Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Mn. V. Robert Discovers that He
It in Lancaster Jail at
(From & Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 10. (Special.) Mrs.
V. Roberta of Omaha, after a search for
two yeara, has at last located her hus
band. .Ha Is tn the Lancaster county
Jail ort dlpsomanlao charge. The man,
whose,' name Is Edward P. Robers, left
his hoiW two years ago and has kept
out of sight ever since. Mrs. Roberts
dtsoovered the whereabouts of her hus
band through Sheriff Hyers and expects
to come, to, Lincoln Saturday to visit him.
Tom Seeker After Gas.
Fleldng H. Tost, well.known foot ball
man, ' arrived in Lincoln today for the
purpose of making explorations for. gas
and oil. Mr. Tost, while receiving dis
couraging reports from Prof. B. H. Bar
bour of the state university. Is still of the
belief that there are prospects and is
much interested in the experiments now
being made near Plattsmouth.
Injured Maa Bada Life.
Crawford H. Jngraham. a young man
28 years of age,' committed suicide at his
home in this city by hanging today. In
graham was hurt by being kicked in the
head by, a horse about two years ago
and has been mentally deficient since.
.Knowing that his mother and sister had
gone downtown to complete arrangements
for an operation for him, Ingrahana went
to the barn, and hung himself, where
he was found by his mother on her re
turn. Pleads for Man's Life.
The application of Roy Roberts, who
i was convicted in the district court of
killing a man by the name of Connett
near North Platte, for a rehearing of his.
case was argued in the supreme court
this morning. Roberts was sentenced to
the electric chair and his attorney, Jamca
Keefe of North Platte, made a plea be
fore tie court for the life of his client.
. I re Sends Cash.
State Treasurer Hall this morning re
ceived a remittance from County Treas
urer Ura of Douglas county amounting
to 11X158 covering the amount of col
lections due tho state for the months of
January and February. ,
C.'oe Given Freedom.
Arthur Coe of Burt county, who was
sentenced to pay a fine of tlOO and serve
tlx months in the Burt county jail, has
been pardoned by Governor Morehead In
order that he might get busy preparing
to put in-his spring crops. The governor
' requires him to pay the fine of SiOO, but
believed that Inasmuch as bis term would
expire May 29, too lata to get in his crops,
it would be best for him to be turned
loose now.' He was convicted of criminal
relations with a woman who was his
housekeeper. He lives near Tekamah.
York Odd Fellow is
Hundred and One
TORK. Neb., March ,10 Ppeclal.)-Tr.
fwanhach, who is an Inmate of the Odd
Fellows' home, celebrated his 101st birth
day yesterday. A large birthday cake
was prepared and the doctor was the
guest of honor at a party given at the
home1 last night, lie says: "There Is
nothing remarkable about me reaching
lfll years. I drink lota of buttermilk, eat
little very little meat and take long
walks every morning, besides other phys
ical eitarclses. I am a believer in deep
breathing and have a good pair of
Notes from Beatrice
9-ridGajge County
BEATRICE, Neb.. March 10. (Special.)
At a meeting of the country club boost
ers last evening at the Commeroial club
rooms, an organisation to be known as
the Beatrice Country club was formed.
The capital stock was placed at 130,000,
The incorporators are: A. II. Kldd, EX L.
Ilevelone, R. A. Nlckell, Mercer B.
rwalker and E. M. Marvin. Seventy
members have subscribed stock, and aa
soon as five more are secured the club
will be launched in earnest The golf
links will be located south of the city.
At a meeting of the directors of the
Beatrice National bank yesterday Wal
lace Robertson was elected president to
succeed the lata P. W. Cook, and R, J.
Kilpatrlck was chosen vice president.
, Hugh J. Dodds.of this city, yesterday
filed "for the republican nomination for
county attorney. He is the only repub
lican who ha filed " for this office at
The Liberty Community club held a
meeting and discussed the question of
building a library and reading room.
These officers were elected: President,
'Charles Steele: secretary, Lloyd Pyle;
treasurer, W. L. Harmon.
Paul Evans, an old Beatrice boy, died
'last evening at his home at Falrbury, of
cancer of the stomach, aged about 43
years. He is survived by a widow and
four children. -
Work hns been started on Cortland's
new school house, which wjll cost about .
ALBION. Neb,, March . 10. (Special,)
The monthly dinner of the Albion Com
mercial club was held last evening at
Kaspareick's restaurant. The address of
the evening was given by Edgar Howard
of Columbus. Carl Cramer, president of
the Columbus Commercial club, was also
present and spoke briefly. The matter
of a new hotel, paving and an electrolier
system was considered. The meeting is
generally regarded as one of the most
successful yet held.
WEEPING WATER, Neb., March 10.
(Special.) A successful skin-grafting
operation was performed on Albert Hene-
ger of this place at a Lincoln hospital
this week. The skin was taken from the
arm of Lee Heneger,. brother of the pa
tient Two other brothers went to Lin
coln to give up some of their skin if It
was needed. Tiie operation was upon a
diseased limb that has been giving trouble
for many .years.
Missouri Democrats Ask for Instruc
tions on Procedure Under
Nebraska Law. "
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., March 10.-l8peclal
Telegram.) Secretary of State Pool this
afternoon received a message from Mis
souri asking for information aa to what
methods would have to be used to get
the name of Governor Major of that state
on the presidential ballot as a candidate
for the democratic nomination for the
vice presidency. The information was
wired south this evening.
Fillnaa of the Day.
Filings which rencheJhe office of sec
retary of state this morning covered the
Nels Johnson of Oakland flies for the
republican nomination for the state sen
ate from the Sixth district, composed of
the counties of Burt, Thurston, Dakota
and 15ixon, represented in the last session
by Senator .Shumway of Wakefield,. Who
Is a candldnte for tho republican nomina
tion for lieutenant governor.
James A. Donahoe of O'Neill flies as a
candidate for the democratic nomination
for presidential elector from the Sixth
It Is understood that H. F. Requartte.
deputy fire commissioner under Com
missioner Ridgell. will file for presi
dential elector on the democratic ticket
from the Fourth district
Browne Enters Upon '
New Secretaryship
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 10. (Special.) Thome
Browne, who has wandered from the
straight and moral path of newspaper
wors ana has accepted a political Job as
cretary of the etnte Ratlwav eommls.
slon. was on the Job this morning seek
ing to familiarize himself with, the work
which he will have to take up a little
later. After the strenuous life of a news
paper reporterv.tlio.. Job (of secretary of
the railway commission ..with Hs -munificent
salary of several thousand dollars
a year, will seem Ilka a summer vacation
in the mountains or a visit to the wife's
folks back In. "Illlnoy when hard cider
is ripe.
Browne is bolstered up by the thought
that within a few years he may like his
predecessors, retire to the farm or buy
a newspaper and live happily every after.
dnellae L. Spencer. ,
Emellne U Spencer died of diabetls
at her home, S107 Pratt street, at the
age of ft years. Funeral services will be
held from the home Monday morning at
10 o'clock with interment in Forest Lawn
Mrs. Vellaa Hall.
Mrs. Vellna Hull, aged 2 years, died
at the borne of her daughter, Mrs. B. C.
Hatnaker, 2M3 Reese street She was a
resident of Omaha for the last ten yeara
She came to Omaha from Sutton, Neb.
Mrs. N. S. Daaforth.
Mrs. N. S. Danforth, aged 75 years,
formerly of this city, died , Thursday
morning of pneumonia at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. James R. Wright,
Rexburg. Idaho. She is survived by two
other children Dr. J. II. panfotth of
Genoa, III., and George A. Danforth, 4811
Capitol avenue, with whom she had
made her home of recent years. The body
will be brought to Omaha and the fu
neral held from George Danforth's home.
Jacob Mleraa.
HENDERSON, Neb., March 10.(.Spe
cial.) Jacob Mlerau died at his home In
this village Wednesday morning. He was
88 years old. He Is survived by fourteen
Exploaloaa Kill Six.
WILKES DARRIE. Pa.. March 10-Six
men were killed in two explosions at the
Hollenback, Lehigh and .Wilker. Barre
Coal company colliery here late today.
State Chairman of the Tarty Sayi
Matter of Utmost Urgency
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 10.-Snoi Ir1.)-A call
has been Issued by W. II. Thompson,
chairman of the democratic state com
mittee, for tho committee to meet In
Hastings to deal with matter threaten
ing the welfare of the party, neglect of
which, he says, will be sinful.
Just what particular sinful thing now
menaces the well being of the democratlo
party In Nebraska Is not made known
In the letter sent out by Mr. Thompson
to his associates. The committee met a
short time ago In Omaha, and it was
supposed that In the atmosphere! which
had been so lately purified by a cam
paign under "Billy" Sunday the com
mittee would hare cleared Itself and tha
party of everything tending toward sin
ful things, but it appears that this Is
not so. In his letter to members of the
committee. Chairman Thompson says:
In our "capacity as officers of the state
committee, Into whose hands Is com
mitted larselr the duty of safe-guarding
the Interests of the democratic party. Its
policies and candidates, we cannot avoid
the necessity of calling an Immediate as
sembling or the members of the state
committee to aid us In solving a problem
so serious that neRlect of It on our parts
would be nothing short of sinful.
To this end. that the problem may be
quickly met and satisfactorily solved, we
hereby call the democratic committee to
meet In special session at 4 o'clock p. m.,
Tuesday, March 14. lfll, at the Clark
hotel in Hastings, Neb. ,
"The cause needs your presence.
Bring the names of democrats who hsve
filed for the senatorial and legislative
nominations in counties In your districts.
Confidentially hoping that each member
may be present, we are, respee.iiuuy,
r w II Thnmnnnn.
t . - '; v .r.:V..j
l . v V Vi
Soldier Made Out
Of Raw Material
Within Four Months ;
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
LONDON. Feb. 12. "The Derbyites are
excellent material for soldiers," was the
verdict of a prominent general after an
Inspection of a large body of the recruits
whoyreeently Joined the army under tha
group system named after Lord Derby
The Associated Press correspondent spoke
to many of the men, the majority of
whom showed keen Interest In their train
ing and willingly suffered the inconveni
ences of their new profession.
The groups "first called up were still
going through their period of setting up
drill, and tho men were atlff and sore
from the almost continuous Swedish exer
cises and route marches, which they start
dally before breakfast and carry on until
dusk. It could " be seen, however, that
even the short epell of strict, military
discipline and physical training had mad
a Wonderful difference In the bearing ot
the men, most of whom.had previously
led sedentary lives An city of floes and fac
tories, and seemed visibly' to fill out under
th Influence of the open air and constant
movement. - .
The course of a soldier's preliminary
training, which In peace times is spread
over about twelve months, is now con
densed into four months and at the ex
piration of that period an infantryman
is regarded, as fit to take the field;
Friends in Omaha have received news
of tha death. March 8. of Mrs. Adelaid
Wells Cross, widow of Frank J. Cross,
formerly a business man In Omaha. Mrs.
Cross died at the home of her brother-in-law,
Wellington Cross, In Chicago Sne win
be burled Saturday at Boston. Mm.
One daughter. Miss Jean Cross, survives.
w nne in Omaha, Mrs. Cross was 'very
prominent in club work. She was ex
pected here this week for a visit by Mrs.
J. 8. Whlte,f who, Instead, received a dis
patch announcing her death.
American Troopers Pursninij Villa
Bandits Come Back After Fight
. x. ing Three Battles.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., March 10.
Major Prank Tompkins, command
ing the detachment of American
troops. hlch pursued General Villa
and V!a bandits into Mexico after
Iho gttfcck yrstortUy at Columbus.
N. M., hare returnod to the border
ftcf engaging in three running
fights v with the Mexicans, who
finally made a stand which stopped
the adtahce ot the American sol
diers,' t , ,
This Information was conveyed to
nlgUt to Major General Frederick
Funston, commanding the Southern
department,. United States army, in
an 'official rehort 'on the situation
from Colonel H. J. Slocum in com
mand at Columbus.
"All peaceful as a summer morning at
thu writing," was tlis way Colonel t
cum described the situation In Columbia
Test f Repert,
Following U the text of Colcne'. sio
cum's report, as given out hy Central
Funston at Fort Sam Houston:
"When Villa'.) troops fell back .before,
daylight, wo followed them with a dl.
mounted line. At the same time l aent
Major Tompkins with three troops
mounted to attack. Tompkins fottowud
thcni for about five miles Into Mexico,
having three running rights with .them
and they finally made a stand w It b their
ntlie force and stopped Tompkins' -advance
and he returned here. We naddne
corporal killed In the pursuit.
"The Mexicans dropped considerable
material and loot that they had gotten
in tewn. I am reliably Informed it waa
Villa who Wade the attack with 1.W0
men, leaving about 1.000 on the river east
of Boca Orsnde. From his spies in Colum
bus, he was Informed that there was but
four troops here with but three maehlnt
guns. Three of our troops being out, hs
took this opportunity to attack.
"He intended capturing the town, loot
ing the bank and killing all Americana.
Our casualties were five wounded, seven
kllle.1. Lieutenant Urn son Was shot In the
arm. Captain Wlllinms. adjutant, received
a sIlKht wound in the hand. Klght civil
ians rert killed in the town, including
orwr wormin. - .
Rary Twer-eve Mexicans.
We have, already burled twenty-seven
Mexican soldiers, most of them killed In
the camp, some ne.r thii bank and there
are ninny other dead Meloans oil Villa's
line of retreat about one mile west.
"Mexican troops under Villa's personal
command and by his orders, made the
charge through the ramp. Our troops
turned out quickly and drove the Mexi
cans out, killing seventeen In or sbout
the onmp. About ten or twelve Mexlcsns
wero killed In the town. WVIIe our peo
ple at that time In the mornlna were
surprised they did their Work well. Villa's
attempt to thnrno the ramp and town
was a complete failure.
'I recommend one bsttallon of Infantry,
one squadron of the Fight h cavalry to
be sent here and that the mounted troops
be used to follow up Villa, leaving the
Infinity to protect the town. .
"I do hot bolteve Villa will make an
other attempt here. Several of our fami
lies living In tt.wn had narrow escapes
when the attack wss lisree. All peaceful
aa , summer morning at this writing. I
have sent five wounded to Fort Bliss.
The dsd will follow.
It takes but a minute ot time to save
dollars when you real The Bee Want Ad
(letting tfivea.
"Don't you care for any postcards to
flsy?" akked a postal i-Wk, s lie linndetl
the "man the stamp he hna requested.
"No, not today," said the nun. .
"Or some stamped envelopes? We have
oms new ones."
"No, thahk you."
'''Would ou like a money order?"
' No." '
"Or perhaps you would like to open a
postal savings account ?""
Hnl tin man had fled.
"Who was that fellow, and why did you
Jisk him all those questions?"' asked a fel
ow clerk.
"That," said the other clerk, "Is my
barber. For years when he has shaved
me lie has bothered me wtih recom
mendations of mnwssges. shampoos, hnlr
outs ana hair tonics. I a
npwr' . .
im even with him
. .
Wants Copy of Confidential Instruc
tions to Commanders of
Merchantmen. '
WASHINGTON, March 10. The
United 8tates has asked Great
Britain for a copy nt the confidential
Instructions to commanders f Brit
ish merchant vessels, which Germany
claims prove that merchantmen
armed ostensibly for defensive pur
poses have orders to act offensively
against German and Austran sub
marines. The reeueet is understood to have
been made today through Sir Cecil
Sprlng-Htce, the British ambassador.
This is the first step the United
States has taken since the adminis
tration Officials have been studying
the complete memorandum in which
Germany announced its intention to
treat as warships armed merchant
men of the entente allies, Ha ap
pendices, and the subsequent memor
anda on. the subject submitted by
Count, Von Bernstorff, the German
F-srly In the day the British embassy
made public a statement challenging
rvery substantial statement In Count von
Dernstorff's memorandum, and setting
forth, that while Germany contends that
Its submarine warfare is In retaliation
for 1'rltlfh violations of tnternatonal law,
rrany of the German acta were committed
before the first order in council conv
plained of was issued.
It takes but a minute oi time to save
dollars when you read The Bee Want Ad
columns. -
. Ilealey te Oakland.
Thomas Heatey, a third-sticker, has
been turned over to the Oakland club for
thla yesr bv Connie Mack of the Phila
delphia Athletics.
WATERLOO, la.. March 10. (Special
Telegram.) Mrs. Sid Collins, who came
from Austrslia to erect a monument here
over her husband's grave, has sworn out
a warrant for her husband charging de
sertion. She says she received a letter
at Sioux City saying he was dead, but
she finds he Is alive and she declares he
is living with another woman, probably
In Indiana.
At periods in most childrens lives
they fail to relish their meals and refuse
to eat even the delicacies prepared to
tempt their appetites. They lack am
bition, and growth seems impeded,
which causes anxiety and worry.
To compel them to eat is a grave
mistake, because nutrition is impaired.
Healthful exercise m fresh air and sun
shine is important, but equally import
ant is a spoonful of Scott's Emulsion
three times a day to feed the tissues
and furnish food -energy to improve
their blood, aid nutrition and sharpen
their appetites.
The highly concentrated medicinal
food in Scott's Emulsion supplies the
rerr elements children need to build up
their strength. Thev relish Scott'a It is
free from alcohol
Scott & Bowne.BkwsiAeld.N.I.
Snail Fire at Bradahaw.
BRADSIIAW. Neb.. March 10.-(Spe-clal.
Fire In an. old frame shack, oc
cupied by two deaf mutes named Johnson,
did slight damage.
TORK. Neb., March 10. (Special.)
Venn L. Johnson and Mary E. Vande
burg, both of Bradahaw, were married
Wednesday afternoon at the Methodist
parsonage. Rev. w. c. Wasser offi
riatcd. Treter-Kaapa.
YORK! Neb.. March 10. 'Special. )
Ralph Teeter of Litchfield and Leota
Knapp or Po'k were married Wednesday
afternoon. County Judge H. O. Hopkins
Just Arrived Today!
Yungs-tone Stylus
It Plays 50 to 200 Records
Without Need of Changing
PRICES-- '- ? for ,5c
Have Them Demonstrated at ONCE in the
Demonstration loons of
Nebraska fiycle So.
Cor. 15th and Harney Sts.t Omaha.
334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
-JOHN A.:.SWAKS0N;.rjc8.-
WM. L. HOmiAN, Treas,
The Greater Nebraska Asks the Honor of Showing You
te. .; ..v - Sf . .
V'-n: nil t
ik t;rt jt.i .
inril . I TT V TS H A TT"V
lot Mes tor- bpfip
BRISK-y oung men, and middle-aged men
determined to hold their own with
. ... ' . ' youjiger . men, are outfitting now for spnhg,
;1916. . These red-blooded friends of ours find here the;
-most wonderful showing of all that's new. Tremen-
dous selections from the acknowledged foilntain-head
of fashionassortments five to fifteen times larger
than elsewhere; - . r VM: V.
'.,'.-,'!' " " ,'' '
Supreme Fabric Value ancK, Supreme Tailoring
Value Combine in These Smart Clothes
- She JSttnele
Extra valae
- 11 . . ;-new-. . w
That Fint
- at
$20 to $:s,
Vttuei '
?15:$20 $25
Silk Lintd,
Half or
Uereis ft. vialtHing to remember wHen you buy clothca
ElffWy-ltve ' per cent of , America', journeymen tailored
' clothes re made in Rochester, New York and eighty-five
J per cent of the clothes we sell come from these masters of
the shears and needle. . ' ' ,
...... i i -
r --Finest clothes made Spring Suits, $30, $35, $40.
. , . f ......
Store Talk '
There never waa a time -when nil
friends should stick so close together
or when good advice should receive
greater heed. With, confidence tnd '
a lot of satisfaction' we open the'
spring season of 1916. We haze
bougkt from careful mills who value ';
their reputation as we do ours, a 0.4.
no man need run the risk of buylnj1
doubtful colors or Inferior fabrics
In clothes. The Greater Nebraska la '
a haven of certain satisfaction today ,
as always. ,
"' ' ' v -
Drop in Saturday and See the New Styles
Tourig Men's New Patch and Swing-un Pocket Models New
feet fit shoulders, a bit squarer than formerly. Tailoring remarkably
.free from, stiff ness, yet shape-retaining. New fabrics in wonderfully
rich worsteds .and flannels wide diversity of one, two and three-button
sack models new colorings and patterns that are most distinctive.
Special Sizes for "Hard-to-Fit Men" a Big Feature
Such a diversity of sizes, models, proportions and in between sizes
stands without' a parallel in the west. Stout men, tall men,' short men,
slender men, short and stout, tall and stout, besides our wide range of
regular sizes, in different proportions enables us to H f t Aass
fit all men with precision. Hero's more nlfllfriTa
real preparedness in Spring Suits) at. . . .... ...... ,T V . VfOO
.0 fV"?K.mim mm I II HUN .-.
rpoip tog
For Women Specially
T h e Bee cxcluslre fea
tures relating' to house
hold topics, current
fashions, social entertain
ing and the personal prob
lems of the eternal fem
inine . are unexcelled.
Read Our .Woman's Pages.
1 i .. i