Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    THKHKE: OMAHA, TIll'KSDAY, MA IK'! I .. 1!H6.
"'s fa nartlner IhIi"
altlasore bUItm El holm. J.w.l.r.
UfbtUf Utr BurfMa-Orandn.
aTr aVoot mm 1 Mow Beacon Praas.
Vae "Tas-lUa'' shisrlts. 9un1erland
anto Tin Claim, Jaa. Morton 800 Co
"Toiay'a Korla Trur dMilflJ
fltlon today. It aprare In Tr-a B-
a-XCLUSTVELr. rind out hat tha vi.
rtous moving pletura theaters offer.
Froparty Cared Tot To rent property,
'e J. 11. Dumont Co.. Keellne Wdg.
Laborer a Bankrupt Ben Pleburh. a
laborer. J-T Kim street, filed a petition
In bankruptcy. Liabilities, $162.55; as
its. tlflO.
Zoaa Talaabla Watch C. C Coyle of
the Drexcl hotel reports that m:ik
thief talned entrance to his room Tu.s
day nlftht and stole a valuable gold witch
which he prUed highly as a sift.
Bedford rilaa for Commissioner Jeff
Hertford wants to be a county commis
sioner again. He has filed for the demo
cratic nomination. II. H. Claiborne filed
for Justice of the pe" nd Harry Haek
ett want to be state senator.
Bird lecturer Saturday Ernst Harold
Hsynes, lecturer on birds and outdoor
animal culture, will lecture Saturday eve
ning at tha First Baptist church, Omaha.
The meeting is being held under the auj
plces of the Nebraska Audubon society.
Id for Stealing Tobacco Arnold
Solnmon. 70 North Thirtieth street, was
bound over to the district court on a
charge of breaking and entering the es
tablishment of the Western Buyers' as
sociation and taking tobacco to the value
of $i. Bonds were fixed at ISM.
Drawa Big Fine Mary Krcsek of tha
Tazton hotel and Jrk Dixon. C12 South
Sixteenth street were arraigned in police
court for quarreling and the latter was
fined $100 and costs. Dixon maintained
that Mary threatened to shoot him and
the Judge, after hearing the testimony,
asserted that she was not far from hav
ing good cause.
Vagro Club Organises A body of
Omaha negroes met at Mecca hall, Twenty-fifth
and Grant atreets, Tuesday eve
ning and organised the North End Col
ored Republican club. The officers are
James O. Jewell, president: D. G. Rus
sell, vice president; W. W. reebUs, sec
retary, and Price Terrell treasurer.
It Pays to Naturalize
Germans Driving
French Positions
West of the Meuse
PARIS, March 8.-FolIed In their at
tempts to carry Douaumont plateau, the
Germans are now turning their attention
to other parts of the land and are driv
ing at French positions west of the
Meuse. while their artillery keeps the
French busy elsewhere and their Infan
try nss been making attacks in the
Woevre district in the vicinity of Fresnea.
As the first result of their drive to
the west of the Mleuse, the Germans took
the town of Forges, and since have, ad
vanced further to the south and aouth
east. The capture of Forges, which waa
only an advance post and not strongly
held, was apparently the first step in a
serious effort to storm the long crest
extending from the Meuse to Forges
broo. The fire from the highest points
along the crest, .the Mort Homme and
Oie Mils, took the Germans In the rear,
when they were attacking Douaumont by
way of Vacherauvllle. and was partly re
sponsible for their failure of Sunday,
while the violent and persistent bom
bardment of the German artillery had
little effect upon the fire of the French
batteries along the crest. It would be
natural then for the Germans, according
o their known methods, to turn to the al
ternative of trying to storm the heights
with masses of infantry.
The desire of the Germans to reduce
the awkward salient formed by the
Meuse north of Verdun waa anticipated
by the French, who are fully prepared
for its defense, with every confidence
that the German attempt would only re
sult In heavy losses for the attacking
rrXKtT half m
I ' i I J s - I 1 if vmi uAiT vn im r I
ft ; 1 11 ivv wvriiw 1 u vuil; 1
Keener Interest is Beinjj Mani
fested in The Bee's Demand for
it New Structure.
they had the United States to fall bark
upon. At the same time Germany Is
confident of victory."
Investigation of
Fitness of Brandeis
Now Under Way
WASHINGTON. March . Testimony
hst parties to the much-discussed Lennox
bankruptcy litigation were kept In the
dark as to the exact connection of Louts
I). Brandeis with the case wss given to
day before the senate subcommittee in
vestigating Mr. Brandeis' fitness to be a
supreme court Justice.
James T. Innojc told the committee
that Brandeis had told him he would act
as his counsel and that he did not learn
until months after the assignment had
been made that Brandeis was not repre
senting his Interests.
Abe Stein, a Lonnox creditor, aald he
had employed Brandeis to act for him.
but later the same day Brandeis had sent
word he could not do so, but would act
for Lennox.
Moses J. Stroock, Stein's attorney, told
the committee he never had doubted that
Brandeis waa acting for Lennox. Other
witnesses have stated that Mr. Brandeis
acted as trustee of the Lennox estate.
George R. Nutter, an assignee of the
lnnox estate and a member of the Bran
deis law firm. Is expected to testify to
morrow In regard to the case, and Ed
ward F. McClennen. also of the Brandd
firm, will be recalled for cross-examination.
Harry Zimman Talks
To Economic League
Upon City Gas Plant
That a proposition should be made to
the gas company to buy its plant and
make It a municipal plant, or that the
city should go ahead and build a mu
nicipal plant, was reiterated last night
by Harry B. Zimman In an address be
fore the Economic league at the court
"Omaha Is to be congratulated." he
said, "on the existing condition whlcli
makes It possible for It to buy the plant
without having to pay an exorbitant price
for the franchise or for going value."
He reminded the members that the gas
company's franchise expltea in December,
1918. He reminded them further that tho
figures of the hired expert are on file
with the city, giving the physical
valuation of the plant at $1,500,000 ap
proximately: "On that basis." he said. "it Is safe to
proceed with a bond issue of $2,000,000.
Then we are in a position to buy the
present plant or to build a new one. Now
we must give the gas company officials
credit for having some regard for the capi
tal they have Invested. Naturally they
would in such a situation seek to save all
they could from the wreckage, and they
would sell rather than have tia build a
competing plant, for the moment we have
a competing plant built ready to commence
business when their franchise expires
their property Is abaolutely worthless.
"If the city council refuses to support
uch a movement to Issue bonds, I am
In favor of getting the necesaary signa
tures to a petition to go before the people
with the proposition In November."
Over Long-Distance
They Hear the Roar
Of the Breakers
WASHINGTON, March S. Demonstra
tions of recent achievements In the de
velopment of long-distance and wireless
telephony featured the annual dinner to
night of the National Geographlo so
ciety. Among the guests of honor were
Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of
the telephone, and Theodore N. Vail,
president of the American Telephone and
Telegraph company, who met face to face
for the first time in thirty years. In spite
of their mutual Interests of almost a
The diners heard by telephone breakers
rolling against the California coast, and
at the aame time watched moving pic
tures of the surf at the same point.
Words and music of the Star Spangled
Banner, picked up from a phonograph
by a wireless telephone receiver at the
navy's great Arlington plant, went
through the air to a long-distance wire
line, out of New York, which brought
them to the banquet table.
During the evening communication was
established with points In Canada, Juares,
Mex.; Seattle, Wash., and Jacksonville,
EL PASO, March 7, 12:86 a. m. General
J. J. Pershing, commanding the Eighth
Infantry brigade, with headquarter In
El Paso, tonight delivered a brief ad
dress over the telephone to the National
Geographical society In Washington.
Keener and keener Interest Is
Ming taken in The IWs demand
that a new tinloti depot he built for
Omaha. Business men all over the
city are talking of It. ami universal
expression of the great need of
Ruch a structure In Omaha are
heard. Following are a few of the
expressions heard:
Randall K. Itrown. t h tirnian of
the Executive Committee of the Com
mercial Club I ran only say that
after returning from Kanitaa City
nd the palatial depot there, that
Omaha's depot looks more than ever
like a wgyslde station. We are cer
tainly entitled to something better.
Charlea K. Black, t lie Matter. Former
King of Ak-Sar-IVn-Of rourr we need
depot In Omxria. Theie an he no ar
gument about that. I don't see how a
man who has a residence or a business
In Omaha can have any other thought.
t t'p to (lass.
George E. Roberts. Grain lH-aler-Omaha
certainly needs a union depot and I never
realise the fact more than when 1 go
away from home and return. So far as
I know, there is not a city In Omaha's
class that does not have better union
depot facilities. The inadequate depot fa
cilities here are a constant Injury to the
city. In every other respect we are up
to. If not ahead of other cities In the
seme clnss. hut hen It comes to a depot,
we are not our. two. three Still. I be
lieve that if the business men would pull
together, we coi.UI shsme the railroads
Into building a depot that would be In
kerplna with the Import 111 e of the cly
llsrry A Tukev. a Kstate and Form
er Kxccutne t'nmtuttteeman of the t'om
men liil Club- ! is hard to he!lee that
the t.illroads will spend any hne sum of
mnntn In Omaha with the present pro
posed sdverse legislation that seems to
Iw popular throughout the country.
It" Hail Impression.
.1 A Caxers. Member of the Grain '.
change The present station that ha
U-en gixen the nnme. I nlon ilepoi." Is
not up to I he stun. 1st. I of today. II
not the km. I or n depot thai the r.llroa i.
have built In di es of the oanie class
Omaha end is no' an up-to-date slrnc
tine in ant respeit. Ii is no Oin kind
that ac niitmndalea ihe people to the besi
adantBKC snd wliat Is still oL-e. hen
you come Into town horn either dire. -tlon
and look It oei It les you a vei
bad Impression of the city. (Grangers
gel the Impression that vmaha Is In
keeping with Its union station, whereas,
we have one of the bel and most pro
gressive cities In the country, while our
depot Is a relic of the psst. Wi are en
titled to a better depot and I believe that
if we go about it in the light ay wt
can get It. We have koI to not only
ask, but e have got to demand a better
depot, and back our demands up by pre
senting a united and solid front.
T. K. Murtrsa. Kdltor of The Twen
tieth Century Farmer-1 have Just te
turned from a trip through the east.
Washington. New York, Pittsburgh, Chi
cago, etc.. snd when 1 stepped Into
the omaha station I Telt as though they
had had a ruin here and Ihe depot had
J. P. McGrath. With I'pdike Grain Com
panyIt is a shame the way Omaha has
been treated in the matter of union
depot facilltes. We are entitled to bet
ter treatment. Our grain business, our
Jobbing, o r live stork, our grsln and
our other lomnienial business indicates
that e are one of the cities In the I'nltert
States that 's lorglng ahead in every line.
Still the rat'liosds t ang ba k and msk-
ns put ip mlth a depot tht Is not only 1
totally Inadequate, hut n disgnce to the
city. It Is time that some action be taken
by the people to Induce the railroads to
give us what is coming and I am con
fidently of the opinion that If we pre
sent a solid front and show that we are
In e-mest In the matter we can get a
belter depot.
Hall tarri Sold.
The onlv bsse hall pmk In Akion o.
as last week sHd to a real enisle firm
for building put poses
N1"V Viic; M-uch X. Milpments "f
sl aving hri'f-tirs fro-o London. I1 hrncs
foiili lie tlmioiulily liispe.ird. brcatis
of the pos-dhl'l'v li st tl.ey may carry
anthrag germs. t!i heslth department
announced tonight. This a-tlon will re
sult from a lttt received by the de
partment f'om Dr. A. K. Chalmers,
health officer of (ilssjon. Hcofand. In
which be ssld examination of shavini
I rushes from lxndon had dW losed living
anthrax germs.
Key to Ihe Kltuetlnn I're W ant Ads.
621 Residents of Nebraska
registered at Hotel Astor
during the past year.
1000 Room. 700 with Bath.
A cuisine vhich has made
the Astor New York's leading
Banqueting place.
Single Room, without bath, Jj.oo to
Double 3.00 to 4.00
Single Rooms, with bath, 3.00 to 6.0a
Double 4 00 to 7.0
Parlor, Bedroom ana bath, 10.00 to f 14.00
At Brogdwiy, 44th to 45th Streets the center of NewYotk'g social
and business activities. In close proximity to all railway terminals.
Rank at Rock, Kan., Hebbed.
W1NFIELD. Kan., March 8-Roberta
bUw open the eafe of the State bank at
Rock, Kan., sixteen miles north of here,
early today and escaped with 13.000.
Take Iron, Says Doctor, if You
Want Plenty of "Stay There"
Strength Like an Athletic!
Germany No Longer
Regards Uncle Sam
As a Good Friend
NBW YORK. March .-The general
reeling among many noted men in Ger
many is that the government there bat
exhausted all efforta to retain Ameri a'
friendship and can do nothing further,
according to Hoy S. Macelwee, secretary
to the American consul general In Berlin,
who arrived here today on the Norweg an
American liner KrUtlanim. Mr. Macelwee
baa returned to visit relatives and will
go to Washington on official business.
The military and naval strength of the
1' lilted States Is not seriously regarded
in Germany, said Mr. Macelwee. "Oer
nians feel," he asserted, "that thero ts
manifest moral sympathy In the United
States with the entente allies and this Is
going to prolong the war In that German
believe the allies feel that they have the
I'nlted t-'tatea to call upon in case of
ntceiwity. 'iermans think that but for
this American sympathy, peace wo'ild
row b poysiMe Inasmuch as Cermany's
iiiulis would le willing tj get together
nound the table if th'-y did not feel
O rilaa ry Hnxated Iron Will Kale Bell,
cats, Verrona, Xundowa People
00 trong-or In Two Weeks'
Time, la ataay Cases.
NEW YORK. N. T. Moat people
foolishly aeem to think they are going
to get renewed health and strength from
some stimulating medicine, secret nos
trum or narcotio drug, said Dr. Bauer,
a specialist of this city, when, as a mat
ter of fact, real and true strength can
only come from the food you eat. But
people often fail to get the strength
out of their food becaua they haven t
enough Iron In their blood to enable It
to change food Into living matter. From
their weakened, nervous condition they
know something Is wrong, but they can't
tell what, ao they generally commence
doctoring for stomach, liver or kidney
trouble or symptoms of some other ail
ment caused by the lack of iron in the
blood. This thing may go on for years,
while the patient suffers untold agony,
if you are not strong or well, you owe
it to yourself to make the following
test: 8ee how long you cen work or how
far you can walk without becoming
tired. Next take two five grain tablets
of ordinary nuxated Iron three times per
day after meala for two weeka. Then
test your atrength again and see for
yourself how much you have gained.
1 have seen dosens of nervous, rundown
people who were ailing all the while,
double thetr atrength and endurance and
entirely get rid of all symptoms of dys
pepMia, liver and other trouble tn from ten
to fourteen daya' time almply by taking
Iron in the proper form, and this
after they had in some cases been doc
toring for months without obtaining any
benefit. But don't take the old forma of
reduced Iron. Iron acetate or tincture of
Iron simply to save a few cents. You
must take Iron In a form that can be
easily absorbed and assimilated like
nuxated iron if you want it to do you
any good, otherwise It may prove worse
than useless. Many an athlete or prise
fighter has won the day simply because
he knew the secret of great strength
and endurance and filled his blood with
Iron before he went into the affray,
while many another haa gone down to
Inglorious defeat simply for the lack of
MiT&-MiMl.a iron recommended above by
.r r-wr, mim 01 in n.wr orgmiue troo com
pound. I'nllk tn older lnorsanlc Iron prodvwta.
It t. aullr awlmluuod, dun nut Injure the tooth.
01W0 thm blHi-k. nur upoot to iomcb: on to.
ountrarr. it to a moat potent remedy, ta nearly
ell forme of Indiiieetton. a. well a tor nervoua.
rundoein condltlona. The manufacture re have avh
sremt confidence in Nuieted Iron that the offer
lu forfeit ilia) 00 to my oaetrltablo Institution It
they cannot laae any man or woman under to who
If kl Iron and Inrreaee their etrenath MS ber cent
or over In fuur weeks' time provided ther bare no
aerloua orcanlc trouble. 1 bey alao offer to refund
your money If It doea not at leaat double your
strength and enduranoa tn tea days' time, it le
41 .pen ten lu thle city by Rhermao St McConnell
Drug Htoree and all other drusslata. Advertteeme-nl.
Important Notice
To Bird House Contest
Thursday, March 9th is the last day you can enter
as a participant in the contest, so hurry and enter your
name and Bird House.
House Must Be in Place
Saturday Morning, March 11th
All Bird Houses entered in the contest must bo in
place in the display before 10 a. m.t Saturday, March 11.
Prizes Awarded Saturday Afternoon
Burgess-Nash Gompany
Phone D. 137.
Burgess-Nash Announce a Sale of
For House or Porch Wear
at $1.00, $1.50, $1.95, $2.25 and $2.50
A year ago we placed Mina Taylor House Dresses on 6ale for the first time in Omaha. We offered these dresses for
sale then after the closest investigation after it had been demonstrated to us that they more nearly met the
requirements of comfort, style and good material, combined with economy, thau any other house dresses which had
ever before been brought to our notice. Now after a year's experience, experience that is backed by the en
dorsement of hundreds and hundreds of womem we announce this' present sale of Mina Taylor Dresses with great
Mina Taylor Dresses have features which take them entirely out of the class of the ordinary garments. You
should see them.
Four Big Features of Mina Taylor Dresses
11118. The dreAse are ao de
signed that they curve with the
natural hip linoN, thut K'vinK
room where rKm in needed with
out ucrtfirlng iveatnetts.
KAYKLmade like those in a
man's shirt so that they will
not wear out quickly; and
I hey cannot ravel even if a
hi itch breaks.
SKAMH. This makes a neat,
strong seam, in keeping with
the high quality of these
8 I'll K COMFOHT. The sleeves
are ao cut that the wearer ran
hang a picture or dress her hair
without pulling or binding at the
It Doesn't Pay to Make Your Own
House Dresses
MINA Taylor Dresses are so stylish in apjea ranee; so
low in price; so sturdy in service, because made of
6uch good material that no woman who values her time
will try to make a house dress when she can buy a Mina
Taylor Dress at such a low price.
You'll Appreciate the Comfort and
Fit of Mina Taylor Dresses
IF vou have never worn a Mina Tavlor Dress buv one
at this sale and learn how really comfortable, pretty
and ierfect fitting a house dress may be when made the
Mina Taylor way.. "The Home CJarb of Discriminating
We Want You to Come Thursday and See This Display
YOU will be so delighted with these dainty dresses whea you see them that we urge you to attend this important dis
play and sale. Every woman has the assurance that her appearance is always above criticism when he is clad
in a Mina Taylor Dress.