TTTE BEE: OMAHA, MARCH 1016. Want-Ad Rates , CABX WITH OBDBB! 1C pM- word ach Insertion IpMlil Betael rrm and Ranch Ian.ts cn lnrlo4i T pr Hn irnuM at words to th line w . FOREIGN ADVERTISING l'01 AGENTS OR H KLP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: . one tlm IHn.rwo'.'.'t'-V con.ecutlva time. u p7r Y,;v thrcon.-cu,,,. (Count ! word to th line) mo AO Tatrxir rom jmj -If A TOTAXt O too OB tS" TI1 10o T' OF THANKS. DEATH AND rtTKr.RAl. NOTICES: CARD 10 par line . arh InaortloB (Minimum charge 7. m afonthiy Rat. for standing ehang of copt)... ,D (Count al worflfto th line.) Coatratrt rstaa appUoatloav THf! BEK will not ba responsible for mora than nnt Incorrect Insertion or an advertisement ordered for mort tnao one time. ADVERTISERS ahould rtttln given bT The Re In payment for Want Ada. aa no mlttake can ba rectified without them. t'BH THE TELEPHONE If Ton cannot Conveniently bring or ml In your aie Aak for a Want Ad Takar. and you will rscalve th aame good service aa wWl delivering your ad at the office. PHONE TTLER 1000. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE rTENINa EDITION !: MORNING EDITIONS ! V- . THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILT. Aniwar queitloa When to so lonliht' nawatavrm. EMPRESS. 15TH ft DOUOLA3: ficllf Tribuna. No. 1, Sal. What Happened to Tecrr. raala. Bio. A Laap Tar Woolnj. "Sla ltopklna." Kal. I GAtlDB.V. KARNAM. ! "The Tertla of the Ilalla." Kalrm. 'Oolden LJea." Eaa. "Safo lilak," Hellg S Centa. Frogtam. i Cent a. PRINCKPS. 1JI71 IOl'JLAd. FJnventh chapter, "Olrl and tha Oanic." "Uar, the Oyater pener," comedy. T.aleat Mutual Weekly and Current K.vent. "All Hailed Up." Soma Key atone comedy. tUE FAftNAM. TJronr7tR"NATff7 THE ONLT WOMAN. I Three-reel Hlanni. FALSE FRIF.ND8 AND FIRK ATJIRMS. tTwo-reel 1. Ko.). TVorih. OHAN!), lTll AND MINN BY. Kdmnnd Aitfuat and Lillian Tucker In "Kvldenee." a 6-recl world's feature, and a good comedy. LOTHROP 24TH AND LOTHROP. Paramount preaents that gripping pro duction, "The Woman." Month. AFOI.LO. LEAVENWORTH. "Ttie Villain Woranina' " khI. Vay Ina; the Toll," Knlo. "The Getaway," Vim corned y. ' IjOULEVARLTff"A LKAV KN WORTH. Tonluht nt 7:1S and . - Quality pio- turea Corp preaenta France X Ruh- man and Marguerite rnow In John I iifw a aucceua, 1 tie tM cond In Com mand," WmI, JTdTffiOE. FAUNA M. Wor'rt Film (m preaenia Muriel Oatrlrhe tn "A Circus Romance." five acta. A tale of love and herolam be main the srcaC white canopy ana a od comedy. (nniH Hide. MSHl!:. "4TH AND N. "The Perilous Pwln. Kal. "Ulllle's Lucky Hill," 1 .11b. "Virtue Triumphant," ''-Ten, e. , jip UixIohrb. ' featuring Earle Williams and Anita. Stewart. FU'HKUM. ?ITH AND M. I'aramount rlrtiirea. "A tllrl of Yeater dsy," featuring Msry I'lckford, the ldul of the acrern. "lillly Van Deuacn and the empire. - s tar Features These are Bpeclal Extra-Keel Features now appearing- at tha following Theaters. atoltjj; &n Leaven woina. "Paying tha Toll." uoulbVard. md"Xnd Lkavenw th. "The Second In Command." EsSe7 24TirANDTr "The Goddess," feat, and Anita Stewart. Earle Williams EMPRESS. FIFTEENTH DOUGLAS What Happened to Peggy. URAND. lfifTTAND lilNNlkf. F-lmond August and Lillian Tucker In 1 r.vtdence. a ft-reel world feature. ESTlIROI'T JiTlfAND LOTIIKOP. Paramount presents that gripping pro duction. 1 1 woman. ' iiu.MdiK, 2bu Karnam World Film Corp. presents Muriel (it trhhe In "A Circus Romance." five act, a tale of love and heroism be neath the great white csnopy OKPHkLM, 24TH AND r "A Girl of Yesterday." feat. Mary Pick ford, the idol of the screen. ruiNcESST lilTT-l DOUG LA A Eleventh chapter of 'The Olrl and the Oame. TUB FA UN AM 1416 FAUN AM "THE ONLT WOMAN," 8-reel Rlann. t aruTk-thank; At E wish to thank our frlunds and iieiuli Nirs for their klndnesa shown during the lllnecs and death nf our beloved daughter, Dorothy, and also for the many heautirul florsl tributes. MR. AND MRS RICHARD KRDON BETTER Want-Ad It has always been the effort of this paper to keep ahead of its patrons' needs and desires, and, wherever possible to increase its facilities and improve its service. Phone Tyler 1000 Ft XF.HU. NOTICF. GOLDSMITH Mr. Mry I'.. aged 7 Monday, years, at 11 o doi x a n March H 1911. of imromnllla Funeral private, from residence, $127 It)l'rr avenue, lo Propect HIM ("orna tely vault. Interment later. Ottumwa. la. t.arers pleie copy. VIRAK MrsTAIaryi aged 64, died at i p. m. Moid a v. ri!nml 2 p. n. Wednesday. Bohemian Preaoyicrlan rhurrh. Interment Ho- liemlnn National cemctfrv. F h". I h. Ri TW4i u s t s v s . "M a rc h 7, aged 95 vears, at the home of her daughter. Mm. F. Smith. Winona apartment. Funeral private; no flowers. MAUSOLEUM. H UT bury Tour dead In the coM ground In atomiT weather when you can buy a tomb In a marhl build ng at reasonahl prtceT Tel. MAUHOLKUM CO.. D. 217k HIISM MKT AM ( EHKTKRIK. Haiimcistcr Monument Works, mauao lenma. all kind of markera IMh Chaa. FLORIST. BKHT VITALITY ITT KI-OWKHS or plant. Art Comhlnatlona. ahlrpcd every where. KxreHent a-rvlre to our rua tomera In paat years recommend! HEM SWUmt'A. Itir, Karnam St. 1. tsATH. f'irlt. 14 Karnam (St. 1. Mf). L, H KNDKIlAON, 1U ioulaa D. !' M ember Florlata Telenrapn t'rt. An. iTlJONAQHUK. l2 iarney. Lku. loot KRATKRVal. OHI1KHS. A. o. V.'-SV., North Omaha, IuiIko No. !.. Funeral of our late brother. Jamaa M. Ulark will bo held from hla homo, t Char lea St.. at 3 p. m . March . Interment Foraat In cemetery. F. M. McCulloiifth, Recorder. MtHHIAGR LI(K!IES. 1 , -j "I'eiinlls to wed have been Issued to tha following: Name and Realdence. Age. John A. Olson, Omaha Marie Hkorepa, Omaha ) Henry .!. rtottsch, Springfield, Neb.... 25 Hilda C. Mioyer, Klkhorn, Neb IS Olenn T. Wrlcht. Omaha ZT Hanaeena Petersen, tlmnha Frank Madden, Hornlck, la 21 Flith Murray, Omaha John C. Cloiitt, Florence K Mary 8. Buttle, Florence '1 Atnnn A. Orton. Tuttle. Okl 21 Mary Smith, Umaha U John Kennedy, Omaha 22 Elisabeth Uuaby, Omaha 1 OlllH-rt Peterson, Crslg jj Agda l'eorson, Omaha 21 Wllhelm. D. Pfeffer, Red Oak .18 Ellen E. Johnson, Manhattan, Kan.... 36 Jerry Hurley, Omnha M nrgn ret lewey, umana Julius A. ICrbahauser. Omaha Nellie Hagan, oinana - Charles B. Pmlth. Logan Delia Fry, Imogen Willie Polechek, Fayette, N. D ' Mary Janovaky, Omaha 23 Thomas Noone, Omaha 55 Agnes Cassldy, Omaha " Robert K. Zahnow, West Point. Neb.. II Maria V'nger, Omaha IHRTIIS AMD DEATHS. iHrtlisO. N. and l'eurl Stafford. ll Ohio, girl; Iradore and Uluma iSchtilti, 1415 North Twenty-fourth, girl; William and Ellth Slser. Thirty-second end Pop- pleton, girl; Frank and Terer foos, 1111 North Twenty-lnlrd, boy: Thomas and Hello MacDougal, 3 North Twenty- eighth avenue, lioy; Hen and Rosa !oll enherg, l'5 North Twelfth, girl; Clyde and Nellie Calvert, 2411 Chicago, girl; Simon ntid Anna Horocn, soutn Twenty-fifth, girl; Frank and Anna Riga, HZi South j orty-secono, gin; .aiicihiic md Kl en M. Hlslop, 4is North tiuriy- sluth, boy; F. O. and Edith Biditiltk. lh Stone avenue, boy; fliaile b,. ana Mnm Fleming. Wi Seward, girl; Donald L. and Millie E. Norton. 410 Pine. girl. Deaths James ai. iiaca, aa, Charles; Mrs. Kleonora Cernlk, bl. hospi tal; Nnaalcna purinaro. noapuai; 1'hllls Bcsl. 2 dsys. 74 North Twenty, seventh; John Ilollne, 50, Ninth and Kar nam; Edward Shr'ner. 67, Vfi'4 Dodge; Victor Clbe. 1. hospital: Gertrude II- llams, 17, hospital; KranK M. wirrm. Sf., hospital; John P. Mailing. 71, 4;J1K South Twenty-second; Jane Hopper, 77, r.V7 I street, South Wida. LISTFOUND REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL HLt.'FFo HYKBKT HA1LWAX LvUlrAn I . Persons having los' some article would to well to call up the offloe of the Omaha ft Council lilutf Street Hallway company to ascertain whether they left It In tha street car. Many articles eacn day are turned la nd the company la aaxlous to leatore thsm to the rlfiblXut owner. Call Doug. 4j. ' IK YOU Inn saylblu and will ilrnlla It will tunlf r HJsr It It tnung b SS Dum4 linoi, laurluMs tsMTsrtn ar bruaiM siuvit err dr throush Uis wlsms 1HB uw-rfM wks lla lust arttoiae r lirM4 Is kDli taai titW stats W U trw ta WNUlrlnf thoi to tks Ikruiish atrtlMinDt sn ctbarwias. n tbt (aiiura to a to, if suae pra. la- OIa s-r paoalt. ljsT hatunlay ; In front of Colbert Apts. or Orpheum, lady's black leather en velope purae, containing money and I keva. Reward. Phone Harney 4911 or Don Kins latl, . DOST HiHck hand-bag containing PacK- ase. and while Kid gloves, money ju other articles. Please phone Walnut 102- ROWS! d. LTST Airedale fsmale dog. 1215 Jones St. Tel. Douglas row or iouax uur. Reward. 1)HT Saturday evenini ntig. mink rur II Walnut 7W. lnrette. Reward, t LOB'l Anielhysl roaary. Call Florence No-man. t uner n. Lost Olnsa enitrased eel. Phone Har hey loiw. Ilownw, FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Furnitare anil Household Honda. CM AHA FlF.LOW CO. Felt and hair mitiraiuri inade o er in new iickb m.1 half the price of new ones. Phono ua f r sample of ticking. Mall ordera f .lied. list; Cuming St. lKHigla '.'4i7. ALL HM'Aiila-1 aier lronin. fuinace colls, etc. UuicK service, imiana biovs Repair Works 1JIS-N Douglas. Tyler 20. Ft'RNlTURU bargains; beds, IT; tables. el.airs. ras. gas lotos, ., nacuuigs 01 all kiuiis IK.t N. i!4th. Webster luuJ. Nt-W laise ClrcaBsi-in wuinui ouitct; very leasonaoie. winnui aim. GAS stove In eKchange lor work r caah. nar. rn 1'laaoa aad Maalcn lnlrsiwtntt, WE will piy five dollars 111 aold fcr the nnnie of a proapectlve piano or player piano purchaser. UUHIN80N PIANO COMPANY. Factory lustrlbuters for Cabin Pianos. Tyler IHi. 214 S. IMh St. UPRIGHT piano for sle cheap. 3js Vinton. FlSllk-K upright plai.o, 175. .17,2 PatKiv St. per month, tore aad A. lloa. 1..12t'oui tllflce Klxmrea." las. LE.Sivr.. tHli't, aotes, siiowcaea, shelv. in k. etc. svll. Omaha Klxtui tt Supply Co., 4U-1B-1K SU'lh Doug. 1724 Jrvrrlr), Dtamoada, Watcbra. BRoi 'l-ii A Ani luoy wrddnia rings'' at l'i'h sod lulas Sts. t lothlaar Vmijkt. WE buy and seii tailor nuulo suits aid overcoats. Frlednutn, 1211 louglsa St. ukatiu wn FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SEWINO MACHINES We rent. rpalr, sell needles and parts uf all sewing machines. MK.KKI.H NKTIRASKA CI CLE CO 1 T-th and Harnev Hta. Touir. K7. T Jf pewrltera and Sappllea. N E W tnsrhTnes sold the same aa rent. 13 per month, see ua oerore you buy or rent, bhipped any place on ten days free trial, butts Typewriter Exchange. Iltt S. iHih, Umaha. Neb. MlliUNU KlhllUN A.ND CARBON CO. We make them In Omaha. What? Typewriter ribbons. Supplies for the office. iHiublaa JH7. J'.H Hee Pldg. FI'I-:'IAI. 4 JtiarHnte.-d tewr1ter rib bons I for IL Reliance Ribbon & Carbon C'.. Douglas 3241:. Gl'AKANTKK Typewriter Ribbons i per . l!h. dos Hutta Typewriter Fo. Wi H Rl.NT an O'lver typewriter J mo. for IS. Oliver Typewriter Agency. V Farna ra. i TT'F.H Vt ITKRS sold, renieo r'pelrsuT femrei 1 ypewr'ier r.irc. lyn rarnam TYPEWRITER for rent. I months, i. Butts Tytiewrlter Exc. 11 8. mh St. ItllNT "Remington" not Juat a type writer. Low rent. Call DoUKlns 1. L. C. SMITH No. 5 moiiel; best caah offer takes It. K Hee. Machinery find F.ns;lae. NEW Works. Second-hand motors, dynamoa, mnsnetoa. I SI-2 S. Jth St Uron Electric Lumber, HalldlnsT Materials. ALL KINDS UK LI'MUKR FOR SALE. 1'sed In cnnstrucilon of building; In first class condition, Ca IJIouk. t 17. lrlntluB smu office sTuppllea. UNK writer prriw for piiittitig limtailon typewrl'er l-tiers: one InvilM aanl rhiilr; on" rollnpa hie go-cart. T !. W riS'i VS'ATKHH-HAKNHAKT Ptg. Co., quality printing Tel, Doug. 2190. f.24 H. 1.1th HI CHNTRAI. Printing Co. I H HJLAS 3;M. I'OI'HUS Printing Co. Tel. 1 10 uylaa M4. nilllard and Pool Tahlea. FOR SALE New and second-hand esruni and pocket bl'llard tables and howling alleys and accessories; send for cata logue; easy payments. The Brunswick Balke-.:ollender Co.. 407-4O8 S. 10th WL M lacei In nriini. THE EXCEL8IOR. "Ye Olde Whlaky Shop." We sell atandnrd bottled In bond whiskies; lo and 12-year-old whisky a specialty. Ill So. 15th St. FOR SALE CHEAP. BiiHinoas College Course. Full snd complete scholarship In one of the best Umaha buxlneas schools. Uood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be sold ery reaaonably. Jf Interested Inves tigate at once, because spring term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars inquire st the office The Omaha Hee. MY high standard of quality will be maintained; 4 quarts of Did Fontenelle whlaky, S3.25; bottled in bond. Henry Pollock, mail order house. Doug. 7152: m-l?4 N. ir,th Pt. ALEX JETES' LIQUOR HOUSE Thirteenth snd Douglas. Hottled-ln-bond whisky. 86c, 1.00. $1.25, full ounrt. FOR SALE Dry. clean, kindling wood. oruvered to all parts or the lty. Phone Douglas 12o7. FOR HALE A filet crocheted bedMpread. Addn-HB Y r, Hee. COMPLETE set of Talmud, new. Address A 844, Bee. 10 volumes, ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNTY TREASURER EMMET 0. SOLOMON iHODKOAAHD S "Lucky Wedding Rhnrs" at tnth and Douclas Sta. Siieet Metnl. 110 B. 15th St, ftXERCISlc AT Y.M.C.A. Business mi Kverythlaa; for Wish, ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating, covered buttons, all else and styles: hemstitching, point edging) em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work, buttonholes, jennaota. Idea: Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. Douglas is. Cost antra. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical coatutnes tn the country. Theo. J4eleii n, li!4 Howara. I. 4I1R. THEATRICAL sowna. full drees suits, for rent. Xt J4. lftb Bt John Feldman. . . Cleaacra ss4 Dyers. STATE Dry Clng. Co. 120 N. 12th. D. 5072. Prtumtkltf. LAI'lh-B suns ruiuoueled In the latest style, mi Farnam. uoubibci. KiihIi. tre.HiiiHMi!K. alterations. i. arw. 1AV work. sailing, aew liig. Red. Mm. MOTTAZ. droisiiiaker ini S. 2i Av. Krister's Dressmaking Col. 141 City Nat. terry Dreasinak'g college. 20th & Karnsin. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Buford. W0 Pax. Blk. Red 4M7. Iklroprartnn, Mplial A djustairats. 1)11 llUlillUHN, 414 Hose Hlilg. l. I'almer Hchmil grad. onsuumion rree. tr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Haird bldg. D. mat Deattats. Bradbury. No pain. 1I W.O.W. rr. Bldg. Tall Dental Rooms. 15iT Douglas. D. Umi. Jasllcoa l the lct. H. II. CLAIBORNE. 512 Paxton Blk. Red 740 1 wot ary puouc; ueNianiuii tieno. W. BR1TT, 801 barker Block. Drugs. DRUGS at out price; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues fie. Sherman & Mc Commit Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. f'latarra aad Wtrlaar. TYi"TlMvTM Electric washing machine,! .lecirto iron and readiug tamps. 2223 Cuming St. Doug. Sols. Aceoaataats. E. A. DWOIiAK, C. P. Ai 438-437 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Pouglaa 7401 rorrrlra. GHuCEUltJ), fruits and vegetables ani tendur. Juicy meat. Prompt delivery, Tom Johnson's Branch Store. bbZi N. Hth St. Phone Colfax 154. farriers. f AM KN EETER. WW Fa mam. Red 6S34. Havlss 1'lctaro katklart. CM AHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo- lon picture macninn inn rum Dar,'alna. Dauriugv luslrucllo PRIVATE lessons social dancing by Chamber' pupil. For terms call Har- nv yWu7. Pa lea Is. V. O. Barnell. Paxton Hlk. Tel. Red ?riT. IT stui ges. "iM Urandeia 't heater Hldg. tuus aad LIjuors7 your family liquors at Kllen' BUY l.iu,uor house. N loih. Oouglaa 1). Uriimlrrt aad lusltttiurt, tessard 4k Bon. 190 Capitol Ave. T. 1CT C. W. liukanson. 2746 l.vnwth. Tyl. 2i!-j; J. J. YUL Mi, 2vi Miami. Web. 1727. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, tit Neville RIock. Bv. drnce secured 'n all caaos. Tyler lit LANG Nat T Detective Agcy., Inc.. Kee liue Bldg. D. 44S. Strictly confidential. aiid Put an ANNOUNCEMENTS ytrntmi tti I lantrr. HABF R STROM. Ha mllton. Wal. q LItc siock Comatiaslaaers. MARTIN HHPS. A CO. Enchanse Rid risse lastrartloa. Ragtime piano playing guaranteed In 1 to 2' lesa-uia. I'ruf. Ilayne for Orlume.1 Srtem. Harney. I'qiikIhs .',VM. lHagtline piano positively taurht In tn lessons. 4'. Cunilng. 'al. 3.T,". I'alntlns: and Paper lltsglas, Painting snd paperhanglng. DoiikIss M .f. New stock of paer. Half price. FlRiH-CLABw work, low prl e. Tyler ll.ij. lllOll-CLASS work, low price. Weh. 7S.!2. Towel Bappllrs. OMAHA Towel Supply. 17 ft. 11th. D. 52s. Osteopath I'htstclaae. gOSEPI I INE ARMSTRONG. 1 Ree H13g. Traaka aad Halt Cases. FRF.L1NQ A STEINLE. lsnr, Farnam ft Arch Herts. Everett .S. Dodd, I2 Paittnn Plk. D. JnRI. Watrh gprrlallsts. Christ lansenjd fU 2sxton Pk 11 yr, ep. Urihllnii gtatloarry. IWeddlng announcements. Douglas Ptg Co. Adrrrllalnsi ftovrltlea. l. F. Phafer Co.. 12th-Farpam. D. T474. Attorory a. C. T. Dickinson. 5U Pazton BIbu'd. liM Uakerles. g. Tf R EFDER. 1506 N. th. Woh 9797. Ilraas aad Irvs Koaadrtrs. fsgton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. Danetnar Acadrsulra. PE LUX ACADEMY. Ill S. 18th St. F.lrclrlral Itepalrlaar. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D KlrrtrolysW. Uloa A Mender. C24 Bee BIdg. Red 905S WANTED TO BUY WANT Hl'TTEH AND EGOS Will pay the highest market price for A-l country butter and fresh eggs. Write for Information to ROKHL PRODUCE CO., V Park Ave. Harney 43S. DESKS DESKH DESKS New deska, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. SWAPPERS' COLUMN ROADS! Kit, lightweight. two-passeiiKer. lt15 model, Jjst overhauled and fully equipped. Will swjp for the best ltli model motorcycle or motorcycle and aide car outfit I ran get: but It must be A-l condition. Address 8. C. 726. Bee. 7 Huff Orpington ducks, the greatest lay ers on earth, laying every day; will trade for Buff Orpington chickens, or what have you to exchange? Address S. C. lik.5. Omaha Bee. 4VREEL white slave feature film .with paper; Irado for auto In A-l condition. Hot S. C. 5M. WANTED TO TRADE Team of draft horses weighing 2,700 lbs.; also harness and wsgon. for second-hand auto or furniture, or what have you? Phone Webster 3404. HlLill-GKAliE player piano, brand new; must be seen to bo appreciated; hnve no use for It and will consider light aiito.dlamonds. or what have you? Ad dress S. C. lO'.'S. Ree. SLIGHTLY used h-foot Michigan steel hull 6-H. P. launch. Trsde for road ster, or what have you? Box S. C. 1 1 ir.. Bee. Al 'I iING machine, will exchange for auto, good books and book case, plo turea. diamond, office furniture or what have you. Box S. C. 10"4, Bee. WINCHESTER repeating shotgun, li- gauge, hammerleen, lUli model, rib bar- relt.m'd recoil pad;'alao gun case; 140; what have vou. 8. ( . 1037. Hoi ; value ;ce. FOR PALE or exchange for auto, dia monds or vacant lot; new HW Fischer piano. A bargain for cash. Colfax . 4114 N. 21st 8t. $J2 gaa range and household furniture for any kind of poultry chickens, geese, ducks, pigeons Belgian hares, or a horse. Address 8. C. 1100. Bee. TO TRADE A Gibson concert guitar. A-l condition, for A-l slide trombone, high and low pitch, with case. Homer Fields. Cedar Hluffa. Neb. ONE 17-)ewel watch, 20-year case, and one leather handbag to exchange for typewriter, or what have you. Address f. C. VH2. Hee. TRADE for auto, furniture of a s-room house, close In, full of roomers; brings in W per month. Rent Inf.. Box 8. C. f.4, WILL trade 1 good light 2-cpiing wagon, 1 hand and foot power saw, 1 foot mortiser for truck or Ford chassis. Ad dress 8. C. 1026. Hee I SWAP, buy and sell kodaks; film. developed free. KAs?H STUDIO, N viile ttlk., IMn snd llHrntv sts. WANTED To trade quarter oi Tripp county land for stock of dry goods. Drawer E. Winner, 8. I TWO young thoroughbred Hamburg roosters, will trade S. C. I27. Bee. for hens. Address WHAT have ynu to offer for a dandy lot in Albright, clear title. Want dla S. C. 581. Bee. mnnd. HAVE 100 Mandy Loe chick brooders to trade for chickens, or what have you? S. C. 5K, Bee. I'AIR oj mares and horse for sale or ex change for good Ford. Phone Harney 3M. 1 HAVE a clear bright - for sale S. C. 5N0. Bee. title to 1 or trade. lot ill worth 1150. XI I R ROH 04x24 Inches for bedroom door. to trade fur anything or equal value. What have you? Address 3 C. 1029. Bee. GOOD hunting don, pointer, to trade for cornet or library table. B. C. 1036, Bee. Ft R SALE or trade, 80 acrea Improved; also stock snd tools. Address E E47, Bee. SMITH r-iinler tyoovr rlter to trade for what have vou? Box 8. C. 1031, He. SMALL Moshler safe for high po rifle. Colfax T627. HAVE good furn turc; will exchange for niotorcvcle. Box. 8 C. 1020, He. WeTdiNO outfit to trade for good turn ing lathe Address C Mf. Hee WHAT have you to swap for a very fine Antmra cat? 8. 5SS. Bee. MEAT market for property. O 827, Bee'. BUSINESS CHANCES LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. INVESTMENT 1500 WITH SERVICES WILL BRING BIG RESULTS TO LIVE MAN. A HIGH-CLASS BUSINESS THAT CAN BE HANDLED ONLT BY A MAN OF GOOD REPUTA TION AND REFERENCES. ADDRESS Y 290, BEB. WHAT be had to self: An automobile, a motorcycle, a summer cottage, a Mortis chair. And be sold 'hen through THE BEE Wint Ad colunuia. ' Service for LESS MONEY The Bee's Want-Ad Section is a great pub lic service institution that works for everybody big and little rich and poor it's benefits must be available to all with perfect freedom. Ad in Now -Results Are Sure to Come BUSINESS CHANCES WANT a hlah class capable man to fake management of clear. tsp!-, flrst-claas bustnea at sals.y of IJ.4 per yesr. Investment of II, ''"n required See me for particulars. Remember this Is A-l. first-closR, no blue sky, but a rare chance for rlirht man. J. A. ABBOTT. Patterson Jllk. Ft iR ?A L K general merchandise stock, good location, doing good busi ness In excellent community, a good op portunity; good reasons for selling. 1 Write st once. Y 2M. Hee, for full In fnrinatlon snd terms MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains, machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new snd seoond-hand. Bee us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO, Ttalrd Hldg Toug. i?0. FOR SALE tnfanta. child ren a and la dles' furnishing store at David City, Neb., at a bargain: beat local loa In town: doing aa eaceHent business: want to retire Bog No '. David ''Ity. Neb. ADVERT18K your property as thoUL'h yiu believed Its sale or rental to bo Important, by keeping It listed In the Pig House. Home and H-al Eitat G ulde-THF B KK FOR SA LE A good, clear variety stock, and good location. In live town In east em Nebraska ; stock not large. Write for particulars to Y 29. Bee. FOR RALE Good, clean stock of Hard ware; live town central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. Be quick. Ad dre as. Y 2?, Bee bo ad Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more mdse. stocks than any other firm in U. S. Write for tynm. SMALL CIGAR FACTORY lor sale-doing concern. Good reon for selling. H. A. Simpson, nine mil. Net. WILLIAMS. ealMhllHhed iV years, to buy or sell business see him. 411 McCague Pldg . reference 1'. 8. Nat. Bank. ' THEATERS Buy, lease or sail your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater F.x, Cc, 1401 Farnam. D. 1'7. OFFICE Tor Feat estate or Insurance; same floor aa Bee office; 11x31 feet; Ml The Bee R'd.. Office Room 108 FOR SALE Rakery and building; sell 111 to I2." pr day. 2123 Iavenworth. See st once. T"0" EEfLLor buy a business, call ca nuscn & Borghofr. FTenser BIK. V. TO OFT In or out of b; OANGEST. D. 4S Hee usineas call on Bldg. Doug. 8477. Rooming; Houses. It KAL sS' AP Snisll rooming house, mak Ing all expenses and clearing money. , 1 neap, party leaving city. X'oug. 8..ti. AM moving and wish to sell of eight-room bouse entire. 7031. furniture Douglas SITUATIONS WANTED Male. YOUNG man with good character wanta Job as carpenter and painter; been working five years on this line; small wage at beginning. Address Jack Evans, General Delivery. STRANGER in city would like to find position. Anything considered. Can give very best of reference as to honesty and ability. Call Colfax 1CU, call for Jesse Ornham. YOUNG man wants position In automo bile business aa repair man or as chauf feur. Has had four years' experience in this tine and can furnish best of refer ences. Call Doug. WANTED Position by man led mnn with C years' experience as city sale.-mm. Calling on grocers and bakers, alas bookkeeper and .collector. Webster WOULD" like to get In with aome reli able auction house aa auctioneer. Col fax 1611. No. 8705 X. 84th St. Jesse Gorham. TO U N auctioneer In Omaha would like to get In with some good licensed Auctioneer, No. 3706 N. 34th St. Call Colfax 1811. J. F. Gorham. ALL kinds of odd Jobs and janitor work by hour, day, week or month; expert enced In all lines of work. Webster 6021. Ask for Johnson. r ihoi-uuAiss a tlckerman or planerman wants position P. O, Box 8, Florence JNO. CARLSON. Painting and Paper Hanging. 342 N. Sf,th St. H. SS60. female. A LADY middle aged, refined, compe tent and good experience, deairea a po sition to take charge as .a housekeeper In family .of' two, nb laundry, or to take enre and be companion to elderly lady; reference can be furnished. Web ster 3214. Call morning between 10 and 12 o'clock. YOUNG lady stenographer with li mo. experience desires pjdltion; can also keep books. Wal. 27x3. ' COLORED girl wants general house work or cooking. Phone Harney 1213, call for A. F. Allan. - Lanadrr ail Day Wort, WANTED Day work of most any kind by reliable colored girl. Douglas 5661. EXPERIENCED woman wants work denning or laundress. Tyler 3ri98. PERFECT Cundle washing, reasonable. Hsrney 9filf Experienced laundry or cleaning. W. 70!4. Small family ijfc buiiole washing. Weh.l5.j. VVAeiHING. lace curtains done. Tyier 1144. HI Nl'LK ami family washing. H. 104. laX'.nDrT wssKing cleaning. Har. Ml', BUNDLE wsHhnig neat work. Web. 2157. LAl.'NDlty. Ironing. f:T. K. 27th. H. 4.6U yXNTED Day work. Call Red 772T " WASHING nna d Ironing Colfax SvoMAN wantn day work. 1450 S. lth" WANTED -Day work. Call Tyler 2f0S. ANY kind of Uay work. Harney 1730. HELP WANTED-MALE Store aad Off Idea. STENOGRAPHER and clerk one able to develop In better position with old es tablished firm. Experience not neces sary ir competent. Salary depends upon ability, from ISO to i6. M 636, Omaha nee. AN experienced furniture man for nosl lion as shipping clerk; must understand construction of furniture, ref Inlnshlng and be able to handle men; $75. J 634, t'maiia nee. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES, We find a position that fits you. l.tMjrKHATlVB KrJr . CO., 1015-U CITY NAT. BANK HLDG. WANTED GOOD man lor general dry guods, experienced In country trade. Ap- piy ai nouse or sienaan, ims r arnam . SALESMAN, city, 1R0 to IJOO; bkkpr.. ISTi; steno., 175; steno., K4. WATTS REF. CO.. fc4MI Brandeis Thea Professions aad Trade. WANT EI A cood horseshoer and black smith tn go into business for himself; food location and large building (down own): I ran furnish some tools: rent very cheap. R. Rumbel, 1C4 Gust St., Ooiara. WANTED Tinner who can do tin and furnace work: prefer one who has some Unowledgo of Implements; no booser; tin per month and s'eady work Cilvo references. P. O. litaulieu. Win ner. 8. I). EXPERIENCED window cleaner, also men willing to learn the trade. The American Window Cleaning Co., 110 N. 16th St; W A NTKi First-class harness maker at once. John L. Wells, Belle Fourche, H. o. WANTED A man to look after fires and help In kitchen. 2124 Pouglaa St. fhrcg ter .inn pa. lobe Knetsl. Bet Pldg. HELP WANTED-MALE Salesmen and gollpltora. ADVERTISING. SALESMEN. Young men who think Ihey are salesmen and can sell advertising space to merchants can land a perma nent position with good future If they can make good. Want clean-cut, live, wide-awake and aggressive men who ran get In terviews with business men and tell their story In an Intelligent manner. SALARY AND COMMISSION. Tell all about yourself In first letter. Address 8 S. Bee. IF you can prove your ability as a salesman on commission 1 have a sal ary and commission position for you. Tel. H. 5778 after p. m. WANTED Three good salesmen to work with new advertising ladles and men's tallor-mnde clothing, all expenses paid. Salary or commission. Address R. M. Hendee, sales mnnnger, Mankatn, Kan. W A N TEI St oc k and bond salesman. Standard Security Investment Co., 1207 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha , PORTHA IT solicitors, see us; something new; big and quick money. 22 Neville Blk. WANTED Reliable salesmen. Standard Security and investment Co.. 1207 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. SALESMAN WA V'TFO fall 623 S. 18th. Hotels and hrilasrsstf. RELIABLE employment agency, 1!10 Davenport St., headquarters for hotel help; spec, attention to distance orders. Trade Schools. . SAVE $25 SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can t attend day school you can hold your job and at the same time get your automobile education tf you enroll In the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBTLK BCHOOU 24nfi LEAVENWORTH. RED am MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn back tuition while tearing. Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue. 110 So. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. LEARN barber trade, more than make your tuition while learn'ng. Set of tool Included. Job guaranteed. Call or writ for catalogue. 1402 Dodge. TR1-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Fen wanted to learn the barber trad. Tuition, 26. 1608 Cass St., Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGB. X3 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. M larejlaneoas. WANTED Young men as railway mall clerks. 176 month; sample examination questions freerFranklin Institute, Dept. Ml-N. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names of ambitious men, II or over, wanting Railway Mall clerk po sitions. 175.00 month. Answer immedi ately. Y ?41. Bee. WANTED An experienced man as ele vator manager to buy and sell grain at Chalco. Neb. W. O. Schmidt, Pres., Mil lard. Neb. WANTED All around blacksmith and plow man; good wage and steady work. Address Cornelius & Son, Falrbury, Neb. . LOtXMOTIVE firemen, train brakemen; 1120 monthly. Experience unnecessary. Railway, Y 256, Bee. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AG F NTS Make a dollar an hour, sell Mendeta, a patent patch for Instantly mending leaks in all utensils; sample pacaage and catalogue of household spe cialties free. C'ollette Mfg. Co.. Dept. 519-A. Amsterdam. N. Y. HELP WANTED FEMALE ' Stores and Offices. WE have a large list of stenographer, bookkeepers and clerks. Tell ua your needs. No charge for this servlre REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Douglas 12S4. TYPIST AND CLERK. 1.15.00 CLERK STENOGRAPHER 00 00 THE CANO AGENCY. 000 BEB BLDG. DICTAPHONE operator, 7. Stenographer, mrg., 140. Ass't bookkeeper, 140. THE MARTI CO.. 1327 W. O. W. STENo., '.: steno.. In); steno.. WATTS REF. CO., P40-42 Brandeis Thea. Professions aad Trades. WANTED A few experienced chocolate dippers. D. J. O'Brien Co. L.EARN halrdresslm: at The Oppenneinv WANTED Chambermaid. . Dyon Hotel, 113 N. 13th St. litsitkulil ssa DoBtrslle. COMPETENT white girl for general housework, one who Is fully experi enced, in family of 3; girl ha every convenience to work with and has nice steam-heated -room. Apply at once. Colfax SOW. FUEtc Ada for servant girls accepted three days free of charge for residents of Oreater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or phone ypur ad lo THE BEE office. Phone Tvler 10u0. WANTED An experienced white 2d girl, where colored cook is employed; those under 28 need not apply; 17 er week; private room. I'hone Harney son WXntED White girl for general house work In the count rv; no children; steady place pr right person. Tel. Don, las 7T22. WANTED Experienced white cook; 4 In family; place whero second girl and laundress I kept. Har. 3U13. 137 8. 37th St. GIRL wanted for general house work: no washing: references required. Tom McShane, 141 N. 41st. Phone Harney 2241. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work; three-tri family; f. per week; references required. Colfax 50. GIRL for general housework: no wash ing; small family; while girl preferred. Ml N. 2"th Sf. MIDDLE-AGED lady or girl to help with light housework; no pay. 2764 Grant St. Web. 3135. WANTED At 124 N. 38th Ave., a real competent woman for general house- wo rk . WANTED Neat white girl to amdst with housework. 4VS Iouc1hi St. Wal. IIS? t iM AN for upsl iivatHjra Work, a half day vn-k nd not Sundava. 1-13 Capitol Ave. WASTED At l N. lh Aw., a" really competent woman for irenernl housework. WANTED White girl for general house work. ififia St. Mary's Ave. Tyler 16i9. WANTED Girl for general ho-.aework; Herman preferred. Douglas C0. WANTK1 Girl for housework. 1302 Park . e Harnev 1! '.". WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply at 22)8 Burt. In accordance with this policy The Bee is now accepting Want-Ads over the telephone at the CASH RA TE of one cent per word all you have to do is pay the collector when he calls. HELP WANTED MtIK An FRM4I.FI. 20 TO Vf per month extra money to ary employed person without Interfering with regular work. No selling, no canvassing. Positively no Investment. Vnemploved need not apply. Address The Silver Mirror Co., Inc., 125 W. Mad. Ison St., Chicago, III. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. . For sale, with good reason for sell ing, a variety of course In a reliable Business School, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reaa mable away below reguar price. If y u are considering taking a csurse Investigate this at once, since Spring Term begin soon. Call office, Omaha Bee. . FOR sale, the following scholarship ta flist-clas Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination bulne and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic ootir. One three-month', business or gteno graph lo course, win be sold at a discount at tha offleg of The Omaha 'Ree. . DAY SCHOOL. BOYDK3 COLLEGE. NIQHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand, Ptenotvpe. Type writing. Telegraphy. Civil Service all Commercial and English brancne. Cat alogue free. BOYLE3 COLLEGB. 18th and Harnev At. Tel. Douglas lBr THE VAN SANT SCHOOL" STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and V omen. Saturday morning class In typewriting. lone C Duffy. Owner and Manager. 8" 8. 18th St. . Omaha. BCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES Closs or private lesson. I'owntown studio. Phone Web. Ih'A. PAXTON Blk. School"of Lettering and Art' teaches paying trade privately. R. til. HOTELS HOTEL SANFORD. HOTEL HA RLE T, 19th and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. Special Rate to Permanent Guests. J PERSONAL Piles, Fietula Cured. . Dr. E. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disease with testimonial. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. .1 . r s- RHEUMATISM, tomach. liver and kluney trouble goitre, nervou nese and asthma siffcters are sue cessfully restored to health by me. Examination i'rea. . Call Suite 312 Bee Bldg. DR. W. Chiropractor, H KNOLLENBERQ, Tylca 1338. INVESTING FOR PROFIT. We have an investment proposition which will net the Investor 4 per cent annually from date of purchase, and after five years will yield an increasing annual income up to 12,000 yearly. Write or call. W. T. SMITH CO., -1-1 City National. Doug. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sult guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, gu Bee Bldg. 13,000 TO PENSION- INVALIDS. The Ladle' Home Journal tl.M The Saturday Evening Poet. 11 M The Country Gentleman ....... ...... .11.01 806 subscriptions by April earn that 3.000 for The Invalids' Pension Ass'n. Your order or renewal contributes 60c. Phone Douglas 716.1, or address GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. . Omaha.. Neb. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing place or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' guide at tha Union Station THE Salvation Army .Industrial homo so licits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines, we collect. wa aistrioute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1U2-1114 ooa?e si DRS. JOHNSTON e, , Chiropractors, Sheldon. la., wish to announce their atlon a atM location at 2407 N St.'S.-O. Consultation free and Invited. Phone South 4018. T? TT T 11 TT T? T,'" Successfully trea operation. Call or writ Drs. Wray ,St Mntheny. V Bee Bldg.. Omaha. ' STRAW hats dyedTlbok like new. Plumes Paradise nnd aigrettes cleaned and dyed. Dora Elsele. D. 8632. 1136 City Nst'l Bk. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS, chiropody. Misses Gray and Head, 210 ?14 Bnird Blk.. 17th arid Douglas. P. 847)8. PERSONAL Misses Staples and Shaffer, bath, electric treatment. Open I a. tn. to p. m. Douglas 713. 4"1 Ware Blk. GRADUATED lady operator. Chiroprac tic, electric treatments, hour 10 to t. KV. Dodge St. . HIGH class ladle' tailoring. H. Fischer. Flomar Hotel Bldg., 204 N. 17th. Tyler 137. MAE BRUUMAN. ' ateam and shower bath. Massage. Red 2727. Room 203. Karbach Blk. PASSAGE MTSa Webter, "SJ? Paxton Hlk. D, 3227. Red 7B3'., after G:30, p. m. MRS. Marie Cason. Ptease call the Iowa Soda Products Co Ask for Mr. Cason. SCIENTIFIC massage. Phone Douglas 6372. C20 Bee Bldg. FOR ENT ROOMS Faralaked ttooaaa. .'.Vr.SSTmV. ROOM HUNTERS: If you fad to fi id tha room you dtntre among these ads. call at The. Hee office ttr a Room List gives omplrte d'-lalled descrip- tlon of acant r-.-nns In all parts of the nty. New lists are Issued eve. we-.k. JuTH ST, 211 S. strictly modern, front room, single; refined family; close In. phone Douglas jow , 27yfll ST., 514 N. Have several rooms Just vacant which I will rent to people want ing a home. Dougla 6J66; ELEGANT rooms; walking distance; for two or three gentlemen; private fam lly; also sing I e rooms. B S. gmi St. 310 S. 26TH ST. Modern sieepiiiK room, walking dlstsnce. Vt block from Farnam ear. Harney 4Pt. LARGE modem 'room, private family. Two gentlemen preferred. Harney 123.