The Omaha Daily Bee. WHKX AWAY FROM HOME The Bee is the Paper yea ut fori f fn absent more thaw a w lays, fcave Toa Be Balled to mj THE WEATHER. Fair ( VOL. XLV NO. 122 OMAHA, THURSDAY MOUN'INO. MAKCll !. 1 !! H)rUTKKX PACIKS. Oa Trains, at Hotel SJtands, e, V) SLVOLK TOPV TWO CENTS. STONE TO KEEP HIS SPEECH IN HIS POCKET NOW QUEST OF NOONDAY CLUB BANQUET TONIGHT. AT FRENCH MAKE A COUNTERATTACK, TEUTON TO KEEP WITHIN SEA LAV IF BRITON DOES AMERICANS WHO ARE FIGHTING FOR FRANCE This interesting picture shows a number of the American legion about to storm a German trench in the Argonne region. At the extreme right of the photograph is seen Bob Scanlon, the negro boxer, who is a mber of the legion. GAINING GRP ''.'wtww'''l'MllJy';?Tgaa .N WlWWIj..l4li.Wlill'nililJIJBIU.JBaiSSi I i if Iction of House in Disposing of McLemore Resolution Relieves Senator of Necessity of Talking. HAS A TALK WITH PRESIDENT ssert that Chief Executive Has ! No Desire to Plunge United j States Into War. i WASHINGTON', D. C. March 8. Chairman Stone of the foreign re latlons committee announced today that he would not deliver the ad dress to the senate that he has had in preparation for some time with re lation1 to foreign issues. Mr. Stone conferred with President Wilson last Bight following the rote in the house tabling the McLemore resolution to warn American citizens off armed merchant ships of belligerents. He said he would make a brief state ment later. "I hare a notice standing on the calendar to the effect that I would tomorrow address the senate on the subject of armed merchant ships and on other related subjects," Senator Stone continued. "With much care I have prepared a speech which I purposed to deliver, and in which I joined issue with some senators who have spoken on these questions, par ticularly as to the law, if Indeed there be a law established and recog nized touching the subject of armed erchantmen." Rrion for Being Clad. "There are potent rtarons why I would be glad to lay these matured views on this and co-related tJJects before the senate, but some ot my colleagues. In whose Judgment I have great confidence, a number of them being substantially In accord with my views, have expressed to me their belief that It would be wiser and belter In every t ay If I should defer the delivery of this nadress for the time being., I recognize the force of what they have said to me, and In fact sympathize with, their suggestions. "Last night I had another very frank talk with the president I say frank, for that Is the way we talked with each other, aa we should. I am sure I will not offend if I say that ao far from the president desiring., to Involve this country In thl" disastrous European war, bis su preme wish is to avoid that calamity. I may not be In accord with -some .of his views; I have already stated that on the floor, but tt should be Impossible for any senator to believe that the president has so changed the attitude he has ao long maintained a an advocate of peace as to wish now to make this cpuntry a party to this conflict. N Kor Upheddlaa Ware. "As senators well know, I have fronf the first been earnestly opposed to hav ing any of these questions presented in any formal way to the senate and that I have been equally opposed to any public discussion of these questions while they were the subject of diplomatic negotia tion. In this view I have determined that I could better serve the cause that I have at heart that Is, the maintenance of peace this country by . withholding any ex pression of my opinions so long aa the questions at Issue. are the legitimate sub Jttt of diplomatic negotiations. "I profoundly, hope that no occasion will arise when I shall feel obliged to take these subjects up In a public way, but If, perchance, such an occasion should arise, 1 will speak and act aa I think. In the meantime I shall give the president what ever support I can In the discharge of thobe duties devolved upon him by the constitution." Bank at St. Paul, Minn,, is Robbed ST. PAUL. Minn.. March S. A robber Vilfi nn thn fi.,Mirltv HfnA hnk hot. fthla afternoon and escaped with about 11,000 in currency. Three employes of the bank were In the building at the time. The Weather For Nebraska Partly cloudy: wannep in east and central portions; colder Thurs day in west ponton. For Iowa Partly cloudy and warmer; unsettled and warmer In east and south liortions. emperatores ai umana i mrraar, Hours. Deg. f a. m 19 6 a. m lt 7 a. ni IX 8 a. m 1st 9 a. m st 10 a. m 2 11 a. m 2) 12 m : 1 p. in 35 i p. in 3i S p. in 34 4 p. in 37 ' p. in 31 p. m :w 7 ii. m 35 8 p. m 33 Comparative -o""l Record, 1915 1314 i:n Highest yesterday as : 41 rt l.owwat yesterday IS !1 2j 3 .Mean temperature 2S it it a I recipuauon T T . .'V Temperature and precipitation depar- turra iruin normal .Normal temptraturrr. . . 32 I wf Icleney for the day 4 Total defialency since March 1 'H .normal precipitation 04 inch Iieficlency for the day 04 inch Total rainfall since il.irch 1 07 inch Deficlenojr since March 1 4 itvh Kxcesa for cor. period. M3 l.M Indies iiencivncy lor cor. period. 1914.. .31 inch Reports from gtatloas at T I. M. Station and State Temp. High- Ha In vt W eather. 7 p. m. cut. fall. i neyenne, parity ciouay..4-i IlAvpnDort. clr I 31 M 2 41 S V LtMiver, cloudy ......&4 J rfiodge City, cloudy iA fi mr l.ander. cloudy 52 JF North Platte, cloudy 44 ? Omaha, snow 3S Pueblo, clear 64 Hapid City, pnrtly clottay...' Salt Lake City, cloudy ... .n2 fan- partly clomly ...n2 T indicates trace of pr""ipltat on l.. A. WKljiii. Lucal K'rj. nsier. OKOKOK A. CARI.SON. (iovcrnor of Colorado. COFFEY COMPILES DATA ON NEBEASKA Commissioner of Department Labor Issues Booklet on Re sources of the State. of SURPRISING FACTS REVEALED Nebraska's wonderful progress In the last few years from an agricul tural standpoint, and the tremen dous possibilities of the state as a producer, are strikingly set forth In a 170-page booklet, "Resources of Nebraska," Just issued by the State Department of Labor. The booklet is chiefly the work of Frank M. Cof fey, deputy commissioner, and beara besides his name those of Governor John H. Morehead and May Morris Harris and Bernlce Owen, stenog raphers. Salient facts regarding Nebraska's productive wealth are presented In a comprehensive way by the sys tematically compiled f igures . and statistics JtJ pointed out. that of the states In the union Nebraskka is tho'-third' largest' wheat producer, the third largest oats producer, the fourth largest corn producer, tho second largest alfalfa producer and the fifth largest butter producer.'- Omaha Largest Better Market. Omaha's world-wide prestige as the largest butter market In tho world la dwelt upon; also the fact that the' second largest smelter of fine ores in the world is In this" City. Among other facts shown to point out Nebraska's greatness are: Haa largest sing V creamery in tho world. Has largest river within the borders of a single state. Nebraska's egg crop in 1914 was worth more than all the gold and silver mined in Colorado and California. In the samo year. Nebraska's small grain crop in 1915 was worth more than all the world's produc tion of tobacco and copper. The products of Nebraska aoll for s single year would fill a freight train 12,00) miles long. Newport, Rock county, Nebraska, is the largest hay shipping railroad sta tion In the world. Manr Apples Raised. ' The counties of Richardson, Johnson, Otoe, Cass and Nemaha produce more apples every year than the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho. racked In pound cartona and the car tons stacked on end, the butter output of Nebraska In a single year would make a column of butter 1,300 miles high. Maar Apples Raised. Scottsbluff, In the extreme west end of Nebraska, la the largest single hall- roud shipping point in the United (Hates. Nebraska's, agricultural and live stock production In 1915 was worth more than the nation's output ot coal luding the same year. Nebraska Fpends more per capita for education than any other state and has the largest per capita permanent school fund. Nebraska's manufacturing plants an nually aurn out products worth over $160,- OUC.OOO. Nebraska's grand total of production in 1914, agricultural, live stock, dairy, fruit and manufactured products totaled approximately, more than 7o0,00M0O. Live Ktoek Market. Particular xtreaa Is put on the fact that Nebraska's largest Industry Is that of live stock; it is pointed out that Omaha Is the second largest live stock market In the world and the thirn largest packing center. Surveys are made of the Increase and dlKtribution of Nebraska's population, the farm property of the state. Irrigated lands, lands, subject to sale or lease, the bonded Indebtedness of coun tiCH, tlie railroad business in the state, and th farm and city mortgages. FRANK OAKLEY. FAMOUS CLOWN, KILLS HIMSELF NEW YORK. March 8 Frank Oakley, who as "Pllvers." a clrtua clown, made millions of people laugh throughout the country, was found dead, a aulclde from tsphxiating gas In a theatrira! boarding house here early today. "-Silvers," who wan years old. came l y bis nick name through hi helxht and sK-ndernesn. For vrars he traveled w th Harrtum circus. !fe was born In i-1en. Drive the Germans Op' beaux, Which Thfci. in Occupying in V? . alt ing Drive Tuesday. VERDUN A SLAUGHTER German Captives Describe Fighting Along the Front and Give Idea of the Heavy Losses. PROMISED A CLEAR FIELD PARIS, March 8. The French by a strong- counter attack today suc ceeded In driving the Germans from the greater pftrt of the Corbeaus wood, which they occupied yesterday, and, according to the official state ment Issued by the war office to night, the Germans now hold only the eastern extremity of this wood. The Germans, however, have reoccu pied he Hnrdaniount redoubt. Douanmont. to the north of Ver dun, Is again bring heavily bom barded. German prisoners taken at Ver dun estimate the losses of the bat talions which took part in infantry assaults since February 25, at an average of two-thirds of their total strength. "Our officers promised us." snld one. "that cannon would clear the way for us. so that we could occupy the French lines almost without loss. We believed also that at each stage of our advance, now artillery preparations would enable us to continue without great risk. In stead, our battailous, under unheard ot fire from field guns and machine guns for hours together, were cut to 'pieces. The effort we made passed all measure of human strength. That Is why the march on Verdun failed." Here Come the French. A German soldier belonging to tho Sixty-fourth infantry, said; "Our bat talion started from its position In the woods the night of March 2, with ordera to occupy an earthwork to the east of Fort Douaumont. Suddenly some one called: ' ; " 'Here como the French'. , "The shock" was bo Impetuous that tt overwhelmed our lines. I fell into a hole made by a shell and lay there all night, listening to the calls of the wounded for stretcher bearers. The moans often ended In the death rattle. "Tfhere can aoereelr- be anything tt of my company. It already had lost one fourth of its- (lumbers In the fighting from February to 24. This finished It." Another -German, a member of the Twenty-fourth regiment, said: "I was glad to get out of that hell. Our spirits were pretty low and In all the division. because we felt that the work of taking Verdun would have to be begun all over again." Eastern-Koads : Must Eeturn Cars Or Be Penalized WASHINGTON, March . Tho commis sion on car shortage of the American Railway association today notified east ern railroids that It would Impose penal ties upon such of them as continued to disregard the commission's suggestion for delivering dok cars to western roads to ameliorate the present car shortage in the west. Tho commission Issued a statement say ing that the commission "finds that dur ing February the recommendation con tained In the commission's report of February 23, 191B, that the eastern roada should deliver at least 20 per cent of box cars westbound In excess of similar cars delivered to them by western fo&da castbound, haa not had any general ef fect." - The statement continues: "Notice Is ae cordingly now given that unless such de liveries are made and maintained In sub stantial accord with the recommendation of the commission It will be necessary for the commission to Impose penalties on delinquents for nonobservance of car service rule.'1 Goodrich and Adair Indiana Candidates For Governorship j INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., March 8.-Count-lng of the second choice votes cast in the primary here yesterday will be necessary It Is believed to decide the contest for the republican nomination for United States senator, but James P. Goodrich probably won the nomination for governor and Congreraman John A. M. Adair was nomi nated for governor by the democrats, his opponent, L. B. Clore, conceding his own defeat late today. Harry 8. New, with 1.708 of the 3,177 precincts In thn state heard from, was leading; James E. Watson by i,b3 In the senatorial contest, while Arthur L. Rob inson was running far behind the two. Figures on the democratic ballots were much olower in coming in. due to the fart that the majority of the election In spectors were republicans and opened the republican ballot boxes first. Keturns from 1.903 precincts gave Adair 41.797 to Clore'a 16,lv. Tong King Chong, Head of Chinese Association, Dead SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March 8 Tong King. Chong, president of the Chinese Republican association, founder tnd editor of the Chinese Republic Jour nal an1 active in the promotion of the , resent revolution In China, diid here ast night of a lung sffe tl hi. 1 p..ed ! g A, I mH r ua. .tr U' . it ' TRAINMEN ARE FOR THE SHORTER DAY Demand Will Be Made Upon Rail roads and They Will Be Given Thirty Days to Reply. STRIKE OR NO STRIKE LATER CHICAGO, March 8. Announce ment of the. referendum vote of 400, 000 railroad employes, involving every road in the country, or 528 different lines, on the question of demanding: an eight-hour day with time and a half for overtime will not be made until tomorrow, or Friday. The vote, of the men ia said to be overwhelmingly in favor of demand ing a shorter day, with pay for overtime when the present wage agreement expiree, March 31. The taking of the vote haa been In prog ress by mall for several months. Officers, of the. engineers, firemen, conductors and trainmen organUa tions met here today to tabulate the vote and consider plans for present ing the demands of the men to the railroads. The union leaders were In conference behind closed doors all day, but Bald no announcement of the result of the vote would be made within forty-eight hours. Those pres ent were: W. S. Btono, grand chief of the Broth erhood of Locomotive Knglnemen; W. O. Lee, president of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen; W. 8. Carter, presi dent of tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Englnemen; A. B. Garret- son, Order of Railway Conductors; P. Kilduff, chairman of the executive com mittee; V. J. Burke, vice chairman of the executive committee; II. A. Enochs, secretary of the executive committee, and C. I). Gold, assistant secretary of the executive committee. W. O. Lee, president of the Brother hood of Railway Trainmen, said:, "There is little question, that tho vote will be In favor of the eight-hour day and for Immediate action. If that Is the case, the railroads will be notified that the men demand an eight-hour day, and they will be given thrtty day sin which to prepare their reply.' If the demands are refused, our next step will be to call for a referendum strike vote, and nego tiations will be begun with the railroads. There la a prospect of a strike, but there are many conditions - which 'may arise between the present and the final calling out of the men which may prevent such action." Mrs, Nellie Shaw Dies Suddenly in Windy City Cafe CHICAGO. March 8. The police arc to day Investigating .the. death of Mrs. .Nellie fhaw, 60 years old, In a crowded down town restaurant last night. Mrs. 8ha who 's aald to be an expert' bllllardlst entered the restaurant accompunled by two women whose Identity has not been learnd. flupper was ordered and a short time later the two womon left, leaving Mrs. Hhaw at the table. It was later dis covered that she was dead. A physiian who examined the body said the death might have bten caused by poison or heirt disease. A pox mortem probably will be performed to day. Mrs. Bhaw was the wife of Lew Shaw, a professional billlartllHt, who Is said to be traveling In Iowa or Illinois giving exhibitions. Ambassador Morgenthau Asks for Collier to Take Food to Palestine WAPHINGTO.V. March 8. Henry Morgenthau, American ajnl atotadnr tj Turkey, took up at the Navy and Ktate departments today the question of snd Ing a collier with food to sufferers in Palestine. He said group of men in New York were willing to sjpply about IM tons of food. Americans In schools and other insti tutions In Constantinople, Mr. Morgen thau said. ' are well supplied with food now, but will need more in the fall. He refused to discuss reports that Turkey derlred a separate peace. Prenlutnt Wilson was Invited today by Rabbi Joreph Silverman of New York Colorado Governor To Address Noonday Club Here Tonight Hon. Georco A. Carlson, aovernor of Colorado, will be the prlnclpnl apeakor at the seventh annual banquet of th" Noon-Pay club of Omaha to be held thi.4 evening, at the Commercial club. Pvil N. Wlemer, prealdent of the club, will preside aa tonstmaster. The other speuk. era will be the Rev. Ieonard Stromlicr of Oakland, Neb., widely known n author, orator, poet and proarltcr, an! Mr. Frank Peterson, lawyer, of IJnt'oln. The Noon-Day club of Omaha Is an or ganization of 1.r0 business and prors slonal men of Swedish birth or descent. There will be a largo number of out-of-town guests present, uhe Noon-Day club was founded in 1!X10, and holds meetings twice monthly at noon at the Commer cial club. The purpose of the organisa tion la to establish and promote a closer friendship among Its members and to en courage the advancement of clvlo and social Improvements. The club, la vig orously American and ellmlnatea the hy phen. The officers are: Paul N.' Wlemer, president; P. A. Edqulat. vie president' P. A. Johnson, treasurer, and"fthuT'"B" Palmer, secretary. Governor Carl sort will ' arrive at 9:60 this morning, stopping aa the guest of the Noon-Day club at the Fontenelle, and rill remain here until Friday afternoon. Angry Bull Blocks Traffic in Bay City Street Half Hour BAY CITY, Mich., March 8,-Maddcned at the sight of a red handkerchief, a bull went on a rampage here yesterday afternoon and after creating a panic among the residents and blocking traffic on a street car line, was killed by the police. Two traders bought the animal from a farmer five miles out In the country and started with It for a slaughterhouse. With a long rope around lis neck, they covered about half the distance and had just come Inside the city limits when the bull balked. One man pulled on the rope while the other prodded it wljli a pitchfork. Then me man in iront arew oui a rea nannnnna to wipe the perspiration from his face. There was a snort and a roar and Mr. Bull charged. He went through a fence, tipped over an automobile and chased a woman Into her kitchen. Then he returned to the street and stood In the middle of the atreet car tracks, blocking trafflo for half an hour. The police re sponded to a riot call and opened fire on the animal with a shotgun, with little apparent effect. They had to send to the station for a large calibre rifle. With six bullets In his carcass, the bull fell dead. TWO AMERICANS ARE KILLED BY VILLA BANDITS EL PASO, Tex., March 8. Accredited but unconfirmed reports received today by Ocneml Gabriel Oavlra, at Juares, state that two Amerlruns named Ursnk- lin and Wright were killed Monday at Pechaco .by Villa bandits between Casas Crandes and Janos, Chihuahua. The advices contained noticing the fate of the wife and small sun of Mr. Wright, who were reported with the men at Colonel Pacheco. Oavlra declared the men, said to the Mormon ranchers residing west of Caana Crandes, diHtegarded warning he had si nt to all Aim-rlran' realdcnls of northwest Chlhunhua when he first learned of Villa movements to that section. and S mon Wolf, former nunixter to Tur key, to attend it inaH meeting In Mr. Morgentliau's honor In New York during this month or April. The president said he would go if possible. Regarding reports that he might re sign, Ambaasador - Morgenthau said ' a number of his friends had urged him to do so. to permit him to work for Presi dent Wilson's re-election, but that his present Intention was to return to Con stantinople. He said, however, that he mlKht resign If It were shown during the next few weeks that he could do woik for Mr. i Wilson wbleh could l aceom pllf hed by no cne else. . 4i ii ; j j SOFT COAL MINERS AGREE ON A SCALE Fifteen Million Dollars Increase in Wages During Two Years, the Life of the Wage Contract. APPLIES IN MANY STATES NRW TOrtK, Maroh 8 After a debate laatlng nearly six hotirsn the Interstate Joint conference of miners and operators from the soft coal fields of western Penn slvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, rep resenting nearly SO.'X) mine workers, to diiy adopted the new wage contract agreed upon by tho subcommittee of em ployers and employes. The agreement will Increase the Income of the mine workers !n those states about l.".,000,nu0 during the two years' period the contract is to rtin and will have an In fluence on the wage conferences to he held In the bituminous fields of central Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Michigan, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansaa, Okla homa, Atkauaas, Texas, Wyoming. Mon tana and Washington, as the agreements In those statos are based largely on the 'iotloii1 taken In western .Pennsylvania. Ohio, Indiana and II! loots. The policy committee of the United Mine Worker will meet in Pittsburgh, March 1. to de clde on the method of ratification by the full membership of bituminous mine workers. The policy committee Is mado tip of eight miners from every mining state in the country ana It haa the power to call a convention to ratify the new scale and submit It to a referendum vote of soft coal diggers. Opposition to the new scale, uhlch will go Into effect April 1, waa voiced by some operators and miners. Tho chief objections among the miners came from Indiana delegates who refused to vote to adopt the scale. When they voted "no," John P. White, International president of the miners' union, announced that tho Internatloal officers would assume the resposlblllty of bringing about a settle ment In that state. A resolution was adopted continuing the life of the Joint conference and pro viding that it shall meet to negotiate a new scale before the one today expires. This la the first time such action hat been taken in twelve years. The subcom mittee of operators and miners will meet tomorrow afternoon to sign the contract, subject to the ratification of all soft coal mine workers. Bomb Sets Fire to Chemical Works at . Niagara Falls, N. Y. NIAGARA KALI.fl, N. Y., Mnnh S Flre following an explosion In the chlo rate department of the Nlugara Klectro Chemleal company hero today threatened the complete destruction of the plant bevun Inst night when Severn I explosions and tho resultant fires Inflicted d:irnnte estimated nt 11.7V"1". ' The explosion was heard for several miles around and across the Niagara ntaraet in Canada, ' here It emitted a hasty mobilisation of the militia guarding the frontier. Pr. Hector R. f'arvath, manager of the company. Issued a foriitil statement to day, saying the plant had been "iKimbel." The firemen had difficulty In flKhting the fire because water mixing with the chemicals added fuel to the flames. No one was Injured by today's explosion One was killed and another Injured by the exploxlon last night. lr. t'arvath said he was convinced that tho explosions resulted from outside agencies. He vaid he believed a bomb was set off Inside tho peroxidal plant. Coal Company May Intervene in ' the Rock Island Case I'll K'AGH, .March 8. Federal Judge Carpenter today (ermltted Attorney II. O. Miller, representing the Consolidated Indiana Coal company, to file an inter vening petition objecting to t lie payment of fo.Ouo Interest on the 2n.0i.iO Issue of & per cent debenture bonds of the Chi cago, I lock Inland & Pacific railway, due January 15, 1U16. The coal company buses Its objections on the ground that the railroad compmy unconditionally guaranteed the Interest on a $.',773,000 Itond issue of tlm Indian corporation, which It Is contended is a , pi lor i lulm. This it Said to Be Purport of Long Note Delivered to Secretary Laniing by Ambassa dor Bernitorff. SUBSEA NEW ENGINE OF WAR Kaiser Admits International Code plakei No Provision for Its Use. PUTS BLAME ON GREAT BRITAIN WASHINGTON. March 8. Tne German government in a memoran dum, handed today by Count von Iternatorff to Secretary Lansing, out lines in detail Its position In regard to armed ships, reviews events lead ing up to its decision to torpedo without warning all armed mer chantmen of its enemies, concedes that international law, as at present constituted, makes no provision for tho use of submarines, and expresses a willingness to operate its submar ines In accordance with International law prevailing prior to the war on the condition that Great Britain does not violate the same laws. The fell text of the fiermaa mote mill be found on paare K. Missouri Eiver Now Extends from Bluff to Bluff at Yankton YANKTON, P. D., March 8.-(Speclal Telegram.) The Missouri river thla morn ing was the highest In thirty-five years. It rose two feet In the night and many farmers had clows calls. The damage is running Into thousands ot dollars. Nu merous farmers have lost hogs and aome cattle and horses. The flood Is now at a standstill. Many farmers are cut off. and as phones are not working worst flooded districts 'cannot Je communi cated with. No such conditions as now prevail has occurred since the great flood of 1XS1. In town limits many homes are flooded, but most ot the city Is on high ground. Not one railroad Is working Into the city, aa the three bridges ot the Milwaukee, Northwestern and Great Northern are all submerged at the James liver. River men were aurprised at the quick rlsa last night, but believe tho w'bVlt la bt'er. ' BIOUX. CITY-. law March ".-Report from points on the Missouri river north d tiloux City Show little change In the flood situation early today. Faml.lee n. low land between Yankton and . Vermillion have fled to , higher ground. No Uvea are reported to have been lost, although much stock haa perished on the bottoms near the river. Traffic on railroads running near the Missouri haa been suspended. Nearly Quarter of Wheat Crop Still On Farms March! WASHINGTON, March 8. The Depart ment of Agriculture crop report today announced: Wheat, about 241.717.000 bushels, or S3. per cent of the lir crop, remained on farms March 1. About 61.7 per cent will be shipped out of counties where grown. Corn, about 1.138,771,0(0 bushels, or 87. S per cent, remained on farms. About 18.8 per cent will be shipped. About 71.3 per cent is merchantable. Oats About 2'ACOO.OOO bushels, or 38.7 per cent remained on farms; about 30 per cent will be shipped. Barley About 60,511,000 bushels, or 25. 5 . per cent remained on farms; about 43.1 per cent will be shipped. . , Wheat Piled High on Ground Awaiting Cars forShipment HUTCHINSON. March 8. An estimate that 204,OuO bualielH of wheat were piled on the ground awaiting freight cars for shipment on the Kl I'aso division of the Chicago, Kock Island & Pacific railway between Herington. Kan., and Tucum- carlt N. M.. was made today by Lyman Oaborn. division freight agent of thi road. The elevators along the lines were full, he said, and cars could not bj obtained to move the surplus. He aald It probably would be several months before tho road could handle adequately the grain offered it. You can phone your Want-Ads to THE BEE. .Charges will be collected after ad appears. TELEPHONE Tyler 1000. V