TIIB BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAKCIt 9, l!Ufi. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Heiry Receipts and Light Demand Sead Wheat Prices Down One to Three Cents. CORN DROrS ONE TO TWO CENTS : OMAHA. March . Wt. ' The wheat market waa very weak to tfiy, declining from 14ic under yester 1y' prices. The receipt a were fairly heavy, but the demand waa llHht. Com waa a Ian lower, the better gradea palling about lc lower, while the off grade old 2c lower. Only a few carl of oat a were of'ered for aa)e today and they old lc tinder yeeterday. Kye was lc lower. Barley waa un changed. Clearance of wheat and flour were ehiinl to MS.00O bu.: corn, none; oats, it.iQ bu. At Liverpool wheat cloeed li?2c lower; ctrn. lj'."r lower. 'Prlmarv wheat receipt were 1.2IS,on mi. and ahlpmenta sKS.ooii bu.. against re t'lpts of SJO.mn bu. and ahlpmenta of 7'. o bu. last vear. frlmary corn recelpta were l.nM.ftlft bu. and eh'pmente "J,' bu. against recelpta at 4e-.w bu. and ahlpmenta of 6.fiu bu. last year. J'rlmarv est recelpta were "SIM! bu. and shipment 77S.OW bu. apatnat recelpta of .'. a bu. and shipments of l,3i.0i bu. list year. , CABLOT RECEIPTS. Whet. corn, vat "Tirana .... .41nncapoli Duluth Omaha Kansas City St. Ijotila ... Winnipeg ... .....1M 31a ....l4 .... 5 l .... 70 ....Zlo Theae aalea were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 2 rare, 11.06V No. 1 hard winter: Z eara. SLOTH: 1 ear. tl.irt- M rare. SLOSH. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. Il.ni'4,; j cara, 11.01, 1 car. I.H; 4 'car. flAl; S cara. (etc; 1 car. V.c. Mani ple hard winter: 2 cara. Mc. No. I durum: 1 car. 11.0". No. S durum: 2 cara. Oho. No. 4 rtprum: 1 car. ." . No. 4 mixed: 1 car. II .00. Oata-No. 3 white; 1 car. 41c. Rye No. S: 1 car, Kfi No. : 1 car, Me. No. 4: Tear. 8Vc. font No. 4 white: 1 car. KJc. No. white: I car, ."i5c. No. 3 yel low: 1 car. GHc. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, . No. S yellow: i cars. 2c: I cara, slHc No- yellow: J cara tc; 3 car. ': 1 car. r.Sc. Sample yellow: 1 car, 5Hc: 1 car. ,.; 1 car. !; 1 car. Me; 1 car. 60c; 1 car, 4c; 1 car, 40c. No. S mixed: 1 car, RV. No. 4 mixed: J cara. 64c; I cara, Vc; 1 car. ',; 8 cara. 6c. No. mixed: i cara. hoc; 1 car. No. mixed: 1 car tdlit dry. 61c. Bample mixed: 1 ear, Sic: I car, S; 1 cara, t.'c; 2 can, 'omaha Cafh Trlcea-Wheat : No. 2 hard. SIOT.ilO.H: No. S hard. Sl.tC't I No. 4 hard. 97cJ1LlH: No. 2 durum. :-titl.; No. S durum, KTfiMc; raffle, KWXc. Corn. No. S white. ?i.S'c; No. 4 wtilte. ! re: No. white. Wi:tc: No. white. Moii: No. 3 vellow. .iV ; No. 4 yel low. 4M)wW: No. fi yellow. 8IMrt'i2' yellow. rMSe;' No. 3 mixed. JV.-; No. 4 mixed. 6Wi4c; No. 6 mixed. fcMUKe; No S mtxod, i-;v,ii61c: anmple, 4ft .W-jC. lata: No. 2 while. 42&3'tc: atandard, 41V)4:c: No. 3 white, 4hr4lr; No. 4 hlte. 404i-4Hc- Harley: Malting, 7ii0p; No. 1 feed. WMc. Rye: No. 2, alVMltfic; Kn. S. MVi&4o. Chicago closing price, furnished Th Tee by Logan Kryan. "lock and gram brokers. 815 South Sixteenth fit., Omaha II 90 1 00 t II1C AOO GRAIW AND FROVISION Feat area kf the Traill-; aaa CUslac Prleea Bar4 f Trade. " CIII(?AOO, Kiarch 8. -Wheat Buffered a niitlcilal aetback In value today, chiefly Hi account of a general selling ruah that anticipated the government report thia itvriioon, showing tinmen doinrstlo holding still In reserve on farms. Tha marKet, although unsettled al the cIom, -waa it- to "c net lower, with May at , l.l'i''l.ll. and July at SLOtt'tUlO. Corn flnUhed Sii down, oat off iflSc and pro Islona varying from UVtc dvclina to a rlae of 7So. ; Hreaka which began In -the price of wheat aa rnon aa th market opened, wire at no time during the session over cum to more than a moderate extent. It waa generally conceded that the of tidal total on farm reaervea would be well above u.ouo.ouo bushels, . and - there wa little If any aurpiiae In th actual figure announced after th market had Closed 211, 717, oou bushels. Hpeclal aig ritlcanc waa attached to the estimate, as predictions were current that Increased littmnts were now looked for dally iron) Artientlna and Australia. 1 According to a view prevalent among t ears, the virtual halt In foreign buying ef wheat In the I'nlled dtatea ' waa "largely the result of hope on the part if tho Anglo-French allies that aucceas 4u pounding of Turkey would result In that country being forced to make peace, forn ranged downward In sympathy sUh wheat, and because of favorable weather for the movement of the domes tic crop. Furthermore, traders discounted Jl bearish crop report from Washington, and responded a little to a decline at Liverpool. c I'rovlxlons averaged lower under the in- Yluence of the downturn In the value of "eereala. Higher pricea on hog acted -nlv aa an offwt In part. Chicago Cash rlcoa Wheat: No. 2 red, SLUHl.m; No. 8 red. SLOUCH 1.11; No. A herd, nominal; No. liar I. Il.i7 W LV'',,. ifforn: No. S yellow, 4V,4j;6w('; No. 4 vcf loif, aT'!--: No. 4 white. nrWo. Oats: No. S wnite. 40VJllc: standard. 4.1',. lle: NoitiIiihI. l:.irley: Sir,74e. Heed: Tlui Jihy, S4.riti7.li: clover, 310 nrlS.io. I'rovl eluns: I'ork, :l.(i.i-'.0n, lard, (lU.bTVa; rlbi, .'IH.Sisjill 1.7. HI'TTKR 244iS5c. IllTATOKK-llluber: receipts, 2i caraj Michigan. Wisconsin Minnesota and l)a kota. white, Km'4iILI'2; Minneaxita and Da .kola. Chios. WmV'. KM1S Higher; recelpta. 15.82S rasea; Tiraia. l!V,tilHv: ordinary firsts. liloSc; at mark cases Included, layqlls'. Ptifl-TKV Alive, higher; fowla. ITHc; aprmga, 16c, Mlaneoooll Cral Market. " MINNEAPOLIS. March H.-WHKAT-- iy. Lii,ni ii'-: July. 41. v. fash: No. t hard, l.li,; No 1 northern. Ij.UV.i 115',: No. 3 northern, SlWbLli'.. . PARI KV-ftiHii'Ac. yt RYf syti9c. Hi: AN fl8.0O4jlS.SP. . f OK N No. 3 yelow 7lV.i7i'e. ..r OATS No. i wulle. Svmi4uc. ! feKELe-l'lK. S-'31tiZ.34. Kansas t'lty 4ii . ' KANSAS f ITT Ib and Provlalona. March 8. WHK AT No. 2 hard. II W-.il 10 No. 2 red. 81.0v f 11: Vay. l.tc",iLU8: July. $10.14. 4'OllN No. 3 mixed vc; ro. 1 'Viiite K'c: No. 3 vellow. UUoX: Mav. ' lK4i'p: Julv. 7iSc. OAT No. J white. 444j44e; No. I lllled. 0"l4Jc KCiGR First. 18'ic. St. Iala Urala Market. : ?T. 1.0118. Mo.. March 8-WHrlAT- ; No, 2 red nominal: No. 2 hard nominal. .Mav. S1.0L-; July. 81M1.. 4-ORN No. 8. 7J'47V, No. I white. 'J?'-: May. 74'c: July, 74c. I. OATS-NO. 2, 3M3)k:; No. t white noml- xal. I.lTeraol Oral a Market. i'4 alXJL'8 Winter pater.t. 4is. Article! Open. I HIkM Ix'W. floae I Yea y Mav! 1 U'j 1 1? 1 lxil "HS Mulv. 1 tl 110 1 WW lOKVlWiU iPTay. 70 74 73 74H W "July. 7i I 7tHj 74H 74a! 7H PMa'v. 4?0 1h' 4?h' 43 1 43H 'July. IIH 41H ' 41'x 41HI 41H fork. I I ' ,Mav. 22 34 22 KH WH 32 17HI 22 SO ' July. 22 15 22 3d U 00 23 07 H 22 00 Lard. I May. I0W HK iO 7 10 2ty 10 SO July. 1100 110JH 10 S7H 11 02HJ U 02H . May. 11 STVal 11 M'J H 77HI H S7H1 ; July.l 11 9m Hl U SO U ?hI ' LIVERPOOL March S.-WHEAT-Kpot ,.-.. A.anltolMt. 14 td; No. i ha id winter iiulf. lis M: No. S red western winter, lis i'OKM 43 pot Ameilcaa miaed, new, U ' r4a Market. " NITW TORK. March SL-COTTON-pt ,q,itt, auxldliug bplaad, ll.iic; gale. uO t.se. t mum cked tevdy; May, 11 14c; July, 'TIM; (At'.lyr, I2.ie; Dtcembcr. ItltK.-; ' imr-x.tl rf. 12 Jkc. -4 rrtust f-ituie opened steedv; May, 114V: Ju'v. 11 Mc; October. 11. lux. W- rr,i r.'ile; January, li.oc. 1.1 VKT HOOL. March .-4'OTTON- t-f. tmrr, aood middl ng, 7 !d; mid- . f. ' :J, luw fuuia.iug, 7.4id. Salea, r Uas AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Dakota Homesteaders Bay Feeders at Tards as a Profitable Inrestment HIGHWAYMAN FINDS VICTIM tnk(ita homeateadera a re clay by flay at or In- tip with lanr number of feeder rattke. according to local atockmen. The laat two yeara haa brought about the realltation that the bualneaa of Mixing cattle or atock of any kind 1 profit able raie and many of the ranch ownera are Inking advantage of the opportunl tlea opnn. Ray Sheehan, president of the State bank al Jordan, H. I)., accompanied by a friend and client, Mr. Hamea. paid the local market a vlalt yeeterday on a trip to buy feeder atock. He Bald: "Our pen pie are reallilng more and more that they muat have live atock In order to make farming aa profitable aa It should be In the Roaehud country. Tripp county waa always a great atork-prodiirlng rotin - try and, while the cattlemen have dlaap peared before the Invasion of the home ateader. It ia atlll an Ideal country and will furnish the Omaha market with In rreaalng auppllea of cattle and lions every aeaaon." Illlkwaraiaa Hoba Bad Aaaaalla. To be knocked dow i and relieved of II.SO and of an overcoat while walking along a dark etreet waa the experience of 3cm ftokal of t.a finite, Monday even ing. Rokal waa walking along Twenty seventh atreet near the J street Interaec- tlori right In the heart of the foreign district, when he 1 act on from be- hind and knocked to 1 '.ie grouml by a tall I man. lle was tinnbln to obtain an ac. curate description of his assailant, but soon aflk-rwanla overtook Officer J'otach, to whom he reported n,c robbery and a- HHIllt. thicken Thieves Again, Ten dollar reward" awaits aome copper, dh k or private cltlcen who haa enough sbnithaome n,i.alltlea about hia makeup to trace, cause the arrest and conviction of certain unidentified person who broke open the chicken coop of lr. Fulster at Nineteenth and Jackson streets Monday night. The doctor report four teen of hia favorite (hlckena gone and Is willing to pay out caa.i to apprehend the thief. The police have an Idea that the thief la tho asme who pulled off aev?ral of the chicken nobberlea of tvtcka past. Mr. (m Mr. Kleraaaj Kntertalned. Friend and neighbor of Mr. and Mr. A. Klernan, 4118 South Twentieth street, urprlsed the couple Monday evening by giving a party at their home. An enjoy able evening wa passed In card and dancing. TSiose preaent were: Messrs and Mesdanir W. Taylor. W. Horn, J. J. Hreen. Noar, (leorge Beadle, P. M. Camp- bell, William Hall. O. Roger, J. Roger, M. Hlgglna. H. J. Teck. fbarlea Cafe A. Klernan, Mr. J. M. Ward and John Campbell. Heal In Month Omaha. Carl Beal. former famous athlete of South High achool and sensational guard who won recognition from all aide In the big state baaket hall tournament Just a year ago, I In the city again after a lengthy stay In New York City, wher lie studied to be a linotype machine opera tor. Tho young man wa sent there after being confined several month in a Lin coln sanitarium following Injurlea sus tained In tho famous South lllgh-Ontral High basket ball game at the state tour ney last year. Beal Is in perfect condition. The young thlet I planning to take a night law cours. Waarea Incrraae Today. Th all-round wage Increase at all of tha local packing planto will go Into ef fect today, this being pay day at three of tho big plant. Workmen's salaries will b increased In some cases, by several dollars, according to tho number of hours per week they work. Late word from local superintendents and officials brings the promise that this increase in salary will not be lowered. Tor several months, even before tho Sioux City strike, the raise wa planned, and ha at laat been put into effect. Wo Believe. Do Yot Open tonight until f make use of the opportunity and ee what wa hav been doing for you hero at Flynn'a. Wa be lieve that there U no other house that work a hard in your Interest a Flynn'a does. Wo try to have th best rtlcle first, and then we try to have the lowest price on that best article Spend little time here and look us over. If w csn save you a few dimes or a few dol lar It' good money honestly made. JOHNT PL.TNN & CO. Waait Bowler. Single women and married women came forward at tho Rrunawlck alley yester day afternoon. The rank of the feminine bowler hav been dwindling of late and In iplte of tha large delegation of tho mal contingent alway present, but three women manned each team. A usual Mia Houseman bowled high total, (hooting a aerie of MS, VQ and 145. Thia I good bowling among the girl. Score: eiNOLK WOll KS, 1st. :'d. lot 11 3d Total. 14 4"K 141 ::, 113 172 lliiiiwmin Oatman ... I4 14! 108 U0 474 MARR1KD W'OMKN. 1st. 2d. Lang Total. 4o4 l,X3 JJ Tola Hmlth Klrkpatrlck Dawaon ... Total... i i;s 74 M 13 ll 1U Mi 3.71 2)l 318 278 S:S! 317 S.T Hemlla; Note. In a three-game special match th Farmer' Exchange club wa beaten by Murphy Colt last evening at the local llrunswick alley. A twenty-flve-polnt handicap allowed th Colt served to bring them victory in two of the three fiame. Art Pedrson and Kd Raker, a couple of local champ bowler, upheld honor a 1th the foil 4. Score: FARMERS' KXCIIANOK 1st. 1.1. Name. Sd. Tot tlreene 17& 1V1 &t Me 54i &07 hneed Nelson t lay bourne , Deslne :ir. i7 i; i;i mi 10 1H1 177 17S 11 14) 162 Total Kxo SVI MCRriiY'cl COLTS. it. t. Za. Vance I leiiiitaoil . Kvgail linker .... l'edcren . Total.. Handicap Total.. 1 u li ITS m; is: Ml 2& 144 ixl & 614 K4 W4 Ml : ,1S Mill tioaalp. For Pent -room modern house Sauth 3d. 1 hon houlh SU-t i'tl Office apace for rent In Bee office, iit V street. Terms leaai naulu. Well known lot alum Tel. couth . A inlet to antic proved a popular pro gram at th big Kani enlertainmont st th local bull at Twent v-thtrd and N bllnd-toldfd. atased a Uxln match. . .. , " . i ne r.auie ciuo rocma at l we,y.lmra and N siitwts will bt meeuni! ptunt for nteiiiliera of tne HiMisier club alio will 'e a card party Thutda evening OMAHA LIYESTOCK MARKET Big Demand for Cattle on Heavy Ran and Price Moves to Ten Cents Higher. SHEEP PRICES ARE FIFTEEN UP OMAHA. March . 1 Receipts were: Catre. Hheen. Official Monday O.ir, S.M2 S472 Official Tuesdny .irf, 1l.fXi 7.W Kstltnate Wednesday.. 7.. li.iVli .") Three daya thla wk.24.R-W .TK.017 V..V Paine daya last week.i.TifS 41.014 fmn daya 2 wka. ago.21,?2x 4. 2"..1W Same daya 3 wka. aco .In 247 4.4a Sl.el Same daya 4 wka. ago.Zi.lU M.141 S..r,4) Ha me daya laat year. .14.1si 24.410 21 The following taie ahowt the receipt of cat'le. hoaa and sheen at the Omnlm Live Stock market for tiie year to date aa compared with laat year: ld'H. lir. inc. ier. (atfle V&.mi 171.fl M.T.tl Hoga DTP, 44 k:!.!"! 240,449 h.-ep 44S.074 H3.1!l ....... KIM'i The following tame anowa Oi average pricea of lioga at the Omaha live atoc market for the !aat few daya. with com pi rlm.ps- ' i-'ate. I imift, 'aM.ll9l1.''!'12.tl1 IjJUli. L)- 1 .1 7 Hi I ' t T a O.'l 7 Oil J M reb. 22.n St4 I S I2 031 7 M! S 0: .(.I a .! i .V. S 'ib i s .! ' 24 I a 0S' a m g n 1 1t S Wi S rn) 2 J Ttb. i i hi . toi s : a 20 w I t ' .. 4Ti n M 1?; 02 Feb. reh. Vvb. ci. Mch. Mch. Alch .Mi h. M'il. Mch. S SOI S 421 8 08 6 OR S s sr, S 3.W s S 84! 8 181 11 w ss t I fW x f." I N 'Jul l.ii -i " i ?. s s.-.i,,i 4S s an is tfl l ? ? S. j; S ?4l 8 S0 l7 4.i It ,',. t It a i 3J! "i I 8 W-H 671 8 !' 8 371 6 37 SS 7. X K 'H' 4 i 31i H Ri 9 7? 8.1 8 KHI S Wl 18 SJ! Ml 71' 9 71 niday. Receipts and dlannsltlnn .if live Stirck rta and nlon a t the 1'nlon atock iarda for twnnty-four houra ending nt 3 o'clock yesterday: R Kf El lTJ CA RIOT8. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H"T'. C. M. Ht. P 6 Waliaan 8 Missouri Pacific 1 1'nlon Pacific S't f. N. W. etist.. ni f . N. W west.... M C, Ht. P., M. 4V ().. :, ('., H. A VI . east.... 14 ('., It. & (J , west.. 3 i" .. R. I. ft P.. eaat. Vi 4 3 8 3.. 7.1 1 17 I 42 6 1 3 2 4 218 3 4 C. R. 1. P.. went. I ' Illinois Central Li Chicago ll. West.. 4 Total recelpta 27.7 IMSPUSITION 1IUAJJ. fattle. Hogs Sheep. .Morris 4V . Co 818 l.sSl 61 2,871 7W 1,744 Swift & fo I.h4 34rt fudahv aiklng Co.... H47 2.1U7 Armour fo I.mli 2.M3 J. W. Murphy 3,62 Morrell i 14 Lincoln Packing Co.... 2S S01 th Omaha Pack. Co. 13 Ray State 37 S. A H 4 W. H. Vans nt Co M Hentdii, ansa nt A 1.. W Hill A Son 43 F. 11. Irwl Wl Huston Co 47 J. II. Root & Co........ VM J. II. Bulla 7" 1.. F. Huss 64 Kosenstock Bros Ui F. O. Kellogg l il Wertheimer Urgen.. 75 II F. Hamilton :I7 Sullivan Hroa 8 ' Rnthachlld c Krebs '-' Mo. aV Kan. Calf Co... 14 Christie 33 IliKKin 2 Huffman '. 11 Meyer a Baker. Jonea A lmlth 322 Banner Bros 32 John Harvey 4:t I lentils & Francia no Kline 4 Jensen luugren 3 ..... Other Buyer 4M 303 Total 7,000 13,866 S.22J CATTLsKReeolpt were fairly liberal again today, about 7,600 head making an Increaae so far thia) week of about, 4.000 head over the flrat half of laat. t In BDlte of thla Increase, however, th demand from both local dressed beef men and shipping buyers continues very Keen and trade was aotlv right from the start at prices strong to 10c higher than yes terday. Quality waa very fair aa a rule and all decent offering found a free outlet at th stronger figure. Bulk of the fair to good l.ooo to l,4C-ound beeve told around S'.aOfrt.OO and something prim would undoubtedly bring around fe.2b. ' - - - Cowe and heifer were In moderte sup ply and active demand and oia at me Jitgheat pricea of the aeaaon. Veal calve were steady ano mills, stags, eio., shade atronger. In stockers and feeders business was rather quiet. Prevailing high prices hav In a ineaaura checked the demand from the country, and although there seems to be plenty of confidence In the future of the fat cattle market the disposition on the part of 'the country 1 to go low on account of the high price of corti and the general uncertainty surrounding tha situation. Quotation on cattle: Good to choice beeves, 18.76410.; fair to good beevea, h.3ui.70; common to fair beevea, 87.2 8.2j; good to choice helger. 87.00aj4.86; good to choice cow, Su.764f7.60; fair to good cow, rt.00-fl7o; common to fair cows, 34.604i.'id; good to choice feeders, 7.7iyi8.io; tair to good feeder, $7.8& i.70; common to fair feedera, St.607.; good to choice stockers, $7.764j.26; stock helrera. 86.2ogi7.6o; stock cows. 8a.7Mii.7r; slock calve, S.o00; veal calve. 87.264j 10. H), bull, stags, etc., S6.26tj8.75. Representative aalea: BKelr' o 1EER8. No. Ar. Pr. No. At. Pr. 1 1M t M II 1041 4 at 101) t 00 41 DM ( it It. 104 1 II 13 MM 8 40 U 44,' 1 46 14 rn I W 4 711 I M II 1020 I 75 It I HO t It 4 l&tt I U ! 41 Ill I 0 I M4 ti 14 1UI l' t 1144 W 11 Io04 8 it 1 I0W kl i.. i.. ki in 17. I 4 3 to 1 Is 1U IB) 4. COWS. 11M M I ii7t in ltti.ltt I ket i 00 t 11M 1 10 4 HKlFfcHb t I uw it . l I II kit 1 om i-ALVES. ; HI I 4 V t W t it; t IS t lit t be 1 8 . 4 I . II.. I.. .. .1IU 7 to ...SD t li ...llfrt t ...IlOi 1 40 ...11U0 1 40 ...lit T 10 . . . TIS IS ...un 1 40 1 11,.. t... S... . 1 ... 1 ... 4... a... 47 7 U . HI 7 ii 40 6 1W 10 IM HTtX'KKrl4 ANli KKKUhnib I H4 t) 7 M 7 10 I -. t 1 M ' ' I T M 1 tit T at Hi) t M M lit 1 t 1UX13 The hog market today wa one nf tk. m I ML a ml I.Lun It 1 1 , , 1 1 one of the hardest to describe, seen lu r , In many a day. KiteouraKlu" advloe from otlier points Influenced aliifin-ra to pay I price tnat were a run lie Dinner ami hi many carea tvulOc htnlier than yesterday 1 Their ordera were brcd. and called for a bttf peri-ruta of light and light butch er weight ho. All told they bought In the neighborhood of a th.rd of the re oelpta, bulk of their purchases being made at UHotjKOO. with several load a htich aa $ 10. leapite t lie brisk start ahlpper icave tiie marKet paekera were very bearish. MT, I They made few bids during the early part lot the forenoon, but the first often tlu-y ' ' put out were aa much aa loc lower In a To'- ' good many Instances, Seller were i.n 41 able to any reason for this, and eo.. 4 tmued asking strong to hlaher prices. "fcHwttta the result that th market remained It a standstill until well alonir In the forenoon. A good share of the light hoc that carried a desirable finish aold lo shippers early 4,1 an advance of at least 6c, to In a wood many raw 10c. Anythtim on th j light order which was overlooked by ahlp I i ers hau a harder time, however, and while trie pig end or the ottering had moved by noon, gup a few loada were still unsold at that lime. Including some i'ch imckers liad n.vcr even hid on. Ho. A. Sa tv. . A. M. Tt CI Ml ... 176 Ktt ... I t ltt 411 t M ..,.. IS T IN . Ill 4 I i Tt 1 I r TT "t4 1 IS tt . . i . :i ; ... ii 'j BHKEH-Th ' auppllea of i.eep ! and lamb n mihal amalier than , oi (h) wo dB of 1 j looked vei y mixlcraie for a Veduea-I i av. some t tt cut v-nlne eats, or ..141 lie:i1 t.e n iriortcd lu. Kur the tlist half of the week the total la only 2S.1"! head, be ing more thnn n.0 smiiller than a week I tn 8 .0f llahter than two weeks airo and 4.i short of the corresixinding daya of lust yesr. fontlnued moderate auppllea and en-, eonraglng advices from other markets forced an upturn In Ir.mb values today. The market nened out In good sea n ! at a full dime advance, and by thn lime the bulk of the offerings started to move' prices paid looked a flut I'm- above ea-. tei-dny. Kverythlng In the lamb line was cleaned up In good season st the ad-' vance. A new season's top of 111.25 wa. set on both westerns snd Mexb-nna, while, the bulk of the desirable offerings sold upwards from til l. As compnred with the sixe of totiil re ceipts the supply of ewes was fairly lnrg. but the outlet continued broad, and most of the offerings sold ry the middle of the' forenoon at about IV hlaher prb-es. fhnlce fed western ewes, mutes of those aiiat sold at 1 ye.xtcrday, pet a new, high mark for the season of 3v2ii. and the bulk of the decent to good ewes Is i vln-j it t 00 nnd letter. ! There have lieen very f w times In th' yards' history when pricea were bett t ' ttan those lielng paid at present. li , May Inst year tops reached !lr). will . the following month aa hlsh as til 75 wni I paid, but with these exceptions, current values are the highest on rccorl. Kwes ' are also the highest tiey (a e been, wit i ll.e exception of April and M-iy, 1!'5. nivl March jHH). No wether or yearling) worthy of mention have been here this '. week, hut the season's top of V.Ki on tin latter Is a record for the yards. Feeding stock ivn.i ngnln cinsplcno.is by Its absence. i Quotation on sheep and Inm's- Unmhi. good to choice, 8 1. onfall Inmhs. fr I to good. SI' 7.Vu 1 1 Ci l imbs, fall cpp.,i ".i.V'i 10.01; 'amlis. fr.sh I'ppe 1. $-.7 W !.?S; ycarlinus. folr to plioic., Ilvht, ill""; yearlings. lair to choice, iicnvv i ..''a'..w, weir if, iir in in k-, 17. :. S."4: ewes, ood t- choh: , $S hniiS.'.fi; ewes. I lair to good. S7.25it.iO. Representative aulrs: No. V." I fed lambs ;.'. fed lambs 14 fed lumhs :'2 fed lainhs A v. Pr. II 01 11 to 11 On 11 00 7S 84 CIIICAf;o 1.1 K .TO K M ARKF.T j OTIICAOO, March V CATTISH Re ceipt. J 4. Out heiul; market firm: native heef steers. Sr.riOcik.ryt: western steers. 17.27 Sitt.45; stockers ond feedera. 8 sTitii iiO town and lieifers, 8;..VHil00; calves, 3V5 f 11.:. HODS Recolnts. 3;.iwo head: market strong; 1I'4j2c hl;rher; bulk of sales. 1 tis.ni); light, tn.l.'HJO.a); mixed. 8!'. l.'iti 6 ; havy, lM.',(ji.wi; roiiKh, l:t.tMi'l.20; plan. SIIKI7P AND LAMBS Kccelnts. 1S.U01 head; market strong; wether. SsStiH.S",; i ewea, KO'tit.W); lambs. S!i.5li ll.5. Kanaaa lllr Live Mloek Market. '! fANRAR f ITT. Mnrch S.-f ATTI.K R!Celpta, 7,400 head,' market higher: , atorkers nnd feeders weak: prime fed Heera, 19.0ijro; dr'saci beef steers. Js.On 4JH90; western teem. W.itraV.Vo; Mockers and feeders, 8'i.754ifl.SO; bulla, S3.6o4i'7.27j; i calves, SiinOftlLO). 1 Hi K!8 Hei'elpt, 8.700 had; market f higher; bulk of aalea. 8n.lOii.3ft: iienvv. 1 $!.15iiH.r; imckera and butchers. 19. LVfj' .!: nurht, v.-mi:i.vn nigs, 7..vms.e6. 1 S1IKKP AND I.AM HS Receipts. -..:)! ; nenc: market hinh.'r; IhioIih. Tli.7tilL2i; yeuiiltiKH, 8rt.4Wii').00; wether. $7.7.VfS.;0; ewes, S7.4Wi8.2., ' St. I.oola I.lve Stork Market. ST. IiOf IS, Maech 8 TATTL,K-Re- Celpta, S.ivm liead: narket higher, natl.-c : beef ateers. S7.50fi9.80: yearling stecra and ! t..iraH . 'j 1 q 1 - t ' 1. . . 1 .n. 1, 1 era and fedcrs, STi. "idj 7.75 ; Texaa and In dian ateers. S"i.2uti8.0o; cows and heifer, 84 OmfiH.uO; native calves. SH.OOifi u.00. HOtlS Receipts, 12.200 he;id: market ; higher; pig and Pght.s. l'X'Ait.r5; mixed and butchers. S.304i9.ti0; good heavy, J9.0 tl0. WIKKP IJNU I.AM 14(4 IteceiptS. !!.! bead: marKet alendv: vearllng wethers. SK.tnnU 10.00; lambs, ta.OKfill.a; ewea, $t;.50 8.23. loax City l.lve fttoek Market. SlOt'X CITY, la., March 8. CATTLK Recelpta. 1.500 head; market lOfiluc higher: native ateera. 87.5Wafl.ft1: butcher, SS.uOia) 8.00; cow and helfera, S5.o0'u7.23; atockera and feedera, S7.004t7.7O: calvea, So.BO.OO; bulla, atags, etc., S5.riOQ7.00. HOOK Receipts, 9.000 head; market 15T Iftc higher; heavy. SS.OSS.lj; mixed. SH.00 Hifl.flf.; light, S8.HOig9.00; bulk of sales, S.t6 iU9.10. KHEEP AND T.AM RS Receipts, COO head; market stnhdy: lamba, Js.OO'q 10.85. (4t. Josepk I.lve Stork Market. BT. JOSEPH. March 8. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.200 head: market higher: steers. t7.2Mr9.fio: cow and helfera, 84.608.75; colvea. i.ta 10.6. HOi RcccliHa. 4.000 head; market higher: packers alow; top, 89.25; bulk of alee. $S aVyd.LV 811c. E.P ANJJ UAM iteceipts. l.tjinj head; market higher; lamba. S10.5v311.06. t.lre Stock In Sight. . Receipt of live atock at the five prin cipal western markets: uati'e. xiogs. oneeo. South Omaha Kloug City .... Kanaaa City .. Chicago St. Loul Total , 1.300 16,600 7.0HO , l.folO fiiX) 7,4 8.7HO S .......14.CW0 S8.WIO Jb.OOO , 3.600 12,000 2,100 800 82,200 30,100 Bvapraed Af1e naid Dried Fralla NHW TORK. March 8. KVAPORATCI) API'LISS Dull; fancy, SwVuic; choice, Wio; prime. R!4(&oe. Prunea. firm; Callfomla. 4ti11tc; Oregon, T4ie1c. I1RIUU FKi;iT8 Apricota. dull; choice, Hj'.ilOe; extra choice, :o'rti'0.tc; fancy, HVulic. Pe&chea, dull; cnolce. 64c; ex tra choice, 6Vke; fanev, eVte. Kaialna, firm; looe muscatel. 7 (btVc; choice to fancy eeded. fWI'ic; London layers, B'i'&loVic. Metal Market. NBW TOHK. March 8.-MKTAT.S Iiod. I.T5. 4"opper steady; electrolytic, nearby, f'Jt.4kirSi.M; June and later, 1.7.25 tfSJ.fti. Iron firm and unchanged. Tin Blrong; atot. fB.tti hid. At Lonaon: Spot copper. i9i IS; futui-e. X,'X: electrolytic, 1M. Spot tin, fIST; future. U8 :5s. Leai. Bpolter. EM. Saaar Market. NEW YORK, March SL'OAR Raw. firm: centrifugal, 6.3ix; molasses. 4.50c; refined, firm. Sugar futuera were firm In sympathy with the strength of the apol market and at noon pricea were 2 to 5 point net higher on covering and re newed demand from commission house and trade interest. f allaaaa Ulan Ip. Pt Callahan, the Northwestern league pitcher, who waa bought by the Oakland club of the Pacific coast league, ha sent in his contract. Pirate Max Srkaeht. 1 The lttaburgh club has signed Pitcher i Al rk-hacht, who played laat aeaaon with the Jersey City club nf the International league. PiSo udorore BaaspU Pick. a aa m a Crraaaid Ptl Treat asea New 0ere4 Kreelefrev What It Wilt . Da far au Pyramid PIU Treatment f ive quick re let, atopa itch I n r. bleedinr r protruding pile, hemorrhoid and all rectal trouble, in la privacy of your own horn, too a box at all ruKKleta. A lng;le box often cure, rre aaaspU ler trial with booklet mailed free in plain wrapper, It you ascd u coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PTFAMID DRt'O COMPANT, bn r'ramid Bids. ItaraaalU Mich. Klnrtlr tend an a Pre aampl of Pyraawdf ilTr stai aat. la piala wrapper. Kara Street City... Ftat For V v y The Home of Li LA6 If DODGE DOUGLAS Delightful New Styles in Women's Apparel llrjiroductiona of mul adaptations from tlio most charming and newest creations in Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Skirts. Kvery late development of fashion finds this store ready with its most pleasing examples. There's a splendidly huge range, of styles and prices and at each price you'll find superior quality and style individuality plainly evident. H iPil ; 1 Krf-'Kim 1 i IF tional Many nobby Spring Styles In all IB Beautiful Dresses Greatly underpriced Thursday, we Include In. this showing a very choice and widely varied assortment of designs In fine Taffeta and Novelty Silks, Georgettes. Crepes, etc.; values we are confident yon will not find equalled in any other Omaha store.. . $15 and $25 Hay den Famous for Silks In our dayllRht Silk Section you will find tho silks that are In tlemanil for spring wear. The styles, qualities and low prices will prove to you that we are headquarters for silks. Splendid north daylight to inane yuur srircuunt. 20 Pieces 36-ln. All Silk Faille Francatse, In a good line of street shades and black; a special value, at $1.25 Yard-wide striped Chiffon Taffeta Silks, in a wide variety of new styles and colors, J 1.2 5 value, at 95 100 Pieces of New Tub Silks, satin stripes,, in two and 3 -color combinations, that are beauties, very suitable for ladies' blouses and men's shirts at .78. 08t and $1.38 Ribbon Sale Thursday This is a special opportunity to buy your Spring Ribbons at a big saving. No. 80, Taffeta Ribbons, per f yard '. ; . ...... . . ."llC Extra wide Moire and Fancy Rib bons, worth up to 50c, at, nq per yard 0 The finest Satin Taffeta Ribbon, x tra wide for hat trimmings, A special line of $1.50 Rib- nn bons, at, per. yard.... HOC Velvet Ribbons, at, per yard r 5c, 7c, 10c, ind 15c A big Job of No. 5 Ribbons, at, per yard . wC Spring Laces 7c -Lacea, -Per-Yard, Sic Fine Vals and Torchon Laces, tor underwear and children's dresses, .edges and insertions, Ol - at, per yard O 2 C 10c I .aces, at .V. This is a great line of Vals. Torchons, Venice, Shadow, Cluny and No'.tinz ham Wash Laces; only, f" at yard 3C -' !i.V I.acett, at 15c. A big line of Point de Paris and Oriental 1-accs, worth up . 1 r to 35c; only, at. yard IOC Special counters of- Fine Lacec, Thurs-o no. ci a day at..7l VJ ft A Y7 Best Strictly Fresh No 16 Lbs. 4S-lh. kacka beHt IllRh I i rail 4 Dlamon l It Hour, limit. from the best se lected No. 1 whtat. r.o.hlng finer tor bread, plea or cake, sack, 91.40 10 bat real-'Kin-All. Ina non;! ' i r ' l.aumiry uueeii, i lie uauiniry be 4 ini-Knitrj Ii.mik-mic Mu' uroin . . . e cam till tarlnea Ic Tall can Alunka :i luon 100 liupui iea bui ainri In olive oil. can 10c 1-lu. can Aaaoited Houpa. . . . ' . .'jO No. 1 tana iSnlilen t'uiupkin. 11. mil. .y til Sauer kraut T0 No. S cana I'ork and llean B'o K. O. i'lini Flakes. ku 8o W. l. '. or Kiinnl'le pkg Bo b I'us. I', uili c Jiiiuii Klce t.a ltrge bott'e Worcester Hauce, Pure Tcmato I'ataup, Hicklea, aaaorted kinilM. Horseradish or l're,ar..l Muataid, lottle S'aO Si os. Jar Pure Fruit Precervea, 80 28. ox. I'are Biraiued Honey tie Yeast Kimra. pka 30 Mm l.areii'a 1't'fc.nut Hotter, lb., lte l.'.ishey'a Hreakfast Cocoa, lb.. SOo The beat Tea tiiftin;, lb lfle l'ancy UoMen antoa Coffee, lb., too ekixd Tnvrru fob toui ud Diaa. pixs. liucii AaTO CAKB. l-siuv cleaned Currant, lb 1 im cv California 'ooklm H. ib 10a Hart, Schaffncr & Classy New Silk Suits $29. 75, $35, $45 up to $85 Distinctive Wool $25, $35, $45 up Tailored Suits As a Thursday Special we are offering nearly 1200 beautiful Sample Tailored Suits in the season's most approved tie signs, colors and fabrics; in belted, pleated or flare model coats, also box and semi-tail ored effects; every one a bar gain, at $17,50 Charming Ideas in Spring Coats favored fashion and fabric in the season's most le colors, an immense stork for selection; exeep alues at every rieet ranging from $25.00, 5, ?35.00 up to $59.00 Coat Special at $10.00 frizes and colors, plain, plaids, checks, Advanced Styles in Blouses A charming assortment of designs for any and all occasions, with satisfjing quality an assured fact whatever the purse.' See. the many new styles at-"- $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $6.95 to $15.00 ' Wool Di-eas Ciontls Selection. 50 kinds of All-Wool French Eplngles, In every new street color and black, the proper spring weight. at i All-Wool French Velours, in the nobby new blocks, that are very popular, also plain colors, $1,98 Our new styles for made-to-order Skirts are now ready, made by expert tailors and perfectly fitted. Your choice of any material In our stock, for the mating ......82.00 "v av sv - - wi aV k -nwr r NEW $10 so On display for your approval tomorrow. Over 2C0 unusually smart new . hats at this price. Showing copies and adaptations of all the latT est Paris patterns. Clever original creations by this country's leading designers. Every new Paris idea. Every new color combination. In fact, more style and charm are combined in these hats than has ever been known in trim med millinery, at T $ 10.00 a . I Eggs, First Quality, Best Granulated Sugar, Fancy ib. . Fancy ib. . t am y California Seedleaa Uaisliix. . . .iavo "California Mulr reaehea. 7Vo California Muaiatel Ilaislna. iu j Fancy l alitornia Mlver I'mnca. :b. 153 ib rancy i4.iiiur nia Jiuir ran rtt.i..j". 11. ! Fancy Seeded Itaiaina. pkar. 8lo-iali ('ndenaed Mince Meat. pkK o Tiie best Lemon, Oraiiae or Ctiion Heel. IU. , . .Oo Imported .Fard ,late. lb. ...... ... .l&o Any of the above in 10-lh. lot, lc per pound off. IIT1A BPXCIaZ. EldKLiVD MA. TCL OKA STOPS AMD rLOalOA OtATB TMVJT BAI.S TKUKS DAT. 12. and . 150 aixe. Fancy lliRhland Navels, Th ins-lay. dozen 85o The fineat of quality fancy 64 Bis s Florida Grape fruit, each 60 THS TZSITAIU MaMII Or okaka fob tii rsorxs, Street from tit fTOwer to th cob. nan. Aa wa adeertt, o w 11. li lb. twt Uliio Potatoes 3lo Fresh Spinach, per peck tJO laiire bum ho fresh Radishes. Tur nips. Carrota or ciliaJlota .100 California Cauliflower, per lh...T TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST- H Marx Clothes g STREETS Suits to $75 etc. Don't fail to see these bargains. An Arrav of Captivating HATS Thursday, dozen, 20c $1.00 3 large Soup Bunches jO rancy Cucumber, each "loo Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb iilUe Fancy Head Lettuce, per hd. So, TO 3 Hithuuse Leaf Iettuce lja Wisconsin Cabbage, per lb...."' 10 'u "ri"i rrui5, lurnips or Par- anins. lb Fancy Fare Plant, each Horacra.liali Hoot, per lb.... Freah Parsley, 1 bunches fancy Ripe Strawberries',' boxea Fancy Muslirootrs. box - .so .18Ho . .81, . ..lOo Quart . . .as . . .60o 1.0CO Boxaa lane rtnMil . w Twig; Apple, to b sold Tkorsday. The Klack Twig 'a one of the flneat eating and cooking applea grown, firm, sweet and Juicy. Thl car was hipped fur us to sell for the grower, r.t Baahtl Box 91.89 Special Meat Sale Thursday No. 1 Fresh Pork Chor. lb.... 15V, No. 1 hteer Pot Hoast. Ib 19 U No. 1 t.-cr Rib Boil. Ib 8HC No. 1 uteer Round Kteak. lb.. 1T-i 11. s. Hest laf Lard i....tf. No. 1 Hack Bacon, lb lsUo No. 1 Ihu tiai-on, lb 18Ve We have m- r.ill I in. nt I.V.. K .,,.1 Salt Hill every day during Lent. 1