Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1916, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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"Towssssd's tor portle (J "
ilUmoH IUtm Edholm. Jeweler.
Llghtla Mstsree Bur-arnan.
Boot mat It Now Beacon Press.
Use "Tn-tlto" UnflM. Bunlertande.
Asto Tirs Cksla, Ju. Morton 8n Co.
To SMI BmI Estate List It with J. H.
I'timont & Co., Ket'iino ludg.
Fropsrty Carsd For To rent property,
see J. H. Dumont A Co.. Keellno Bldg.
"Todays Movie trrm' classified
Section toder. It aPTrs In The Bcs
EXCIATSTVEL. r. Find out what the va
rious morlog plctura theater offer.
Bang-htar Bora to Tonne Omaha Hrt
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
J. K. Withers of Wichita, Kan., Monday,
March . Mrs. Withers will be remem- j
bered as Miss Irene amis, lormoriy 01
this city.
Z-aprobe and Coat Stolen C. N.
Slashes, 1018 Clark street, reports to tha
police the theft of a laprobe from his
auto, and James Pardy, 2213 Farnam
street, asserts that an overcoat was
stolen from bis.
drnr Piles for Senate Bert C Miner,
clerk In the auditing; department, has
filed for tha Nebraska state senate and
will soon begin his campaign. Mr. Miner
represented Douglas county In the last
state legislature, having been elected on
the republican ticket.
Railroads Kick On
Shorter Days for
the Engine Crews
The local offices of the railroads ara
sending out thousands of circulars, show
lng what It Is going to cost In the event
the companies concede the demands
made by the trainmen for a shorter day.
They contend that if th demands of
the engineers and firemen ara granted.
It means a wage Increase of 25 per cent,
or $100,000,000 In additional wages that
will have to be paid during the first
year that the new scale will be in ef
fect. The railroads assert that on the west
ern lines under the present wage scale
engineers earn on an average of $149.61
per montn, and firemen IM.23, the engi
neers working 22.2 days per month, of
10.5 hours, an average of $6-73 per work
It is asserted that the firemen average
19.S work days of 10.6 hours each, and at
wages of $4.27 per day.
Dealing with the wages paid conduc
tors. It Is asserted they receive more
money per year than many of the col
lege professors, and that the brakemen,
if the raise asked for is given, will re
ceive around $1,500 per year. It is con
tended that under the present wage
scale, conductors on the western roads
receive an average salary of $1,538, and
other trainmen an average of $M5 per
Convict Labor on 1
Roads is Success,
Says Gov. Carlson
"The5 convict labor-on the roads In
Colorado is a success from the stand
point of tha convict, and also from the
standpoint of the road building of 'the
state," said Governor George A. Carlson
of Colorado In an 'address to the Com
mercial club at noon.
JSovernor Carlson touched only briefly
on the road situation, devoting a part of
his talk to the famous "strike situation
that existed in Colorado some time ago,
and the Ludlow battle between militia
men and foreign miners.
"The truth about that Ludlow affair
has never been given wldo pubflclty," he
said. "The reports that went out were
largely erroneous. It was not a matter
of militia murdering miners, but It was
a matter of tha militia of the state de
fending Itself against the attack of these
foreign anarchists, who had entrenched
themselves for battle and attempted to
murder the mllltla."
Plaintiff Says Job
Was Lost, While the
Defendant Says Not
Trial of a damage suit of $10,000 against
Henry Green, saloon keeper at Four
teenth and Howard, brought by Mrs.
Ttalph Bennett, wife of a Council Bluffs
printer,' is being heard before Judge
Troup- In district court.
Mrs. Bennett alleges that as the re
sult of being started in the liquor habit,
her husband lost . good position as
foreman for the Kramer-Chandler Print
ing company. She brings the suit, her
attorney told the Jury, over tha objection
of her husband. '
The defense asserts that her husband
never frequented the Green saloon, and
that he Is now and has been for some
time steadily employed with Kramer
rtiandler Irj the capacity the plaintiff al
leges he was dismissed from, V
Work on New Bridge
Will Start Within
Next Thirty Days
Work upon the reconstruction of the
Union Pacific bridge over- the Missouri
river will begin within the rient -thirty
days. The heavy timbers to be used in
the false ' work, tha chief engineer as
serts, have been ordered and are expected
almost any day.
The steel has been ordered and is ex
pected to arrive during June. In the
reconstruction of tha bridge, it will be a
two-track structure, the same as now,
' but the superstructure will be made
much stronger; sufficiently strong to per-
' mlt mora than one train on the bridge at
the same time.
. A special committee consisting of A. L.
Anderson, II. F. Buller and Ed Nelson
of Union precinct waited upon the
county commissioners with a proposition
to pave Road No. . 32. known as Lewis
road, running from Military avenua
north. They also want tha Krug park
road pared.
Peter Laux, Injured while the oVi
X'nlted Plates bank building was being
wrecked by the Gross company, received
a verdict of $2.0u0 in the damage suit
which has been op trial In district court
for the last three days. He sued for
That 1916 Ak -
Ward of W.J. Bryan
Wants Wedding Ties
Severed by Court
Declaring that her husband Is habitu
ally cruel to her and that he has failed
to contribute to her support, Edith N.
Elliott, ward of former Secretary of State
William Jennings .Bryan. Is suing Neal
Elliott, a waiter in thp Louis Ahko cafe,
for divorce.
The Elliotts were married in 1910, and
more than once their differences have
been called to the attention of police
and courts.
When Mrs. Elliott was a small child In
Lincoln her parents died intestate. Wil
liam Jennings Bryan was then a prac
ticing attorney end as appointed her
guardian in order to settle up the estate.
When William Lickert, 412 Cedar street,
was passing Twelfth and Jones streets
Thursday evening a man sprang from
the dark recesses of a doorwav nrt m.
lieved him of his watch, according to ths
report made to the police. -After
deftly extracting the timepiece
from his vest pocket with a Jerk, the
rapid-fire pickpocket sminted H own thtt
street, -making several blocks In irtflnl-
t..lm.l i T I -1- . .
ivnuiiai mile, ULHC It VeiT?U.
Joe Welna, 412 South Thirteenth street,
met with tbe same experience ' at Thir
teenth and Howard streets. He-1old the
police that this watch collector was half
a block away before he hardly knew what
Five More File for
Political Offices
Now filngs for public office recorded
with the election commissioner rt! FVif
stat senate, E. T. Morrison; for Florence.
police magistrate. I. K. Lawry: for state
representative, George 8. Collins and
James P. Brcnnan; for sheriff, C.' B.
Tungate. '
A daring purse enatcher Thursdsy even
ing stole a handbair from v Mrs c
Thompson, 2736 Plnkney street, near
Twenty-fourth and Spencer streets. Mrs.
Thompson reported the robbery, to the
police. She was sale tn rlv
tlon of the purse enatcher. The hand
bag contained 90 cents.
' Tom Archer, outh Side, and Joe Kel
ley of . Chicago were apprehended Thurs
day evening at" Fourteenth and Douglas
Another Thrilling
The easts off
nr aa 10)7 rx rvi
Cratf tf ' ' Tartan ofttuAfxi'
Tarzan again King of the Jungle I Famous
ape-man returns to his old haunts and engages
in the most 6tartling exploits of his career.
Don't miss this the greatest of all Tarzan
stories. Just published.
At All Dookstorcs
A. C. McCLURQ 4V CO. PvkllsJiera
Sar - Ben Button
(!rvrT Bur tm) s-- it
streets by Officer Rich, who asserts he
caught them In the act of "rolling" an
intoxicated Individual. Each was sen
tenced to ten days in the county Jail.
After several years tot marital woes,
which were more or less aired in the
courts, Henry Oleson, druggist at Nine
teenth and Harney, and his wife, Hattle,
have finally had their differences ad-
Justed. In divorce court Judge George A.
Day granted Mrs. Oleson a divorce on the
grounds of cruelty. He also awarded her
$1,500 alimony.
Key to the Situation Cee Want Ads.
After nearly a doxen physicians had
examined him and the Jury had been
given a liberal education in human
anatomy ' and materia medics, Vaclav
Mnlenl, who sued tha street railway for
$40,000, was given a verdict for $5,000.
Malenl was hurt at Twenty-fourth and
N streets a ' year ago - when he was
crushed bctwen twp street cars. , .
Because of ha super-creamy emollient
properties. Full directions for sanative
shaving without mug with each cake.
Sample Each Free by Mail
With 8 2-p. Rkin Book on request. Ad
dress post-card "Catievra. Dt. 1G,
$nt." SuM throughout Ue world.
Arguments for New Trial for Con
Tided Murderer Will Be' Held
Saturday Morning; , ,"
Judge Willis Bears
court this morning
in crtmtual
will listen
to arguments on the . motion tor. a
new trial filed by attorneys ', for
Arthur Hauser. "ape-man," conTloted
of murder and degenerate conduct
during a reign of terror lie estab
lished bere last fall by perpetrating
a sorles of daring highway robberle.
Tha attorneys for Hauser hope .to get
a new trial partly on account of the
death of Judg English. '
In the county Jail where Hauser Is now
confined, he appeared optimistic. He, is
no longer In "solltarle," but la In the
"bound-over" tier, "fro fat and "saucy,"
he Impudently declared, "when visitor
called. "They can't prove nothing on
me so I should worry. I'll get a new
trial all right. The only thing I'm kick
ing on is that I wish I had soma mince
pie." ! ,
Mahaff oy Held On
Adultery Charge
Brought' byJVifo
Jasper Mahaftey, charged with adul
tery, was bound over to the district court
by Judge Foster, with' bonds fixed at
tSUl. The charge was filed by his wife,
Irene. The young covple hall from North
Platte and were married less than a year
Recently Mahaffey sued John Stuart,
the girl's father, and others, for 110,00)
as balm for the alienation of his wife'
arfectiona. Mahaffey was , arrested
Wednesday. J. O. Bellor, attorney of
North Platte, Is here In ths Interests of
Stuart and Mrs. Mahaffey.
William Mchn, 2313 Douglas street. Was
strong-armed at' Fifteenth and Dodge
streets at 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening
by a thug, who got $3.00, according to a
report made to the police The assault
occurred with scores of ' people within
hailing distance, Mehn said. '-: i
Guy Liggett Makes , a Few
Comments : on the Devel
opment of the Dry Clean
ing Business -During' His
Eighteen Years ' Connec
tion With The Pantorium.
Eighteen years ago today-I came to
Omaha and began work at, The Pan
torlum, whlth ' had', been started tha
proceeding August' as a pressing' con
cern for the care of men's clothes. .
At that time the cleaning of clothes
In gasoline was practically an ( un
known business. Our first attempts
at Dry Cleaning consisted "of soaHIhe
the garments In a tub of gasoline,
then brushing 'on "a table, "after "h"!cfi '
they were r'nsed In another, tub and
hung In the air to dry. A very waste
ful, dangerous and 'often unsatisfac
tory method, but the' best and 'only
one we knew of at -the time. 1
We didn't even havo soap that was
soluble In gasoline; and such things
as Washers, Extractors, Stills, Clarl
flcrs. Glove Machines and Under
ground Storage had never s been
thought of. " ' ' .' '
As t: e Cleaning and Dyflnp business
developed The Pantorlum was 'always
first to dlsrsrd ' the Old and adopt
the New. We've always set the Pace
as well as the Price for Quality Cleans
ing In Omaha, and I feel we have a
good right to call ourselves - the
"Dnddy" of Dry Cleaning In this part
of tho country., , - 1 ' - '
There are hundreds of leading citi
zens In Omaha and vicinity who have
been our customers from the Very
start, which speaks well for '.the' qual
ity of our work, as well ss for our
method of doing business. ' .' 'i
Today we have" one-of the "largest
and best equipped plants In the United
States, and In addition to- cleaning
and Dyeing both Mun's and 'Women's
garments we do Carpets, ttJga,. Drap
eries. Curtains, Comforts, Pillows,
Furs, Feathers, etc. ; In fact," anything
that requires Care and klli;in hand
ling. ' -
We have a large patronage from
out of town customers, -and since -the
Postal Authorities increased - the
weight limit we-have, paid carrying'
charges one way, on SlPaut of town
orders. - . ' - . .
In looking back over my past Eigh
teen years' experience I realize we
have made great advancement In the
business, but I confidently telieve the
next eighteen years will 'thow 'Just. as
great an advanco, and, as In the past,
Th Pantorlum will be found among
the Progressive, Reliable Firms who
Marie Antoinette
Broadway, Cth and 67th Sts.
SITUATED In the most con
venient location in town. Mod- '
ern in every detail, absolutely
fireproof, within en minutes
of the leading department ' '
stores, slioiia and theaters.
Convenient to Pennsylvania
and Urand Central Depots.
Rooms, with Bath,
$2.50 Per Day Up.
Suites, $4.00 Per Day Up.
kooics rxm bat vr,
Restaursnt of Unusual Eacellonce.
Managing Director. .
T"ee Mary Page
Dy Frederick Lewis Author of
"What Happened to Msry"
M,r p.'f- actress. Is aoetised f the
murder of I'avld Pollock and is defonfled
-1 h.'r. l!"- 'hlMp tiwtion. l.loo
2.M lnL0,',d- At M.ry s trtnl she ad
r J.," .h(1 ,h 'revolver. Her maid
!Ti. !"? ,hM NrJr threatened Poises
JT.LJ iiifcffry,?lV''p- "nd Mary's leading
JiltiJ . ,c kenrdon. How Mary dta
H?r. f.rnm r "1ms la A
Sniv- snaon tells of a Strang haml
Print he saw on Mary's shoulder, r unner
n1 how hat horror of drink pro
2!.,J'mp,rry l"snltT In Mnry. The
dtTense Is 'repressed psyrhesia'f Wlt
f,,',b Mary's flight from hsr in-k?,!;t??-
',hi" and her father's suicide.
eiurs Valton (IrwqrlhfB the kidnaping ot
ini ryt"..f,rV,1" ovme an eotress
anj t iIlock s pursuit of her. ...
y ' Ktontlnued from Testerdsy.)
V , -i ss
ntAFTRn viii. .
"He started to, but apparently changed
his mlftd and didn't say a word. Put the
good old rube proprietor did. He Jumped
up and shook his fist under Mr. Pollock's
nose and shouted, 'Tou scoundrel! I'jre
had my doubts abovrt you for some time.
Now I know and you get out of . wr
hotel-and get quick! This tewn Is no
place for hounds that ersecute women
and slartdsr 'em, and If you don't want
some rough handling you'd betfer get
away before word of this dirty work gets
around.' At that, Mr" Pollock turns like
a dog that's had a licking and slunk out
and Mr. .Langdon . laughed and said.
There's a train home In twenty minutes,
and we're going to catch it: " ,
."That Is all. Miss Barton." said Lang
don. but his tone was thoughtlut.. and
when the . prosecutor waived cross i ex
amination, and '.the judge adjourned
T , , ' ' 1 . 1
' "" ' '" ""I " ' U'lH'l.nailiinii)'ilillin)miii.i I. n ). n ! mi .in m
GmM Thing for You
The Man: Who Wants to Be
? i
CojttJiU Bt ScW?Mf klfaiej .
V : . ' ', ;." t V ft
New Spring
. : ..."
"" The'best the world produces.' All the new smart models.
' famous maker.
The Famous "Mayo " Soft and Stiff Hats,
sold and controlled by Brandeis Stores. Ev
ery hat guaranteed to give satis- tfQ ff
faction COeUU
"Brandeis Special" Soft
Stiff Hata. Best hats in the
Boys' New Spring Headwear 25c, 50c, 65c to $1.50
In all the latest styles, every color imaginable.
Pictures by
court, he showed obvious relief. He
followed Amy Into the witness room,
drew, her aside and asked:
"Amy have you seen anything of
Daniels "lately!"
, "Why, sure," she answered. "J saw
him yesterday, and, say, he looks about
the ' sickest thing I ever saw In the
show t business. Honest. I felt sorry for
"Well, you may feel even more sorry
for him,, before long," . muttered l.ang
don, and hurrying out through tha now
gloomy corridors he passed through the
clanging door and down Into the cells.
At a word to the turnkey he Wss ad
mitted to the narrow room where Mary
lay flung across the narrow bed. Stoop
ing ever her he whispered softly:
"Mary my dear"
"Oh, Philip, she sobbed, turning and
clinging to him. It It's like living all
the horrors ever again to go through
this day ,hy day. Is It worth while?
Will It Kelp any?"
"Help? Why. dear. I'm more hopeful
tonight than I've been since the begin
ning," he cried cheerily, " And what's
more. I believe I've got a line on a new
cluethat will work up well."
"Oh, what?" she cried, sitting up and
smiling at htm ralnbow-wlae through
the tears that begemmed her lashes;
and Langdon. holding her hands against
his Hps, said softly:
"Dearest, you know that long after he
deliberately planned to strand you, Pol
lock else backed Daniels to star you.
I'm going te summon Daniels snd make
him explain their exact association, and
Growing With Crowing Omaha.
The development of this store into the new
home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing is due
to! the desire of the men of this town to hare
the opportunity to buy the best that the Cloth
ing' World affords in THEIR shop. -
'Hart Schaffner & Marx
! Clothesare tHe. clothes you want
All Wool Fabrics t
, 1 Highest Type of .Tailoring--- 7. . '."
Latest and Most Distinguished Styles
For luxurv, for artistic designing, for fit, these
Clothes will be your choice you will enjoy the repu
tation, which counts for much these days of being
"one of the best dressed men."
Young men should look ai the Varsity. ".Fifty-Five"
models for Spring lively, snappy fashions.
Older men wear them, too, but we have more con
servative styles for them. .
Men who think they are hard to fit stout men, tall
heavy men, short stout men ALL FIGURES
V V We Will Fix You in a Jiffy
Important! oa 1 wpstairs
: Take the New Moving Stairway
(The only one in the Middle "West; just in
stalled.) Starts moving on Saturday morning.
and Other
Advance Showing of Ma.nha.tUn Shirta for' Spring wear; all
the new fabrics and exclusive patterns are , QQ
shown in large varieties. $1.50 to......... ...... j)f30
One Big Lot of Men's Shirts,
mostly samples. In nest patterns
for spring wear; laundered and
sort French cuffs. This Is an eitra
special shirt bargain, regular!
worth to 11.60, Satur
15 Dozen Men's Saninle
Night Shirts
-$1.50 Pajamas
Hats for Men and Young Men
and ff
city. 3eUU
Other Exclusive Makes of Soft
and Stiff Hats
then I thlnk-the end will be in sight.
Just be brave a little longer and trust
"Oh, I do I do," she whispered; and
when he left her she followed him to
the door and, thrusting her slender
hands between the bars, caught bis and
said in a Voice that thrilled with sweet
ness: "Philip, dear I am hopeful ana X
am brave don't forget that and please
go home tonight remembering that X
was smiling when I said goodbye."
Put Philip, burying his faoe In the
slender palms, oould not see the bravely
sweet smile, because of the scalding tear
that burned his -eyelids, as he hurried
down the echoing corridor.
(To Be Continued Tuesday.)
No Speeches When
Building Managers
-Hold Their Banquet'
If there He a lure In lack of lingo at a
banquet, then the annual banquet of the
Building Owners and Managers associa
tion of Omaha should have especial at
traction. For, no speeches need prepare them
selves, and no speakers need apply. The
Hotel Loyal Is the place. The time Is
Tuesday, March 21, ISIS, at :30 In the
evening. . ,
Tun. to be sure, .but speeches are not
needed. Who ever Said speeches added
to tho enjoyment of a banquet? Little
Is said as yet about what the program,
really Is te be. Someone must boss the
lob, to be sure, but he will not be known
aa tosstmattsr. That sounds too much
like speeches, go ' President Edwin B.
Jewell Is to be not toastmaster, but
merely interlocutor.
This Is to be the fourth annual ban
quet of the organisation.
Well Dressed
for Spring
Nifty Furnishings
(5 Doten Men's Percale Shirts,
neat black and whits patterns;
soft or laundered cuffs.
son or launaerea cutis. Ct
All slses..Sale price..;... OH C
Men's Ltsle Hose,
all colors. Pair
and Pajamas
$1,001!:!.:.; 69c
Every hat has the stamp of a
John B. Stetson Soft and Stiff Ilata. We
are headquarters in Omaha for this famous
Prices . , ....$3.50, $4 ,,$10