Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1916, Page 14, Image 14

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Wlirtt Remain! Steady, with Moit
Salei at Unchanged Prices and
a Few Cents Up.
' OMAHA, ithrrh .
The wheat market was very atosiiv
lost of the het coiling st unchanged
I Tires, while a few aslrs wcr msde at
o "higher.
The corn market wmi very irreaular,
llln; ! Inwfr to Ho hlrher. the off
srrsde corn selling lfi2c lower, while the
letter grade commanded, the higher
The receipts of oats continue light, and
with only a fair demand oata aold Sfr'ulc
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to I.X).m bushel , corn, 17,000 bushels,
oata. rw.0 hushels.
Liverpool Close: Wheat, iinrhanged to
Id lower; corn, unrhana-ed to Id lower.
Primary wheat receipt were tstoX)
hushels and shipments l.irs.umt buahela,
against receipt of frw.OM tmahela and
shipments of tl.0ni buahela last year.
Primary corn recclpta were S44.n0
bushels and shipments. 4)02. t bush"l:,
ssslnst receipt of MTOtn buahela ami
shipment of M2,0u0 bushels Inat year.
Primary oata recetpta were iV,"ri0
buahela and ahlpmenta. ftfc'.nm hushels,
ana Inat receipt of (!13,nnft buhel and
aliipmenta of 1.3KS.CW0 buahela last year.
Wineat. Corn
Oat. I
Minneapolis .,
Kansas City .
St. Ixiuia
Theae aalea
Wheat No.
. ,
were reported todny
I hard winter: (
II m; 1 car.
11.03: 4 rara. U.O."; t
SI. on. No. 4 hard winter: 2 ram, IIOIU.
4 rara, $1 01; 3 cara. l.4; 2 car. II cm; 1
car, 7c Sample hard winter: I carHik'. No i
durum: 1 car, II. 01. No. 4 durum: 1 car.
Wc. No. t mixed durum: I car, WV. N.
4 mixed: 1 car, 11.01 V; 1 car, II 01. Sample
mixed: 1 car. Kit.
Corn No. white: 1 car, Cr, No. 4
white: 2 car, (L' No. ft white: 3 tars.
6-; I car, bSc. No. 4'. white: 1 car. Mo.
No. 4 yellow: 2 cara. kc. No. 5 vellow:
1 car. Cc; 4 car. filV: 1 car, llV,c; .1-5
car, tile; car, nk No. yellow: I car,
Mc; 1 car. MHc; 3 car, Mr. Sample yel
low: t car. Uc; 1 car,; 2 curs. If-; j
2-5 car. 4V. No. 3 mixed: H car (old),
:?c. No. 4 mixed: 2 cara, Uc; 4 cara, i
4 cara. ;l'c.
Wic; Vi car. !,';
fac: 1 car. 67c. No.
1 car, 66c; t cara,
oar. 64c; 3-6 car.
No 6 mixed- 1 rnr
1 car M'c- 7 ear I 'h-; tfred daten. Il.7.i box; new flgi,
mixed: 1 car, 67 Sc; . 12-10 alae. 5c b4.!i. popcorn: No. I. r. e.
ftoSc; 4 cars 55c; 3 ''v" lh.; 40 1 h., a-kat;a. t2. 0 one. pea
61c. Sample mixed !"'"". Pniiii:a, No. I, raw. ay- lb.;
1 car, 64c; I car, Mc.
Oata No. 3 white: 2
cars 40'4C 1 car 1
44V. No. 4 white: 7 car. 30V. Sample
white: 1 rar. JV; 3 care, .
Omaha Caah lYlcea Wheat : No. 2 hard,
fl.4M4rl.4kt: No. 3 hard, II Olfi l.Wfc: No. 4
hard, Wcill.0H: No. 2 spring, SLOW 1.12;
No. 3 spring, f1.rdi1.09: No. 2 durum,
81 48t 1 .01 ; No. 3 durum, Wcil 0; aainil,
1iieo. Corn: No. 3 white, HWic; No.
4 white, ftl Va'He; No. 6 white. 67V(W;
No. white, 6.VnT.4o: No. S yellow, wi
B7c; No. 4 yellow, 64yfjc; No. 6 yellow,
tmifiiStr; No. yellow, fAttS; No. i
mixed, 64Vt4ii"c: No. 4 mixed, ClH'tiV;
No. 6 mixed. U Va'V" : No. 8 mixed,
6:"fi5iVfc'-; sample, 4.Vii4 Oata: No. Z
white, 42Vn4;c; atandard, 4l'V(-4?c; No.
3 white, 40r,ic; No. 4 white, XkuOVVsC
Parley: Malting, 67t4liV: No. 1 feed, 63
n4. Rye: No. 2, 84 HifOc ; No. 3, WMit
Chicago cloalng prices, furnished Tha
(lee or I.ngan Av Itrvan, stock and grain
brokers. Hi South Sixteenth St., Omaha:
Art), lej Open. Hluh l Iaiw. Cluae. Yea y
Wheatl I I I (
May 1 10fr 1 12s 1 10 1 lis-f 1
1 l" 1 HW 1 II
July 1 1 10V 1 08V 1 1
1 (H 1 094 1 0
May 74ifj 76A. 73 75B 74H
Julyp4Vg S, 7S 74, 76H 74T4lff75
Oata. I
May'4.?ffH 43S 2 43V, 4.343
July'tlal', 41', 41 41i 41V
Pork. I
May 22 36 21 87 Si 22 36 22 70 21 17H
July 22 25 22 70 22 26 22 60 2307
May 10 90 11 10 10 0 11 0V(f 10 87V,
11 02 W
Tuly, 11 12Vsl 11 S2S U 10 11 22 11 02V,
Plba. I I I
May 11 D7H 12 1241 11 7H 074 11 rvt
July 12 !VU 12S7V 12 06 12 SO l T, k
I 13 06 I I
leals res ( tka Tradlas; n4 Cloalag;
Prices Ilcard ( Traae.
CHICAOO, March -Assertions thst
the bear lab showing of the government
crop report had been more than dis
counted by persistent selling for weeks
past led today to higher prices for
wheat. The market. althoiiKb unsettled
at the close, was Vo to HlcHo up. with
May at ll.UVfi LllVi and July al ILWW
t.'orn gained ?c to c net, oats a auaue
to v,c and provision 17V4jHJ2Vo.
Notwlibstanllng that the wheat market
opened at a decline, prices quickly began
to lake a decided upward swing. The
les.ilt wa that before the advsnce Could
he halted uuutatlona ran up- ia from
the low point, which had been touched
at tha stsrt. Unofficial advices mean
while that Argentine shipments failed
to show an exiMi'iei Increase tended ma
terially to encourage the bulls and so,
too, did unfavorable domeatlo crop re
ports. Word that veaael conunandeeling
was likely to cut down to a surlous ex
tent the shipments of grain and flour
from the Cnited States to Europe
caused something of a beartah reaction
In the wheat market during the last half
hour or trading.
Corn fluctuated mainly In accord with
changea In the price of wheat. Upturn
were Influenced somewhat by the light
ness of receipts and by the proapccls
vl further decrease.
Oata derived a lltle strength from sea
board buyinc. It was said heav shtp-
- merits were being made from Chicago to
Nemport News for export.
The highest prices on hogs since June
21. I!fl0, "arried provision shnrtly up
grade, Sufculatora who hoped that
lrnten sentiment would fores a decline
were given a decided lolt.
Chicago Csah Prices heat : No. 1 red,
II. 12V,; No. 3 red, nominal; No. 1 hard,
II llStjl l:Vi. No. 3 hard, f LV3'Lliy
Coin: No. 3 eliow, nominal: No. 4 yel
low, 4sji7oc; No. 4 white, 6niie.. Oats:
No. I white. 41ti41c; standard, 44:.
Rve. nominal. Hailey, t"ii74e. H..,a:
Timothy. 4 &uil 7.00 : clover, llO.Ofaii la (a).
Piovialona: pork, f-1 OojfiO; lard. 110.75.
ribs. ll.V41il2 12V.
Oats seemed to l governed by the
course of other grsln.
Highest quotations this season on hogs
mad provisions Jump In value. Theories
ihst Ienten sentiment would cause a
I'erllne were dissipated In a hurry.
Kij.-lwer; receipts. 24.17a esse;
'lists, l4.ilc: ordinary flrats. KtUlSc;.
it lusrk, esses Included. lHru Rc.
IHJTATOlif Higher; receipt. 16 cars;
Wisconsin, Minnesota and lakyta. white,
sciSL: Michigan. while. W ftll 02:
'itineseta and I'akuta, Uhioa, 8ucutL05.
Hl'TTKH 2'ilc.
POCLTRY Alive, higher; fowls. 17VV;
Miiiga, 16c.
MlaaeagMlla Urala Market.
VINNfiAPOM. Minn. Msrch .
1 1 K AT May. fill: July. Sl.UVrfMlV
h. No. 1 hard. S11"W; No. 1 northern,
'.'..1jl 1: No. S northern, Sl.laXul.13.
Mit'H Cn.hanged.
Y F. 8M KMC.
RAN 4!a.2'4Jl75.
URN No. 3 yellow. T4"-(7fSc
HTX-N" S white, ViJ0i.
...mi City Grsla sal Preylaloas.
aah: No. S hard, ll.tWpl lO;
IV- Mav. Ilim; July.
No. 8
i v-
C4IKN No. 2 mixed, blighi'ac: No. 2
ehlte, a-.Vc; No. 2 yellow. liioiVjc; May
ftiini'V.c; July, 71"4iiH
OATS-No. S white,
mixed. 4oj 12c.
4o0 45V; No. 2
- ft. oaU Grata Market.
BT Ifl'18. March . WHEAT No. !
red S11701.3-; No. 2 hard, nominal. May
.1-1 . 1..! II iMtb
(XJliX-No. i 7JV: No. 1 white. 72M,c;
:u.n. Iulk- ?4?ir74.,0.
OATH-No. S nominal; S t. 1 white, nom-
l.leri4Ml bra
IJVKIlPOOli, March
Sn. 1, Manitoba
14s Cxi; No. S hard winter
s-ulf. l. so;
No. 2 red western winter.
t'OEX-pot, American mixed new lis.
OMtllA (iKYF.nll, MARK F.T,
Wholesale Trlcea for Prod ace
(karate 4 by Omaha Dealer.
HITTER-No. 1 creamery. In carton,
IV; No. 2, 9k: In tuba, iuc.
POL'LTRV flena. 14c; rooatera, '4c;
young rooater, 11ijlc; duck. 12Hc;
geeae, IJ'ijC; turke, 1'itjlsr per pound.
CHFKHrl Imported Swiss, 44o; onis
tlc. M ; Mock, i'c; twlna. ?Or; dalalea, rfc;
triplet. young America, Z!c: blue,
label brick, 2lr; llmburger, .'2c; Imported
FYcnch. Itrwiurfort. M.
OYBTFHH Chew-Be, per gal.: Stand
arrla, II 26; select. 11 U, email standards.
II. IS. Northetn. per gal.: Htandnrda, 11.46;
elect. II counts, $1 Ho; nine Potnia.
II .'S per
FISH Frrsh. per lh.: Cafflah, 17c; hal
but, lftc; aalmon. 17'c; red snapper, 14c;
blak las. IWi.c. cripplis, 1jviac,
flounder. 12c. Kronen, per lh ; I In II hut.
11c: h'rrlng, r.V ; trout. l;tc: wl Ite.R-
I""; aalmon. (funic; pickerel, 7fic; plk,
Miioc. Fmoked, per lb.: Whl, 14c. Kip
pered, per lb.: Salmon, lie; rinnan had
tle. 12c
CKL.KKY Per do . mammoth, 90c; me
dlrm. (X)c; (mail, 4oc.
Fork" le.
HKKK CITTS-No. 1 riha, l'c; No. 2
rib, lc; No. 3 ribs, 144c; No. 1 loin.
I2'c; No. 2 loin 21V; No. 3 lolna. ll'vs
No. 1 chucka, l"c; No. 2 chuck. !(:;
No. 3 chucka, luc; No. l round, M'v;
No. 2 rounile. M'sr; No. 3 round, 14c;
No. 1 platea, 9Vi No. 1 plate. 9c; No.
3 plate. (.
Fruit and -egetabl prior furnlahed hy
Olllnaky Co.:
KKI ITS Jrange; Runklat, 61. so,,
t.'.l") box: Hunklat. 12l. S.I0) box, 17
:, 3-'4a, f .! ln ; ! a, i0 a, .'.7S box; 1:4m.
13 26 box; ."a. 2IKa. i'a, 12 ,& box. I inona:
iolden Howl, S-iiw. bcix; 8 Iver
(Cord. 14. SO box. Grapefruit: 3 a, i 75 box;
it)', 1126 Imix; '. 3.176 box: 4t.a, .) b ix.
64a, !.'-i box; i., 1', 3.1.50 box. Grape.
1 I...j''iiK.0i ktK. Ttananna: Midlnm alr.t
' bun he. II Maifl.TB lunih; medium aire
Jumbo. $2 iiti2.25 bi nch. lexular U"
l.lumboa, 3J.S"'u2 7'i bunch; extra 1re
'. Jumbo, 3'niS.2ii bunch; .Mammoth
Ji mhna, n "(3.7.i bun h.
VF.OKTAHI.KS-4nl'.n: Red vellow, .!.
lb.; Hpanlah. J.2", r;ne Rhubarb,
Nix, cauliflower, $.'' crate. I etfci, 81. m
down, liruaael epionl. . c lb. 4'abhage.
IV h. Pepper. : bnkt. Ob! hots',
carrot, turnip, irnip. rulabigi,
'.c lb j new bei ia, 1 nno a, iiitnlpa. parf(.',
Oc ibiren. Celery: al ir.rnln. ilocen;
I'liitlda, nnd C ilori'ii crMte, !7.;
Florida, lx iloji'n crnte, ro ca'e.
Union aeia: Ycllm. ..i b'iie: red.
huahel: while, C .Ml bi el Potatoea:
Montana, ll.lo b, 'i l; Colomdo WMtn,
11,10 huehel; Red lover 'ibi , II 40 bimhel.
Sweet mta toe: l In ware. l.7f hainpi r;
Calllornla, 1.7r. ciate.
MISCKl.I.NK V' Honey: Comb, l'..7.1
crate, Alilne. 24 4t ox, i. cnae. 1te,
," I'rum nnic. i i oox . tnra onie.
roaai, ac. 10.; jumrMi, ihw, iu., juiiioo,
roaated, HV. 1 I Pert a. l.'ic it.; pernn.
U'c lb.; pecans, Jumim, I7c lb.; mixed
'nut, 15c lb. Cranberries. $13.0 hbl C der.
II'. kig.
I APPI.i:tRon Imvl, Rochtel In hnr
itela, l. (0 blil.; Ren lJal, oiper varl'tun.
'In barrelB, U 50 bbl.; HI ick Hen lavis
SI 60 box: Tien Davia, Idiibn. fl. n box;
Home llcauty, '. ami lar. r, fl.76 Imx;
llome I'eauty. 125a nnd amalbT, ll M box;
IW. W. IVarmaine. Colorado, 1176 bo;
extra fancv Wine Hnps, .'.5; box; Iowa
State Greening, fl.5u box; Arkani-a
'R.acka, S2..50 box.
NEW YORK 4i 4 1. 3I ARKF.T
Qaotatloaa of tha Day oa
NKW YORK. March 9-FI.Ol R-l n
settled: spring tistents, S.'.9tm.2; Kansas
strnlghtl, .).7H4li.OO.
W 1 1 K AT Spot, firm; No. 1 durum.
II. 90S; No. 2 hard. 1.2ti; No. 1 northern,
Duluth, II.34V,, and No. 1 northern, Man
itoba, SI 4V f. o. b. New York. Futures
were firm; May, Sl.lf-v,.
cuk.n fpoi. firm; no. 2 yellow. iuwt
S34c. c. I. f. New York.
oats upot. uulct: atandard. 4Sc: no. 3
white, talHHVic
II A 1 r Irm; No. 1. 81.364Tl.4o: No. 2.
SL25U1.30; No. S. It.luiil.l.'.. aliippfng. fnvu,
HOPS Quiet: alat common to choice.
1f)ir, H&tf.e; lt14. 6(11 Uc; Pacific coast, 1UI5,
li 15c; 1M14, H'irlOc.
11 1 1 MH Firm: Bogota. 33fi34c: Centra
America. Sac.
1.I-:A1 II Kit-Firm: hemlock firsts. Z2V
S4c; seconds, 3241 .'13c.
PROVISIONS Pork, strong; mess.
S23.0orit'23.6o: family. S22.MMit4..riO; short
clear, 21. 50fi 24.111. Reef, firm; mess 117.00
tll7 fp0; family. Ilk ,Wi is.W. lard, strong;
middle weat. till Vb 11 (f.
TALLJW Firm; city. country.
S'iti: aiiecial. HWc.
ItUTTraiKaaler, receipta, s.tiu tuns;
creamery exlrss, 8703!ic; firsts, 35Wtl3tic',
seconds, 1'JVu.ifcc.
EiiUB-Urm, receipts, 21, 4 cases; rresn
lathered extras, 24T'f25c; extra firsts, 2JVc;
irats, 23o: seconds, 2lMi'"22Vac,
CillLtSlO-Flrin; receipts, 1,337 boxest
state, whole milk, flats, held, colored.
specials, IHc; same, white, 17V-; same, col
ored, average tancy, iiwuv; same,
white, 17 Sc; flats, current make, special,
17c: same, average run. lie.
POL' LT R Y Dressed, firm and un
changed; live, firm, no prlcea, settled,
sales reported aa follows: Chickens. 14
4jl?c; fowls, 1MI8c.
Cotton Market.
NKW YORK. March . COTTON-Spot.
steady; middling uplands, 11. Hoc. Males,
2oo baits
Futures opened steady; May, ll.Rftc;
June, 11. Sale; Octotier. 12.06c: . Oecoinher.
12.'.Yc; January offered at U.iV.c.
The cotton market closed very steady
at a net gain of 21 io 28 points for the
Cotton futures closed steady; May,
11. rite; July, 12.0sc; tictober. 12.23c; le
cember, 12 41c. January, 12.47c.
UVKnPOULs March 8,-COTTOX-Snot.
steady; good middling, a did; 111'd
dllnr. 7.7tid; low middling, 7.4'id. Sales
S.Ouu bales.
Inset tied Hows
Hheep firm.
ceipts, 4.000 head; mirket unsettled; na
tive beef rattle, western
steers, 7.S'.46; stockers and feeders,
85.B5titl.00; cows and heifers, S3.5O-u8.00;
calves, Ss.ion,1L2f1.
I lot IS Receipts. 2,0lKt head; market
easy at 2tKii-.'5c advance; hulk, SA.MiD.76;
light. S! 2U 70; mixed. .i.tiM. W; heavy.
8 i mi 9X0. rough, la arti.4.; pigs, 7.75
SIIKF.P AND I.AMRS-RecelPts. 15.0U0
neaa; marKet rinn; wethera. Is.25-'u8.l;
'f, So 'WliS.00; lambs, :' 5iU'll.u5.
Kaasa t'liy l.lve Htork Market.
Tl.K Receipts. 2.UW head: market hlglier:
prune ret ato-ra.; dressed lef
steers. I7.75WD.OO: western steers, r? mm.
.ji; suirKcrs and feeders. 8ft.75fiH.74i:
bulls. t:...n7.25; calves. SU.2noi11.oa.
HiKlS-Re.el.l. 8.000 head: msrket
lower, closed strong; bulk, S2ut60
heavy. SD.4ttiD 52Lt: peckers and butchers.
X11O .iu; light, S4.164iD.4W; pigs, 7.7.rti
HHKKP AND lAMKrt-Uecelpt (M)
head; market strong; lambs, IO.ii.'.tvll.l6;
yearling. I.i; wethers, 87. ou4).50;
ewes, 7.S5t'!U5.
t. Joseph I. Ire Stock Market '
ST. JOSFPH. Msrch l.-4'ATTI.E-Re
ceipts. 2.tAM head; market higher; ateers.
7 6wi8 50; cowa and heifers, II. 5uw (.;
calves, tii .Ortti 10 50.
HOtl.'t-Recelpis. 7,fti0 head, market
higher: top, fi .45; bulk of sales, 8S I6111D 40
SHKFP AND 1 .A MRS-Receipts 3
head, market higher; lambs. lo.5tytf 11.26
Dlnek la Maht.
Receipts of live stock at the fiv, prin
cipal western markets yeatertlay:
Cattle, lioa Sheep.
Omaha I 11. is
. iiii shu
Kanea City ;
Sioux City 1 aw
St. Jeuls l.sjio
Tolal receipts H.0 &ti.luo 24,200
At an early hour yesterday evenltui
burglars entered the Economy Grocery
company store at IMKt North Twenty
seventh street, through a transom In tha
front of the building, securing a large
quantity of tobacco and some meat anl
seven pounds of butter.
ales fur Capital PssUkwrsC. .
ItOKTON. Mhss.. March 9. The !,,,
hoise of tie legi'aiurv tooay went o
leoord against the allot. lion cf . :i I
tul punishment, by a vote of M l.j 3.
Liberal Rnn of Cattle Pounds Down
Prices to About Ten Cents
March 9, 1-K.
Fteceipt were:
Official Monday
Official Tucaday ....
Official Wedneaday
Kali mate Thursday .
. It.""!
.. .V'
. f.
rioe. KhofB.
11 ..".
I. "," I
II. 4'
7 M'7
Four day thl week 2f.7il
Bme day laat week. 2.1. WO
fame day 2 wks. ag.3i.4:
Same day 3 wka. agn.11;4
fame tlaya 4 wk. axo 2t,27l
Same dava laat year..:i.2Z3
47. W
ago.2H.27l 7.4.'2 af4.M
year..:i.2Z3 & M.iht,
The following table ahowa the receipt
of cattle, hoaa nnd ahcep at the Omnh
I4ve 8tork market for the year to dato
aa compared with laat year:
1HI 1:116. Inc Pee.
Cattle 274. iai 175 V.: W.K.4
Mug Wai.WO'4 EW.H71
Sheep 4.'.!,.',:U rIH,!M fi!.31h
Th following tact enows the averaK
prlcea of hoga at the Omaha live stock
market for the laat few days, with coin-p-rNona
Date. I U'lH. l15. 1D14.IIKI.4. !HU.I1KU.'II..
7 V. I - ; a i3 H 101 6 OJl 7 Oil a M
11 I S M I S 12 Ml 7 Oil I OJ
3 i, J. 'v,. 1 ft HA! !M 14
3 ntl Ml 3 21 19' S ttt f0) 9 1
Al h.
M. h.
S ! Vhl ( 60j 8 A,
M a wi -i
If,1 4, B to;
a K', 02 1
1 4-1
8 j w;
3 Jl Mi
....I o
ft 8.
6 H.
8 11
S 34!
I .
1 . a 4-' .' r.p
2 1 8 4
1 S . 4:'
4.1 S 4J,
f. 8 !! D 67
8 1)1 15. 4i 9L' H 47
I J5I 8 Ml 6ft
8 V
S J4l 30 I 7i SO
a l S 24i ft 32 1 82: Ci
8 2K 8 .T7 8 3 6 M
(1 2D; X 4. ill M! 9 7i
I 8 52 ft Ml 7 I 71
8 35 I ft 311 t 36
a pc
S.J 8 6 t
.( imi ;7.
AUlKlU y
Recclpta and dipoitlon of live atock
at the 1'nlon atock yard, (Jmaha. for
tcnty-fuiir hour ending at 3 o'clock
)cxUiduy :
HtX-KIPTft-CAIOl. ae.
C.. M. A Ht. P. ..
Mlaaourl Pacific.
I'tilon Paelfli- ...
'4 i
i .. 1
: : 1
3 10 1
4 11 1
6 .. .,
!,! 55 6
N. W., eaat...
Af N W., weat...
M. P.. M. O..
II. At J., caat...
II. U . weat...
R. 1. A- P., i-Hfi.
Ililnoi (intrnl
t bl. iiKo U. W
Total recclpta ,..2.';
Cattle. Hog
Morris Co
Swill Co
t iiiiuhy I'm king
Armour & Co
.. 144
. . :
2. K.'.3
3. !W
Si bwsrts & Co
J. W. Murphy
Lincoln Packing Co...,
So. Omaha Packing Co,
'on Packing Co '.
W. H. Vanaaut Co
Renton, Vauaant & L.,
F. R. Iewls
HiiHton A Co
J. R. Root & Co
J. II. Hulls
Roaenstock Kros
F. . Kellogg
Wcrthelmer Degen.
II. K. Hamilton
Sulllvsn llrus
Rntbschlld & Krebs. .
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co...
Raker, Jnnea A Smith..
Jolui Harvey
Jensen A LaUngren
Other buyers
Totals 5,2'Jti 14.203 10.5M1
CATTUli There was another toler
ably lllieral run of cattle today, about
6.IUM lieud. and the proportion of beef
was quite large, At the atart It looked
aa If there was sufficient demand for
everything to sell at good strong prices,
nnd somo of tne early sales were at full
Wednesday's figures. Later In the morn
ing, however, buyers were not so anxious
fur tha cattle and bids were around Mc
lower, the trade closing very slow.
Choice beeves sold up around W.lMli.-,
the same as on yesterday and hulk of
the fair to good 1,060 to 1.4u0 pound cattle
went at t8.401l44.fO.
Cows and heifers were In moderate
upply and active demand and steady to
strong all niornlnit, and there was no
particular change in the market In Block
ers and feeders. Supplies of the later
are accumulating at the yards, however,
and Indications are that prices will work
lower before tha end of the week.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beeves, 88 7544.; fair to good beevea,
S 3OHIS.70; common to fair beevea, S7.S4
8.26; good to choice helgera, IJ.0itf7.H&;
good to choice cows, ii.76iU7.&0: fair to
good cows, I4.0i(iti.7&; common to fair
cows, 14 6041(1.75; good to choice feeders,
7.75'(i8.20; fair to good feeders. I7.352?
7.1O; common to rair teeners, 1u.i10y7.BD;
Sood to choice gtockers, $7 . 7fffi. 26 ; stock
elfers, ii.2.V(i7.6(i; stock cows, ffi.75ni4J.7o;
stock calves. It). Walt; veal calves, 37.261
pi. Hi: bulla, stags, etc., 6.2&(U4l.7a.
Representative sates:
HlSf.f 8TUKK3.
N. Avs. rr. Ns. Av. Pr.
II. , n.u 7 m 1 7 m
K . I I 11 t.O 3 li
t l tt t M 3 lit 1 16
III IU4 i U 11 HWl ( U)
is ii u 14 lee i a
SI 10H0 I 7o 3l M4S I 86
i u:n wi is 1221 1 K
l 1- J7 I on II 1471 I U
I Ut t
tl HI la 11 741 7 H
4 4l I iw v M Itt
It 104 I M
3 Tat 7 60 fci Ml ID
IT VI I . 171 T 10
I 4 1 J4 7 no T 10
?.. T?6 1 46 I T TI4
r ... 4 I le 14 tail I 411
.1IM U
HOOK For the fourth time this week
supplies of hogs were Just moderate, ar
rival neing estimated at L cars, or
11.400 head. Thla brings the total for the
four daa up to 67.V7 bead, whluh Is 7,000
smaller than last week, fl.ono lighter than
two weeks ago and more than 5. Out short
of the corresponding days last year. So
Save Money
Going West
Settlors or Colonist Fares
Krerr Tuesday front
-., to rMtMin points
North Dakota
rare to Folnt la Alberta from SI 00 to $3.00 Mghsr.
Kvery day Mart h 23 to April 1 1
Inclusive to itiatu line xlnts in:
North Pacific Coast - - - $32.50
Canadian Northwest - - - $31.15
Montana $27.50
Writ, call or'phoaa for complete detail sal exaot
far te ay point la the West sad XorV&wat.
P. V. nONOKDFX, C. I & T. A.,
1531 raraaaa Bt., Omaha,
rhoaai Douglas goo.
far this week the run Is smaller than for
any similar period since the first of the
Other market reported another sharp
advsnce In price thl morning, and a
aupplie were not heavy at any point
lix-al buyer had to pay IVtiJoc higher
price fur the bulk 01' their purchases.
A few of the flrat hog bought by slilp- J
per mlKht not hae been over 10c hlsher.
but theae ale were ecatterlng, end by j
the time any appreciable numlier it hoga,
hcrin to go scaleward the market wa at I
lea at I V up. !
acker showed an Inclination to bang1
bni k right at the start, but b fore s.'ilp- ,
per bsd eone eiy far psr-kers had
started From thl tim on 'ompetition
In anything st all desirable ws keen, snd
in many cases antes abowed an advance
of a much n 20c. The gimeral market ,
lookerl fully 16c to in m.iiiy Inatances a.c
owing to the fat tlat many of the
rule at the low end o' the innee were'
not made In time to be quoted yesterday. ,
the averae wna hUlicr than the market1
really warranted. For thla reason a com-!
pnrlaon of the svernae for the two dny
w ill not show so much of an advance aa I
can be actually quoted. This happen a;
great many time when the market I
late one day and earlv the next, or vice !
era. 1
Hulk of the hog todny obl st 49.0fKi'
!: 25. and the top reached rt.30. (ilan.-ing1
bark over the tables one find thst theao 1
I rices sre the highest paid elnce AuguatJ
1314, and W4th ttiat exception the highest'
aims the records eatsbiished In 19b). !
representative sales;
.. 14(1
. . .2-7
.. &1
. 27
II 1
tl 00
t ;o
SHF.F.P Today's receipt of heep nil
lamba were almost as lame as for Tues
day snd Wedneadiv combined. nd were
Jar In-er than for anv Thursday in e
the flrat week of c'elruatv. A total of
fifty-live cars, or li.ouo head, showed tip.
and the aupplv for the week to dnte to :w,r.;K '-end. Thla Is iun
smaller thsn a week ago and a fftlllnif
off of 14.'."o hs comp.'irefi witli a vear ai?o.
but Is sliKhtly Liraer thsn for the same
dnvs two weeks ago.
The trade remained a verv tlravity nf
fair all throuuh the forenoon, and pr ces
never Improveil any, what lamba sold
up to noon belnir a full 1"( 15c tielr w ve;4
terday, and little If anv better than
Tuesday. A. few lond of chnbe Mcxlcens
reached 111.15. while hulk sold downward
from 111.10. (loo ve;bty l"inb .Mooeij
within Iho last thirty days brought $!.25.
Noon c'e. ! ''-e w voo:-. I" to I'Ci-li-borhood
of fifteen load, mostly nf lambs,
remaining in fltt hands at thia time.
As comparer? with total re 'dpte offer
ing of ewe were very scanty and most
of those here were cleaned up In pretty
good season nt steady rui-es. Choice fed
westerns again fold nt IH 25, while others
of a real good sort sold hs high as tx.'.o.
A couplo of loads of real lieavv yearlings
sold for shearlnp O'lrpnae at l.oo.
Quotations on sheep snd lamis' Lamba,
good to "hnlce. i0 .Srtij 1 1. IS. lambs fair
to irood JtlO.ur.S 11.!0: Inmhs. fall cllniwd.
S!.?Wi 10.01; lambs, fresh M'ppod. SJ.""le,
I'.l'R; yearlings, fair to choice, light, SVJ5
filino; vearllngs, fair to choice, lieavv
IVfWMO; wetter, fair to choice. S7."5
S."i0; ewes, yood to choice, 1 Oufi8.26; ewes,
lair to good. S7.Wiw.i0.
Representative sales:
. 82
. Wt
. 7li
,. "8
11 ?5
8 i1
10 90
11 10
473 fed
4!2 fvd
1 fed
ewe .
1! fed
I.I re Stock Market.
March 9. CATTLF, Re-
I.S11O head: market higher: native
beef steer. S7.50479.60; yearling steers and
heifera, SS.5ui.fi0; cows. fu.fiofift.OO; stock
ers and feeders, 3 i.WVii'7.k.; Texas and
Indian steers, 85 ZficK.OO; cowa and heif
ers, 14 noli . Oil; native calvea, Sft.OUiill.O).
HOC LS Receipta, 7.700 head:, market
higher; pigs and light. Sft.KTdfl.Ro; mixed
and hutrhers, .6Si 14J.0O; good heavy, S9.86
SIIKKP AND IA MBS Receipts. 1.700
head; market strong: yearling wethers,
l.t.noif10.00; lambs, SD.00jf11.2u; ewes, Si.n0
Woos City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX Cli Y. March 9. CATTLE Re
ceipts, l.W head; market steady; native
steers, S".Gofi9.'ir; cows and heifers, Sfl.OO
i7.25; calves, SVOor(j9.60; bulla, stags, etc..
nous Receipts, e.onn head; market 1M
J.V! higher; heavy. t9.2Wi9.4a: mixed. 19.10
t9 2; Unlit, S9.00iu9.10; bulk of sales, S9.10
&9 X:
head; market steady; ewes, 17.75: lambs,
SS.&Kii 11.00.
Dry Uuods Market.
Jobbers today reported a r.eady trade In
wash fabrics, white eoods. linens and
dress goods. Trlmary markets were gen
erally rirm. but quiet. Yarns were
steady. Raw silk waa hicrher, with a
fair amount of buying reported.
Maternity! The
IVord of Words
It U written Into life's expectations that
motherhood is the one sublime accom
plishment. And if
there la anything, no
matter how simple,
how apparently trivial
It may seem, If it can
aJil, help, assist or In
csny way (comfort tha
expectant mother. It la
a blessing. A ad (mch
Is remedy called
'Mother' Friend."
You apply It over tha
crtomaca muscles. It is
gently rubbed 00 the
surface, and makes
the fntMnlAM ml I - . .
this relieves tha strain on Hcsments, natural
expansion takes place without undue effect
npon the nerves. And as tha time ap
proaches, the mind has gona through a pe
riod of repose, of gentle exnectaacy, and
thla ha an unquestioned influence upon the
future child. That this Is true is evidenced
by the fact that Hires generations fit mothers
hare used and recommended "Mother
Friend." Ask your nearest druggist for a
bottle of this splendid remedy. He will get
It for yon. And then write to Brad Held Reg
ulator Co, 40T Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Oa.
for a most Interesting bonk of informstlon
to prospective mothers. It Is mailed free.
Writ today. It is a book you will enjoy.
Omaha, March 14 to April
No. Av .-h I'r
7 iej e 1 ;s .
ion ...... n 4a s :i 4
41 14 ... e , ri .
4.1 r ... li SI .
7 34 1 .. ii Tl
IS 7S ... 7 JS .
'JI ... t to
Crydf rrnan. Confessed Murderer of
Nellie Heelan And Anna Lay
port, Doomed to Chair
.VALENTINE. Nob., March 9.
CSporlal Teleram.) William W.
Cryrlerman, confessed murderer of
Mr. Nlie Heelan and Mrs. Anna
Lay port, was condemned to the elec
tric chair yesterday by the Jury
which was out on hour and a half.
While facing the. Jury the prisoner
was the picture of dejection, but In
the intermissions in a back room
he smoked and laughed and Joked
with his guards and said it was no,'
necessary for the members of the
Jury to retire from the corfrt room,
but could render their verdict in
their chairs. He invited 'alt present
to attend his funeral and to give
him all papers containing the ac
count of his crime and sentence.
This crime Is one of the most
brutal In the history of the atate
and has been watched wtth deep In
terest by people In this county. If
the Jury had returned any other ver
dict the prisoner would have been
summarily lynched, Is the opinion
expressed on every side.
Motive tor Crime.
A young man named Punbar from the
state reformatory, testified today, that
while a fellow prisoner In the Alliance
in II. rryderman told him that the story
told by him that the motive for the crime
was a reprimand admlnlatered by Mrs.
Heelan over driving a sick horse, was
a fake and that the real motive waa
his desire to attack Mrs. Heelan.
A prisoner confined here named Madison
gave similar testimony. Cryderman tell
ing him thla laat Monday. The court
room was crowded today and many
were turned away and every one was
searched. Twenty-five special deputies
were employed to guard the prisoner,
watch the crowd and keep eyea on the
Heelan family, especially John Heelan,
whose look of hate seldom left the pris
oner's face.
Cryderman would long- ago have been
lynched, but for the promise' given to
Nellie Heelan'a mother, who resides In
Omaha. Cryderman will be the first man
to die In the chair in Nebraska, and the
S In
iTr Prosperity's face is reflected la th
Oil, mirror of our advertising colunina.
As you look Into them you Bee t'"
II . business Interests of this community
and more and more the national iutereais
reflected as In a looking glass.
These columns tell you at a glance just
who Is actively seeking, business and just what
their reasons are for expecting to get it.
These columns are the meeting place of
the buyer and the aeller in all lines. TU
Interest they have to the reader is of an in
tensely practical nature. They not only glva
to readers information. 1Ut Information of a
practical tbaracter, which directly bears on
"Where Continuous Advertising Will Pay"
first person to receive the dea'h penalty
In Judge Westover'g court In his twenty
ears on the bench. The defense wa In
sanity. The court room ws cleared when v:e
verdict was returned.
Crydermsn had been a vsgabond all his
life and said had murdered his best
friend, Mrs. Ifeelan. Cryderman threat
ened to kill Madison, his fellow prisoner,
tonight. He said tonight that when he
goes to the chair he would thr.iw up
his hsnis and sav: " Here goes nothing."'
Rend Bee Want Ad for Vsc
them for results.
4 roftnn School Inaetl.
criOFTOX. Neb.. March 9 1 Special
The Hoard of ll -alth today ordered the
t'rofton public schools closed, on account
of tea tin fever.
i ii
Li U
For Quality and a Saying of 25 to 50 Per
Cent on the Cost of Living, Try Hayden's
FirstFriday Specials in Our Grocery Dept
16 lbs. Pure Granulated Sugar. $1.00
4)8-lh. racks Hest High I'atent
Health Flour, the flour of quality,
per fuck $1.65
4t-lb. sacks Heat tirade L'iamond H
Fiour, made from No. 1 selected
whotU. nothing finer for bread,
pies or cakes, sack $1.40
4 pkgs. Domestic Macaroni B3c
7 ibs. Hest Holled White Ureakfa-t
Oatmeal lor l60
lbs. Hest Sterilized White or Yel
low Cornmeal 17
7 lbs. licst Bulk Laundry Starch,
for $6o
45 cans Oil cr Mustard Sardines. 190
6 lbs. Choice Jnpsn Ulce. $50
1-lb. cans Assorted Keups, can. .8lo
.Tall cans Alaska Salmon 104
K. t'. Corn l''lakes, pkg &o
Yeast hViam, pks; 3o
4 cajis Max, Strlnfr. Green or Lima
Beana for 28 o
4 larfre cans Condense! Milk.... 880
8 imll cans Condensed Mllk....88o's Peanut Butter, lb.. 13V0
Hershey'a Breakfast Cocoa, lb..&0o
1-lh. pkK. Condensed Mince Meat, Bo
The Best Hoda or Oyster Cracker.
per lb., at To
Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup, 380
Crlsco, small else can A3o
Crlsco, medium slr.e can 45o
Crlsco, large size can 89
Larue bottle Worcester Sauce, Pure
Tomato Catsup or nckles, assort
ed kind, bottle BHo
The hest Tea Slftlnirs. lb 1H
Choice basket Klred Japan, ICngll-tli
Breakfast, Coylon, Orlons; or Gun
powder Tea. lb 360
lOlk Will Be A Fisk Non
Uke 1915 Will You Be A
The unprecedented demand for
tire at low prices continues.
less than the smooth tread ores of many
other standard makes.
With Fick Free Service in more than 100 Fisk
Branches it is the greatest tire buy of the year.
Compare These FUk Prices
Grey Non-Skid Casings and Tabes
Sas Casks TisV
3 x30 . . 10.40 . . 2.60
3ix30 . . 13.40 . . 2.95
4 x 33 . . 22.00 . . 425
41x35 . . 3120 . . 5.55
41 x 36 . . 31.55 . . 5.70
5 x 37 . . 3730 . . 6.90
Fbk Tires For Sale By All Dealers
The Fisk Rubber Company
f N. Y.
General Offkei: Clucopceci Falls, Mut.
Omaha Branch 2403 Farnam St
Branches in More Than 100
a Looking Glass
See Omaha's Business
Packing House Strike
At Sioux City is of
Short Duration
SInl'X CITY. Is.. March 9 The strike
of hog butcher end cutters In the
Cudahy packing plant, called auddenly
this morning, tame to a quh'k end tbl4
evening, after a three-hour e1on of a
delegation of seven strike leaders and
body of local b s ne men who appeared
In the role of mediators. lan Cameron,
superintendent of the Cudahy plant, alo
attended the conference.
The men ftrurk because of alleged vio
lations of the recent agreement entered
into between the company and the me:t
who were Kruntcd mm increase-.
1,000 Box Tancy Colorado Black
Twl Apple Parked In bushel
boxes and sold regularly for $3.0i)
per box. This car was shipped to
us to sell for the grower. Sale
price, per box $1.95
The Beat Strictly rrssh Bo. 1 Conn.
try Era-it doa aoo
The hist grade Biitteritte, equal to
creamery Butter, lb $30
Good Table Butterlne, lb 18o
Choice grade, 2 lbs. for 850
To fitrht the Butter Trust uaw
12 and 150 slie Fancy Highland
Navels, Friday, dozen 85o
The finest o quality, fancy &,
siie. Horlda Grape Fruit, each.. Bo
Direct (rm the groww to con
raxner. As w adTsrtlss, o w U.
15 lbs. best Ohio Potatoes 30O
Fresh Spinach, peck 0a,
8 large bunches freeh Radishes.
Turnips, Carrots or Shallots. . loo
California Cauliflower, lb 7M
X large Souip Bunches .......... loo
H'ancy Cucumbers, each ........ 18o
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb....l40
Fancy Head lettuce, head. .80, 7H
.1 hothouse Leaf Lettuce 10c
Wisconsin Cabbage, lb 1H0
Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Par
snips, per lb So
Fancy Egg Plant, each l$Ho
Horseradish Root, per lb 8M0
Fresh Parsley, 3 bunches' 100
Fancy Ripe Strawberries, qt. boxes.
at ... 380
.Fancy Mushrooms, box..,.- 500
- Skid Year
Fisk User?
this quality
It still costs
Ties to R e-car f
(Mar rwii
their mode of living and generally means a
saving of time and money.
Have you looked to see what the mirror r-flcM-ts
Day after day, month in and month out.
the progressive, up-to-the-minute business
houses of this city are telling the people of
Omaha and this trade territory what they
have to offer of advantage to the public. Yo'i
cannot get a true perspective of Omaha's busi
ness without reading the advertising columna
very day. You cannot reduce the cost of
living In any other way so easily as watching
the advertising columns for the good things
offered by the merchants, who are always
represented in