THH IJKK: OMAILA, THURSDAY, MARCH 0, 101G. Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -;- Entertainments -:- Club Doings 8 Ml "Growing With Growing Omaha" i .. . .. . , .... .. . -,, .,. i. .- - - TWMM, -A -- - - - - - The New Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing. PRING IS HERE PREPARE! And with that characteristic readiness which is evidenced in all the actions of this store WE ARE READY TO SHOW YOU AND TO SELL YOU THE BEST of EVERY WEARABLE AT THE SMALLEST PRICES YOU WILL PAY ANYWHERE FOR MERCHANDISE OF LIKE CHARACTER. 1 "ML 5. x Ml Suits $ Supreme Style and Satisfaction Foreign makers that have been copied are: Drecoll, Bishop Ormed, C allot, Beer, Premiet, Jenney. Francis, Etc. The materials are the ones that you will find in every line of the more expensive suits l Gabardines, Poiree Twill, Pop K lint, Serge, Worsted Checks, f Mixtures, Etc, A special feature this season that will he met with delight by the stout women, is the lino of good dressy models that The Fashionseal makers have made for them. Sizes that run in the half sizes, 42V2, 44V2, 46ya and 48V, also in the odd sizes, 43, 45, 47 and up to 53. Special attention has also , been given to the misses and small women. Fashionseal values always compare with other suits at $32.50, $35.00 and $39.00. These Suits which we offer at $25.00 are simply incomparable in this vicinity. For style, for ex cellence of material and satisfactory wear. they are supreme. And the approval of Dame Fashion goes with every "Fashionseal" Suit. House Dresses for Spring Made to Look and Wear Well STL YE in a House Dress t Yes it all de pends upon the cut when the Dress is pat . terned right it is sure to have a certain style to it that is not to be obtained with the or dinary wear. These Dresses are RIGHT. New Spring House Dresses, In light and dark per cales and ginghams, also nurses' stripe. High neck and long sleeves or "V neck and elbow sleeves; neatly trimmed with bias folds and embroidery col lars. Ranging In price from f 1.00 Q Dainty Bits of Neckwear ' For the Outdoor Seasons Dainty Swiss Vesteea, lace trimmed. Unusual values at 29 O Collars and Collar and Cuff Sets, Swiss em broidered and lace trimmed. Special values, while they last 150 The Right Ribbons FOR TRIMMING AND BOWS Millinery Ribbons, 6 Inches wide, plain taffeta and moire taffeta, In all the good millinery shades. Yard IOC Hat Bows In different styles; wired and ready to place on the spring hat Special, each....05o VT N Grepe de Chine and Plaid Silk Blouses . Right at the time when spring bids every woman look well to her ward robe, comes this news of Dainty , Waists at very, moderate prices. There is wonderful variety here, but at this time we spe cialize on just two lots of Waists.-- A comparison anywhere else will prove conclusively that these values are nnmatchable. Crepe de Chine Blouses, Plaid Silk Blouses. Striped Tub Silk Blouses at $2.50. Made of extra Quality materials. Low neck and long sleeve models. Colors Nile green, peach, tur quoise blue, white, flesh and malxe. New Striped Crepe de Chine Blouses for Sport Wear. These blouses are tailored beau tifully, some hare white crepe de chine collars and cuffs. All the new shades. $5.00 and $6.50 OMAHA CHILDREN AIDINGORPHAHS Local Society Hai Already Sent Over Thouiand Dollars to Aid Lit tle Suffereri. New Hats Show Turn-Up Brim WANTS ORPHAN FOR BIRTHDAY By JIEUIKK I A March . The Omaha branch of the Society of the Fatherless Children of France has received over ll.cor) In contributions to Its treasurer. Mrs. August M. Horglum. "Kanjr letters accompany these con tributions, proving there are people In our midst who are willing- to make tell ing sacrifices to help the most helpless In a war-stricken sister republic," says Mrs. Rorglum. Following is a letter received from a young woman who is earning her own living: "I have been much Interested In the newspaper accounta of your project to care for tho French orphans, and I want to help the little people left orphans by this cruel war. 1 think this appeals to me particularly, because, my mother was left a widow with five small girls to raise and I know something of the hardships aha endured in raising and educating us. I am Inclosing my chock for IJfS.W, and If it la allowable to chooae, I prefer a littlo girl as my protege." Wand an Orphan. When the littlo daughter of a rich and prominent Omaha family was asked the other day what she wished for her birth day she replied promptly. "Oh, please. mother, give me a French orphan!" Nine-year-old Elinor Kountse, tho only daughter of the Charles Thomas Kountzes, asked for a war orphan when Miss Schofield first came to Omaha on her mission of mercy. The contribution was sent In the child's name with her request that It be a girl. It was only recently that little Elinor learned that the orphan not going to be sent to her In Omaha she had formed her own childish conception of what was Involved, and she was bitterly disappointed to discover that a little French girl was not going to be raised by her, under her own care and super vision, "Just as If she were my own lit tle sister," the child expressed It. The youngest contributor is now Stelllta Stapleton, daughter of the Daniel C Stapietona. Chicago Guest Honored. Mrs. Fred C. Hill gave a tea from S to o'clock this afternoon at her home for her mother, Mrs. Henry Hardy of Chi cago. A very pretty spring effect In flowers and shaded candles was) produced In the decorations. In the dining room yellow tulips and yellow shaded candles were used, with pink and white sweet peaa In the living rooms with pink and white variegated candle shades. Assisting the noseless were: Mesdames C. M. WUhelm, Karl Krtgecomb, Percy Stevens, MlRses Ruth Hlabavgh. Mesdames J, O. Russell of Falls City. John Beaton. Misses Grace Slabaugh. mmons-Groh Wedding. The wedding of Miss Anna Oroh, daugh ter of Re v. Leonard Oroh, to Mr. John Gray Hair Restored to its Natural Color Id a tew applications to Its original dark, glossy bade, no matter bow loot It has bees gray or laded, and dandruff removed by It Unla Jyrtio one will know yon are using It. 26c. 600, $1. all dealers or direct upon receipt of price. Bend tor booklet "Beautiful Hair." Philo Hay Specialties Company, Newark, N. 1. fJutlin and Silk Undergarments Dainty Underwear of Mualiu and Lingerie Cloth fashioned right and made and finished in an excellent manner. Muslin Underwear, most beautiful display of styles la Muslin Gowns with lace yokes and Inserts of em broidery and ribbon rosettes. Cut full and long and made with set-In or kimono sleeves. J i ff Specially priced ? 1 eUU Camisoles, made of wash silk and trimmed with lace Insertions and net; ribbon run. Regu- f r" lar $1.00 values, special DOC Envelope combinations, made of fine quality lin gerie cloth, trimmed front and back with val lace and embroidery Insertion. Exception- t ff ally good values at P leUU Imported Novelty Jewelry Consisting of Bar Pins, Brooches, Beauty Pins, Cuff Links, Hat pins, etc.; Thursday, In i A two lots, at 5o and 1UC CHOCOLATE DAY THURSDAY POM PEI AN ROOM Delicious "Pomp lan Bitter Sweets," fresh from our Candy Kitchen. Pure, rich flavor, creamy chocolate with crushed fruit and nut centers. Our great big attraction for Thursday. At other times we sell it for 40c a pound 25. Hosiery Offerings for the Entire Family Women's Pur Thread 811k and Fiber Hose, black, white and colors, seamless and faahloned; spliced aolea. heels and toes, wide lisle garter tope, worth 60c. Of" pair JuC Fiber Silk Hose, In all colors and black and white; seamless, double soles, heels and toes and gar ter tops, worth S5c. special. the pair . 25c Misses' Children's and Boys' Hos iery, mercerised and plain lisle; double knees, high spliced heels and toes; medium and OC huvf welrhta Get into business via the "Business Chances ( ) i r If :'1 I- , n - J 6, mi (MMiiirrf ftrni i Br i- mroxTEiKE, The extreme turned-up brim aa shown r-n many of the dresxy hats created by Georgette, affords a charming frame for the faco of the wearer, possessing piquant features. Tho hat illustrates with its wide turned-up br!m Is softened by tho ripples that are evident. The hat Is de veloped In navy straw and faced with satin In a matching tone. Clustera of ostrich tips In flesh color afford a smart note. Plmmons of Valley Junction, la., took place Tuesday afternoon at the Grace Lutheran church parsonage. Rev. C. N. Swlhart, pastor of tho church, officiated, and the attendants were Mrs. Lenore Keller and John J. Nugent. In the evening a wedding supper was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nugent. 2033 North Twentieth street. Forty guests were present. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. L.ibal wish to an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Anna Frances David, to Iester P. Wes cott of Omaha, formerly of Creston, Neb. The wedding will he solemnized In June. For Mrs. Coffey. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Baldrlge will dine Informally at home this evening with a few guests In honor of Mrs. Titian J. Coffey of Iyos Angeles, guest of Mrs. Coffey's sister, Mrs. Howard It. Bal drlge. Mrs. Howard II. Baldrlge will give an Informal luncheon at her home tomorrow for Mrs. Coffey. Social Gossip. Mr. and Mrs. Josenh M TtfllHrive enH Mr. Grafton Wolfe will leave npit Tup. day for Atlantic City, intending to make sojourn or four weeks on the New Jer sey coast. Mrs. J. O. Russell nt Valla flttt 1a tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. Earl Edge comb, and Mrs. Fred C. Hill. Mrs. Charlea A. Hull will go to Lincoln In a few days to visit with her mother, Mrs. R. T. Holmes, for two weeks. j-Mrs, Frank H. Myers returned Tuesday from a short visit to Chicago. . Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis -will leave the first week In April for the east At Ithaca ur. and Mrs. Davis will be joined by their son Herbert, who is a Junior In Cornell university. Mrs Davis will go to New Tork City and hear grand opera the two weeks that the doctor and his son will visit and study the medical colleges of the various universities, including Har vard, Columbia and Johns Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Megeath have gone to Washington, where they will be Joined by Mr. and Mrs. John T. Towle. Miss Mary Megeath and Mlsr Marion Towle. I Personal Mention. The Mayor and Mrs. James C. D oilman are gueata for the week at the Elms at Excelsior Springs. Mr. Dahlman Is meet ing many old friends from Lincoln who are now at the Springs. Mr. E. O. Hamilton is at the Elms hotel, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Miss Nell Dudgeon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Dudgeon. Is quarantined at her home with scarlet fever. REESE ENTERTAINS WOMEN AT THEATER AND DINNER C. E. Reese, the Jewely man, Is taking advantage of the fact that his wife is on a visit to tho east and gave a theater Party at the Orpheum yesterday followed hy a dinner and dance at the Henshaw. Following are tho twenty women who were the guests of Mr. Reese: Mesdames Mesdames L. A. Dermody, C. o. Wilson, K. C Onerke V c -'. A. Sheller, A. I Lemon. Anna. Menemson, John Overstreet, C. B. Whitney, Lee Huff. A. M. Ijongwell, H. H. Hauke. W. L. Huffman, F. C. Voorhles, L. J. Pulman, Misses Rertho, S warts, Laura Cottmlre, Florence Cottmlre, Misses Grace Robertson. Armeta Ansbrough. Mrs. Booth Will Not Come to Omaha Now Major McCormlck of the Volunteers of America has received a wire from Gen eral Balllngton Pooth raying that Mrs. Booth is at the bedside of a life-long friend and has been compelled to cancel all of her speaking engagementa, includ ing the one at the Boyd theater in Omaha March 16. Major McCormlck, however, has received assurances that Mrs. Booth will visit Omaha later. A New Boot for Ladies9 This Is the very latest boot for Milady, direct from Fash Ion's headquarters. We have It la lace, in light grey. Ivory and black, nine Inch top, in button, in battle ship grey, eight and one-half inch top. This boot Is Genuine Goat Kid (not sheep skin) and is Drezel Quality throughout Turned and welt soles; AAA to D, sises to 9. Light Qrey and Ivory, $7.00 Black 8op Kid, $5.50 Battle Ship Grey Button, 8 't-inch top, $5.00 PARCEL POT PAID. Drexel Shoe Co. Formal Opening of the Ray mond Furniture Company Will Appear In Fri day's Papers The big stock is being placed on our lx roo.ny sales floors at 1513-1516 Howard street as rapidly a cabinet men can remove the crate. The store will be ready to open lt doors to Omaha and the public SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH ELEVENTH. Aside from our interesting display the big and wholly new stock of furniture, rugs and draperies there will be mualo to add to your enter tainment and there will be flowers for you. Also there will be refresh menu, and there will be such a per sonal welcome for each visitor that you will be glad you came not alono that we shall feel honored and grati fied with your presence, but your welcome and your part taken In the beginning of the structure of GOOD WILL' which the Raymond Store hopes to build In Its future business rela tions with you, that ahall live much longer In your minds than any passing entertainment that could possibly be offered you, and after the flowers have faded and the music shall have died In your ears. Watch this paper for our big an nouncement Friday. RAYMOND FURNITURE COMPANY. ONE DIVORCE GRANTED AND SEVERAL APPLY Divorces granted by Judge Day: Zerma from Nathan Kendall, upon allegation of cruelty. Divorces asked: Fessle from Morris Kelley, charging infidelity. Married here in 1914. Mollis from Nels Jensen, charg ing non-support. Eula from Harry Hoff man, charging desertion. Robert J. from Henrietta Hamilton. COSTS TWENTY-FIVE TO QUARREL WITH WIFEY Ban D. Shaw, 614 North Sixteenth street. was fined f and costs in police court for quarreling with his wife, Norah Shaw. PLAYS SOCIETY GIRL IN FLAY AT BELLE WE LAST NIGHT. Mreproof. European. HOTEL LOYAL lets aa4 Capitol, OkUIi, . . - JTBBKAJKA. State Trade Specialty Invited Rooma, $1.00 and 1.60 With IWuh, t.50 and Vp Cafe the Very Best Popular Fricee STOP AT THE IjOYAL ' t w I 'ft MARY BRANDT. A Simple Way To Remove Dandruff The Manicure Lady ' She Tells the Htad Barber slew the Picture Show Impressed Her By -UII.MAM K. K1HK. "I was to tee a picture show last night," ssld the Manicure Lady, "and it was so sad that I cried right In the theator. My escort looked kind of cheap because he didn't bring no handkerchief, and mine got so damp I couldn't use It no more." "It ain't no disgrace to have a tender heart," said the Hosd Barber. "I wish my landlord was galted more that way." "This picture wss about a young girl that was Jilted at the last minute." said the Manicure Lady. "She read them cruel words which he wrote to her, and then she put on her bridal .dress and tried to kill herself. Her mother came in Just In time and saved her." "If I was a girl I wouldn't kill myself for no gent," said the Head Barber. "Gents is too easy to go. If a girl la wise, and of course If I had been a girl I would have been a wise one." "Of course!" said the Manicure Lady, freexlngly. "Of course you would be a wise girl. I don't see what keeps your brains from oozing out of your ear. George. If you had been living In them days, Mister Sockratcs would have been working for you. "I'll tell you one thing, though. If a young man ever trifled witn my young heart and I got wise to it, I would make a awful tramp out of him before I got through. I think that kind of a man is a awful low sort. George, even if he hap pens to be a rich aristocrat. As Master Tennyson once said, 'Kind hearts is more than coroners." "This Is a funny old world," mused the Head Barber. "Sometimes I think some of us gets more than our share, the Same as I did when I married the Missus. I never deserved no such grand girl. And when I think how I've got her and then think how lota of better fellows gets stung. It seems to me I'm a pretty lucky dog even if my horses don't always win for me." "Of course you're lucky, George, but not no more than you deserve to be. I only hope that when I have whispered yes and walk up the aisle of the church I will be walking along side as true a gent as you aro, only more handsome." "I never was much on looks, I know," said the Head Barber. "When I wae a kid they used to call me Frogfaoe. That ain't nd pet name, no way you figure it, because nobody ever seen a frog that you could call handsome. Their eyes Is big, but too bulgy, and they ain't got no expression. Their faces never lights up." "No, frogs certainly ain't handsome." agTeeed the Manicure Lady, "but who ever started the nickname on you must have been kind of Jealous. You ain't the handsomest man In the world, George, hut goodness knows you are above the average, and when a man gets too hand some he ain't usually a good provider. dereagH ivrd.. iCk.. oth.k etoaln ta "One of my neighbors uptown is mar ried to a man that looks Ilka a Greek god and provides for her like a Greek peddler. There is Greeks and Greeks, and she got a little of both kinds. "My nature is one of them gentle kind, George, like a rippling river, but when It overflows everybody usually takes to the high grounds." "I've noticed that," said the Head Barber, admiringly. "Nobody gets very gay around you. At least. I never seen nobody." 'No. you never seen anybody," said the Manicure Lady. "No gent ever treated me disrespectful fcr more than two or three seconds, and they better not had!" There is one sure way that haa never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that la to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this. Just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid a iron from any drug store (this Is all you will need), apply it at nlfht when retiring: use enough to moisten the s-alp and rub It in gently with the finger tlr. By morning, moat if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will comiMetely dis solve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of It, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all Itching and digging of the scalp will atop Instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and oft, and look and feel a hundred times better. Advertisement. Deputy Sheriffs No Longer Search for Five-Year-Old Deputy sheriffs no longer search for 6-year-old Willie Russell Southwell. Tuesday Willie's father requested Judge Bears to Issue a writ of habeas corpus so Willie could be taken from his mother, who, said the father in request ing the writ, was not competent to care for the child. Deputy sheriffs surrounded a house at 1M6 Chicago street, where Mrs. Southwell and the little boy were supposed to be In hiding, but the tot could not be found. The search came to an end when Mir. and Mrs. Southwell appeared before Judge Sears and Informed the Judge they had "made up" and Southwell retracted hla assertion that his wife was not com petent to care for the boy. SON OF COMMISSIONER KUGEL D0WNWITH FEVER City Commissioner Kugel has left his home and family and has taken a room In a downtown hotel. The reason for thle unusual action la that his 8-year-old son, Charles, haa been stricken with scarlet fever. The Kugel residence at 824 Forest avenu-j Is under quarantine. Mr. Kugrl will be away from home four or five weeks. Monday afternoon Harry Fessler, 14-year-old nephew of Mr. Kugel, was ex. am'ncd and Ms case pronounced as scar let fever. He was sent to the City Emer gency hospital, but when the Kugel boy broke out it was decided to attend him at home. The following twelve new cases of scar let fever were reported to the health of flc on Tusday: Annette Nouroe, 30St Poppleton. Italian tby, 1115 8outh Seventh. Mary Komech, 21 South Fourteenth. Freslln Kats, 1SW South Twelfth. Apnea Walters. 2f4 Arbor. Kred Skinner. 4323 Cuming. Claud Rusland. 313 North Twentieth. Marxaret Dohaney. 3010 South Ninth Mildred Btevens, Room 402, Wlthnetl block. Frances Conlan, lTflK Pass. Barbtira Sveska. 23:7 South Nineteenth. Carlson. 2122 Bancroft. JARDINE BELIEVES IN ILLUSTRATING IDEAS City Commissioner Jardine believes the members of the Board of Education may be impressed by pictures. When ordinary conversation fails he holds that pictures are effective. He Is trying the picture stunt on the school directors and believe be will succeed. The school officials do not take kindly to the proposed grading of the Dodge street hill on account of Central High cchool. They believe tho grado would leave the school building in an unsightly position. Mr. Jardine drew a picture of the school as It will appear after the grading. He had one of his draftsmen prepare a correct view and then he sub mitted it to the School board. "Just show them pictures." remarked the commissioner. Key to the Situation-Bee Want Ads.