THE HICK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1910, 3 Nebraska SMITH FILES FOR OFFICE OF AUDITOR Conclude! He Will Take Another Chance After Making Quite a Long Wait. HE ISSUES A STATEMENT (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March . fSppclaD State Auditor Pmlth has concluded he will take another chance and this morning pre vailed upon the aecretary of state to al low htm to make a filing: for a second term. Mr. Smith has been waiting pa tiently to see If there was not some other democrat who would te willing to go up ' against the almost certain defeat that will meet the democratic ticket the com ing election, but none haa come forth with the necessary nerve, and sooner than seen the place left vacant he gets in. He files a statement In which he calls attention to the stand made by him the last time he ran, In which he an Id, If elected, he would run the office Just the same aa he used to run hta print shop, and he has kept his word. Adam McMullen of Beatrice, who served both valiantly and well In the legislatures of 1M6 and 1907, the republi can sessions which made most of the good laws of the stato and which has enabled the democrats to get through on without bankrupting It, although they have tried to have some of them declared unconstitutional, filed this morning for the republican nomination for the state senate from the Fourteenth district, rep resented In the last session by Senator Spencer, also a republican, who has also filed for renomlnatlon. W. O. Henry of Omaha has filed for the progressive nomination for the United States senate. John R. Henry of Howella files for re nomination on the democratic ticket for the state senate from the Tenth district, represented by him Jn the last session. Twenty Wolves Are Killed in Cass County WEEPINa WATER, Neb., March . (Special.) There probably never has been a winter when wolves were noted In such great numbers In Cass county as has been the case this year. Farmers In driving along the road during the daytime will see as many as three or four wolves within a few miles distance. Farmers in this part of tbe county have been active to -exterminate them, however,, and or ganised hunts are being held every few days. As many as 00 or 500 men par ticipate in these hunts. In the last thirty days about twenty wolves have been , killed by the organized hunting parties and others have been killed at other times. A big hunt was held yesterday in the woods and along the creek south of town and nine wolves were sighted, but none killed, J Nebraska Columbus Pioneer Dies in Hospital as Result of Fall COLfMRl'S, Neb.. March 1 Sneclnl.) Victor Teraslnskl died here last even ing at 11 at St. Mary's hospital a a re sult of a fall on Eleventh street Satur day night, causing severe interna In juries, lie was taken to his home and Sunday removed to the hospital, whore an operation was performed. He was a pioneer here, coming from Germany when a young man. He was 69 years old. I He leaves nine children. He vu a mem ber of the Modem Woodmen. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock at the Catholic church. , Mrs. Anna Wurdemon. aged M, living ten miles northeast of Columbus, died Sunday morning at 3 o'clock from old age. Burial will be In St. Paul's Oerman Lutheran cemetery Wednesday afternoon. She came to Columbus at an early day from Oermany and has lived here since that time. Mrs. Itta M. Roff of Albion died at St. Mary's hospital this morning, aged 1 28. Pcrltanitla was the cause of her death. Tho body was taken to Albion this after noon for burial. Broken Bow.Hotel: is Damaged by Fire BROKEN BOW, Neb., March .-(Spe-ciol Telegram.) The Grand Central hotel here was damaged by fire today to the extent of 12,000. The fire originated in he furnace room and burned between walla to the top of the building. Proprie tor Elliott had a narrow escape from auffocatlon when he went to the base ment to release the fire hose and was rescued In the nick of time. The fire de partment did excellent work In the face of a firty-mlle gale. The loss is fully covered by Insurance. Roads Seek to . Quash Injunction (From a Staff Correspondent.) I-INCOLN. March . (Special.) The Chicago Northwestern and the Minne apolis & Omaha railroads have filed W'lth the clerk of the supreme court a demurrer and motion to dissolve the tem porary Injunction secured by the .state to prevent the roads from putting in effect the raise in passenger rates. They allege that the order made Is illegal and that the roads are In need of the raise in orde rto continue business at the old aland. NOTES FROM COLUMBUS AND PLATTE COUNTY COLUMBUS, Neb., March . (Special.) Overland Limited train No. 1, west bound, hit an automobile at one of the j Nebraska Twenty-Niner Gets Postcard Shower on Birthday AfnOUA. Neb.. Mhtvh. fi. i3i-rlnn jilh but one more blrtiulny before she rriirhra the age of h years. Mrs. l. urge Krin:er of this city Is still celebrating hr ninety-second Mrthdny In the receipt of postal cards from all over the Vnltcu Suites. Alrendy she has received 1.7W edicts and each visit of the mall man brines more. !Mrs. Kemwr's blrthdny occurred Feb ruary 29, she having been born at Burle bjirn, Westphalia, Oermany, on that day In 1R24. She now resides with her daugh ter, Mrs. William Welngarten. Several days ago, a friend of Mrs. lymper wrote the following nieaanira i Kansas City Star: "My thoucht ter on a lovely old ),1v. a wlrinuv In for many vear uhn t'ft retains all olher faculties perfectly! February Z will be her blrthdny. Whnt n nfPPy surprise a card shower would be to her." s . (This was printed in whnt Is known of the "Chaperon Column" nf th k ....... City paper and the shower nnm enough. More than a tnnli ,.. f nhd other remembrances hnve been sent iicr., Among the mcsaitKes sent her were jmi the : cdnte sllut- flowers. One woman from Smith Caro lina sent a large pnckaiin of violets. The only complaint entered by Mrs. Kemper was the statement of the paper that t-hft Is M yenre years of ae. She de clares that she has two good years to live before she reaches that age. Mrs. Kemper and her daughter are at a loos how to answer all of the kind and loving message sent by kind friends In this way. It has filled her days with happiness and alio is grateful for thesi 1.700 messages of good cheer. DRYS BEGIN WORK IN ADAMS COUNTY HASTINGS. Neh.. March . -(Special Telcran.) The work of organising the dry forces of Adnms county was begun tonljiht with a meeting at Jurists under the direction of Dr. W. M. P-.iffer of IVnver. Other meetings will be held this week at Kenesaw, Prosser and Ayr to make preliminary plana for the dy cam paign. t. H. Hardt, druggist, was bound over to the district court todny on the charge of selling liquor without a license. Aldrich Addresses Y, M. C. A, Meeting at Aurora Sunday Al'KOISA. N.b. March .-tSpeclnl.)--"Any time the church sentiment of this nation and that of lis friends rises up and deniniif's something, that something will be Injected Into American public life," declared former Governor Cheat r H. Aldi ieh In his address on "The Hela llon of the Church to Good Government," before the men's meeting of the Young Men'a Christian association yesterday afternoon. The governor's adieds was a powerful appeal for the united front of the church people and their friends for tho passage of the dry amendment this fall. He de clared that the men of the church In Nebraska ran without doubt wipe out the saloon this fall. Chief Justice Andrew M. Morriasey of the Nebraska supreme court will ad dress the men's meeting next Sunday afternoon on the stifoiert. ''Law and Its Administration." Nut Bar at Jarmln llonse. SHELDON, la.. March . (Special Tel egram.) E. R. Jarmln, traveling sales man for an O'tpaha company, who lives at Sheldon, Is hsp'py over the arrival of hta first-born child, named John Edwin Jarmln. The father waa until six years ago a resident of Columbus, Neb. Prairies of Kansas Are Swept with Fire NKSS CITY. Kan.. March .-0(Urn of four counties of wcr.tern Kansas today are fighting a prairie fire that yesterday swept a portion of Ness and lne counties. This afternoon it Is estimated the area of the fire Is fifty miles long and twenty miles wide. A stiff breese Is blowing. A boy, name unknown, Is reported to have been burned to death. LIQUOR LAWS ENFORCED IN DAKOTA, SAYS TALCOTT WASHINGTON. March (.Warden Tftl cott of the Nortlt Hnknta pmltentlnry today told the cennte committee Investi gating charges of alleged atemnts to fix sisal prices that the antl-lliiuor laws of Ms slate were so effectively enforced that lie could not get enough convlots to run the prison twine works. He could keep only eighty workmen in the plant, he said, and had only 2N0 in the entire pent You Can't Work with hand or brain when the body is poorly nourished. Get warmth and strength for the day's work by eating1 for breakfast Shredded Wheat with hot milk. Contains all. the body-building material in the whole wheat grain pre pared in a digestible form.' Its crisp goodness is a delight! to the palate and a life-giver ', to tired brain and jaded stom-. ach. Made at Niagara' Falls, N. Y. --JlUmjIA..m ....... v , r e - . , , ,,, jSTir - ft i W ' i III '.! l ' ,.f crossings at Kichmond, tearing the back ef the machine away. A cylinder-cock on the engine was also torn off, as well aa part of the pilot. The ear belonged to Antone Vrchota. a resident of Columbus. Mr. Vrchota tried to push his machine over the crossing, but could not do so in time to avert the accident. The funeral of the late Mrs. George Wlllard, who died In Seattle, Waah., waa held . here Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Xanders of the Kpfscopal church con ducting the services. Plans are being made by the local Knights Templar to entertain the dele gates of the Nebraska grand lodge, which will hold its sessions in this city in May. Committees have been appointed that will see to It that the members will be royally entertained during their stay in Columbus. The local lodge Sons of Herman has been making Quite an Increase of mem bership the last few weeks, and at its next meeting will initiate a class of fif teen new members. The grand lodge will hold its biennial session In this city the third week in May. ' The Klaus Canning company of this city will triple Ita capacity of all depart ments in ita plant this year, so states Manager Frank Klaus. More people will be. employed and a longer run will be made. " After the canning aeaaon Is closed next fall the factory will become a pack, ing plant for the winter months and will convert into. pork about 100 hogs a week. Gasre County Drya Organlme. BEATRICE. -Neb., March (.(Special.) The dry forces of Gafce county held meeting at the court house yesterday and organized'1 permanent; organization for the campaign by electing; these officers: President. J. R. Oueln: vice nrata E. Sackett; secretary,.' Maynard Spink; J treasurer, c s. Chandler. An executive committee of twelve members waa also elected to assist in conducting the cam paign. The meeting wag addressed by W. D. Phelfer of Denver. Mrs. Frank Bowman died at her home in this city last evening after an illness of only three days ot peritonitis. She leavea her husband and to children. Miss Louise Gregory, 80 years of age, died Saturday evening at the home of her niece, Mrs. I E. Bloodgood, five miles east of the city. Body of Duck Hunter Found Months Later HASTINGS. Neb., March (.-(Special Telegram.) The body of Frank Ober chin, who disappeared while duck hunting November 7, was found frozen In the ice on the Harvard lagoon yesterday by Paul Thlede of this city, who went to search the place while visiting relatives nearby. Though four months In the water the body was Identified by Ed Nowka, his companion on the fateful hunt. An Inquest was held at the lagoon, the verdict being that Oberchln's death was accidental, caused by overexertion. KJUR CCMIQ GOT? j w w WOT V OHP Dandruff causes a feverish irritation of j the scalp, the hair roota shrink, loosen i and then the hair cornea out fast To ' stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp j of every particle of dandruff. Get a 2u- cent bottle of Danderlne at any drug I store, pour a ilttle in your hand and rub I it into the acaip. After a few applica tions the hair stops coming out and, you can't find any dandruff. Advertisement I READING CIRCLE HAS MEETING AT LINCOLN fFrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., March (.-(Special.) The reading circle board connected with the state superintendent's office Is meet Inn today. The members of the board are Superintendent Clark of Pawnee City, Superintendent Poucher of Tekamah, Su perintendent Davis of MeCook," County Superintendent Aleta Neff of Phelps unty and the state superintendent The board expects to revise the course of study and will reorganize it along more progreaslve lines, training of teachers In service being one of the objects to be secured and instead of adopting one book a course of studies or a aeries of books will be adopted. . Cms day School Da(es. W'KKPINO WATER. Neb.. March . (Siei4al.) At a meeting of the Cass county Sunday school executive commit tee held at V'nion dates for the district conventions In the county were set and are as follows: First district convention at Plattamouth April 4, Second district convention at keeping Water April B, Third district convention at Wabash April t The dates are earlier than usual, with the idea that more enthusiasm ran thus be worked up for the state conven tion at Fails City In June. The county convention will W held at Murdock in September. A Child Doesn't Laugh and Play If Constipated Look, Mother! Is tongue coat ed, breath feverish and stomach sour? California Syrup of Tigs" can't harm tender stom ach, liver, bowels. ! Mother! Tour child Isn't naturally cross and peevish. See If tongue is coated; this Is a sure sign Its Irttle stomach, liver and ooweis need a cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, aleep or act naturally, has stomachache, diarrhoea, remember, a gentle liver and bowel cleansing should always be the first treatment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs" for children's Ills; give a teaspoon ful, and in a few hours all the foul waste, sour bije and fermenting food which is clogged in the bowels passes out of the system, and you have a well and play ful child again. All children love tnls harmless, delicious "fruit laxative," and it never falls to effect a good "Inside" cleansing. Directions tor hahia. -kiij ren of all ages and grown-ups are plainly vii trie Dome, Keep it handy in your home a mn. given today saves a sick child tomorrow. dui get tne genuine. Ask your druggiat for a GO-cent bottle of "rviifm-ni. a.,... of Figs." then look and see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Com Pny." Advert laement Gell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. SENT TO YOU ON PAYS' THE WORLD'S FAMOUS FT W MM ? IT I 9 i ! i Yes, that is exactly what we mean. We will send you one of our superb, BRAND NEW, easy gliding and deep cleaning Frantz Premieilectric Cleaners our very latest model on 10 days tree cleaning trial. We nre going to loan you this splendid cleaner for 10 whole days. Ifemember, this free loan won't cdt ybu a penny. We even pay the delivery charges. We bear every expense. You use the cleaner every day for 10 days without the slightest obli gation to buy. We want you to see for yourself how it picks up threads, lint and ravelings and every speck of dut and dirt. Kemember, this is the great Frantz Premier Electric Cleaner which is sold over the entire United States--th'o Paroe identi cal cleaner which you have seen so widely advertised in the Saturday Evening Post, Ladies' Home Journal, Good Housekeeping and. many other big national magazines the machine with the revolving lint brush, the convenient handle switch, and the latest special attachments. And this is the cleaner which we now offer to send you on 10 days' absolute free trial. T ; THIS GREAT OFFER Good Only . Until March Don't delay! This great free trial and easy payment offer expires sharply at 6:00 P. M. Saturday, March 25th; next. Only a limited number of these new machines will be placed in Omaha on this generous plan. Get your request in early. Don't delay until the big rush on the last day. Simply send us the coupon below or telephone us and we will then give you the full details of this exceptional free loan offer. You can have a Frantz Premier on Free Trial this very day if you wish. No strings are attached to this free loan pronos ition no cost to vou whatsoever. We want vou to use the Frantz Premier Cleaner for 10 days just as though it were your own. Clean your carpets and your rugs with it. Try it on your furniture, your mattresses and your walls. Try it in all the nooks and corners; subject it to every test you can think of. , And then, if you are not more than pleased with it, we will send a boy to get the cleaner, and the free trial will not cost you a penny. But if you decide you simply cannot get along without the cleaner, then you may keep it. " o And Pay Down as Your First Payment . ..... . ( v.". Ti r . ........ j...... f- . -- ! i I 1 I 1 JET 50 IF YOU DECIDE TO BUY After the 10 Days' Free Trial Then You Can Pay the Balance in Small Easy Monthly Payments 30 Days Between Each Payment And remember, you are getting the rock bottom price. We do not charge you a single penny more for these liberal terms and you are getting our very latest guaranteed Frantz Premier Electric Cleaner a brand new machine, with all the new and latest improvements. You get the cleaner direct from the fac tory branch here in Omaha, and, best of all, on the easiest kind of monthly payments. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 4894 OR MAIL THIS COUPON Tliis great offer expires promptly at G P. M., Saturday, March 25, next. Fill out this coujkmi and mail it to us at once, or telephone us or bend your name and address in a letter or on a postal. The minute we hear from you we will send you the full details of this great trial offer and special easy payment plan. WVwill see that you get a cleaner on absolutely Free Trial this very day, if you wish. Either telephone or mail coupon; as you prefer. Vj'" - " - Don t wait until the big rush on the last day. Don't put this off a minute. Send the coupon, write at PRPP OFFFR I '' i ' """m"9'm""m" once or telephone our factory branch, 207 Keeline Bldg. Douglas 4894. Don't forget the Phone Number. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS v The Frantz Premier Distributing Co. 207 KEELINE BUILDING Corner 17th and Harney Streets. Telephone Douglas 4894 at Once or Mail the Coupon. 0 .W Jf ."mn . r jt Adilreaa ; . . At- COUPON Kraut x lYrniler IHatrlbuttng Co., 207 Ket-llne, tlallUing, . Onialui, Neb. Gentlemen: Absolutely fre to ine, send at oiMie details of your great free trial offer and easy payment plan and also jour beautifully illuNtrated booklet. aw! mmmmmr