Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE nrE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAKClt 7. 1916.
Office Mes Often Pay Penalty
of Indoor Grind.
V can't alt be derote of th rrat
eut-of -doers, and so th of fie ma and
women too often pay th penalty of the
all-day irrtnd at tha deak.
ThfW comes In many cases the stu
slshness that la bred of physical Inac.
tivlty and the allmenta that mark th
ln1eor man for their own.
To aay "I feel food all over" 1i to
peak the acme of content, and when
th ! aupplemented by a ateady, healthy
Increae In weight after a long period of
suffering, th fortunate man usually
feela that ha wante to eh are hie good luck
with th leva fortunate "other fellow."
It la thla aplrlt that prompta to many
prominent bualneaa men In every com
munity to endora Tanlac- Teniae as
sists nature to throw off depreeslon and
in ita plac to -stimulate the system, with
the reault that energy aa4 vigor return.
That "tired feeling" means a good deal
more than la generally realised. It la
ons of tha symptoms of a mora serious
condition. It is not (easiness, It Is a
physical ailment that needs correction
I'efore It takea a firm hold on you. The
results of th Tanlac treatment are amas
lng. Tanlac tends to make ttred out, list
ings persons sturdy and of real man
hood and womanhood Ilka those old
fashioned but most sensible folks the
As a tonic, appetiser and Invigorant,
nothing ever has been discovered that
will compare with Tanlac. It builds new
tissues, vitalises th blood, and aots so
favorably on ailments of the stomach,
liver end kidneys, and catarrhal affec
tions of the mucous membranes.
St'rfled users of Tanlac have proven
to b Tanlac'a best advertisers. Men and
women, from th highest to the lowest
walks of life, everywhere ere testify
ing daily to the relief Tanlac has brought
them. No other remedy has won such
endorsements, that csn only come from
superlative merits.
Tanlac Is being especially Introduced In
Omaha at the Sherman ft McConnell Drug
Store, Wth. and Podge streets, where the
Tanlac Man Is dally explaining Its merits
end the results that may be expected from
Its use.
Tanlac may be obtained In the follow
ing cities: Ashland, Cone's Pharmacy:
Hlue Springs, B. N. Wonder; Benson,
achlllor Drug Store; Grand Island, Clay
ton's Pharmacy; Weeping Water, .Meyer
Drug Store. Advertisement.
WHY if
Tke State Bank
growing s rapidly?" yu frequently Ksar
Th answer isaBowijidftc.
Psopls of tkis csmaiunhar anew thst
tket Dspef iters' Guarantee runJ efrrha
Stat of Nsbmka protect tkis bank.
Tksy know that their money Upesited'
Km is abtoluttlp tafl all the time.
They ks con) janes - anal OMipcUnc
is tha great af all bank builders. '
That's why aUpachs hav inciaauj an
an average sf mar than $2,000 day
sines it was stgsnavad.
Tha Stats Bank af
Omaha is cnaiuanty
located. lis effcers and
ems4eyeas ars anxiouf ta
pi yaw.
paid an Thn
(0 Csrtipastss.
Saftt? Divar.t Boa .
fJ.OQ a Tear unl aw
Ph1 mi Ssvrinff
Q Account.
. - v..
Combing Won't Rid
' Hair of Dandruff
The only sure way to get rid of dand
ruff Is to dissolve It, then you destroy
It entirely. . To do this, get about four
ounces of ordinary liquid, arron; apply
It at night when retiring; use enough to
inoistrn the scalp and rub It In gently
with the finger tips.
Do thla tonight,, and by morning, moat
If not all, of your dandruff will be gone,
and three or four more applications will
completely dissolve and entirely destroy
every single sign and trace of It, no mat
ter how much dandruff you may hav.
Vou will find, too, that all Itching and
digging of th scalp will stop at one,
end your hair will be fluffy, lustrous,
glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel
a hundred times better,
Vou csn 'get liquid arvon at any drug
more. It is Inexpensive and never falls
to do the work. Advertisement,
To Make Skin Clear
lon't worry about skin trnuhio. Vnn
can nave a ciear, clean omplexion by
Usin - a little semo, obtained at any drug
stor for 25c. or extra large bottl at
Zemo easily removes all traces of pim
ples, black heads, ecsema, and ringworm
snd makes the skin clear and healthy.
Zemo is neither watery, sticky or greasy
and stains nothing. It la easily applied
end costs a mere trifle for each appllca-
on. It is always dependable.
Zemo, Cleveland.
We have a successful treatment tor
Rupture without resorting to a painful
and uncertain surgical operation. We
are the only reputable pnyslcians who
will tak such cases upon a guarantee to
give satisfactory results. W bav d
voted more than twenty years to the ax
elusive treatment of Rupture, and w
have perfsoted the best treatment in ex
istence today. We do not Inject paraf.
tine or wax. aa It la dangerous. The ad
vantages of our treatment are: No loea
of time. No detention from bualneaa.
No danger from chloroform, shook and
biood poiaon and no .laying up la a ho.
A Few of Oar Satisfied Pattenta.
j. air. Peter Blsh, Harvard. Neb.; Arnold
Worn, Norfolk, Nb.; W. M. Oensltnger.
Burr, Neb.; C. S. Judd. Avoca, i. John
H. Davr. Blair, Neb.: C. M. Harris. Mal
vern, la.: Orrin Read, Ogalalla, Neb.:
Anton Carlson. Oakland, Neh.; Rev. J. a.
StannsM, mica. Neb.: John Htohne, Wla
ner. Neb.; .Tohn Coe. Sioux City, la.; Dan
Uurphy. Hit North llth St. Omaha,
Neb., and hundrede of others.
Call or writ Bra. WxlT ft
04 Me Bldr Omaha, sTsk.
"Tewnaea4's fee VportUf eots."
alttaaera bU1t Kdholm. Jawaler.
UfatUMr Tlx rare Burgeas-Orandan.
tui mat XV New Beacon Preea
Vm Teos-Ttle" aaimgea. Bunderlandat.
lr OmalB, Jaa. Morton on Oa.
To Sail fteej Bet, Hat It. with J. H.
Dumont A Co., Keelln building.
"Todays Karle rragvaaa" classified
section today. It appears In Tha Be
IXCL.UBIVJELY. Find out what tb va-
nous moving pietur theaters offer.
Big Frio for mat Jacob Henderson
has sold th brick flat at th southeast
torner of Twenty-fourth street' and
Dewey avenue to J. D. roster. Th prlc
Is $11,500.
ho Salesmaa Bankrupt George A.
Ash ton. a traveling salesman for the
American Hand-Sewed Sho company,
filed a voluntary peUUon to bankruptcy,
giving his liabilities as U.496 and assets
Polio Bbew Byssd WhU O. A. Olson,
tee South Twenty-sixth street, was re
porting th theft of his automobile to the
nolle Sunday, th car was being driven
to headquarters by an officer, who found
It at Park avenue and Dorcas street.
Tmnerai ef lramk WavrU Today
Th funeral of Frank T. Wavrln will
be held this) afternoon at th horn of
his father, Joseph L. Wavrln, 29T3 Ed
Crelghton avnu. Mr. Wavrln died in
Arlsona. Dean Taneock will officiate at
the service.
Two rue for XMv or Applications for
divorc filed In dletrlot court are: LtnU
Applegreen against Edward. Married In
loo at Carthage, 111. Two children.
Charges cruelty. Guy Do well against
Alva. Married at Clartnds, la., In 1910.
Two children. Charges desertion. -
Orders Ant Can Th Northwestern
haa placed an order for 1,000 automobile
and BOO live stock cars. Th automobile
car are to be delivered as early as pos
sible and th live stock cars In tlm to
handle th fall run of cattle. Th order
for 1,000 box cars, placed som eeks ago,
haa been cancelled.
Protest on pnr Track The city coun
cil is not reedy to grant to th Missouri
Pacific Railway company a right to ex
tend a spur track along Fifteenth street
from Cuming to Webster etreeta. for
wagon delivery purposes. Several Pro
testants appeared befor the commute
of the whole. The commissioners will
visit th location befor taking final
Prowler Leave Salesroom As C
R. Wilson, automobile dealer at 262 Far
nam street, returned to his service sta
tion at the rear of 2418 Farnam street,
Sunday, after an auto ride, he saw a man
Jump from on of th aid windows of
the building and run down the alley.
Officer Rich was called and th two mn
went through th building together, but
nothing waa missing. ,
Tuberculosis Ward
At County Hospital
Taxed to Capacity
... i
"Tuberculosis In Nebraska in general
and Douglas county In particular is either
shewing a marked Increase or else the
publlo is becoming more conversant with
tha state's efforts to f'.ght the disease
declares J. M. Leldy. administrator of
county charities.
There are eighteen men and woman on
the - waiting list for attention at th
county hoapltal or tha stat hospital' at
Kearney, but on account of crowded con
ditions In th tuberculosis wards nothing
can be don for them yet. Never befor
haa th list been so larg.
At th Kearney hospital a nw addition
to th building was recently erected, but
th money ran out and ther is no pres
ent mean of operating.
Douglas county authorities are now at
work in an attempt to create a sentiment
which will influence the coming legisla
ture to look into the affair and appro
priate an adequate amount to take car
of th ailing ones.
Council is Ready
to Advertise for
New Fire Trucks
When there is nothing else to do on
a quiet day th city council committee
ef th whole can take up the fir ap
paratus matter. The specifications sub
mitted two weeks ago by Commissioner
Wlthnell have been revised to suit the
Ideas of some of the automobile dealers.
The stipulation as to horse-power rat
ing by the A. 1j. and M. A. method were
cut out and bidders will be allowed to
specify their own horse power. Tb spec
ifications were approved and If nothing
unforeseen happens they will be adver
tised and a new set ef bids received for
$66,000 worth of motor apparatus for th
fir department.
Little Lad Saves
Home for Mother
and Three Kiddies
Willie 5mith had his head with him
when a fire threatened his little horn at
423 Walnut street at t o'clock yesterday
afternoon. He Is 11 years of ae and Is the
mainstay of hla widowed mother, who
was out at work at the time of th fire.
The boy rushed with buckets of water
and was succeeding in extinguishing the
fire In the roof of the house when the
fire department arrived.
Three younger children, one a baby of
months, were at horn during th fir.
The marriage of David Dickinson,
private secretary of United States Attor
ney T. 8. Allen, to Miss Blanch Hughes
took plat at th home of Rev. John F.
Poucher at 5: p. m., February 16. They
had made a bet with some friends thst
they would be married and keep It a se
cret for two weeks. Th bet Involved 160
worth of silver, which now becomes due
and payable. The will be at horn atar
March 26 at 711 North Thirty-first avenue.
Fire originating from th explosion of
gas leaking from a heater did damage
to the home of Henry Tagver. 4087 Sew
ard street estimated at about $100. Th
family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Tsger
and two daughters, fought th flames
until the arrival of firemen.
Staging the Coming Battle
Omaha Bo 71 Back from Four
Months' Trip Say Opportunities'
Better Here.
After a trip of four months
through South America, George C.
Flack, treasurer of the Occidental
Building and Loan association, and
harry B. Coffee of Cbadron, Neb.,
returned with less enthuaiaem for
that great continent than they had
expected to accumulate there.
"It Is hot. beastly hot in Braxil." aaid
Mr. Flack; "a horse can hardly liv there,
and th little ants pounce upon you th
mlnut you step off the train. They dig
Into you Ilk so many needles aa soon as
you alight" ,
Still th boys found om good things
to say for the continent. They found
several beautiful cities, and some of
them pretty well up to date although th
majority of them are stagnating In tha
slumber of sixteenth century Spanish
civilisation and method.
o After Trad Right.
"The opportunities there fOT young
men are not as great aa we had been led
to believe." said Mr. Flack. 'Ther la
an opportunity, however, for American
Investors and American manufacturers
when our government comes to look with
favor upon foreign investments, and
when th American corporations go down
there prepared to take car of their busi
ness with as much system and look after
It all with as much car a they do at
home. They must adapt themselves to
business conditions and business methods
down there, before they can do much.
For Instance, in. the past, th American
manufacturers hav simple dumped their
catalog into the hands of th people, and
that was all there was to it. Or they
sent traveling men ther. who did not
vn known a word of Spanish. They
must revise these methods if tby would
do any business."
Many German Ihlpe latavaad.
According to Mr. Flack, th great
wheat erop In th Argentina cannot be
marketed at present until Great Britain
says so. In other words, th Argentina
has no ships of its own. Four hundred
German ships are interned on th ast
and west coast of South America, and
there are no other available ship for th
handling of tha wheat and meat of this
country. So England gives orders to its
merchant marine to take only a given
amount of meat out of th Argentina in a
month. Similar orders are given In re
gard to the wheat crop. Tb result Is
that the supply of meat is marketed
slowly and only as Britain directs, and
th wheat is moving very llttl.
8 a way at Baeaoa Ay-res.
"Th boys found the railroads good in
the Argentina and Braxil, found some ex
tremely sleepy and ancient cities In som
parts, but found Buenos Ay res and a few
other cities very much up to date. In
Buenos Ayres they rod through a fin
modem subway. Th only cities that im
pressed themselves upon the boys as
beautiful cities and at all modern were
Buenos Ayres, Rio d Janeiro. -Mbntevi-
dea and 8ao Paulo.
"The Standard Oil company and tha
International Harvester control th busi
ness in their line In these South Amerl
oan countries," said Mr. Flack, but th
bulk of the other trade haa always gone
to France, England, Germany and Italy.
Until the United States looks more fa
vorably upon foreign investments, the
Americans can do little toward getting
their share of the trade."
rkaaad by Germ a as.
Coming horns, sailing from Rio de
Janeiro, th British ship on which th
boys sailed was chased for a half hour
by what waa supposed to be a German
cruiser. "All w could so was th
smoke stack," said Flack, "and that was
enough. Our captain aaid nothing, and
one could learn no details, but we noticed
that tb captain swerved in his course
sharply to the left and drove that way
for about four hours, then after w had
completely lost sight of tha pusulng
smok stack, he swung back Into the
regular course.
Ouch! Lame Back.
Rub Lumbago or
Backache Away
Eub pain right oat with small
trial bottle of old "St.
Jacob's Oil"
Kidneys eaus BaekachT N'o! They
hav no nrva, therefore can not cause
Pln. Listen! Tour backach Is caused by
lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the
quickest relief Is soothing, penetrating
"St Jacobs Oil." Rub It right on your
painful back, and Instantly th sornas.
stiffness and lameness disappears. Don't
stay crippled! Get a small trial bottle of
"St. Jacobs Oil" from your druggist and
Umber up. A moment after It is applied
you'll wonder what became of th back
ache or lumbago pain.
Rub old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" when-
ever you have sciatica, nerelgta, rbe
maxlsm or sprains, as it Is absolutely
harmless and doesn't bum th skin Advertisement.
Heaxly - Three Hundred Do aflat
County Boosteri Gather at Call
of County Commissioners.
Nearly 300 good roads boosters
from all over Douglas county, as
sembled at the rail of the county
commissioners seeking advice on the
proposed $1,700,000 road bond Is
sue, spent yesterday discussing the
n ensure In the court house.
A motion was passed that a rest
dent representative from each pre
cinct in the country be appointed a
member of an advisory board. The
Commercial club and the Omaha Au
tomobile club will have two delegates
each, and each other civic organiza
tion, such aa improvement clubs, real
estate exchange, etc., will have one.
Th country precincts appointed their
representatives at once, but the local or
ganisations will watt until today. Th
board must be completed within three
days, so that th election proclama
tion may b properly published before the
Th advisory board members appointed
so fsr sre:
A. D. Compton. Waterloo; Peter Man
gold, Bennington; 8. A. Lewis, Elmwood
Park Improvement c!ub; Henry Ander
son, Florenoe; T. F. Stroud. Prettiest
Mile, "Fifth 'Ward and North Omaha Im
provement clubs; P. O. Hofeldt. Rlkhorn;
S. J. Roth well, Clifton 11111; H. J. Hack
tt. Fontanel! Park club; J. A. Davis,
Southwest Improvement club; M. H.
Bauormelstcr, McArdte precinct; William
Lotiet-gan, I'nlon precinet, snd Frank
Whltmore of Valley.
The entire fortune of the late Thomas
Kllpatrlck, wealthy merchant, goes to
his widow and daughter, Mrs. Harriet
Kllpatrlck and Mrs. Florence Kllpatrlck
Mixter. The estate la valued at about
$.30,000, according to instruments pro
bated In the county court clerk's offloe.
Robert Cowell and Fred Keyser are
named as executors. The only bequest
made to others besides hla wife and
daughter was a legacy of 15,000 towards
establishing a building fund for the Old
People's Home.
A condition of the will Is that In the
event his heirs desire to sell any of their
stock In the Thomas Kllpatrlck store It
Is to be offered first to the present
Food Souring in
Stomach Causes
Gas, Indigestion
'Tape's Diapepsin" netralises
acids in stomach and
starts digestion.
live minutes! No sourness, gas,
heartburn, acidity or
. dyspepsia.
If what you just ate is souring on your
stomach or lies Ilk a lump of lead, re
fusing to digest, or you belch gas and
ructat sour, undigested food, or hav
a feeling of dlsslnesa, heartburn, fullness,
nausea, bad taste In mouth and stomach
headache, you can surely get relief In
five minutes.
Ask your pharmacist to show you the
formula, plainly printed on these flfty
eent cases of rape's Diapepsin. then you
will understand why dyspeptic troubles
of all kinds must go, and why It relieves
sour, out-of-order stomschs or indiges
tion in five minutes. "Pape's Diapepsin"
Is harmless, tastes like candy, though
each dose will digest and prepaf for
assimilation into the blood all th food
yon eat; besides. It makes you go to the
tabl with a healthy appetite; but what
will please you most, is that you will
feel that your stomsch and intestines
are clean and fresh, and you will not
need to resort to laxatives or liver pills
for biliousness or constipation.
This city will hav many "Pape's Dlr
pepsin"' cranks, as some people will call
them, but you will be enthusiastic about
this splendid stomach preparation, too
If you over take It for Indigestion, gases',
heartburn, sourness, dyspepsia or any
stomach misery.
Get som now, this minute, and rid
yourself of stomach misery and Indiges
tion In five minutes. Advertisement.
Weather conditions out In the stat are
Ideal, were Monday morning reports to
the railroads. There was a high wind
during th night In western Nebraska,
but this morning it assumed all the char
acteristics of a chlnook, with temperature
rising rapidly.
The snow haa disappeared and railroad
officials assert that with a few days of
warm weather the ground will be suffi
ciently dry for th farmer to begin seed
Omaha Woman Declares Publisher
Wooed Her for His Son, Promis
ing to Dire Him Company.
Thst William P. Doyce, Chicago
publisher, proinlaed Miss, Miriam
Patterson, daughter of D. C Patter
son of Omaha, a $4,000,000 wedding
present, is asserted In an affidavit
filed in the circuit court at Chicago
by the Omaha woman.
Miss Patterson Is now the wife of
Henjamln S. Doyce, eon of William
P. Boyce. and she Is suing her fnther-In-law
for 125,000 for alleged viola
tion of a trust agreement whereby
she was to receive the income from
J 80 shares of stock of the W. D.
Boyce Publishing company.
Mrs. Boyce's affidavit declares
that William P. Boyce wooed her for
his son and many times urged her
tn the marriage and also agreed to
set aside the 2S0 shares of stock ao
that she might have an income of
her own amounting to $5,000 an
nually. Promised Rntlre Plant.
Mrs. Boyce's affidavit recounts this:
"When Benny Boyce. during January,
WI2, proposed marriage to her she sus
pected and fesred his drinking hnhlte.
But his afther reassured her:
" 'Ben has ben a little wild aa a boy,
but has sown his wild onto snd now "i 9
settled down to hard work. He has cut
out drinking entirely.
"'I'm so sure of him that I've made
him Vic president of the V. D. Royee
Publishing company. The company's
profits amount to more than JWOo, a
year. I'm going to Rive Hie enmnsny
outright to Ben." "
According to Mrs. Boyce's lawyer. Ed
ward W. Everett, Miss Patterson under
stood from Mr. Boyce that the gift of
th company to th son would be made
soon after th marriage. Figuring an
average annual profit of 1300,000 the com
pany was worth 14.000,000.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyce were married on
June 11, 1912. After the msrrlatre she
received the dividends for two or three
years. But last July she brought suit
against young Boyce for a divorce on
account of alleged cruelly and Intoxica
tion. Hlnre then she says phe lins re
ceived no dividends.
Ben Boyce Is now living in Indian
Read Bee Want AOs for Profit
them for results.
Says glass of hot water with
phosphst before breakfast
washes out poison.
To see tlie tlnae of healthy bloom Im
our face, to see your skin get clearer
and clearer, to wake up without a head-a'-he,
hmkache. coaled tonatie or a naty
tirenth, in fnrt, to feel your best, day In'
and day out, Juwt try Inxlde-bathlng every
morning for one week.
liefore breakfast, each day, drink a
glass of real hot water with a teaspoon
ful of limestone phoephatn In It as
harmless moans of washing from the
stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the
previous day s Indigestible waste, enwr
bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweeten
ing and purifying the entire alimentary
cnnsl before putting more food into the
stomach. The action of hot water aivi
llniostnne phosphate on an empty stomwrh
is wonderfully Invigorating. It cleans out
all the sour fermentations, gases and
acidity and gives one a splendid appetite
for breakfast.
A quarter pound of limestone phos
phate will cost very little at the drug
store, but Is sufficient to demonstrate
that Just ss sosp and hot water cleanses,
sweetens and freshens the skin, so hot
water and limestone phosphate set on
the blood and Internal organs. ' Those
who sre subject to constipation, bilious
sttacks, acid etomarh, rhumatlo twinges,
also those whose skin Is sallow and com
plexion pallid, are assured thst one week
of lnslde-hathlng will have them both
looking end feeling better In every way,
Eye Strain
and Headaches
Many people fall to find relUf
from headache In the use of fav
nrlte remedies which help others,
nlie cause la not the one supposed.
Kye strain produces mors head.
Hchee than all other Irregularities
of the human system. If you
would have perfect sight you
must heed the warning that tells
of eye strain. I correct those
troubles by fitting you with th
proper glasses, rail In and see
rne. Consultation Kre. Satisfac
tion Guaranteed. Prices Reason-
Optometrist and Optlolaa.
Ko. 409 Bo. lath at.
With mees Jswslry Oo,
1 I
Thousands Have Piscorered Dr. Kd
wards' Olive Tablets are a
Harmless Substitute.
Dr. Edwards- Oltv Tablets-th sub
stltut for calomel-sr a mild but sure
laxatlv. and their effect on the liver
Is almost Instantaneous. They are t
rsult of Dr. Edwards' determination not
to treat liver and bowel complaints with
calomel. Ills efforts , to banish It brought
out these little ollve-colored tablet.
These pleasant llttl tablets do the
good that calomel doea, but hav no bad
after effect. They don't Injur th teeth
Ilk strong liquids or calomel. Th..
hold of th trouble and quickly correct
It. Why cure the liver at the expens
of the teeth T Calomel sometimes plays
havoa with th gums, ta do strong
It is best not to take ealomel, but to
let Dr. Edwards' Otlv Tablets tak its
Moat headaches, "dullness" and mat
lasy feeling com from constipation and
a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards'
Ollv Tablet when' you feel "loggy" and
"heavy." Note how they "clear" clouded
brain and how they "perk up" tb
spirit. At 10c and Bo per bos. All drug.
gUts. ;
Th Otlv Tsblet Compsny, Columbus
I Will
Dort Cars
by Summer
This is a great day for practical
I 'tB , J
things. Fads are failures.
I can sell you a car for $665 which is good enough for
anybody. It will seat five people comfortably. It will
take them anywhere up steep hills or through deep sand.
-The cost to keep it up is a trifle. The car of which I speak
is the Dort the car that the best engineers in the east inspected
for me, and in my presence. I know that it is great value. Imuch
prefer it to many cars which I have inspected, selling for moro
-I expect to sell 1,250 Dorts before summer. I have bought
outright this number, and must deliver, them. After they are sold,
all who do not get one must take their chance among later ship
ments. "You are in time now make your wants known.
A Word About Service '
While we shall have one of the best equipped service stations in the
state, and shall give high-class service whenever required, we do not promise,
and do not have to give, one-half the profit in a car as service. The port's
design and construction is such as to eliminate to a large extent the need for
assistance of any sort. You get genuine usage in a Dort without harassing
breakdown or the everlasting annoyance of renewal of parts.
Partial Specifications
105-inch wheelbase, streamline body, left drive, center
control, 4-cylinder, 30-horsepower, Westinghouse 2-unit
starting (Dendix automatic drive) and lighting system
with Connecticut ignition, 50Vs-inch full cantilever rear
springs, floating rear axle, H0x3i2 Goodyear tires.
Foshier Motor Co.
12th and Farnam Sts. Omaha, Nebraska