Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1916, WANT-AD SECTION, Image 32
......i o, XitLU. ji If , f ! v. ; HELP WANTED MALE Professions 4 1 rattrk. tVH have a mTjliv proposition lth which a live wire man can nmkt from ITS to fltf per werk; If vou er a eileainan. writ fnr partliil ire. The Warrr-n Metlntng A 1'hemlcal Co., Cleve land. O WAN l'Kl Tlree good salesmen to work with hp advertising Indira ami men tailor-made clot lima;, all expert paid. M"iry cr commission. Addreea K. M H"iim, sales mntr, Metikaio. Kan, Saleanaea an 4 Snllrlters. ADVEUTTlTU SALE3MEM. Toting men who think they ara salesmen and ran aril advertising Pare to merchants can land a perma nent position with g-ood future If they can make good. Want clean-cut. Ile. wide-awake and aggressive men who ran ret In terviews with business men and l their atory In an Intelligent manner. 8ALART ANTJ COMMISSION. Tell all about yourself in flrtt letter. Address P r9. Pee. AGENTS WANTED Well-established aent to rover home territory with beat tractor prnp oaltlon on market; exclusive terri tory. Write for Infonnatlon. A 830. Bee, Hatela Rritairaati, Br.LlAULK employment agency. 18,0 Davenport Bt.. headquartera for hotel help; spec, attention to dlatance order. Trade ekoala. SAVE $23 tSK OUR BPECIAt. HOUDAT OTTER. If . ci n t atit mi dav school you can hold your Job and at the eame time jet your automobile education If you enroll In the VIOMT CL.AKS OF NEBRASKA AtJTOMOBII.W 6CHOOU t LEA VEIN WOKTH. RED 1110. MOLEB BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn back tuition while learlriK Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue, UO So. Ulh , Oma ha. Neh. ilf:N wanted to learn" the barber trade. Tuition, -'&. loa raaa Bu, Omaha. OMAHA BAR B K R COIXKOB. 1-KaHN barber trade, more than make J'our tuition while learn n. Set of too I a ncluded. Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue. 1402 Dodge. THI-CITT BAR H t:R cOU,EOB. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work for the bl eprlng rurh. rim training work on autoa and electrle Marling ayatema. AMERICAN AUTO COI-,LEOB. TJ FTarnam 8t Omaha, Neb. Mleoeltaaeosa. VANTKO Held manaiicr who can In a0 for atock and take over elate rlvht lor a patented instrument sold e cluaively to tioapliala, phyalclana, eur geona and trained nurena. Nothing Ilka It on the market. Twenty-alx La. tea ana a tew large citiea atut open. Instru ment aiuiuiy a revelation to dociore. ('Ivan work, calling oa refined people. Inventor a phyalcian who was offered e,lw rur nia patent rtgnla ten days alter papera were laaued. oO per rent I.roflt. Jtegulres no aelllog ability, elmply deteninna tion. I have excluaive agency for U. 8. If In t ere tad write ; J?V4L'y' 1U E Kaoaas Ity. io. AA l b.L luapoiialble nutn with reliable frbiode who vouch for him, to oversee . and manage llxle Kstale, planted to orangoa, avocados ana grapefruit, near Tampa, the metropolis of south Florida, In ilia moat remarkable and delightful aectlon of Ajnerina. To right party we alii give a developed grove free for co-operating and assisting us and we mutually arrange a liberal compensated while acting as -'grove manager." Mplerv did opportunity. Carlaon, U7 Maruuelte lji'lf ',1,rJ,0l oOVki'inmicXj? KiUona In postofnee, railway inaJI and other bran.hes are good. Fivuare for 'exams" under for mer L. A. Civil Service Secretary Kxamlner. Booklet 0-K6 free. Write to uay. latterson ClvU Mervlo bchool, Kcheter,' N. Y. VkJmi h.iriS7i hotel clerk wanteds woman preferred; must be able to han dle short ordere and do pastry cook ing; geod wages and good home to 'J-t't Prty. The Kimball, Kimball, H. Oovernnient Wants Clnka 1jJ month. Omaha e lamina '.Ion April 12. aampla questions free, rranklin IcaU tutei leit. H'l M., Roche ater, N, T VAN1 k.O N antes of ambuioue men, 14 or over, wanting lUliway Mall clerk po sltlona. t,i.w month. Answer lroruedi- ately. Y ','!, HiHI. ,Ll, pay rvliiil.le tnnn or woman Ills) to distribute In) KKilW pkga. Perfumed Ho rax buap I'owder among frtnnda. No """'J reuuiren, i. i- ard CuniniH. 7, "rank tin Wt., rhlcgo. UOUD niunev mmlM t h,ti, i...i.,i... bonlerv wt. ii r.V. I . . f.,-,i...i .... . w, ........ tuiuiBjinvi oil vims; we buy or sell your goods; easy and constant work. Wheeler Co. lino.) Ui Mnrtieon, Ch'rago. ten Trl!sicret s.nlce ar.pluaiui; liiexprianc4td. everywhere. Write Wer lillon s.t.rct teryice2stttute, Chlrago . YpL'Nti man to look aftnr our Interest's in Omaha; salary skartlnir. til weekly: no unvasslng. Frontier JUfg. Co.. Mas- ara Kalla. N. Y w 2U TO s.1s I'KR month extra money to any employed persons. No selling, no canvassing; positively no investment. Address Northwestern Kllver Co.. hi. Haul Minn. pi.XjiiO'I i V'K tireinen, train l.iannioii; il monthly. Experience unnecessary. Hallway, Y 2W, Bee. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS OXK THOCSANU dollars reward. We ( will forfeit l.ou( if this la not the greatest money-making house-to-house proposition advertised In these columns. N. R. t. Little Wisard labor saver washes Uolliee la U mluutea absolutely without rubbing. It contalna no paraf fin or wag and there is nothing; like It on the market. eelle for Ibc. enough for five family washings. We supply you wluli all (he free samples you need. All yuu do Is to leave free sample with the housewife and when you call again she la walling to become your steady and permanent customer. This is positively the most scientific and won derful labor saver of the age, and you ' will make a great mistake If you da not secure territorial rlkhts at once. A one-cent postal card brings full par- nvwarw. rojune.jiwn an I g. VO.. Dept. K bi. 10 W. Van Huron bt., Chicago, EVERY tioueehoM on firm In email town or suburbs where oil lamps are tied reeds and will buy the wonderful Alad otn. Mantle lamp, burne common coal oil (kertMjunei: slvea a light f ve tlm as bright ss electr'e. A W KHKH OOI.I1 vLT ,:T 8A:,r rrtANCisco kx- 1OSITION. One farmer cleared over lioo In six weeks; hundreds with rigs eerning 110 to 10 per mon'h. No ca-h reulre'l. We furnish capital to rel able men. Write quick for wholesale prcAa, !rr,t7 'nd ea p e lamp for free 'rial. M ANT&K LAMP CO, U Aladdin Bldg . t hicago JU MAN WAN 1 ED aa exciusite agent. We manufacture aix stylos self-wringing trtops. for all purposes, including an absolutely new combination scrubbing bruahiuop, that la self-wringing. Every woman wants this proven success. New Inexperienced men make t) per dsy. One man made 'M the second week; no Investment. Vnd for catalogue and ex clusive territory propoelf tun that will make you Independent, linker slop Co.. V. Orand Ave. Chicago. 111. O i'l'f 1 1 '1 ' S Iron 'tiist S ip t o 14 Lai.oaater Ave, Philadelphia, Pa. Oart- ides iron Bust Soap (trade mark, print and copvriKht registered In the u. 0. patent offl- e) lepmvii Iron rust. Ink and all unwsshable stains from clothing, marble, ele. lod seller, big margins, agent wanted. The ordinal, tho a tube. Beware of Infrlngemenia and the penalty for mak'ng. ecllUig and using an tn?r!ned articla X3 EN T Brand new Invention. Vacuum cleaner and carpet sweeper combined; also f;fen other household specialties. ! to 110 st!y; free territory. E. T. WWery ilg' . Reliable Mail Order House. Dept. J), box 121, Ord, Neb MENJS AND CANVASSERS AUENIH-profit. Free samples gT.TI in lettera for atore and office win dows. Anynne can put on. Metallic Let ler "o , 4V, Nnark,jr.-hl-ago. L1VK energetic anta make tig money handling fnet at I In specialty for of fice and home. I'a rtloilnra free Na tional Merchandising Co., 1116 llcbirt ft., fit. lxinl... Mo. Of I'ORTf'N IT Y worth whlie f.."r p -oidi" of gumption th snrne means for b-ir-Ine; exclusive rlehts; local or rial's; no rnmietiiion: pr- durf on at' a on n de man i whenever offend, bene" l-Whlv pror tatle; business eapeclnlly a' pen a to men nr won en paet Ihilr 3s. IJlman ,Vf. CO., l4.'Curlls,Ienver. Ooln. A OP: NTS New name for r!gir rtir. a. barber shops, etc. l'.asy, 11 seller. I'arttrtiln's free. I'nlted halrelioard Co., Trenton. N. J. AfSBNTH make f0 fer rent profit acllln Novelty flan Cards." Merchanta buy 10 to I'O cn lht. hjo varl tica. i atalnir io free. Ptilllvan Co., lTt V. Van Union M., vM'-agnjn AtJKNTK I've a new aoap name that dandy. New atuff. I'M per r nt profita Fample and full lay out free, write quick. Ijicatslan Co.. Dept.' 2. ft. Lou s. Mo. KTtw Klertrlo Stove and-Toaster; cn aumea only Io per hour electricity; mats tc; sells at aliht; 3. peeing Is believ ing. Triumph iTodurts Co., Transporta tion Rldg., f'hicagn. ATJl-iNf S piTiieF" cent prolll haTidTlTig oiir automnhtle necessity; once aold. always a custoi.ier; fast, easy seller; quick re j.eater falrrhlld i 'o , k.iH South lear horn St.. Chicago. I'l I PORTRAIT men, write quick for new catalogue; M-hotir shipments, prints or finished work; expenai s advanced relia ble men. Itol rrta, Whulesale I'ortt aits, Kansaa City, lo AX'!' quirk.; automobile sasoluie going up; wii oaso-Tonir; equals gasoline at 20 a gallon; eliminates carbon; dollar an hour profit; sales ruarnnteed. White Mfg. t'o., Dept If.. Clnclnnat', Q. OffAf'K Juice chewing gum; all atnre keepera buy; round coated gtapea of from; eonatant demand becaura cheweis ike It. W(rlt .nulck for territory. Hel met OiimC'o., t.'lnclnnatl. il textile mllla will employ everywhere rellnble people to tako orders for dress lanrice, noaiery, underwear, sweaters, walafs and skirts from samples; factory Prices; spare or all time; no experience; permanent; many mnking over weekly. Hteadraat Mills, I'epl. t, . t otioes, N. r. AtiP-NTS Kree sample and particulars, Iiellare's Naptha Washing Tablets, wash clothes without rubbing: guaran teed not to injure the finest fabric; no aclils, lime or cauatlcs; manufactured and sold br Naptha Waahlng Tablet t o., 7H w, pearonrn, rhlcngn, III A'JKNTl We guarantee you can make $104 weekly selling lleatleaa Trouser 1 ress; wonderrul Invention; sample sent prepaid; particulars free. Crest Mfg. t o.. i urpnyanoro, n I AOKM'.S make t to 2& dally; no experi ence; free ratalog and samples; new goods, quick sales, big profits; world beaters. Cruver Co., Jackson A i'amp bell, Chicago. III. 6 V ARAN TEED gaa saver, saves . yearly; fits every gas range; sensational demonstration: aort Jno sella Ur; fifty galee dally, easy. American One Ito duction Co., Transportation Bldg., Chi cago. HELP WANTED FEMALE teres and Offices. W K have a lure list ot stenographers, bookkeepers and clerks. Tell u your needs. No charge for this service. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Pou frliis 12S4. (WTKNO. and B'kk'per, rt; btcno., eiono., out-oi-town, 6. p. Al, A, Iper aiur aim lyiosi, W ATTS RP.F. CO., fio-ta Brand. Thea. Prafesaloae ass T 1(N halidreaaint; a J be Ubipenneim, ttaieavewiuea aatt aoiioltore. UAilb Dell W'aahciean; laMtiUvuiy aboilshaa rubbing; stoeiii bubotes blow out ruinous tlber-eaUnjr grit; guar atuobu us. Injuiiuue, iiviil ei.'ViTtUing; big repeater; big profile: aumole ami partlt ttiars free. Waahciean to,, iZ W. lin, I Itisliurg, Kan. TRl.'ttl wurtiit Y women paid liberal pare time Income to Introduce prls cllta Fabrics. Laces, Hosiery, Dresses, among friends. Liberal taring. Ella- i nariee t:o., Trenton. N. J tlB.tsj Vvt-h.K, expeuai-s auvanced. Women to travel and appoint agenia for con centrated food flavors In tubes. Reliable -if':'"'. Cumo Hlly.. Chicago bAr s.ittav,ctui msi-cieea cioaa and suit salesman. The Novelty Co., 214 N. lth. Ileaseltola aa TJoaaestla. 'WANTEJt At onus, capable college or high school girl to assist with light housework In exchange for room and board and car fare; new bungalow; lianscom Park district. Call Harney 1 il. Ad for servant guls accepted three days free of chargo for residents of U i eater Omaha and Counoil Bluffs, Bring, send or Phone your ad to TH2 LXHUliiM. loD girl for gcnui'al house woik; no washing or ironing; good jin-r jiuu, r can J kaon St. at Mil lilitL for general housework; no wash Itig, snialfamlly; white preferred, call WANTIbi at once, an exieiiwnuel white ocond girl with references. 1 per week. Olrla under Si need not apply. Har good cook, lour in family? riace wnere second girl and wash woman are kept, 137 H. Hsr. &HX. llEr IN ED lady to lake cure of baby, one wno ran go noma omnia; small aagus V. ANTE I w)iTl ulrl bout la, to laftO Wool- help with light housework. worth Ave, it a rnry lil'l. VANTtl. Competent gl aenecal li wora girt, no wastiing, good wages. In family. 131 . yuh St. . , CoMl'E T EN 'l girl lor general huuae work, no laundry work, good wages. PJIO mill pi 111TE girl for general housework; nu washing or cooking. J02J N. WtU Bu Webster iMl. wAAi.ii, at Lt N. Xailt Ave., a really competent woman for general house work, M ANTta,i Neat While girt to assist with housework, 4 I 'oug Is s St. Wal. 11H2 Wan rEi-iiuui.k evper. Call &outh i2jj after 7 p. m. evenings or bouth l- day time. S) W AN TKlK-Giri for general housework; no washing. 1.1 rs. B. Nathan, ill Cali fornia. W ANTED iVmipeterit white ylri for gen eral housework H"IS Earnnm. liar 71. Wanted Young wui ir bousewTuk. washing or rooking. I'hnne Walnut 117. V MN - r alii for iieraTtioukd ork n-l!:5?n Ave.maha. 8o. r4. ' WHITE kliT"for general house wurk in i?.!' family; good home. t'olfax J WanTeTi Yuuiig girl pr stuiionf tu as- sist with boiisea-ork. Harney l"a). bXl'KlUENCED girl for general house work. Cell Doug. !ty.. W'ANTEl White girl for housework; no washing, tnos Burt Ft. ' STXllTfor geiioraTuousewurk. Ceil at in-A California St. WANT El J nut 117. -A girl for housework. Wal Mlaoellaaeeae. j TO Mi PER mouth extra money to any employed person. No selling no canvassing. Positively no Investment. Addrees Northwestern Silver Co., M. l'aiil 5tlrn. OilXR."-. tor distributing ioi frei skeins wearproof aamiug cotton with hueiery; your erctton. Expereine un neesery Was a roof Hosiery. Nonie town. Pa K easy, plcaaent coloring- work at home; no tunvaxalng; uo experience; good .pay; free aalnp'a Ulewsou, slid f'lty Bids., fhtiasi. ET ' J wesl ai are time, writing fi.f newgpapere, magaainaav Kip. unneca. " lira. 4 lies andttaie, 1U til. I eols Me LiiYCLTI&a. uur picpeily as ti.ojj.hi vou lelleed Its sale er rental te be lupertaut. by keepiug it liated In tbe Pta House. Homg atet steal svalla Oulde-TH 81E HELP WANTED M l.H A M I- l-.M 4 l.i:. I To IA ht month extra money to any employed person without Interfering with rraular work. Ko selling, no canvassing, roalilvely no Investment. Unemployed need not apply Address The Hllver Mirror O., Inc., 12? W. Mad lon St.. Chicago. III. EDUCATIONAL BUsiiNTEsaTcoCLfcoE 8TUDKNT3 SAVE MONEY ON C0UR3E. For Mle, with food reason for eel!. In, a variety of course In a re) nhia hualneaa H.'hool, one of the leading biisl Pa colletrea of Omaha. Wi oe sold very rcaamablo aws y beiow reruir prU e. If y iu are conalderlna; tak'n a runtse Invest lunte tlna at once, elnre Pprtna Term beaina aoon. Call office, Omwha Te. Hill anle, the following scholarshtpa In a fltst-rlaea ( Hnuha Buslneaa College: One unlimited combination t-Jtioeas and short haiid course. tine unlimited stenoaranhle mneae t'pe three-months' oaineas or ateno- grni nm course. Vlll be sold at discount at the office or j no umana ee. DAV fl(;ltOOU BOTM',8 ("Ol.tKOR. NIOh'T SCHOOL. Kvery day Is enrollment day. Book- aeptng. Pnorthand, S(.notp, Typo- iifimny. i ivit perviie all ommercni ana Knfcllh brancnes. Cat alogue free. HOYLKS COM.EOK, Wth aod Harney Pts. Tel. Pmnln l.-r,. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL HTKNOfiRAI'lIT BOOKK EFPINO. faV SchOOl for VAilfiff . sm-r. Evening School for Young Men aad omen. Saturday mornlni claai In typewriting. lone r Huffy, Owmor and Manaaer. . w H 1.h St. Omnha. BCHOOJ, OF MODEllN 1 ,AN1 i,'A Eft Cinsa or private b-saons. I owntown a:udto I't'ot.e v,.h. ISM PAXTONBlk School of lettering and Art l;!li?',-,l"a tradeo privately R. sit Fltl V.if E Instructliin in Oiesg suorthnnH and touch typewriting. Tel. Wal. TK1. PERSONAL Piles, Fistula Cured. Pr. B. n. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal dlaeasea without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write Tor book pn rectal diseases with tostlmoniala DR. E. K. TAltHY. 140 Bee Bldg. $25.00 REWARD Will pay Ho reward for Information of whereabout of TU C. Martin of Lagley, la., 19 years old, 10 lbs., black mustache; last seen wearing gray chinchilla over coat, red sweater, black fur cap. Notify Ctaued E. Nichols. Bag ley. la. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kluney truublo, goitre, nervous ness and asthma s.ffeiers are suc ceasfuliy restored to health by me. Inkimiismiii ii r. Call bulte 212 Bee Bldg. rR, W. H. KNOLLENBERQ. Chiropractor. Tyler 1!H ?t.l,laAi TO PENSION INVALADtf. he Ladlee' Home Journal tie he Saturday Evening Post 11 64 The Country Gentleman tl.O WO subscr.ptlons by April earns that p.Otwj for The Invalids' Penalon Ass n. J .ur order or renewal contributes tvo. Phono Douglns 71dl, or address aoKDON, THE MA1A21N hi MAN, . Omaha, Neb. YOUNU women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Ixok for our travelers' guide at the. Union Station THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, mag slnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4196 and our wsgon will (all. Call and Inspect our new horns 1 1KMHM114 Dodge Wt. STeN wanted to learn mcr ts of wonder ful discovered cure for llviuor and drug habits; no cure, no pay. Booklet free. The Tnrley, 81S7 Kwxnam, Omaha. UuS. JOHNSTON Chiropractors, of Sheldon, la., wish to announce their location at 1407 N St. H. O. Consultation free and Invited. Phone South 4018. RUPTURE Successfully treated -7 without a surgical operation. Call or write Dre. Wray 2k I u t heny. Hot Bee B Id g , O m aha. Fil'SI cured my daiig!ilerly simple dls foverrj particulars free. Z. Ix-o, il'.U ifiiin aid,, miiwauaee, his," FfRAvTits dyedTiodk like new. Plumes i'tiradlae end algi-ettes cleaned and dyed Dora ElsejeDll'it)r2'an'jlk. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATiTif, rhlrniMidy, Misses Gray and Head, 21'V. IU Hnlrd Rlk.. 17th and llmiilnn 1 U t fTiliIcliisa ladles' tailoring, "ll. K scher. r lomar rtotei inqg., n 17th. Tyler 117. yE H 50f A L-SlI sees Staple and bhaffsr, bath, electric treatment. Oten a. nu te p. m. Douglas 711. "i Ware Blk. MAIS BKUUMAN. steam and shower baths, tfassage. Red 1727. Room m. Karhach Blk. 1, U W. Velglur, will not be reauon- Bible for any debts contracted by my wife. Mrs. 1 F. Velgler. lTllE"Ci"XTlSM treated aucceasfullv;" rel sulU guaraot'd. Dr. Bowser, git Boe'Bldg. 13A SoAGE Miss Webster, "! " Pax too Blk. I. S3T7. Hed 7MI after p. nu Belli JJflFKT Ptiune Douglas hi, 2. "ESTTiee Bid. FOR ENT ROOMS Paraiahed Hooawe. "A'N ST.. l-Two front rooma with siicnrniin, wen furnished, modern hi me one-half block front Park car. i all Harney V Ot. iiueiiieea gentleniHii, who would sppreclate fine room In modern r.ol.,.,c;.w',t 1''rnm. walking dUtanou. Call Hnrney 6IS1. Foil RENTT'uriiialied room in private family. Weat Earimtn district. Gentle muti preferred. Kvtersucue rcuulred. K. o20. Hee. XTH ST. ill S. StiKlly modern, front room, single; refined family; close In. Phone Douglas 4it. SjTH S f7, 614 N. llave aeveial rooms Just vacant which I will rent to people want- Itig a home. Doutilaa liou. Ibll"l NicELy" furnlihSd. all modern rooma; private home, ttla Wlllia Ave. KK ELY furnutlied modern rooms; gen tlemen preferred. K.'l6 Douglas. Tyler NEWLY furiuahed latge romiiHHlloua homo. Would like to hoar front club of rmn Douglua 4,l. iMtl-LI luiiilslua room in nam district; pi I vat tumliy We.t Ear- breakfast tr ileir.-(1. I'i Mni'' ti: Ca KiiE niudciu t uiiii, private family.' T" arenlletnen pteferreil. Harney ls.'3 KooM7or geiitioun.u, cheap,. WliTit)Tn" Ave Red tM7, PI.EAnANT luniielied aleeping rooms, if.'-O Karnam St. Douglas 7e,"5. feet-el .mJ Ave., 410 Itrge "front room; giwid location: walkHsrllMtiince D 5). LARUE rooiu?or two l.lleslUd ."SisT ou car line. H. iy; n-ferencea exj-Jh'g d MASON, ilA-Mceiy furnished luooern rom I'hetie Harney 44'J. NICELY f '.irii.nhed room, clues In. all modern. Mi 8. 12 Ft. llvaaekeeptaa Rnau, LA RrTL. outside, ate irn-hialed. tw iwo-rvom ... i ,-..1 j. - - . r :r." . 3" ''V 7"r.r- ' objection to ch i drcn. 2-' 1 8 Cn!lf-,m'a. ff!eTIT7l-CPaTtor floor ulte.'every eoavet4ce, walking diataaca, Har. itn. I'liuiioKi. lurnienea ur nousekeeptna Aa' and M p,-r week Un-oln Apart ""Dif- !.C?hl.Jiwo.Tler t r ui. neaie.i nuu.lM FOR RENT-ROOMS llonltreptaff H turn nil N. 2lti'C Well-hotted, modern house- eeptrg rooma; witlKlng distance. i'TH ST., 11H7T-Kuitt, of-modern front rooms; evervthlnir rw. Harney Ito. 6a V F.N' 1 'OHT.'iMIs Two nil ely"fri'rnliief ho gekp ntj rooma. Reasonable NTr.Td, ?0-Jood aire rooms rTcaaonable. Hed .. Iara mmit ttooma. Vint 7- desliahTe atea io -hea tei room. aouihern exposure, large bay window, reasonable to gentleman who appre clatea nlre, clean, comfortable surround jnf iP'Jvatefairilly. Hnrney VK:KY lark'e. ateHin Tiealed. simile or enaultii private bath, elegant furniture; - aoon point, private taoie. Hnrney llAltNKY Hi'. -a,. 2 Ue.irH.lile room with board. One single and one double. jiooern. nt k nt utr.,-.. ""ns'-i r., ti-3 um front roim rle trio Ilht, use of piano, board If ce.treo. Harney tpst. 2v,a ST. MAKYS AVE WslKlna die tam e; ti ;n sod " per week. D'jDOr,, D 2 Hoard and room, meala, lamny style; all you can oat for W eek. Red MT7. bOAnD and roolor one or two young fentiomen In modern home In private Bmlly. t N. 41at 8t. Walnut 1M. lilt t'aaa i 'ould uso several more men "t my tal.le. Zny. a meal. laf oralahed Rooma. -Rm).m btr k flats for working people, cioae in: aeairsnie; low rent; good loca tlon. Office. KM Webster Bt. HOTELS it e e I d e otlal and THE ALBANY, Transient, running Wster, telephone In 1111 Douglas St. each room. 76c-$l I'h J.'.l-j day ToTEL SANKOHO." HOTEL I LA RLE Y, l!th and Earns m. 20th and Earn am. rpeclal Itstes to Permanent Ouests. "iioibL HAUnET Et'ROPKAN PLAN, 11 AND UP. 14th end Harney ste. Omaha. THE CHATHAM, A Residential. Transient Hotel, 111 B. 13th catering to men. rottg1s sY'l. Mc to 7Kc day. HOTEL l'LAZA. Fonr'eerth and Howard, Omaha. HCHLITZ HOTEL. Sixteenth and Harney 8ta.. Omaha FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartmeats. Close In, walking distance, good light rooms, furnlihed complete except linens and silverwere. 03 8. 28tb. 134.60 sum mer; IM.M winter; no lease required. 3717 Dewey Ave., large living room with built-in bed; kitchen and bath; NEW; furnished nicely. No lease re quired. 127 summer; fid winter. HAHTINOfl HEYDEN, lfflt Harney Tltf. llKHvvOKTll, 2211 Howard 8t., two rooms and bath, finely rurnlaned, dis appearing bed. 3i.5. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, T y I er lfW Keellne Bldg VERY desirable 4-room apartment, 23 floor, light kitchen, 27th and Harney Hta. Call at once. Her. f.l 4-KOuM, all modern steam heated apart- ment, Dodge at. Harney nnzn. It oases. FOR" RENT My beautifully furnished stucco home, including garage ana garden apace. References required. Web ster 70J3. K K W LY furnished. Urge, commodious home, would like to hear from ciud oi men. Douglas 4Stl. FOR RENT HOUSES Weat. SIX ROOMS CHtUCB LOCATION. "When you see this beautiful home you will find more than you expect you will be pleased, not disappointed. 1 could have built It larger I oould NOT have built It better, more complete or finer In finish. Come see it today any time, it will be warm and comfortable I you will enjoy seeing It even If you are not expecting to buy. In the basement you will find a full wall and heavy con crete floor, concrete coal bin, floor drain and a furnace that Is different from the onea you are expecting to find It's a real furnace; large front porch, and no tice the front door, see the patent metal stripping around it; living room 21 ft long, bevel plate mirror door to coat clonet, massive colonnade opening with built-in bookcases. bullUln buffet In dining room, big kitchen with built-in cupboards In pantry; first floor finished In oak; compare the finish work, you will note a decided difference; entire second floor finished with vllrallte pure while enamel, with two panel birch mahogany doors; bath room la genuine tile, and you will find a bath completely equipped with kOHLER fixtures; three flae bed rooms, very large closets; one k-! room la a sun room. There Is too . much to tell about this high-grade home to put It In an ad come out and see It. And remember I have two oth ers, different styles, rapidly hearing completion. All built with Zxi roof raf ters. 5xU clear red cedar shingles, diag onal shlplap sheathing. Look 'em over carefully note materials and construc tion. I will make easy terms on these well built homes. Take Leavenworth car, get off at 43d and Leavenworth, come south to Mayberry and iSd. House at No, 4;'.'7 Mayberry will be open and warm. Meet me here today. Benson phone, Benson 123. Phone U Leaven worth Heights, Walnut 2&B. F. 8. TRULLJNGBR, Builder of WELL BUILT HOMES. BllICK HOME No. 3J15 Fsmam St. I rooms, sleeping porch, brick, in the heart of Omaha s best residential dletitct. Rent, $40.00. V. Famara Smith & Co., 1W0 Fsrnam St. Tel. Doug. IOS4.S 9 rooms! hot sal., i. $40, O'Kecfe Real Estate Co. 1014 Cmiaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas, 1715 Iwxi DOL'OLAS. modern 8 rooms, $33. 1126 South list, modern, k rooma, $W. 9u8 South 41nt. modern, 7 rooms. Iff JOHN N. FRENZEH. DOUGLAS 664. Tlorta. 4-RlK)M house, all modern. In flrsC class condition. 2919 Webster St $28. and tenant to pay for water. , t CHRIS BOYER. Ter.heD.iuKUSiHa Cuming St alioeEl''f!W,lh'.,, 'lnadisunce-. 8room house modern except heat; rent U0 month. 2f:4 Decatur St. Inquire owner, T. Barrowolou4;h, phone Floreuoo Mdiolas 61., 4-im. mod. fiat, steel range, gas stove, water paid. llii. w"Ar,.7S'-t' T PBrt modern. $14. HA&P BROS,. DGUGLAS 11 16H SHERMAN Ave., mod. It-room. W. . ..?,."r,n Ktn- 7 rooms and bath, $1$. ToHN N. FUEN7KR. Douglas d.4. mi KEWARD St.. a rooms, modern. $0ui good lawn and shade. Pbone Douglas llMV slnut 'trwl. JUfHall. 4M Ram ire Bldg. Doug. 7a i. ur.ig tut. Ideal location. " ome. Large lawn. Harnev HQ. i-RooM house; alrlitly modern, $J6 r lorence. l'hone riorepce Ui. 1' w O 4-lvoiu aparlinetiU in" the tmrtnimt, Webater v7. f-RoOM modern cuiuie. rent &1L nice In vy tlrsee. W ehster XI S f-KOoM nioilern liouse, Pt'one Walnut W14. liuS ft. room. 11 modern IU.01I. PMrk J3T Benson 44-W. Seath. f-K..KJil niodtrn house 4 bed rooms. ui-roreiea. near rt'gniann Km.rk. Paved atreet and aidewaik- rare lies ' Address J i OR RENT 7 rooms, new oak floors, raw plumbing and elnru-io lights. 1104 boulb loth ot., Benson & Myers Co.. 424 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. LEsIRAL'LE e-tom cwtlasa, luodcra as- capi furnace. ti-S isia Ave. Hisea- eaug't. I 4?aa f3 Oeoiala Att.Nur Maaou. 1 rooms. all modern, firat class. Key next door. J-Tt tiouae. sleeulu oort:!,-. Kilt lluk i" is Ave Harnev 1M4 -itOOM house, modern except heal. 6J1 So. 24th Ave. Harney 4A4. FOR RENT HOUSES Jkl laaiaBra. llorsl.S AMI liMTAUt., I'AHTLY MOKhKN. 5- rS.T.1 N. th St ,. h-r. 110 8 th ft., rlnae In 12 M J-r. Still Nlchnlaa, for colored 12 frt -r-UO 8. ti& B., good location.... 15. no a-r. ii N. lud rt la.oo M'lKEHN KXp:iT HEAT. s-r.-lMS N. 27th. reduced to $1J So 6- r itJi anklln fct t).'l b-T. k . bt., close In lH.(r -r.lf.l H. 2th 8t., reduced to.... 3). no 7- r. 1:01 Ioualaa verv cfae In i&.OO KTHHTTIjT MOtiKRN. B-r. fl 8. Slat St.... IJi.nt) 6-r. 24'? Seward St.. (rod condition.. 2" 8- r.-f.22 R oth St., choke M.OJ 1 11-r. 0.4 N. 4let St.... 11-r. ' 8. Mth Ft S.ft 12-r. Harnev tit., a rood room. in ii. - , .... """HMr., Kt. Loula flat, H.mscom Park MODERN EXCEPT HEAT -r J410 N 17th St i f m HEATED A PA.HTM ENTS THE CARLYLE. S 8. lath Ht. 4-r. Apt. No. It. strictly modern end up-to-date In every detail; heat, hot nnl cold water and Janitor services furnished. THE LAFATBTTB, . Cor. 17th Ave. end Jackson. I-r. Apt. No. 82, strictly modern end up-to-date In every respect; 1.60 summer, 133. FO winter, I-r. Apt. No. 14; !7.i0 summer. $3i. winter. We have others. See our complete printed list before renting. I'ATNK at SLATER CU.. Sit Omaha National Bid? Houses strictly modern. 811 8. 16th St. 4 rms.. 118. 24l Ellison Ave., 5 rras., 12. SO. trm B St.. T rms., 12S. 4 8 N. 29;h St., rms., 127.60. California, t rms., W 60. H-Park Ave., 7 rms., 112 50. 1411 N. 24th St.. rms., 27.0. 2117 Wirt St.. rms., garage. HO. 116 H. 3th St.. rms., 14f. HOI-BBS PARTLY MODERN, yw reWnrd. g rms , 11? W 427 Saratoga, t rms., 112.50. 31 J4 itiitiiiti, e rms., tin. , ?!V1 Charlea, rms., 11. 2So fn. Mary's Ave., 8 rms.. cottage, PI 4117 N. 27th St.. 7 rms., barn, 20. " 4021 N. 2'h Ave., 5 rms., 114. FLAT3 MODERN AND PARTLY MODERN, leaven worth. 6 rms., 112.S0. :k1 Ca.-a St, 6 rms.. W. 1yj fl. lflth St.. S rms., 120. 2327 8. lfith (colored), 6 rms.. 1. Get complete liet at our office. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tvler m. Keellne Bldg FLATS 821-23 S. l!th, 0-r.. city water, $50 ll. Chicago ft., 10-r., modern, $v. 2530 Patrick Ave., 6-r., modern, $77.50. 1721 Park Ave., modern. 125. 1214 S. J7th St., 6-r., city water, $12.50. f.21 S. 2Sth St.. 4-r.. bath. gas. $12. $214 D. S. O.. 4-r.. cltv water. It. DETACHED HOUSES its N. Kil Ave., 8-r., modern, $.'0. Ilia 8. JOth Ave.. 8-r., modern. $. 1114 8. 29th St., -r.. modern. $10 2304 N. ldth St., 8-r.. modern. t2j'. $210 N. 1th St., 6-r., modern, US. 1111 8. 2Sth St., 7-r., modern. $:0. SK30 Reward St., 6-r., hath, 117. IS 8. lth St., 5-r.. city water, $!, 1H03 Leavenworth St, 7-r., bath, gas, $30. $418 N. 17th St., 5-r.. ctty water. $15. 860 Parker St., 6-r., modern, $16. 8317 Dewey Ave., 6-r.. city water. $13.60. 2M9 Corby St., 6-r., city water, $13.60. 2210 S. 42d St.. 6-r . well. 1!. OARVTN BROS., 4S Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. ONE-HALF MONTH'S FREE RENT DETACHED. 1M N. Slat Ave.. 7-r., mod., $37.50. 721 8. $7th. 6-r.. mod.. $25. 4128 Nicholas, 6-r.. mod. ex. ht, $14. 2411 Seward, 5-r., mod. ex. heat, $16. 2M8 Pierce. 6-r., mod. ex. ht. $16. $007 N. Jfith St., 6-r.. part mod. (col- ored). $13. J0U N. 2rth St.. 6-r.. part mod., (col ored), 112.60. 71J N. 2oth St., 6-r., mod. ex. ht., $11. ATTACHED. 1001 K. 2th, 7-r., mod., $23.SO. 10U6 N. 2Sh. 7-r.. mod.. 1JO.0O. FLATS. yT Cess , i-r.. mod., $38. T . M.. K-r.. mod. St Lou's flat, $J p Tf. M. ST. mod. St. Louis flat W. M N. J4ti. I fL 7-r.. mod. ex. ht.. $18. 1620-23 N. $vth. 3 fl., 7-r.. nwd. ex. ht. $1600 each. WUI decorate there Tats to suit tenants. A. P. TUKRY SON, TH. Poug. 603. 1607-8 W. O. W Bldg Modern Ilomes l-R. WEST FARNAM. 8304 Dav enport St., good modern home. 8-R. 3323 Harney St 8-B- 4901 Webater St., Dundee.... 8-R. 8415 Charles St -R. 2706 Parker St. (colored) 8-R. 1143 Park Ave 6-R. 1939 S. 9th Bt i... f-K. 2120 N. 16th St MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 5- R. 4i N. 17th Ht , -R. 4J0 N. 17th St , 6- R. 2026 Vinton St , 6-R. W16 Seward St 4- R.-6J2 N. 28th Bt...- J-R, 3130 I-eavenworth St 5- R. 2516 N. 81st St $40.00 $72.60 $27.50 $:.00 tW.nO 125.00 $15.00 $10.00 $25.00 $16.00 It'VO $11.00 $10.00 I 8.00 Peters Trust Company, W!3Farn am St. Douglas 898. Ills- DECATUR St., 7 rms.. strictly modern, $30. t:o8 Clark St.. 4 rms.. mod. ex. heat. $15. m Spencer St., rms., all modern, $11. 8?17 Burt St., 6 rms.. mod. ex. heat, $lk $il8 Emmet, 7 rms.. all modem, 2J. Ht Burt St, 5 rms., part modern, $16. M Blnney, 4 rms., $10. 2M1 Charles St., 7 rms., all mod.. $27.50. 637 S. 2Ui Ave., 6 rms., all strictly modern. $25. 2216-18-20 Leavenworth, 10 rms. each, modern except heat, $30. 02 8. 29th St., 6 rms.. all modern. $25. WILL REPAIR ANY OF ABOVE. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1506 Podge St. Douglas 415 ALL MODERN 1121 ft. $2d et. 8-r. house $35.00 3.(28 Cass St., 6-r.- house I . 00 Spencer St., 6-r. house $22.60 2621 Capitol Ave., 8-r. hodse 122.60 630 N. 41st St. 6-r. house .U6.00 1721 Van Camp Ave.. 6-r. house. .. .$20.00 PART MODERN. $019 Grace St., 6-r. house $15.00 $017 Grace St., 6-r. house $16.00 , 1843 N. 21st St., 4-rt house $13. 11O ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., $u First National Bank Bldg. . Douglas 722. FLATS. $10 8. 19th, 6-rm., modem 61$ 8. 19th. 6-rm.. modern 17D6 Leavenworth, e-rui... 2S75 Cuming, 1-rtn 257! Cuinlnjf. 3-rm HOUSES. 1T0S N. Wth 8t. 6-rm $11 8. I5th Ave.. 7-rro..i.. S. 2Mh Ave., 6-rm $023 Locust St. 7-rm , ....$33 50 ....m&o ....120.00 ....$ 9 00 ....$ 8.;o ....$16.00 ....US. 00 ....UO.oO ... .118.00 4210 Harney, 6-rm., aleeping porch modern $40.00 FIRST TRUST CO. Dong. 1151. '3 8. 11th St. kl So. JOth Ave., 4-r., first floor, $11. 943 N. 2th Ave. (c ), 4-r., $10. US N. $th Ave. (c, $10. 2626 Burdette St tc), 4-r., $l!. Ill N. 12th St.. 6-r.. 3d floor. $18. 617 N. 24th Ave., 8-r.. $J0. 821 N. 2mh St., 4-r.. $20. 823 N. 2oth St.. 6-r.. $20. 4122 Hamilton gt.. 6-r., $1X 43J 8. Mth St., 4-r.. $30. 4(4 8. 24th St.. -r.. UO. KKT Burdette St. 7-r., 125. ll; Mason St., 7-r.. $35. TUB BYRON REED COMPANY. Phone Poii. W. 213 80. 17th St. FHEB RENT TO MARCH DTH. $26 Charles. 8-r., modern. $!$. 2BS3 Spencer, I-r., mod. x. heat. $2L 3413 Burt. 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $15. S"31 Plnkney, 6-r., city water, 11160. 1414 N. lrth St., 6-r., city water. 110. 4M4 N. 40th St, 6-r.. c'ty water. $10. ii!0 Ohio. 4-r.. city water. $9.60. $t Castelar. 6-r., city water, $10. f4) B. 6th bt. 6-r.. city water. $7.50. 815 N. Mil St.. 8-r . well, $10. Sahler, 6-r., well. $8. $728 lake, 6-r.. well, 16. CRE1QH. SONS 4 COMPANY. Door's a 6-sl Hee Bldg HT! 8. 27th St, 6-r.. all modern. S6 Franklin, 6-r.. bath. 8ST Franklin, 6-r., bath. Low rents to good tenants. W. T. SMITH CO.. D. $81. Ctr Nat. Bank Bid av "FOR CARDENlNtJ AND POULTRY. ' 6-r,. downtown, colored: lit Also a $ and a S (like bungalow) and ACRH OnoUND. IS and C. Also 6-r.. Call, fomia bungalow and aor. $11 Tel. IV guff. V'venlnsa. Wal tJn. HbrSES FOR RENT. CHKliiH. SONS CO. 606 BEE BLDG. DOCO. $09. FOR RENT-HOUSES M ! Ila neoee. ..... , HOt M-.S AND KLAlt. ttl1- V ?rlee frt.. fart mod. i i ti"r-' rk. part nod. j'J? -'-f- ' N. Mth, mod. ex. heat. i.:-"r-- '! Am" Avr rnodern. if li-r" ?'73 Kort ft., modem. til'litel'"" V12, V!""wte Ave., modern. rJ 2I?"r- .T"" Hn""-r St. modern. 1. .I2rl-T - 8 3T,h modern, garage ..A.g.r., &x Karnam, modern: very der-olc , G F.OUO E COMPANY, JM-pZj',."l'v Nat. Hank Bldr K-'it t'aatelar pit., i-r . n.r '2 large rooms, walking distance 1h-Z71 Charleg At.. -r.. mod. 'ex. heat. aiij joneg ,t.. -r., mod. ex. heat -M Wirt St., 6-r.. mod. ex. ht., new. io. i.arayette, i-r., newly decorated. -o cm 1'rettiest V"?.,n nd Lothrop. i-rm., all modern. If eat ramam ntstrict. la rooms I'ATNK INVESTMENT (30M1PAVY. e-n Omaha Nat. Hk. Bldg. D. 17HL o 11000 4-r. house and 4 lote, 1416 Maple St. 126.00 7-r.. strlctlv mod., .40 Franklin. t:6 0o 7-r., strictly mod., 1718 S. 2th St. w.uu 7-r.. strictly mod., square House, ftl6 Pacific St. These are all good houses. Look tnem over. SCQTT & HILL CO., Douglas ions. 5-R.. 17 8. 12th St.. 112.50. ' 4-r 2413 Ersklne. 114.50. -r., 1K1 N. 17th, mod. ejr. heat. rJ.SO. 7-r.. ung S. Jkth St,, modern. 130.00 7-r., rvtit N. 2rtth 8L. mod., hot water neai, ji, -r., 14i2 Sherwood Ave., modern, 125. 10- r.. 2414 Cass, modern, !. 11- r.. 1(129 8. Urth Ave., modem. Iff.M. 7-r., 2S17 D ft., South PMd, mod., li'T.M'. BENSON MYKRM il 494 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. P. 744 132 .on 2il0 Cum nir. 2rtxrt0. 110.00 2007 Ames Ave.. 10x18 feet. t'12.60 2Hi Shermm Ave.. 15x50 feet. inoo-V-? S. lfith. 20x'.0 ft, steam heat raw7o s. ltn, zoxeo ft., gteam heat eWo.Ott iaio I ai nam, 3fxiu ft., steam heat 1175.00 21M S. ISth. 40x ft., eteam ht OEOR'"R COMPANY, Tel. P. 756. 9nj City Nat Bank Blg 13t.t UMVtnpnrt s rms., mod. ex. heat. H"'. iwh Fnrnam St., 2d floor, 6 rms., moo ex. heat. 817.50. 1306 So. 30th Ave., S rms., strictly mod ern. 2010 No. ISth St, rms., strictly mod ern. 130 110 Bo. 36th Ave., rms., strictly mod ern, aw. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO.. 12?0 Farnam St. Dourlss 104. 2.fTT larney St.. 9 rms. all mod.. 145. tM so. usth St., 7 rms all mod., raw. v N. 2fith St.. 6 rms., mod. ex. ht, 121.60. iw ixithrop St., 6 rms., all mod., lis.. 1"10 Pacific St., 4 rms., part mod., $14. JrM Sahler St., 6 rms., part mod.. $13. 342S Jackson St., 4 rms., part mod., $12, BIRKETT & COMPANY, 4r.3 Be Phi-. Doug. M. STORES. 1618 St. Msry's Ave., Sterling, base ment, lnxso, modern, $;a. 172T Howard St.. 20x40, all modem, $30. 2o77 Cuming, $lo. FIRST TRTTST CO. Pouclas 1151. $0$ 8. 13th t 111 S. 20th St.. 10-r.. steam heat modern. 204 s. l!th 10-r., hot water neat, mod. i n. mn nt.. s-r. 15a N. 17th St.. -r. 4219 N. 24th St., 14-r., modem CITY TRIMT COMPANY. Mth and Harney Sts. Douglae T8. FOR RENT APTS AND FUTS Weat. TftOY. ft KM HARNEY BT. One front heated apartment rooms, best of Janitor service: every up-t-date Improvement; to only small fam 1 iv : under lease. t,au janitor, jjoug. poo. THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCague Bldg THE 8T. OEORXJE. Five-room steam heated apartment first class and up-to-date In every re spect Choice location In West Farnam district Very desirable. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1636. Keellne Bldg FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. " Detached apartment of 7 large rooms In West Farnam district: two baths, steam heat, hot and cold water. Janitor service, garage; no small children. Phone Harney 1683. VERY choice 4 or (-room steam heated apartment, on West Farnam St JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1803 FARNAM BT. alODK.RN 5-room apartment. Including eleeping porch. WUI located. Harney ?forlh. 1W18 HUK'l', 4-room sioam heated apart' ment; summer, $28.75: winter. $33.7, RINOWAIjT, Brandeis Theater Bldg. 90S N. 17TH-6-r., all mod. apt. 127.60. ' RASP BRQ8.. DOUGLAS 1WW. South. $ ROOMS. 603 8. ISth, close In, walking distance; good location, on East Side car line; 4 ROOMS. 313 S. 27th, beautiful Apt; has sun parlor, built-in bed. screened porch: NEW, very choice, sub-lease, $40 sum mer; winter. 4 ROOMS. 1S17 Park Ave.: large light rooma; good locations, on East Side car line: tile bath, newly decorated; $40 year rouna. All apartments tn A-l condition and verv desirable. Call 111 for aDnolnt merit or further information. Send, for our weeKiy printea liau HASTINGS & H MYDEN. PT14 Harney FACING HANSCOM PA11K Second floor apartment strictly first class, 6 rooms, vacant March $. Phone Harney 2S3. THREE NEW 4-room flats, BUNGA LOW terraces: Just completed: 2504-6-8 Hickory St; strictly modern. See these today. HASTINGS HBTDEV, 1614 Har. St. FLATS. S-r.. No. Shelby Court, mod. ex. ht. $7 6-r., $118 Leavenworth, mod. eg. ht., $16 PKTF.RH TKt iST CO.. Douglas tR." " APARTMENT 6-r.. Georgia. i040 Georgia Ave., $37.50. PETERS TUl'ST CO., Doug. gv8 FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartment very desirable; the Chula Vista, utb and Poppleton Ave.. 142.54. $2$ Bran d' Thester Hldg. Dona. 1571. DESIRABLE six-room flat, steam hea too, 2620 Leavenworth St. Rent $30. Conrad Young. 322 Brandeis Thea. Bldg.. P. 1571. FOR RENT 3-room apartment; all mod- ern. Including shower bath, vacuum cleaner and dumb waiter. Red 5872. FOR RENT Six-room flat; Field club district. 921 South Bd Bt Harney 136, MlecrJIaaeoua. STEAM-HEATED. 4-r., mod. apt., every Improvement, $23.50: winter rates to small families. Call Douxlaa 1300. THOS. W. HAZEN. 307 McCague Bldg MOVING AND STORAGE MOVlNG AND STORAGE, PACKING, SHIPPING, AND FURNITURE REPAIRING. PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY. CENTRAL FURNITURE STORE. D. 7785. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, ships; t-horse van and $ mau. 11.26 per hour; storage. I) per month. Satisfaction guaranteed, toulas 3M and Tyler t0. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing. 2il. N. llth St Phone Douglas $94 or Harney 1937. OMAHA Truck. Van and Btorage Co., usovtng, packing, storage and shipping. Phone Douglas I486, FIDELITY RENTAL FEEE SERVICE .-" Phone Douglas XS8 for complete list of aoant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving. Hth and Jackaon Bta "nrlREPTwfvVATiXIIuUSX: Separate, locked rwrni, for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAK AND flTORAOB CO.. ana a. :taj Xt Donates 413 "FERRIN VAN & TORAGE" Packing storage. 1 Csp Ave. Tyr 1 V T"! KVVIl Express Co. Moving, U. J. AWCAJ cking and storaga IMf raraasa St bugles tist. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PR'P'TY tares. UTil SI HI- HI' I-I'l ,H k.-l KllR ItKM' ljii.00 7o7- South lth street. 2ihta) ft. Or. br"0 ft., full bsscment steam hearr across street from new Castle hotel: suitable for fixture house, tailor shop, hardware line or sam ple rooms. GEORGB COMPANY. Phone P. 7.. i2 City Nat Bank Bl d g. li". 1-a main St., 2 siory and baeenient, I.'xllO, in wholJiale and retail district. 817 So. llth St.. $0x0. 1. laTTV4j Farnam 8t.. 12x1(0. 1615 Farnam St.. 12x130. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1.120 Farnam Pr Douslaa U4 8TORERX)M. 171 Cuming M., basement 1721 Cuming St., basement THO. W. HAZEN, ....$22. M ....$22.V 2o7 MeCaene Bldg.' VERT desirable stores In Grain Excnanse building, fire proof. In line with growth of business center. Make a selection t. oay. y. D. WEAD, $10 8. 18th St, Weed Bldg 1411 Harney gt., store, good. CITY TRU8T COMPANY. 1'h aed Hsrnev 81 Douglas 7$. 2520 LINCOLN BLVD. lllroom housed strictly modern, with hot water heat. Price $ftO. Douglas 181'. t'il'HB ROOMS at 1908-1811 Farnam St! Tboa. y. HW1I. 41 Ramsre Blda P. ti. otOKE building, living rooms In rear. 2006 N. 20th. Iouglas 1.3. Offices aad Desk Rise, OFFICE, second floor, lf06 Hsrney. O. C. REDlCK, Attorney. . Phone Douglas 1M2. MlseeJIaaeoae. OARAGE FOR RENT. Garage for rent $S per month. 38-h Are end Harney Bts. Conrad Youht, $22 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Dduj. 1571. WANTED TO RENT tnfaralshed Haaeee aad Flats. WE HAVE A SYSTEM THAT WILL RENT your vacant property. Wo do It for others, why not youT Telephone us rUht now. . . THOS, I M'GARRV. Keellne Bldg.. IId 4344. PROPERTY OWNERS ATTENTION. "" ' We have had $00 calls tor rentals s.nce Sunday, and must have houses for our clients: let us know what you have va cant. Call Douglas 4246. Shopen Ac Com pany. 334 Keellne Building. MODERN house. West Karnam pr Dun dee; must have 5 bedrooms and maid room; will pay $U5 per month for u, suitablo house, . . GEORGE A COlhPANY. Tel. P. 766. 902 City Nat. Bank Flog Llt'l' your vacant houses With us. v 1 turn away renters daily, PETERS TRUfet CO.. 1623 Farnam St. Douglas 8P5. WANTED 4-room apartment by the first of April. Mult be south of Far nam and east of park Ave. Phone Harney 6342. LIST houaes for rent with W. D dELdi 6i COIVH. POIIg. loin.- fTUNTlTIHL 7 mnma. firat r.laaa. W. L. MBL.MY Ac titllNS. DOItff. ino.- N EW 7-room modern house, iill Seward. mturM op bunaalow oonsldnred:. mod ern; rent moderate: furnishings must be complete, modern and dainty; piano desired, but not essential ; give full par ticulars to receive attentl6n. Bos J 836, Bee. ' . Baalaese Property. WANTED TO RENT Two-chair barber -shop In small towns or piece io atari, new shop. Writs Box 892, Genoa. Neb. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Weal. WELtL BUILT SIX ROOMS 16 MINUTES' TO ' . 16TH AND FARNAM. CORNER LOT . CHOICE LOCATION TERMS EASY When you see this beautiful home you will find more than you expect, , you will be plesaed not disappointed. I could have, built It larger 1 could NOT have built it better, or more com plete, or finer in finish, dome see it todav uit time. It will be warm and comfortable, you will enjoy seeing it even if you are not expecting 1 In the basement you will find wall and heavy concrete floor, Crete coal Din, noor drain and naoe that la different from tt you are expecting to find it's a real furnace. T a rire front norch. and notice the front door, see the patent metal stripping around It living room 33 ft. long, built-in bookcases, built-in buf fet in dining room, big kitchen with built cuplmards in pantry. First floor finished tn oak, compare the finish work, vou will note a decided dtfter ence. Entire second floor finished, with Vltrallte Pure White Enamel with two-panel birch mahogany doors, bath room Is genuine tile, and you will find a bath completely equipped with Kohler fixtures, three fine bed rooms very large closets, one bed room is a un room. There is too much to tell about this high grade home to put It In an ad, come out and see It And re member I have two others, different etvles rapidly nearlng completion, all built with 2x6 roof rafters. 6-3 clear red cedar shingles, diagonal shlplap Sheathing. Look 'em over carefully, note materials and construction. I will make easy terms on these Well Built Homes. Take Leavenworth car, get off at 43d and Leavenworth, come south to Mayberry and 43d. House at 4227 Mayberry will be open and warm. Meet me here today. Benson phone Benson 122, Phone In Leavenworth Heights, Walnut 268. F. & TRULLINGER, BUILDER Or WEILL BUILT HOMES West Farnam Home, Owner Leaving City. Beautiful east front 68-fot lot, on 4 lit, near Davenport W. with stucco bouse; large living room, reception ball, gun room, dining room, butler's pantry, Ice box room, etc., on first floor; four very nice, large, roomy bed rooms, with closets, tile bath and aleeping porch, on second floor; besides two splendid rooms, with complete bath, on third floor; also storage room, closets, etc.; basement divided Into five rooms, all plastered; splendid hot water heating plant. No better built house In the ctty. Price reduced for quick sale $13,500. D. V. Sholes Co., 916-16 City National Bask Bldg. Doug. 49. West Side 4-rooms, brand new, never occupied, full two-story, oak finish and oak floort throughout beautifully decorated, soutfe front one block to car, beautiful loca tion. Price, 63. 0; terms, toOw cash, bat. monuuy. HABTTNOP A HyTPITV. 114 Harney Ft J ZCTCRflSTKo eoTlullor. city wore'i'V ppuniaaiona. otenograpner, ae: eleS"Tx rapher and bookkeeper. good future start at 80; correspondent and typist oae capable of managing offloe aad au aweruia letters, snd who epsaks Bolis CO-OPKRATIVE BBrEIEVCB CO, Wla-1 City Nalloual Harney 4743. V i Famished Hoases and Plate. A A AM OPPORT UNITY to have your place taken care of If ou are going away V temporarily: youn couple seen nicely 4 furnished fiat 3. S or 4 rooma: small I r.4 rerm and S. seeing it g to buy. 7m nd a full J C oor, eon- J S nd a fur- JW I tbe nea J . 1 !l.