish, 4-6 or 3-6 Bize...f3w
Walnut, golden oak or o rn
mahogany finish ?0.W
Continuous post Iron beds, in white.
Vernia Martin or oxidised flnisn,
4-6 or 3-6.
Shipment of Simmons' Steel
Beds on Sale Saturday
Satin brass beds, new line in S
inch posts, with five -inch
fillers, 4-6 and 3-6 n aa
slieg.... e).lll
Other satin brass beds at
812.50. 315. 16.50. SIO
Heary satin brass beds, 2 H -Inch
uprights and five IM-in. fillers.
well-proportioned (97 aa
and well trimmed feW.VV
Other styles brass beds
828.50. 831 nd Higher.
Rag Rugs
25x50 site,
75c Each
Hit-and-Mlaa design, assorted
colors, special for Saturday.
Brussels Rug,
9x12 size,
In an aaaortment of colors and
design: an exceptionally fine Una
of rugs at a very moderate price.
Vacuum Sweeper
Handsome mahogany frame, guaran
teed to give satisfaction.
ft $5.00
Hand Propelled
Couch Covers -
In stripe and Oriental effecta, fringed and plain
$1.75, $2.35, $2.50 and $2.95 Each
Plain Hemstitched yoile, Marquisette and Scrim
In Ivory and Ecru,
$1.25 and $1.85 Pair
Austrian Table Runners, 48x26 In., regular $2.95, for SI. 50 each.
Dainty Floral Cretonnes, lavender, pink, blue and yellow, 25 yard.
Filet Curtain Net, white and ecru. 4Q yard.
All White Enamelware
Special for Saturday, 69c
For Waterpails, Double Boilers, Dlahpaos, Berlin Kettle,
lreei-ving Kettles, Coffee Jota, that aell regularly up to 91.
Strictly Kirst Quality.
In the Basement.
Cooking Lecture
By Miss Mary Harwood Weldoji
At 2:30 o'clock Each Day.
veryone Invited.
Spring Hats
If you wwnt the very lateel
soft hat of the season come In
and aee our spring rreatlona of
distinctly original style that
erary man of good taste will ap
preciate S2.0O-83.00-S3.5O
Jew Style Spring Caps, SI
Berg Suits Me
New Shirts
We offer only good shirts to
our customers for two very ex
cellent reasons because you
have n light to receive full value
for your money and because we
want to give you full value for
every dollar you spend In this
Berg Special Shirts. SI
Manhattan and other fine makes
of Shtrta at
SUk, S4-S5-S0
Handorrine Xew Neckwear
This stor. shews only elothlns
of lead.rahlp of reeognls4
superiorly and siylt
for very llltl money.
Hoy's mill with I pairs of
users rrosn
$2.50 to $12.00
t' fiwecg.r Combination
Ifll 'oat, I petre of full
eA oanta. Oolf r.p end helt
aame material to mafeh.
. luteal Norfolk Model
ten Porfceta. flpe- C Aft
illy priced, a set ... lOtlU
appy Top Coats aSJie ap.
plel. Iln.s of spring hats,
11 i iii-'iiin'M J-: I) W -;
! ' .Tjthat
: ii: It;. tMjii thiiS
ii ft-'rifrthfe.
JJ-. :, l
. II J WeU
I -rrr a Cloth
Kuppenheimer and
Society Brand
balanced clothes for the well balanced man.
that whatever a man's years, have the spirit of
virility and youth and exemplify the advanced
rr.'..r.'.'.'" sis to $40
2)11 I f S 'w of the models.
lliltmora." "The Lenox." "Wiynt,"
Norfolk." Rodney' 'Alaton."
"Laagden." Kobust,
Final Clean-Up Sale
Every man should take
advantage of thla extra
ordinary Bale the final clearance sale of the season. 260 Fail and Winter
Suits left from our great Half-Price Bale, must be sold, not cue
will be carried over. Values .'. C7 Cft ClT CA
y.ou iu p i y.ju
up to $35.00.
etii. eto. f
One, two and three button models
with tbe new waked lapel. Cut en and eona.rvatlve lines
to suit every
lull and
. Other Salt at 9 1 0.00, $ 1 2.50, $ I A.OO
We show handrede of these eiceptlonal suit values. Mod. la for yvong
snd older men.- For youth.' last or for the mora eoto.r and
Laid man. Color.a. tetterns and fabrics la aa endless variety and
the greatest satisfaction guaranteed.
$18 to $40
h a ndsome
Chesterfields, single breasted
body-fitting coats, box coats,
auto coats, slip-ons, B a ma
rues, aephyr weight shower
$7.50 to $25
! Sore Throat
! Chest Pains a
Tightness across the cbett and
ore throat can at once be relieved
by applying Slosn's Liniment. It
goes right to the sest oi pa in
warm intf and soothio the painful
parts. The inflammation subiidee
H and the pain is gone.
g Liniment
'Seep a bottle In your home."
Price Uc He lM
i ly)
One of our facetious contemporaries applied this name to our then one store some
years ago. We confess to a liking for this caption it's rather truthfully descriptive
of any one of our present 4 -well stocked, modern Drug Stores. Just now when the mar
kets are so "short" on some lines of goods we believe our customers appreciate a Drug
Emporium, where may be found every needed article in the drug and toilet goods line
and obtain it at (except a few articles) before-the-war prices.
Virgiii! Bet Sprigs, Va.
Every Friday
Leave f.rkra Statioa, 11:J7 a. a
via C. A O. If., arriviag dcatiaatl.a
Sturd.y aTBiB,.
laiMaaliaa mmi Kwntli at
C . Tkket Otflce, II W. Aaaas SL
PAIieitri'A " "
A Sum ,piiiim .1 aurta
U.lp. to rlki 4a4f ff.
(W Rtoria, CoU mm4
Iwxy lOrm v Fm44 Hmlr
1 ToUet Goods. BABY WEEK
St. Patrick's Day At Greatly Reduced Prices. Dverj' week Is "Baby Week" at
u f 60c Hind Honey and AI- QQ our atores, as we have for many
lnocoiai3. mond Cream for aCavC years made Baby Foods and Baby
Colleen Mint Choco- OA 60c Victor's Cucumber and QQ Rubber Goods a distinct specialty.
latea (green boi) JU Bensoln Cream for OIC We buy direct frou) tbe manufac
: 26c Talcums, several kinds, turers and thus can furnish fresli
aw, oini. ntAii your choice for JC g(M.l and make the price as well.
Some Standard Medicines. jDc LaieU'g MMaalta in. Eagle Condensed .
11.00 Plnkharn a Wge- tA Talcum for 15C Milk for 1C
table Compound for DtC Cisrar Barirain Horlick'a Malted Milk, OQ
50c Stuart s Dyspepsia O A - . . . ,, tor OiJC
Tablet, for .......... 54C Ev'r' I,a' But Kapexlally on , ,e, .
DOc Pyramid Pile o A - m c .. 1?, - ' " A
Remedy for t34C "c SaramlU Cigar. r- cr-? 1
$1.00 Rexall Nerve OO- ,r V . A, - I J.
ionic for 89C M.rca Cigar. 5c . j
16c Reynaldo-Orandioso Q V tTTi"
dri'g salks. it will p Sassafras Bark. w hav tna ..rire.. articlei ia
vor UFIL Th 80,, u now on- this line.
1 U 5t. 10s. 15t. 25 nd 30 We sell 50 to 60 kinds nursing
.- ' the package. bottlea and nipples.
mm a ccoiull mm es.
Corner 16th and Dod2o Streets. LOYAL DRUG CO., 207-209 N. 16th.
OWL DRUG CO., 16th & Harney. HARVARD. 24th cud Farnam.
A New Store at. 19th and Farnam Soon.