T1IK"11KK:' OMAHA, TITOS PAY, MAIDH! 7, 1016. BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright. 1?. Tntema tlnr.al Nevi Bervic, Drawn for The Bee by George McManus WHAT lb IT JASPER? A - TO LINE TO CT OFF THW AFTER' MOO'S TO bEE MY CK E.ROTHCR- ?vWFT 7 V WHAT THt MATTER WITH HIM 7 THt DOCTOR t DON'T EEM TO KNOW "WHAT THE OlEAaE t'HE EACTWCU. iLEEP! AND i-OOK WELL OU 1 MC.tATH T - i ) WORK- V V W JLL jT v r r jr r 1 1 1 1 i i i if .in i i ' - J ; I j i . 5 i i THAT AINY WHAT AM VT THEN? r OFT?! j I . OWEN DAILY HURLS D.EFI TOME WORLD , lightweight Champion Potted $250 Forfeit Money with The Bee that He'll Meet Anybody. CHOOSES JOHJTNT EHLITES Ray Psge, who controls the affairs of Owen Dally, the lightweight wrestling rhamplon of the world. Mew Into Omaha i yesterday and rfrded to write a few ! checks. j Tact aaw in a local paper a few day : ego an article that apoka of Johnny ' Flutter, In mora or less glowing: terms. : Home ft me ago Dally twisted the tall of , Mr. BUMter and Page can't figure where Bllllter stands to receive any flowera when Daily doesn't. ; Accordingly Mr. Page aorlbbled a check for the aum of 1260, regular,. American money, and deposited It with tha eport- ' Ing editor of The Bee. "This KM," said Page, 'Is forfeit money that Owen Daily will wrestle Johhnv nilliter, wlnner-talie-alL any old time HUUter la willing) The forfeit money ; or any. part of It or an additional $26 : to boot can go as a aide bet If Billlter ha the nerve to accept. "And, again, Daily Is ready to let that i t'M stand aa forfeit money that he'll mtxjt any wrestler In the world at 1 pounds ringside," continued Page. "Daily l the lightweight champion' of the world I and Is ready to defend that title against 'any and all comers. If anybody wants to wrestle Owen Daily who, as you know. la another of the Nebraskay-mad cham pions, that WVO will stand at our forfeit money that we will make good our boast All anybody has to do- is .over that for- 1 felt money and tha match Is arranged 1 Any ambitious lightweight grappiers whe think they have something on Daily t are, invited to apeak right up. the sport ; Ing' editor of The Bee has the money ' Handicap Shoot at Omaha Gun Club Won by Doc Frye A. C. Frye won another leg on th bronc trophy at the Omaha Oun club shoot Sunday. Frye broke eighty-nine targets, which, with a blind handicap of fourteen, netted him a perfect score. Henry S. McDonald was high for the day by cracking ninety-two rocks, but his andlcap wss only rive, making nis toiai ninety-seven, ficores Bhooter. t Krye Henry C McDonald.. I . HOinngaworin.. Clifford Wolfe O. Koberts George Relic.k Hert Dixon Kay (,'. Klngnley Harvey Colvln K. Btuari .... Uants II. DerMehren Arthur Keellne George Brandel Dawson Dr. Stewart, New . Coach at Nebraska, !; Pays Lincoln' Visit i $SCOVS. Neb., M$ch . fffpeolal TU urmn.l-A day ahead of schedule, Dr. E, J. jHtewart of the Oregon Aggies, ' Ne- rka's new athletlo director, arrived In l.lrtcoin today to visit a few daye end e4 acquainted with .-the undergraduate ; loy of the school. :r. Stewart will be entertained at nA Ver by the athletlo board tomorrow nlrfht. ' he new director will be a meet Wednesday night at a banquet which the Hifsker athletes are tendering to Jumbo siirh.m, who leaves soon to take up his nek duties at Indiana university. The rest of his time wilt be dsvoted to tt high school basket ball tournament nhfch : opens Wednesday.' Dr. Stewart ill leave Thursday night Instead of re- inainlng for the wind-up of the tourna inant as he must be In Portland next Monday, when the track season opens fof the Oregon Aggies. Iowa Player Will j , Join Rockford Club i IOWA CITT. la.. March, t-"peclal Tel egram.) George El Snyder, for th years star outfielder on the 'university Hall nine and a junior In the col lege of law at th present time, haa wlgned to play ith Rockford. Illinois Thrce-I league, team nest summer, I were as Broke. follows: Hdp. Tot. n 14 1 n t m 81 1 W HO 17 17 7 W 7 . W t M 02 10 M 7 1 M 71 IS H M Ti XH $A 21 f 70 IS M M 26 81 BROOKLYN POOL SHARK LEADER IN THE RACE PttrAOO. March .-Oeorge CTark. the Brooklyn pool expert. Is safely entrenched for a day at least In first place in the ace for th national rocket billiard cham- plonahlp., Clark Is not slated to penorm Monday when the tournament Is resumed and his reoosd of four victories sna no defeats assures him of the lead for a nil. The standings: Won. Clsrk '. Petri , Orrenleaf Blankenehlp Layton Wanton ' J Cnncannon , v, finlllU ..,.i..,.. Fink J Taherskt J Allen ,..4'.i..v. ..,.! 1 fatllro Chapman - s 0 Lnat. Pet .750 .7M .7W M to .HO .WW .rw . .oun .000 EDDIE PULLEN IS iOO-HILE WINNER Takes George Washing-ton Sweep stake at New Aioot Speedway Barman Second. COOPER HAS TIRE TROUBLE LO ANGELES. March l.-Bddie Pullen won the Oeorge Washington sweepstake, a loo-mlle automobile race, which was the feature event at the opening here today of the new Ascot speedway. His time was 1:10:41 Bob Burman finished seoond and Karl Cooper was third. Their time was 1 O il and 1:33:44V;. respectively. For the greater part of the distance the race was between Pullen and Cooper, with one or the other leading the field up to the eightieth lap, when Pullen forged ahead. Cooeer was delayed by tire trouble and Burman moved up Into sec ond place. A crowd estimated to have numbered n, 000 people witnessed the race. No speed records were broken. Cahe Trip toatk. CHICAGO, March Twenty members of the Chicago National league team, led hy Manager Tinker, departed today for the spring training ramp at Tampa, where they are due to arrive Tuesday, Omaha Jewelers Will Attend Convention Between a half dosen and a dosen Omaha men expect to go to Orand Island this week for the state convention of the Nebraska Jewelers' association, which Is to be held there March 8 and 9. Those who have definitely planned to go are T. L. Combs, C. E. Reese, T. J. Bruner, A. F. Smith and Pol and Clarence Bergman. J. H. Riffe of Hastings Is president of the association. BURLINGTON AGENTS ARE GOOD MARKS START BOWLINGJOURNEY Some of Early Shooters at Toledo Roll Into the Prize Money. DRIVES IN GOOD CONDITION TOLEDO, O., MKrch . Faster work than has ever marked the early perform ance in a national tournament was shown here today when the minor events of the j American Bowling congress sTot under HOLDING FAMILY MEETING j "r"" 3 fh m i a w t est wv v a jg miw ivi&u sag iiw Thirty division superintendents and gen eral agents of the Burlington lines west of the Missouri river are assembled at the Omahn headquarters for a family meet ing, lining up the campaign for spring and rammer business. In another room at h'tadquarters the members of the freight claim and damage committee are holding their .monthly meeting, disponing of routine matters. Cleveland Americas Wis. NEW ORLEANS. March .-The Cleve land Americana won their first exhibi tion game of the training season here to day, when they defeated the New Or leans team of the Southern association, to 6. Two home runs featured the contest. Individual event, while J. Broderlck and R. Mollenkopf of Cincinnati ran first In the two-man event with 1,152. The first shift of fives saw the Over land Front Axle Installed In first place with 2,674 last night Heenans' fast series in the singles In dicated that the drives are exceptionally good for high scores here, especially as another too count was made on th same phift by F. J. Wensel. a local man who got 617. Several other positions were landed that promise to secure good slices; from the prise list Key to the Situation Bee Want Adi. Light Company Has New Proposition to Light Streets President Harries of th Omaha E3ec trlo Light and Power company submitted to th dty council a revised proposition In connection with street electrle light ing. The changes made In th previous propositions are that the company agree that at the end of the five-year period of a propoeed contract th elty may pur chase the equipment of the street light ing system upon the appraisal plan, whether the city wishes to operate a mu nicipal plant or merely own the equip ment and buy current from th com pany. The company made no offer to furnish current at this time on the basis that the city Install Its own equipment. It is proposed in this revised proposition that the company print street names on the lamps. The matter will be dlseussed at the meeting of the elty council committee of the whole next Monday morning;. PROWLER THROWS ROCK THROUGH WINDOW OF HOME Thomas O. fifth street, while sitting Holt, 630 Bouth Twenty narrowly escaped Injury In a rocking chair In his home at a late hour Punday evening, when an unknown man hurled a rock through the window by which he waa sitting scraping a large piece of wood from the back of bis chair. The rock, which was a medlum-slsed one, passed through the window witn such velocity that It broke only a smalt hole In the pane and then tore a large rent in the curtain which was drawn down. B jTvromxxHXionramKsl fi Sore Throat Chest Pains Tljjhtoe acroe the chest an4 sore throat esn at once be relieved bj applying: Sloan's Liniment It foes right to tha seat ot pain warming and soothing tha painful parts. Tha Inflammation subside and tha pain U on. Sloan's Liniment KILLS PAIN S "Keep bottle la your borne," M Price tSo. age. (UN IsOOatnisfHXMKXMKMXa MUTT AND JEFF By BUD FISHER r Maay Hit la TBI oaaae. AN ANTONtn. Tex., March . Twen- ivm hlt Including three horn runs, marked the second game oi in prw-nua series between Hhe HL Loul National and Ban Antonio of th Texas leacue. athlrh Hi. ljiuta won. 11 lo v. merenT evening lit th score or the seris. isroi- m ,r ti viHttnre ana woueii tan Dunckel of Ban Antlonlo hit for four base. Red O teat. nvflNNATI. March . The Cincinnati National league base ball team left here today for thnlr soring training camp ai Hhreveport, 1. K.lHhteen playera. Includ ing Slanaaer tieraoir. mane me journey from here. The remainder of tha team will Join this squad after they arrive at bhreveport. HOUSE OF HOPE IS IN NEED OF ANEW HORSE) . . "Dobbin" la Incapacitated. Dobbin la good old steed, and he has labored long and faithfully for the House of Hope, but, like many of Its Inmates, he Is now no longer able' to haul the wagon and haa been pensioned. Rev. Charles W. Bavldge asks for another horse. He says he Is sure that some kind folks who have bought an automobile have a horse which will be able to do the work and which they will give for a good cause. C6.6 THIS NrV.TOR.rVU HlVCOn. SAMS tHCCT COWS AIN'T GOT (6 TtECTHe THKT'3, . NSWJ TO rAE. 5Y.NVJTT. VOO'rUF r x dunkow f KWMie npithcw i V.. ; : , . ' m. jm a n v x. i ii m i 'p 1 Ciml.MIJ.TW lllirl III Til MM n I II MM I PAUL MURRAY DIGS UP - j COUPLE OF WALLOPERS Dewey Hlckey and'Kid'' Ives' are th monikers of two youths of th lightweight ciikxs whom Paul Murray announce h he dlecovored. Paul say they are a l.rijmlalng pair and h has already matclid Hlckey to fight In PlalnvUw. Nob., on th 17th of Rt. Patrick. Paul oays the crowd waa so great atTny P:rraon'a blackamlth shop. Twenty fourth and Franklin, rets, while h '' working the boys out Bunday that the door had to be closed. FfSHER SHWsSPEED ON j STOCK HARLEY-DAVIDSON t specially constructed ratios' machine prvexl no terror to Jim rHher whose in.ftorcycle is a regular, fully equipped, tiiyw HaiieyDavldson model. Sunday. Klhr trimmed up the raoer with.eaa ffral times and th hoatlle rider a as ccSijMflled to admit Fisher Is torn pilot anjl (H Harley-Davldaon Is ronsldHrable gas bike, MniDSOFjMU- MATISM, ONE SURE MODE OF TREATMENT Whether your trouble Is Sciatica, laim bago or the dreaded Articular Rheuma tism, the answer is the same. Tou must I rnat It through th blood. That Is th only way to rid th system of ario acid, purify tha blood and revitalise the nerves If the blood Is freed from Impurities, Hheumatlsm must go. This, In short, la the knowledge gained by the laboratories of the 8. 8. B. Co. These tuts have been made for fifty years. They know what Rheumatism la. They know that B. B. B., the remarkable blood tonlo, Which they I originated, will relieve you of Rheuma-1 tlam. The recovery of thouaands of auf- I ferers by the use of S. B. 8. Is proof that you can be relieved. 8. B. 8. Is a blood tonlo i purifier that restores the blood and maka It pure as It was before it became polaoned wrh Impurities. 8. R. 8. gives It strength to drive out these fan-1 purities and with them the Rheumatism. Get B. B. B. at your druggist's. If you need spechvl advice, write Bwlft Specific Co., Atlanta, da. '.' I . , Guess this one: Whyis "Tux" the one non-bite to bacco? Sure! you got it- because no imitator has ever yet solved the riddle. of the "Tuxedo Process," of course. That "Tuxedo Pocess, long time. STURGES AND CHAMBERS " WILL BATTLE TONIGHT J Arthur Btur "(1 play a SM Jrges and W. -N. 'Chambers SfA-poInt billiard metuh at t he fcj-fva parlors tonUht to settle the tie' r.. third place In th recent state bil lit.fd tournament, ahk-h waa won by Por Itutlae, 4,Ura FraarkUt. l-t-'I'AK KAT:r, T . Muc h g -Fort I iriK i.iy.KH urn lit ft a frKprMi In (r."- AK '.fllion in !,! f Ken. ' h. vhl'-h eui r-r, red ( frnnchlc In il..; i; inUfiiloii enriy In the year. . Aiw. - . MARLBY 1V2 IN. t DEVON IVi IN. ARROW COLLARS oorrrr if about cq i wenKyr my. aVAVAVAVa BUD FISHE Vaaaoae Cartooaiat. aay ' Ticredb hoi tnait a pip im facortt form of Mmolng. Jt$ eoolnea$ and tndjntat mak pipe-making a real pleature." The Perfect Pipe Tobacco by the way, has had 'em all guessing for a It was invented by a physician years ago, and it remains today the original and best process for making tobacco mild, wholesome and healthful, anl for removing every trace of bite. Join the thousands of happy pipe-smokers who have learned that Tuxedo brings comfort, content ment ;and satisfaction. Try Tuxedo for a week, "YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE 5c ConTenItt"glMtine wrapped, Usosatore-proof pooch . e IjVl TU HmrdJam, 40nl80c THE AMSX1CAN TOBACCO COMPANY Famoua (rea tin wldi fold lettering, currod to fit pock In Chxt Humtion. 50c eW 90c. 10c .it i i T i f..1tl"'f.l-1 s V A V A V A V A V r J r V A V A