Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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The Bee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
Vntered at Omaha portofflc srcond-elsss matter.
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cent atampa received In payment of small arcotinta.
Personal checks, except on Omaha and eastern
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Omaha Tha Be Building.
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Council Bluffa 14 North Main street.
IJnooln 6J LJttl Building,
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New York Room 1108. I Fifth avenue,
ft. Louis BOS Naw Bank of Commerce.
Washington T2! Fourteenth street, N. W.
Address communications relating to newa and edi
torial matter to Omaha Baa, Editorial Department.
54,328 Daily Sunday 50,639
rwrlght Williams, circulation manager of Tha Bee
Publishing company, being duly a worn, aaya that tha
average circulation (or tha month of February, 1918,
s 4.i:i dally and 50.sH Sunday.
PWIOHT WJMJAMU, C irculation Manager.
Suhactibed in my presence and aworn to bafora
ma. tbla M day of March. 1RI
ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public
Sabeerlbers leaving the city temporarily
should have Tbe Dee mailed to them. Ad
dxeee will be changed a often ae requested.
It wouldn't be March without these March
To have good roads, we must be prepared to
pay for them.
"It pays to naturalize" It aure do pay the
naturalization fee crabber.
The March lion hasn't anything on congress
when the latter Is wound up.
Viewed solely as a literary production the
McLemore resolution Invited what it got.
Strange as It may seem, the lighting ques
tion Increases the darkness In the city hall.
' The Jim river Is reported on the rampage.
No, It has no relationship to our Mayor "Jim."
It Is plainly evident In the last exchange of
notes that John Bull doesn't love Germany any
Speaking of pr. Outtery as late head of the
Norfolk State Hospital for the Insane he never
wtu be missed.
Nevertheless, the opposition sent to the
White House Information calculated to produce
the "sober second thought"
An awful stamp In bull moose votes Is dis
closed by the Indiana primary. But wait till
tbe Nebraska returns are In.
The unmistakable note running through the
tumult of congress conveys to the White House
two sobering words: "do low."
Why doea a municipal court Job aeem to look
better to the legal fraternity than a district
court Job? Is It the newness that attraetsT
With ducking and dodging the constant sue
cession of low bridges, the lot of the average
congressman Just now Is hardly a happy one.
. i . .
A sledge hammer knock on the over
reaching greed of the allies would be an agree
able change and Improve the brand of neutrality
In vogue at Washington.
Colonel Bryan says the vote of congress
doesn't mean anything. Similar comment wat
offered on the popular votes of 1896, 1900 and
1908, but they did the business Just the same.
. Omaha never got anything from the rail
roads without pulling tor It. We will get that
new passenger station, too, only by making the
railroads understand that we are entitled to It
and bound to have It
If the site of the "Billy" Sunday tabernacle
is to be used for the King's Highway next rail,
it Is up to Ak-8ar-Ben to cut out of the street
carnival all the cheap gambling games and other
rough stuff that put the last one In so bad.
In seeking expert advice on municipal street
lighting it behooves the city commission to move
cautiously. Securing disinterested expert opinion
on matters electrical Is not an easy task, so com
pletely does "vested Interests" control tbe ex
pert supply.
Thirty Years Ago
This Day in Omaha
Cemplla frena Bee TOaa.
The Latest German Note.
The text of tbe German note delivered by
Count von Bernstorff to Secretary Lansing may
reasonably be Interpreted as Indicating a dispo
sition on tbe part of Germany to modify its sub
marine campaign, in some way to comply mith
e utahlished aea law. Claiming that the submer
sible is a new arm, the exact status of which is
not established by convention or law, the Ger
man Rovernment pleads that it be given a stand
ing that will permit use against commerce ss
well ns for offensive or defensive warfare. The
difficulty of writing new law in the presence of
war Is admitted, but refuge Is found behind al
leged violations of existing law charged against
Great Britain.
Here Is the weakest point of the Oerman
position. By no reasonable process of logic can
be supported the implied contention that In pur
suit of its submarine policy Is Germany righting
the wrongs put upon neutral commerce by
Great Britain. That the law of blockade was
violated by the establishment of a world-wide
war rone through the order-ln-councll that
superseded the Declaration of London has been
Insisted by all neutrals, but they are making
their protest directly to Oreat Britain and Us
allies. Nor will It fully suffice that Germany
promise conditionally to obey the law If Great
Britain equally agrees to do so. The case of
the neutrals can not rest on such premise. Ef
forts to secure agreement between the belliger
ents has already failed, and the matters there
fore must be dealt with, regardless of thelr
It must be kept in mind, too, that at no time
has the United States abandoned Its protest
against the Illegal acts of Great Britain, but this
government has pushed Its case with all energy,
although It has been overshadowed by the pres
ence of the more acute situation occasioned by
the work of the submarine. The American peo
ple are not yet ready to surrender all neutral
rights to either side.
Power of the Imagination
Democratic Dilemma in Nebraska.
It Is Indeed refreshing to hear our amiable
democratic contemporary, the World-Herald,
urging that the party come to Nebraska for a
running mate for President Wilson In order to
strengthen the cause of democracy in a "doubt
ful state." Things must certainly be In a bad
way on the democratto side of tbe fence If a
president seeking re-election on his record must
be bolstered up in the state from which he se
lected his cabinet premier by associating with
him someone of only local political prestige.
Here In Nebraska all the democratic ele
ments are professing intense loyalty to the pres
ident's polfttcal fortunes, but obviously It Is for
the roost part mere lip service stimulated by the
hope of office or patronage preferment. Be
yond this, the democratic faction-leaders are
pulling apart and waging a death battle for
supremacy within the party.
Nebraska a "doubtful state" from the demo
cratic viewpoint? It certainly Is. And when
the principal democratic organ la moved to make
that admission It Is tantamount to confession
that Nebraska is already regarded irretrievably
lost from the democratic column unless some
hoped-for but not expected life-saving miracle
transpires before the November voting.
Way Clear for the President.
' Mr. Wilson may now' proceed with the per
formance of his constitutional duties, with the
assurance that congress is not, for the time at
least, to Intercept tbe executive prerogative. The
way has been cleared for him by dint of utmost
exertion of party Influence, and the adoption of
such means aa will leave those outside the Inner
councils of democracy wondering Just what has
been achieved. So far as numerical preponder
ance enters into the calculation, the vote la most
decisive. Totals, however Imposing, frequently
lack the element of finality, and that most essen
tial factor seems to be here missing. As In the
senate, when a similar test of strength was had
last week, the decision Is suspended, not ex
Whether the vote was to save his face, or to
honestly support the president, the house has
followed the line of least resistance, and has
left the question in an unsatisfactory position.
It Is admitted that certain members of the ma
jority party In congress are ready at any time,
for partisan or factional reasons, to hamper or
thwart the president In any of his actions in con
nection with his foreign policy. This clique has
avoided a square test of strength by temporarily
hutting off opporuntty for fair consideration of
the Issue on Its merits. Dodging behind a tech
nical parliamentary maneuver permits the par
tisan to pose as a patriot, a refuge to which
many of tbe democrats swiftly flew.
The next move In this domestic disagreement
must wait on diplomatic action. It Is only cer
tain the marplots of democracy will not cease
to embarrass the executive In whatever negotia
tion ha may undertake.
' Twe masquerade signalised tha evening, ona at
Gaynor'a hall, given by tha Juvenile band of North
Omaha, compoaed of tha following: A. R. Tooaar,
leader; A. J. Langen, Frank Kaina. P. . Coagrova.
Wilt Truckey. Luke McDermott. John Curry. Burt
Nichols, Al Tooaar, George Reed. Henry Kranaer. John
Herold, John Kaatman. fhsrle Walker, William
Clark, John Read, Elmer Keuatrom. Vlo Viceroy and
Iran Otllon. Tha other social was given at No. 4 an
gina house.
' Mr a. Nathan Bhelton entertained at a domino party.
Among tha character taken were tha following: Mrs.
Burns, "Girt of WIS:" Mra. Colpetser, "aretchan;'
kits Sheer. "Spanish lady; Ulea Kimball, "colored
mammy;" Mia laaaca. "little girl." Mr. Fhelton,
"Uncle (Sara;- Mr. Funkhouser, "Mikado."
.' Tha ConoordLa society held a grand mask ball at
Oermarle hail, tha committee in charge being arrayed
aa grand dukes, splendid and unique in colored cloth,
beaded and. Jeweled. Tbeaa grand dukea were: George
Uvirarod. I Raapke. Oeorga B. Bt rat too, Adolpb
Meyer, W. Slayers, Max Becbt and Al Grobecker.
The largest boua aver gathered In tba opera houe
waa there to see "The Black Crook.
Charles Balbacb and daughters have rvtumod
from tb south.
Samuel Burgatrom, tha clothier, returned front the
Keaion in Wage-Firing Action.
Quietly, and without reported friction, com
mittees representing operators and miners have
concluded their labors and ratified a wage scale
that brings an increase In pay of $8,000,000 a
year to the men In the great central bituminous
coal districts, and will affect wages of coal
miners everywhere. Contrast this procedure
with the strife and turmoil of the past, of strikes
and lockouts, destruction of life and property,
and the embroilment of whole states in a wage
controversy. At the late convention of the
United Mine Workers of America It wag voted
that work would continue In all mines, pending
settlement of the wage scale. Negotiation!
were promptly taken up, with a conciliatory
attitude on both sides, and the result is Just an
nounced from New York. No better exempli
flcatlon of the power of reason in wage-fixing
action could be asked. The railroad men can
well afford to follow the example of the miners.
Oerrett P. SJervlae.
A MONO tha many phenomena which our fellow,
men rreaent to ua for our wonder and instruc
tion, none is mora curloua than the strange
limitation of the power of the Imagination which iwroi
to make many persona unable to aee, mentally,
things which are not evident to their eyesight. This
Is Illustrated by tha following question which, alnxu
larly enough, haa come almost simultaneously from
places aa wide apart aa Ban Francisco, Chicago and
"If the world were twlc larger, and a perfect
glole, and a pleca of glaaa a quarter of an In- h
square were put on It, would every part of the glas
touch the globe?"
In aome of the letter It la stated that this quest'on
haa been made the subject of a wager. Evidently
th things occasionally run in wavea through the
general mind.
Assuming, as Beams due from the character of the
letter, that the question Is aerlously asked, one won
ders why It waa thought n wee nary to double the size
of the earth. Taking the earth aa It Is. If It were an
abeolutely perfect sphere, a perfectly flat bit of glas
a quarter of an Inch aquare laid upon It would aeem.
even If viewed with a powerful microscope, to touch
with It entire tinder aurface. But that would be a
deception, for the glass would only touch at the cen
tral point.
Tha earth rounds off eight Inches In a miie, and
the amount of depression varies aa the aquare of tha
distance from the tangent point, or point of touch.
An eighth of an Inch (half tha diameter of tha piece
of glaaa). la tha 60t.Wth part of a mile. The aquare
of this Is 2M, Divide this by eight and we
aea that the apace separating the outer edgea of the
glasa from the sphere would ba about one-thirty-two-thousandV-mllllonth
of an inch! This space would be
decreased with Increase of the earth's sire, but no
matter how large the earth became there would al
ways be some apace left
Tim and thought given to such things are by no
means wasted, because they show how limited would
be our knowledge of tha universe around ua If that
knowledge were confined to what we could actually
aee, or measure with instrument. Upon the scientific
ua of the Imagination 1 baaed a very large part of
the knowledge of nature that we possess. If we could
not mentally as thing which are Invisible and In
sensible to our phyelcal sense, w ahould know
nothing about molecule, atoma and electrons. The
electron, which are the smallest known particles of
what w call matter, hare been estimated to b only
ona twenty-mllllon-mllMonth of an Inch tn diameter,
which la mora than 600 time less than the minute
pace of which w formed a mental picture In the
calculation mad above. On the other hand, the
diameter of a hydrogen molecule la probably about 600
times greater than that apace.
There la nothing that the Imagination cannot do.
It leads science at every step. Often It seems to lead
astray, and when Its pictures of possibilities contra
dict what w already know we must reject them until
further knowledge settles the queatlon. In their
mind's eye certain men of science foresaw the di
vision ot the atom Into atlll smaller particle long
before a practical demonstration waa obtained of the
actual existence of those smaller particles, now
called electrons. That waa a case in which the Imag
ination did not lead aatray. It Is not difficult to
Imagine the electron again divided Into something
mailer yet, but science will speak of such division
only when. If ever. It has a demonstration of It. As
an exercise in tha use of Imagination, suppose we
tak a look through the mind's telescope from the
wrong end. Tou know that It you look at a hou.?e
through a apy-glasa. or opera-a-lnss, reversed, the ob
ject aeems to have been greatly diminished In sice
and to have been removed to a corresponding distance.
Now, It la eaay, In the mind, to treat the whole earth
the same way. Increase of actual distance haa the
earn effect on alae that Is produced by increase of
apparent distance.
The earth Is 8,000 miles In diameter, and living on
Ita surface we cannot see It as a whole. But If we
went to the moon we could see the earth aa a ball
nearly four time a great In diameter aa the full
moon now appears to ua Going twice as far the
earth would have the same apparent als a the
moon. Now, an electron, the smallest known thing
haa a diameter of one ,000.000,000,000th of an Inch;
how far would w have to go in order that the ap
parent site of the earth (it we could see it at til.
which of oour we couldn't), should be no greater than
that of an electron on foot awayT There I no need
to display the calculation here; It suffice to give the
result. The distance would be over 1,900 quadrillion
of miles, or away beyond the known limits of the
tarry universal And yet, though th earth were at
that tremendous Alatano, and hopelessly invisible, the
imagination could aee It perfectly well, and Just so
the imagination can the electron, when one as
sured of ita existence.
Twice Told Tales
W lee tvntatltaeat.
A congressman received almost dally letters from
a constituent asking for garden ed, with emphasis on
peas. Th demand for pea got so heavy that th con
greasman waa moved to writ this letter:
"I am eeodlng you a half-doaen more packagea of
pea a requcatad. Bay, what are you trying to do
down there, plant th whole tat In peaaT"
Th reply cam a few days later. It read:
"No, I am not planting them, but they make bully
oup. Band alon aom more." Kansaa City Star.
Tn Meatera V mj.
"What la your diagnosis, doctor?"
"Welt, I find that you have a llttl Inflammation
In th ear; your throat la allghtly affected; your
digestive organs are not functioning properly, an!
there la evidence of bronchitis."
"But can you fix me up?"
"Well, I advise that you go to Dr. Tappem for
your ear; acrosa the street you wilt find Dr. Swallow,
who Is a throat specialist, and Dr. Pepsin will under
stand your digestive difficulties. As to your bronchitis
you ahould see a good lung expert at once."
"But lan't there anything th matter with me that
you can curT"
"Tea. you have a 110 bill In your wallet. I'll relieve
you of that." Philadelphia Ledger.
People and Events
Rome scores once more In seeing things far
in advance of rival visionaries. Spotting a Oer
man fleet of twenty dreadnaughts on the North
Sea demonstratea a range of view unrestricted
by distance. The Inability of nearby watchers
to see the dreadnaught parade goes to prove the
superior range of Roman imagination aa It
sweeps the world from the Tiber lighthouse.
Tbe State Banking board proposes to look
beneath the application for the sources ot
strength of proposed state banks. Inasmuch as
the state leans on strong banks for the protec
tion of the weak, justice to tbe former requires
a secure foundation for each charter granted.
Nearly lot girls of Peterson, N. J., gave ohaa to a
man, but failed to land him. He attempted to bur
glaris a horn for working girl and managed to
escape empty handed and with hide whole.
The court of appeal confirm the conviction of
Prof. Henry Bamuet of Wichita, Kan., aentenced to
serve one year and on day and pay a fine of V.5"0
Th profeaaor offense was using th mall to sell an
alleged cure-all that had no curative property what
ever. Quit a fortune waa derived from th boeu
medicine, which enabled Samuel, for thirty year a
realdant of Wichita, to build a horn "don la
mahogany and each piece of furniture, th curtain
and every detail Bhowa th touch of a hand of taate.
Joseph Medlll Patterson of tha Chicago Tribune
relate hi experience In tha different war fronts In
'The Book of a Neutral." He relate that on hi
return voyage on th Oymlc, th largest of th am.
munition carrier, he took precaution te relieve hi
country of responsibility for th rlak he took. "Be
fore Balling on this ship," ha aays, "I left behind hi
a note, which would have been produced had occasion
arisen, to atate that I wanted te be th subject of no
representations or inquiries whatever, as 1 had gone
Into tba thing with my eye open."
Democratic FoUtlcs Only t'onfaslaa.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb . March 7. To
the Editor of The flee: This racket be
ing put up by the democratic preae aa
to what Wilson should or ahould not do,
former diplomatic relat'on. superannu
ated International law, etc., may be well
aa an Interlude between the scenes of a
democratic administration that never has
hal a purpose alnce It waa inaugurated.
In the first place, no one of any In
formation expected anything from Wll
an'a administration bvit contusion, how
ever preferable that might be to some
thing worse. If this present democratic
administration demonstratea there is
nothing In democratic politic but con
fusion. It will have served some good
purpose to democrats, of whom there
are many who do not depend upon gel
ting Into a political che box for a
The republicanism of Lincoln and the
democracy u. Jefferson were synony
mous. Democracy la a principle as op
posed to imperialism, not a parly. Th
democracy of thla country is today
smothered by one-man power, party
Idolatry. The management of the demo
cratic party (so-called) are simply politi
cal promoters for office, cheese box
statesmen; when one cheese box gives
out, they pul In an application for more
Iet the -hyphenated citliens of this
country political, religious and economic
continue to furnish auppllcs to their
allies to devastate Kuroue and destroy
ita rialng democracy; they cannot now be
If any reckless and adventurous Amer
icans wish to Invade Mexico or navigate
th war tone of Europe and get shot
or drowned, that is their business; they
did not have to go. We do not propose
to sacrifice a million men and much
money on their account They have been
warned of their danger.
Let us be Americans for America. If
hell has broken loose in Europe, let the
pot boll, we cannot help It- Those who
want to jump In, let them go to It. Let
u. here In America, re-establish a "gov
ernment of th people, for the people,
and by th People" a democratic gov
ernment that the unfortunate people of
Europe can conform to when their "cruel
war is over." Such 1 th beat 'pre
paredness" to protect the peace and
honor f this country.
Good Reada Oat from Omaha.
OMAHA. March f.-To the Editor of
The Bee: Do you not think if th prop
erty holder and taxpayers of Omaha
would stand together and take over the
atrcet car line, Omaha gas, Omaha elec
tric light, Omaha telephone and make
Omaha the western terminal for the rail
road lines acrosa the river then Omaha
could have money plenty to build double
track paved roads to county lines In all
directions? No doubt you are aware that
Omaha Is but a whistling station on some
railroad line which are asking for Omaha
patronage, that are helped by Omaha
merchant to boom small nearby towns,
rivals of Omaha. Do you not think
Omaha needs a few live wires to look
after Its interests. An oil pipe line from
Omaha to Wyoming would bring dollars
Into Omaha where the good roads will
not bring cents. A. TRAYNOR,
S916 California street
'ary Leagraa I Boar.
OMAHA, March T. To the Editor of
The Bee: The Navy league I promoting
a great convention to be held in Wash
ington late this month. By request of th
national officer of the league, I have
prepared an Invitation to our members
in this state and to non-member who
may wish to join our party. I would
thank you to publish tb Invitation, which
reada aa follow:
We are arranging to have full repre
ntatlon In the convention of the Navy
league, to be held at Washington. March
ST to SO, Inclusive.
The Nebraska section of the league will
have a voice In the proceeding, which
will be "a civilian' post-graduate course
in national defense."
At th convention the nation' ablest
experts on fighting ship and fighting
men, on generalship, policy and Inter
national relations will mak important
Secretary A. It. Dadmun wires me a
pressing Invitation to every member of
the Nebraska section, and to every Ne-
braskan who desires to be heard, to join
our delegation.
As president of the Nebraska section,
I take pleasure tn sending this invitation
to you, with the assurance that the of
ficer of our section would be delighted
to have you Join our party.
Come and help us register public senti
ment as we find it In Nebraska, In order
that our senators and representatives
may know of a certainty that our great
state stands for an adequate national de
fense. Let me have your acceptance soon. If
you have a friend who would like to go
with ua, bring him along. If the party
Is large, we will charter a special car.
ARTHUR C. SMITH. President.
Editorial Snapshots
"Tou seem fascinated by that elx-armed
"I am that. Wouldn't he mak a great
rase ball pitcher?"
Vhv .'"
"You could get any batter's goat wind
ins up with six arm at once." Louisville
Courier-Journal. x
asked S-year-oM Harrv,
one single thing Ood
"Isn t there
can't do?"
"Not one thing." answered his mother.
"Well, ther." said Harry, excltedlv:
"I'd Just like to see Him make a rock
so heavy He couldn t lift It Himself."
New York Tlm s.
msr proposal or Wrw
YEs - Arft have mourn -
"We won't have time for you to deliver
all the speech you are to make at the
next stop." said the campaigner.
"What II 1 do?" asked the orator.
"Cut out the facts and logical conclu
sion and get down to epigrams and ad
jectives." Washington Pter.
Arnp'-Ml lnwrr bertha ate taken.
Fat -Van ThHt's alt right. Give me
an i.ppfi u-i Mome thin, nervous man.
V hen he m es me he'll he glad to ex
change. fuck.
Fhe What's this I hear about your Bet
ting a large sum of money from some
He Someone's been kidding you. Who
ws the woman?
She (Innocently) Why. THay Wheat,
thev told me her name wss. Boeton
"What would vou do If a man mad
a direct offer to sell you hi vote? (
"I'd have nnthlna to do with him.
replied Senator Borahum. "I am tin
.lnt. but as an artist In politics Id
scorn any such coarse work.' aahlng
ton t'tar.
"What do von think' Here's yun
Flitters sot so confused when he went
after a msrrisae license that he got
dog license Instead."
"Merely natural Instinct 'ft,1
It was a case of puppv love.' Balti
more American
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
I sometimes think th yesterday ar
fslrer, sweeter fsr
Than any days that are to he or any
days that are:
Aa distance lend enchantment to the far
horizon line.
Bo time lis slamour weave about th
day of auld lang syne.
Ihe friends of youth seem dearer than
the friends we know today,
The world was brighter, lighter In tha
years of fnraway:
The blossoms on the orchard tree
ubtler fragrance blew.
And all the roses seemed to wear a
rarer, fairer hue.
And. oh. the Joye of yesterday are
deeper grown with time.
Our ancient woes are sweetened, olden
sorrows made auhlime:
And all the dreams that seemed to die,
the things that could not he,
The prayers of life, unanswered, still live
on In memory.
Today may bring tis happiness, tomor
row lure tis on,
But something ever turns our hearts to
other dsys lonir gone;
And blessed is the life which sees through
recollection's has
The tenderness snd sweetness of It hal
lowed yesterdays.
Cream of Tartar
is derived from grapes. This
means a healthful fruit origin,
a natural food, as distinguished
from mineral substitutes such
as Alum and Phosphate used
in cheaper baking powders.
Made from Cream of Tartar
Absolutely Pure
No Alum No Phosphate
Royal Baking Powder was used ex
clusively in the Free School of Home
Economics at Omaha Conservatory
Theater last week.
This "Old Chemist" trade mark is known to millions.
It is an honest trade mark for an honest product
Pure A&l'tWhiItV
has stood the test for 56 years. It is for mediciaal use.
Remember the "Old Chemist"
Pittsburgh Dispatch: Aa further evi
dence of th modernisation of the court a
a New York Judge haa ruled that a flirta
tion with your neighbor wife 1 all right.
Boeton Tranacript: Charlea Warren
Fairbanks think that a happy com
promise between a "blood and Iron" and
a "milk and water" policy would be a
buttermilk policy.
Indianapolis News: The house has
cinched Ita hold on the mileage graft
again by defeating an attempt to abolish
It. This action Is perfectly natural, as
get all you csn Is on of th most Im
portant rules of politics.
Philadelphia Ledger: Th battleship j
Pennsylvania is a fin ship, but It re- ;
mains to ba seen If it Is "th greatest
sea fighter In th world." Ther ar sev- j
eral ships ef other navies In commission '
which might b able successfully to dis
pute the palm with It.
Springfield Republican: A chance for
a keynot speech by Colonel Roosevelt la
afforded In the Invitation which haa been
xtended to hint by the Illinois Bar a,
soclatioo to address th lawyers' con
vention, to b held in Chicago June 1,
t and I. Both th republican and th
progressive convention will assemble on
th Tlh. Mr. Root having stolen the big
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to emphasize the uiufulnea of treading
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Persistence is the cardinal vir
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ly to be really succcessful.