Till: TIKK: OMAHA, TIIIOSDAV, MAHC1I 7, 1!MO. Society Notes - -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings c i o t h 1 i t 8 5 V i: : U I 9 I ! -a i ? 5 t i Growing With Growing Omaha -Vjn vi Omaha's Greatest Attraction WeSold MoreFineShoesThis Morning ATS Shoes for women are known trom one end of this country to the other, Mid they sell every day tn the year for from $3.60 to $6.00 In this sale you may buy them for from S2.25 to 2.95. The navlnga average, if anything, more than the conservative es timate we make at the top of this ad. Slippers and Rubbers All 3.60 to $6 Fancy Drews 8llppers $1.08 $1.60 House Slippers, at, a Plf 070 -Vnin'i Ftnt Quality Storm Bab her all atre, pair SO" C the pyiiLM than ever before in our history. There is itill ample opportunity for those who failed to share today the lot is large. The entire $14,000 Stock of The Byrne Shoe Co. of Lincoln, Nebraska . jnOt C.lIT FROM 8. ROSE'BERO OF BOSTON.) and there are shooa here for every occasion for Sprinp and Rum mer, Dress and Street wear, High Shoes and Low Shoes, in many different leathers and lasts. ' ' The fact that they are "Queen Quality" and "Bostonlan" guarantees their goodness. "Queen Quality" Shoes are known from one end of the country to the other, and the woman who wears them counts herself fashionably shod. "Host on Ian s" have style-plus and comfort and wearing qualities that will appeal to every man. THIS IS THE GREATEST SHOE SALE THIS YEAR STOCK UP FOR SPRING AND SUMMER Shoes for men have equal ly as good a reputation as the "QUEEN QUALITY" Shoes, and any man who has the Blisrhtest reason for ad ding to his stock, of Foot wear simply cannot afford to miss this chance to save. Misses' and Children's Shoes Misses' and Children's $2 and 12.60 Shoes $1.50 Misses' and Children's $2 Pumps .$1.25 Infants' $1.50 Shoes at, the P'r 87c "BOSTONiAN" SHOES FOR MEN MEN'S $3.60 TO $6.00 SHOES AT . 82 85 MEN'S $3.50 AND $5J)0 OXFORDS AT.. $2 25 MEN'8 $2.00 HOU8E ' SLIPPERS AT $1 25 BOYS' AND YOUTHS' $2.50 AND $3.50 FOOTWEAR AT $1.95 LITTLE MEN'S $2.50 TO S3.00 8HOES AT $1.50 WOMRV'fl. MIFH- ASTt r-HILKRE' AND BOY' AMOKS IN THE MAIN FLOOR SHOE STOKE, .NEW HI II.DINO, AND AI L THE MEN'S SHOES IN THE MEN'S MHUK KTOKK, MEN'S MIOI", MAIN FLOOR, OLD STOHK. .. , . ' 'QUEEN QUALITY" SHOES for WOMEN WOMEN'S $5.00 AND $6.00 SHOES AT $2.05 WOMEN'S $3.50 AND $4.00 SHOES AT..... $2.25 WOMEN'S $4-00 AND $5.00 PUMPS AT $2.65 WOMEN'S $3.00 AND $3.50 PUMPS AT , $1.08 $1.60 WHITE AND COLORED GAITERS, A PAIR GOc Linen Store Underprice Offerings That Every Gaud Hoisewift Should Share JUST PLEASE consider the fact that Linens in Eastern markets today are higher than they have been for years, and you will best appreciate the wonderful offerings we are raak inff for Tuesday. bo Toweu, oc. One case of full bleached huck towels, hemmed ends, with fancy borders. (Limit 1 doren.) n Each ... OC ' lOo Napkins, VsC Hemmed ready for use. Full bleached, mercerised napkins; all very pretty patterns. Site 20x20 Inches. Special, 7l A each 7V2C All-Linen Damasks, 98c. All Unen, full bleached table damask, in a range of . QO very pretty patterns. YardOC $2J50 Spreads, $1.03. These are the patent Cameo finish, MjM-selllea quilts, with scalloped ends-ajid cut corners; large size and all very pretty pattern. Monday, f Q Q each ,! IO Sheetings. Domestics, Etc. LOOK AT Til S LITTLE FKK'ES. Can you afford to let a, good opportunity like this go by? 49.fnch Extra VVslgl.t Un, bleached Muslin, heavy, round' thread Quality. Off the bolt, yard .... Bleached Sheeting, the gen uine "Sterling Brand." Extra fins quality, free from dressing. Our regular 26c grade. OO Tuesday, yard ... faUC Over the Shoe Top Skirts Make, New Hosiery Needs ot Hos- 25c Women's Fiber Silk Boot Hos lery, black, white and col ora. . Special, pair. V Women's Fine Cotton Hosiery, heavy and light weight, double heels, toes and soles. The Pftlr' .'. I. Children's Fine Cotton) Hosiery, fine and, heavy ribbed; double neeis, toes Talr 10c 12V2C Men Fine' Cotton and Lisle Socks, all colors; worth to ir 25c. Special Tuesday, pair IOC Women'! Fine Cotton Summer Weight Union Suits, lace trimmed, tight knee styles; regular and extra slses; 86o values. rj C' ' Each OC Women's Gauze Vests. less; all sixes; regular lOo quality. Special... Bargain Baaeiunt. sleeve-, 7V2C Handkerchiefs at 3&c Each If the Dress Form Is Right The Dress Will Be Right GET.T1IE RIGHT kind of a drefm form before you go ahead with your Spring and Summer wardrobe making. Black Jersey Covered Bust Forms, ACkf sixes 32 to 42; regular $1.60 values, eachxC Acme Adjustable Dress Forms, the best forms made. Each form can be adjusted at neck, bust, waist and hips, also to any height; perfectly pro portioned. Regular $7.9$ forms, on fio QO ale Tuesday tor only J)Oe0 One Big Lot of Slightly Soiled and Damaged Dress Forms, some are adjustable. Worth to $5.00. On aale to close out for 50o S? 1 flfs ,. PAtUU and You would almost pay thnt for a square of coarse material ' cut "frond yardage. These are at the lowest prices we' have Been in some time. ' ' . ... Men's, Women's and 'Children'! Fine Cotton -Handkerchiefs, plain and fancy embroidered and lace trimmed; slightly lmper- Ol feet. Some worth to 10a. SpeclaI. 3 for 10o or, each ..5 2C Wall Papers;Worth While Oatmeal Grass Cloth, blends and high light effects, very suit-' able for living rooms, halls and reception rooms. All new season able goods, worth to 85c. on Special, roll diC New White Blank Papers, can be used for most any room, with 9 and 18-lnch borders to match; worth to 10c. Special Tuesday, roll 5y2c Laces at Little Prices est lace sleeves white, $1.39 All-Silk Radium Allover Laces, 36 inches wide, new novelty for'fauey blouses and party dresses; separate and trimmings. Fifty styles to select from, in black cream and ochre ; worth, $2.00. Sale price, the yard .... ; 36 Inch Fine Shadow Allovers, cream and whlte 36-Inch Gold and Silver Embroidered Neta 18 and 27 Inch Net Top Flouncing, white and cream. 18 to 36-Inch Shadow Flouncinga 40-Inch Silk Dress Nets, black and white 40 Inch All Silk Chiffon, black, white and colors 4 to 6 Inch Gold and Silver Lace Edges, embroidered on silk mallne , and novelty neta Worth to $1.00, at 59c Sewing Needs and Notions That Are Indispensable Betsy Ito&s Crochet Cotton, per ball .... For Only 1.00 Now and 10 cents a day for a limited period you can get the immediate vise of the most variedly useful and valuable thing your money can buy, the new ' . Encyclopaedia Britanhica T. M. C. rwta! nn. all num. tor. In wh(i nl rior. p- OCi rl.l. thr. ISr hmim far fmJt l-r 8iu lilr N' rh - W'oodaa (Mt Hangar, 1 for par la I. q WW 1C-Yard Spool of Oood Mi-Ola rhln Thraad aoma ""Coala ... a2u Stiail H.lr Mn. p-lk Tuaadar. fme bV Vt of BraJda. Tapa and C Ulaa Kolda. oh la lo, bolt ww tary Nap lam, pa:iat. ,n j Apron, Tuaaday, ra tin! tanltary at 6c rT"1 E!"trtC Hlr Cur,,r' on J Qq Buraona B.t Storklni Taat. all Co. alaaa, pair QG Taat (olorad Darnlna Cotton. 4 pool for yfj lrf IMara of Rlaatlc. urhni. v...75C Com ha and Barrattra. aoma worth 1 A. to lc, aarh I I MR ,lon B1- Prlca, Qq Kat Marcarlaad Rlok Rark.'vtaVta'a aad colors, holt I UC KmtrB Boft rara ( hamola.",pa'- 1 fA cial, aarh I vvJ 11th Edition QgW in a complete, compact, convenient, attractive, hand-' some ' . "HANDY VOLUME" ISSUE You Save $107.88 ' by buying this "Handy Volume" issue at $58.88, in stead of paying $166.75 for exactly the same reading matter, illustrations and maps, in the larger volume Cambridge University issue; or you can pay $1.00 . down and $3.00 a month for a short time at a slightly higher price. Besides the difference in price the only difference is in size: the "Handy Volume" is 8 inches high and 61A inches deep. Soth are one inch thick and in both issues there are 29 volumes to the set, 41,000 articles in all, 44,000,000' words,' 15,000 maps and illustrations. You Save Money Buying Now ' Instead of waiting until later on. because the present sale will not last much longer. Prices will soon have to advance. The publishers, after the present atock Is gone, cannot supply more sets o sell at present prices. Manufacturing coats and costs of raw material have advanced so much that the cost to make the sets of this "Handy Volume" Is greatly Increased. The end of the sale will soon be announced. Then the price to the public will be very materially advanced. You May LeaveYour Order In our book department You can see actual sets if the "Handy Volume" Urltannlca there: can examine print, paper, pictures, bind ings; ran compare the small volume issue with the Cambridge set and see for yourself what you are getting. . . Hawk Mora Mala Floor. . THEATER PARTIES AHEAD0F LENT Many Box and Line Affairs Are . Planned for the Next Day or Two. AFTER WEDNESDAY COMES LENT nr MKMIFIC l A March O. It would wra that every on wants to have at let onn more evening or matinee at Ihe theater before the be Klnriin; oC the penitential ormon. Of eourae every one gnea. this evenltlic and next with the resolution of "never a. an in for forty night." But. notwltli-tnndini:, the thoMer will be filled Juit the name, nd did one ever hear of a houe dark Junt tierauoe Ixnt had come. Mr. end Mr. Frnnrld A.. Hrogdn will entertain clsht gueta thin evening In a box at the Orpheum, and Mr. King Pen man will be hot In a box to a party of eight. Other entertaining pnrtiea of alx to eight are Meaars. F. A. Kltigerald. J. R. Golden, Roy B. Zachary, S. P. Mason and W. J. Connell. Mr.. I. V. Hayrien gave a box party at the matinee this afternoon to aix gueatn. Other hoateaaea to partlea were leadamea I). A. Peycke, W. V. Heher merhorn. L.lonerger and S. Strauaa. Mi. J. A. Cavers' party, whlrh wo to be given this evening, has been poMponed to Inter In the week. Mr. Edwin H. L,ulkart gives a matinee party Tuegday after a luncheon, at the Commerrlal club to ae-en jrueata. One of the big Tueaday matinee affairs will be a party of twenty, the Atlas club of Council Bluffs, with Mrs. H. A. Quinn the hostess. Another club party will be the Bermo club, Mrs. P. A. Themanson, hostess. Miss Marie Riley' gives a mati nee party to five guest. On .Wednesday; afternoon the Women Prettiest Mile Golf club gives a matinee party with forty guesta. TAFFY DAY TUESDAYPompeitn Fresh, delicious, full cream taffy; all flavors." "0m ' Ilegular 10c per pound. Special . . iPlace Your "For Sale" or "For Rent" Ad in The BeeHzs Mixers' Ball. - The Mixers' club of Crelghton univer sity will give a ball this evening at Cham bers' academy. The affair will be pre ceded by a dinner ' at the Fontenelle ir. honor of Governor and Mrs. John H. Morehead and Mfyor and Mrs. James c Da hi man, who will be guests of honor at the ball. The patronesses will be: Doctors and MialnniM Robert Rotznr. A If Hlrvnlo C. C. Allison. R. tt RrllDnlni, C. P Crowley, L,. B. Buahman. unoifn mx, w. i,. Shearer. R. W. Connell, MpHttri. nnd Af0arianiAa V. C Heafev. T. C. Byrne. I V. Naiih. P. It Martin, T. P. Redriond. V. A. flchall. George Brandeli, f . 1 . iiamiuon, U P.-Crofoot. If. Prltchett. T. F. Quintan, T. J. Mahoney. Mrs. Kdward Heyden. MISS KATIILE E N BURKE, a young English war nurse, has collected more than $20,000 for Ser bian war sufferers. Most of this was in checks and cash dropped into a hat passed after her appeal during a meeting at Palm Beach presided over by E. T. Stotesbury of Philadelphia. 1 J.iaUWtaVt'iLJ I'I""IIS1 illllll l) llll II ISI I . " ; jj fc-nir"-"''; - 1 1 s ftrc . ssir J-A J. J. O'Connor, J. A. C. Kennedy. A. V. Fresher. E. T. Welch. C. O. Smyth, i G. Flbbernsen, K. Buck Ingham. Gene Melady. J. M. Daughtrty, .1. J. Hanlrheii, W. J. MlcCaffrey. Doctors H. M.-Fltiglbbon, B. m. miey. Messrs. Leo E. Riley. Doctors A. Sachs, . J. A. Graham. M esers. C. W. Kamllton. Jr. Woman'i Club Reception. Irs. E. M. teyfert. president of the Omaha Woman's club. ' announces that reception will precede the luncheon to be given Saturday at tha. Hotel Fon tenelle, ' complimentary to Mrs. J. N. Paul of -St' Paul, president of tha Ne braska Federation of Women's' clubs. The ieceptlon will be from 11:30 o'clock to noon, "for which hour the luncheon has been set. Reservations will be received until Friday morning by members of the house and horn committee. - Dance at Dundee Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Ralph are enter taining at a dancing party for twenty couples at Dundee hall, this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph's guests will be: Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Iemere. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Ralph. Messrs. and Meedames V. C. Haaoall, N. H. Tyson, I. W. "Wagner. R K. Segur. G. B. Tunnlcllff, H. J. Wing, MRS. ROY RALPH . HEAD 0FJ0R0RITY New President of Alpha Chi Omeja is Elected at Meeting Held . Saturday. OTHER SOCIETIES ALSO ELECT Mrs. Roy Ralph Is the new president of Alpha Chi Omega sorority, having been elected to replace Mrs. Vincent Hascall, at a meeting held Saturday at the home of Miss Ethel Fry. Mrs. Rob ert Adams Is the new secretary; Miss Ruth Randolph, treasurer, and Miss Elsie Prewltt editor. The April meeting will take the form of a luncheon to be given at one of the hotels. At a meeting of the Woman'a Mission ary society of the Calvary Baptist church. . Mirs. . W. .Noble was elected president to succeed Mrs. Isaac V. Carpenter. Mrs, J. F. Carpenter Is the vice presi dent: Mrs. Charles Jacobs, second vice president ; Mrs. Franklin J. Robinson, secretary; Mrs. F. B. Alldredge, assistant secretary; Mra. A. I Patrick, treasurer; Mrs. Charles Lathrop. assistant treas urer, and Mlrs. R. M. Yeoman, leader of the social service department work. Mrs. George B. kohnhoff was elected president of Chapter B. N. of the P. E. O. sisterhood Saturday at a meeting at the home of Mrs. O. II. Menold. Mrs. K. It. Grout Is vice president; Mrs. V. C. Hascall, recording secretary.; Mrs. J. C. Bufflngton, corresponding secretary; Mrs. O. If. Menold. treasurer; Mlrs. H. B. Cameron, chaplain; Mrs. Rudolph Rlx, guard, and Miss Clara Mason, the retir ing president, Journalist. Mra. Lehnhoff and Mrs. Hascall were elected delegates to the state meeting at Alliance early in June, with Mrs. Menold and Mlrs. Cam eron as alternates. Miss Agnes IJvesay entertained Chap ter B. K. of the P. E. O. sisterhood at her home Friday evening at the Portland . apartments. Mrs. Joseph C. Weeth was re-elected president; Mrs. C. I Babcock, vice president; Mrs.1 Charles Wilson, recording secretary; Miss Edna I Pick ering, corresponding secretary; Miss Ger trude E. 'Weeth, treasurer; Mass Agnes Llvesay. chaplain; Mrs. William R. Matthews, Journalist; Mrs. John Buch anan, guard. Mrs. Weeth and Mrs. Bab cock were chosen delegates to attend the grand chapter convention at Alliance. Anan Raymond, D. J. Ful er. Jerome Appelqulat, A. I Knorte, Eerl Styles, J. H. Heacox. . MiHOea " Fern Pickard. Messrs. Elbert Woreter of Adcl, la. Postponement W. J. Hotz George K. Thompson Walter Yonaon, J. T. Pickard, A. C. Pancoast. Misses Florence Deverell, ' Messrs. George Morton, The three one-act plays, which were to be given this evening by the Dramatis cluh of the Omaha Social Settlement under the direction of Miss Mary Wallaco, has een postponed' out of deference to the memory of Mr. Frank Wavrln, whose funeral will be held tomorrow. The date of the dramatic performance' will be an nounced later. , Pre-Lenten Affair. Mrs. Leaonard Everett of Council Bluffs will give a pre-Lenten dinner this evening at her home to ten guests. The table and living rooms will be decorated in spring flowers, daffadlls, hyacinths. Jonquils and tulips. Opening of ME 0GUE 1 March 7th, 8th and 9th An Exclusive Ladies9 Shop . Carrying complete and extensive assortment of the latest and smartest models and designs in CORSETS, SILK LINGERIE CORSET ACCESSORIES and RIBBON NOVELTIES . . We urue you to visit our beautiful new shop and inxpet't the Advance Spring Models and Patterns Second Floor Rose Building 1 16th and Farnam Sts. MUS. M. K. lsOXOHl K. MIRS MAE HOWARD. Surprise Party. Alden Robinson and his brother, Rich ard, were honor guests at a surprise nartv at thali bnmA. Frlrinv vilnflr. Tha evening was spent in playing games. The following were present: Mlases ' Misses Jan Ferguson, Viola O'Connor. ' Ellen Patilen. Kiicabeth Boyschow, (iladys Stewart. F. BJorenlverg, Olgo Stewart. Beatrice Cosmey, Kiitn Kenmon, Loiena Sallande, Messrs. Oliver Rutter, T. I.indemnn. Harry Huff, Harry Johnson. C. Hunter. C. Jncobsen, W. J. Flmon. Mesdames A.- Ferguson, ' T Hansen. Elsie Hellinz. Funny Gillen, Nellie Hanna. Maud Hansen. Messrs. George Kelley," Ralph Molten, Fred Kcnyon, Frank Robinson, R Robinson. Alden Robinson. . Mesdames R. Robinson, Surprise Party. , Mr. Jim Panuska was honor guest at a surprise party at his ' home Saturday. Those present were:' . , Misses Betty Doha, Ruth Shlpiiy, Annie Panuska, Klsle Panuska. Helen Vanek. Messrs. Ward Loruce, Bennie Simpson, B. Panuska.. James Cheiek. Frank Vanek. Ralph Nogard. Misses Mammie Pecka. Ulllnn Zarp. Mildred Norley, Mabel Miller, Elhte Dohse, Messrs. Otto Rose. John Goes. Charles Mhr. John L.ynch. Charles Oheloek, W. Chrlstensen. Harry Pecha. For Duluth Guest. Mrs. James W, Hanley gave an Orpheum party this afternoon in honor f Miss Rose Dunphy of Duluth, guest of Miss Mercedes Caughlan, who is return ing to her home tomorrow. Those pres ent were: Mesdames '. Mesdamea Charles E. Fanning, James W. Haley. Misses Rose Dunphy, Else, Raapke. Misses Mart Callahan, Mercedes Caughlan. r Your teeth can be only as good as you keep them start a good habit today by asking your druggist for Ti rXyoBi'! PERFECT t 1 PiVvfll Trayer-Raymond Wedding. Miss Edith Raymond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry 8. Raymond of Florence, will be married this evening to Mr. Charles Percy Traver, son of the late Mr. George Traver and Mrs. Margaret V. Traver. The marriage will be sol emnised at 8 o'clock at Trinity cathedral. T"Xa a n Tanf.yw'lr AfflAiS-tin. Past Festivities. , Mrs. J. A, Rankin entertained Baturady afternoon. The guests v. ere Mesdamea W. W. Cole, George Garlock, O. V, Snygg, F. H. Brown, John Furen, WalUr Howell and Edward Black. ' Engagement Announced. Mrs. Mary Spera announced the en gagment of her nelce. Miss Marie Ehmlg, to Mr. George E. Shipley, the wedding to be in June. Many affairs are in plan ning in honor of the event. T. uaimaf I M -m a Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wickham are soon leaving for the famous southern resort. White Sulphur Springs. They will be ac companied by their little son. Bernard, and nurse. Personal Mention. , Mr. HT EL Patterson and "Mr. and Mrs. S. Bums of Omaha are among the new ar rivals at the Elms hotel. Excelsior Springs. Mo. fr. J. S. lAney left Friday evening for' Iowa City.' la., cald by the serious ill ness of his aunt. Mrs. Catherine Ioney. Mrs. John' Mullen has gone to Ies wi . h-I.U V. i.k,..K.-- 1 who is seriously ill at St. Joseph's acad emy, suffering an attack of pneumonia. following measles. Miss Clare Helen Woodsrd Is Improving in health after a severe attack of the grippe. Veporeaf by m Doctor Daeta Ssngr Send 2c stamp for generous sample of either Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder or Dental Cream. I. W. Lyea A Sons, la,. 57 7 W. 27tk St, New York City Wilis, rich I C2:V5 . laJeWa, yw I TRY A CAN VXf I aain oar ' 6AS rfOAStlD OMttCT IN TNI IAMC OlHCaiV - ifwovtMS SisaAV- STtHTM SMO OClaCATK.-aOHl i.X VMT IS 1. V . AHM THY A CAN. aajn nsr CONVINCED? yUI.CUIM 'eOTH( QUANTITY raies-13 tcoNoar . M. w Ml -" V :ooivi TCNJ. I VKWStl