Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Many Getting Bttiy in Preparation
for Coming Primaries in
Beatrice Man is
Badly Mangled by
Engine Fly Wheel
BFATRICE. Neb., March Special.)
Arthur Kechley, farmer 22 years of aae
and son of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Kechley,
living three miles southwest of Beatrice,
was seriously If not fatally Injured late
yesterday afternoon by Retting caught In
the fly wheel of an engine while shelling
corn on the August Otenther farm, six
miles southeast . of Beatrice. Hie left
arm and left leg were fractured and he
waa severely cut and bruised about the
head. Ills clothing caught In the wheel
In some way and after the engine was
shut down workmen were obliged to re
move him from the wheel, as he was held
fast by his clothing, which was w ripped
about the iron frame, in an unconscious
conri'tlon he was rushed to the Lutheran
hospital. He was reported lightly. Im
proved last night.
Booster Banquet
Held at Beatrice
BHATRICE. Neb.. March .-(Specla'l.)-The
annual booster banquet held at the
Pcddock hotel last evening wa attended
by ISO of the business men of the city.
Samuel Rlnaker was toastmaster, and the
following gave addresses: ' K. I Heve
lone,. president of the club, who referred
to the work of the ormnixatlon the last
year: A. H. Kldd. Mayor Adam McMul
len of YVymore and E. R. Qurney of Fre
mont. Radebaugh's orchestra furnished
music for the affair.
Trior to the banquet the club elected
the following directors for the coming
year: J. R. Queln, John relehant. H. A.
Thompson, H. K. Saekett and J. Ed C
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN. March S. (Special.) Senator
n. 3. Spirk of Saline county has filed
for renomlnatlon on the republican ticket
again to represent his district In the next
legislature. Senator Spirk haa served
time In two sessions, both in the senate
from the district composed of Fillmore
and Saline counties. It has been the
custom to alternate on candidates be
tween the two counties, but after waiting
some time, and a petition having having
been circulated from Fillmore county ask
ing him to again be a candidate, the
senator haa responded.
H. Gordon Cross, editor of the St. re
ward Sun, is a candidate for presidential
elector on the progressive ticket. This
Is the second time he haa braved certain
defeat for the good of the cause. Ills
filing reached the office of the secretary
of state last night.
Charles F. Todenhoft' of Columbus has
filed for the republican nomination for
the state senate from the Eleventh dis
trict, composed of the counties of I'latte,
Polk and Merrick, represented In the
last session by Senator Krumbach of
Polk, a democrat. This district is nor
mally 800 democratic, so it Is up to Mr.
Todenhoft to go some.
Willis Reed Better.
Attorney General Willis Reed Is some
what better and Is now able to sit up a
part of the time, and It Is believed that
he will be able to be back to his duties
before long. He has had a serious time
and it was feared at one time that com
plications which set in might prove ex
reedingly dangerous.
Asks If Ford's Kasae Off.
Secretary of State Pool received a mes
sage from a Detroit newspaper this
morning asking if the name of Henry
Ford had been withdrawn from the
presidential preference list, inquiring as
to the time when same would have to be
withdrawn. This is taken as evidence
that Mr. Ford's name wilt not appear
on the Nebraska ballot.
Comnluloa to Consider Protest.
There will be a hearing before the
State Railway commission next Tuesday
on the application of the Rock Island
railroad to take off four of its trains
running out of Lincoln and Kalibury
into Kansas and return. A
reached the commission from patrons
the road around Fajrbury and the hear
ing will probably be hotly fought.
Colton'a Name Filed.
A petition containing a large number
of signatures reached the-office of the
secretary of state today filing the name
of .William Col ton of York as a candi
date ror delegate to tne national repuu- i. i.-nry m
ltcan convention from the Fourth dis- outside publicity wbrk You are .of course
trlct. His acceptance accompanied the . familiar with the "Estimated" Vs hint Inn
filing. Nn'lonal ! by the T bureau
:l f the Department .,f rommenS
.- Re public a Victory Sure. j1" l. 'which gives the per capita wealth
A. P. Mtoran of Nebraska City was at NevCM
the state house this morning. Mr. Moran kota. I3.1TM: CaJifornla. i&M; NebroeVa"
la on of the republican candidates from JJ.llOj Montane.,- K.fiH; Colorado ' l'TB:
the Caiw-Oto district for the state sen-- Jjaa0"' IlHnoto. $2.6 0; kan'sasi
ate, ad says that things down In that jf you see fit to protest agalhsf tm
section of the state look exceedingly .false advertising, we would be very sla I
Dngm lor repumican victory, -mere is nuw wnar yon no.
. ... - .1 We are J )an vi-ntafcMv. . viti.
no . tactions i reeling down
everybody appears to be w
behind the republican candidates after
they are nominated and go to It.
(From a staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. March 8.-(Speclal.)what
the governor of South Carolina said to
the governor of North Carolina would
not be very Interesting reading compared
to what the governors of certain states
bordering on Kansas are saying about
the governor of the Sunflower state just
now caused by an advertisement appear
ing In the Country Gentleman said tj
have been credited to Governor Capper
of Kansas, who gave out the statement
that Kansas was $1,630 richer per enpita
than any other western state.
: Jills haa aroused the people of Iowa
land as a result Oovernor Morehead has
(received a letter from Ralph Rolton. di
rector of the Oreattr Des Moines com
.mittee. In which he says that ho hn.
protested to the publishers 0f the Coun
try Gentleman against the "false adver
tising" put out by the state. Referring
lo the matter he says in part:
... iw( an rot unci It necessary to
Nebraska Jewelers
Are at Grand Island
For Their Convention
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., March .-(Spe-clal
Telegram.) The eleventh annual con
vention of the Nebraska State Jewelers'
association was railed to. order today by
President J. It. Riffe of Hastings, and
Secretary R 1 Schumacher of St. Paul.
After the usual preliminaries, consist
ing of welcoming addresses and responses
and the reading of the minutes of the
last iesslon, the following committees
were appointed:
Resolutions: E. P. Fanske of Pierce,
A. D. ACkerman of Falrhnry and Charles
Clinton of North Platte.
Auditing': W. J. Mreckrnrl.lge of Edgar.
L. A. Fanske ol Wayne and Walter Nor
rls of Hastings.'
Nominations: Harry Ryan of Omaha,
C. A. Davis of Tork, O. C. Zinn of Hastings.
President Riffe addressed the con
vention this afternoon and it was fol
lowed by a round tHL.e discussion of var
ious questions, Including the subjects of
organisation, advertising, the Stephens
Ayres bill, mixing It with farmers, over
head cost, the repair bench, etc.
This evening the members of the con
vention were entertained at theater
party followed by a cabaret at the Lled
erkrani for the men and a tea at the
Koehler hotel for the women.
Pool Sends Perfectly
Good Moneys Back; Huh
' there and vi if are ,BO Protesting to the National
mere ana U ?ianee Committee of Associated Adver.
tiling to get tlhing clubs, which stands for. honest ad
lldatea after Vertising. .
Bryan at Lincoln in
Time for His Birthday
(From 'a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, March 8.-Speclal Tele
gram.) Mrs. W. J. Bryan, who Is clos
ing up the Bryan home In Miami, Fla.,
will go at once to Falrvlew and open
up the Bryan homestead there In time for
the colonel's arrival, according to In
formation received today. Mr. Bryan will
reach Lincoln for his birthday, March 10.
LANDER, Wyo.. March 8. (Special.)
Filings on coal, lands before the local
land office yesterday Involved the pay
ment of several thousand dollars Into the
coffers of Uncle Sam. Those filing on
the land were: William I Lawson, man
ager of the Great Western Sugar com
pany of Billings; Ernest F. Smith of
Minneapolis, Donald B. Cary of Balti
more, Md.; Charles E. Drennen of Den
ver and Malcolm Lindsay of Denver.
About 7(0 acres of land ranging in price
from I'.-O to . $j0 per acre, located near
Thermopolis. were filed on. These gen
tlemen also became Interested in the oil
lands on the Wind River Indian reserva
tion, west of this place, and were shown
over the fields by local business men.
Farmers I slum liny Store.
HOLDREOHJ, Neb.. March 8.-(Specliil.)
The two "farmers' unions at Funk have
purchased the Smith & Johnson general
merchandise store and will conduct the
business. Lcn Burman of Funk Is to be
manager. The unions have VM members.
Mrs, Mary McLain, j
Pioneer of Omaha,
Answers Last Call
Mary M l sin. aged M years, widow
of James L. Motrin, and for fifty. nine
yesrs a resident of Omaha, died Tues
day evening at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. George Spangler, Sioux Falls, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Mctaln were married at
Warren, O., In 1"5 and came, to Omaha,
tip the Missouri r'vet, by steamboat, set
tling at Saratoga, the district now Im
mediately surrounding Twenty-fourth
and Amrs avenue.
Mr. Mcl.aln engaged At the freighting
business during the early days and was
a member of the first t'nlon Pacific sur
vey undrr the late General Iwlgc. Hus
bar and wife were members of the ivmg
las County Pioneers' association and at
the time of Mr. MrLaln'a death he was
the olilest Methodist In the city. She
was the oldest woman member of the
Methodist church, both being charter
members of the Trinity Methodist Epis
copal church. Mr. Mclln was a trustee
of yils church and previous to his death
many years ago had been choir leader
for fifteen years. Sly was leading so
prano during that period. Mrs. McLain
was a trustee of the Old Peoplo a Horn
and was noted for her charities. Funeral
services will be held from Trinity Meth
odist church. She Is survived by one
son, Fred J. McLain of Hancock, Mich.,
and five daughters, Mrs. M. H. Wells
of Ixng Beach. Cal.; Mrs. U..K.' Jones
Of Boston; Mrs. Fred Driver of High
River, Alberta, Can.; Mrs. ,George Cran
dall, Gardena. Cal., and Mrs. iieorge
Spinaler. Sioux Falls,' 8. D.
HASTINGS. Neb.. March . (Special
Telegram.) Mayor William Madgott to
day gave out his third statement at
tacking II. F. Carsten, head of the Anti
Saloon league, who recently tried to side
track. Madgett from the republican guber
natorial race In the race of A. L. Button.
Ho reiterates his charge that Carsten Is a
demourat and Is meddling in the repub
can race In the Interest of his favorlts
democratic candidate. Referring to Car
slen's questioning of his ability to act at
governor Mr. MAdgett asks the publlo to
Investigate Carsten's own' record of sue
cesses and failures and determine for
themselves whether Carsten Is competent
to Judge. ' .
HASTINGS. Neb.. March . (Special
Telegram.) Company G has planned a
prcj aredness meeting for March 20. The
speakers will be Governor Morehad,
Adjutant General Hall, C. .1. Miles, Wll
1inm Ma.lgett, Onlnntl Paul and Judg'i
Ii. S. Dnngan.
Teachers Chosen at Harwell.
Ul ltWELL, Neb., Mnrch 8. (Special.)
At a. meeting of the school board Mon
day night the following teachers were
elected for the year:, Superin
tendent, G. R. Boomer, prlnrtfVl, Arthur
E. Embree; high school. Oeneylcve Pierce
and Anna Cameron; principal of the
Junior 'High, Vena Wolfei The ' other
teachers ure Luclle De Lashmtttt, Edna
'. ..' . -; :
li.'V'''1' "!
' i ' t w
HASTINGS. Neb., March . -(Special
T lesrani.) Hnstlngs Is making nn a'libl j
I Ions bid fnr pre-eminence In Nchr-iskn !
for band mus'c. under the direction of I
John S. I. rick of Intel national renown a
a conductor, he has developed the in. ml. I
pal band owned by the city at larne Into
a conceit oraanlrstlon of the first rlnss
night his second band composed of
boys of less than three months' trnl iln?
assisted In a . concert showing amaslng
prorirlency. He Is now nrgnnlxlng ft
woman's band. . Hastings hopes to l ava
the finest municipal band In the l'nlte.1
Library Tax Levied.
ARCADIA. Neb.. March.-(Speclal.)-At'
the annual meeting of the electors of
Arcadia township a .1-mlll levy was voted
to . maintain a Carnegie library, which Is
to tie established In this city thrniiKh
the efforts of the I'p -to-Date club. This
levy Is expected to secure a building cost
ing from .(KX) to fio.ow.
Moran Cornea to Terms,
Herb Moran. outfielder obtained from
the Boston Braves In part payment for
Joe Wltholt. bus accepted the terms of
fered him by Vernon.
Off to school, full
of Vim and "Pep"!
iDon't cram their little,
tummies" with greasy!
meats, starchy potatoes or;
lother indigestible foods. One
or two Cbrcdicd Wheat!
! Biscuits with hot milk make
a warm, nourishing meal:
that supplies all the mater-;
ial needed for their grow
ing bodies. The perfect!
jfood to study on, to grow)
jon, to play on. The crisp-i
fness of the shreds encour
!ages thorough chewing,1
which developes sound teeth!
jand healthy gums. Being!
ready-cooked it is bo easy:
to prepare a warm, nour
ishing meal with Shredded!
Wheat in a few moments
no kitchen worry or work.;
!Ma$le t Niagara Falla, N. Y.'
Meyers, Oria Iiemon,, Ve'ra Holt,' Florence
Lewis, Imo iWrett'nnd Nettle Green.
WAUK1X1AK. III... March. 8 William H.
Orpet. Indicted tor the murder of Marlon
Lnmbert, the hlh school girl, whose body
wa found In a woods , near. her. home at
Lnke Forest after she had died, of poison,
waa arraigned .'In. the circuit court-today.
His attorney . entered a motion that the
indictment be quanlted and Judge Ed
wards set' the arguments on' the motion
for next Monday, morning.
The attorney said lie was. not prepared
for an early trial and that after, the pre
liminary motion-had been disposed of an 1
a plea entered he would ask to have the
case go over to the October term of
caurt. ' : - '
RutT Rheumatic,
Aching" Joints
and Stop Pain
Instant relief With a small
trial bottle of old "St.
Jacob's Oil."
Rheumatism Is "pain" only.
. Not one ease In fifty, requhes Inter
nal treatment. Stop drugging! nub sooth
ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs . Oil" right
Into your sore, stiff, aching Joints, and
relief comes InstanUy. "St. 'Jacobs Oil"
Is a rheumatism liniment which
never disappoints and .ran not burn the
skin. ; '
Limber up!- gnlt complaining!' (Set a
Small trial bottle of ; old, honest "Fit.
Jacobs Oil", at any drug stoic, and In
Just a. moment you'll be free from rheu
matic pain, sorouess and stiffness. Onn't
suffer! Relief. awaits you. "Sr. Jacobs
OH" Is Just as good for sciatica, neuralgia,
lumbago, backache, . sprains. Advertise
ment, i . , , ; ., t .
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 8. (Special.) "Gene"
"Westerfelt of Scott's Bluff, editor and
philanthropist, is a candidate for delogat;
to the national republican convention and.
evidently has money enough to pay his,
own expenses and sortie left over, for he
has forwarded $6 to Secretary of State
Pool as a filing fee. Mr. Pool has returned
it to him.
Mr. Pool returned another $3 this morn
ing. This was to brewery firm whclh
had forwarded too much to the secre
tary of state on postage and office ex
pense necessary to remail a bunch of
books which came to the office for mem
bers of the legislature. He returned th?
money by mall to the brewery firm In
stead of using the usual method of getting
money to those Individuals.
YIONS. Xeb.. March 1 (Special. )-
bbard Hart died at his home in Hit.
j desto. Cal.. aged 75 years. Ha was a plo-
.uiurauaarr nere, taking a claim
on the wild prairie cast of here on the
Blackbird. He leaves a widow and one
adopted son. The Hart boys were the
first settlers here and Riley 8. Hart has
the honor of breaking the first furrow
ever turned over In this part of Ne
braska, on the Fourth of July, 1867.
Pollard Considers
Running as Delegate
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 8. (Special.) K. M.
Pollr.rd of Nehawka, was In the city a
short time yesterday, conferring with
friends over the matter of being a can
didate for the republican jiomtnation of
delegate to the national convention from
this district.
Heretofore it had been supposed that
the filings of J. Reil Green of Lincoln
and J. H. Sweet of Nebraska City would
be the only ones made, but petitions are
In circulation for Prof. Maxey of the
stato university and this will give the
voters plenty of opportunity to select
from a field of candidates that will in
sure good representatives from this dis-tilct-
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, March 8.-(Spec lal Tele
giam.) State Representative D. 8. Dolby,
wife and mother, who have been In
Washington for several days,' after an ex
tended visit In Florida, will leave for
their home in Beatrice tomorrow,
Klla E. Ayers was nominated today for
postmaster at Winnebago, Neb.
Women Should
Get This Habit
as Well as Men
Don't eat bite of breakfast un
til you drink glass of
hot water.
. Fw t , ; tsr ' sj -,-v-j f. s. s . ss ss ' r s rsssw m - . ssa m w i . si
' ym- The Armour Oral "w,
tcept upon the bttt -wffly,
that Armour make.
w- ' W
0;, Bast d , OmMcU Otmo-
p Ukml mUo idmntiTimi W?-
' & Star StsaMHssm, Star Bacsa 0.
. 1 DeLir. 7rTLZZ H i
Atbsmt's Graaa Jake VW
ClsTsrils KoMar
Aa4 aewlM msSSJT FssJs.
is a scientifically correct combbation of
highest fjsuJ e butter fat and pure nutritive bits,
It comes to you packed in cartons, with
Uncle Sam endortement of purity.
The Oval Label la Armour'! fuaranta
of quality.
Glendale Is the deltcloug, econom-
leal spread for bread. Phone us your
dealer s name If he can't auohlv you.
SOIT, MVBATM, Hp., lCtk k JOh Bts.
hoae D. 10ft. Oasaba, sTsb, -W.
JV Wllklason, sta a Q. Tst o. 1740.
t &b I i
There's an Armour Oral
Label Store near you
Take Elevator Save $10
New Spring Suits and
Top Coats
Styles for Good Dressers
Aye eliminate every unnecessary operating
expense. . We. pay no high first floor rents;
have no; free deliveries; no charge accounts; no
reduction sales. r '
Barker's Clothes Shop
2d Floor Rose Building Sixteenth and Farnam
Happy, bright, alert vigorous and
vivaclouaa (rood clear skin; a natural,
rosy complexion and freedom from Ill
ness are assured only by clean, healthy
blood. If only every woman and like
wise every man could realize the won
ders of the morning inside bath, what a
gratifying- change would take place.
Instead of the thousands of irku-
SCHOOLS IS RE-ELECTED !tead of the multitudes of "nerve wrecks,"
j "rundowns," "brain fags" and pessimists
ORD, Neb., March . (Special.) Super- we should see a virile, optlmlstlo throng
intendent C. S. Jones was unanimously j of. 'o'V-cheeked people everywhere.
elected to again head the city schools of i lnlae ath Is had by drinking, each
Ord for another year. During the seven mo befor breakfast, a glass of
year, that he haa been serving as auper- I !!'h0t Wtei wlth. teaspoonful of
Intendent the schools have grown in size
and In the quality of work done. The
high school faculty hss grown from four
to seven members, a kindergarten de
partment has been added, a special music
instructor haa been employed.
limestone phosphate In it to wash from
the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards
of bowels the previous day'a Indigestible
waste, sour fermentations and poisons,
thus cleansing, sweetening and freshen
ing the entire alimentary eanai KrAr
manual rtuttina: morn fnnri Int.. .i, u
I"!' T ,e8! niShd "nd "eW ! Those ,ubJct to '" headache,' bll
lto.000 high school building has been loudness, nasty breath, rheum.ti.n, i.h..
I ana particularly those who have a pallid.
sanow complexion and who are conatl-
pated very often, are urged to obtain
. mt .'mi i im.itu
WOU Can't Lift Yourself B
Your Boot Legs
Table Roek Teachers He-eleeted
oX teri wrV J i "J
1-y night at a meeting of the hoard of ' rifle but is ..ffle Z, 7. A" "
Jduc.tion: L. It. Trout nn.rin,.,ul.l .b,lt Jlc'nt to demonstrate
jPTT Neither can a merchant pull his busi
OIl nesg out of a rut by main ntj-ength.
New trade uiust be won and to wla
II it intelligent, consistent and ier
sistent work must be done.
In theae days this means the merchant
must advertise. This is the day of the printed
. word and its (treat est menHenKer la the daily
'newspaper that goes directly Into the home.
Today news is flashing like Uifhtnim;
from the ends of the earth to Omaha ana
back again. It Is the 'da v of the fast
and the faster trains. It happens In Kurope
today and within the hour the people of
Omaha are told about it through the news
papers. ' '
As It is with the news so K it wlth'niei-r
thandlse. A product that was unborn yester
day Is made known to tuousahds. yes millions'
today. Hut the world is too. progressive and
moves to fast for one telling to nuffice. It Is
constant repetition lhat impresses the' peojile
with a store's service and character.
Progressive, up to-the-nilnute stores in
Omaha are not those that advertise today and
then do not let people hear from them atain
for a month. They tell their story over and
over again, day after day. They teli it dif
ferently every time they put "news" la their
advertisipg they persistently use . newspa
pers like . ' . .
.Cecil Harlow, mathematics and science; ! J.J'1
' U.rgaret Engbery. Gertrude Olenn. C.I- who pr.ctlc, T mternal sanlU lo" We
KU" Hh0nr"- N"'e - ,rW,n l' "member that "n. "e citanhn,,,. ,.
, ' . ! more Important than outside, because tha
The salary of superint-ouen, Trout was .kin doe. not sbsorb mipurltie. to con!
fixed at 11.125 for the ensuing year. No laminate the blood, while the pore. In
...lection wa. made for p, in.-;pl. ,,or for. the thirty f.t of boe: do -Advertiso-tho
Ci. rm.n and 1-atin teachtr. I merit "H
Where Continuous Advertising Will Pay".
M '
0 ,
n . ' -
n 'FlPlfi ill' '
vr&i III
' 1 I It I
War upon Pain I
n I a ytsitor to every home and
usually it comet quite unexpectedly. But
you are prepared for every emergency i(
you keep a unsll bottle of Sloan's ""
Liniment bandy. It is the freateit f " I W
ptn kilter ever discovered. ( I w
Simply laid on the skin A "
bo rubbing required It drives
the pain away instantly. It is
really wonderful.
SprAinS IK
Lr.Jv reVtJl ' " RviiHr' V '
rr try us. - - - i - j
IH IH Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery In the West. j I
li j Family Trade suppUed by WM. JETTER, Distributor, 'j
2002 N St. Telephone Douglas 4231. South 863 or 868, " '
See real estate columns for bargains