1 THE NEK: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MA It CI I 7, 1916. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET fot Much Inquiry for the Favorites nd Dullness it the General Role with Tradert. ALL WATCHIHQ WASHINGTON Ni:W YORK. March . Asde from h lous nianlnulatl'itis In n unusual variety ct special stinks, today's market wns rather dull, thoiiRh conslsteri'y strong. ln.trlrrir the early purt of th fiiin tcr,tlon ccnllnued to focus 'in V( jhlmmn, but advices from thst ociiii r Kfiv too confl i (Inn for tlm niosl part to Justify resumption of active Ind- Vie professional utile of the TiarKet was further eldcnred lv the steady lark of Inquiry for erstwhile favorite, partic ularly rail. Thla "ondltton wa largely riodtried In th final hour, hnwovfr. Vntel States Htel anil some hi l claH Investment share liaillnir the movement to Pa beat and broa lest tone. Ste-I m ored maximum n of IS at M'n. and Beih l he n Steel, on very ll:;ht rfUrtiiit. ros-i 11 tc 47. n.'neiiW Motors, Willv 4.verlsud and munllicns am' motors were taken up bv K-iol and clliU. r-otr.e of these rnlx-d sues aenrlnmc gain of extraordinary proportion. Curan American Huaar roa h to V am! South I'crto Klco Suirnr falnc.i t at the new re.-oid p-Ice of lit. Uenrr al Motora. Wills-Over land and Stuc'eprtker rcae to extreme advances of rom 4 to 12 point and allied shun tialird nlonaj with asti.s of Z to 3, the movement belnii accomiisnied by reports or f ir! her lane contracts. Mexican Petroleum added f' polnla to 1t Saturday's m'vini'" and T'im coiii ranv rose t. Cruc'.blo rUcrl featured the belter known war stork, with a rise f and Butle Ar Superior wi foremost arnotitr tha metals on lla advance cf 4 n to tho new high price of . Half a acore of .-ilH"cllnnecua stocks. Including Aleroantile-Msilnc, Inlted Fruit. e(iilpir.onl and lertfliier. wer. blatter bv '.' to alm..at E p.iiiis. and lo racco I'rcdurt preferred added 4 to lla i-ecent rlae, inriitciuaiiv nmnn new mnnl at Htrcnath apt roHi hiiiB tuo nncy mi narked We conrae or iiwhium at th close. , Total sale of sttvk amounted to 4M, H) ahaiea. Further noteworthy January return were, submitted bv leading railway sya tem Purllnaton repurtlnn a net calii of t'V.niA. Soo" .7ti.Ww and (Ireat Northern Honda were moderately active and atronff. with total aalea, par ulue, of Wited State bonds were unchanged on rail Number of aalea and leading quotation on stock were aa "'- HalM. llh. low. Clnee. AUka On All-lnini AmerM-aa HK Ituaar Anefion n Amerfaa loeooioll ... AnMfiraa B. It Am. 8. K PM Am. )uar Reflnlnc Amaiiraa Tal. Tl America a Threa Anarnnla lXiPr Atrhlana ' Paldvla Ixwwnntl .... Italtlranra ohla !ilheni Klol Knvltlrn 3UpM Tr -:llornl l'lr.leUBI .... Iltnadlan Ptilflo Central ltlher haaiMVe a Ohla fhtcaa-i O W ricm, m. m P -hli-. II. I. P- 4'hlno t'apeer ( olnraila Fuel at Iroa ... oructhla Slwl ., Pnvar a It. O. pf d P'Hlllem' a-urtiia ...i Krla fneral Rlei-trl Ureal Nirthr p'i lrt Kn. Ore -tf 4)imRhelm Kxplaratlon., IKinoln IVatral lnterhitreiiffh t'oa. CiirV- lnnlril ivor Intcrmitlnnat Hrretr... Kanna "ll Houtharn.;.. 1-ehliil! Valler liMtiivllle Naaarllia... Mnlraa rV-troleum ...... Miami fvtper t IW !' 17', 1S 2.W9 ) !"4 It an " .l'i IM'k a Mt !!. 7f4 S 7i" jl.i M : tii4 m ill III HI l. ill in'4 in l,n u: 17S i!"l tin W 1M iw 14 tan M-i a'4 i.ea nij'i V2S i'"1 l'.S I"47 1.7W1 KB N !' 47 47k 4l W 1,7' 1 ) ti4 Wl ! J.i0 '. I. pa i 4. Ml h, ,in 4 4.im 2 Ml iS, in. li'i HI 17 ' fit i, 4I :v ' 1.1 "X lt US' 17V, IT 4JV, 7S 14 J dim 40 l"i) it 1 im Ul f.o :" 4"., It 13". HI 41 4!Ujlw 111 '.It 1 1.4 nit loi' mt. t.m ' 4SS inn 114 114 1)4 ,vrfi f. at.) T1S 77 VIS n ta.VM IMS W ! 1.1'is hH !' S V 4'4 41 4'J. T( 7i, a 1 1 ana in ii 1.4M l4't 1W4I 1044, una -v rs Ti ha inn lis lt'4i Mlaanuri Paclfle National ttlafutl "a- riatlrmal IaA Keraria, Copper , Nar York Antral. N. T . N It 4k H..,, Norfolk Waataro.,. Narthara Parlftc e.iiric Mall Pacific Tel. Tal.... PMarlranU Pullnwa Palara rr. . Har can. Cupper Vaartlna prpnMio Iron A rVecl anulhara Pa-'lflo ' Botithera Rallwae atiwlabaher Company Tnuae Cnppar .... 1'avaa cnmpany t aloa Parlllo . I nlnn I'acldo pM t illirl Blalaa Ht... r. . Pt-i ptd I'lati Tfipopr ......... alern rntaa attnahoaee Wertrle Mnnlaa Prtwe 1.! V 113 lift. 4.4O0 U 15 J.0 74 M 67 14) ICt 141 1 yv 11 .', 34 4 ( fc 11 ' HH I US 1'4 (14 I.4"0 1 PH4, 7 l.ia ti'4 n Vi 141 m;h i 1 7 N4 MS l,8"0 n4 " f"S r.i'i I'S'i M tl.jna "', l 1 i.sw iim, nv, n4. tht W, US IK ao 4 74 ' f T l.auO 14'4j Otiaral Vnra lh B nM a9 ,lntiriallor.n! Marina pM. f VWi .Krnnaott iptar K.lili 4:0 '4 7 Total sales tor ttia ear. 4Vrx aharaa. Xrw Tork Maary Market. . TW YORK. March PRIMK MER V4VT1T,K I'APFH aii.lVi rer cent. STKRI.1NU F.XCH A NOB Klxtv-rtay bllla, U TtH: demand. I4.7SV; cables. II 7'i. fllaVF.It -Bar, WSc; Mexican dollar, 4SS c. . HOVDS Government and railroad, liteadv. . T1JPK t.ftAKS-Pteady; atxtv and nlnetv daya. Itr3 per cent; all montha, MHV ALf? 'MWTr-Flrmi Ma-heat, I per rent: loweat. t per rent; ruling rte. t per cent: last loan, 1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent: offered at I per rent. Closing quotation on bonda today were as follows: . I. ref. ta, e... 4lt a . al. 4s.... i . nsaoaa M K T. lat as... 44 V 9 Da. m WHMr ran can. U 1Anl laavaMovt. Powar la..!..! rla rovi DOB ,. art . ,. na Ul N T. 41 eh. ta....U4 do emiraa Ul4r. T. HI. 4a....l7 Am. Smtara a....U'4N. T.. N. M. M. A .T. T. e. 4S..in'4 e?. a 114U Analo-r-ranf. ft .... 44Kiv rTaclfle 4a SH . Atrhlaoa SB. 4a....4S n to Hal. 04.10 4a HW, S. U ft 4a.... M4 Held. Wal r. M....IM I'aa T. T. 4a 1"N I wn Pailflo 1st anpaim. ena. 4a 1 rea. o. e. 4Va. " aaa. 4a iaiv C B Q. 1. 4s ... anaa1lBs aan. 4a ' t M. A P. P. a. a .W U 8 t r. 4a. M't C R. I. P. r 4a. 4M4"Ho, ra. ti. as IH f a m rf. 4 iia ... mk da rf 4a nt T . n. . a ., nHn Wallwar U F-te ran 4a .... 4Valia Ptrifla .... 7k 4-raa, Rlan. Is 14 do ex. 4a 3' lt. Na. 1st 4a..... V. S. Buhhar 4... .K'1 ill. Can. ref 4a.... a V. P fet la lms lnt M M. 4U M,Weal. I'nloa 4a.... s K r P. raf. ... Wear. Else c. s..ia mi. , Loafloa Pterk Market. TNPOI, March 6. American aecurl ' tie on the atock market had a good tone, but trading waa meaner. PIIVKR Bar. 3b 15-lhd jfT ounce. MONKY 4V.I4I per rent. I)?srOt"NT RATKS Bhort bllla and ; three months, per cent. . Bask C'leartaaa. OMIAHA, March . Bank clearings for Omaha today were fc,.R3a.lfi and for the corresponding day . last year I3.1H1.- M7 8. Coffee Market. Ni;W YORK. March (.The market for coffee future opened at an advance of . two to five point today, and th active montha sold about five to seven points net ttltfher during ti e early trading on eome Blattered cover hk and a little buy ing by house with l.uropean connec tions. Ti er wa no general or agnres- : ait demand, however, and price later sagued off undr realism-, with May contract selling down from 7.Kc 4o 7 7c, and IwreinlMir from aiac to disc. The close waa net two point higher to two iwitnta lower. Hales. 17,360 bags. March April. 7.78e: May, 7 taic; June. J Hue; .1 1; t v. 7 Hie: AuFuat. 7.!Bjc; Krptamlier, I mm ; October, -S.uV; November, .c; IVe- ember S He: January, Itirc: February. h Zle. Piot, td ; Klo 7 . Santo 4 a, 10 c. Owing to th partial holiday in Brazil, very few cost and freight of fer were received. It wa reported that one ahlpper otfered Santo 4 a at 10vc, KnL'lleh credits. The official cabiea re riorted no change la mllrtta prices, with Kio exchange l-16d lower. , Tarsieatlao Rala. H4VAVNAH. Ga.. March l-TCRPFN-TINEDulM 6rtc; sale, none: rceliH. ,.,!-: (iiipmeiiis, 6 barrel; stock, S.Cjl ' l,r .r-ta. KOSIN Firm; sales 1,472 barrel; re- elm, Hl barrels; shipment. 1,SJ'2 bar . reie: stork. M.4M barrel. Quotations: A. H. and I. HI'IiH.k: K and F. U '0 IM; G. S4 .e4 K"4; It. 4 ; I. .(; K. m i iUu mi. N. so; WO. u.a 4 THREE BATTLESHIPS GO TO SCRAP HEAP Alabama, Ohio and Georgia Will Be Stricken from List of Fight ing Ships. MAY BECOME TRAINING SHIPS PHILADELPHIA. March 6. The lattlpflhlpa Alahama, Ohio and Geor gia are to be atricken from the navy roatfr a real fighting units and probably will end their daya at train ing ships for the naval reserve. Thla was the aaaertlon made today by sev eral officers of the Philadelphia navy yards. On of the officer aaaerted that tha battleahipa, "deaplt tlielr excellent con dition, are ohaelete and aere no pur poae other than to retard the prograaa and impair the efficiency of flrt Una ihlp.-' The Alabama, flaaalilp of the reserve fleet, and the Ohio are at the Philadel phia navy yard. The (Icoigla I now on it way to the local yard to Join the reaerve fleet. The Alabama wa laid doan twenty year aa:o and I a l!,WjO-ton ahlp. The Ohio and Georgia, 'built a few year later, are virtually tha aame alxe and carry almllar armament. "A battleahlp," aald the officer, "muat perform the dutlra of a battleahlp. None of the old ahlpa would be able to atand up againat the newer ahlp. For In atance, a ahlp like the fennaylvanlt could aluk the three battleahipa In lei than a half-hour and auataln no damage berauae the new craft would be able to keep out of tha range of the old battle ahlp. They have had their day, and while they appear formidable on paper and awell the number of battleahlp they would be of 'title aervlce In an . i.h I.a .... a, I...! riia"a'"iiiiiv aa i vi ill nt-i naval powers." CASPER MAN IN BRITISH ARMY SERIOUSLY WOUNDED CAPPER, Wyo., March 8. (Hpcclal.l--t.rtter received here today stated that Jame Bogey of Casper had been seri ously wounded while fluhllng with the British troop In France. He left thla! nlace at the outbreak of hostilities and Jolned the Scot Grays, In which he waa given a lieutenancy. While a resident r Wyoming he wa employed by the Swan Land and Cattle companr. : llanrhrr Fatally Hart by Awt. CODY. Wyo., March S. (Special.) John Luitnchberry of Kagle' Nest, one of tha oldest resident of thla section of Wy- I coning, j dying at his ranch from In juries sustained when his automobile turned over. He eustalned concussion of the brain and Internal Injuries, from hlch there I no chance for lilm to re- cover. KW Y 4 II K GKKH A 1 MARKET Qaotatloaa1 of k Day a Varlnas t'ommoilltlea. NEW YORK, March .-Fl,OVn Firmly held; apt lug intents. t:.liii.)it; winter pafnts. fc.tsXiiS.W; winter atralKhts, ii.fli'K;.:). WJiEAT -Spot, atrong; No. 1 dururi. II.So; No. 2 Pnrd. $l.3o; No. 1 northern, liil"th. : No. 1 northern, Mnnltoh. l.4l'4i . f. o. b.p New York. Future, firm. Mn, $U'4. CORN Spot, firm- No. 2 yellow. IVii i c. I. I.. New York. OATH pi pot strong; standard, 4fH4c HAY Firm; No. I. l.i7'ilj !..; No. '.. tlU.2&: No. 8, tl.00trl.Uu; rthlpplnB, S5 IIOP'4 Quiet: state common to choice, 'MR. 14Hir.c: 114. bb9e; Pacific coat, WI5, liiric, 1HI4. Mi'lOc. MIDFH-Plrm: Boaota, satjllc; Ccntrr.l Amerleti, ;;ic. Ij'.IATM I'lH Firm; htmlock flrat. 3.1fr S4c; si co. ida, Sl'ififflc 1 'KOVIHIONM Pork firmer: mea 2.5i fi33l: fanilriv, lii.WtiU.to; shut cl"ar. :i..vti.'4.tn. ncer. firm; mesa, li.0(Ki 17. i.i: I family, tk rti lli.rxi. Iard. atrong; middle .'ML liO Willi )WV. TAi.J.oW Firm: city, 'tc; country, iH'il'.'c; special. O'.-C. Bl.'TTKK-Mrm; receipts. ot2 tub; creamery extraa, 9;i;Mc; firsts, ViHU'.ic; ei'onds, :i:i'c. KtltlS Hleadv; receipt, 1TS44 eases: fresh gathererl, extras, !V1i'Ha extra firsts. JKtjS3o; firsts, $lb-!V; second, SISj'-'ISe. OI1KKRK-Steady; receipts, 626 boxes: state, whole milk. flat, held, colored. special. l"c; same, white. 17c; same, col ored, average fancy, liv'ti 1'xc; aame, white, 17c; flats, current make, specials, 17c; same, average run, 17c. POVlTKYAllve, uncertain: no aalea and price unsettled. Dreased, firm; chicken, 17QSH-; fowl. 14,nc; turkey, sxtaauo. 1 Cotloa Market. NEW YORK, March 6. COTTON Steady: middling upland, ll.T&c. Sales, 8,0m ba'ea. Cotton futures opened steady : March nffere.1 11 Mk'. M.V 11 tilV: JlllV ll.sOc; ! October. IJ.ICe; Iecembcr, lllSc. Tha cotton market cloaeti rirm at a net gnln of from 1.1 to 17 olnt. Futures closed firm; March, H.faV; May, 11.79c; July, ll.fWc; October, 12.13c; le ccmber, L' 30c. LIVKHFOOU March . COTTON -Spot, barely stenily; good middling, R OM; middling. T.ttd; low middling, 7.62d; sale. 7.0U) bales. KitM) City (train and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Mo., March , WHF.AT No. 1 hard. ll.OtViii 10; No. 1 red, tKWl.10; May. 11.07- July, 1106,. CORN-No. ! mixed, tttawc; No. 1 white, !r; No. t yellow. 6o; May, 701c; July, aSo. OATH No. I white, 44rj vc; no. i mixed. 4& 4.'c. BI TTF.R Creamery. 33c; firsts. J31c; seconds, ?tv; packing, lOV". KG.t4 Firsts, Hc; seconds, not quoted. Ol" I, TRY Hen. 16c; turkeys. JO-; springs, inc. Kvapnra4r Apples and Dried Frails NKW YORK, March . BVAPOH ATKD APPLBS Dull; fancy, Misc; choice. fi'lMiSic: prime. SViuVc. Pruncei. firm; California, 4)llVic; Oregon, IVf DRIF.D FRCIT8 Apricots, dull; choice. JViituc; extra choice, loiuluc; fancy, Htil2c. Peaches, dull: choice, hc: ex tra choice. Mm'; fancy. -c. Haisina. firm: loose muacatels, 7VliVc. choice to fancy eraei. i'J"j'c; L,onuot layers, fcf-sc. Minneapolis (irala Market. MfNNKAPOLIS. Minn.. March ft. W II KAT May, ll.lCV.til l.rS: July. 1115, tll.li1,; rash. No. 1 hard. c: Nu. 1 northern. Il.lBVu l.a)1; No. 2 northern. l.lSS't 17V No. 1 wheat. Jl. 07S.tr 1.14,. Kuil It I nuhanged, HYK iNe. HAH1.KY t4S7c, HltAN 1 7. 7oj'l a. tx I'OKN No. S yellow. 7,Mj76 OAT.H-No. 1 white, 4"U4tc. FLA X S iuHD-tt.Hl 4u? .34 agar Market. NEW YORK, March l.-8t'(lAR-Kaw, firm: eeutrifusal. molaaaea, 4 6io. Refined, firm; cut loaf. 7.5uc; crushed. 7&: mould A, .tc: cubes, Sfto; xxxx powdered, t.faic; iowderd, 4.,c; fine granulated, .; diamond A, 6.J.V: con fectioner' A, .3uc; No. 1, t aOc. Future continued firm on demand from trade source and commission houses, prompted by firmness of spot market. Mrlal Market. NKW YORK", March, .-METAIJJ- Lead. M.&ft. Sielter. not quoted, f'oiiper, aleadv: electrolytic, r.earliv. t-H.0U-uiii.fi: Jhii i and ,'a,r--'f,.a''v'ro,'V t shortly befor noon today. Th attor No. 1 m.rtliern. IJO A s 7. No. J. HH TMri ' . . . . ,u. .,,. t 36: No. 1 soulhern. iD.ftk-.U.,: No. t, W.1r;u.35. Tin. strong: pot. ( 60 bid. At I.onilon: tipot copi-ei'. 101: future, ekctrulnic, lT3. 6pot tin, ilii. Printers' Unions Nominate Men for the Head Offices INI'lANAmM. Ind., March fc-Nom- I nation for officer of the International I Typographical union, delegate to the convention of the American Federation of lbor and to the congrea of trade and labor of Canada will cloae March S. according to an announcement made to day. The official ballot containing the name of all candidate baa been dis tributed to the member making up the 42 union throughout the country. The election will lie held on the fourth W'edneaday In May. Maraden O. Pcott, New Tork union No. . ha no opposi tion for renotnlnatlon for the presidency. The ame la true of Walter W. Barrett, CThlcago union No. 16. for vice prealdent. J. W. llayea, Mlnneapolla union No. 42, preaent aecretary-treaaurer. I op poaed by John V. Bramwood. lwliaa apolla Vnlon No. 1, and W. E. Men-It, Houston (Te ) union No. 87. The union will end four delegate to tha convention of the American fedeia,- , sort would have sat absurdly upon her Hon of Labor and there are six candi- slender ahouldera, but In the part of the dale for these positions, a follow: Insouciant Ingenue she never failed to II. W. Iennett, Lo Angele; Max It. I core. Hhe waa the quaint blending which Have. Cleveland;, T. W. Mofullough, modem life has evolved, of an old Omaha; Frank Morrison. Chicago; l. H. fashioned (mail town upbringing, ve-. i Pltlenger, Mount Morits, and Hugi lPtevenai.il. Toronto. I I There are also lx candidate for the j four truateea of the Vnlon rrinter' home th.t are to be cho.cn. They are: Malcolm A. Knock. Boaton; Thorn. Met.ffery. Colorado; William Mourn, j New York' T. T. Nock. Birmingham;! j.,om v. lUIara. New York, ana Michael Pawell, Ottawa, Ont. Joe M. Johnaon, Washington, V. C, I n.e nnlv i-andldate for agent of the home. There are three j Vnlon rrlnleia' candldatea for delcgatea to the trade and labor congress of Canada, n fol low: Jame Unity. Montreal; Samuel Had den. Toronto, and W. n. Trotter, Van couver. French Papers Rejoicing Over Wilson's Victory PA It IS. Match .-Oreat pleiire at what I generally called "a Wllejon vlc- tory" over the German-Americans is unanimously expressed by the French press, regarding the submarine-armed ahlp controversy In America. The presi dent' action, according to the Journal, ahow that the American peonle are be hind their prealdent. The ame writer re mark: "The mechanism of the American con stitution ha worked to perfection; that of the Initiative, which belong to the presi dent, and thnt of control over the Initia tive, which belong to the ente, have worked In harmony. The house of rep vote "J J resentatives now can only pas a of sentiment.'' 1 According to the Petit Paria, en th vJ- will make a profound Impression on the European neutral, "a it la the great eat neutral which ha poken." ; President Wilson, according to the Figaro, now Is armed by the senate and Is certain to act. The opinion Is expressed by Gaulota that after this President Wilson is hardly likely to settle differences with Germany diplomatically, "as It Is clear that Amer ican opinion will not stand for American clt liens being sent to the bottom of the sea whether vessels they sail by are : armed or not." Russian Black Sea Fleet is Extending Onerations to West ; . F I . ,-, . . , , w c rETROORAD (Ma Iindon), March 6. The Russian Black Boa fleet Is extending the scope of Its operations far to the westward of Trcblxond and has bom barded tho mouth of the Terma river, where a fleet of sailing vessels had taken refuge. Tho Terma is 210 miles west of Tiehlxond. Thirty m'les st at the Terma the fir of the warships destroyed barricades and depots and manv Turkish craft Along the coat line included between these two points the Russians during the last few days have sunk more than thirty Balling vessel laden with war supplies. The civic population of Treblsond Is re ported to have virtually all left th city, those remaining falling victims, accord ing to dispatches received here, to the demoralised Turkish soldiery, who are i ..al, t looting stores and houses and creating a reign of terror. Over th Russian front southward of th Caucasian theater operations are being carried forward cautiously. The Rulan advancj ia still 360 miles from the nearest point of approach to the Bagdad railway, south of liltlls, namely. Has El Ain. Rancher Gets Pay for Steer Stolen Twenty Years Ago LANDER, Wyo., March's. (Special.) After nearly twenty-two years Con Bheehan, a ranchman on the Sweetwater, has received 129.8s In payment for a steer which waa marketed at Chicago In 1SS4. The money was transmitted by the Wyoming Stock Growers' association, which haa been holding It since Septem ber. 1K4. when Its Inspector at Chicago discovered a steer branded with a cross curb C m a shipment made by J. M. Carey A Bro. from Casper. Not until re- Icently waa it established that the cross curb C cattlo were owned by Sheehan Broa., a firm of which oCn Sheehan Is the surviving member. Th delivery of the money recalls that twenty-two years ago Wyoming beef waa bringing only J cents on th Chicago market, which ws the beat market to which Wyoming stockmen could ship at that time. The Sheehan ateer weighed t.lM pounds and brought SlS.SS. The dif ference betwen th selling nrlc and th price which Sheehan haa received after twenty-two years was deducted for ex penses of Inspection and dlcoverr. Jury for Loriraer Case Completed CHICAGO. March . Th selection of a Jury for the trial of William tsrimer, under Indictment In connection with the failur of the Salle gtret Trust and Bavins bank, wa considered completed ney agreed to consld-r tne jury a worn and then adjourned' until Wednes day morning berauae of the absence of I , IWarila M amount 4f IlllieS. Thcaro?8e Mary Page Dy Frederick Lewis, Author of "What Happened to Mry" vxori. Mary Page, actreaa. la accused of the murder of liavld Pollock and la dcfendcii by her lover. Philip Iingdon. P waa IntoKlcated. At Mary a trial she ad mlta ahe had the revolver. Her maid testlfifv, that Mary threatened Pollock with It previously, and .Mary leading man Implicate I.anirdon. How Mary dia appeared from the scene of the crime la a myatery. Hrandon tella of a at range hand print he aw on Mary'a shoulder. Further evidence show that horror of drink pro dues tenfiirary Insanity In Mary. The defenae la "represser! pavchoala. Wlt nesaea describe Mary'a flight from her In toxicated father and her father's sulcld?. Nurae Walton dracrlbes the kidnaping of Mary by Pollock and Arm- Barton tells of Mary'a atruKglea to become an actres and of Pollock pursuit of her. 'Continued from Ijst Saturday.) f'HAPTKH VIII. Amr'e atellar Role. Nature had Intended Amy Barton to ba ; a great actres. Kmotlonal rolea of any "eered with a bright . crust ' of bravado horn of. battling for .her living In a city brimming with temptation, but ahe had never iot her gay defiance nor had h! the corner.tone of her simple creed. ' cent. loyal to your frlendfl and " with ia grouch." gaiety wa. Infectious, and a she -k ... . mHi,. chair ahe nodded a familiar greeting to the Judge artd smiled at the Jury. "Mis Barton." said Langdon, "you h"ve old u of the experience with Mr. i'oiiock that led to your Ruddcn resigna tion from 'The Blue Feather' company. Did you see him at any time after that?'' "."ee him again!" she retorted. "Why that man wa a regular epidemic!" A delighted giggle greeted the word, em anating from the Jury-box Itself. "We humped Into him the day we landed our first real Job for the road. We were on our way 'to tf-.e Prentiss' Agency. We'd been there before and they handed u the Vail again' sign, so we were playing a return dale though we hadn't much hope. Old Mis Prentiss la such a aour old maid she'd never hand anybody a Job If she could get her commission any other way, hut ahe haa the Inside with some of the good manager and you can t overlook any beta In the how bul nes. 80 we went back, and while we were going down the halt Mary looked o blue that I had to play Little Sun shine with much business of Tve-a-hunch-that-we'H-land-4oday' to try to make her smile and look pretty for any poasiblo mnnager. That why we didn't see David Pollock until we fairly bumped Into him, and he made a grab for Mary's hand. Then he began to apill out an apology. He aald he'd been searching 'very thetrlc al agency and every theater In town looking for Mary. I ve been wrerene.i Mnrv i ..m t 11,1-1. . have been craxy IhMnliht .ti rcathcr." I waa Jealous and angry and hurt beside, and I lost my head. Won't you forgive me? I'm net going to bother you any more, but 1 can't live without your forgiveness. By that time Marv had got tho power of speech back and she Jerked her hand away from his as If It burnt. 'I am perfectly willing to for give you.' she aald, 'and accept your apoiogy, tuit I do not care to continue "cuumiiiance wun you.' with that w ,,0,n "ailed by him into the office. where there was a fine young lineup of leads and heavies and capital l's. wait Ing to be selected by a manager who was closeted with Miss Prentiss." "Did you and Miss Page secure posi tion In that new company" 'Yea. The minute the manager spot- tcd M"ry-hB p"ked because she wag the rroper 'type,' anl -Mary. the darling, said she couldn't take ... .., . ' . , . Z J? . . "T 'l . ii"vy me nu iiiKeuuti ro.e wun aoour, ten sides and twenty-five beans as salary. Old Miss Prentiss was so friendly after tliat I thought she was g-olng- to klsa us good-bye, but she didn't and we got away wlt,h our flrat call for rehearsal and our contrail tucked In our hand-tags. Mary's Included the fact that she was to. be fea tured In" the play which had the giddy moniker of 'A Woman's Pledge.' " "May It please the court," broke In th prosecutor, getting laxlly to his feet. Vail this Is no doubt very Interesting delight ful, In fact, and might prove of greit help to us if we hsd stage aspirations. But," (with a sudden change of tone) ''we are her to decide the guilt or Innocence of Mary Page, whom the state declares to have murdered David rpllock. I fall to see, your honor, where tho somewhat rambling fable In slang which the witness Is telling has any beating upon this case." "Your honor, and gentlemen of the Jury." Langdon's voice rose before the words of the prosecutor had died away, "the story which the witness Is telling has everything to do with the question of the murder of David Pollock. It will show how again and again he force bis attentions upon Miss. Page, and of the horror In which shetield htm: and of the almost Ipavlt&We mental collapse that followed his brutal efforts to make her marry him. If I have allowed the witness) to tell the story in her own way. It Is simply that I wish to bring you the pic ture of these two young girl, so bravj and hopeful, and hard working, whoao positions and good character wer at tacked by David Pollock." For a moment the Judge hesitated, and the court held' its breath aggressive, even antagonistic at the mere thought of losing the gay little witness who was looking from the Judge to Iangdon with such childishly startled eyes. Then hl Honor said slowly: "I cannot sustain your obtectlon to the testimony as Irrelevent, sir. I con- is an aid to digestion and is osix'cially appreciated in springtime. The hop employed in its manufacture are of the finest quality and act as a tonic. Save Coupons and Get Premium Phone Douglas 1839 and have a case sent home. Luxus Mercantile Company. Distributors. Pictures by JEssanay slder all that has a bearing upon the curiou relation existing between Mr. I'oiiock and Mlsa Page as of paramount Importance. At tra same time," he added. turning to taingdnn. "I would suggest : that you Instruct your witness to conflna j her testimony to mere statements of ! fact." The entire court room, not excepting the Jury, heaved a sigh of relief, and I-anKdon's face showed a flush of tri umph as he asked: "How long did your engagement In "A Woman's Pledge' last. Mis Barton'" "Six weeks, but we only got sulary for four." "Where did the tour end?" "It didn't end. It blew up In a one- tank rube town called Prindlevtlle. It I was one of those town that have the railroad station on one side of Main street, the hotel and the 'opry' house at the other and the rest -of the buildings scattered about wherever they happened to drop." Again a gust of laughter lilted through the dingy room, but Langdon frowned and shook his head at Amy, "Never mind descriptions," he " said more sharply than he had spoken ao far, for he feared that the Judge In a revulsion of feeling might stop his witness before she had told the story that meant so much In the case for the defence. But Amy, far from being awed, pouted at him with a gay little mouse and went on with her story In her own fashion. 1 "We were all feeling pretty grouchy when we hit Prlndleville, because It. had j been a losing tour, the ghost hadn't walked for a month, and nobody knew 1 whether we'd ever get back to New York j or not." 'Did you give the performance that j night?" broke In langdon Impatiently. I "Well, we, started to, but it never got beyond the ticket-taking stage, for the sheriff blew In with a badge as big as a saucer and said that he'd been ordered to hold our trunks and props for unpaid board bills in the last four towns, and that meant that we were, stranded with Broadway doing the Sheridan act many miles away." "What did you do?" "We did what a company always does we went back to the hotel and said what we thought of the producer and tried to borrow carfare from the hotel proprietor. That was when we saw David Pollbck again." "Do you mean that Mr. Pollock waa t'n I the hotel whwn you got there?" "No, but he arrived In town by the last train, and walked Into the lobby while we were there." "Did he speak to you?" "Yes. He came over and said he wa going through the town on a business trip, and seeing Mary's name on an eight sheet you know big poster he had Jumped off on Impulse. He said he was awfully eorry that the tour had ended so unfortunstely, and begged her to let him arrange for our return to New York." (To Be Continued Tomorrow.) Key to the Situation 3ee Want Ads. HALT PATROL WAGON . THINKING IT IS A TAXI F. P. Murphy and Roy ' Shreiber. both of whom gave their address as Des Moines, Ia., decided that the thing for them to do was to' call a taxi and re turn to their hotel, so they promptly sat themselves down upon the curb in front of the Union Pacific headquar ters. Fifteenth and Dodge, to await the arrival of the car. As thus they waited the police patrol passed on its return from a run and the two men promptly flagged the wagon and asked Driver Buford If that was a taxi. "Sure, this , Is a taxi," said Buford. Oet In.' The fellows then climbed In the wagon nd it was not until they had landed at the station that they became aware of their mistake. SEE WHAT CUTICUKA DOES FOR MY The Soap keep ray skin frenh and clear and scalp free from dandruff. The Oint ment soothes and heals any skin trouble. Sample Each Free by Mall With 32-p. 8kin Book on request. Ad dress poat-card "Cutlcwra, lasat. 174J, laalia." Sold throusnout th world. h THE BEER YOU UK HIT 16 TP DODGE at Here's Some Interesting Grocery Prices for Tuesday's Sale StTOAJI ITILL ADTAKCIVO 16 lbs. Tuesday Best Par Granu lated fjng-ar tl-00 For Bread. Pies, Cakes or I!lai,tiit.4 try a 4H-lh. sack Diamond 11' Flour made from the best selected No. 1 wheat. Nothing finer grown Tnaaday, per sack $1.35 10 bars Beat-'Fm-All. Diamond C or Laundry Quwn White Laundry Boap BSo 10 bars Pearl White Laundry Soap for 33o 8 bars Electric Spark Suap 83c 7 lbs. Best Bulk Laundry Starch 3o 4 18- ox. rans Condensed Milk. . .880 8 ff-os. cans Condensed Milk.... 880 4 can Fancy Wax, String or Green Beans 38o 8 large cans Golden Pumpkin. Horn. iny, Sauer Kraut or Baked Bcnn for 83o l-oz. pkg. Condensed Mince Meat for Co 4 pktrs. Jomstlc Macaroni, Vermi celli or Spaghetti 8 5o 5 lba. Choice Japan JUce. ...... .SSo 0 lbn. Best White or Yellow Cum Meal '..170 6 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines. 19e i-Vn. pkg. Self-Mlslng Pancake Flour for BSo 6 lbs. Pure New Y'ork Buckwheat Flour 85c MacLarn's Peanut Butter, at, per lb .18H0 Large bottle Worcester Sauce, Pur Tomato Catsup, Pickles, assorted kinds, Prepared Mustard or Horse radish, bottle eVuO K. C. Corn Flakes, pkg 60 tlrap Nuta, pkg.. 100 The Best Tea Slftings 131,0 Hershey's Breakfast Cocoa, lb., 304) Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb., BOo IV TRY HAYDEN'S 1- jTjjiii in 1 1 ii t iTTTUffsU Mj h it h l H 1 1 H iUTtm, I itth 1 1 1 1 l"i"t i7n i Tt h it ti liTtTxl ilil iiVi i tlm i tiTiTiinniTmTtTfil I ( ' 1pajfa''4aKaa Arkansas Hot Springs Race Meet March 11th to March 31st, Inclusive Special Low Round Trip Fares via the Iron Mountain Route ll Write for handsome lllustrsted booklet on "Arkansas Hot Springs and" for full particular about the best way there, to Thus. V. Gotlfrey, Gen. Agt. Pass. Sept. 1433 Tar nam St., Omaha, Kcb, iriTTiTTn' i !ieajMa;BllBieiiieaiie"i'ei"i'iaiwaiiriie-i 1 1 r ' 1 1 I 1 at ol4 ..aiaa'.a4i1iaVBVa ..'i 41 ,4ia as 'isJa'V More Profit Less Risk In these times of sudden style changes, many merchants are carrying smaller stocks of merchandise. Through WESTERN UNI01T Day Letters and Night Letters ' they quickly fill broken lines with new, fresb goods. Results more and faster turn-overs, smaller Investment, fewer left-overs. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. Hb ill i 7jr Vil irilllOl - 4 ...,sjor DOUGLAS STREETS The Best Strictly Trsh Ho. 1 IflTg. per dosen S2HiO Nothing riner at Any Trio. f ancy No. Country Creamery But ter, per lb 319 Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb. . .860 t lbs. Good Butterinc SSo Fancy Table Butterine, lb.'...17Ho The L'eat Kqual-to-Creamery Butter, per lb., at 830 Fancy Full Craam. Wisconsin Cream, New York White or Wis- 1 consin Brick Cheese, lb 840 Imported Fmenthal Swiss Cheeo, per ,b., at 450 Imported Roquefort Choice (So ciety brand), lb 60c Oranges The Most Healthy Trait Grown to Eat. ' A special car of Kxtta Fancy High land Naval Oranges. For '1 ties duy's sale, practlcaUy all 100 and 120 sizes that retail at 40c do., special aaie on rnis car ror lues. day only, per dozen ' X ' ,850 TBEBH VEGETABLES DIRECT r ROM THE OKOWEB TO THE CORSVHEB A. SAVING) OF 50 TO 100 PER CENT. As W Advertise, so W sell. IS lbs. best Red River Potatoes. 30o Large hunches fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnips for 4o 3 larae hunches Fresh Shallots or Radishes for 100 Hume Grown Turnips, lb lo Fancy California Cauliflower, per pound 7 'to Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lh 15e Cape Cod Cranberries, quart .... loo Fancy Head Lettuce, head.. 60, ?4a 3 large Soup Bunches lOo Fancy large Cucumbers, cacti... ISO Fancy Wisconsin Cahbage, lb. ...lo iFancy Ripe Strawberries, box.. 400 FIRST IT PAYS. .JJ 111" i M mi ? ! B I J j ; m f m t. n 1 r nominal 1 .iEareJ I f i a 4a