TIIK BKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAILCH 11, 1916. 12 THE OMAHA DAILY DEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. The Bw PuMlshlng Coropsny. Proprietor. EB BUILDING. FARNAM AND EVTcfTlCENTH. Entered at Omaha pnt)fflf ae eecond-Claea matter. tehxiii or eritscPTPTioN. Br earner By mull pee month. ir yr. Party and "under , o rally without flunday. eVi 00 Waning end Sunday "" Rvenlng without Sunday.. Sunday Bee only Lxui' ana auuuojr Uee, three years In advsDce....HO.S ienl notice of change of address or Irregularity In delivery to Omtlm Hee, Circulation rerriment. BIMITTANCK. Kemlt by draft, enpreee or postal order. Only two rent stamps received tn pajrmant of small rwut Personal rhNki, ejrept on Omaha and eastern cotat. not accepted. orncits. Omaha The Fee Building. Mouth Omaha UU N street Council IMnffs 14 North Main Street Lincoln- Little Mulldlng. Chicago f 11 Peoplee Use Building Naw York-Room II OA, ts firth avenue. Ft Louis Ml Naw Bank of Commerce. Washington T2S Fourtaanth street. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Address oommunlcationa relating to news and edl torlal matter to Omaha Be. Sdltorlal Iwpextment. FfcBRLAKY CIRCULATION, 54,328 Daily Sunday 50,639 wight TCIlllama, circulation manager of Tha Bee Publishing eompnny, being duly (worn, says that tha tvrx elroulatioB for tha month of February, 116, aa 14. ltd daily and SM Sunday. DWIOHT WILLIAMH, Circulation Idaneger. Bohecrtbed In my presence and aworn to before roe, this Id day of March, 1M. ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Public. Subscribers faring tha city temporarily bo aid have The Hee mailed to them. Ad drees wiu be changed aa oftn requested. Looka as If Villa had tackled Uncle Sam Just once too often. "Our good friend Villa" has at lact become "our common enemy." Posslhly the tag will help father Identify hit watchful waiting child. Soap testing promises to become one of the learned professions of Chicago. The recreation department advances real recreation by speaking In plain English. Rising prices of paper lines up with other worries flowing from the deluge of diplomatic notes. This much Is demonstrated Verdan Is not the last engagement of the present great Eu ropean war. Judging by the primary filings piling up the also-rans will , pull down the majority con eolation prize. Obserre that members of the Recreation board are getting recreation for themselree as well as providing recreation for the public. ' yj. 1 ym The fulcrum of business hitched to the new depot pull would speedily make things more In the right way. Will business work the leverT 80 it's to be a birthday rally instead of a birthday dinner, and hit admirers will not hate a chance to drink his health eren in grape Juice. The inference is that if oar water works manager only ran for offloe oftener we would hart more frequent reductions of the water rate. ' What kind of a man is bet Well, lie must hare been hiding his light under a bushel all this time to be so brilliant and yet seed all these introductions end testimonials. Two democratic congressmen propose re tiring to private lite rather than follow Presi dent Wilson's policies. These are unmistakable advance signs of the November breakup. Reluctant county treasurers must "come across" every month. The euprvae eourt has said the last word. Checks or personal de livery look alike to the guardian of the treasure hall. The government reports that the price of flour late In 1915 dropped below the 1114 aver age. Evidently no attempt was made to verify the claim by measuring the sice of bread loaves. . . No Deterioration of the Nation. Individuals who champion a definite course of srtlon, and who fall to attract the following (hey demand, are fond of declaring the Amer icans as a nation have deteriorated. This alle gstlon hss especially been used with astonishing frequency in connection with discussions of in lernstional relations and Internal policies dur ing the last few months, and lis constant repeti tion rosy have the effect of reusing some to think it has foundation In fact. The contrary Is true. No visible sign of retrogression, In moral force or sptritusl purpose, has yet been shown. Americans are peace-loving, but are not more fond of their esse than sre other peo ples they simply have more of It to enjoy. Our wonderful progress In all the ways of civilisation and enlightenment has given us ad vantages and opportunities our forefathers knew nothing about, even In their roost expan sive dreams. These comforts snd conveniences mske ns the envy of the less fortunate of tho world, but they have not had the effect of de stroying the fiber of our national life. A cir cumscribed existence Is not essential to the de velopment of character, nor does the strength of a people rest finally on Us poverty. Today we are reaping the benefit and enjoying the fruits of those who made our wealth possible, but we are not the less vigorous because we are no longer living In primitive fashion. Some flabby Intellects exist, and gain a hear ing, but they do not represent the rlrlle Amer icanism thst still leads the world. Playground Palaver. The upheaval in the local Recreation board is not altogether a surprise to those who have been watching the progress of this social inno vation here. While experience has shown the desirability of competent oversight of the pub lie play places provided for the children of the community, and this oversight must necesssrily have the direction of some properly qualified superintendent, the very ambitious and compre hensive nrocram outlined by the recently in stalled "expert" for the development of the play system embraces a great deal that provokes dis sent, and much organised detail threatening to prove cumbersome in operation and destructive of the purpose for which the playgrounds are established. The especially objeotlonable feature of the program Is that which contem plates raising a fund to psy local speakers for giving advice to supervisors, and levying a tax on children playing ball to be divided among the umpires. This smacks entirely too much of a petty side line to be tamely endured. What Omaha really wants it common sense adminis tration of the publio playgrounds, so that the children will have the maximum of freedom with a minimum of supervision, good behavior and the personal safety of the youngsters being always secured. "Villa and his bandits, alive or dead," con stitutes the most pressing duty of the govern ment. Diplomatic hair-splitting over eea travel rights can be suspended while the nation rights the wrongs of Americsns on the Rio Orsnde. , "Perdlcaris living, or Raesull dead!" was the wording of the message of Secretary Hay sent to the government of Morocco 00 a historic occasion. A message of like import to the rul ing powers of Mexico would fit American temper at this moment. Sweden's Objection Well Timed. Sweden finds itself In much the same pre dicament now as was Holland at the opening of the war. An ensrgetto belligerent has aown the waters, of the Baltic with a "mine field" that means the cutting oft ot sea tratfte of all kinds, an action against which the Swedes not only protest, but propose to remedy by remov ing the mines. Holland was forced' to take similar action In the fall of 114, in order that Its ports might be kept open. The lofty disre gard for neutrals displayed at the opening of the war has increased, rather than diminished, in spite of the most vigorous representations, and the present course indicates no purpose of the warring nations to show greater considera tion for their. peaceful neighbors. In this in stance the circumstances are Interesting, be cause of the fact that the Swedes have shown an unmistakable bias for the Germans, although maintaining a neutrality as rigid as the most punctilious might require. Traffic between the ports ot Sweden and Germany has continued with but little interruption, and has been the occasion ot not a little friction between tne Swedes and the English. The Immediate effect of the present protest is not likely to be more effective than those that have preceded it, but as the pressure on neutral commerce increases the probability ot concerted action for protec tion also grows. Thirty Years Ago This Day in Omaha 1 Ceraplled from Bee rtlea. A company haa been organized to establtah a can nine and preserving factory, incorporator being 8. II. I. Clark, John M. Eddy. M. II. Gobel, John T. Bell. W. U. Bhnver aiiJ Dr. A. R. Conklln. John E. Williams and family of IX-a Moines, win havo been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Kudd, bavo re turned heme. A dUpatch received by Flra Chief Butler from As sistant Chief Oalllgan tells of tha Thurston Iloae com pany winning- the firat race at New Orleana. Mary Anderson la booked for the Boyd for the 2il. hen aha will appear in "Pygmalion and Galatea, ' a masterpiece of comedy and tragedy. Tha cold wave flag ia up again over the weather bureau office. Victor Ducroa, tha well known realaurant man. U reported tn a serious condition. Ha celebrated his Uty-nlnth birthday last month and has spent atx. eea years tn tha restaurant business In Omaha. John Hoaa, employed by tha Lininger M strait .'a., was married to Mlsa Emetine Claire Fmlth by Rev. 3. 8. Petwetler at tha residence of the bride's parents, ZMS Davenpcrt street. Tha Union Star club masquerade took place at Metropolitan hell under supervision of a rommlttoi consisting of Will IL Bonham. K. R. Grwen, Joel, Roberta. John Huj-chraore. E.. 11. Martla. H. C. HUn a, 'J T. W. ,1'yn Umore. Another Chance for Funston. The War department having ordered the pursuit ot Villa and his bandits across the Mex ican border, It appears certain that the man who captured Agulnaldo Is to be the one who will finally expunge Francisco Villa as a factor in international affairs. General Funston is the proper person, If he have official sanction for his act. His career has been such as gives assurance In advance that the pursuit will only terminate at 1U goal. The Kansas boy who fought through the canebrakes of Cuba with Gomes and Garcia, who swam the river in pur sutt ot the Filipino lnsurrectos, who tan down and captured the notorious Agulnaldo, and who has since done a soldier's duty with a soldier's devotion, is well qualified for the Job of settling accounts with the Mexican raiders. He is a western product, a fine type ot the plains breed, and will hardly disappoint his countrymen In the outcome of his latest mission. The Book of tho Earth T Oarratt T. Serrlss. HE Ufa hiotory ot our world, as far aa fossil re mains rareal It to geologist, la contained in a series of rock strata, formed one above another. Ilka tha layers of an onion. In these strata aru burled remains of the Jiving creatures which existed at tha time whan materials of which each stratum la enmpoeod were la!d down. In such a series, of course, tha lowest must have been deposited first. Thua tha enmt of the earth with Its successive layers resemble. In soma ways, a book lying with It" front pas downward, the end of tha story being at tha top. This geological book must be read backward, start ing with tha conclusion and going back to the be ginning, and this method of reading, which would be fatal to tha Interest Of a detective story, really adds to tha fascination of the earth romance because Its plot is reversed, and tha mystery pertains to the start and not to the finish. But the great rock book, unfortunately, has not been wall preserved. Its leaves Instead of lying un disturbed In their original order have been crumpled, pierced, torn, mingled together, and disordered to auch a degrea that In many places rarts of the bot tom leaf have been thrust up to the top, and some times huge mas-sea torn out of the book have been shored back again upside down. Nowhere can a complete series of even a small portion of tha leaves be found retaining from top te bottom their relative positions. The problem that geologists had to attack when they began to decipher the marvelloiia history of hundreds of millions of years contained In this shattered volume resembled somewhat that which confronts studanta of human records whan they try to read tha Inscriptions en broken clay tablets, er to put together fragments of ancient manuscripts. But the geologists have ene advantage In that every page is marked all ever with certain charac teristic things which enable them to recognise the fragments, no matter how far they may have been carried from their original position. It is eomr what aa if each leaf of a book ware made of a particular kind of paper, and printed In a type peculiar to It self. With such close It would not be difficult te re construct a tom-up book. If there were so essential portions altogether missing. But In the geological books tha characters do run ever, more or lass, from page to page, so that uncertainty often exists as to exactly where a fragment should be placed. Now, keeping these difficulties tn mind, let us see what the interpreters of nature's great rock bible have been able to read. They find, first, that at the bottom of the book, that la, at Its beginning, there la a mass of chaotic material, which seams to have been ground up, dissolved, squeezed out, redeposlted and repressed, so that whatever characters may once have been Impressed upon It have been destroyed. This first leaf. Indecipherable as far as the story of life on the globe Is concerned. Is called the Asolo (lifeless) age. The upper part of It, where some faint Indications of primitive life sre to be dis cerned, is the Eosolo (Ufa dawn) age. A vast frag ment of this chaotlo leaf ilea on the earth's present surface In Canada, a big silver of It extending Into the Adirondack mountains In northern Naw York. Next comes the thick leaf called the Paleosoto (ancient Ufa age). This Is divided, from bottom up ward. Into four subleavea, named respectively the Cambrian, the Silurian, the Devonian and the Carbon iferous, in the Cambrian there are few forms of life, and they seem to have been all marina, such as seaweeds and very simple animals, such as mollusks. In the Silurian "marine life, large oceans, small landa, uniform climate," continued te be the charao tertatlo features. Tha typical animals were Inverte brates, that la creatures not constructed on the back bone principle. The Devonian witnessed a decided advance. Land plants now began to oevelop, and perhaps the first forests were then formed. The great characteristic of the Devonian, was, however, the development of back-boned animals In the form ef fishes. These no doubt began la the late Silurian, but they became so abundant In the Devonian that It has been called "the age of fishes." The Carboniferous, which followed. was the era ef the "eoal plants," from which the principal coal beds ef the earth were develops! Animal life was abundant In the Carboniferous,, and then, for the first time, insects appeared in consid erable numbers. The Carboniferous Insects were astonishing giants. One, a specie ef phasma, had a body a foot long and wings more than two feet In spread! The next great leaf above the Paleozoic Is the Ifesosolo (middle life) age. This Is divided from bot tom upward Into three parte, the Triaeslo, Juraaste and Cretaceous, The Trlaaalc and Juraaslo are characterised by the beginning of the mammals, or animals which nourish their young with their milk. But at that time they were insignificant little crea tures. The great beasts called dinosaurs began In the Trlaaalc but attained their senltn In the Jurassic, which la often called "the age of great reptiles." These creatures, however, continued en. In Changing forma, through the nest, the Cretaceous, or chalk ere. The enormous beds of chalk la many parte ef the world date from this time, having been formed from the remains of countless billions of mlnute-eheUed creatures Inhabiting the sea. Birds made their first appearance, by development from reptiles, tn the Jurassic, and continued to develop through the Cre taceous. The last great leaf Is the Cenosolc, (new life) age. also called the Age of Mammals, because thsy now became predominant. The Cenoaole haa two principal divisions, tho Tertiary 1 below, and the Quaternary above, which brings us to the world ef our time. The Tertiary, In turn, haa three subdivisions, the Eocene, Miocene and Pliocene. Gradually through these Ter tiary eras were developed the anoeatral forma of many characteristlo animals of our day, such as mon keys, horses, elephants and carnivorous beasts like wolves and tigers. The Quarternery Is often eaUod tha era of man, baoauae our species seams to have been unknown upon the earth until the last page of the geological history had been nearly finished Man la the "Finis" of the first volume ef the earth's history, but he Is writing a second ess for himself. Wsge Increases ranging from $15,000,000 to 110,000,000 in the aggregate have been ef fected In the eastern soft coal fields through the agreement Just signed. Negotiations for a like settlement are proceeding tn the anthrac'te region. Considering the risks of the mining occupation the workers are entitled to the highest consideration. It Is significant ot better things that a satisfactory adjustment of differences was effected by the get-to-gether process. An Australian woman journeyed to Iowa sustained by the holy desire of marking the grave of her husband. But her devotion was badly misplaced. Instead of a grave she found an affinity and a bigamous husband. The sor rowful pilgrimage, from start to finish, runs the gamut of wifely emotions, and measures the depths of msn's baseness. People and Events Omaha would never have had the Grain ex change but tor forcing the railroads to it, al though It has proved to be as much a boon to the railroads as to our city. The same, thing applies to the demand for a new Union depot. The railroads will share the benefits, but they .will not move until outside pressure compels It em to rcall&e the necessity. Though barely SO years of age, Mrs. Anna Haas of Canton, O . admitted tn court that aha haa three living husbands. That's going some, even tn Ohio. A woman In Oklahoma entered a bank, poked a revolver In the face of the cashier, gathered up !" and acooted for the mountains. Every occupation which women invade supplies evidence of aptitude rivaling man. ' There are fathers and fathers. Soma lovelier than others, but Father L. K. Scroggln of Mount Pulaski. IU., la a real peach among dada. The other day he sprung a surprise party oa hie thirteen children, giving each a check for gJO,000. A bathleaa citizen of Chicago who, ea com' plaint of his wife, refused te dean up, wee sunt to the workhouse for 183 days and condemned to taka a bath each day. The penalty gives tha proper training for jumping Into tha lake. In Chicago the other day two brides awapped names, Anna M. Petermann married Michael J. Thoeeoex Hla eieter, Anna Thoaacn. married Joseph Pe terms na. brother of Mlka Thoeeon a bride. After the double wedding Anna Petermann was Anna Thoesoa anj Anna Thoeeon waa Anna Petermann. In seeking aa effective means of abolishing the caste of clothes at Social functions the molders union of New Tork picked upon the cpea-face dress suit aa tha most effortlve badge of social dignity an' democracy. 80 tha union decrees that members must appear at all future functions la the regalia, hai lowed by usage and tradition. Thus the models shatter the molds ef casta and bridge the sartorial sulf be tween labor snd isptisL JTTTt OH tju Freedom ef the Primary. EXETER, Neb., March t-To the Edi tor of The Bee: I notice that perennial ulsanre from Lexington haa again ar ranged to put Nebraska to the expense of printing his name on the primary bal- lota aa a candidate for president. It seems thst some plan might be devised to protect ourselves from freak candi dates, which not only tend to bring eur election system Into ridicule, but cause considerable expense. Xf nothing bettor Is suggested, why not try this: Amend tha law allowing tha secretary of state, at his discretion, to require a bond from any candidate, say for llO.nm, conditioned upon hla receiving t J or 3 per cent of the votes st the primary or election at which he Is a candidate. It ought not to be a serious tax on the brain of the secretary to tell a freak candidate, and It la extremely unlikely that any man, would ever be elected to that office who would abuse such authority. I hope somebody can suggest a better plan, but am trying this for a starter. W. J. WAITE. Way ef Owed Wark la n.h NORTH LOUP. Neh . Editor of The Bee: Tn MSfWinsa A eaee article recently appearing In The Bee on '""wi 01 tne ruture woman, I have reoelvad a letter dated at Hebron from an unknown writer which vni. th sen timent of many thousands in Nebraska, The letter sbowa how manv naonla mitt the artioles of the many newspapers of me country. Just because we have the habit of writing wa ahouM n.i the impression that many other people do uiina aa well as ourselves. "1 desire to tall you that your Utter of recent date In The Bee should be en couraging te mankind. It makes no dif ference who U the artist to chisel the 'future woman.' In this . keep on seeing the good and to be thank- jui jor uis game by encouraging it In the best way you know haw. r't -4.., up er become discouraged. Our Creator ..s gooo. neipers. Wa need to be an example for the many foreign nations te follow, and that right now. Keep up the "" "or " ue prayer of tne women, men and children," The writer adds. "Keen , v, w a' Ugwj VUU work. How many persona there are who do not realise what that means. It Ig easy to stand with the crowd, backed by your banker and a horde of financiers. out wnen your bankers secretly place wrong Impressions of ihM,..i, .v. lodges, commercial agencies, churches na avenues of business, because the whole truth does not business methods, I am convinced that ma way ot the "good work" is not al ways "flowery beds of uu" .v.. Poet says. WALTER) JOHNSON Prepar Per Waatf OMAHA. South bm, vf , .. Editor of The TBee V, .7 w star uw. UIJ pura Poae to antagonise or court controversy in What I m. b., . . . - privuegoa to say through your paper. Ex-Governor Shaw of Iowa has well said. "Man la a fight Ing animal," and when one offera noth ing but sarcasm, jeers and sneers, call. - - a-u..iii, ana wants the people Tl3r 10 ,w,low' " 'weet mor- - iorcea to say nay. , I?.rl tMUmonr ta always reoelvad to eetablieh a fact that Is not generally known. In auak fn,..,AU . . . .v ui, ivaiunony j fw u worth more than that ot the many who are not educated in that direction. If it were not so why. may J ask, are the schools at West Point and Annapolis maintained? , ...7,2, VM DP"s.to erect a building ha does not go at It la a hap. haaard manner, but ealls to his assist ance an architect, and perhape a civil engineer, to superintend Md plan as to material. nronnrttnna . , , strength of material; they being schooled "7" "-"". are natter prepared to give the necessary advice. U .eems evi dent, then, that such Preparation be made aa will maintain the government in ell matters pertaining thereto, thus pre serving on an equitable basis all rights due the government and IU citizens. Thla o7trU.0n, eWM by reason ... pui upon 11 by reason of the now warring nations of Europe. Mr. Schumann in his oommuotoation seems Somewhat netrturKt , . matter and attempts to compare the wun uie present. The world was at peace at that time and no ade Quate comparison on k, ... seems Inclined to Insist on the highest .7 . comparison ef the adjective hir end tries to boater up his argu- w.wi suppositional rases, which are foreign to the matter and not argument, having no facts tn sunnnrt t., it. also thinks that the minds of our demo- irano ana republican leaders-leaders " wo gauierlng." Just what means bv that nhnu r understand, for I rimi itKi.. 1. ,, " vuu,g w w me 10 any oennlte conclusions. i am means m it that k, .u,, government held to by either democrats wr rqiauwui w aamtnlstering govern ment affairs are w-enn tv.. t .i.,... - , ..wu uiuia a understand him and know where to olaas niro. But, prepare for what Ta imi ether nation, to be master of the seas. r is acquire territory by conqueetT No. But te preserve eur home rights, main- ia ow ngnis on tne high seas and enforce all equitable demands for wrongs done. The details of preparation will be worked out In. due time by the differ ent arma of the government. CLINKER. A Ward for the Jastlee Ceart, OMAHA. March W.-To the Editor of The Bee: There has been lately so much criticism of justice court procedure and practice and so much commendation of the new municipal court that a few ques tioita may be appropriate. Ftret-Doee the municipal court Intend to set aside the laws of the atate of Nebraska for the collection of debt? Aeoond Will higher costs and longer delay In the determination of cases be ot any advantage te poor debtors? Third Ca a the new court be any more lenient with poor debtora than the laws Cf the slate provide? Fourth What advantage will be de rived by litigants in changing the place, but not the mods of trials? Fifth If justice courts are so vile and are being operated contrary to law, why does not some one take the proper legal stepe to correct these evils? I have had some experience In this matter. A few years ago one party started out right. The record ef the case la in the district court and it might be well to note that the people who tried to beamirch my record not only had the costs taxed against them without the In troduction of any testimony on my pert, and Incidents thr It may be mentioned that the eoatiThave not yet been paid; the highly Indignant attorney who was going to do so much proving to bo ss much of a shirker ef debts as were Ms clients. The laws of Nebraska are too severe In some respects snd too lenient In eth ers, but they are to be enforced without fear or favor: they are enforced In the districts courts In the same manner ss in the justice courts or In the supreme court, and the latter alone should de termine the question of the constitution ality ef laws. Here la a challenge epen to all: I will pay the costs of any appeal or error proceedings from any fin! order or judg ment In any case on my docket which may be reversed on any point of law by the supreme court of the state of Ne braska. If the people who sre so strongly critical mean business here is their op portunity. It some of them de-otc their time and I'll devote the cash. I was the first and only party so far to ask the legislature to amend the laws for the collection of debt against poor debtors. I drafted a bill which was in troduced In the legislature at Its last session which would hsve reduced costs In Justice courts at least 50 per cent all round, and more than that in cases where garnishee proceedings are now In voked. That bill was killed by the Doug las county delegation In the lsst legisla ture and these costs are still outrag eously high. Incidentally, these gentlemen who re fused to reduce Justice costs doubled the mileage feee of constables In cases, so that when a poor debtor Uvea ten mllea from the court house he must pay tl mileage fees where he was required to pay tl before the law was amended. Where the debtor lives wlUin a mile of the court room he Is compelled to pay SO cents more In each case which goes to garnishment proceedings, where my bill would have reduced his costs In such case at least M.SS. Facts are chlels wha wlnna ding And daurna' be dlsputlt. H. II. CLAIBcRNB. SMILING LINES. "Do von give much time to your speeches?'' Yes," replied genstor Horshum. "And no matter how much thought 1 give a speech before I make H. It Is liable to causa tne still more worry afterward." Washington -tar. Jects on which vou deliver speeches V "No." replied Senator ."orenum. "Poms times 1 have to talk ehmit them In a way thst makes people think they're hard for anybody ezrept myself to un derstand even when I am trying tl ex plain tncm. an ngion ptar. "Oolng to make any special observance of Int this yrsr?" "Tee, Indeed. Our card club hss de. elded to meet st the homes of the mem bers during Lent lntead of St the more expensive clubs and hotels. "-Ietrolt Free Press. PEAR MR.k'ABlBDLE, jtif FANCE KEJT ME WAIYIN FOR TVJD HOURS, py W WATCH. SHOW. I JILT HIM? 5TT ErXTTTD MAY8E VI HIS WATCH HE WAS ONI? AM HOUR AND A HALF LATE! "Ton are not working In the same place," said the butler. "No," replied the cook. "I've been obliged to change families several times snd I'm going to keep on trying till I find one that suits me." Washington Star. "Can any girl tell the three foods re quired to keep tne body in tvealth?" There waa silence till one maiden held up her hand and replied: "Ter breakfast, yer dinner and ysr sup per." Ban Francisco Argonaut. "Plrst really realistic novel X ever read." "What'e ao realistic about It?" "Didn't you notice? The heroine does about six times ss much talking aa the hero. Kansas City Journal. Cream of Tartar is used in Royal Baking Powder because it is healthful and the best ingredient known for the purpose Royal Baking Powder adds to food the same wholesome qualities that exist in ripe grapes, from which cream of tartar is derived. BAKING POWDER Made from Cream of Tartar Absolutely Pure , No Alum No Phosphate Royal Baking Powder was used ex clusively in the Free School of Home Economics at Omaha Conservatory Theater last week. tgitwajOuMatie1 wpi'pwsussi)iiiiusaiii,i 1 L 1. irMi-gzi HI Ywrnt tit Say " fault Cut Macaroni! " When yea order from the grocer's do yen simply ask for macaroni, or for Faust Cut Macaroni ? There's a mighty big difference, because Faust Cut Maca roni u already cut lnincnlen gtha, and. you know, nearly all recipes call for cut maca roni Then. Fsust Cut Macaroni Is made from Durum wheat, rich in gluten and the mast Beartshtag ef foods. It Is put as re large sack sees for IS mala. Wm yea Mil erder, insist e bat it aoaa Ms store ter year SMasy. MAULL BROS., St. Levis. U. S. A. ' ,;-r,.i.,i'i. rv;i::.:;i; U V aJbCaJT-feSSfc? "Hniiiiitur fiiairTffltiri 111 II Don't Refuse if invited !!i E ! ! ! ! I - U till E IS iUk'r to dine at the new hotel. It's the habit that grows on you. Tho more you go, the more you'll want to. Usual Sunday night Table dHote Dinner at One Fifty per person. "The Pontenelle Will Serve You Well." HcriH.70prrEHELLE A. BURBANK, Managing Director. ui Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful.