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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1916)
REAL ESTATE IMPROVED (i Rooms, Practically Now, $4,300. Thin property In located not fur from l"d and Iavcniort; haa large living niom acrooa the front of the house, good slied dining room and kitchen on the first floor, two bedrooms, enclosed sleeping porrh and hath nil the second fioor; one of the bedrooms la across the entire front of the house. The house Is l rated on an extremely desirable south front lot. with the paving all paid; ce ment driveway, but no Karaite. This Is a l.eiiutlful little, home and we believe Is cnc of the host bargains In the dis trict. The owner mlirht take a first class lot as part payment. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tv'rr I'M. " Keellne Pldq ( Kooms, Modem Walking Distance , -.. .$1,950. Kast front on Stith St., one block north of Cuming, ravins; all paid. Kasv walking distance from the new Ford plant and V. P. shops. The house la a atory and half enuare stylo, with three room and reception hall downstairs and three rooms and bath on the sec ond floor. - Furnace heat. Porcelain bath, modern plumbing, first class con dition. Js'ow renting for HO a month. This la a real bargain In a close-in home. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tvler V.. Keellne Pldg Elegant Home Seven large rooms. Vestibule with coat closet and plate glass mirror door. Large living room, ItixK, beam ceiling, fireplace, bookcases, oak fin ish. Dining room beautifully finished tn oak, buffet, china closet, window seat, small closet for table leaves, etc. Kitchen complete In every detail, with latest design built-in cabinet. Clothea chute to basement. Irge rear entry. Rear porch. Beautiful oak stairway to second floor. Four large bedrooms, finished in white enamel, mirror doors. Complete bath room. Stairway to attic. All rooms nicely decorated. Full basement with laundry tuba, toilet, fruit cellar, floor drain, shower bath. Screens and window shades. Wall plugs for elec tric irons, etc. Lot 60x132. Price K.ZM. Terms, Located 3.117 Walnut St. Norris & Norris 40 Bee Pldg. Phone Hondas 4270 1500 CASH Will buy a brand new all modern bun galow, juat finished, at 35tn and How ard St. H. A. 'WOLF. r4 Ware Plk. Pong. SOW. WEST SlDfci SNAP FOR LA RGB FAMILY. R-room cottage losn than cost, 38th Ave., m blocks from cer line; com pletely modern, fine condition, close to school and stores; $1,200 cash, balance $it monthly. Best bargain in city. Plione H irney 1W2. it LA L Ksi AT, r'ire and General fn stiance.i Art Thatcher. 1217-18 City ' v -iloel Bank Bldg. Douglas 3801. KTlTTcTLY modern 6-room bungalow, i.uw, built right, up-to-the-minute, easy vims. 1 bone BenHon 2"2. 1- ...; ri. M per month. 6 rooms, toilet and gas; specials all In and paid. ElS'S. 41st St.; best location in Omaha. Price $i,100. Call Harney 8124 Tlor tli. - ; A WAGE-EARNER'S CILVNCE Good Home Easy Walking A Distance Only $2,000. ' At 717 North 23d St.. a cottage with five large rooma all on one floor; stairs to attlo and good basement, new mod ern plumbing, gas and. furnace heat; street paved and , paid for a really choice home for the money; wiin very easy walking distance of down town district, new Ford Motor works, hops, etc. Price only $2,000. If purchaser desires a home and In vestment combined, can also sell ad joining house, 715 N. 23d at., at $4.1H0 for both. This Is one ot ihe Le.-c bargains offered In Omaha today. De sirable terms on entire property, or on the north house alone If preferred. This property Is bound to sell. See us at once for full particulars. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Sole Agents, CT9 -Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. . ' A Home, Prettiest Mile. If you want a real borne In a restricted district, with new homes all around, on the finest . Boulevard in Nebraska, within 200 feet of Omaha's most beau tiful park, one block from car line, come out and see the third . house east of 24th St., on the south side of the Florence boul- . evard, at Miller park. Six large rooms, attic, full basement, brick foundation, fire place, laundry tubs, bookcases, , , buffet, beautiful oak finish, fine lot, everything the best. Charles W. Martin & Co., 742 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Tyler 187, NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE 18th, Between Lake and Ohio Peculiar circumstances enable me as owner to sell this fine modern house; brick first story, frame above, with lot 4?Vxl2& feet, to an alley, at more than $500 less than It has Just cost. THOS. F. HALL, 433 Rarage Bldg. Douglas 740S. 500 CASH, 136.50 PEH MONTH. Will buy a brand new, all mod. bunga low; 3 rooms finished in oak, living room across front of houne, with recep tion hall and cloak rlusut; beam ceil ings, bookcases and many other special features. 2 bedrooms, bathroom and convenient kitchen; i rooms unfinished on second floor; furnace heat; east rront lot, paved street. 1 block to car, 15 minutes' ride downtown. Price for quicK sale. $.,. RASP BROS., 1. McCague Bldir Doug. $400 CASH , $27.50 PER MONTH " located one blk. south of Miller Psrk brand new bungalow, fully modern, oak finish, with oak floor throughout bouse; many siieclal features; furnace heat, high-grade llijhtlni; fixtures, ce mented basement, dandy lot. only V. blk. to car. close to school. Prue for nuick sale. $2.!. RASP BROS., 10 McCague Bid. Doug, ltii REAL ESTATE IMPROVED orih. KOUNTZE PlACE rooms and den. full J-atory, oak finish in living moms; nice basement; ail in good repair, house but three years old; fine location; close to boulevard. Price 14.000. Let us show von this. C. O. CARLBERG, Si: P-randelg Theater Pldg Decatur St., Near 24th. rooms, alt modem but heat; south front, paved a. reel, nearly all paid. A snsp at ll.WO. JEFF V. BEDFORD & SON, DOI'viLAS 3392. BWL'fiH'!. Inu-jluni e'Tlt'CH, 7 large rooms, sleeping porrh and tiled bath, 2706 Fowler Ave., south front, large porch; splendid shade; paving all paid; .) cash and 140 monthly, 1'uone Loug. iSH or Colfax X.ll. P. J. BCANNELU Anl.r. bungalow;, husband left for out-of-town position; must sell at once; new tVroom bungalow; all oak, beamed celling, built-in bookcasea, buf fet, sun room, full cement basement, H block from car. 2206 Kllison Ave. Col fax mh. o r TOitAtti) Alll.L.KK I'AKk. 1 have a R-room house on a full lot, partly modern, handy to car and Mil ler Park school; worth looking at. l,b"0; only t) down. AM OH (1KANT. Sole Arent P. o.Cal.r7t. 811 Brandels Thea CACPES, all Improved, with R-room. all modern, brick veneer house, large b-rn and chicken house; lota of bearing" fii-fthof Krug Park. Colfax 24V). ?K SAL, fa, j-ruom modern bungalow in ianscom Park district; finished in oak; has beam ceilings; full baaement. Iot xlS5; one block from car line. Call on-ner. Harney 183. 2S10 ft. iltd St. II. w. A splendid 7-r. home on 2Sth St., near Pratt. Very easr terms. C. p. Hl'TOH IN'HON. 1fi3 Farnam. UOOU HOtotK. 6-room bungalow; all modern. 4109 N. Slot. , Phone Owner. Colfax 22fJ. PKM1S PARK SNAP, (-room molern cottage, large lot. Owner will sn-rifl"' equity for quick sale. K8 Neville Plk. J HAVU for sule a 4-room house on full lot m blocks from end of car line, 4'.d and Grand. Price 11,360; $260 cash, bal. monthly. W. Colfax, D. 1610, 702 6-R., almost new, st. mod. bungalow, oak finish, full sired lot. paved St., ISth and Itrd. down or good lot, $.1,TA y Ol : NG MAN. 301 Om. Na t. Pk. P 1476. "BV'NOAlAJWiS Oak Chatham, ad and Ames Ave. Call Webster 423S. FOU quick sale, strictly modern 6-room bungnlow. i.oirax sxn SIX-ROOM house; modern except fur nace. Z.-.37 S. Mh St. louglas R24, 7-R. mod.. 2f..'3 Manderaon. Webster rem $4,600 w ill buy an 8-room all modern house with a good garage, near Creighton col lege; Vt cash, balance long time. J. 13. ROBINSON, 442 Bee Bldg. Doug. SOW FOR Bale by owner, new seven-room, ill modern house, oak finish downstairs, white enamel and mahogany doors up stairs, tile floor and bathroom. Wal nut S213. F1VK.-ROOM modern house, two blocks from school; on paved street. $125 cash, 2o per month Colfax 20,'W. EAIIL.Y SPRING SNAP. 7 rms. all mod. at 27th and Plnk nev; In first-class condition. This property has cost owner over $"0. )T-R EARLY SPRING REDUCED PRICE $3,000. Terms. Shopen & Co. loug. 422S. , PAVEU ST., MODERN BUT HEAT. Paving paid;, four nice rooms and bath. AMOS GRANT. Sole Agent, p. (T80. Col. 71. 211 Brandels Thea. OWNER moving out of city, will sell 7 room all modern house In Bemls perk district chesp. l.ook It over. 8418 Chwrles St. Mar. 6163. DESIRABLE HOITKE -ft-rooms, bath, down, two rooms unetairs. 8trict1v mod- . ern. lot 40x128, on easy terms. 2S10 Rugs gles street. Only 2.TO. It It LANDERTOIT, D. 5765 2Q2 Neville Blk. owth. " New Brick Residence This beautiful residence has rein forced ' concrete porch, brick balus trades with Bedford stone copings: front vestibule with tile floor; coat closet with mirror door off vestibule; living room with fireplace, book cases. French doors between living room and den; beam ceilings in living ani, dining room; built-in buffet: window scat and paneled wainscoting below rail In dining room; oak fin ish on first floor throughout; kitchen with built-in china cupboard; broom i. tuo.e leaf closet, with clothes and dost chute; rear entry, for Icebox, with drain: second floor has S largo bed rooma with large closets and mir ror doors; large sleeping porch; bath has tiled floor, bane tub, pedestal lavatorv and shower bath; large at tic; basement equipped with laundry "tubs, toilet, floor drain; piped for gas and wired for electricity, with ncces rary wall plugs for fanr. Irons and vacuum cleaner. Entire houne has up-to-dae semi-Indirect lighting fix tures. All walls nicely .decorated. Screens for entire hoime. Corner lot, with fine shade trees. Paving all Said. Price. $7,5K. Terms. Located. 121 Center St Norris & Norris, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. HANSCOM PARK. HERE IS A BARGAIN: Two story frame residence; nine rooms and re ception hall: four rooms on first floor and five bedrooms and bath on second tloor; lot 60x171, facing east on 32d St.; nice garage: beautiful shade trees: loft-barrel Cistern; the lot Itself Is worth $2.5(10 and the house and garage could not be duplicated for less than $7,6U), and all the owner ssks for the entire property $7,0u, and on reasonable terms. It will cost you nothing to look at this house, so why not investigate. It may be Just what you want 'Phone me for an appointment. C. A. (JRIMMEL, 4! Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone D WIS. NEEDING MONEY In business will cell my residence oc cupied by myself and other family at sacrifice. Strictly modern. Require, $1,500 cash, balance per month. If you do not want to occupy house your self but buy for investment I will lease premises for one or more years at $40 per month. I guarantee you 10 per cent and better net Income and prove It before you buy ami pay a cent. Owner, 67C S. 2sth St CKEKJHTON'S 1ST Living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, bedroom on first floor; bed room, bath and sunroom on second floor: entirely modern; Just completed; oak finish; close. to school; good loca tion. Price $3,0u(, part cash, balance easy, C. G. CARLBERG, 12 Brandels Theater Bldg. Opposite Site of New St. Peter's Church A most delightful 9-room modern home, finished in uarter sawed golden oak on the first floor, with oak floors and white enamel on second floor; fin iHhid attic third. A grand good basement with hot water neat, extra toilet, etc. Owner anxious to make a quick deal and will make very at tractive terms and price. If Interested tet busy. Glover & Spain, Doug. 91-50 City National FoR SALEXica 6-room modern bunga low in Hanscom park district: finlnd In oak, partly stucco. Call Owner, Har ney kk3. Ki in bA lti Sti ictly modern seven-room bouse, nearly new, Field club district; faces east on the boulevard. Will sell cheap If taken at ouce. Owner, 1'hune l(ttiu- 7iuS. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED A DAXDV PlELl) CLUB HOME rooms and den. all modern; nice basement; everything In good condi tion; paved street; close to csr line and school; splendid neighborhood. Price only $3 500. Just one block north ot Field club. C. G. CARLBERG, 3H Brandels Theater Bid; West Center Bargain. New Bungalow and two acres, high and sightly, 67th and Orover. Taka West Lawn car and walk south halt mile on th or through cemetary. Prio $2.7M). Easy terms. Ask for Duvall place or call us up and we will take you out. N. P. rxDGE CO., ?o Wlthnell Bldg RAIIJIOAD MAN. Just listed, one of the most heautlful homes In the south part of town that can be bought at a great sacrifice sale; 8 rooma. strictly modern, with hot water heat, oak finish and oak floors throughout, one block from St. Pbllo mena church, 2 blocks from car; lot W xli.' feet; street paved; ten minutes' walk for railroad man or business man. Must be seen to be appreciated. PAYNR INVESTMENT COMPANY. D. KSl. Mh Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. A 6 ROOMS Tjirge living room, dining room with Dutch wlndowa. kitchen, pantry, kitchen, rear entry on first floor, fin ished In oak: two large bedrooms, bath and sun parlor on 2d floor; full ce ment basement; elegant fixtures; fur nace; Just completed: located near 35lh and Martha. ITice $3,750. C. G. CARIjBERG, SIS Brandels Theater Bldg Hanscom Park Corner. One block east of Hanscom park fronting east and south. Oood little cottage now renting for $1S0 per year and room to build two or three flats or a bungalow without Interfering with It Price $2,1(0. J. II. Dumont & Co. 4ljM8 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. SW CLKAR I AIT "FOR rXJl'ITY. We have a client who haa a five-room house, modern except heat, completely furnished ready for housekeeping, near Hans.-om I'ark and 3oth and lBClflc streets, or will sell on very easy pay ments. PAYNR TN VESTMENT COMPANY. D. 17X1. fith Fl. Oma ha Nat. B k. Bldg. o FOR BALK 6-room bungalow, strictly modern. $3,0(10. $W0 down and easy terms. 1S0S Frederick St. Call Tvler 1K411. M Isre.llnneona. All Modern Bungalow on Easy Terms On Wirt St., near Deaf Instltnte. fine location, nearly new. oak finish, $2,700; your own terms. On North 24th St., paving all paid. $2,9oO, easy payments. On North 22d St., near Ames Ave., brand new, oak finish, paving paid, $3,100; $400 cash, $25 monthly. On South 3Tth Ave., near Hanscom Park, nearly new, oak finish, good loca tion, i.iuo cash, $:io monthly. On Marey St., In beautiful Leaven worth Heights. Just finished, swell iace. oak finish, etc., $3,400; $4W) cash. 5 per mo. On North 19th St., in Boulevard Park Addition, nearly new. Just redecorated, unusual value for $3,000; your own terms. On Ellison Ave., Just one door off of Prettiest Mile, oak finish, built-in fea tures, etc.; a snap at W.7S0; terms. JEFF V. BEDFORD SON, Douglas 332. FIRE and tornado Ins. Myrtle Deuel, H4 N. 23d. Phone Colfax lo&2 after 11 a. m. (-ROOM HAKUAIN Nhl vV, o-KOOM, 2. BTORY HOUSE. NEAR CAR. A SNAP AT $3,400; REASONABLE PAYMENT. BENSON & CARMICHAEL. DOUQIS 1721. (42 PAXTON BLK. KhJw UOl'SU. FULL LOT. , $1,200. AMQ3 GRANT. 211 Brandels Theater. 4-ivUOM l)LNUALOtt, large attic, full basement, city water, electric light, gas, no bath, toilet out doore. Fruit. Equip ped for chickens. Small garage or barn.. Corner, near car lino and school, t full lots; $4,000, $Mj cash, balance monthly. W. COLFAX. 702 Keellne. D. 1510 Vv lio wania an s-room modern suburuau home and garage, over H-acre ground, located right: cost $9,000: will sell for $6,000. H cash, balance to suit. This Is good I mean It no repairs to make Close to car and school.' W. COLFAX. 703 Keellne. Phone D. 1510 FOR tiALK o-rooiu House and lot on lilS Berry Ave. Electric lights and water. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED Wewt. OT, $175. easy terms. Colfax fril. Nona. CG Feet East Front, Prettiest Mile Positively the best lot on the Florence boulevard, one block from the 24th Street car line and one block east of Miller Parle, It la 66x16 5 feet, a beau tiful alte for your home. Charles W. Martin & Co., Tyler 187. 742 Omaha National Bank Building. ACRF.S. ACRKS. A CI (ICS. COUNTRY CLUB ACRES. Tou no doubt know where this beautiful suburban properly la lo cated. Cm the Fort Crook boule vard. V miles from the city limits on the south, and right on the car line. There ia. no acre property around Oreater Omaha to compare with Country Club acres. And there Is no acre property has a brighter future. It will pay you well to Investigate Country Club acres, which is now for ssle In tracts of one acre and upwards on very reasonable terms. ONKIL8 K. R INS. AGKNCT. 831 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 10?4. BEAUTIFUL MERCER I'ARK The Water board has had its prop erty landscaped. The planting will be done In early spring. This makes MFJt CKR I'AKK a very desirable spot in which to reside. No frame houses allowed. All lots front on boulevards. All specials tn and paid. Prices are reasonable. W. Farnam Smith & Co., ItJO Farnam Ft. Tel. Doug. BM $10,00 CASH Desirable building site, surrounded by new cottage hom:-a, on grade, haa sewer, sideaslk, gas and water. Price, t ''. balance $10 per month. Situated 27th and Wirt streets. Served by two car lines. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1330 Farnam St. Tel. Doug 10;4. NICK HUM K Five-room modern cottage, large liv ing room and dining room, finished in oak: bedrooms and bath upstairs; large closets; full cement bssement. Big bsrgaln for quick sale. Owner leaving eltv. Walnut Vt. TlOU-.r. lAri b 4:.xl4u, improvement, water, sewer and gas In, across the street from Mlntie Lusa Add., slxiut S block from the park; UM each. Colfax vs r OR Al.r L4t on Ames Ave.; best lo cation for moving picture show, nearest one IS blocks. Inquire at 4ls N. Mill Ave. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED or1h. TW O bust slluaieu lots in I I'lsnd Ter race overlooking Minns Luaa addition and Miller park. l.ot ilo. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call Cuifax M or lHiuglas UH4 'SNAP FUR BUILDER Pee full lot. 3d and Ijike. Just weft telephone exchange; two ear lines; all Improvements. Flos location for small , flat, apartment or home. Low flu lire for quick sale. Owner. Webster Si. oath. 11!.140 FEET, Choice, close in vacant site, splendidly located for apartment house, flats, fam ily hotel; h.h and sightly, located on Park Ave., between lewey and Howard, close to Farnam, Park and ljeavenwoith cars; easy walking dlatance. We can offer tins at a real bargain. TVI-S-sOm. Nat Hk Bldg. Doug. 1474. OSBORNE REALTY (A). WILL Bl 1L1 TO BC1T. Have 16 first choice Iota in Leaverv worth Heights Add.; easy terms. Imu, M. CarlK.Boln;l4 Paxton Bldg FOR8ALK or trade a satisfactorily" l.TT cated lot In Albright. Cheap for cash. rite P. (:. Bee. M iac lia neoae. WEST Lot near 36th and Dodge, 43x 122; nothing In the neighbor hood like It for the price $650; $25 rash and $10 per month. 26th and Davenport, corner, 9 rooms; needs some repairs; ground fine for flats; lot 33x82; southeast front; price $2,400; easy terms. NORTH North on 28th Ave., near Cuming, 6 rooms; gas, water; large lot; room for two more houses; $200 cash, balance like rent. 4919 North 4 2d, B-room cot tage; bath, city water and gas; on car line; $1,400; $100 down and $20 per month. 4135 Saratoga, 6-room cottage, $1,300; $100 tlown and $20 per month; bath, city water and gas. SOUTH South ISth. two blocks from Peer Park Springs, new, square house, 7 rooms, south and east -exposure; easy terms. ACREAGE 17 acres, nicely Improved, good 7-room house; barn, corn cribs, granary, etc.; some fruit; located two miles from Elmwood park and car line. Will sell at reasonable price or take about 80 acres In Sarpy county. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Doug. 271 6. Acreage $12,000 rash will buy 00 acres In Omaha that for an Investment cannot be equaled. And remember. It Is worth that for sgrlcultursl purposes alone. No phone colls answered on this. AV. Colfax., 7(2 Keellne Bldg REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Bensoa. New 4-room House "With One Acre of Ground Located close to Benson and close to Paved street: fine laying land, rich soil can be bought In a payment of $335 cash ' and $1.50 ncr month. Including Interest: price, 2,X). Will be ready to move onto by March In. A good place to raise chickens, have your own garden and still be able to work In town. , LAST1NOS HKTDEN, 114 Harney Bt DIAftl' iOL'K IIOMW IS BKNMON! BUT THIS LOT! $10.00 down and $10.00 per month: price $'.00.00; sise, fxl2h; located on Locust St. between Clark and Burnhem;, not far from school and csr line. Oeo. R. Wright. Bee office, Omaha. Onnriee. Dundee $6,500 Rrick and Stucco We have a brick residence with large living room, with stone fireplace, beam ceilings, dining room, sun roam, break fast room and kitchen on the first floor, finished in oak; 4 delightful bed rooms on the 2d floor, with open sleep ing porch. This Is a reduction of $ii0. Owner might consider well located lot as part payment. Glover & Spain, Pong. S!2. Ria-JO City National DUNDEE OFFERS. On liavenport Rt. near 60th, a six room house with large living room and dining room In oak, a more convenient kitchen; upstairs rooms are finished la pine, with maple floors, tt.laio. Brick bungalow near 52d street. T rooms. This la probably tha most at tractive bungalow In this restricted dis trict. It cost the owner $ 10,6oo, but can be bought much less. R It. BENNER, Bamgn Blk. I. 740S Dundee Bargain This fine corner lot Is a bargain at the price asked. Will give you a deed to this lot for $3ti0 cash or you can buy it on easy payments. This lot has sidewalk, water and paved streets and Is the northeast corner of ttnh and Izard. The location Is fine for a house or will make your a good Investment. See this lot today. CliElGIf, SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 300. rm Bee Bldg DL'M)KB BAROA IN. Why pay $6,000 or $7,ooo for a Dundee home when you can buy this one for $r,iUt. 6 rooms, strictly modern, oak finish on first floor, white enamel sec ond floor, with oak floors throughout, danV sleeping porch or sun room, full cement basement; lot fcOxloO feet, and a dandy at that. House la nearly new. Owner is sacrificing this on account of leaving the ity. I'AYNK 1NVKSTMKNT COMPANT, TV 1781. Mh Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. o DUNDEE Have two fine Dundee lots, will build to your order and make cash terms I'hone Benson 122. F. S. Trulliager, BTILDER OF WFTLL Bl'II.T IIOMTO Dundee Lots $1,250 Each We are offering for sale two well located lots In the highest part of Dun dee, on paved etreet; all new houses built sround them. Terms. "4 cash, balance 1, 1 and t years. These are the cheapest tiigh lots In Dundee. HAST1NOS Ik 1IPTPKN. 114 Harner St. New Dundee House Price Right Six rooms, strictly modern house, In cluding sun room and Bleeping porrh. oak, mahogany and whlta enamel fin ish, south front lot. JL'hII Walnut1l 'DUNDEE 6-ROOM DUNOAUwT 94,000. Eur terms, brand new. TV T,. NT.B y JkBDN. Doug.l0 DrNlSiF.f; corner lot soiS. frl.. M. VV7 cor. Mh and WehMier. iM down, $10 per month. . W. U BELBY Jk SONS. Doug, liltt. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN 1 1 n n tl pp . DUNDEE PROPERTY A complete list can be had from L. SKI, BY KON.t,oiig.lMV, Klrenre. 10 ACKKS, h-room bouse, hern, good well. blocka to car, 4 blocks from school. Webster ft MkAI. fcSfAlr-WANTFn 1 VVaN'T to buy small modern bungalow home; have about m cash and can pay up to $30 per month. Address K Ml, WANTKl To buy on monthly naymenta mall store room, wltn living rooms above. In Central school district. Phone Bed -SM REAL ESTATE-BUS- PROPTY Down Town $300 a Front Foot If you want one of the best down town bargains you should look at fo foot front on .lackson St., between 17th and Islh. lias a old bouses, only W block from Omaha Dailv News Bldg, 2 blocks from lsth and Howard. 1 blocks from court house, within 4 blocks of the hesrt of the city and best retail district. The lot Is 10 feet deep and rune back to a big alley, Just think what this propertv will be worth within the next 10 years. Owner will make eas;' terms. HASTINGS HBTPKV, 114 ITsrnev ?t Down Town location l!Cxl.t3 feet, northeast corner of 17th and Jackson Sts., with ?0-foot alley on tha north; close to retail business cen ter. No other one-ouarter of a block so close In and available at so low a price suitable for a big central garage, down town hotel or apartment house. See us for price and terms. Goorpe & Company, Thon r. V. OS ntv Nat. Bk. Bid Sl'LKN Dili location for large close-in garage or manufacturing plant, norrn weat oorne l&th and Davenport 8ts.; ISixl.U feet; will give long lease or sell all or part. Owner, .KO Orand Are. I'hone Colfax 7M. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS APARTMENT House $21,000 Rental Income $2,S7 per year; lo cated on a comer lot with room enough to . build another apartment. Within easy walking distance of the retail business center and near car line. The building Is nearly new and well constructed; three-story and base ment, brick building, having four 4- room and two S-room apartments. These apartments are well arranged and have gas stoves and Ice boxes. This prop erty pays well and can be handled for $4,000 rash and balance on time at 6 per cent. This proposition you should Investigate now. It will make a dandy Investment for you. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Douglas M0. SOS Be Bldg. .Investments Worth While, Wo Want Your .Offer; , 1 1,000-Brick , flat, exceptionally well built, near Clarkson hospital, Rented cheap at 170 per month. llO.OOO-Brlck flatg near 17th and Leav. enworth. ranted at $80. $12.000 D0-foot frontage on 6t. Mary' Ave., close In. with improve- . ments that will carry tha In 1 vestment. $13,000Douglas St. near SOth; SS-foot frontage with large frame house. These are all close-In properties In good location for a aura Increase In value. Buy now and get tha Increase. Terms can be arranged. Glover & Spain, Douglas IM2. 1-J0 City National. Rent $110, Price $10,000. Practically new brick flat within easy walking distance and only a block from Farnam street. Building has four flats of four looms each, with an extra Murphy bed In the living room; perfectly modern in every re spect, with separate heating plants and separate water meters for each apartment. Keen flat rents for $-T.M the year round, and the tenants pay their own water rent. We have never had a vacanuy In two years at this rental. 3,O0O will handle. The prop erty will psy you qlose to 12 per cent on your money. Yin will have to act quickly on this, as we have tha prop erty for sale at this price for only a few days, if not sold Immediately it will have to bring more money. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler IBM. Keellne Bldg Apartment House $33,000 Rentsl Income $4.2(3 per year; located on corner lot, within easy walking dis tance from retail business center and olose to csr line. This Is a well con structed 8-story and basement brick building, hsvlng nine 4-room snarl. ments, which are well arrsnged and roomy, renting for 6 summer months at $ each and 7 fall and winter months at $42.60 each. This property pays ex ceptionally well and can be handled with about $16.1100 rash, balance long time at e per cent, non l tall to lnves tlgate this proposition. George & Company, Phone D. 7.VI. S02 Pity Nut. Bk. Bldg Investments. $10,000 Purdv brick barn, on Cuming St. near 24th Ht. : fine place for saraae g.000 Two stores and flats. t2l-24X Cuming tit.; easy terms; rents tM a month. 4,750 Seven cottages and trackage: lot ia.n io, J4tn and Ohio; rents $54 month. 6,0002.) ft. on Cuming Bt., near 2th Ht. Park and boulevard on two sides. 00 Acre lot, near 66th and Grover, & a month. N. P. DODGE & CO. 20 Wlthnell Rldg Best Omaha Investments. On Cuming St., Just west of t4th, two storerooms and flat; Income $62.ou KVKHY month In the year. Cheap at $6,000, on terms. Northeast corner of SOth and Doug las, four brick Ht. Ixuis fists: Income $U2.b per month. I'rke llrt.ioO. 170t and 1710 Cass Ft.. 412S; Income $180 per month. Price too low st $ls.uuu. JEFP W. BEDFORD & SON. DOUGLAS 33 92. REAL ESTATE Contractors and Builders For tho r.?xt thirty days, we are going to offer a special proposition to anyone who will agree to start building a house in our new Benson Gardens Acreage Tract located West of Renson along Main Street, paved road. This will bo an opportunity to get busy right away and put in your time before the busy season starts and get well paid for your Mork. There will be n greater demand for homes on acreage projerty close to Omaha this year than ever before, lienson Garden acres are better located than any other aurcnge proporty near tho city, that has a good Paved Road All The Way Call at onco and see us about the proposition wo aro offering. The regular terms of sale on Benson Garden Acres are $10 Down and Hastings 1614 Harney REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 127o INVESTMENT New brick store building on one if Omaha's busiest transfer corners, leasnd to a basket store for 1 years at $60 per month. At $5,200 this Is with out doubt the best Investment offered today. Thia bargain has never been offered before and may never be again. C. G. CARLBERG, 1? Brandels TheaterPldjr WANTh.l OKKhiK. Corner sOth and Douglas, right down town, eaay walking distance 4 new brick, strictly modern, occupied by first clsss tenants at a low rental; ll.VA year. Worth easv $11,000; cut. Come In and bring your check. Will do business .T. N. Hnitser, 43 Psston Tlldk, Py. 81 vi n h'IT.i.'. iT A UAlttJAlN. A down town corner brick building, well located, occupied by retail Dimness, worth i0.0u0. but will sell for I taken at once. Owner will carry back $S4,000 at m per cent. TO LAND & TKUMPnLU P. 707. 44 Peg Pldg. KOH AN AHHOLI'TKLT safe Investment, nothing Is better than land, planted to an income-bearing crop. We can offer you something extra good at a low figure, on easy terms. W. T. SMITH CO.. 1S-14 City Nat. - Bilnk Rldg, COftNKH, oloae In: rent , Price, i.mW. a. f. Hum wRa Dun, too Pee Pldg. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES OWNER WANT8 LA HO Kit PROPKKT?) We have a client who haa a brand new five-room bungalow that ha will exchange for a good six or seven-room house, or will sell on easy payments. This bungalow Is finished In oak. with oak floors in three rooms. Won't con sider anything but a strictly modern house. If your home Is .too large, see ' us at once. PAVNK INVKRTTintNT COMPANT. P. 171. Mh Fl. Omaha Nst. Pk. Bldg. o For ExcEange A very fine home, centrally located In Ashland, Nebraska; modern and up . to-date. KXCHANOC DKPT. TTAPTTNOs HKYOrtN. 1014 Harney Rt. WILL excnajiga two clear business lots Iocs ted at the' 8. K, . corner 24th and Seward, price 2,0o, for a house of equal value. J. .B. ROBINSON, 441 Pee Bldg," ' ' Douglas gnlff 10 IIOOMA, ell modern, Incumbrance $Oi0 emilty $12,000; wants clear western land or vacant lots. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 101(1 Omaha Nst. Bk. Pldg. Doug. 271K C11EA1 Twelve 4-room and bath aoart ment house in Kansss City, favorably located and all rented. Might ou fi elder trade for good western Iowa or eastern Nebraska farm. Ueneral Man- cant lie Co., Omaha, Neb. New PHONE Douglas 3768. John. A. Olson, 619 Bee Bldg. 'FARM EXCHANGES" . . . For Exchange jao-acre farm, well Improved. EXCHANGE DEPT. IIABTINOM HKYDKN, 114 Har. Ft. yOU HALE OK EXCHANGE 1D1 7-paaaenger, $6,000 Pierce Arrow. In fine condition; will trade for land or Omaha Income property. Pay auine cash. Address C 4a. Hee. lit i tloNt'itACT, ttrst lien on a s-rm. bungalow and 4 lota, will trade for good building lota, or would discount for a little cash. 106 McCague Pldg., Doug. liWt. CLEAR OMAHA-$l.0U0. $4.W, $h,000 up to $.i0,fli0 for OMAHA EQUITY or KA8T NEB. FARM I.AND. Give full tails In first letter. L M6, Omaha Pee. CllAVD new store building, well locate! on N. 4th St. Wall remed. Will ex change for olose In apartment site. l'H. $4.600. Lo k Hog OK. Woodbine. Ia. TTK ijALk or traTw, su-cre farm; will take one-half In grocery store or Imple ment stock, must te doing good busi ness. Ick Pox 4C8. Plalr. Neb. WELL Improved M acres, M. miles from Omaha, vacant or Improved for acreage near Omaha. Thomas Campbell, Keellne pldg. Ix.uglas 4S.'!I. WILL exchsnse central Minnesota farm for farm Houkyford district, Colo rado M Dunlap. Kovaiton, Minn. twl 1 1 V in I.-room modern bungalow near Kountse psrk, for good lot and casn nevment. Call Cnlfsx J12 HAVE Hies cottage, paved street, mtg. $1,100; want clear 140, Neb. or Ho. Dak. Colfax 4'.. 4140 N. 4Xth 120-ACRE Imp. farm. Polk Co. Alo., for Omaha property; $30 pr aire, pox L aisee. . FOR SALE li.Mn first mortgage; will take part cash, balance cloar lots. Pox KS lie. FOR BALE or trade a satisfactorily lo rated lot In Albrlaht. Cheap for cash. Write p. mi. Pee CAN aell or exchange anything you have to offer. C. i. tanan, McCague ssiug. I REAL ESTATE-BUS- PR0P7Y 86 FEET, 16th Bt., I bike, from viaduct, $6.&u0. Mot ague Inv. Co., McCague mat. FINANCIAL Heal lueae. Lusu, M or . WJd are ready at ail Uiue to make loans on flrst-laas city property and eastern Nebraska (arm a Rates wn request. UNITED STATES TRUST Ca 111 So. 17ta fit. REAL ESTATE $10 Per Month i & Heyden Street I Will Not Waste My Money Advertising Unless you will appreciate a bar gain when you see It. $G,230 Rnts $1,200 Ter Annum Sounds impossible, but It Is true; a corner lot, sUxmo. opposite high school, tin It Is s l-rooiii frame house In good condition, all furnlahed, renting regularly $1ul per month. There la enough vacant ground for a nice brick flat. It all goes for the above price, terms very eesy. $11,000 Rents $1,2G0 Ter Annum 4 brick flats of 5 rooms each, all modern and almost new: 100-11-13-15 Dewey Avenue. Only a few minutes' walk, near 24th Ht. Always rented and Increasing In value. Do not dis turb tenant Bee me. H. A. Wolf Sit Ware Block. Douglas S06S. FINANCIAL 1 TO lor loans on best olaaa city residences in amounts $2.uoO up; also farm loans. Reasonable oommlasiona. PKTERrt TRUST CO.. Farnam Ht. OMA H A "homea. East Nebraska farua. O'KF.EKK REAL ESTATE CO.. Iff Omaha N atlonal. Phone Douglas 1711 UONEf TO LOAN, for t years, on Improved prouertlea. BHOPEN CO.. Doug. 424. MONEY on hand feir city and farm loans. II. W. ihnder. City National Bank Pldg. GARVIN BROS. y,ff flriffi, tlCJ TO $10,000 made Dromply. F. D. WeaJ. weaq tiug.t iin r aro am p. CITV property. Lars loans a special IT. W. H. Thomas, iti'M mate Bank Pldg. finr CITY LOANS. C. G. Cariberg, U. u 12 Prandeis Thester Pldg. 554 VtONKV. I1AHKIHON A UONTilNf O sis Dmaha Nut. Bank Hl,l Klnaucisl Wasttfid. WANTED. CITY LOANS. Immediate closing. Lowest rates. Residence loans a specialty. Interest paid but twice each year. FIRST TRUST COMPANY, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. Storks and lloada. 11AVL two $l,uuo mortgages diawlng per cent interest; secured on Tennessee land; due in I snd 4 yeara; will trade . for good automobile, or what have you'f Andreas (' 615. Omiilia Urn. $1,000 FA KM mortgage bearing 7 per cent. secured hy wo acres or lanu. Taimage l.onmls lnv. Co.. W. O. W. Rldg. A rue I of Tl lie. GUARANTEE -'.Vt!;: cheapest. Room 7. Patterson Hldg. D.24T BTeED ABSrilAC'l CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. SOW Prandeis Thea. t' V Title guarantee and Abstract JVm Co., a modern absfact off log, $06 8. 17th bt. Tel. l. W.. FARM AND RANCH LANDS 4 alifornla'la, A LITTLE farm, $X0. Easy terms. Cali fornia Import carloads of chickens and eggs. Here s a chance for poultrymen. My Z-acre tracts are just big enough, lor chickens snd are close to town con veutnuoes and market centers. Writ owner for full Information. P. P. Ooss, Bherldan, Placer county. California. o CALIFORNIA little suburban taruia near Ixis Angeles for sule. easy payments. Write H. It. Walte. Hliawnee, tiki. Colorado Lssiit. U ACHLti. tres liomealeaus, cneap re llmiuishments and deeded landa. Oood water shallow; healthy climate, near town and schools; good croa, good farm or dairy land. Write Kd llanahaw, 1 ,e I rd . Colo. Uo At'HliB-Near Fuino. i miles town, ready lor criis; rented this year for one-third clear lo owner; per acre, US. Hodgson Realty Co., hta. 8. Kargo, N. li. plorlda Lauds. KOH fcALK lo acres of Vegetable and fruit land and a big lot In a good town in Palm Reach county, Plurida. on rail and waler; 20 alligator pear trees planted and care for for H yeara. lrice for all it cash. per month; no interest. Addresa Owner, 111 Westminster Ridg., Chicago, ill.