THI-; HKK: OMAHA, NATUKIUY, -MARCH 11, 1916. EXPLOSIVES HADE FROM AIR Korwtgiam .Make Use of lfitrogren in JToTtl Manner m a Cal cium Carbide. 3JIO PLAHT IS IN OPERATION fOorreapondsiM of Th Associated Press.) CHRISTIANIA, Tcb. Th prooes of withdrawing nltrofron from th lr . i- rr.nnfrti:rlnl srllflrlsl for- tlllarra and hlh explosive mar In operation at th new eo.ono horse lr i tfawt at Ortda In th Hardanrer Fiord. The separation of ths nltroiton from the oxygen tn the air Is sccompllshert by eomptMln the air Into liquid form. The nitrogen, which bolls first, at about KO deareea below aero tFHhrenhelO, la led away by specially conatnicted main and the oxyen. which bolla at about 2 be low, la utilised on account of lla Intensely low temperature to anoint In the lique faction process, intimately It escapea Into the air again. The nitrogen gathered In thla manner la tt Into form for uae by combining It with calcium carbide, a substance known to practically every automoblllet owing to Ita offenalve odor. Carbide l made by tuning llmeatona and coal In the Intense heat of an electric furnace. Tha operation can only be performed where electricity la very cheap. When carbide la heated In an atmoaphere of nitrogen It abaorba the nitrogen, forming a Compound known aa nltrollm. This la the new fertiltalng product which Nor way la now producing on a wholeeale acale. The power for the gigantic Odda plant la fumlahed by the nearby water falla. The lime and coal are fuaed together In a aerlea of fumacea each employing 1.0O4 horae power. All the pyrotechnics of a tee! furnace are ecllpaed when one of the great Odda crucible la tapped for tha molten carbide poura forth with a glare that no man dare face with unpro tected tyee. Meanwhile the production of the nitro gen la being puraued In another depart ment. Air for the purpoee la drawn In great Inlet pi pea from the mountain tope, Thla waa found neoeaaary because the air In the valley around the great worka waa found to contain traoea of acetylene gaa from the carbide. Aoetylene gaa un der preaaure la dangeroualy exploalva, and even a trace of It In the liquefaction Plant would be likely to cauae the deatruc tion of the entire plant. The nitrogen from the liquefaction plant la turned Into cylinder filled with pow dered carbide, which are heated from the center by the paaaage of an electric cur rent through a piece of carbon and aa tb temperature liaea the carbide abaorba tha nitrogen and glowa with tha heat of chemical action. The result la nltrollm, the artificial aubatltute for nltratea and natural fertllUera and the starting point of another proceee for the production of nluMo acid and certain high explosives. AMERICAN ARMY CROSSES MEXICO BOUNDAEY TODAY (Continued from Page One.) Ctate department, expressed regret at the Columbus massacre, but mads no com ment on tha proposal of sending American troona to hunt down the bandit. Ellseo Arradondo. hi ambassador here, was of ficially Informed of tha Ajnerloas govern ment's action. He only replied that ha would communicate with hla chief. He ha previously expresed the personal opinion that the movement would not he opposed. ' State department efflctale declined to say what their attitude would be U Gen eral Carransa took a hostile position. They said ths United States would settle that question when It arose. If aa offer of co-operation of Can-ant troop) is made, they said. It could hardly be re fused. Today General Carransa ordered (.out troops from various garrison to move upon tb Villa fore, Jaat a Pwalttve Meaaara. The effect of their .ad vanoe probably would be to keep the Villa bandit near the border, but Secretary learning an nounced during the day that no matter bow far Into Mexico It was necessary for American forces to penetrate, or to what numbers it became necessary to Increase their force, the United State would con sider the expedition a punitive one one purely for the suppression of outlaws. For such action there Is ample precedent la international law and. In fact. In the relations of the United State with Mex ico. How many of the 1J.O0 troop now on the border will be employed has iot been fully determined. The general plan will be to distribute the in f on try to guard the border towns, while the cavalry will be released for scouring the mountains. deserts, sag brush and arryo. In or rirr not to weaken the defense of border towns It may be necesssry to move other troops from Interior posts to the border. Gaard May Have Caaaoe. !o prospect of using the National Guard exists In the situation tonight, but any larger scale of operation would Involve It. No orders have been given to ths navy. The fleet,' with mora than 10.0UO bluejacket and marines available for landing duty, Is on the winter drilling grounds off Ouantanamo, within easy tailing distance of Mexican waters. ahould antl-American demonatratlon or uprwing snaangvr American or ouirr lor- Ijmers. While the government counts ths naval fore as available, there is every dis position to do nothing tn ths way of naval demonstration which might be re garded aa menacing Carransa, from whom the United States hopes and ex pects co-operation, passive at lea at. If oot active. In sharp contrast to the stirring scenes In congress two years ao when Presi dent Wilson ordered the fleet to Vera Crux, the president's action today was received with marked complacency In both house and senate. Member bad prepared to mak speeches urging action. but when word went around that the president had ordered In the troop, ex presaiona of approval were heard on both vldec of the chamber. Give President Beta. fteaatore Kail and MoCumber. republi cans, both Introduced resolution propos ing occupation gad policing of Mexico with large fpreee, but they consented to permit them to be referred ta the foreign relatione committee) without debate. The Plea of ths administration loader t let the president deal with tb situation In Its present phase seemed to be acceptable ll around. The president outlined bis position fully to fcenetor Stone and Representative Klood. chairman of th foreign affair committee a. Soon afterward Mr. Flood informed th house committee and Sen ator Ktone called a meeting of th senate committee for tomorrow morning for the same purpose. The object of adminis tration leaders will be to prevent as far i M'LEMORE OF TEXAS, whose resolution, asking for the warning of Americans not to sail on armed vessels of belligerents, furnished the basis for the greatest controversy in the halls of congress since the beginning of the European war. as possible all dlacuasion In congress and to block any action which might Interfere rlth the president or serve to Indicate that the United Btates Is engaged In more than a purely punitive expedition. In his action today. It Is pointed out, the president wss wholly within hla con atttutlonal authority to repel Invasion. WATCH FOR RETURN OF VILLA BANDITS (Continued from Page One.) hare at o'clock. Trainmen reported quiet prevailed at Hacblta, and Victoria, where American troops are stationed. The poeketbook of T. M. Evans, one of the Americans massacred January 10 at Santa Tsabel, was found on ths body of a Mexican officer identifies: as raoio Lopes, second In command to Villa Wounded Mexican said that It was gen erally ttd among Villa troop that while Lopes led In the massacre bs acted without orders from Villa. A battalion of the Twentieth Infantry, commanded by Major William R. Sam ple, reached Victoria at daylight. Villa fifteen Mllee geath. Villa at the head of the main body of tha bandit waa reported fifteen mile south of the International line, where they halted after a running fight yester day with pnfsulng United State trooper. Signal firs seen along1 the border couth f her laat night wei believed, how. ever, to hare been placed by bandits, and a report that armed rckler were In ths vicinity of llachlta, N. M-. led the mili tary authoritla to dispatch reinforce ment to tb border patrol there! The possibility of bandit raids waa admitted by army effloer and armed civilian and tt militiamen and cowboy were co-operating with tha fed eral authorities In maintaining a border patrol. Trwaps netejra Border. The trooper under Major Tompkins and Llndaley that pursued Villa Into Mexico returned lata yesterday and aided la patrolling the border during the night With tha First battalion of the Twen tieth Infantry stationed at Victoria early today, Colonel Slooum has about M0 men under hla command, prepared to meet any further advances by Villa on Amer ican soil. 'If he come again w will gtv him a worse whipping than we gave htm yes terday," said Colonel felocum. Early today no signs of Villa's return from the hills was apparent. Armed civilian kept guard at tha school bouse, where their wives and daughters pent the night. The Mexican quarter were closely guarded by patrols. The town waa quiet and dark, except for the glowing embers of the ruins of ths hotel. Tha commanding officer of the Seventh cavalry, patrolling the border west of here near Gibson' ranch, was notified to watch for any attempt by Mexioana to cross ths border at point leading to DeralngT N. M., a town about forty miles north of tha International Una. TROOPS ANXIOUS ( TO BEGIN PURSUIT (Continued from Pag On.) 1 t A.vir. eamm.mlln. fuu. has the bandits' escape to tha eastward blocked, and official Information from Agua Prleta was to the affect that Mili tary Governor P. Ella Catles. bad dis posed troop tn the last twenty-four hours to cut Villa off from sntry Into Sonora. Oeneral Outierrei was reported watch ing the couth. creata, Cavalry Oaa gerao. Advices today from tbs weet stated that the entire Seventh cavalry, under Colonel Erwln. had left llachlta for Cul bertson' ranch on the border. A troop of cavalry was reported en route from Douglas, Art., to Hachlta. That Tired Feeling Ml- r a-ssMrlQa, Waloa aaovataa tha stloaa. That tlrd fssllng that corns to you la ta prlasT. yaar after year. Is a stm that your blood lacks vitality. Just a pirn pie, boll and olhsr arupuona ar sl-n that tt la impure; and It ta also a ta that your system I ta a low er run- oowa condition lanuns disc, it u a warnlnc which tt Is wis ta bead. Ask your drusclst for Hood' I partll. Thla eld standard triad and true Mood medicine relieve that tired feel Ins. It cleanses ths blood, elves tosw Ufa. uw courage, strength and cheerfulness. It makss ths rich rod blood that will mak you feel. look, est and lep better. Be sure to set Hood'e Baraaperllla. It embodle th careful training, xprlenc. and skill of Mr. Hood, a pharmacist for fifty years. In Its nuallty end power to curt.--.advertisement. One troop M Seventh cavalry waa sent to Alamo Hueoo. ten miles south of Hachlta. There were American cavalry men also at tog Springs, guarding all routra across the boundary In that sec tion of New Mexico. Other United States troops were dis posed of today as follows: First battalllon. Twentieth Infantry, at Victoria, thirty-two mllee eaat; troop O, Thirteenth cavalry, at the border gate three miles south of Columbus. Hit troops, Thirteenth cavalry. In camp with ma chine gun platoon at Columbus. Heavy patrols were stationed all along railroad line from llachlta to Columbus. FDNSTON ASKS FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION (Continued from Page One.) raid, he la believed o have about three thousand. IJven If he should not con tinue raids, he has entered on a policy of merciless killing of Americans In Mexico. "To show apathy and gross Inefficiency of Mexican government troops, and Amer ican woman held prisoner by Villa for nine days, but who escaped In Columbus fight, state that during all that time he was undisturbed at no great distance from the board collecting a force of about 1,000 men. The few Caranaa troops In the region Ted, losing all contact with him and not even Informing us a to his whereabouts. Secrecy Reewaaaaeaded. "If it is proposed to take action sug gested, I recommend no Information be given out In order that we may stand some chance for surprealng. "If desired I shall personally command. It would be desirable to replace as soon as possible from available cavalry In the United Btates the cavalry taken from the border. UMgned) "FU'TON. Piles Cared ta 14 Days. Druggists refund money If I'axo Oint ment fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles. First applica tion give relief. BOc. Advertisement. REVISED LIST OF VICTIMS XXX.UDD. W. O. BITCKXB, hotel proprietor. W. B WAXES, oastoms rider. O. C. KZZ.X.ZB, druggist. MSB. M3XTOW J AMIS. 3. S. DEAH. J. J. KOOU. SB. X. i. KAXT, Si Peso. W. A. SATX9SOV, SI aso. XABJtT WMWAXB, corporal Troop a. rxAsTX T. XSITDVAU, borsesfcosr, Troop XC OOBPOBAX. VATTb SZMOH. SSITSMBX.X, band aargaaat. rSBO A. OBXTTX, private. Troop s SBBOEAWT KAB4 B. XKBBg. ehlne-gun troop. THOMAS BUTT. KB, Troop T. VJTVAXBD OOBPOBAXs. WOVIBIS, xntoa Jama. M. racae. Kra. J. I, Moor, lieutenant O. O. season, Troop O. Jess jr. Taylor, Troop T. Theodora Xalsorke, Troop T Michael Baftnasel, maehlna-gnn troop. oaa xaysorongn. Troop as. game Teaaar, Troop MU 1 goaa Seongh, Troop 0. Captain Oeorge WUllams. Trlvat Junes Vseder, Troop x. Wanted Experienced smlegmen for Dregs Ooodg and Bilk. Only those thoroughly well quail fled need apply. Call between and 1 0 a. ra. Saturday, March it. Apply to General Manager. Thompson, Belden & Co. ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Real B rug Bargains "Follow the BEATON Path" Ho Berdsn'a Condsnao4 Mllk..l iho Cere Urual Corn Mal lTo Ifve i'ereo Urual Lums 17 IJ.75 ikrllc"s Malted Milk. o 5ltal six ( Si TO II. feuiatossn 1 11.00 Just s rVod 7 11.00 Horllck' Maltod Milk iOo Putman'a Vry Clsaner 4s Ho Colorlta 1 11.00 M. I. P. T Ts tl.00 K-KU'Ba Ptls Remsdy... T the Mlstlto Croam la tOe hmd'i Kxtrart Cold Crvam. .S4 te rond's Vanishing Praro. . . .IT tte Wiisht's Bttvsr Crsara ITs 11.00 Iivori o 15c Bsn Zan Tooth Powder 10 11.00 Hubbard s VtfstabUl Qsrinl- rid s 11.00 Frank' Psrurlan Nenr Tonic exoajft arxcxAXav. 10c Tom Moore, Conchas slsa, I to a customer 6 10c Preferencla, Concha tse, i to a customer 6 10c Henry IV, box of IS...S1.S4 IJmlte-d 1 boa to a customer. 0o 1 Con ten to. each e lie Muriel, dear Havana, ea.lOo Beaton Drug Co. ' Fifteenth and Farnam Streets Apartments, Flats, Houses and Cottages can be rented (.uickly and cheaply by a Bee Laces Are Popular And Wc Have the Right Styles Lacos for evening gowns, for Summer dresses, blouses, in fants' wear and under muslins. Silk Laces, Net Laces, Venise, Val, Torchons and Novelties, Colored Silk Nets, Radium, All Overs and Chiffons in all colors. Main Floor. Prepare for the Spring Rains Ask to e our new "two In one," An Umbrella Parasol that will delight every woman. India shape, short handles with silk loop for the arm, fUrer or gold frames. In black, green, blue and change able. TZ.OOSV Have You Seen the New Buttons? So many new shapes, sizes and colors that we can't start describing them. Beautiful noreltles as well as all staple kinds. You are asked to see these Saturday. Saturday Specials Toilet Goods Section QUAKER GLOVE CLEAN ER, a surprisingly satisfac tory preparation; EOc size, for 25c MANICURE SETS, contain ing file, nail stick and em ery boards, all for 6c. 'BATH SOAP, 8 He a cake. English Corduroy In Rose, Gray, Cope, Gold and Ivory. The j I right weight for Coats and Suits. Main Floor. From Stock Saturday for 0o Sal Hepatic tvo Lambert' Juistertne sae $1.00 tVllow'a Pyrup Hypofiios- phllea 73 J 6c N. n. or Nature's Remedy Tab lets tee 11.00 Rholold for Kheumatlstu.saa flu Household tklssors. -ln.... 10o Htuart's lspepsia Tableta..B tto iUrter-s iitti Liver Pills... la Ua Beet-ham's Pills 1 l6o Mentholatum ....14 0o Pebeco Tooth Paste S4e lc PompeUn Maxsase Cream... Ho Woodburys racial Soap. . . .1 t0o DeMars' Bensolu and Almond Lotion r0o Bell Podolaa I do Rurklln'a Amlra Salve 149 tOo fcamuei's P t'speulea S7o te Doan Kidney Pills 4o llo Castoiia t0o Formamlnt Tablet 8 to 8 loan's Liniment ISe It. 00 Klna's Discovery for Crm. sumption see llo Wool Puffs 10 1.( Mary Garden Perfume, per unce fXS ti t T)er Klee Perfume. ..tljOO II 21 Ouerlaln's Jtcky Perfvime. r-r suae , e K J! ft. "For Kent" TlOff SON-BHDEN 6CO. J Spring Wash Fabrics GOLDEN CHOS3 ORGAN DIES AND IRISH L1NETTK, soft sheer fabrics In all the new shades and patterns for dresses and waists; 19c and 20c a yard. HOLLY BATISTE AND FLAXON TISSUES, pretty patterns in floral and stripe effects, fast colors, 15c a ya. B A T I 6 TE RIPFLETTk nothing finer for house dress es and children's wear; col ors dependable, no Ironing necessary; In stripes and neat checks, 15c a yard. Basement Silk Dresses of Sketched From Stock I r Special Silk Values Saturday 36-inch Colored Messallne, good weight, 91.00 a yard. -lnch Light Colored Crep de Chine. $1.00 a yard. 32-Inch Striped Tub Silk. 85c and S1.00 a yard. Vtlatt That Cmli Not B Daptu ctitd for Lett Than ! " 'tUS to Jitf Yard. Main Floor. This Attractive Serviceable Apron Sketched 7 S C ' "We illustrate one of the new models at this price, made of fast colored gingham in stripes and checks of blue, pink, tan and lavender. The Thomson -Belden $1.00 House Dress Is An Exceptional Value Basement House Dress Section. il-fi- AdS AMI'S; EXTS. IaP Tens moth abaadeaed yew father, attracted fey aaoths- soaa. aadw Tear father' Uf wss rolaea. weald yoa re throafh 111 eaasUMr Peath, Vaaapplaeaa ea4 Pespalrf Bee MARGARITA FISCHER "THE DRAGON" BOYD THEATER Today, Last Times He and 10c, I MATINEE DANSANTt a to p. m. Main Cafe New Henshaw Hotel In tractor and Entertainer Wednesday and Saturday I Phone ReawrraUona I. 1216. The Store for Indeed a charming sec tion, devoted to a showing of the newest, the most au thentic blouse ideas for the Spring season. A few minutes of your time Saturday will be pleasantly occupied v if you'll visit the delightful store within a store. - - - We Invite You. - - - Particular Charm The combination of Georgette crepe and taffeta is a clever idea used by Dame Fashion in the moulding of her Spring styles. The bright crinkly stiffness of the taffeta is more than offset by the soft clinging folds of the softest Georgettes, billowing into the full lines of the accepted mode. These Eye-Appealing Gowns Are Not Expensiye The Starting Price is $25 and there is a complete showing for this price. Others for $35, $45 and 65 There is no'charge for any al teration service. Apparel Section Second Floor. Beautiful New Millinery Exclusive Styles Expressing the Touch of Springtifne Dame Fashion says that for spring the new hats are high and narrow; that brims assume a wide range of picturesque irreuru larlty; that ribbons predominate; ' that flowers are used profusely to remind one of springtime; that new colors have appeared and are applied with charming effects. t These facts are gathered quickly by the observing visitor to this group of Hemp, Milan Hemp, ?::i-n and Llsere Hats, trimmed wi !i goura, flowers, ribbons, fruits and foliage that will gain a host of friends for ns. Embroideries for Spring Novelties and staple em broideries, organdies, batistes, voiles, Swiss, cambric and nainsook. Convent embroideries, rib bon headings, 6eam head ings and galloons. AMISEMEXTS. rkw Seas-. 44 Last Two Time of FRITZ1 SC11EFF And BUI That Have Made a De- IlKbtfvl Week. MATTNEE TODAY AT 2:15 Early OnrtaJw TONIGHT, 8:10. NEXT WEEK JHSKSt, CALVE Ta World's Most Tamos "Osrma" and O ABPARRI Th Zmlaeat Xtallaa Oraad Opera Teaer. DRANDEIS TODAY JS Tilim, ztJT -ero Torn Tb XMatlna-alshed Asvsrloaa Oemedieaa MAY RODSON "'StVS"0 Mri. Matt" jrtkt, Sfto te SLSei Mat- See flM. Tua Wed-, BCaroh 14-1S. Mattae W4. DAVID WAR FIELD Za a Xradary Flax of the "Van Der Decken" "omasa nrm enrrzav i Bally Mata, 15-SBO 'Xvaar., le.SA-0O.70o UST TIME, Mst TODAY "i"T TONITE AT SOO Aad OeattaaUar la. Tt . Mat- IT WiHoSTl WrotH ". 1 I X-edlts- Pirae ssewmee week Pays. Today Pf NEWf Tonltt 2:30 lRUW e:ao Vertk Brea. Rteek Oa. la "frouiw aoaaB." I Torplo's ScuoqI of Dancing Tweaty-els-hth raraara. STew fH List year nam aea. PHrate leeeeee ear Una HAJaaTBT 14a I Shirtwaists (5 TS') Sketched From Stock. OUR C0BSETIEEES will be of the greatest assistance to you in se lecting your model from the new Redfern Corsets which are just received for Spring. EACH STYLE Is an Inter esting style each has its own particular points for the figure It is intended to serve, and our corsetleres will select for you the ono best adapted to your figure. Yes, and more than this not only adapted to your fig ure, but the one that will fit your figure comfortably and build out of it a figura a la mode. Corset Section Third Floor. Priced From $7.50 to $18 3iminet7 Section Second Floor. Swiss and nainsook baby sets. Dainty yokes of em broidery. Semi-made embroidered dresses, also fine cmbroid eries for collar and cuff sets. AMCSRMBTTTS. TODAT 0REIN JOHNSON THE PEI0E0F POWER Bosoo Ajfeaekl aad Isabel sTormaad HE DID AND HE DIDN'T Comlaf anits Barks la MPsrfT. COA'TIXl'Ol H VAl DKV1IXE AS I) POTO PLAVB. roxJTSirxKs vats. 10c - ADMISSION - 20c Where the Omaha Bee Uniyerjal Animated Weekly May Be Seen FARUAM TITEATEB CAlRAPBOXB GEM LOTaL PA8TIMB LYRIC MAGIC HAXSOOM mr r&nca DIAMOM) BUXT ALMO OMAHA BEsaoar vuobxscb (