Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1916, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily
The Deo is ths Paoer
yon ask fori if jrom plaa ka
N rs .beaut nor than a law Says,
are xna Baa anaU.a to yon.
VOL. XLV NO. 2-2'.
Oa Tralna, e aTot.l
Wows Stand, e'e, e
Hat No Sympathy with American
Who Would Ride on Armed
Shipi, Perhaps Involving
Nation' in War,
Not Inclined to Interfere with Pre
ident in Discharge of His Con
stitutional Duties.
bouse resounded wih cheers when
Mr. Mann took the floor today and
assailed Americans who might In
volve the country In war by traveling
on armed ships.
"I hope our citizens never will be
put to the test of having to fight be
cause some fool has Involved ns i?y
nterlng upon a "Joy ride," he
When Representative Gardner de
clared there should be a clear vote
on the subject Republican Leader
Mann announced that he was against
bringing the matter up n the house
at all.
"I have believed," said Mr. Mann,
"In letting the house attend to Its
constitutional duties and letting the
president attend to his constitutional
"'he gentleman from Maasachuaetta.
Mr. Gardner," aald Republican Lender
Minn "haa charaed that tne memDer-
ip of the house In this matter haa been
ctuated. flrat by part lean, reasons, and
second by fear of the votea at home. The
.... .
gentleman irom aiassacuuBeiia ia enuncu
to apak fur himaelf. but not for any on
else on either aide of thla house. This U
too grave a question for the patriotic
men of thla houae to be actuated by baao
motives aa suggested by JJje gentleman
from Massachusetts."
Bryaai at Lancheesu
William Jennings Bryan made hla head
quarters today at a hotel almost under
the shadow of the catltol, and conferred
at luncheon with many congressmen who
ire rated as Bryan men.
Mr. Bryan Insisted that the luncheon
waa only a "friendly gathering." Repre
sentative Balley'a view at the same time
waa that it was "a meeting of those op
posed to preparedness and armed ships."
He was especially emphatlo In hla dec
laration that bo "conspiracy" waa on
foot. '
"I Won't say that t shall not discuss
warning American cltltens against tak
ing passage on armed ships," Mr. Bryaa
aald. "but I will say that I have said
nothing about It thus far."
Weald Man fcy rreaMesvt.
Representative Flood, chairman of the
foreign affairs committee, told the house
that the Issue was broader than any ques
tion of warping people off ships or ef
procedure and precedents.. It was a ques
tion, he declared, of whether when the
president la engaged In a diplomatic ne
gotiation with a foreign government.
'we should stand with our president, or
with a foreign power, whether we stand
with America, or with the government
rlth which America la negotiating.".
"When the time cornea to act tomor
row," Mr. Flood added, "I hope that
every patriotic congressman, and I think
every member of thla house Is patriotic,
will be found standing behind the presi
dent. Woodrow Wilson." "
Mr. f-lood sold the talk In the house
about a warning resolution had been cir
culated through the newspapers and it
had gor.e abroad that the house was in
favor of the McLemore resolution. "The
fact that his information got to the
capital at Berlin," he aald, "stopped tha
negotiations with Germany and hampered
President Wilson, balked him. and left
him In a situation where not to act
would be worse than anything else. Tt
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair and colder east and
central portion!.
For Iowa Partly cloudy and colder;
generally fair; fresh to strong northwest
Temperatures sit Ornnas Testerday.
... 36
... 86
... 40
... 41
... 4V
... 41
... 4D
1 P. m 44
2 p.rn 44
J P. m 47
4 p. m 47
6 1. in 46
P in 4.i
7 p. m 44
t p. Ill 4J
Comparative tceal Record.
Official record of temperature of pre
cipitation compared wlih tha correspond
ing period of the last three years:
. , 1SW W14 101
Highest yesterday 47 30 37 40
lowest yesterday K LT 14
Mean temperature 41 " ?1 27
Preclpitatiun 0 T .00
Temperature arid precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature , s
Kxcesa for the day i
Tctal excess since March 2J
Normal precipitation ".. m inch
Iieflciency for the day ' I in h
Total rainfall since March l.. .07 Inch
I t-licteucy - since March l Id Inch
Kxm for cor. period. lI.V . I.24 inches
Deficiency for cor. penoj. li4. ,u inches
Reports front Statluaa at T P. M.
Station and fitate Temp. High- Rain-
ni n eaiurr. p. n.
Cheyenne, part cloudy..,. 30
Ievenport, cloudy ?8
beuvtr, cloudy 44)
Iea Molnea, clear 44
p m . , 6 a.m..
. H 11, ' m"
l"l Wj m-y.
ext. fail.
It-' .i
42 T
44 .10
4i T
to ' .110
3M .1J
47 . .(O
44 .)
44 . .M
4.' 0i
4n .0
IHjdxe city, part cloudy., fxi
1 -. . ..1 -
uimirr, iicbi ..........
jdrTorth Platte, clear ....
4 I maha. clear
. 41
. 41
. 41
Pueiilo, part cloudy ....
itapid City, cloudv ....
.hIi Kike C Itv, cloudy
iiiiii Ke, clear
.-hr.d'in. cli.uiv
tm t'iiv rh'Mr .... ...
Ylt iitlnv. i l cloudy
nr..i-i. . If ..!.. ..
T hull -Hie tr:i'-e of I r e pit u 1.11.
4. A. WtlJon. Locai Kiiic aiirr
' ' )
I x - ' ie1aWJii ..
f -
Former Mayor of Cleveland Will
Take Vacant Post in President's
Official Council.
WASHINGTON, March 6. New
ten C. Baker, former mayor of Cleve
land, has been selected by President
Wilson for secretary or war. Mr. Bak
er's name had been mentioned in con
nection with the position several
times. He was offered a place
when the cabinet was formed, but
Mr. Baker hag accepted the posi
tion and Is now arranging his affaire
in Cleveland preparatory to coming
to Washington to take up his duties.
The selection of Mr. Baker Is un
derstood to have been discussed by
President . Wilson with Colonel B.. M.
House soon after the letter's arriral
here this morning.
The nomination of Xewton D. BaVer' of
Cleveland es secretary of-war- will be
sent to the senate by President Wilson
tomorrow. Mr. Baker will come to Wash
ington on Thursday for a conference with
the president. Prompt action on the nom
ination Is expected In the senate.
Offered Place Earlier.
When President Wilson waa making up
Ms cattnet in 1913 he offered the place
of secretary of the Interior to Mr. Baker
twice. Mr. Baker was then mayor of
Cleveland and declined for that reason.
The president and Mr. Baker have been
(Continued on Page Two. Column One.)
Francis of Missouri .
v Goes to' Russia as
WASHINGTON, March ((.-President
Wilson's nomination of David R. Francis
of Missouri to be ambassador to Russia
was confirmed today by the senate a few
hours after It had been received. At the
same time Joseph If. Shea of .Indiana
was confirmed as ambassador to Chile.
Mr. Francis, who served as seretary of
the Interior under President Cleveland,
will succeed George T. Marye at Petro
grad. Mr. Marye recently resigned, say
ing the Russian climate was undermining
his health. - 'The ambaaaadorshlp is con
sidered particularly Important by Presi
dent Wilson because of the additional
duties thrust upon the embassy by the
war. Including the care of the interests!
of the central powers. '
Troops Watching
for Villa, Who is .
Headed for Border
Kt, PASO. Tex., March .-Gneral
Oahriel Oavlra, commandant at Juares,
announced tcday that he had requested
Brigadier (Seneral John J. Pershing at
El Paso to have American troops weat
of El Paso keep a sharp lookout for
Francisco Villa. Gavlra pressed the
opinion that Villa was headed toward
tha border with Intention of seeking re
fuge in the United States.
Guttery and Wife .
Have Left Norfolk
XOUFOLK, Nob., March 6.-(ririecia:
Telesram.) Or. W. D. Uuttery, deposed
superintendent of the stale hospital for
inanc 11 1 Norfolk, left the lnittii'lo-.
Sunday mornlne. It was learned todjy.
He and Mrs. Guttery are understood to
have returned to their former Lome bt
t'ilwr. Their household' goods had Won
paiked brveral days ready for Immediate
NEW ORLEANS. March . Rfx. king
of the Mardi Gras. took hit throne and
became ruler t New Orleans' annual
ffle. The ceremony included a parade of
ally aecorattd vessels, which a com
ta ni rt the royal yacht, nnd a atrt i
'J'if jilf. in whi.'h Milit trv 1. 1 oi
in-rliie.i and F.tllnrs f 1 oin the buttlcylui
tlilaky ir..ri 1. I niit'd
of State Dele-
L .resent at Dinner
.iven Commoner.
(From 11 Stuff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. March 6 -(Special Tel
egiam.r The democratic members pf ths
Nebraakik deleaation were prestnt at a
dinner today given hv R.'piesentntlve
Warren North Pulley of Pennsylvania In
honor of former Secretary of ftnte Wil
liam Jennings Bryan. Some twenty leg
islators were present, Including Senator
Vardaman nnd Representatives Slsson.
Hawley, Hardy and Connolly of Kansas.
The commodore made no set speech, but
told the "boys" that he was against an
increase of both the army and the navy
and that he was In favor of n simple res
olutli n of warning to all Americans not
to sail upon boats carrying ami.
PoMtmaalera Nominated,
Following Nebraska postmnsteie were
nominated by the president ' today: Sam
uel HJnUle, Havelcck; Ced la M. Cole
man, Newcastle; Prank Waworth, KU
wood; J. H. Crosvenor, Aurora; J. B.
lch. Reaver City; J. W. Henthorn,
Blue Springs.
Sultnilt Hlda on Cattle.
Thomas Vonahue and Guy I.. Axtell of
South pmaha are In Washington tor the
purpose of submitting bids on cattle de
sired by the Indian office for the flKcal
year 1!1.
Representative Sloan,, upon request of
tho state Railway commission of Ne
braska, appeared today on behalf of the
state and the railway commission be
fore the Interstate Commerce commis
sion, which hns Instituted an Inquiry as
to charges of car shortage in tho west
and car congestion in the east. Mr.
Sloan took part In the examination of
witnesses appearing before the commis
sion, the principal witness being Howard
Elliott, president of the New York. New
Haven A Hartford railroad.
From the evidence it developed that a
great many of the box cara owned by
the Arranger roads" were held In the east
to the disadvantage of the ' western
toads. The American Railway associa
tion concedes the ihaigc and today It
developed that the eastern reeda had
agreed to give the western roads JO per
cent more box cars than the western
roads deliver to them.
Sloan Before t'oainilaaloa.
Congressman Sloan will address, the
commission In the mowing as to the Ne
braska situation. His selection .as the
representative of the railway commis
sion undoubtedly' grew out ef his bill to
compel the roads to lift the embargo on
rail shipments and requiring them to
furnish facilities for transportation. Rep
resentatives Iolieck and Klnkatdwere
also present at' the hearing today."" "
Seven Members of
One Family Slain
Near Laton.Okl.
LAWTON, Okl., March .-Seven mem
bers of the family o Pan O'Kane, a
farmer, were found murdered In their
home twelve miles southwest of Lawto ;,
today. O'Kane himself lay beside the
body of his father, probably fatally aurt.
A negro hired man discovered the bod
ies. Th$ murderer had used a razor, a
hammer and a rifle. These were found
on the floor. Near by was a basin of
water crimsoned with blood.
Those who were killed were: O'Kane's
wife, an infant, four children, ranging
ffom 4 to 10 years of age, and O'Kane's
aged father.
Tho children were found ln'bed. Their
throats had been slashed and their heads
crushed. Mrs. O'Kane, the baby and the
aged father we're shot to death.
O'Kane lay on the floor beside his
I father, a bullet In his head. The rifle,
rasor and hammer were found near him.
O'Kane formerly was employed by the
government to care for the cattle of
Apache prisoners of war.
George F. Dickman,
Treasurer of State
Fair, Meets Death
Reward. Neb.. March 6. IKnei'tAl T..1-
egram.) George F. Hickman, treasurer
of the state fair and for thirty-five years
a resident of this place, died this sfter
noon, following two paralytic strokes
earlier in the day.
He was engaged in the implement busi
ness here for eight years. He leaves a
Mr. Dickman was apparently in good
health until today.
EL PASO, March (.Two persons were
burned to death and a score of others,
all prisoners of the city Jatl here, are
probably fatally burned as the result of
a flash of flame from the solution being
used In a disinfection bath being admin
istered to a large number of Inmates of
the Jail, many of whom are infirm.
Tales of Marital Woes Are Too
Much for Chicago Bachelor Judge
CHICAGO, III.. March . To save
some of his shattered Ideals of matri
mony Judge Jacob M. Hopkins, a bache
lor, waa transferred today from the
bench of the Chicago court of domestic
ralationa, being succeeded by . Judge
John R. Newcomer, a married man.
For the last six months Judge Hop
kins has listened from his place on the
bench to the marital woes of the city,
but recently he told friends he cou,ld
stand It no longer. And to avert what
uemtd to be an impending tragedy 10 a
i a helor soul l'u: f Justice Harry Olson
omplied with JudKe Hopkins' request
inl annouiKptl t new alignment,
oiuc I wid in.-irrlugL's through rosy
Three Dreadnaughts and Four Cruis
ers Added and American Fleet
Would Be Readv to Meet
Any of Them.
With Three Dre adnanghts and Seten
Cruisers Both Coasts Could Be
Defended Against Enemy.
WASHINGTON. Match 6. Three
dreadnauglita and four battle cruis
er added to tho American fleet,
built and authorised, would make It
the equal In flRhting strenRth of the
present German fleet, Admiral
Fletcher, commander of the Atlan
tic fleet, asserted today before the
house naval committee.
While Germany has seven battle
Cruisers nnd the t'nited Rtntes none,
the admiral said, the thlrty-fve-knot
craft proposed by the Navy depart-;
nient would be bo much superior to
'tnything- now afloat that four of
them, possibly three, would more
than offset the seven German boats.
With the present fleet of forty-two
battleships of atl types, three additional
dreadnaughts and seven battle cruisers.
Admiral Fletcher thought, "we co. Id
reasonably expect to make a' good de
fense, although not an absolute one," of
both coasts against any combination of
two enemy powers that did not Include
Great PNtaln.
The admlrae said that he and a ma
jority of the higher officers of the navy
disapproved the personnel board proposal
to subscribe promotion by election by the
seniority system. Ho said that It the
president were authorised to transfer 4
per cent of the captains, commanders
and lieutenant commanders to the ' re
serve list, employing them In consular
work abroad as Instructors in military
schools, or on other work for the gov
ernment, the way for promotion of efll
clent officers would be open without ad
ditional expense.. The present system of
selection for high commands and bureau
heads he said provides a sure way of
putting the right man In the right place.
Admiral Fletcher thought that the
training and education of all navy offi
cers was so nearly Identical that to muks
selection among the officers la any grade
,p .those uuaUfled for promotion., as pro
posed, would be a difficult task. ' There
was little to choose among M per cent
of the men In any grade, he -added, all
being required to be experts In many
subjects, such ss seamanslilp, gunnery,
engineering, and to have In addition a
knowledge of International law beyond
that of the average lawyer. Aa a nat
ural process, he explained, they now spe
cialised along the line to which they felt
the most attraction and were appointed
to posts that would get the best results
for tho havy from that study.
Operating Income
of thd Ralroads
Shows an Increase
CHICAGO. March 6. Net operating In
come of the railways of the United States
for December. 1915, increased 1W per
mile, or t2.i per cent, ss coinrartd with
December. 1914, according to a statement
Issued today by the Bureau of Hallwbv
Economics. This, comparison, however.
Is between the highest and lowest lieoeir
ber in six years. A comparison of Uc
oemttier, 1S15. with the average December
of the preceding five years shows an in
crease of C9.S per cent.
Total operating revenues, according to
the statement, amounted to liy.VnMi,
an increase over 1914 of S6l.IW2.ii2o.
Operating expenses were S1S3.S83.298, an
Increase of Sl7.4s.777. Net operating rev
enue amounted to tl03,4$4,(H7, an litercane
of KXW.TtS.
It la set forth In the statement, that
the six months of the current fiscal year,
compared with tho same period of lust
year, show operating income per nfile
Increased 11.2 per cent In thteafft. i5.5
per ct nt In the couth and 23.S per cent In
tho west.
Big Powder Plant
is Threatened by
Sparks from Hay
riNOIJC, Cel., March S.-Three hay and
grain warehouses on the raucli uf lr.
At. L. Kernandes. two-thirds of a mils
from the Hercules Powder company plant,
were destroyed by fire early today with
a loss estimated at' tloo.iO. Pparks fell
on the powder plant and the Hercules
company's fire department was sent to
aid in fighting the Jilaie. The fire was
aald to have been started by tramp
sleeping In a hay mow.
mists of sentiment and poetry," Judge
Hopkins said. "I believed there was stnl
In tho world love that endured from the
altar to the grave. In the court of
domestic relations my Ideals died one by
one. Day after day I listened to nothing
but the sorrows and tragedies of mar
rted couplea; to fordid tales of wife
beatings, disloyel husbands, treacherous
wives, love drowned in wine, love whose
requiem waa the fox-trot music of the
cabaret. I began to wonder whether any
surb thing as marital happiness existed
on earth. .Ho I asked to be transferred
It was a last desperate measure of self
defense a measure to save at least some
of my Ideals." ,
PORTRAIT OF L00AN F0NTENELLE unveiled at the
Hotel Fontenelle on Monday afternoon. It was painted by
William Andrew Mackay of New York.
I' - . ., t
Life Sice Portrait of Logan Fonte
nelle Now Hang in Lobby of .
Hotel Which Bean Name.
A life stzg painting of Logan Fon
tenelle, last ruling . chief of the
Omaha Indians, now r hangs "in 'the
Hotel Fontenelle.
It waa presented yesterday, after
noon by the Colonial Dames of Amer
ica resident In Nebraska.
It was painted by William Andrew
Mackay, whose father was person
ally acquainted with Fontenelle and
haa pronounced the painting a fine
likeness of the Indian chieftain. '
Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith pre
sided at the presentation ceremonies
in the Fontenelle lobby.
She drew aside from the portrait
tha old flag which veiled It, a flag
with thirty-one atari, a flag awned
by Logan Fontenelle himself.
The picture stands on the messanlne
floor overlooking the lobby. The portrait
shows Fontenelle In Indian robes and not
In the clothltur of the 'white man which
he wore much of the time. On this point
Thomas Ft. Kimball said:
I anticipate the drawing of such fire
to this paint lng-f Ire from those who
forget that we nalnt a great general In
his uniform; a great chief In the regalia
he wore on the state occasion of hla
tribe, a member of one of our first fami
lies In representative costume, a Fonte
nelle as an Indian and not as a squaw
. Kennedy Accepts Painting.
John L. Kennedy on behslf of the
Douglas Hotel company, owner of the
hotel, made the speech of aaceptance for
the painting.
"For the Douglas Hotel company. In
the absence of the president, I take
pleasure In accepting this splendid paint
ing this portrait of Igan Fontenelle.
In presenting It, the Colonial Dames In
Nrbtarka have paid a a ell merited tribute
(Continued on lage Two, tlolumn Four.)
Soft Coal Scale
Finished Except
Few Minor Details
NKW YOrtK, March .-Operators snd
union workers from the bituminous coal
fields of the middle west virtually agreed
today upon the wage rates to be Incor
porate'! in the agreement being negoti
ated In this city to grt Into effect April 1.
The only thing that holds up a vote on
the wage question la a ( complete under
standing regarding conditions of a pro
tective nature In the Interest of clean
and merchantable coal under the mine
run basis.
Under the tentative agreement west
ern I'ennsylvania operators will pay their
miners a net advance of 63 cents a ton
on the mini run baals. Ohio and Illinois
will psy an Increase of 3 cents, and In
diana will advance wages 3 cents.
The Increase In dead work and yard
age as tentatively agreed upon la S per
cent, snd the advance for men paid by
the day is also fixed at ( per cent.
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Iowa Elevator Owned by Minneap
olis Railroad Containing- 79,000
Buiheli of Grain Burned.
PEORIA, 111., March 6. Fire here
today destroyed 'the Iowa elevator,
together with about 750,0 00 bush
els or grain, largely the property of
S C. Bartlett A Co. The loss is es
timated at f 1,000,000. The efforts of
the entire fire department were re
quired to save surrounding buildings.
The fire threatened to spread to the
nearby distillery and manufacturing
The cause of ths fire is said to have
been spontaneous combustion. Fifty men
were thrown out of employment. No one
waa Injured. The plant was owned by
the Iowa Klevator company.
London Metal Birisag Reopens.
LONDON, March .-The Metal ex
change opened for dealings today under
the conditions aifthorlsed by the minis
try of munitions. A fair business was
transacted during ths forenoon. The
Olasgow Iron market decided not to hold
a session today, as there are certain de
tails which must be cleared up with t rf
munitions ministry before the trading Is
Body of W. F. Kelley
to Be Brought Home
On Army Transport
ROME. March . (Via raris.)-The
body of William F. Kelley, the Amer
ican consul In Romo, Who died suddently
yesterday will be sent to America on
board the I'nlted States army transport
Caesar, which sails from Naples neat
Baturady. ' '
WASHINGTON, March 1-Olney Ar
nold, American diplomatic agent and con
sul general at Cairo, Kgypt, d:ed yester
day in a hospital at Lisbon, Portugal.
Advices to the Btate department from the
American consul there told of his death,
but did not state the cause.
Parties Stealing
- Bides on Trains
Have No Rights
v AKHINaTON. Mar. h S.-Hoboea and
othera who steal rides on railroad trains
may cellect no damages for Injuries and
are liable to penalties under the anti
pass law.
The supreme court today reveraed a
flO.Otn) Judgment agalnut the Illinois Cen
tral, awarded to a man Injured while rid
ing with the consent of the engineer.
C'HICAOO, Marcn .-Thlrty thousand
employee of Armour ft Co., Swift Ac Co.,
Morris A Co. and Bulibcrger & Pons com
pany were glvtn an Increafce In wawei
today which will aggregate lin.OuO a week.
The Increase averages from cents te
ll a week for each employe.
Cenior Heporti Twelve Persons
Killed and Thirty-Three In
jured During Raid Son
day Night.
Wide Area. Extending from Kent
Along- East Coast North to
Yorkshire, Visited.
LONDON. March 6. Twelve per
sons were killed and thirty-three in
jured In last night's Zeppelin raid.
Three Zeppelins took part in the at
tack. This information was given out
officially today.
"The number of Zeppelins which took
psrt In last night's raid la now believed
to have been three.
"After crossing the coast the airship
took various courses, snd from the devi
ous nature of their fi'ght, apparently1
were uncertain as to their bearings. The
area visited Included Yorkshire, Uncoln
shlre, Hutland, lllntlngdon, Cambrldgv
shire, Norfolk, Kssex and Kent."
"As far as la known, about forty bomb
were dropped altogether. The casualties,
so far as ascertained amount to:
Killed: three men, four women, five
children; Injured thirty-three.
"The material damage was:
"Two terrace houses partlcally de
stroyed, one office, one (public house, a
cafe snd aeveral shops partially destroyed
and a block of alms houses badly dam
aged." The rensor permits public publication
ef few Incidents In connection with the
Zeppelin raid. In one o the principal arena
visited a block of workmen's dwellings
were demolished. A woman snd her four
children, all tinder nine years were kllej.
The woman's husband was taken to a
hospital in a serious condition.
An official statement Issued In Utid in
last night said two hostile airships hud
crossed over the northeast coast of Erg
land. At that time their movements hs-.l
not been defined clesrly.
The number of casualties reported !
much smaller than that of the previous
Zeppelin raid In which fifty-seven per
sons were killed and ll Injured.
Eight Hundred Are
,' Killed When Italian
- Aeroplanes Mid-
. - -
UKNKVA (VH Paris. 4U p. m), March
I.'lght hundred Austrian soldiers In
barrs.uks wefe killed or wounded In the
told made by Italian aeroplanes February
10 on the city of Lalhach, according to
Information rtcelved here todav. Two
high officers of the stuff of Archduke
Kuaene. commander-in-chief of tho Aus
trian forces operating against Italy, are
said to have been killed.
One of the Italian aeroplanes wss de
stroyed. An official report of the raid given out
trf Rome said that It was In retaliation
for numerous violations of International
law b'y the Austrlans. It waa added that
the raiding squadron haU dropped aeveral
dosena of grenades and bombs on the
An Austrian orflclal statement refer
ring to the snme raid, said that tt was a
lamentable failure."
Church Treasurer.
Embezzles Funds
CHICAGO, March C-A plea of guilty
to forgeries amounting to $34,000 In ths
accounts of St. Mark's Evangelical Luth
eran church was entered Jn court today
by David Vollrath. former trustee and
treasurer of the parish. Re was sen
tenced to the penitentiary under the In
determinate sentence act.'
Ml-mniSTOWN. N. J.. March .-Richard
A. McCurdy. capitalist, president of
the Mutual Life Insurance company from
1MB to IV. died at his home here today,
aged 81. He retired from the presidency
of the company soon sfter he Investiga
tion conducted Into life Insurance com
panies In New Tork' by Charles E.
Hughes, then a practicing attorney.
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