Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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r i
livery bit of I'ar.druff disappears after
?ne or two applications of Dsndcrlne
tubbed well lno the scslp with the fin
fer tlrs. Oet a 25-ccnt bottle of Dander
tne at any drug store nnd nave your lialr.
After a few application you csn't find
particle of dandruff or any falling hair,
and the scalp will never Itch. Advertise
ment. A Child Doesn't
Laugh and Play
If Constipated
Look, Mother! Is tongue coat
cd, breath feverish and
stomach sour?
"California Syrup of Figs"
can't harm tender stomach,
liver, bowels.
A laxative today saves a sick child to
morrow. Children simply will not take
the time from play to empty their bowels,
which become clogged up with waste,
liver (rets sluggish; stomach sour.
Look at the tongue, mother! If coated,
or your child Is listless, cross, feverish,
breath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily,
full of cold or has sore throat or any
other chlldren"s ailment, give a teaspoon
ful of "California Syrup of F1r.." then
don't worry, because It is perfectly harm
less, and in a few hours all this consti
pation, poison, aour bile and fermenting
wasto will gently move out of the bowels,
and you have a well, playful child again.
A thorough "inside cleansing" la ofttimes
all that is nccessury. It should be the
first treatment given In any sickness.
Ueware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask
your druggist for a 60-cent bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs." which hns
full directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups plainly printed
on the bottle. Look carefully and ee
that It Is made by the "California Fig
Syrup Company."
It's Easy If You Know Dr. Ed
wards Olive Tablets.
Tha secret of keeping- young- Is to feel
young to do this you must watch your
liver and bowels there's no need of hav
ing a sallow complexion dark rings un
der your eyes pimples a bilious look in
your face dull eyes with no sparkle.
Your doctor will tell you ninety per
cent of all sickness comes from inactive
bowels and liver.
Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician
In Ohio, perfected a vegetable compound
mixed with olive oil to act on the liver
and bowels, which he gave to his pa
tients for years.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi
tute for calomel, are gentle in their ac
tion, yet always effective.
They tiring about that exuberance of
spirit, that natural buoyancy which
should be enjoyed by everyone, by toning
up the liver and clearing the system of
You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tab
lets by their olive color. 10c and 25c per
box. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus,
Heals Skin Disease
It Is unnecessary for you to suffer with
eczema, ringworm, rashes and similar
i Kin troubles. A little temo, gotten at
rr.y drug store for 25c, or $1.00 for extra
large bottle, and promptly applied will
usually give instant relief from itching
torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin
or.d heals quickly and effectively most
tkln disease.
Zcmo is a wonderful disappearing liquid
i nu does not smart the most delicate skin.
It Is not greasy, is easily applied and
costs little. Get it today and save all
lurther distress.
Zcmo, Cleveland.
Tht WorW$ Grtalttt
ExItrntU R$mtiy.
'.'In In Side,
-Any Local
Intitt oa Having
We have a successful treatment for
Rupture without resorting to a painful
and uncertain surgical operation. W'e
are the only reputable physicians who
will tak such cases upon a guarantee to
give satisfactory results. We have de
voted more than twenty years to the ex
clusive treatment of Rupture, an(j .
have perfected the best treatment in ex
istence today. We do not Inject paraf
fine or wax, as it la dangerous. The aJ
vantagea of our treatment are: No loss
01 time. No detention from business
No danger from chloroform, shock and
blood polaon and no laying up In a hos
pital. A Fw of Our Satisfied Patients.
Mr. Peter Blah. Harvard. Neb.; Arnold
Born, Norfolk. Neb.; W. M. Genzlingor.
Hurr, Neb.; C S. Judd, Avoca. Ia Jhri
H. Diaver, Blair, Neb.; C. M. Harris, Mai
ern. la.; Orrln Beed, Ogalalla, Neb
Anton Carlson. Oakland, Neb.; rtev J J
Stannari. I'llca. Neb.: John Ivohne', Wlal
ner. Neb.; John Coe. Sioux City, la Dan,
Murphy. 165s Noith 18th St., Omaha
Nh.. and hundred of others.
Call or writ? Drs. WRIT Si MATHBaTT.
00 Be Bldg., Omaha. KTo.
Judffe. Clerk, Marshal and U. S.
Attornej Make Record in Tak
ing Verdict from Jury.
If you had been in McCook, Neb.,
bftween 10:33 and 10:35 p. m. Tues
day evening you would bare been
regaled with the rare Bight of a
tnited States court running at top
speed through the streets.
"Read It here," becauae you can't
"see It In the movies."
Judge T. C. M unger, District Clerk
K C. Hoyt. District Attorney T. 8.
Allen and Deputy Marshal "Jim"
Nickerson were holding federal court
at McCook.
They finished all business Tuesday
afternoon and the Jury retired to de
liberate on the last case.
The Jury deliberated long. Time,
a usual, was fleeting.
It was waiting for no man.
Time Walla for one.
In this unaccommodating characteristic
time hss nothing on railroad tr.ilns. They,
too, wait for no man, not even a I'nlted
Hates Judge, etc.
The last tranl for Omaha left McCook
at 1;35 p. m. At 10:25 p. m. the Jury was
still deliberating; time was still fleeting.
Messrs. M linger, Allen, et al., had about
resigned themselves to staying all nlsht
In McCook.
Then came the word that the Jury m
rrobably no Jury was ever hustled Into
a court room moro rapidly, no verdict
was ever read more swiftly than this one.
Whirl llown the Stairs.
Time had fleeted to the 10:32 stage when
the Judge and his associates grabbed
their hats, coats, grips, mufflers,
goloshes and gloves and went down the
rtalrs, two at a time.
The train whistled as they came out
of the tfourt house.
And Sheridan fifteen miles away! No,
no, we Wan the station four blocks
They're off!
Grips knocked against flying legs.
Nickerson lost his hat and stopped to
;get it, murmuring sweet nothings to hlm-
self A bihulously-happy individual
leaning against a building yelled, "Stop
thief." A watchdog took up the chase
energetically and vociferously.
The United States court reached the
Etation Just as the engine gave its first
"chug-chug," and the breathless four
tumbled up the steps of the last car amid
the cheers of a small committee of
McCookltcs, who were In their usual
places to "see the train go through."
South Side Man
Slashes His Own
Throat With Razor
Fredcral Morris Lund, 4302 South Twenty-fourth
street, attempted suicide at 11:30
yesterday by slashing his throat with
a razor.
Just what prompted Lund to cut his
throat is not known, although "It is
thought despondency due to lack of work
for the last three months may have been
tha cause
Dr. Frederick Beck was called and Lund
was hurried to the South Bide hospital,
where his condition is reported serious
with every probability that he will die.
Lund hi a Dane who has been in the
United States eight years. He Is a mem
ber of the Masonic and Odd Fellows
Graff Settles Very
Vexing Situation
Superintendent Graff of public schools
believes he has put a quietus on tho
resignation of teachers in the First B
room of Howard Kennedy school. Dan
Cupid has been so busy In this room for
several years that the teachers have
marked the place as Infected by the
matrimonial bug. As soon ss a teacher
would become acquainted with the pupils
she would announce her resignation for
the reason that she had taken to herse'.f
a husband. These interruptions disturbed
the esprit du corp of the teaching staff.
The situation became so pronounced that
the superintendent placed a married
teacher In the room.
' Last year Helen Rossen had the room
and she resigned to be married, fhe
was succeeded by Beulah Hunter who
recently left the service on account of
marriage, llelvye Olson was at the time
of the resignation of Miss Hunter a
teacher of the Howard Kennedy school.
She married a Mr. Weaver and then
Superintendent Graff had a happy
thought. He Just placed Mrs. Olson
Weaver In this room and now believes
he has settled this vexatious problem.
Death of Judge James P. English be
fore pusslng sentence upon Arthur
Hauser, convicted of murder and high
way robbery. Is the leverage through
which the latter's attorneys hope to get
a new trial. Another motion has been
filed In the clerk of the dletrlct court of
fice and in all probability will come up
for hearing before Judge Sears Satur
Nicholas Murray Brtler. president of
Columbia university. New York, who will
lecture In Omaha this evening be
fore the ralimpsest club, is expected to
arrive in the city at 7:30 o'clock this
morning over the Northwestern.
William Williams, alleging that Patrol
man O. P. Peterson wrongfully arrested
Mm and then made htm submit to a
severe beating, asks Sl.OuO damages In a
petition filed in distrii-t court.
Dr. J. H. ancc Is Improving at I in-j
manuel hospital. Illood poisoning whlc.i
developed in his right arm has been si-
tested and his recovery seems ..rtaln.
Text of German Memorandum Reviewing
Controversy Over Use of Snbsea Boats
WASTTTNQTO.V. March t -The text of
tha memora;lum presented by Count von
Bernstorff follows:
"The Impertn! Oerman government, on
account of the friendly relations which
have always existed between the two
nations, and earnestly desiring to con
tinue them, wishes to explain the t'-boat
question once more to the American gov
ernment. "At the outbreak of the wsr the Oer
man government, acting upon the sug-
I gestlon of the t'nlted States. Immediately
expressed Its readiness to ratify the Pec
Isratton of London. At that time a tier
man prlie code had already been Issued,
which waa entirely, and without modifi
cation based upon the rules of the Dee
iaratlon of Ixmdon. Germany thereby
proved ita wllllngnesa to recognise fully
the existing rules of internntionsl law
which insure the freedom of the seas for
the legitimate trade of neutral nations,
not only among themselves, but also with
belligerent countries.
Neat ra Commerce Destroyed.
"Great Britain, on the other hsjid. de
clined to ratify the Dectsrstlon of Lon
don, and after the outbreak of the war
began to restrict the legitimate trade of
the neutrals In order to hit Germany. The
contraband provisions were systemat
ically extended on August S. 20. Septem
ber 21 and October 29. 1M. On November
8. 1914, the order of the British admiralty
followed, declaring the whole North Sea
a war lone In which commercial ship
ping would be exposed to the most seri
ous danger from mines and men-of-war.
Protests from neutrals were of no avail
and from that time on the freedom of
neutral commerce with Germany was
practically destroyed. 1'nrfer these cir
cumstances Germany was compelled to
resort, In February, 1915. to reprisals In
order to fight Ita opponents' measures,
which were absolutely contrary to Inter
national law. It chose for this purpose
a new weapon, the use of which had
not been regulated by International law,
and In doing so did not violate any exist
ing rules, but only took Into account the
peculiarity of this new weapon, the sub
marine boat.
"Tho use of the submarine naturally
necessitated a restriction of the free
movement of neutral and constituted a
danger for them which Germany intended
to ward off by a special warning analo-
After May Famous Singer Will Go
Back to Nursing; and Singing to
French Soldien.
"Ah, but, yes, I am tialrd, I am
nongry, exclaimed Mme. Emma
Calve as she came Into the lobby of
the Fontenelle hotel with her hus
band, Cav. Galileo Gasparrl, and met
three newspaper people.
Graciously madame said It and with
niucn smuing, such smiling as the
women of France excel In, and many
Madame is large, with olive com
plexion, black hair, black eyes. She
wore a big black straw hat with
black plumes and a black veil and
black dress and black furs.
For madame'a dear France la locked In
a death struggle and madame Is singing
here to raise money to help her country's
soldiers. She has spent months at the
front, cheering the soldiers with her
singing. Next May she will bo at the
front again, singing and nursing.
"But. een sees country I am neutral,"
said madame. with another eharmlns
Asked whether she Is Parislenne, mad-'
sme shrugged and gesticulated very much
and replied:
'Ah, la, la, la, no, no, no, no, no. Me, I
am of Aveyron een see south of France.
It Is see real France. But today we ar
all of France, notlof Paris, not of Avey
ron. but of France."
Madame and her husband, who Is of
Italian birth, have been singing together
six years. He is considerably younger
than she and she looks considerably
younger than her 61 years.
They spent nearly two hours in a walk
about Omaha during the morning.
"Ah, see air here is so good," she said.
"So clean, so clear, so fresh. Yes, es
pecially after Chicago," (madame gurgled
with laughter and her eyes danced) "and
Peetsburgh, oh, so black and so dirty."
Madame and her husband will appear
next week at the Orpheum.
Instant Relief for Sore, Tired, Tender Feet; for Aching,
Swollen, Calloused Feet and Corns
"Pull. Johnny, Pull!
My sore,
louie iooisick: loir reet reel tlr?u.
puffed up. chafed, aching, sweaty and
they need "TU."
"Tis" makes feet remarkably fresh and
sore-proof. "Tlx" take, the pain an.1
burn right out of orons. chIIouscs and
bunions. "Tiie" Is the grandest foot
gladdcner the world has evti known
(to'is to the warning had given
regarding the North Sea.
"As both helllKerents. Germany In Its
note of February 17 and C.rvat Britain In
those of February IS and 20. 191". claimed
that their proeedlng wss nly enacted
In retaliation for the violation of Interna
tional law by lis opponent, the Ameri
can government approached both parties
for the purpose of trving to re-establish
International law as It had been In force
before the war. Germany was asked to
adapt the use of Its new weapon to the
rules which had been eisilng for the
former niival weapons, ami England not
to Interfere with the food supply Intended
for the noiu'omhalant (iirman population,
nnd to admit Its distribution under Amer
ican supervision. Germany on March 1.
W declared Its wlllircncs to comply
with the proposal of American govern,
ment. whilst England on the other hand
declined to do so. Hy the order In coun
cil March 11, 191.V tlret Britain abolished
even what rcmslncd of the freedom of
neutral trsde with Germany and Its neu.
trsl neighbors. England's object was to
starve Germany Into M luiiisslon by these
illegal means.
"Germany, after nei trsl citlxens had
lost their lives again.; the wish and in
tention, nevertheless. In the further course
of the war. complied with the wishes cf
the American government regarding the
use of Its submarines. The rights of neu
trals regarding Icgnl trading were In fact
nowhere limited by Germany.
British Arm Merchantmen.
"Then Kngland made It Impossible for
submarines to conform with the old rules
Of International law by arming nearly ail
Ita merchantmen and by ordering the
use' of guns on merchant vessels for at
tack. Photogrsphlo reproductions of these
instructions have been transmitted to
neutral governments with the memor
andum of the German government of
February , 191S. These orders are ohvj.
ously in contradiction wtih the note de
livered by the British ambassador In
Washington to the American government
on October 2. 1914. On account of the
proposal made by the I nlted States on
January 2.1, 1910. regarding disarmament,
the Imperial government hoped that these
farts would enable tho neutral govern
ments to obtain the disarmament of tho
merchant ships of Its opponents. Tho
latter, however, continued with great
tnergy to arm their merchantmen with
Italian Who Shot
Olson Exonerated
by Coroner's Jury
Jay Rrutto, ttallsn who shot and killed
John Olson during s quarrel at 2014
Spring street Mondny afternoon, was ex
onerated by a coroner's Jury, who found
that Brutto, shot In self-defense. Brutto
will be released from custody.
The body of Father Feeley. former
aslstant pastor of St. Peter's cathedral
of this city, will be brought to this city
from Dixon, Neb., where he died; and
after short services at St. Peter's
this morning at 9:30 o'clock, will be
burled in Holy Sepulcher cemtery.
Father Feeley was 30 veara old and hurt
lived In this country eight years, coming
here from Ireland in 190g.
" Dr. Alexander Fabln. Twenty-seventh
and Woodworth avenue, waived a pre
liminary hearing before United States
Commissioner Slnghaus and waa bound
over to the federal grand Jury under
$2,000 bond. He Is charged with using
the mails to defraud.
Walter O. Nichols, patrolman, was dis
missed from the police department by the
city council at a special meeting set for
a hearing of charges filed against the
policeman by Chief Dunn. Mr. Nichols
pleaded guilty to the charges.
The first case which will come before
Omaha's new municipal co-irt was filed
with the city clerk yesterday by Attorney
ju. u. Cunningham. Cunningham's case
has to do with a dlsputo over a lease.
Becker Favors Coast.
Beals Becker, the outfielder. Is trying
to land a Job with tho Los Angeles team
of the Pacific Coast league.
tired, swoDe
Oet a 2f-criit box of 'Tis" at any drug
store and end foot torture for a whole
year. Never have tired, sching, sweaty,
smelly feet; your shoe will fit fine and
you'll only wish yo i had tried "Tli"
sooner. Accept no s ubstltute. Advertisement.
"The principle cf the Vnlted States gov
ernment not to keep Its rltlr.ens off bel
ligerent merchant ships has been tired by
Grest Britnin and Its allies to arm met .
chant ships for offensive purposes, t'nclrr
tne.e rlrcumstsncr merchantmen csn
easily destroy submarines and If their
attack falls Mill consider themselves In
safety by the presence of Amrtlcan rltl
lens on hoard.
"Tho order to use arms on British
merchantmen was supplemented by In
structions to masters of such ships to
hoist such flsgs and to ram I'-hnats. ltc
porla on payment of premiums and be
stowals of decorations to successful nias-
ters of merchantmen snow the effect of
; these orders. Kngland's allies have
adopted this position.
Synopsis of t.rrman lew.
"Now Germany Is facing the following
"(Al. A blockade coutrsiy to Interna
tional law (compare American note to
England of November n. 191u. has for
one year been keeping neutral trade from
German orts and Is making German ex
"(It). For eighteen months through the
extending of contraband provisions In vio
lation of international law (Compare
American nolo to Kngland of November
S, 191M. the overseas trade of neighbor
ing neutral countries, tj, 'far- as Ger
many is concerned, has been hampered.
"(('). The Interception of malls In vio
lation of International law (compare
American memorandum to England of
January 10, 191(5). la meant to stop any
Intercourse of Germany with foieign
"(I). Kngland. by systematically and
Increasingly oppressing neutral countries,
following the principle of "might before
right.' haa prevented neutral trade on
land with Germany, so as to complete the
! blockade of the central powers Intended
to starve their civil population.
"(F.. Oermans met by our enemies on
tho high seas are deprived of their liberty
To the Average Man the Mate
rial Comforts Count Most.
For the average person, unblessed with
riches, It Is the material comforts of life
that count. That "we 'want but Utile
hero below" Is a truism, but to lie with
out that little Is keenest hardship.
A good meal isn't poetical, but the hon
eat declaration, "I can eat a hearty meal
without discomfort," has a better sound
to tho average man than tho best line
ever penned by poet.
It is after long loss that the material
things, when won back,' seem ao much
better. . ,
Of all the ailments that afflict human
ity, chronic dyspepsia probably la the
most common. Ita causes and character
isations have been unable to- cope with
this almost universal malady, but Mother
Nature, in combination with skill and
chemistry, has compounded in her ex
haustible laboratory a marvelous remedy
for this trouble.
The symptoms of this common disease,
which Is only a forerunner of more cam
plicated maladies, are many. Belching
after meals, frequent nausea, pains In
the region of tho stomach, and a tired
feeling, are only a few of the Indications.
Dyspeptics become listless, then morbid,
are melancholy over trivial things, have
whimsical Ideas, besides physical suffer
ings, and with appetite gone, sleep fit
ful, dlny spells and frequent nausea, Ufa
hardly seems worth living.
Tanlac was destined to check this dis
tressing condition, . snd to restore a
healthy, normal appetite, bring good,
rul aleep, and banish that tired, nervous
feeling In short, to restore the stomach
to the habit of doing a full day's work
and doing it well.
Tanlac, the Ideal reconstruct I ve tonic,
Is being especially Introduced' In Omaha
at the Sherman & McConnell drug store,
where the Teniae man explains its merits
snd the results that can be expected from
ita use.
Teniae may be obtained in the follow
ing cities: Ashland, Cone's . Pharmacy :
, Blue Springs. B. N. Wonder; Benson,
j 8ehlller-Beattle Pharmacy; Central City.
.-miner I'rug more; Grand Island, Clay
ton's Pharmacy; Weeping Water, Meyer
Drug Store. Advertisement. . .
Btpobllcaa Candidate for Oovsraog
at the rrlmarsss.
Successful business man and ens
of listings' largest taxpayers.
. Will work an-1 vote for state-wide
prohibition. The first candidate to
t onie out square on the lluuor Question.
6.' .V ' .
I '
no matter whether they Bra combatants
or non-combatants.
"(F). Our enemies have armed their
merchant vessels for offensive purposes
Iheoretlcslly making It Impossible to use
our l'-bosts according to the principles
set forth In the Iondon declaration (com
pare with American memorandum of
February ft,
"The Kngllsh White Book of Jsnusry
f. 191'!, on the restriction of German
trade, bossts thst by Uritlsh measures
Remedy Prescribed
by Many Doctors
Compound of Simple Laxative
Herbs Provet Most
Ir. W. .. I'.vmis. willing ,r-r the
'hlcsRo Tribune, makes the assertion
thst praetlrnllv iviryono, nt sonic lime
or oilier, suffers from constlpslion.
Tills applies regardless of sge or con
dition in lire.
The congestion of stomach waste In
the bowels Is evidenced In vsiious wss;
bloat, eruiintlon of foul stomach gnses,
shk headache, languor, all Indto.ite con
stipation, and call for prompt attention,
not only to relieve tho present discom
fort but also to svohl possible disease
that follows neglect of this Important
Harsh cathartics snd v'olent purga
tives should not be employed, as these
afford only temporal') relief, while they
serve to shock tho entire system. A
mild laxative such lis lr. t'aldwell's
Fymp Pepsin Is far preferable snd Is
now the remedy generally used and
prescribed by ninny doctors. It Is free
from opiate or narcotic drugs, acts easily
and pleasantly, without griping or other
psln and is a safe, effective family rem
edy. Mr. Chss. Srbell l."2 Church St..
Hugs, Draperies and Stoves
Twenty-Five Thousand Dollar Stock
Now on Sale at the
Central Furniture Store
At a Price
Which VJill Mean An Absolute
Saving to You of From 25 to 50
Take advantage of this unusual opportunity and
buy everything1 you need for present as.well as for future
use, and, as usual, make your own terms.
I am going to. write a scries of stories, and I assure you they will be
instructive as well ss Interesting. In publishing these stories I am going
to break the law of the American Medical Association. I know In advance.
I will b.i frowned upon by some of its members.' And. why BECAUSE I
PARK TO ADVKP.TIHE IN THIS PAPKRH. Omaha with about 176. 00
people hss about 250 doctors, which would make about 100 families to each
doctor It evenly divided. In my active practice of about twenty years I
have found that about one-half of a doctor's patients pay him. If that
rule holds good In Omuha then about fifty families are supporting a doctor,
thus making the charges higher for the ones who pay to make up the loss
of those who don't pav. I WANT TO STATU MY PURPOSB I WANT
TO Jl'tSTIKY MY POSITION. Why should a doctor advertise? Hw need,
not If he Is well known and has a growing business, but how about tha
doctor that locates lr Omaha ss a stranger and has not the courage to let
the people know who and where he is? We have a ifedlcal Trust who
represent but a very cm all part of the total number of doctors, who says
It is undignified to advertise, unless doing so In the manner that most of
them follow, such as advertising their operations ss a matter of news,
hospital connections snd cashing their lodge and church membership. Ail
of this Is ethical, as they pay nothing for It. I pay for my own ada. Can't
you see the rtlfferencu? All my life I have held to their view and prao
tlced their way, but from now on I will follow my own convictions. Ia
doing so I breHk no moral law, and I am qulU in accord with modern busi
l'fin Ill'SI.N'KSS lo you know any other business that does? I have "le
clrted to let the Medical Trust think of ine as they, please. I WILL NOT
PLAY THU4lYl'0(.'RITi;. 1 am going to advertise to the publlo, tell you
who I am and where I can be found, and offer you'my services as a gen
eral and special office .practitioner of nearly twenty years of active ex
perience, and sell you my services for ONE-HALT the usual fee, AND
t'OLl.KCT IT CASH. I have no bargains or rontracta to cure, I have no
great iiscovery or secret cures, neither do I use testimonials in print or
the old (t iack Me of treating by the month in order to hold the patient.
I will not iuack or decleve the people ethically or unethically. I will
make an honest effort to cure or relieve you, and promise careful, scien
tific, up-to-date service In every case. Some cases I will fall as all doc
tors do. No honest tioctor will promise to cure you. You pay cash each
time; If I don't help you, you won't come back.
N'OTK'li AH TO MY fHARGES In all cases where consultation nly
ia neeJeJ and you do not need lengthy examination, the charge win be
11.00. and I; EM EM HER I lNC'U'DE THE MEDICINE. Casea taking mora
time and nredina phyfical examination, or cases taking treatment In tha
office will pay from I1.J0 to $2.00, according to the time put In on tha
ase I always furnish the medicine. Many of you have been paying;
more for the medicine than I will charge for my total. service. I AM NOT
siiuare dial at a small rash price. I am here to stay and If anything alls
you I would be glad to have you call at the office. Those of you I can
not help I will telL you so, and you will be my friend. My time is valuable
and I have to see many cases each day at the small fee I charge. No free
consultations or examinations.
DR. J. C. Woodward
W BXrrXDXXa ltu aad rarmaaa, kOons S01.&J.4,
OmO BOOBS to l 10 to I Boa day i a p. sa. TTtflasslsTS.
rhcae Trier too.
Germany's export trade has been stopped - .
almost entirely whither imports are sub
ject to England's will. ', .
"The Imperial government feels confl- J i
dnt that th people of the t nited States, . j
remcmtrMng the friendly relations that '
far I'm Uet hundred years have existed
,eirern the two nations, will, In spite of
!V..: at 'I'!if, tit In! 'i the way by our
riteinltai i-wleto the German view
point fs tMl above."
- J,'iiu i -- 1
Grenada. Miss., Writes thst he found re
lief himself by using Pr. Caldwell's j
Syrup Pepsin and now keeps it on hs.nd
for family use. A bottle of Pr. Cald-,
well's Syrup Pepsin should have a place
In every family medicine chest. A trial
bottle ran be obtained, free of charge,
by wrlthut to Pr. W. B. Caldwell. 4.-4
VVashtnaton St.. Montlcello. Illinois.
Citizens of Omaha
My Foreword:
J :j